-- IDEMPIERE-1953 Performance problem of postgresql functions - adding STABLE/IMMUTABLE attribute. CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION acctBalance(p_Account_ID numeric, p_AmtDr numeric, p_AmtCr numeric) RETURNS numeric AS $body$ DECLARE v_balance NUMERIC; v_AccountType C_ElementValue.AccountType%TYPE; v_AccountSign C_ElementValue.AccountSign%TYPE; BEGIN v_balance := p_AmtDr - p_AmtCr; -- IF (p_Account_ID > 0) THEN SELECT AccountType, AccountSign INTO v_AccountType, v_AccountSign FROM C_ElementValue WHERE C_ElementValue_ID=p_Account_ID; -- DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Type=' || v_AccountType || ' - Sign=' || v_AccountSign); -- Natural Account Sign IF (v_AccountSign='N') THEN IF (v_AccountType IN ('A','E')) THEN v_AccountSign := 'D'; ELSE v_AccountSign := 'C'; END IF; -- DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Type=' || v_AccountType || ' - Sign=' || v_AccountSign); END IF; -- Debit Balance IF (v_AccountSign = 'C') THEN v_balance := p_AmtCr - p_AmtDr; END IF; END IF; -- RETURN v_balance; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN -- In case Acct not found RETURN p_AmtDr - p_AmtCr; END; $body$ LANGUAGE plpgsql STABLE; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION add_months (in datetime timestamptz, in months numeric) RETURNS date AS $BODY$ declare duration varchar; BEGIN if datetime is null or months is null then return null; end if; duration = months || ' month'; return cast(datetime + cast(duration as interval) as date); END; $BODY$ LANGUAGE 'plpgsql' IMMUTABLE ; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION bpartnerRemitLocation(p_C_BPartner_ID C_BPartner.C_BPartner_ID%TYPE) RETURNS numeric AS $body$ DECLARE v_C_Location_ID NUMERIC := NULL; l RECORD; BEGIN FOR l IN SELECT IsRemitTo, C_Location_ID FROM C_BPartner_Location WHERE C_BPartner_ID=p_C_BPartner_ID AND IsActive='Y' ORDER BY IsRemitTo DESC LOOP IF (v_C_Location_ID IS NULL) THEN v_C_Location_ID := l.C_Location_ID; END IF; END LOOP; RETURN v_C_Location_ID; END; $body$ LANGUAGE plpgsql STABLE; create or replace FUNCTION currencyBase ( p_Amount NUMERIC, p_CurFrom_ID NUMERIC, p_ConvDate timestamp with time zone, p_Client_ID NUMERIC, p_Org_ID NUMERIC ) RETURNS numeric AS $body$ /************************************************************************* * The contents of this file are subject to the Compiere License. You may * obtain a copy of the License at http://www.compiere.org/license.html * Software is on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either * express or implied. See the License for details. Code: Compiere ERP+CRM * Copyright (C) 1999-2001 Jorg Janke, ComPiere, Inc. All Rights Reserved. * * converted to postgreSQL by Karsten Thiemann (Schaeffer AG), * kthiemann@adempiere.org ************************************************************************* * *** * Title: Convert Amount to Base Currency of Client * Description: * Get CurrencyTo from Client * Returns NULL, if conversion not found * Standard Rounding * Test: * SELECT currencyBase(100,116,null,11,null) FROM AD_System; => 64.72 ************************************************************************/ DECLARE v_CurTo_ID NUMERIC; BEGIN -- Get Currency SELECT MAX(ac.C_Currency_ID) INTO v_CurTo_ID FROM AD_ClientInfo ci, C_AcctSchema ac WHERE ci.C_AcctSchema1_ID=ac.C_AcctSchema_ID AND ci.AD_Client_ID=p_Client_ID; -- Same as Currency_Conversion - if currency/rate not found - return 0 IF (v_CurTo_ID IS NULL) THEN RETURN NULL; END IF; -- Same currency IF (p_CurFrom_ID = v_CurTo_ID) THEN RETURN p_Amount; END IF; RETURN currencyConvert (p_Amount, p_CurFrom_ID, v_CurTo_ID, p_ConvDate, null, p_Client_ID, p_Org_ID); END; $body$ LANGUAGE plpgsql STABLE; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION currencyConvert( p_Amount NUMERIC, p_CurFrom_ID NUMERIC, p_CurTo_ID NUMERIC, p_ConvDate timestamp with time zone, p_ConversionType_ID IN NUMERIC, p_Client_ID NUMERIC, p_Org_ID NUMERIC ) RETURNS numeric AS $body$ /************************************************************************* * The contents of this file are subject to the Compiere License. You may * obtain a copy of the License at http://www.compiere.org/license.html * Software is on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either * express or implied. See the License for details. Code: Compiere ERP+CRM * Copyright (C) 1999-2001 Jorg Janke, ComPiere, Inc. All Rights Reserved. * * converted to postgreSQL by Karsten Thiemann (Schaeffer AG), * kthiemann@adempiere.org ************************************************************************* *** * Title: Convert Amount (using IDs) * Description: * from CurrencyFrom_ID to CurrencyTo_ID * Returns NULL, if conversion not found * Standard Rounding * Test: * SELECT currencyConvert(100,116,100,null,null,null,null) FROM AD_System; => 64.72 ************************************************************************/ DECLARE v_Rate NUMERIC; BEGIN -- Return Amount IF (p_Amount = 0 OR p_CurFrom_ID = p_CurTo_ID) THEN RETURN p_Amount; END IF; -- Return NULL IF (p_Amount IS NULL OR p_CurFrom_ID IS NULL OR p_CurTo_ID IS NULL) THEN RETURN NULL; END IF; -- Get Rate v_Rate := currencyRate (p_CurFrom_ID, p_CurTo_ID, p_ConvDate, p_ConversionType_ID, p_Client_ID, p_Org_ID); IF (v_Rate IS NULL) THEN RETURN NULL; END IF; -- Standard Precision RETURN currencyRound(p_Amount * v_Rate, p_CurTo_ID, null); END; $body$ LANGUAGE plpgsql STABLE; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION currencyRate( p_CurFrom_ID NUMERIC, p_CurTo_ID NUMERIC, p_ConvDate timestamp with time zone, p_ConversionType_ID NUMERIC, p_Client_ID NUMERIC, p_Org_ID NUMERIC ) RETURNS numeric AS $body$ /************************************************************************* * The contents of this file are subject to the Compiere License. You may * obtain a copy of the License at http://www.compiere.org/license.html * Software is on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either * express or implied. See the License for details. Code: Compiere ERP+CRM * Copyright (C) 1999-2001 Jorg Janke, ComPiere, Inc. All Rights Reserved. * * converted to postgreSQL by Karsten Thiemann (Schaeffer AG), * kthiemann@adempiere.org ************************************************************************* *** * Title: Return Conversion Rate * Description: * from CurrencyFrom_ID to CurrencyTo_ID * Returns NULL, if rate not found * Test * SELECT currencyrate(116, 100, null, null, null, null) FROM AD_System; => .647169 ************************************************************************/ DECLARE -- Currency From variables cf_IsEuro CHAR(1); cf_IsEMUMember CHAR(1); cf_EMUEntryDate timestamp with time zone; cf_EMURate NUMERIC; -- Currency To variables ct_IsEuro CHAR(1); ct_IsEMUMember CHAR(1); ct_EMUEntryDate DATE; ct_EMURate NUMERIC; -- Triangle v_CurrencyFrom NUMERIC; v_CurrencyTo NUMERIC; v_CurrencyEuro NUMERIC; -- v_ConvDate timestamp with time zone := now(); v_ConversionType_ID NUMERIC := 0; v_Rate NUMERIC; c RECORD; BEGIN -- No Conversion IF (p_CurFrom_ID = p_CurTo_ID) THEN RETURN 1; END IF; -- Default Date Parameter IF (p_ConvDate IS NOT NULL) THEN v_ConvDate := p_ConvDate; -- SysDate END IF; -- Default Conversion Type IF (p_ConversionType_ID IS NULL OR p_ConversionType_ID = 0) THEN BEGIN SELECT C_ConversionType_ID INTO v_ConversionType_ID FROM C_ConversionType WHERE IsDefault='Y' AND AD_Client_ID IN (0,p_Client_ID) ORDER BY AD_Client_ID DESC LIMIT 1; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN RAISE NOTICE 'Conversion Type Not Found'; END; ELSE v_ConversionType_ID := p_ConversionType_ID; END IF; -- Get Currency Info SELECT MAX(IsEuro), MAX(IsEMUMember), MAX(EMUEntryDate), MAX(EMURate) INTO cf_IsEuro, cf_IsEMUMember, cf_EMUEntryDate, cf_EMURate FROM C_Currency WHERE C_Currency_ID = p_CurFrom_ID; -- Not Found IF (cf_IsEuro IS NULL) THEN RAISE NOTICE 'From Currency Not Found'; RETURN NULL; END IF; SELECT MAX(IsEuro), MAX(IsEMUMember), MAX(EMUEntryDate), MAX(EMURate) INTO ct_IsEuro, ct_IsEMUMember, ct_EMUEntryDate, ct_EMURate FROM C_Currency WHERE