* Implement for Window, Process and Info Window Customization:
* Change to non-updateable the columns that have related children
* Change default to NULL in role, user and language
* Disable the autofilling of name, description and help
* IDEMPIERE-4763 Add IsDefault to AD_StorageProvider and use it when creating a new tenant (FHCA-1165)
* Add column/field AD_StorageProvider.IsDefault
* Includes a minor refactoring of Login.loadDefault to add the ID column to the order by, to make predictable the ID returned when there are more than one record marked as default
* Context variable #AD_StorageProvider_ID is not created
* * Model class modified
* IDEMPIERE-4727 Movement Window: a new line can be created for a movement that is completed.
* IDEMPIERE-4727 Movement Window: a new line can be created for a movement that is completed.
Fix the problem also in model, to cover case when trying to add/modify lines for example via webservices
* IDEMPIERE-4727 Movement Window: a new line can be created for a movement that is completed.
Fix the problem also in model, change approach to use isProcessed instead of isComplete
* IDEMPIERE-3101 implement OAuth2 for mail (gmail, outlook and other mail system)
WIP - initial version working on zk with google apps mail using OAuth2 Authorization Code Flow and Client Type = web application
* Enable imap reading with OAuth2 in RequestEMailProcessor
* Simplify the code - tested plain and OAuth2 can use the same methods
* Add +SCOPE parameter to AddAuthorizationForm according to IDEMPIERE-4713
* Rename the form AddAuthorizationMailForm to AddAuthorizationForm as is now more generic
* Rename migration scripts to make it newer than IDEMPIERE-4713
* Add list of scopes attended by a credential
* Change form to accept other scopes, if no scope parameter is passed, then a list is shown, change the menu to fix the EMail scope
* Add MAuthorizationAccount.refreshAndGetAccessToken
* Add translation for messages
* make call generic oauth, avoid using specific google API
* Tests with microsoft as OAuth2 provider
* Add record for microsoft as provider
* Increase size of tokens
* Define mandatory and secure columns
* Update refresh token when it comes on the refresh call
* Revoke endpoint is optional
* Change the approach to a process instead of a form (WIP)
* Implement servlet to process the OAuth2 code
* Solve context suggestion from hengsin
* Implement the form in an automatic popup approach for running on zkwebui
* i18n - add translations for all messages that are shown to user
* on the form opted for click to avoid the problem with browsers forbidding popups
* clean spaces and tabs on line endings
* avoid logging and copy of the secure columns
* Fix problem reported by @d-ruiz about hidden NPE when SMTP Authentication is disabled
* Add writing to AD_PInstance_Para and AD_PInstance_Log the results of processing the servlet
* Control to avoid using the same authorization URL twice
* IDEMPIERE-4713 Allow definition of context variables to inject on menu and window definition
* * Implement prefix "+" as suggested by @hengsin
* Clear the variable
* * Fix scope of methods and fix interface as suggested by @hengsin
* * Implement changes suggested by @hengsin
* Add control for clicking on new button on Favourites and menu
* IDEMPIERE-4654 Sales Order After Receipt Delivery Rule is not working
create shipment if it is fully paid and stock is available
use currencyconvertpayment
- rename after receipt to after payment
- added unit test for invoice payment
Co-authored-by: Carlos Ruiz <carg67@gmail.com>
* IDEMPIERE-4628 Implement configurable query timeout for info window
* IDEMPIERE-4628 Implement configurable query timeout for info window
Move migration script from i8.2z to i8.2