* Preliminary support for automatic model class registration
Model classes can be tagged with a new @Model annotation that allows for
easy/fast class scanning/registration, based on the ClassIndex library.
The list of annotated model classes is generated at compile time, thus
reducing reflection reliance to a bare minimum.
NOTE: Eclipse uses its own Java compiler which is not strictly standard
compliant and requires extra configuration. In Java Compiler ->
Annotation Processing -> Factory Path you need to add ClassIndex jar
* Annotation based model factory
* Improve classloader determination for annotation scanning
ClassIndex default annotation scanning method determines the classloader
to be used by calling Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader(),
which should not be used in an OSGi environment.
* Enable ClassIndex's annotation processor under Eclipse
Make sure annotation processing is enabled at Module Properties -> Java
Compiler -> Annotation Processing
* Refactoring annotation-based model class detection
Eliminated the need of annotating M* classes, by using ClassIndex's
@IndexSubclasses annotation.
* Minor change
* Minor changes
* Creation of AbstractModelFactory
* Documentation
* Make AnnotationBasedModelFactory extend AbstractModelFactory
* IDEMPIERE-4842 Easier model registration
- add annotation processor jdt settings
- fix @Component annotation for AnnotationBasedModelFactory
- fix generated x_* class missing "org.atteo.classindex.IndexSubclasses"
* Expose ClassIndex lib to other bundles
* Updated model classes
Co-authored-by: hengsin <hengsin@gmail.com>
* IDEMPIERE-4749 Allow to use OAuth2 libraries on plugins
- move oauth libraries and dependency to target platform
- require Tycho 2.3.0+ and Eclipse 2021-03+
* IDEMPIERE-4749 Allow to use OAuth2 libraries on plugins
Fix launch configuration.
* IDEMPIERE-3101 implement OAuth2 for mail (gmail, outlook and other mail system)
WIP - initial version working on zk with google apps mail using OAuth2 Authorization Code Flow and Client Type = web application
* Enable imap reading with OAuth2 in RequestEMailProcessor
* Simplify the code - tested plain and OAuth2 can use the same methods
* Add +SCOPE parameter to AddAuthorizationForm according to IDEMPIERE-4713
* Rename the form AddAuthorizationMailForm to AddAuthorizationForm as is now more generic
* Rename migration scripts to make it newer than IDEMPIERE-4713
* Add list of scopes attended by a credential
* Change form to accept other scopes, if no scope parameter is passed, then a list is shown, change the menu to fix the EMail scope
* Add MAuthorizationAccount.refreshAndGetAccessToken
* Add translation for messages
* make call generic oauth, avoid using specific google API
* Tests with microsoft as OAuth2 provider
* Add record for microsoft as provider
* Increase size of tokens
* Define mandatory and secure columns
* Update refresh token when it comes on the refresh call
* Revoke endpoint is optional
* Change the approach to a process instead of a form (WIP)
* Implement servlet to process the OAuth2 code
* Solve context suggestion from hengsin
* Implement the form in an automatic popup approach for running on zkwebui
* i18n - add translations for all messages that are shown to user
* on the form opted for click to avoid the problem with browsers forbidding popups
* clean spaces and tabs on line endings
* avoid logging and copy of the secure columns
* Fix problem reported by @d-ruiz about hidden NPE when SMTP Authentication is disabled
* Add writing to AD_PInstance_Para and AD_PInstance_Log the results of processing the servlet
* Control to avoid using the same authorization URL twice
1007781 Fix barcode text bug
1009003 add QR Code as Barcode Type for Print Formats
1006829 Add "Print Barcode Text" flag to print format item. Fix wrong scaling for barcode image. Fix barcode print format item doesn't respect max height.
IDEMPIERE-3948 Implement QRCode support in report engine
IDEMPIERE-1854 Barcode issue: Code Missing from barcodes in Code 128 B
IDEMPIERE-1838 Adding UPC-A barcode support in print format and adding setting fonts from print format item
1. use latest jdt for support jdk10
2. tycho resolve dependency to javax.activation, javax.xml.bind from jdk, but jdk don't public it.
eclipse resolve by get highest version from com.sun.activation.javax.activation, jaxb-api
so need use Require-Bundle to force tycho choose com.sun.activation.javax.activation
2.1 if keep both import javax.activation and Require-Bundle com.sun.activation.javax.activation with get bellow exception on tycho but org.adempiere.base don't have this issue
[ERROR] /home/hieplq/1Dev/project/native/idempiere-dev-11/org.adempiere.ui.zk/WEB-INF/src/org/adempiere/webui/factory/DefaultFeedbackService.java:[16]
[ERROR] import javax.activation.DataSource;
[ERROR] ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
[ERROR] Access restriction: The type 'DataSource' is not API (restriction on classpath entry '/home/hieplq/.m2/repository/p2/osgi/bundle/com.sun.activation.javax.activation/1.2.0/com.sun.activation.javax.activation-1.2.0.jar')
3. pass --add-exports for org.adempiere.base, install, server and swing
update jetty to 12
update almost library to latest version
change org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.batch to org.eclipse.jdt.core
change javax.management.j2ee-api to org.apache.geronimo.specs.geronimo-j2ee-management_1.1_spec, reduce dependency and correct dependency of activeMQ
javax.activation to com.sun.activation.javax.activation
lib for service will take from library instea of jdk
groovy to date