C_Currency_ID = p_CurTo_ID; -- Not Found IF (ct_IsEuro IS NULL) THEN RAISE NOTICE 'To Currency Not Found'; RETURN NULL; END IF; -- Fixed - From Euro to EMU IF (cf_IsEuro = 'Y' AND ct_IsEMUMember ='Y' AND v_ConvDate >= ct_EMUEntryDate) THEN RETURN ct_EMURate; END IF; -- Fixed - From EMU to Euro IF (ct_IsEuro = 'Y' AND cf_IsEMUMember ='Y' AND v_ConvDate >= cf_EMUEntryDate) THEN RETURN 1 / cf_EMURate; END IF; -- Fixed - From EMU to EMU IF (cf_IsEMUMember = 'Y' AND cf_IsEMUMember ='Y' AND v_ConvDate >= cf_EMUEntryDate AND v_ConvDate >= ct_EMUEntryDate) THEN RETURN ct_EMURate / cf_EMURate; END IF; -- Flexible Rates v_CurrencyFrom := p_CurFrom_ID; v_CurrencyTo := p_CurTo_ID; -- if EMU Member involved, replace From/To Currency IF ((cf_isEMUMember = 'Y' AND v_ConvDate >= cf_EMUEntryDate) OR (ct_isEMUMember = 'Y' AND v_ConvDate >= ct_EMUEntryDate)) THEN SELECT MAX(C_Currency_ID) INTO v_CurrencyEuro FROM C_Currency WHERE IsEuro = 'Y'; -- Conversion Rate not Found IF (v_CurrencyEuro IS NULL) THEN RAISE NOTICE 'Euro Not Found'; RETURN NULL; END IF; IF (cf_isEMUMember = 'Y' AND v_ConvDate >= cf_EMUEntryDate) THEN v_CurrencyFrom := v_CurrencyEuro; ELSE v_CurrencyTo := v_CurrencyEuro; END IF; END IF; -- Get Rate BEGIN FOR c IN SELECT MultiplyRate FROM C_Conversion_Rate WHERE C_Currency_ID=v_CurrencyFrom AND C_Currency_ID_To=v_CurrencyTo AND C_ConversionType_ID=v_ConversionType_ID AND v_ConvDate BETWEEN ValidFrom AND ValidTo AND AD_Client_ID IN (0,p_Client_ID) AND AD_Org_ID IN (0,p_Org_ID) ORDER BY AD_Client_ID DESC, AD_Org_ID DESC, ValidFrom DESC LOOP v_Rate := c.MultiplyRate; EXIT; -- only first END LOOP; END; -- Not found IF (v_Rate IS NULL) THEN RAISE NOTICE 'Conversion Rate Not Found'; RETURN NULL; END IF; -- Currency From was EMU IF (cf_isEMUMember = 'Y' AND v_ConvDate >= cf_EMUEntryDate) THEN RETURN v_Rate / cf_EMURate; END IF; -- Currency To was EMU IF (ct_isEMUMember = 'Y' AND v_ConvDate >= ct_EMUEntryDate) THEN RETURN v_Rate * ct_EMURate; END IF; RETURN v_Rate; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN RAISE NOTICE '%', SQLERRM; RETURN NULL; END; $body$ LANGUAGE plpgsql STABLE; -- DROP FUNCTION currencyround(p_amount numeric, p_curto_id numeric, p_costing character varying); CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION currencyRound( p_Amount NUMERIC, p_CurTo_ID NUMERIC, p_Costing character varying -- Default 'N' ) RETURNS numeric AS $BODY$ /************************************************************************* * The contents of this file are subject to the Compiere License. You may * obtain a copy of the License at http://www.compiere.org/license.html * Software is on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either * express or implied. See the License for details. Code: Compiere ERP+CRM * Copyright (C) 1999-2001 Jorg Janke, ComPiere, Inc. All Rights Reserved. * * converted to postgreSQL by Karsten Thiemann (Schaeffer AG), * kthiemann@adempiere.org ************************************************************************* *** * Title: Round amount for Traget Currency * Description: * Round Amount using Costing or Standard Precision * Returns unmodified amount if currency not found * Test: * SELECT currencyRound(currencyConvert(100,116,100,null,null),100,null) FROM AD_System => 64.72 ************************************************************************/ DECLARE v_StdPrecision int; v_CostPrecision int; BEGIN -- Nothing to convert IF (p_Amount IS NULL OR p_CurTo_ID IS NULL) THEN RETURN p_Amount; END IF; -- Ger Precision SELECT MAX(StdPrecision), MAX(CostingPrecision) INTO v_StdPrecision, v_CostPrecision FROM C_Currency WHERE C_Currency_ID = p_CurTo_ID; -- Currency Not Found IF (v_StdPrecision IS NULL) THEN RETURN p_Amount; END IF; IF (p_Costing = 'Y') THEN RETURN ROUND (p_Amount, v_CostPrecision); END IF; RETURN ROUND (p_Amount, v_StdPrecision); END; $BODY$ LANGUAGE 'plpgsql' STABLE; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION invoiceDiscount ( p_C_Invoice_ID NUMERIC, p_paydate timestamp with time zone, p_C_InvoicePaySchedule_ID NUMERIC ) RETURNS numeric AS $body$ /************************************************************************* * The contents of this file are subject to the Compiere License. You may * obtain a copy of the License at http://www.compiere.org/license.html * Software is on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either * express or implied. See the License for details. Code: Compiere ERP+CRM * Copyright (C) 1999-2001 Jorg Janke, ComPiere, Inc. All Rights Reserved. * * converted to postgreSQL by Karsten Thiemann (Schaeffer AG), * kthiemann@adempiere.org ************************************************************************* *** * Title: Calculate Payment Discount Amount * Description: * - Calculate discountable amount (i.e. with or without tax) * - Calculate and return payment discount * Test: * select invoiceDiscount(109, now(), 103) from ad_system; => 0 ************************************************************************/ DECLARE v_Amount NUMERIC; v_IsDiscountLineAmt CHAR(1); v_GrandTotal NUMERIC; v_TotalLines NUMERIC; v_C_PaymentTerm_ID NUMERIC(10); v_C_Currency_ID NUMERIC(10); v_DocDate timestamp with time zone; v_PayDate timestamp with time zone := now(); v_IsPayScheduleValid CHAR(1); BEGIN SELECT ci.IsDiscountLineAmt, i.GrandTotal, i.TotalLines, i.C_PaymentTerm_ID, i.DateInvoiced, i.IsPayScheduleValid, C_Currency_ID INTO v_IsDiscountLineAmt, v_GrandTotal, v_TotalLines, v_C_PaymentTerm_ID, v_DocDate, v_IsPayScheduleValid, v_C_Currency_ID FROM AD_ClientInfo ci, C_Invoice i WHERE ci.AD_Client_ID=i.AD_Client_ID AND i.C_Invoice_ID=p_C_Invoice_ID; -- What Amount is the Discount Base? IF (v_IsDiscountLineAmt = 'Y') THEN v_Amount := v_TotalLines; ELSE v_Amount := v_GrandTotal; END IF; -- Anything to discount? IF (v_Amount = 0) THEN RETURN 0; END IF; IF (p_PayDate IS NOT NULL) THEN v_PayDate := p_PayDate; END IF; -- Valid Payment Schedule IF (v_IsPayScheduleValid='Y' AND p_C_InvoicePaySchedule_ID > 0) THEN SELECT COALESCE(MAX(DiscountAmt),0) INTO v_Amount FROM C_InvoicePaySchedule WHERE C_InvoicePaySchedule_ID=p_C_InvoicePaySchedule_ID AND DiscountDate <= v_PayDate; -- RETURN v_Amount; END IF; -- return discount amount RETURN paymentTermDiscount (v_Amount, v_C_Currency_ID, v_C_PaymentTerm_ID, v_DocDate, p_PayDate); -- Most likely if invoice not found EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN RETURN NULL; END; $body$ LANGUAGE plpgsql STABLE; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION invoiceopen (in p_c_invoice_id numeric, in p_c_invoicepayschedule_id numeric) RETURNS numeric AS $BODY$ /************************************************************************* * The contents of this file are subject to the Compiere License. You may * obtain a copy of the License at http://www.compiere.org/license.html * Software is on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either * express or implied. See the License for details. Code: Compiere ERP+CRM * Copyright (C) 1999-2001 Jorg Janke, ComPiere, Inc. All Rights Reserved. * * converted to postgreSQL by Karsten Thiemann (Schaeffer AG), * kthiemann@adempiere.org ************************************************************************* *** * Title: Calculate Open Item Amount in Invoice Currency * Description: * Add up total amount open for C_Invoice_ID if no split payment. * Grand Total minus Sum of Allocations in Invoice Currency * * For Split Payments: * Allocate Payments starting from first schedule. * Cannot be used for IsPaid as mutating * * Test: * SELECT C_InvoicePaySchedule_ID, DueAmt FROM C_InvoicePaySchedule WHERE C_Invoice_ID=109 ORDER BY DueDate; * SELECT invoiceOpen (109, null) FROM AD_System; - converted to default client currency * SELECT invoiceOpen (109, 11) FROM AD_System; - converted to default client currency * SELECT invoiceOpen (109, 102) FROM AD_System; * SELECT invoiceOpen (109, 103) FROM AD_System; ************************************************************************/ DECLARE v_Currency_ID NUMERIC(10); v_TotalOpenAmt NUMERIC := 0; v_PaidAmt