* IDEMPIERE-5565 Cannot create report with virtual column where reference is table with display column = ID
* - make it consistent with the actual approach
* IDEMPIERE-5538 - Add isValid to Drill Rule allow validate parameters with beforesave
* IDEMPIERE-5538 - beforeSave, capture process parameters
* IDEMPIERE-5538 - validate only through process
* IDEMPIERE-5538 - isValid check in getByTable method
* IDEMPIERE-5538 - add validation to before save/after delete
* IDEMPIERE-5538 - validate system drill rules
* IDEMPIERE-5538 - fix validation logic
The mandatory validation have to skip the key parameter since it is not loaded from Drill Rule Para.
* IDEMPIERE-5538 - fix Drill Rule window definition
* IDEMPIERE-5538 - bug fix scripts to iD10
* IDEMPIERE-5538 - fix missing read only logic
* IDEMPIERE-5538 - all scripts to iD10
* IDEMPIERE-5621 - Dashboard Report ignore if parameter is mandatory or not
* IDEMPIERE-5621 - small fixes
* IDEMPIERE-5621 - missing javadoc for new methods
* IDEMPIERE-5621 - move scripts, list empty para, update css
* IDEMPIERE-5611 Record ID Editor doesn't work with House Keeping
- Fix zoom window on tables that have this field empty and have a window associated
* - Fix zoom and lookup without AD_Window_ID update
* - Add discovery for more tab levels
* - Fix zoom when AD_Table.AD_Window_ID is null.
* - use the new method also in InfoGeneralPanel
* - set zoom window just when is not defined (preserve potential customizations)
Co-authored-by: hengsin <hengsin@gmail.com>
* IDEMPIERE-5616 Reverse Shipments don't post because of Not Balanced in special case
* - Add case for Inventory Move
- Add explanatory comment
* - Add extra cases for other documents
* - uploaded a different approach
Co-authored-by: hengsin <hengsin@gmail.com>
* IDEMPIERE-5613 Make filling of _UU column optional
* - clear _UU when column is made inactive
* - Add parameter IsClearUUID
- Fix issue with buffer log not being flushed
* IDEMPIERE-5618 - Print Format Script Column does not show Data in correct Data Types
* IDEMPIERE-5618 - optimised and simplified the code
- get PrintFormatType from PrintDataColumn pdc
- getDisplayType(value) method to unify and simplify getting the display type
- Fix problem with the AbstractXLSXExporter going wild, the method getFormatString is trying to create a format with the number of digits supported by the NumberFormat, and as the MaximumIntegerDigits is not set, is trying to create a String with the default which is 2147483647
* IDEMPIERE-5594 : On detail panel grid, button not respect context parsing for DispalyLogic, DefaultValue, MandatoryLogic. take context of previous row.
* IDEMPIERE-5594: Refactored code by Hengsin
Co-authored-by: hengsin@gmail.com
* IDEMPIERE-5600 Add Core.getDefaultAnnotationBasedEventManager() API
* IDEMPIERE-5600 Add Core.getDefaultAnnotationBasedEventManager() API
- minor refinement
* IDEMPIERE-5595: Allow to deactivate negate option for "Chosen Multiple Selection" components in processes
* IDEMPIERE-5595: regenerate serial
* IDEMPIERE-5595: move scripts to iD10 / resolve conflict
* IDEMPIERE-5595: change position of the field / update existing data
* IDEMPIERE-5595: check ProcedureName is empty before enabling it
* IDEMPIERE-5595: update existing records missing in oracle
* Update 202303020910_IDEMPIERE-5595.sql
* Update 202303020910_IDEMPIERE-5595.sql
Co-authored-by: Carlos Ruiz <carg67@gmail.com>
* IDEMPIERE-5238 - initial draft commit
* IDEMPIERE-5238 - fixes
* IDEMPIERE-5238 - popup window
* IDEMPIERE-5238 - renaming to Record ID
* IDEMPIERE-5238 - renaming to Record ID
* IDEMPIERE-5238 - fixes
* IDEMPIERE-5238 - fixes
* IDEMPIERE-5238 - fixes
* IDEMPIERE-5238 - technical fixes
* IDEMPIERE-5238 - pr1610_1 patch
* IDEMPIERE-5238 - bug fixes
* IDEMPIERE-5238 - set table to read only
* IDEMPIERE-5238 - fix parsing error
* IDEMPIERE-5238 - pr1610 patch
* IDEMPIERE-5238 - fix Find Window issue
* IDEMPIERE-5238 - Info Panel NPE patch
* IDEMPIERE-5238 - UI fix
In the Record ID Dialog the 'Record' label should be visible only when the corresponding editor is visible.
* IDEMPIERE-5238 - find window patch
* IDEMPIERE-5238 - clear Record ID when clearing AD_Table_ID
* IDEMPIERE-5238 - clear Record ID when clearing AD_Table_ID
* IDEMPIERE-5238 - move scripts to correct folder
All scripts to iD10
* IDEMPIERE-5586 Implement ID independent migration script
* IDEMPIERE-5586 Implement ID independent migration script
- add Oracle script (99% converted by ChatGPT from PostgreSQL :)).
* IDEMPIERE-5586 Implement ID independent migration script
- handle official id value for foreign key reference .
- add back centralized id support.
* IDEMPIERE-5586 Implement ID independent migration script
- minor refactoring
- add support for AD_Table_ID+Record_ID usage
* IDEMPIERE-5586 Implement ID independent migration script
- add support for Delete
- add unit test
* IDEMPIERE-5586 Implement ID independent migration script
- add insert_accounting and insert_tree support.
* IDEMPIERE-5586 Implement ID independent migration script
- add ADSortTab support.
* IDEMPIERE-5586 Implement ID independent migration script
- move migration script from iD11 to iD10.
* IDEMPIERE-5563 - Font Icons not implemented on HTML Report column menu
* IDEMPIERE-5563 - Font Icons not implemented on HTML Report column menu
* IDEMPIERE-5563 - pr1689 patch
* IDEMPIERE-5578 Data corruption when copying order lines from a closed order
* - refactor MOrderLine.getDescriptionStrippingCloseTag for optimization
* - regenerate serialVersionUID
* # IDEMPIERE-5458 - Timezone defined by Organization
* # IDEMPIERE-5468 - improved unit test
* # IDEMPIERE-5458 - removing user/password from scriptg
* IDEMPIERE-5458 - fix migration script
* IDEMPIERE-5458 - adding field in org info tab
* IDEMPIERE-5548 Issues with Log Management
- removed the button Reload Log Props from the About Dialog as is now being reloaded when changing level
* - set level also on handlers
- restore the button Reload Log Props
* IDEMPIERE-5534 Make configurable the maximum records in lists
* - Impose hardcoded limit of 50.000 as suggested by Heng Sin
* - change message