* IDEMPIERE-1026 Button on table to create automatically the window
* IDEMPIERE-1026 Button on table to create automatically the window - Fixed script
* IDEMPIERE-1026 Button on table to create automatically the window - Header update
* IDEMPIERE-1026 Button on table to create automatically the window - Follow best practices, no hardcoded IDs, no mixed cache and transaction
* IDEMPIERE-1026 Button on table to create automatically the window - Carlos PR
Starting point is the open source version of Compiere org/compiere/process/PriceListCreate.java
This version adds column M_DiscountSchemaLine.Description and rounding options for Hundred and Thousand
Then added to this version the iDempiere changes related to use correctly the T_Selection with AD_PInstance_ID,
and the changes related to Ticket #1002354: Price List Enhancement - which added Product Costs as an option for getting the initial price
Fixed many wrongly defined columns #resolve IDEMPIERE-4334
Added a fix to DisplayType - running synchronize column in C_Conversion_Rate.C_Currency_ID_To and A_Asset_Split.A_Asset_ID_To was throwing error
* IDEMPIERE-4330 New tables are not logged - requires a server restart
* IDEMPIERE-4330 New tables are not logged - requires a server restart
Add synchronized to isLogged and resetLoggedList as advised by Heng Sin
* IDEMPIERE-4329 Cleanup eclipse warnings
Clean unused imports
* IDEMPIERE-4329 Cleanup eclipse warnings
Clean some additional warnings
Make org.adempiere.base to respect the Warnings/Errors level configuration from workspace
* IDEMPIERE-4329 Cleanup eclipse warnings
One more unused import caused by the previous commit
* IDEMPIERE-1540 Autocomplete for field type "Search"
Implement auto complete for search field
* IDEMPIERE-1540 Autocomplete for field type "Search"
Add support for isAutoComplete flag (default is off).
Add isAutoComplete to AD_UserDef_Field, AD_InfoColumn and
Performance improvement - reduce number of queries for autocomplete and
added some cache.
* IDEMPIERE-1540 Autocomplete for field type "Search"
add constant for auto complete query timeout
use union all to further reduce the number of queries
* IDEMPIERE-4304 Saved Query duplicates if use to save after sharing
* IDEMPIERE-4304 Saved Query duplicates if use to save after sharing - Replaced JDBC call for Query
* IDEMPIERE-3333: Respecting ReportView order by clause when there is no orderby field on print format configured.
* IDEMPIERE-3333: Adding cached method as per peer review comment.
* IDEMPIERE-3333: Refactoring as per feedback from Carlos Ruiz.
* IDEMPIERE-1146 + IDEMPIERE-3234 / Centralized ID not working with native sequence enabled / PROJECT_ID_USE_CENTRALIZED_ID should take priority higher than SYSTEM_NATIVE_SEQUENCE
improve performance not reading MTable and Columns but just a cache
list of tables with EntityType column
Remove deprecation as the method is now capable of managin all cases
* IDEMPIERE-4168 Move Webstore out of core
Change EntityType of webstore table, column, field and menu from 'D' to
* IDEMPIERE-4168 Move Webstore out of core
Generate Model/Interface: filter column by EntityType. Update
AD_UserMail model class.
* IDEMPIERE-4168 Move Webstore out of core
Added optional column entity type filter.