NUMERIC := 0; v_Remaining NUMERIC := 0; v_MultiplierAP NUMERIC := 0; v_MultiplierCM NUMERIC := 0; v_Temp NUMERIC := 0; v_Precision NUMERIC := 0; v_Min NUMERIC := 0; ar RECORD; s RECORD; BEGIN -- Get Currency BEGIN SELECT MAX(C_Currency_ID), SUM(GrandTotal), MAX(MultiplierAP), MAX(Multiplier) INTO v_Currency_ID, v_TotalOpenAmt, v_MultiplierAP, v_MultiplierCM FROM C_Invoice_v -- corrected for CM / Split Payment WHERE C_Invoice_ID = p_C_Invoice_ID; EXCEPTION -- Invoice in draft form WHEN OTHERS THEN RAISE NOTICE 'InvoiceOpen - %', SQLERRM; RETURN NULL; END; SELECT StdPrecision INTO v_Precision FROM C_Currency WHERE C_Currency_ID = v_Currency_ID; SELECT 1/10^v_Precision INTO v_Min; -- Calculate Allocated Amount FOR ar IN SELECT a.AD_Client_ID, a.AD_Org_ID, al.Amount, al.DiscountAmt, al.WriteOffAmt, a.C_Currency_ID, a.DateTrx FROM C_AllocationLine al INNER JOIN C_AllocationHdr a ON (al.C_AllocationHdr_ID=a.C_AllocationHdr_ID) WHERE al.C_Invoice_ID = p_C_Invoice_ID AND a.IsActive='Y' LOOP v_Temp := ar.Amount + ar.DisCountAmt + ar.WriteOffAmt; v_PaidAmt := v_PaidAmt -- Allocation + currencyConvert(v_Temp * v_MultiplierAP, ar.C_Currency_ID, v_Currency_ID, ar.DateTrx, null, ar.AD_Client_ID, ar.AD_Org_ID); RAISE NOTICE ' PaidAmt=% , Allocation= % * %', v_PaidAmt, v_Temp, v_MultiplierAP; END LOOP; -- Do we have a Payment Schedule ? IF (p_C_InvoicePaySchedule_ID > 0) THEN -- if not valid = lists invoice amount v_Remaining := v_PaidAmt; FOR s IN SELECT C_InvoicePaySchedule_ID, DueAmt FROM C_InvoicePaySchedule WHERE C_Invoice_ID = p_C_Invoice_ID AND IsValid='Y' ORDER BY DueDate LOOP IF (s.C_InvoicePaySchedule_ID = p_C_InvoicePaySchedule_ID) THEN v_TotalOpenAmt := (s.DueAmt*v_MultiplierCM) - v_Remaining; IF (s.DueAmt - v_Remaining < 0) THEN v_TotalOpenAmt := 0; END IF; ELSE -- calculate amount, which can be allocated to next schedule v_Remaining := v_Remaining - s.DueAmt; IF (v_Remaining < 0) THEN v_Remaining := 0; END IF; END IF; END LOOP; ELSE v_TotalOpenAmt := v_TotalOpenAmt - v_PaidAmt; END IF; -- RAISE NOTICE ''== Total='' || v_TotalOpenAmt; -- Ignore Rounding IF (v_TotalOpenAmt > -v_Min AND v_TotalOpenAmt < v_Min) THEN v_TotalOpenAmt := 0; END IF; -- Round to currency precision v_TotalOpenAmt := ROUND(COALESCE(v_TotalOpenAmt,0), v_Precision); RETURN v_TotalOpenAmt; END; $BODY$ LANGUAGE 'plpgsql' STABLE ; /* *This file is part of Adempiere ERP Bazaar *http://www.adempiere.org *Copyright (C) 2006-2008 victor.perez@e-evolution.com, e-Evolution *This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or *modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License *as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 *of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * *This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the *GNU General Public License for more details. * *You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software *Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.of * Title: Calculate Open Item Amount in Invoice Currency * Description: * Add up total amount open for C_Invoice_ID if no split payment. * Grand Total minus Sum of Allocations in Invoice Currency * * For Split Payments: * Allocate Payments starting from first schedule. SELECT C_Invoice_Open (109) FROM DUAL; SELECT C_Invoice_Open (109, null) FROM DUAL; SELECT C_Invoice_Open (109, 11) FROM DUAL; SELECT C_Invoice_Open (109, 102) FROM DUAL; SELECT C_Invoice_Open (109, 103) FROM DUAL; SELECT * FROM RV_OpenItem WHERE C_Invoice_ID=109; SELECT C_InvoicePaySchedule_ID, DueAmt FROM C_InvoicePaySchedule WHERE C_Invoice_ID=109 ORDER BY DueDate; * Cannot be used for IsPaid as mutating ************************************************************************/ CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION InvoiceopenToDate ( p_C_Invoice_ID IN numeric, p_C_InvoicePaySchedule_ID IN numeric, p_DateAcct IN timestamp with time zone ) RETURNS numeric AS $BODY$ DECLARE v_Currency_ID numeric(10); v_Precision NUMERIC := 0; v_Min NUMERIC := 0; v_TotalOpenAmt numeric := 0; v_PaidAmt numeric := 0; v_Remaining numeric := 0; v_MultiplierAP numeric := 0; v_MultiplierCM numeric := 0; v_Temp numeric := 0; allocationline record; invoiceschedule record; BEGIN -- Get Currency BEGIN SELECT MAX(C_Currency_ID), SUM(GrandTotal), MAX(MultiplierAP), MAX(Multiplier) INTO v_Currency_ID, v_TotalOpenAmt, v_MultiplierAP, v_MultiplierCM FROM C_Invoice_v -- corrected for CM / Split Payment WHERE C_Invoice_ID = p_C_Invoice_ID AND DateAcct <= p_DateAcct; EXCEPTION -- Invoice in draft form WHEN OTHERS THEN --DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('InvoiceOpen - ' || SQLERRM); RETURN NULL; END; -- DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('== C_Invoice_ID=' || p_C_Invoice_ID || ', Total=' || v_TotalOpenAmt || ', AP=' || v_MultiplierAP || ', CM=' || v_MultiplierCM); SELECT StdPrecision INTO v_Precision FROM C_Currency WHERE C_Currency_ID = v_Currency_ID; SELECT 1/10^v_Precision INTO v_Min; -- Calculate Allocated Amount FOR allocationline IN SELECT a.AD_Client_ID, a.AD_Org_ID, al.Amount, al.DiscountAmt, al.WriteOffAmt, a.C_Currency_ID, a.DateTrx FROM C_ALLOCATIONLINE al INNER JOIN C_ALLOCATIONHDR a ON (al.C_AllocationHdr_ID=a.C_AllocationHdr_ID) WHERE al.C_Invoice_ID = p_C_Invoice_ID AND a.DateAcct <= p_DateAcct AND a.IsActive='Y' LOOP v_Temp := allocationline.Amount + allocationline.DisCountAmt + allocationline.WriteOffAmt; v_PaidAmt := v_PaidAmt -- Allocation + Currencyconvert(v_Temp * v_MultiplierAP, allocationline.C_Currency_ID, v_Currency_ID, allocationline.DateTrx, NULL, allocationline.AD_Client_ID, allocationline.AD_Org_ID); --DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(' PaidAmt=' || v_PaidAmt || ', Allocation=' || v_Temp || ' * ' || v_MultiplierAP); END LOOP; -- Do we have a Payment Schedule ? IF (p_C_InvoicePaySchedule_ID > 0) THEN -- if not valid = lists invoice amount v_Remaining := v_PaidAmt; FOR invoiceschedule IN SELECT C_InvoicePaySchedule_ID, DueAmt FROM C_INVOICEPAYSCHEDULE WHERE C_Invoice_ID = p_C_Invoice_ID AND IsValid='Y' ORDER BY DueDate LOOP IF (invoiceschedule.C_InvoicePaySchedule_ID = p_C_InvoicePaySchedule_ID) THEN v_TotalOpenAmt := (invoiceschedule.DueAmt*v_MultiplierCM) - v_Remaining; IF (invoiceschedule.DueAmt - v_Remaining < 0) THEN v_TotalOpenAmt := 0; END IF; -- DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Sched Total=' || v_TotalOpenAmt || ', Due=' || s.DueAmt || ',Remaining=' || v_Remaining || ',CM=' || v_MultiplierCM); ELSE -- calculate amount, which can be allocated to next schedule v_Remaining := v_Remaining - invoiceschedule.DueAmt; IF (v_Remaining < 0) THEN v_Remaining := 0; END IF; -- DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Remaining=' || v_Remaining); END IF; END LOOP; ELSE v_TotalOpenAmt := v_TotalOpenAmt - v_PaidAmt; END IF; -- DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('== Total=' || v_TotalOpenAmt); -- Ignore Rounding IF (v_TotalOpenAmt > -v_Min AND v_TotalOpenAmt < v_Min) THEN v_TotalOpenAmt := 0; END IF; -- Round to currency precision v_TotalOpenAmt := ROUND(COALESCE(v_TotalOpenAmt,0), v_Precision); RETURN v_TotalOpenAmt; END; $BODY$ LANGUAGE 'plpgsql' STABLE; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION InvoiceopenToDate ( p_C_Invoice_ID IN numeric, p_C_InvoicePaySchedule_ID IN numeric, p_DateAcct IN date ) RETURNS numeric AS $BODY$ DECLARE v_Currency_ID numeric(10); v_Precision NUMERIC := 0; v_Min NUMERIC := 0; v_TotalOpenAmt numeric := 0; v_PaidAmt numeric := 0; v_Remaining numeric := 0; v_MultiplierAP numeric := 0; v_MultiplierCM numeric := 0; v_Temp numeric := 0; allocationline record; invoiceschedule record; BEGIN -- Get Currency BEGIN SELECT MAX(C_Currency_ID), SUM(GrandTotal), MAX(MultiplierAP), MAX(Multiplier) INTO v_Currency_ID, v_TotalOpenAmt, v_MultiplierAP, v_MultiplierCM FROM C_Invoice_v -- corrected for CM / Split Payment WHERE C_Invoice_ID = p_C_Invoice_ID AND DateAcct <= p_DateAcct; EXCEPTION -- Invoice in draft form WHEN OTHERS THEN --DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('InvoiceOpen - ' || SQLERRM); RETURN