@REM --------------------------------------------------------- @REM -- This batch file is an example of how to run commands @REM -- in the Network Server framework @REM -- @REM -- REQUIREMENTS: @REM -- You must have the derby jar files as well as the @REM -- derby network server class files in your classpath. @REM -- @REM -- Check the setNetworkServerCP.bat file for an example of @REM -- what to set. @REM -- @REM -- This file for use on Windows systems @REM --------------------------------------------------------- rem set DERBY_INSTALL= @if !"%CLASSPATH%"==! call "%DERBY_INSTALL%"/frameworks/NetworkServer/bin/setNetworkServerCP.bat @if "%CLASSPATH%" == "" call "%DERBY_INSTALL%"/frameworks/NetworkServer/bin/setNetworkServerCP.bat @REM --------------------------------------------------------- @REM -- start Derby as a Network server @REM --------------------------------------------------------- java org.apache.derby.drda.NetworkServerControl %* @REM --------------------------------------------------------- @REM -- To use a different JVM with a different syntax, simply edit @REM -- this file @REM ---------------------------------------------------------