* Implement for Window, Process and Info Window Customization:
* Change to non-updateable the columns that have related children
* Change default to NULL in role, user and language
* Disable the autofilling of name, description and help
* IDEMPIERE-4488 Remove .classpath from repository
* IDEMPIERE-4488 Remove .classpath from repository
add ignore for .classpath
* IDEMPIERE-4488 Remove .classpath from repository
remove ".settings/org.eclipse.jdt.core.prefs"
* IDEMPIERE-4488 Remove .classpath from repository
fix false status report for /bin and .project
* IDEMPIERE-4251 Constant definition for all Env Context
replace "#Date" with Env.DATE
* IDEMPIERE-4251 Constant definition for all Env Context
replace "#.." with constant at Env
* IDEMPIERE-4251 Constant definition for all Env Context
Merge patch from Carlos
Fix NPE when the field is not present in the window
13:56:08.612===========> CalloutPayment.start: start: amounts [147]
at org.compiere.model.CalloutPayment.amounts(CalloutPayment.java:599)
* IDEMPIERE-4490 Set default Contact/User in SO, Invoice, M_InOut
* Ran modelgenerator again with the new field = null
* IDEMPIERE 4490 - Update the migration scripts to 7.1 and set Bill_User_ID to null
* IDEMPIERE 4490 - Update the migration scripts to 7.1
* Change field name from Invoice Address to Invoice Contact / Ship Address to Ship Contact
* IDEMPIERE-4490 Add logic to CalloutOrder.bpartnerBill
* IDEMPIERE-1604 - Extend features for Window Customization
* change oracle data type
* oracle replace at sign to chr 64
Co-authored-by: Carlos Ruiz <carg67@gmail.com>
* IDEMPIERE-4298: remove Bundle-RequiredExecutionEnvironment
when build by tycho value of Bundle-RequiredExecutionEnvironment and jdt need to compatibility
in case we use Bundle-RequiredExecutionEnvironment = 11 then can't build by jdk != 11
so stick on fix value isn't good
eclipse now also support Require-Capability, so don't need Bundle-RequiredExecutionEnvironment anymore
* IDEMPIERE-4298:support update jdk (jdk 12 13 14)
default environment still jdk-11 but you can build for any jdk by below command
export JAVA_HOME=path to jdk
mvn verify -Djdk.version=11
in case on JAVA_HOME is jdk 14 then can set jdk.version for 11, 12, 13, 14 and same for other jdk
at moment java 14 just support on eclipse 2020-03 with install plugin
Java 14 Support for Eclipse 2020-03 (4.15)