!3 Build process
The Ant script ''build.xml'' provided in the top-level directory of the distributed release defines the build process.

This is organised for a Hudson (http://www.hudson-ci.org) pipeline of ''projects'' for continuous integration. These are defined in Hudson as follows:

 * ''fitlibrary.build'' - polls git for a change and runs one Ant target:
  * ''jar'' - compiles and creates ''fitlibrary.jar''. It copies this jar into the ''!-FitLibraryWeb-!'' directory. See below for directory-structure assumptions.

 * ''fitlibrary.specifications'' - follows from the previous stage (if successful). Runs two Ant targets:
  * ''delete-batch-runner-results-dir''
  * ''batch-run-specifications'' -- runs the ''!-FitLibrary-!'' specifications in batch using ''!-FitLibraryRunner-!''

 * ''fitlibrary.create.release.zip'' - follows from previous stage. Runs Ant target:
  * ''create-release-zip'' - Copies all files for release into a separate folder and zips them up

 * ''fitlibrary.check.release'' - follows from previous stage. Runs Ant target:
  * ''release-check'' - runs the ''!-FitLibrary-!'' specifications in batch again from an unzipped copy of the release, integrated with a fresh copy of ''!-FitNesse-!''

 * ''fitlibrary.final.release'' - follows from previous stage. Runs Ant target:
  * ''final-release'' - Renames the zip created from the ''fitlibrary.create.release.zip'' stage to include the date. Within Hudson, ''final.release.dir'' is changed so that it appears in win7 space.

All of these Hudson projects share the workspace of ''fitlibrary.build''.
!3 Directory Structure Assumptions
The build process for ''!-FitLibrary-!'' assumes two git projects that are held in the same directory, as follows:

 * ''fitlibrary''
 * ''fitlibraryweb''

This allow the build process to copy any ''fitlibrary.jar'' update into ''../fitlibraryweb/fitnesse''.

Note that with the Hudson pipeline, this happens within Hudson's copy of the files when it clones them from git (which, currently, is unnecessary).

It is necessary to run the first stage, at least, of this process directly within the git folder so that:

 * ''!-FitNesse-!'' and ''!-FitLibraryRunner-!'' can be used to test changes to ''!-FitLibrary-!''.
 * ''!-FitNesse-!'' and ''!-FitLibraryRunner-!'' can be used to test ''!-FitLibraryWeb-!'' with the latest ''fitlibrary.jar''.

It is assumed that after the build succeeds, after any change to ''!-FitLibrary-!'':

 * The updated ''fitlibrary.jar'' that was auto-copied into ''fitlibraryweb'' will be committed
 * Thus kicking off the ''fitlibraryweb'' build.