You can make a link to another wiki page simply by stating the name of the wiki page. For example, the name of this page is MarkupInternalLink. The name of a page has a special syntax known as a WikiWord. A WikiWord starts with a capital letter and has at least one more capital letter in it. Between the capitals there must be lower case letters or numbers. There cannot be two capitals in a row. Thus: |!c '''Wiki Words'''|!c '''Non-Wiki Words'''| |!-BobMartin-!|Bob| |!-RobertCecilMartin-!|hello| |!-ObjecT-!|Object| |!-NumbersLike123AreAllowedNow-!|Butnotlikethis123| If you place a WikiWord in the markup text, but no such page exists, then you will see something like this on the page: NoSuchWikiWord If you click on the question mark it will create that page for you, and allow you to edit it.