Heng Sin Low
IDEMPIERE-2245 Platform Upgrade for r3.
2014-10-13 11:05:19 +08:00 |
Heng Sin Low
IDEMPIERE-1561 Update product version to 2.0.0.
2013-11-21 14:32:17 +08:00 |
Heng Sin Low
IDEMPIERE-92 Implement Selenium testing framework. Update selenium library to version 2.35.0 to support latest firrefox and chrome.
2013-10-02 12:27:48 +08:00 |
Heng Sin Low
IDEMPIERE-1223 Use ClassName as Name of OSGi component.
2013-07-31 16:30:15 +08:00 |
Heng Sin Low
IDEMPIERE-1124 ZkSuite.ProductionTest is broken. Fixed lookup fixture. Fixed production test script.
2013-07-01 16:45:41 +08:00 |
Deepak Pansheriya
IDEMPIERE-92 Adding capability to have testing for file upload panel
2013-06-14 11:54:07 +05:30 |
Heng Sin Low
IDEMPIERE-92 Implement Selenium testing framework. Added default screen size for phantomjs driver. Added "screen shot" and "maximize window" commands to aids debugging of selenium test script.
2013-06-11 23:52:07 +08:00 |
Deepak Pansheriya
IDEMPIERE-92 Fixing bug related to braces in window name
2013-05-30 19:14:18 +05:30 |
Heng Sin Low
IDEMPIERE-92 Implement Selenium testing framework. Added phantomjs (phantomjs.org) support.
2013-05-26 10:02:58 +08:00 |
Heng Sin Low
IDEMPIERE-92 Implement Selenium testing framework. Fixed "org.openqa.selenium.remote.ErrorHandler$UnknownServerException: Element is no longer attached to the DOM"
2013-05-03 14:30:59 +08:00 |
Heng Sin Low
IDEMPIERE-92 Implement Selenium testing framework. Fixed "org.openqa.selenium.remote.ErrorHandler$UnknownServerException: Element is no longer attached to the DOM"
2013-04-26 16:27:27 +08:00 |
Heng Sin Low
IDEMPIERE-92 Implement Selenium testing framework. Fixed open window fixture.
2013-04-10 17:00:55 +08:00 |
Heng Sin Low
IDEMPIERE-92 Implement Selenium testing framework. Fixed checkbox support.
2013-04-10 12:44:16 +08:00 |
Heng Sin Low
IDEMPIERE-92 Implement Selenium testing framework. Added context click support. Improvement to AdempiereIdGenerator for better determination of _zk_locator. Modify LogEventInterceptor to help the writing of fitnesse selenium script.
2013-03-22 15:55:04 +08:00 |
Heng Sin Low
IDEMPIERE-92 Implement Selenium testing framework. Fixed _zk_locator for id with space. Added execution of arbitrary zk widget command support to zk fixture.
2013-02-14 21:03:53 +08:00 |
Heng Sin Low
IDEMPIERE-529 Search on empty table doesn't allow to close the window. Fitnesse test.
2013-02-05 23:01:41 +08:00 |
Heng Sin Low
IDEMPIERE-443 Lookup not working until you click somewhere else. Fixed selenium fitnesse fixture broken by the lookup menu event handling change.
2013-01-18 15:27:07 +08:00 |
Heng Sin Low
IDEMPIERE-92 Implement Selenium testing framework. Handle single quote in zk selector.
2013-01-14 14:30:36 +08:00 |
Heng Sin Low
IDEMPIERE-92 Implement Selenium testing framework. Added _zk_locator dom attribute to further ease the use of zk selector for the writing of selenium script. Fixed issue with id after a component have change parent.
2013-01-11 18:11:28 +08:00 |
Heng Sin Low
IDEMPIERE-92 Implement Selenium testing framework. Fixed combobox issue after the 6.5.1 upgrade.
2013-01-11 13:24:07 +08:00 |
Richard Morales
IDEMPIERE-455 Discover and fix FindBugs problems / Eclipse warning -> suppress unchecked
2012-12-20 15:47:59 -05:00 |
Heng Sin Low
IDEMPIERE-92 - Integrate Selenium. Make more class test ready. Added test case for IDEMPIERE-520.
2012-12-19 16:23:33 +08:00 |
Heng Sin Low
IDEMPIERE-92 - Integrate Selenium. Use widget name and instance name for uuid generation when id is not set. Change WEditor to use the common instanceName widget attribute.
2012-12-17 11:50:14 +08:00 |
Heng Sin Low
IDEMPIERE-92 - Integrate Selenium. Make more class test ready.
2012-12-14 16:48:09 +08:00 |
Heng Sin Low
IDEMPIERE-92 - Integrate Selenium. Improve support for Combobox. Reorganize and reformat test suite for zk. Added test case for the missing field translation tab bug. Added support for selection of tab.
2012-12-13 17:22:56 +08:00 |
Heng Sin Low
IDEMPIERE-92 - Integrate Selenium. Implemented selenium and fitnesse integration using FitLibrary and FitLibraryWeb. Added FitLibrary and FitLibraryWeb documentation to fitnesse root. Added 2 example fitnesse test for zk.
2012-12-13 03:35:08 +08:00 |
Heng Sin Low
IDEMPIERE-92 - Integrate Selenium. Moved project 'idempiere.zk.selenium'
2012-12-13 02:00:09 +08:00 |