* IDEMPIERE-4211 Schedulers launched twice - problem with RunOnlyOnIP null running on load balancer
add 1 to 3 minute delay to wait for hazelcast service
* IDEMPIERE-4211 Schedulers launched twice - problem with RunOnlyOnIP null running on load balancer
move waiting to background thread
* IDEMPIERE-4287 Cache API not thread safe and inconsistent with Context
add support to make PO immutable
* IDEMPIERE-4287 Cache API not thread safe and inconsistent with Context
- added thread safe Immutable and Copy cache implementation for PO.
- migrate most of PO cache to immutable and copy cache.
- added pos sales order test.
* IDEMPIERE-4287 Cache API not thread safe and inconsistent with Context
- add test case for initial client setup and bank statement
- fix error for image editor, location editor, locator editor, initial
client setup, complete bank statement and migrate storage provider.
* IDEMPIERE-4287 Cache API not thread safe and inconsistent with Context
- added ImmutablePOSupport interface. Model class implement this
interface for immutable PO support.
- remove usage of cache for transaction table (rfq, invoice, inventory).
- add getCopy method to some model class to support getting an
updateable copy of PO from the otherwise immutable PO cache.
- the added getCopy method is use to return updateable PO for indirect
PO reference, for e.g MColumn.getAD_Table() and MOrderLine.getProduct.
* IDEMPIERE-4298: remove Bundle-RequiredExecutionEnvironment
when build by tycho value of Bundle-RequiredExecutionEnvironment and jdt need to compatibility
in case we use Bundle-RequiredExecutionEnvironment = 11 then can't build by jdk != 11
so stick on fix value isn't good
eclipse now also support Require-Capability, so don't need Bundle-RequiredExecutionEnvironment anymore
* IDEMPIERE-4298:support update jdk (jdk 12 13 14)
default environment still jdk-11 but you can build for any jdk by below command
export JAVA_HOME=path to jdk
mvn verify -Djdk.version=11
in case on JAVA_HOME is jdk 14 then can set jdk.version for 11, 12, 13, 14 and same for other jdk
at moment java 14 just support on eclipse 2020-03 with install plugin
Java 14 Support for Eclipse 2020-03 (4.15)
* Complete ticket - implement support for XLSX in scheduler, background jobs, jasper reporting, default types
* Synchronize xlsx with xls exporter to use ZK_FOOTER_SERVER_MSG and ZK_FOOTER_SERVER_DATETIME_FORMAT SysConfig
* Excel alerts now export to xlsx instead of xls
1. use latest jdt for support jdk10
2. tycho resolve dependency to javax.activation, javax.xml.bind from jdk, but jdk don't public it.
eclipse resolve by get highest version from com.sun.activation.javax.activation, jaxb-api
so need use Require-Bundle to force tycho choose com.sun.activation.javax.activation
2.1 if keep both import javax.activation and Require-Bundle com.sun.activation.javax.activation with get bellow exception on tycho but org.adempiere.base don't have this issue
[ERROR] /home/hieplq/1Dev/project/native/idempiere-dev-11/org.adempiere.ui.zk/WEB-INF/src/org/adempiere/webui/factory/DefaultFeedbackService.java:[16]
[ERROR] import javax.activation.DataSource;
[ERROR] ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
[ERROR] Access restriction: The type 'DataSource' is not API (restriction on classpath entry '/home/hieplq/.m2/repository/p2/osgi/bundle/com.sun.activation.javax.activation/1.2.0/com.sun.activation.javax.activation-1.2.0.jar')
3. pass --add-exports for org.adempiere.base, install, server and swing
a mavent project convert from plugin have flow default rule
1. maven project prefer setting JRE to Execution environment, so .classpath is updated
2. java class compliment to target/classes/, so build.propertie is updated
3. JDK compliance configuration setting per project (only this option), so .settings/org.eclipse.jdt.core.prefs is created
extra setting about warning done manual to resolved
it happend on bundle use non-standard java package
on org.adempiere.server, old method add accessrules to classpathentry don't work for maven build.
so change to warning method make it consitent with other