NULL; END; -- DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('== C_Invoice_ID=' || p_C_Invoice_ID || ', Total=' || v_TotalOpenAmt || ', AP=' || v_MultiplierAP || ', CM=' || v_MultiplierCM); SELECT StdPrecision INTO v_Precision FROM C_Currency WHERE C_Currency_ID = v_Currency_ID; SELECT 1/10^v_Precision INTO v_Min; -- Calculate Allocated Amount FOR allocationline IN SELECT a.AD_Client_ID, a.AD_Org_ID, al.Amount, al.DiscountAmt, al.WriteOffAmt, a.C_Currency_ID, a.DateTrx FROM C_ALLOCATIONLINE al INNER JOIN C_ALLOCATIONHDR a ON (al.C_AllocationHdr_ID=a.C_AllocationHdr_ID) WHERE al.C_Invoice_ID = p_C_Invoice_ID AND a.DateAcct <= p_DateAcct AND a.IsActive='Y' LOOP v_Temp := allocationline.Amount + allocationline.DisCountAmt + allocationline.WriteOffAmt; v_PaidAmt := v_PaidAmt -- Allocation + Currencyconvert(v_Temp * v_MultiplierAP, allocationline.C_Currency_ID, v_Currency_ID, allocationline.DateTrx, NULL, allocationline.AD_Client_ID, allocationline.AD_Org_ID); --DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(' PaidAmt=' || v_PaidAmt || ', Allocation=' || v_Temp || ' * ' || v_MultiplierAP); END LOOP; -- Do we have a Payment Schedule ? IF (p_C_InvoicePaySchedule_ID > 0) THEN -- if not valid = lists invoice amount v_Remaining := v_PaidAmt; FOR invoiceschedule IN SELECT C_InvoicePaySchedule_ID, DueAmt FROM C_INVOICEPAYSCHEDULE WHERE C_Invoice_ID = p_C_Invoice_ID AND IsValid='Y' ORDER BY DueDate LOOP IF (invoiceschedule.C_InvoicePaySchedule_ID = p_C_InvoicePaySchedule_ID) THEN v_TotalOpenAmt := (invoiceschedule.DueAmt*v_MultiplierCM) - v_Remaining; IF (invoiceschedule.DueAmt - v_Remaining < 0) THEN v_TotalOpenAmt := 0; END IF; -- DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Sched Total=' || v_TotalOpenAmt || ', Due=' || s.DueAmt || ',Remaining=' || v_Remaining || ',CM=' || v_MultiplierCM); ELSE -- calculate amount, which can be allocated to next schedule v_Remaining := v_Remaining - invoiceschedule.DueAmt; IF (v_Remaining < 0) THEN v_Remaining := 0; END IF; -- DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Remaining=' || v_Remaining); END IF; END LOOP; ELSE v_TotalOpenAmt := v_TotalOpenAmt - v_PaidAmt; END IF; -- DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('== Total=' || v_TotalOpenAmt); -- Ignore Rounding IF (v_TotalOpenAmt > -v_Min AND v_TotalOpenAmt < v_Min) THEN v_TotalOpenAmt := 0; END IF; -- Round to currency precision v_TotalOpenAmt := ROUND(COALESCE(v_TotalOpenAmt,0), v_Precision); RETURN v_TotalOpenAmt; END; $BODY$ LANGUAGE 'plpgsql' STABLE; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION invoicePaid ( p_C_Invoice_ID NUMERIC, p_C_Currency_ID NUMERIC, p_MultiplierAP NUMERIC -- DEFAULT 1 ) RETURNS numeric AS $body$ /************************************************************************* * The contents of this file are subject to the Compiere License. You may * obtain a copy of the License at http://www.compiere.org/license.html * Software is on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either * express or implied. See the License for details. Code: Compiere ERP+CRM * Copyright (C) 1999-2001 Jorg Janke, ComPiere, Inc. All Rights Reserved. * * converted to postgreSQL by Karsten Thiemann (Schaeffer AG), * kthiemann@adempiere.org ************************************************************************* *** * Title: Calculate Paid/Allocated amount in Currency * Description: * Add up total amount paid for for C_Invoice_ID. * Split Payments are ignored. * all allocation amounts converted to invoice C_Currency_ID * round it to the nearest cent * and adjust for CreditMemos by using C_Invoice_v * and for Payments with the multiplierAP (-1, 1) * * * Test: SELECT C_Invoice_ID, IsPaid, IsSOTrx, GrandTotal, invoicePaid (C_Invoice_ID, C_Currency_ID, MultiplierAP) FROM C_Invoice_v; * ************************************************************************/ DECLARE v_Precision NUMERIC := 0; v_Min NUMERIC := 0; v_MultiplierAP NUMERIC := 1; v_PaymentAmt NUMERIC := 0; ar RECORD; BEGIN SELECT StdPrecision INTO v_Precision FROM C_Currency WHERE C_Currency_ID = p_C_Currency_ID; SELECT 1/10^v_Precision INTO v_Min; -- Default IF (p_MultiplierAP IS NOT NULL) THEN v_MultiplierAP := p_MultiplierAP; END IF; -- Calculate Allocated Amount FOR ar IN SELECT a.AD_Client_ID, a.AD_Org_ID, al.Amount, al.DiscountAmt, al.WriteOffAmt, a.C_Currency_ID, a.DateTrx FROM C_AllocationLine al INNER JOIN C_AllocationHdr a ON (al.C_AllocationHdr_ID=a.C_AllocationHdr_ID) WHERE al.C_Invoice_ID = p_C_Invoice_ID AND a.IsActive='Y' LOOP v_PaymentAmt := v_PaymentAmt + currencyConvert(ar.Amount + ar.DisCountAmt + ar.WriteOffAmt, ar.C_Currency_ID, p_C_Currency_ID, ar.DateTrx, null, ar.AD_Client_ID, ar.AD_Org_ID); END LOOP; -- Ignore Rounding IF (v_PaymentAmt > -v_Min AND v_PaymentAmt < v_Min) THEN v_PaymentAmt := 0; END IF; -- Round to currency precision v_PaymentAmt := ROUND(COALESCE(v_PaymentAmt,0), v_Precision); RETURN v_PaymentAmt * v_MultiplierAP; END; $body$ LANGUAGE plpgsql STABLE; /* *This file is part of Adempiere ERP Bazaar *http://www.adempiere.org *Copyright (C) 2006-2008 victor.perez@e-evolution.com, e-Evolution *This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or *modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License *as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 *of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * *This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the *GNU General Public License for more details. * *You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software *Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.of * Title: Calculate Paid/Allocated amount in Currency * Description: * Add up total amount paid for for C_Invoice_ID. * Split Payments are ignored. * all allocation amounts converted to invoice C_Currency_ID * round it to the nearest cent * and adjust for CreditMemos by using C_Invoice_v * and for Payments with the multiplierAP (-1, 1) * SELECT C_Invoice_ID, IsPaid, IsSOTrx, GrandTotal, C_Invoice_Paid (C_Invoice_ID, C_Currency_ID, MultiplierAP, DateAcct) FROM C_Invoice_v; -- UPDATE C_Invoice_v1 SET IsPaid = CASE WHEN C_Invoice_Paid(C_Invoice_ID,C_Currency_ID,MultiplierAP,DateAcct)=GrandTotal THEN 'Y' ELSE 'N' END WHERE C_Invoice_ID>1000000 * ************************************************************************/ CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION InvoicepaidToDate ( p_C_Invoice_ID IN numeric, p_C_Currency_ID IN numeric, p_MultiplierAP IN numeric, -- DEFAULT 1 p_DateAcct IN timestamp with time zone ) RETURNS numeric AS $BODY$ DECLARE v_Precision NUMERIC := 0; v_Min NUMERIC := 0; v_MultiplierAP numeric := 1; v_PaymentAmt numeric := 0; allocation record; BEGIN SELECT StdPrecision INTO v_Precision FROM C_Currency WHERE C_Currency_ID = p_C_Currency_ID; SELECT 1/10^v_Precision INTO v_Min; -- Default IF (p_MultiplierAP IS NOT NULL) THEN v_MultiplierAP := p_MultiplierAP; END IF; -- Calculate Allocated Amount FOR allocation IN SELECT al.AD_Client_ID, al.AD_Org_ID,al.Amount, al.DiscountAmt, al.WriteOffAmt,a.C_Currency_ID, a.DateTrx FROM C_ALLOCATIONLINE al INNER JOIN C_ALLOCATIONHDR a ON (al.C_AllocationHdr_ID=a.C_AllocationHdr_ID) WHERE al.C_Invoice_ID = p_C_Invoice_ID AND a.IsActive='Y' AND a.DateAcct <= p_DateAcct LOOP v_PaymentAmt := v_PaymentAmt + Currencyconvert(allocation.Amount + allocation.DisCountAmt + allocation.WriteOffAmt, allocation.C_Currency_ID, p_C_Currency_ID, allocation.DateTrx, NULL, allocation.AD_Client_ID, allocation.AD_Org_ID); END LOOP; -- Ignore Rounding IF (v_PaymentAmt > -v_Min AND v_PaymentAmt < v_Min) THEN v_PaymentAmt := 0; END IF; -- Round to currency precision v_PaymentAmt := ROUND(COALESCE(v_PaymentAmt,0), v_Precision); RETURN v_PaymentAmt * v_MultiplierAP; END; $BODY$ LANGUAGE 'plpgsql' STABLE; create or replace FUNCTION paymenttermDiscount ( Amount NUMERIC, Currency_ID NUMERIC, PaymentTerm_ID NUMERIC, DocDate timestamp with time zone, PayDate timestamp with time zone ) RETURNS NUMERIC AS $body$ /************************************************************************* * The contents of this