Acceptance tests are run by hitting the '''Test''' button (or typing ''ALT-t''). This button appears on any page that has the '''Test''' attribute set. See [[Page Attributes][PageProperties]]. Any tables that are on the page are run through the Fit framework (See ). So, for example, click the '''Test''' button (or type ''ALT-t'') and see what happens to the table below: |eg.Division| |numerator|denominator|quotient?| |10|2|5| |12.6|3|4.2| |-3|3|-1| |100|0|0| |33|3|11| TroubleshootingAcceptanceTests !note Hitting the '''Test''' button is equivalent to using the following command:{{{!r fitnesse.FitFilter}}}(See CustomizingTestExecution.) ---- You may also run FitNesseTests by using the CommandLineTestRunner!