* IDEMPIERE-4577 Problem creating an invoice vendor negative after the shipment
* IDEMPIERE-4577 Problem creating an invoice vendor negative after the shipment
Add unit test
* IDEMPIERE-4567 Resetting payment allocation to a charge leaves wrong BP Balance
MAllocationHdr.updateBP was broken, the form Payment Allocation worked just because it was calling bpartner.setTotalOpenBalance() at the end
so, I refactored the MAllocationHdr.updateBP and before/afterDelete to call bpartner.setTotalOpenBalance instead if the broken algorithm
Unit test added for allocating and deleting a customer invoice, a vendor invoice, and a charge
* IDEMPIERE-4567 Resetting payment allocation to a charge leaves wrong BP Balance
- Fix peer review changes requested by @hengsin
- Detected double call to bpartner.setTotalOpenBalance in WAllocation
- Detected some business partners in GardenWorld with wrong TotalOpenBalance or SO_CreditUsed, added migration script to fix it, it made more complicate to write unit tests as the data was wrong
* IDEMPIERE-4492 update jetty to 9.4.33.v20201020 update atmosphere to 2.5.15
* IDEMPIERE-4492 update jetty to 9.4.33.v20201020 (update configuration)
update to default jetty configuration
delete unused configuration (alpn, http2,..)
* IDEMPIERE-4492 update orbit eclipse repository to 4.17
* IDEMPIERE-4492 update orbit eclipse repository to 4.17 (on parent pom)
* IDEMPIERE-4492 update jasper to 6.15.0
* IDEMPIERE-4492 update jasper to 6.15.0 (IDEMPIERE-4504)
get rid of bundle "org.w3c.dom.events version 3.0.0" by use old version of org.w3c.dom.smil
note: on target platform a bundle has multi version then tycho can pickup correct version define on feature (tab included plugins, field version)
but on eclipse when sync launching from .product it don't respect that value, always set highest version to bundle
workaround: on target platform manual un-select bundle org.w3c.dom.smil 1.0.1
* IDEMPIERE-4492 update atmosphere to 2.6.4
* IDEMPIERE-4492 refine target platform
use targetplatform-dsl to generate target platform https://github.com/eclipse-cbi/targetplatform-dsl
+ don't need to care update bundle version when update repository
+ at moment org.idempiere.eclipse.platform-feature include some feature form eclipse repository
so target has to include that feature so target platform will include all bundler request by feature and bundle request by plugins of that feature and so on (ever optional
so it make target content has more plugins than what we use on project
next step will convert include feature to include plugins to define only what we used
* IDEMPIERE-4492 refine target platform (continue)
don't include framework feature, use include plugins to void load transitive dependency so minimize target flatform
remove some unused feature from idempiere product
* IDEMPIERE-4492 update c3p0 and database jdbc (patch from Carlos)
* IDEMPIERE-4492 improve target platform (continue)
provide test bundle require to repository for use on offline
remove some unused bundle
also fix for IDEMPIERE-4475
* IDEMPIERE-4492 improve target platform (continue IDEMPIERE-4475)
add launch for unittest
add more require bundle for unit test
* IDEMPIERE-4492 fix for rest api
* IDEMPIERE-4492 fix for rest api
* IDEMPIERE-4516 InvoiceCustomerTest show NPE at console
add NPE check
* IDEMPIERE-4516 InvoiceCustomerTest show NPE at console
- add way to defer the immediate posting of doc that's means to be
posted in the processing of docpostprocess of the source document.
- add severe log check to InvoiceCustomerTest
- DocumentEngine should skip Doc from DocPostProcess that have been
* IDEMPIERE-4492 update jetty to 9.4.33.v20201020 update atmosphere to 2.5.15
* IDEMPIERE-4492 update jetty to 9.4.33.v20201020 (update configuration)
update to default jetty configuration
delete unused configuration (alpn, http2,..)
* IDEMPIERE-4492 update orbit eclipse repository to 4.17
* IDEMPIERE-4492 update orbit eclipse repository to 4.17 (on parent pom)
* IDEMPIERE-4492 update jasper to 6.15.0
* IDEMPIERE-4492 update jasper to 6.15.0 (IDEMPIERE-4504)
get rid of bundle "org.w3c.dom.events version 3.0.0" by use old version of org.w3c.dom.smil
note: on target platform a bundle has multi version then tycho can pickup correct version define on feature (tab included plugins, field version)
but on eclipse when sync launching from .product it don't respect that value, always set highest version to bundle
workaround: on target platform manual un-select bundle org.w3c.dom.smil 1.0.1
* IDEMPIERE-4492 update atmosphere to 2.6.4
* IDEMPIERE-4492 refine target platform
use targetplatform-dsl to generate target platform https://github.com/eclipse-cbi/targetplatform-dsl
+ don't need to care update bundle version when update repository
+ at moment org.idempiere.eclipse.platform-feature include some feature form eclipse repository
so target has to include that feature so target platform will include all bundler request by feature and bundle request by plugins of that feature and so on (ever optional
so it make target content has more plugins than what we use on project
next step will convert include feature to include plugins to define only what we used
* IDEMPIERE-4492 refine target platform (continue)
don't include framework feature, use include plugins to void load transitive dependency so minimize target flatform
remove some unused feature from idempiere product
* IDEMPIERE-4492 update c3p0 and database jdbc (patch from Carlos)
* IDEMPIERE-4492 improve target platform (continue)
provide test bundle require to repository for use on offline
remove some unused bundle
also fix for IDEMPIERE-4475
* IDEMPIERE-4492 improve target platform (continue IDEMPIERE-4475)
add launch for unittest
add more require bundle for unit test
* IDEMPIERE-4492 update jetty to 9.4.33.v20201020 update atmosphere to 2.5.15
* IDEMPIERE-4492 update jetty to 9.4.33.v20201020 (update configuration)
update to default jetty configuration
delete unused configuration (alpn, http2,..)