file are subject to the Compiere License. You may * obtain a copy of the License at http://www.compiere.org/license.html * Software is on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either * express or implied. See the License for details. Code: Compiere ERP+CRM * Copyright (C) 1999-2001 Jorg Janke, ComPiere, Inc. All Rights Reserved. * * converted to postgreSQL by Karsten Thiemann (Schaeffer AG), * kthiemann@adempiere.org ************************************************************************* * Title: Calculate Discount * Description: * Calculate the allowable Discount Amount of the Payment Term * * Test: SELECT paymenttermDiscount(110, 103, 106, now(), now()) FROM TEST; => 2.20 ************************************************************************/ DECLARE v_Precision NUMERIC := 0; v_Min NUMERIC := 0; Discount NUMERIC := 0; Discount1Date timestamp with time zone; Discount2Date timestamp with time zone; Add1Date NUMERIC := 0; Add2Date NUMERIC := 0; p RECORD; BEGIN SELECT StdPrecision INTO v_Precision FROM C_Currency WHERE C_Currency_ID = Currency_ID; SELECT 1/10^v_Precision INTO v_Min; -- No Data - No Discount IF (Amount IS NULL OR PaymentTerm_ID IS NULL OR DocDate IS NULL) THEN RETURN 0; END IF; FOR p IN SELECT * FROM C_PaymentTerm WHERE C_PaymentTerm_ID = PaymentTerm_ID LOOP -- for convineance only Discount1Date := TRUNC(DocDate + p.DiscountDays + p.GraceDays); Discount2Date := TRUNC(DocDate + p.DiscountDays2 + p.GraceDays); -- Next Business Day IF (p.IsNextBusinessDay='Y') THEN Discount1Date := nextBusinessDay(Discount1Date, p.AD_Client_ID); Discount2Date := nextBusinessDay(Discount2Date, p.AD_Client_ID); END IF; -- Discount 1 IF (Discount1Date >= TRUNC(PayDate)) THEN Discount := Amount * p.Discount / 100; -- Discount 2 ELSIF (Discount2Date >= TRUNC(PayDate)) THEN Discount := Amount * p.Discount2 / 100; END IF; END LOOP; -- Ignore Rounding IF (Discount > -v_Min AND Discount < v_Min) THEN Discount := 0; END IF; -- Round to currency precision Discount := ROUND(COALESCE(Discount,0), v_Precision); RETURN Discount; END; $body$ LANGUAGE plpgsql STABLE; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION paymenttermduedate (in paymentterm_id numeric, in docdate timestamptz) RETURNS timestamptz AS $BODY$ /************************************************************************* * The contents of this file are subject to the Compiere License. You may * obtain a copy of the License at http://www.compiere.org/license.html * Software is on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either * express or implied. See the License for details. Code: Compiere ERP+CRM * Copyright (C) 1999-2001 Jorg Janke, ComPiere, Inc. All Rights Reserved. * * converted to postgreSQL by Karsten Thiemann (Schaeffer AG), * kthiemann@adempiere.org ************************************************************************* * Title: Get Due timestamp with time zone * Description: * Returns the due timestamp with time zone * Test: * select paymenttermDueDate(106, now()) from Test; => now()+30 days ************************************************************************/ DECLARE Days NUMERIC := 0; DueDate timestamp with time zone := TRUNC(DocDate); -- FirstDay timestamp with time zone; NoDays NUMERIC; p RECORD; BEGIN FOR p IN SELECT * FROM C_PaymentTerm WHERE C_PaymentTerm_ID = PaymentTerm_ID LOOP -- for convineance only -- Due 15th of following month IF (p.IsDueFixed = 'Y') THEN FirstDay := TRUNC(DocDate, 'MM'); NoDays := EXTRACT(day FROM TRUNC(DocDate) - FirstDay); DueDate := FirstDay + (p.FixMonthDay-1); -- starting on 1st DueDate := ADD_MONTHS(DueDate, p.FixMonthOffset); IF (NoDays > p.FixMonthCutoff) THEN DueDate := ADD_MONTHS(DueDate, 1); END IF; ELSE DueDate := TRUNC(DocDate) + p.NetDays; END IF; END LOOP; RETURN DueDate; END; $BODY$ LANGUAGE 'plpgsql' STABLE ; create or replace FUNCTION paymenttermDueDays ( PaymentTerm_ID IN NUMERIC, DocDate IN timestamp with time zone, PayDate IN timestamp with time zone ) RETURNS INTEGER AS $body$ /************************************************************************* * The contents of this file are subject to the Compiere License. You may * obtain a copy of the License at http://www.compiere.org/license.html * Software is on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either * express or implied. See the License for details. Code: Compiere ERP+CRM * Copyright (C) 1999-2001 Jorg Janke, ComPiere, Inc. All Rights Reserved. * * converted to postgreSQL by Karsten Thiemann (Schaeffer AG), * kthiemann@adempiere.org ************************************************************************* * Title: Get Due Days * Description: * Returns the days due (positive) or the days till due (negative) * Grace days are not considered! * If record is not found it assumes due immediately * * Test: SELECT paymenttermDueDays(103, now(), now()); * * Contributor(s): Carlos Ruiz - globalqss - match with SQLJ version ************************************************************************/ DECLARE Days NUMERIC := 0; DueDate timestamp with time zone := NULL; calDueDate timestamp with time zone; FixMonthOffset C_PaymentTerm.FixMonthOffset%TYPE; MaxDayCut NUMERIC; MaxDay NUMERIC; v_PayDate timestamp with time zone; p RECORD; -- FirstDay timestamp with time zone; NoDays NUMERIC; BEGIN IF PaymentTerm_ID = 0 OR DocDate IS NULL THEN RETURN 0; END IF; v_PayDate := PayDate; IF v_PayDate IS NULL THEN v_PayDate := TRUNC(now()); END IF; FOR p IN SELECT * FROM C_PaymentTerm WHERE C_PaymentTerm_ID = PaymentTerm_ID LOOP -- for convineance only -- Due 15th of following month IF (p.IsDueFixed = 'Y') THEN FirstDay := TRUNC(DocDate, 'MM'); NoDays := extract (day from (TRUNC(DocDate) - FirstDay)); DueDate := FirstDay + (p.FixMonthDay-1); -- starting on 1st DueDate := DueDate + (p.FixMonthOffset || ' month')::interval; IF (NoDays > p.FixMonthCutoff) THEN DueDate := DueDate + '1 month'::interval; END IF; -- raise notice 'FirstDay: %, NoDays: %, DueDate: %', FirstDay, NoDays, DueDate; calDueDate := TRUNC(DocDate); MaxDayCut := extract (day from (cast(date_trunc('month', calDueDate) + '1 month'::interval as date) - 1)); -- raise notice 'last day(MaxDayCut): %' , MaxDayCut; IF p.FixMonthCutoff > MaxDayCut THEN -- raise notice 'p.FixMonthCutoff > MaxDayCut'; calDueDate := cast(date_trunc('month', TRUNC(calDueDate)) + '1 month'::interval as date) - 1; -- raise notice 'last day(calDueDate): %' , calDueDate; ELSE -- set day fixmonthcutoff on duedate calDueDate := TRUNC(calDueDate, 'MM') + (((p.FixMonthCutoff-1)|| ' days')::interval); -- raise notice 'calDueDate: %' , calDueDate; END IF; FixMonthOffset := p.FixMonthOffset; IF DocDate > calDueDate THEN FixMonthOffset := FixMonthOffset + 1; raise notice 'FixMonthOffset: %' , FixMonthOffset; END IF; calDueDate := calDueDate + (FixMonthOffset || ' month')::interval; -- raise notice 'calDueDate: %' , calDueDate; MaxDay := extract (day from (cast(date_trunc('month', calDueDate) + '1 month'::interval as date) - 1)); IF (p.FixMonthDay > MaxDay) -- 32 -> 28 OR (p.FixMonthDay >= 30 AND MaxDay > p.FixMonthDay) THEN -- 30 -> 31 calDueDate := TRUNC(calDueDate, 'MM') + (((MaxDay-1)|| ' days')::interval); -- raise notice 'calDueDate: %' , calDueDate; ELSE calDueDate := TRUNC(calDueDate, 'MM') + (((p.FixMonthDay-1)|| ' days')::interval); -- raise notice 'calDueDate: %' , calDueDate; END IF; DueDate := calDueDate; ELSE DueDate := TRUNC(DocDate) + p.NetDays; END IF; END LOOP; IF DueDate IS NULL THEN RETURN 0; END IF; Days := EXTRACT(day from (TRUNC(v_PayDate) - DueDate)); RETURN Days; END; $body$ LANGUAGE plpgsql STABLE; create or replace FUNCTION paymentAllocated ( p_C_Payment_ID IN NUMERIC, p_C_Currency_ID IN NUMERIC ) RETURNS NUMERIC AS $body$ /************************************************************************* * The contents of this file are subject to the Compiere License. You may * obtain a copy of the License at http://www.compiere.org/license.html * Software is on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either * express or implied. See the License for details. Code: Compiere ERP+CRM * Copyright (C) 1999-2001 Jorg Janke, ComPiere, Inc. All Rights Reserved. * * converted to postgreSQL by Karsten Thiemann (Schaeffer AG), * kthiemann@adempiere.org ************************************************************************* * Title: Calculate Allocated Payment Amount in Payment Currency * Description: -- SELECT paymentAllocated(C_Payment_ID,C_Currency_ID), PayAmt, IsAllocated FROM C_Payment_v WHERE C_Payment_ID<1000000; -- UPDATE C_Payment_v SET IsAllocated=CASE WHEN paymentAllocated(C_Payment_ID, C_Currency_ID)=PayAmt THEN 'Y' ELSE 'N' END WHERE C_Payment_ID>=1000000; ************************************************************************/ DECLARE v_Precision NUMERIC := 0; v_Min NUMERIC := 0; v_AllocatedAmt NUMERIC := 0; v_PayAmt NUMERIC; r RECORD; BEGIN SELECT StdPrecision INTO v_Precision FROM C_Currency WHERE C_Currency_ID = p_C_Currency_ID; SELECT 1/10^v_Precision INTO v_Min; -- Charge - nothing available SELECT INTO v_PayAmt MAX(PayAmt) FROM C_Payment WHERE C_Payment_ID=p_C_Payment_ID AND C_Charge_ID > 0; IF (v_PayAmt IS NOT NULL) THEN RETURN v_PayAmt; END IF; -- Calculate Allocated Amount FOR r IN SELECT a.AD_Client_ID, a.AD_Org_ID, al.Amount, a.C_Currency_ID, a.DateTrx FROM C_AllocationLine al INNER JOIN C_AllocationHdr a ON (al.C_AllocationHdr_ID=a.C_AllocationHdr_ID) WHERE al.C_Payment_ID = p_C_Payment_ID AND a.IsActive='Y' LOOP v_AllocatedAmt := v_AllocatedAmt + currencyConvert(r.Amount, r.C_Currency_ID, p_C_Currency_ID, r.DateTrx, null, r.AD_Client_ID, r.AD_Org_ID); END LOOP; -- Ignore Rounding IF (v_AllocatedAmt > -v_Min AND v_AllocatedAmt < v_Min) THEN v_AllocatedAmt := 0; END IF; -- Round to currency precision v_AllocatedAmt := ROUND(COALESCE(v_AllocatedAmt,0), v_Precision); RETURN v_AllocatedAmt; END; $body$ LANGUAGE plpgsql STABLE; create or replace FUNCTION paymentAvailable ( p_C_Payment_ID IN NUMERIC ) RETURNS NUMERIC AS $body$ /************************************************************************* * The contents of this file are subject to the Compiere License. You may * obtain a copy of the License at http://www.compiere.org/license.html * Software is on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either * express or implied. See the License for details. Code: Compiere ERP+CRM * Copyright (C) 1999-2001 Jorg Janke, ComPiere, Inc. All Rights Reserved. * * converted to postgreSQL by Karsten Thiemann (Schaeffer AG), * kthiemann@adempiere.org ************************************************************************* * Title: Calculate Available Payment Amount in Payment Currency * Description: * similar to C_Invoice_Open ************************************************************************/ DECLARE v_Currency_ID NUMERIC(10); v_Precision NUMERIC := 0; v_Min NUMERIC := 0; v_AvailableAmt NUMERIC := 0; v_IsReceipt C_Payment.IsReceipt%TYPE; v_Amt NUMERIC := 0; r RECORD; BEGIN -- Charge - fully allocated SELECT MAX(PayAmt) INTO v_Amt FROM C_Payment WHERE C_Payment_ID=p_C_Payment_ID AND C_Charge_ID > 0; IF (v_Amt IS NOT NULL) THEN RETURN 0; END IF; -- Get Currency SELECT C_Currency_ID, PayAmt, IsReceipt INTO v_Currency_ID, v_AvailableAmt, v_IsReceipt FROM C_Payment_v -- corrected for AP/AR WHERE C_Payment_ID = p_C_Payment_ID; -- DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('== C_Payment_ID=' || p_C_Payment_ID || ', PayAmt=' || v_AvailableAmt || ', Receipt=' || v_IsReceipt); SELECT StdPrecision INTO v_Precision FROM C_Currency WHERE C_Currency_ID = v_Currency_ID; SELECT 1/10^v_Precision INTO v_Min; -- Calculate Allocated Amount FOR r IN SELECT a.AD_Client_ID, a.AD_Org_ID, al.Amount, a.C_Currency_ID, a.DateTrx FROM C_AllocationLine al INNER JOIN C_AllocationHdr a ON (al.C_AllocationHdr_ID=a.C_AllocationHdr_ID) WHERE al.C_Payment_ID = p_C_Payment_ID AND a.IsActive='Y' LOOP v_Amt := currencyConvert(r.Amount, r.C_Currency_ID, v_Currency_ID, r.DateTrx, null, r.AD_Client_ID, r.AD_Org_ID); v_AvailableAmt := v_AvailableAmt - v_Amt; -- DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(' Allocation=' || a.Amount || ' - Available=' || v_AvailableAmt); END LOOP; -- Ignore Rounding IF (v_AvailableAmt > -v_Min AND v_AvailableAmt < v_Min) THEN v_AvailableAmt := 0; END IF; -- Round to currency precision v_AvailableAmt := ROUND(COALESCE(v_AvailableAmt,0), v_Precision); RETURN v_AvailableAmt; END; $body$ LANGUAGE plpgsql STABLE; set client_encoding='LATIN1'; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION ProductAttribute ( p_M_AttributeSetInstance_ID NUMERIC ) RETURNS VARCHAR AS $body$ /************************************************************************* * The contents of this file are subject to the Compiere License. You may * obtain a copy of the License at http://www.compiere.org/license.html * Software is on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either * express or implied. See the License for details. Code: Compiere ERP+CRM * Copyright (C) 1999-2001 Jorg Janke, ComPiere, Inc. All Rights Reserved. * * converted to postgreSQL by Karsten Thiemann (Schaeffer AG), * kthiemann@adempiere.org ************************************************************************* * Title: Return Instance Attribute Info * Description: * * Test: SELECT ProductAttribute (M_AttributeSetInstance_ID) FROM M_InOutLine WHERE M_AttributeSetInstance_ID > 0 -- SELECT p.Name FROM C_InvoiceLine il LEFT OUTER JOIN M_Product p ON (il.M_Product_ID=p.M_Product_ID); SELECT p.Name || ProductAttribute (il.M_AttributeSetInstance_ID) FROM C_InvoiceLine il LEFT OUTER JOIN M_Product p ON (il.M_Product_ID=p.M_Product_ID); ************************************************************************/ DECLARE v_Name VARCHAR(2000) := ''; v_NameAdd VARCHAR(2000) := ''; -- v_Lot M_AttributeSetInstance.Lot%TYPE; v_LotStart M_AttributeSet.LotCharSOverwrite%TYPE; v_LotEnd M_AttributeSet.LotCharEOverwrite%TYPE; v_SerNo M_AttributeSetInstance.SerNo%TYPE; v_SerNoStart M_AttributeSet.SerNoCharSOverwrite%TYPE; v_SerNoEnd M_AttributeSet.SerNoCharEOverwrite%TYPE; v_GuaranteeDate M_AttributeSetInstance.GuaranteeDate%TYPE; r RECORD; -- BEGIN -- Get Product Attribute Set Instance IF (p_M_AttributeSetInstance_ID > 0) THEN SELECT asi.Lot, asi.SerNo, asi.GuaranteeDate, COALESCE(a.SerNoCharSOverwrite, '#'::CHAR(1)), COALESCE(a.SerNoCharEOverwrite, ''::CHAR(1)), COALESCE(a.LotCharSOverwrite, '«'::CHAR(1)), COALESCE(a.LotCharEOverwrite, '»'::CHAR(1)) INTO v_Lot, v_SerNo, v_GuaranteeDate, v_SerNoStart, v_SerNoEnd, v_LotStart, v_LotEnd FROM M_AttributeSetInstance asi INNER JOIN M_AttributeSet a ON (asi.M_AttributeSet_ID=a.M_AttributeSet_ID) WHERE asi.M_AttributeSetInstance_ID=p_M_AttributeSetInstance_ID; -- IF (v_SerNo IS NOT NULL) THEN v_NameAdd := v_NameAdd || v_SerNoStart || v_SerNo || v_SerNoEnd || ' '; END IF; IF (v_Lot IS NOT NULL) THEN v_NameAdd := v_NameAdd || v_LotStart || v_Lot || v_LotEnd || ' '; END IF; IF (v_GuaranteeDate IS NOT NULL) THEN v_NameAdd := v_NameAdd || v_GuaranteeDate || ' '; END IF; -- FOR r IN SELECT ai.Value, a.Name FROM M_AttributeInstance ai INNER JOIN M_Attribute a ON (ai.M_Attribute_ID=a.M_Attribute_ID AND a.IsInstanceAttribute='Y') WHERE ai.M_AttributeSetInstance_ID=p_M_AttributeSetInstance_ID LOOP v_NameAdd := v_NameAdd || r.Name || ':' || r.Value || ' '; END LOOP; -- IF (LENGTH(v_NameAdd) > 0) THEN v_Name := v_Name || ' (' || TRIM(v_NameAdd) || ')'; ELSE v_Name := NULL; END IF; END IF; RETURN v_Name; END; $body$ LANGUAGE plpgsql STABLE; /* *This file is part of Adempiere ERP Bazaar *http://www.adempiere.org * *Copyright (C) 2007 Low Heng Sin *Copyright (C) 1999-2006 ComPiere, inc * *This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or *modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License *as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 *of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * *This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the *GNU General Public License for more details. * *You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software *Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.of */ CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION