@Echo Adempiere Database Restore $Revision: 1.6 $ @Rem $Id: DBRestore.bat,v 1.6 2005/08/27 02:27:10 jjanke Exp $ @Echo Restoring Adempiere DB from %ADEMPIERE_HOME%\data\ExpDat.dmp @if (%ADEMPIERE_HOME%) == () goto environment @if (%ADEMPIERE_DB_NAME%) == () goto environment @if (%ADEMPIERE_DB_SERVER%) == () goto environment @Rem Must have parameter: systemAccount adempiereID AdempierePwd @if (%1) == () goto usage @if (%2) == () goto usage @if (%3) == () goto usage @echo ------------------------------------- @echo Re-Create DB user @echo ------------------------------------- @sqlplus %1@%ADEMPIERE_DB_SERVER%/%ADEMPIERE_DB_NAME% @%ADEMPIERE_HOME%\utils\%ADEMPIERE_DB_PATH%\CreateUser.sql %2 %3 @echo ------------------------------------- @echo Import ExpDat @echo ------------------------------------- @imp %1@%ADEMPIERE_DB_SERVER%/%ADEMPIERE_DB_NAME% FILE=%ADEMPIERE_HOME%\data\ExpDat.dmp FROMUSER=(%2) TOUSER=%2 STATISTICS=RECALCULATE @echo ------------------------------------- @echo Create SQLJ @echo ------------------------------------- @call %ADEMPIERE_HOME%\Utils\%ADEMPIERE_DB_PATH%\create %ADEMPIERE_DB_USER%/%ADEMPIERE_DB_PASSWORD% @echo ------------------------------------- @echo Check System @echo Import may show some warnings. This is OK as long as the following does not show errors @echo ------------------------------------- @sqlplus %2/%3@%ADEMPIERE_DB_SERVER%/%ADEMPIERE_DB_NAME% @%ADEMPIERE_HOME%\utils\%ADEMPIERE_DB_PATH%\AfterImport.sql @goto end :environment @Echo Please make sure that the enviroment variables are set correctly: @Echo ADEMPIERE_HOME e.g. D:\Adempiere @Echo ADEMPIERE_DB_NAME e.g. dev1.adempiere.org :usage @echo Usage: %0% <systemAccount> <AdempiereID> <AdempierePwd> @echo Example: %0% system/manager adempiere adempiere :end