@Title Copy Database after backup @Rem $Id: myDBcopyTemplate.bat,v 1.4 2003/12/04 04:38:27 jjanke Exp $ @Echo Modify the script myDBcopy to copy the database backup @Rem This example creates one unique file per day in a month @Rem You may want to copy it to another disk first @Rem Note that the %DATE% parameter is local specific. @Rem In Germany, it is %DATE:~3,2% @Rem When called, the following files were created: @Rem %IDEMPIERE_HOME%\data\ExpDat.dmp @Rem %IDEMPIERE_HOME%\data\ExpDat.log @Rem %IDEMPIERE_HOME%\data\ExpDat.jar (containing the above) @set DATETIME=%date:~6,4%%date:~3,2%%date:~0,2%_%TIME:~0,2%%TIME:~3,2%%TIME:~6,2% @Echo Creating ExpDat_%DATETIME%.jar ren ExpDat.jar "ExpDat%DATETIME%.jar" @dir ExpDat%DATETIME%.jar @Echo copy %IDEMPIERE_HOME%\data\ExpDat%DATETIME%.jar to backup media @Rem Sleep 30 @CHOICE /C YN /T 30 /D N > NUL