addDays(datetime TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE, days Numeric) RETURNS DATE AS $$ declare duration varchar; BEGIN if datetime is null or days is null then return null; end if; duration = days || ' day'; return cast(date_trunc('day',datetime) + cast(duration as interval) as date); END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql IMMUTABLE; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION subtractdays (day TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE, days NUMERIC) RETURNS DATE AS $$ BEGIN RETURN addDays(day,(days * -1)); END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql IMMUTABLE; /* *This file is part of Adempiere ERP Bazaar *http://www.adempiere.org * *Copyright (C) 2006 Gavin Dunse *Copyright (C) 1999-2006 ComPiere, inc * *This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or *modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License *as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 *of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * *This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the *GNU General Public License for more details. * *You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software *Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.of */ /** Get Character at Position */ CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION charAt ( IN VARCHAR, -- $1 the string IN INTEGER -- $2 the position ) RETURNS VARCHAR AS $$ BEGIN RETURN SUBSTR($1, $2, 1); END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql IMMUTABLE; /* *This file is part of Adempiere ERP Bazaar *http://www.adempiere.org * *Copyright (C) 2007 Low Heng Sin *Copyright (C) 1999-2006 ComPiere, inc * *This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or *modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License *as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 *of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * *This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the *GNU General Public License for more details. * *You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software *Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.of */ CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION daysBetween(p_date1 TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE, p_date2 TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE) RETURNS INTEGER AS $$ BEGIN RETURN CAST(p_date1 AS DATE) - CAST(p_date2 as DATE); END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql IMMUTABLE; /* *This file is part of Adempiere ERP Bazaar *http://www.adempiere.org *Copyright (C) 2006-2008 Antonio Cañaveral, e-Evolution * *This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or *modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License *as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 *of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * *This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the *GNU General Public License for more details. * *You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software *Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.of * Return the Document for Dcocument Type */ create or replace FUNCTION documentNo ( p_PP_MRP_ID IN PP_MRP.PP_MRP_ID%TYPE ) RETURNS PP_MRP.Value%TYPE AS $BODY$ DECLARE v_DocumentNo PP_MRP.Value%TYPE := ''; BEGIN -- If NO id return empty string IF p_PP_MRP_ID <= 0 THEN RETURN ''; END IF; SELECT --ordertype, m_forecast_id, c_order_id, dd_order_id, pp_order_id, m_requisition_id, CASE WHEN trim(mrp.ordertype) = 'FTC' THEN (SELECT f.Name FROM M_Forecast f WHERE f.M_Forecast_ID=mrp.M_Forecast_ID) WHEN trim(mrp.ordertype) = 'POO' THEN (SELECT co.DocumentNo FROM C_Order co WHERE co.C_Order_ID=mrp.C_Order_ID) WHEN trim(mrp.ordertype) = 'DOO' THEN (SELECT dd.DocumentNo FROM DD_Order dd WHERE dd.DD_Order_ID=mrp.DD_Order_ID) WHEN trim(mrp.ordertype) = 'SOO' THEN (SELECT co.DocumentNo FROM C_Order co WHERE co.C_Order_ID=mrp.C_Order_ID) WHEN trim(mrp.ordertype) = 'MOP' THEN (SELECT po.DocumentNo FROM PP_Order po WHERE po.PP_Order_ID=mrp.PP_Order_ID) WHEN trim(mrp.ordertype) = 'POR' THEN (SELECT r.DocumentNo FROM M_Requisition r WHERE r.M_Requisition_ID=mrp.M_Requisition_ID) END INTO v_DocumentNo FROM pp_mrp mrp WHERE mrp.pp_mrp_id = p_PP_MRP_ID; RETURN v_DocumentNo; END; $BODY$ LANGUAGE 'plpgsql' STABLE; /* *This file is part of Adempiere ERP Bazaar *http://www.adempiere.org * *Copyright (C) 2006 Gavin Dunse *Copyright (C) 1999-2006 ComPiere, inc * *This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or *modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License *as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 *of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * *This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the *GNU General Public License for more details. * *You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software *Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.of */ /** Get Character at Position */ SET search_path = adempiere, pg_catalog; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION firstOf ( IN TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE, -- $1 date IN VARCHAR -- $2 part of date ) RETURNS DATE AS $$ DECLARE datepart VARCHAR; datetime TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE; offsetdays INTEGER; BEGIN datepart = $2; offsetdays = 0; IF $2 IN ('') THEN datepart = 'millennium'; ELSEIF $2 IN ('') THEN datepart = 'century'; ELSEIF $2 IN ('') THEN datepart = 'decade'; ELSEIF $2 IN ('IYYY','IY','I') THEN datepart = 'year'; ELSEIF $2 IN ('SYYYY','YYYY','YEAR','SYEAR','YYY','YY','Y') THEN datepart = 'year'; ELSEIF $2 IN ('Q') THEN datepart = 'quarter'; ELSEIF $2 IN ('MONTH','MON','MM','RM') THEN datepart = 'month'; ELSEIF $2 IN ('IW') THEN datepart = 'week'; ELSEIF $2 IN ('W') THEN datepart = 'week'; ELSEIF $2 IN ('DDD','DD','J') THEN datepart = 'day'; ELSEIF $2 IN ('DAY','DY','D') THEN datepart = 'week'; -- move to sunday to make it compatible with oracle and SQLJ offsetdays = -1; ELSEIF $2 IN ('HH','HH12','HH24') THEN datepart = 'hour'; ELSEIF $2 IN ('MI') THEN datepart = 'minute'; ELSEIF $2 IN ('') THEN datepart = 'second'; ELSEIF $2 IN ('') THEN datepart = 'milliseconds'; ELSEIF $2 IN ('') THEN datepart = 'microseconds'; END IF; datetime = date_trunc(datepart, $1); RETURN cast(datetime as date) + offsetdays; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql IMMUTABLE; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION get1099bucket ( p_cbpartner_id IN numeric, p_cut_date IN timestamp with time zone, p_bucket IN numeric ) RETURNS numeric AS $BODY$ DECLARE tmpvar numeric; /****************************************************************************** NAME: get1099bucket PURPOSE: REVISIONS: Ver Date Author Description --------- ---------- --------------- ------------------------------------ 1.0 04/01/2008 Carlos Ruiz 1. Created this function. ******************************************************************************/ BEGIN SELECT SUM ( (COALESCE (linenetamt, 0) + COALESCE (taxamt, 0)) * (CASE WHEN docbasetype = 'API' THEN 1 WHEN docbasetype = 'APC' THEN -1 ELSE 0 END) ) -- +API->AP Invoice / -APC->AP Credit Memo INTO tmpvar FROM C_INVOICE i, C_INVOICELINE il, C_1099BOX b, C_DOCTYPE dt WHERE i.c_invoice_id = il.c_invoice_id AND i.issotrx = 'N' AND il.c_1099box_id = b.c_1099box_id AND i.dateacct BETWEEN TRUNC (p_cut_date, 'YEAR') AND p_cut_date AND c_bpartner_id = p_cbpartner_id AND b.bucket = p_bucket AND i.c_doctype_id = dt.c_doctype_id AND i.docstatus IN ('CO', 'CL'); RETURN tmpvar; END; $BODY$ LANGUAGE plpgsql STABLE ; /* *This file is part of Adempiere ERP Bazaar *http://www.adempiere.org *Copyright (C) 2006-2008 victor.perez@e-evolution.com, e-Evolution *This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or *modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License *as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 *of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * *This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the *GNU General