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	Defines methods and actions for DSP
	Tue Sep 12 15:14:51     2006, Created by tomyeh

Copyright (C) 2006 Potix Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

	Methods and actions for ZUL in DSP/ZUML

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	<!-- Imports -->
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	<!-- Functions -->
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	java.lang.String getColAttrs(org.zkoss.zul.Row, int)
	Returns the attribute used for the cell of the specified row and index.
	java.lang.String getBoxChildOuterAttrs(org.zkoss.zk.ui.Component)
	Returns the inner attributes used for the cell of the specified child
	when it is placed inside of hbox/vbox.
	java.lang.String getBoxChildInnerAttrs(org.zkoss.zk.ui.Component)
	Returns the outer attributes used for the cell of the specified child
	when it is placed inside of hbox/vbox.
	void setStripeClass(org.zkoss.zk.ui.Component)
	Sets the stripe CSS for each row.
	void resetStripeClass(org.zkoss.zk.ui.Component)
	Resets the stripe CSS for each row.
	boolean shallVisitTree(org.zkoss.zul.Tree, org.zkoss.zk.ui.Component)
	 Returns whether the specified tree should be visited.
	boolean shallRenderTree(org.zkoss.zul.Tree)
	Returns whether the specified tree shall be rendered.
	void clearTreeRenderInfo(org.zkoss.zul.Tree)
	Clears up the info stored in attributes that are used to render
	a tree in the paging mold.