update jetty to 12
update almost library to latest version
change org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.batch to org.eclipse.jdt.core
change javax.management.j2ee-api to org.apache.geronimo.specs.geronimo-j2ee-management_1.1_spec, reduce dependency and correct dependency of activeMQ
javax.activation to com.sun.activation.javax.activation
lib for service will take from library instea of jdk
groovy to date
1) Break to 3 bundle - org.adempiere.webstore, org.adempiere.webstore.resource and org.adempiere.webstore.servlet.
2) org.adempiere.webstore.resource is a fragment that will contribute static resources to the host bundle org.adempiere.webstore
3) Equinox http extension registry replace web.xml for webstore servlet registration. The org.ademiere.webstore.servlet contains the default webstore servlet implementation and is contributed to the org.adempiere.webstore bundle through equinox http registry extension point.