!1 Symbols: Passing Data Between Test Tables Sometimes you want to pass information between test tables. Let's say you added a record to a database, and the database automatically generated a key to that record. And lets say that in another table you wanted to use that key to fetch the record back. You can use ''symbols'' for this. !|SaveRecordInDatabase| |name|date |=key? | |Bob |today|bobKey | |Bill|later|billKey| In this table two records are added to the database. The keys for each record are saved in symbols named ''bobKey'' and ''billKey''. The ''=key?'' header indicates that the output of the ''key()'' method of the fixture is to be stored in a symbol whose name is in the cell. !|FetchRecordsFromDatabase| |key= |fetch()|name|date | |billKey|true |Bill|later| |bobKey |true |Bob |today| In this table the two keys are used to fetch the database records. The ''key='' header indicates that the value of the symbol whose name is in the cell should be stored in the ''key'' variable of the fixture.