* IDEMPIERE-5915 Generate Invoices (manual) > RMA => AR Credit Memo created with system date instead of "Date Invoiced"
* IDEMPIERE-5915 Generate Invoices (manual) > RMA => AR Credit Memo created with system date instead of "Date Invoiced"
* IDEMPIERE-5408 Allow or enforce login with specific tenant (FHCA-3823)
- Add column AD_Client.LoginPrefix
* - Implement logic to manage login prefix
* - Rename methods as suggested by Heng Sin
* IDEMPIERE-5408 Allow or enforce login with specific tenant (FHCA-3823)
For security reasons is better to ask for MFA before showing additional information from the user.
Refactoring the panels to show the MFA panel as soon as the tenant is defined.
* - Add uniqueness validations on tenant creation
* - Fix the Forgot My Password functionality
* - Fix the Change Expired Password functionality
* - minor javadoc improvement
- remove a redundant comment, the method is already mark as deprecated
Co-authored-by: hengsin <hengsin@gmail.com>
* iIDEMPIERE-4214 Javadoc: correct warnings on newest java version / fix problem to generate javadoc again
* IDEMPIERE-4214 Javadoc: correct warnings on newest java version / Fix javadoc warnings
* IDEMPIERE-4251 Constant definition for all Env Context
replace "#Date" with Env.DATE
* IDEMPIERE-4251 Constant definition for all Env Context
replace "#.." with constant at Env
* IDEMPIERE-4251 Constant definition for all Env Context
Merge patch from Carlos
* IDEMPIERE-4287 Cache API not thread safe and inconsistent with Context
add support to make PO immutable
* IDEMPIERE-4287 Cache API not thread safe and inconsistent with Context
- added thread safe Immutable and Copy cache implementation for PO.
- migrate most of PO cache to immutable and copy cache.
- added pos sales order test.
* IDEMPIERE-4287 Cache API not thread safe and inconsistent with Context
- add test case for initial client setup and bank statement
- fix error for image editor, location editor, locator editor, initial
client setup, complete bank statement and migrate storage provider.
* IDEMPIERE-4287 Cache API not thread safe and inconsistent with Context
- added ImmutablePOSupport interface. Model class implement this
interface for immutable PO support.
- remove usage of cache for transaction table (rfq, invoice, inventory).
- add getCopy method to some model class to support getting an
updateable copy of PO from the otherwise immutable PO cache.
- the added getCopy method is use to return updateable PO for indirect
PO reference, for e.g MColumn.getAD_Table() and MOrderLine.getProduct.