If the document type of your document has no automatic document sequence defined, the field is empty if you create a new document. This is for documents which usually have an external number (like vendor invoice). If you leave the field empty, the system will generate a document number for you. The document sequence used for this fallback number is defined in the "Maintain Sequence" window with the name "DocumentNo_", where TableName is the actual name of the table (e.g. C_Order).]]>
Validation elements:
(Space) any character
_ Space (fixed character)
l any Letter a..Z NO space
L any Letter a..Z NO space converted to upper case
o any Letter a..Z or space
O any Letter a..Z or space converted to upper case
a any Letters & Digits NO space
A any Letters & Digits NO space converted to upper case
c any Letters & Digits or space
C any Letters & Digits or space converted to upper case
0 Digits 0..9 NO space
9 Digits 0..9 or space
Example of format "(000)_000-0000"]]>
The following outlines this process.
SO Sub Type of Standard Order will generate just the Order document when the order is processed.
The Delivery Note, Invoice and Receipt must be generated via other processes.
SO Sub Type of Warehouse Order will generate the Order and Delivery Note.
The Invoice and Receipt must be generated via other processes.
SO Sub Type of Credit Order will generate the Order, Delivery Note and Invoice.
The Reciept must be generated via other processes.
SO Sub Type of POS (Point of Sale) will generate all document]]>
", where TableName is the actual name of the table (e.g. C_Order).]]>
Validation elements:
(Space) any character
_ Space (fixed character)
l any Letter a..Z NO space
L any Letter a..Z NO space converted to upper case
o any Letter a..Z or space
O any Letter a..Z or space converted to upper case
a any Letters & Digits NO space
A any Letters & Digits NO space converted to upper case
c any Letters & Digits or space
C any Letters & Digits or space converted to upper case
0 Digits 0..9 NO space
9 Digits 0..9 or space
Example of format "(000)_000-0000"]]>
In order to avoid unnecessary use of non-standard characters and space, the following standard presentation is used:
0000N 00000W 0000S 00000E
where the two last digits refer to minutes and the two or three first digits indicate the degrees]]>
Reference means that the data in this system is read only ->
Local means that the data in this system is not replicated to other systems -
Merge means that the data in this system is synchronized with the other system <->
1,000,000 for client data. The standard system limit is 9,999,999,999 but can easily be extended. The ID range is on a per table basis.
Please note that the ID range is NOT enforced.]]>
Example implementations are Optimal Payments: org.compiere.model.PP_Optimal or Verisign: org.compiere.model.PP_PayFlowPro]]>
expression := @{context}@{operand}{value} or @{context}@{operand}{value}
logic := {|}|{&}
context := any global or window context
value := strings or numbers
logic operators := AND or OR with the previous result from left to right
operand := eq{=}, gt{>}, le{<}, not{~^!}
@AD_Table_ID@=14 | @Language@!GERGER
@PriceLimit@>10 | @PriceList@>@PriceActual@
Strings may be in single quotes (optional)]]>
Validation elements:
(Space) any character
_ Space (fixed character)
l any Letter a..Z NO space
L any Letter a..Z NO space converted to upper case
o any Letter a..Z or space
O any Letter a..Z or space converted to upper case
a any Letters & Digits NO space
A any Letters & Digits NO space converted to upper case
c any Letters & Digits or space
C any Letters & Digits or space converted to upper case
0 Digits 0..9 NO space
9 Digits 0..9 or space
Example of format "(000)_000-0000"]]>
You would usually not mix Exclude and Include. If you have one include rule in your list, you would only have access to that item anyway.]]>
If none is entered, the default printer is used. You specify your default printer when you log in. You can also change the default printer in Preferences.]]>
Validation elements:
(Space) any character
_ Space (fixed character)
l any Letter a..Z NO space
L any Letter a..Z NO space converted to upper case
o any Letter a..Z or space
O any Letter a..Z or space converted to upper case
a any Letters & Digits NO space
A any Letters & Digits NO space converted to upper case
c any Letters & Digits or space
C any Letters & Digits or space converted to upper case
0 Digits 0..9 NO space
9 Digits 0..9 or space
Example of format "(000)_000-0000"]]>
Data storage encryption (in Table/Column) - data is stored encrypted in the database (dangerous!) and you will not be able to report on those columns. Independent from Display encryption.]]>
Example Rule: "Include Payment Term Immediate with Dependent Entities"
Primary effect: users with this role can only select the payment term Immediate
Secondary effect (dependent entities): users with this role can see only invoices/orders with the payment term immediate.]]>
expression := @{context}@{operand}{value} or @{context}@{operand}{value}
logic := {|}|{&}
context := any global or window context
value := strings or numbers
logic operators := AND or OR with the previous result from left to right
operand := eq{=}, gt{>}, le{<}, not{~^!}
@AD_Table_ID@=14 | @Language@!GERGER
@PriceLimit@>10 | @PriceList@>@PriceActual@
Strings may be in single quotes (optional)]]>
Note that the SQL based logic checks for duplicate workflows (i.e. a workflow is started only once per record).]]>
So, @Name@ would resolve into the User name (if user is defined defined), then Business Partner name (if business partner is defined) and then the Name of the business object if it has a Name.
For Multi-Lingual systems, the template is translated based on the Business Partner's language selection.]]>
Example: if the purchase price is $100 and the tolerance is 1 (percent), the invoice price must be between $99 and 101 to be automatically approved.]]>