Public License for more details. * *You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software *Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.of * * Author: Carlos Ruiz (globalqss) */ CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION get_Sysconfig ( sysconfig_name ad_sysconfig.name%TYPE, defaultvalue ad_sysconfig.value%TYPE, client_id ad_sysconfig.ad_client_id%TYPE, org_id ad_sysconfig.ad_org_id%TYPE ) RETURNS ad_sysconfig.value%TYPE AS $BODY$ DECLARE v_value ad_sysconfig.value%TYPE; BEGIN BEGIN SELECT Value INTO STRICT v_value FROM AD_SysConfig WHERE Name=sysconfig_name AND AD_Client_ID IN (0, client_id) AND AD_Org_ID IN (0, org_id) AND IsActive='Y' ORDER BY AD_Client_ID DESC, AD_Org_ID DESC LIMIT 1; EXCEPTION WHEN NO_DATA_FOUND THEN v_value := defaultvalue; END; RETURN v_value; END; $BODY$ LANGUAGE 'plpgsql' STABLE; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION nextbusinessday(p_date timestamp with time zone, p_ad_client_id numeric) RETURNS timestamp with time zone AS $$ /** *This file is part of Adempiere ERP Bazaar *http://www.adempiere.org * *Copyright (C) 2007 Teo Sarca * *This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or *modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License *as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 *of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * *This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the *GNU General Public License for more details. * *You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software *Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.of * * Converted to PostgreSQL by Tony Snook, * tspc@dodo.com.au */ DECLARE v_nextDate date := trunc(p_Date); v_offset numeric := 0; v_Saturday numeric := TO_CHAR(TO_DATE('2000-01-01', 'YYYY-MM-DD'), 'D'); v_Sunday numeric := (case when v_Saturday = 7 then 1 else v_Saturday + 1 end); v_isHoliday boolean := true; v_country c_country.c_country_id%type; nbd C_NonBusinessDay%ROWTYPE; begin v_isHoliday := true; loop SELECT CASE TO_CHAR(v_nextDate,'D')::numeric WHEN v_Saturday THEN 2 WHEN v_Sunday THEN 1 ELSE 0 END INTO v_offset; v_nextDate := v_nextDate + v_offset::integer; v_isHoliday := false; SELECT COALESCE(MAX(co.c_country_id), 100) INTO v_country FROM ad_client cl JOIN ad_language l ON cl.ad_language = l.ad_language JOIN c_country co ON l.countrycode = co.countrycode WHERE cl.ad_client_id = p_ad_client_id; FOR nbd IN SELECT * FROM C_NonBusinessDay WHERE AD_Client_ID=p_AD_Client_ID and IsActive ='Y' and Date1 >= v_nextDate AND COALESCE(C_Country_ID,0) IN (0, v_country) ORDER BY Date1 LOOP exit when v_nextDate <> trunc(nbd.Date1); v_nextDate := v_nextDate + 1; v_isHoliday := true; end loop; exit when v_isHoliday=false; end loop; -- return v_nextDate::timestamp with time zone; end; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql STABLE; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION prodqtyordered(p_product_id numeric, p_warehouse_id numeric) RETURNS numeric AS $BODY$ DECLARE v_Warehouse_ID numeric; v_Quantity numeric := 99999; -- unlimited v_IsBOM CHAR(1); v_IsStocked CHAR(1); v_ProductType CHAR(1); v_ProductQty numeric; v_StdPrecision int; BEGIN -- Check Parameters v_Warehouse_ID := p_Warehouse_ID; IF (v_Warehouse_ID IS NULL) THEN RETURN 0; END IF; -- DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Warehouse=' || v_Warehouse_ID); -- Check, if product exists and if it is stocked BEGIN SELECT IsBOM, ProductType, IsStocked INTO v_IsBOM, v_ProductType, v_IsStocked FROM M_PRODUCT WHERE M_Product_ID=p_Product_ID; -- EXCEPTION -- not found WHEN OTHERS THEN RETURN 0; END; -- No reservation for non-stocked IF (v_IsStocked='Y') THEN -- Get ProductQty SELECT COALESCE(SUM(MovementQty), 0) INTO v_ProductQty FROM M_ProductionLine p WHERE M_Product_ID=p_Product_ID AND MovementQty > 0 AND p.Processed = 'N' AND EXISTS (SELECT * FROM M_LOCATOR l WHERE p.M_Locator_ID=l.M_Locator_ID AND l.M_Warehouse_ID=v_Warehouse_ID); -- RETURN v_ProductQty; END IF; -- Unlimited (e.g. only services) IF (v_Quantity = 99999) THEN RETURN 0; END IF; IF (v_Quantity > 0) THEN -- Get Rounding Precision for Product SELECT COALESCE(MAX(u.StdPrecision), 0) INTO v_StdPrecision FROM C_UOM u, M_PRODUCT p WHERE u.C_UOM_ID=p.C_UOM_ID AND p.M_Product_ID=p_Product_ID; -- RETURN ROUND (v_Quantity, v_StdPrecision); END IF; RETURN 0; END; $BODY$ LANGUAGE plpgsql STABLE ; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION prodqtyreserved(p_product_id numeric, p_warehouse_id numeric) RETURNS numeric AS $BODY$ DECLARE v_Warehouse_ID numeric; v_Quantity numeric := 99999; -- unlimited v_IsBOM CHAR(1); v_IsStocked CHAR(1); v_ProductType CHAR(1); v_ProductQty numeric; v_StdPrecision int; BEGIN -- Check Parameters v_Warehouse_ID := p_Warehouse_ID; IF (v_Warehouse_ID IS NULL) THEN RETURN 0; END IF; -- DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Warehouse=' || v_Warehouse_ID); -- Check, if product exists and if it is stocked BEGIN SELECT IsBOM, ProductType, IsStocked INTO v_IsBOM, v_ProductType, v_IsStocked FROM M_PRODUCT WHERE M_Product_ID=p_Product_ID; -- EXCEPTION -- not found WHEN OTHERS THEN RETURN 0; END; -- No reservation for non-stocked IF (v_IsStocked='Y') THEN -- Get ProductQty SELECT -1*COALESCE(SUM(MovementQty), 0) INTO v_ProductQty FROM M_ProductionLine p WHERE M_Product_ID=p_Product_ID AND MovementQty < 0 AND p.Processed = 'N' AND EXISTS (SELECT * FROM M_LOCATOR l WHERE p.M_Locator_ID=l.M_Locator_ID AND l.M_Warehouse_ID=v_Warehouse_ID); -- RETURN v_ProductQty; END IF; -- Unlimited (e.g. only services) IF (v_Quantity = 99999) THEN RETURN 0; END IF; IF (v_Quantity > 0) THEN -- Get Rounding Precision for Product SELECT COALESCE(MAX(u.StdPrecision), 0) INTO v_StdPrecision FROM C_UOM u, M_PRODUCT p WHERE u.C_UOM_ID=p.C_UOM_ID AND p.M_Product_ID=p_Product_ID; -- RETURN ROUND (v_Quantity, v_StdPrecision); END IF; RETURN 0; END; $BODY$ LANGUAGE plpgsql STABLE ; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION round ( IN NUMERIC, -- $1 numeric IN NUMERIC -- $2 numeric ) RETURNS NUMERIC AS $$ BEGIN RETURN ROUND($1, cast($2 as integer)); END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql IMMUTABLE; /* *This file is part of Adempiere ERP Bazaar *http://www.adempiere.org * *Copyright (C) 2007 Low Heng Sin *Copyright (C) 1999-2006 ComPiere, inc * *This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or *modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License *as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 *of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * *This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the *GNU General Public License for more details. * *You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software *Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.of */ CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION trunc(datetime TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE) RETURNS TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE AS $$ BEGIN RETURN CAST(datetime AS DATE); END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql IMMUTABLE; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION trunc(datetime TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE, format varchar) RETURNS DATE AS $$ BEGIN IF format = 'Q' THEN RETURN CAST(DATE_Trunc('quarter',datetime) as DATE); ELSIF format = 'Y' or format = 'YEAR' THEN RETURN CAST(DATE_Trunc('year',datetime) as DATE); ELSIF format = 'MM' or format = 'MONTH' THEN RETURN CAST(DATE_Trunc('month',datetime) as DATE); ELSIF format = 'DD' THEN RETURN CAST(DATE_Trunc('day',datetime) as DATE); ELSIF format = 'DY' THEN RETURN CAST(DATE_Trunc('day',datetime) as DATE); ELSE RETURN CAST(datetime AS DATE); END IF; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql IMMUTABLE; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION trunc(i INTERVAL) RETURNS INTEGER AS $$ BEGIN RETURN EXTRACT(DAY FROM i); END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql IMMUTABLE; SELECT register_migration_script('201405301149_IDEMPIERE-1953.sql') FROM dual ;