* IDEMPIERE-4492 update orbit eclipse repository to 4.17
* IDEMPIERE-4492 update orbit eclipse repository to 4.17 (on parent pom)
* IDEMPIERE-4492 update jasper to 6.15.0
* IDEMPIERE-4492 update jasper to 6.15.0 (IDEMPIERE-4504)
get rid of bundle "org.w3c.dom.events version 3.0.0" by use old version of org.w3c.dom.smil
note: on target platform a bundle has multi version then tycho can pickup correct version define on feature (tab included plugins, field version)
but on eclipse when sync launching from .product it don't respect that value, always set highest version to bundle
workaround: on target platform manual un-select bundle org.w3c.dom.smil 1.0.1
* IDEMPIERE-4492 update atmosphere to 2.6.4
* IDEMPIERE-4492 refine target platform
use targetplatform-dsl to generate target platform https://github.com/eclipse-cbi/targetplatform-dsl
+ don't need to care update bundle version when update repository
+ at moment org.idempiere.eclipse.platform-feature include some feature form eclipse repository
so target has to include that feature so target platform will include all bundler request by feature and bundle request by plugins of that feature and so on (ever optional
so it make target content has more plugins than what we use on project
next step will convert include feature to include plugins to define only what we used
* IDEMPIERE-4492 refine target platform (continue)
don't include framework feature, use include plugins to void load transitive dependency so minimize target flatform
remove some unused feature from idempiere product
* IDEMPIERE-4492 update c3p0 and database jdbc (patch from Carlos)
* IDEMPIERE-4498 Performance: add cache for osgi services factory
add cache for tableName -> IModelFactory
* IDEMPIERE-4498 Performance: add cache for osgi services factory
implement cache for the discovery of osgi services
* IDEMPIERE-4498 Performance: add cache for osgi services factory
added unit test
* IDEMPIERE-4128 Matched invoice posting with wrong precision based on transaction currency instead of schema currency
* IDEMPIERE-4128 Matched invoice posting with wrong precision based on transaction currency instead of schema currency - Added MatchInvTest.testMatReceiptPostingWithDiffCurrencyPrecision test case
* IDEMPIERE-4287 Cache API not thread safe and inconsistent with Context
add support to make PO immutable
* IDEMPIERE-4287 Cache API not thread safe and inconsistent with Context
- added thread safe Immutable and Copy cache implementation for PO.
- migrate most of PO cache to immutable and copy cache.
- added pos sales order test.
* IDEMPIERE-4287 Cache API not thread safe and inconsistent with Context
- add test case for initial client setup and bank statement
- fix error for image editor, location editor, locator editor, initial
client setup, complete bank statement and migrate storage provider.
* IDEMPIERE-4287 Cache API not thread safe and inconsistent with Context
- added ImmutablePOSupport interface. Model class implement this
interface for immutable PO support.
- remove usage of cache for transaction table (rfq, invoice, inventory).
- add getCopy method to some model class to support getting an
updateable copy of PO from the otherwise immutable PO cache.
- the added getCopy method is use to return updateable PO for indirect
PO reference, for e.g MColumn.getAD_Table() and MOrderLine.getProduct.
* IDEMPIERE-4173 Wrong GL postings for matched invoice in RMA/Vendor Return/Credit Memo
* IDEMPIERE-4173 Wrong GL postings for matched invoice in RMA/Vendor Return/Credit Memo - Added test case
* IDEMPIERE-4406 Performance: PO Cache should not always reset all entries after update of one record
PO update - reset cache by record id
* IDEMPIERE-4406 Performance: PO Cache should not always reset all entries after update of one record
refine unit test
* IDEMPIERE-4406 Performance: PO Cache should not always reset all entries after update of one record
add cache reset fix for delete
* IDEMPIERE-4406 Performance: PO Cache should not always reset all entries after update of one record
Fix exception when cache is empty
Expose hidden cache reset exception
* IDEMPIERE-4389 Implement Copy Constructor support for PO
Implement PO support for copy constructor
* IDEMPIERE-4389 Implement Copy Constructor support for PO
deprecate clone
replace clone with copy constructor
* IDEMPIERE-4389 Implement Copy Constructor support for PO
add unit test for MPrintFormat copy constructor
* IDEMPIERE-4389 Implement Copy Constructor support for PO
fix wrong import
add native postgresql unit test for GenericPaymentExport
remove unnecessary static and fix sql exception doesn't stop the export
replace Oracle (+) with standard sql outer joint
* IDEMPIERE-4298: remove Bundle-RequiredExecutionEnvironment
when build by tycho value of Bundle-RequiredExecutionEnvironment and jdt need to compatibility
in case we use Bundle-RequiredExecutionEnvironment = 11 then can't build by jdk != 11
so stick on fix value isn't good
eclipse now also support Require-Capability, so don't need Bundle-RequiredExecutionEnvironment anymore
* IDEMPIERE-4298:support update jdk (jdk 12 13 14)
default environment still jdk-11 but you can build for any jdk by below command
export JAVA_HOME=path to jdk
mvn verify -Djdk.version=11
in case on JAVA_HOME is jdk 14 then can set jdk.version for 11, 12, 13, 14 and same for other jdk
at moment java 14 just support on eclipse 2020-03 with install plugin
Java 14 Support for Eclipse 2020-03 (4.15)
* IDEMPIERE-2698 Performance: Report checking for zoom condition on database - must be cached
Add unit testing
* IDEMPIERE-2699 Performance: Constant visits to database for MTable not cached
Should usually access from tenant instead system client.