!2 Introduction to ${fitLibrary} * ${fitLibrary} is an open-source framework for developing and running ${storytest}s. It was first developed in 2004 as a library for ${fit}, and has evolved considerably since then. * Many of the additions and changes of this latest release have been trialled over the last 6 months with companies that I've worked with. They have developed many hundreds of complex ${storytest}s. * Many examples of the development of ${storytest}s using ${fit} and an earlier version of ${fitLibrary} are covered in: * !3 ''Fit for Developing Software'', Rick Mugridge and Ward Cunningham, Prentice-Hall, 2005. * Much of this book is still relevant to storytesting with the latest ${fitLibrary}. |!1 [[''!-FitLibrary by Example-!''][^FitLibraryByExample]]| * We show the use of ${fitLibrary} for ${storytest}s with lots of little examples * If you want to get started with ${fitLibrary}, start with these examples. * If you're familiar with ${fitLibrary}, you'll see in these examples that new capability has been added. ----!3 Running storytests in batch with FitLibraryRunner and ''^FolderRunner'' * To use ${fitLibrary} in Java with ${fitNesse}, you need to include the following at the top level page of your project: {{{ !define TEST_RUNNER {fitlibrary.suite.FitLibraryServer} }}} * ''!-FitLibrary-!'' requires jdk 1.6 * Batch testing of ''!-FitNesse-!'' storytests (wiki format) is supported. See FitLibraryRunner * ''^FolderRunner'' runs Fit tests in batch, as an alternative to ''!-FitNesse-!'' (using HTML and XLS formats instead of wiki format). !3 How to achieve various tasks with ${fitLibrary} This is just a beginning... * ^HowTo for storytest writers * ^FaQ4Programmers !3 Downloads * Download ${fitLibrary} at https://sourceforge.net/projects/fitlibrary/ !3 ''!-FitLibrary-!'' in other programming languages * ^OtherLanguages !3 ^FurtherInformation * Here's some ^FurtherInformation about ${fitLibrary}.