* IDEMPIERE-4781 : Dashboard / Report : use @SQL= syntax
* IDEMPIERE-4781 : Dashboard / Report - be able to use Range parameters
* IDEMPIERE-4781 : Dashboard Content as Advanced
* Update DashboardController.java
Implement partial solution for IDEMPIERE-4779
Fix issue with Timestamp not working for IDEMPIERE-4781
it was throwing:
12:58:07.928-----------> DashboardController.render: Failed to create dashboard content [358]
java.lang.NumberFormatException: Error at index 6 in: "474671+02"
at java.base/java.lang.NumberFormatException.forCharSequence(NumberFormatException.java:81)
at java.base/java.lang.Integer.parseInt(Integer.java:735)
at java.sql/java.sql.Timestamp.valueOf(Timestamp.java:239)
at org.adempiere.webui.desktop.DashboardController.fillParameter(DashboardController.java:974)
Co-authored-by: Carlos Ruiz <carg67@gmail.com>
* IDEMPIERE-4763 Add IsDefault to AD_StorageProvider and use it when creating a new tenant (FHCA-1165)
* Add column/field AD_StorageProvider.IsDefault
* Includes a minor refactoring of Login.loadDefault to add the ID column to the order by, to make predictable the ID returned when there are more than one record marked as default
* Context variable #AD_StorageProvider_ID is not created
* * Model class modified
* IDEMPIERE-4755 Change data access level of Report View to System+Client
* IDEMPIERE-4755 Change data access level of Report View to System+Client
* mark table Report View as Advanced
* disable filds classname and args
* IDEMPIERE-4727 Movement Window: a new line can be created for a movement that is completed.
* IDEMPIERE-4727 Movement Window: a new line can be created for a movement that is completed.
Fix the problem also in model, to cover case when trying to add/modify lines for example via webservices
* IDEMPIERE-4727 Movement Window: a new line can be created for a movement that is completed.
Fix the problem also in model, change approach to use isProcessed instead of isComplete
* IDEMPIERE-3101 implement OAuth2 for mail (gmail, outlook and other mail system)
WIP - initial version working on zk with google apps mail using OAuth2 Authorization Code Flow and Client Type = web application
* Enable imap reading with OAuth2 in RequestEMailProcessor
* Simplify the code - tested plain and OAuth2 can use the same methods
* Add +SCOPE parameter to AddAuthorizationForm according to IDEMPIERE-4713
* Rename the form AddAuthorizationMailForm to AddAuthorizationForm as is now more generic
* Rename migration scripts to make it newer than IDEMPIERE-4713
* Add list of scopes attended by a credential
* Change form to accept other scopes, if no scope parameter is passed, then a list is shown, change the menu to fix the EMail scope
* Add MAuthorizationAccount.refreshAndGetAccessToken
* Add translation for messages
* make call generic oauth, avoid using specific google API
* Tests with microsoft as OAuth2 provider
* Add record for microsoft as provider
* Increase size of tokens
* Define mandatory and secure columns
* Update refresh token when it comes on the refresh call
* Revoke endpoint is optional
* Change the approach to a process instead of a form (WIP)
* Implement servlet to process the OAuth2 code
* Solve context suggestion from hengsin
* Implement the form in an automatic popup approach for running on zkwebui
* i18n - add translations for all messages that are shown to user
* on the form opted for click to avoid the problem with browsers forbidding popups
* clean spaces and tabs on line endings
* avoid logging and copy of the secure columns
* Fix problem reported by @d-ruiz about hidden NPE when SMTP Authentication is disabled
* Add writing to AD_PInstance_Para and AD_PInstance_Log the results of processing the servlet
* Control to avoid using the same authorization URL twice
* IDEMPIERE-4488 Remove .classpath from repository
* IDEMPIERE-4488 Remove .classpath from repository
add ignore for .classpath
* IDEMPIERE-4488 Remove .classpath from repository
remove ".settings/org.eclipse.jdt.core.prefs"
* IDEMPIERE-4488 Remove .classpath from repository
fix false status report for /bin and .project
* IDEMPIERE-4713 Allow definition of context variables to inject on menu and window definition
* * Implement prefix "+" as suggested by @hengsin
* Clear the variable
* * Fix scope of methods and fix interface as suggested by @hengsin
* * Implement changes suggested by @hengsin
* Add control for clicking on new button on Favourites and menu
* group1 and group2 also added to i_product
* Models generated for m_product and i_product, creating m_product from i_product extended with new fields.
* Login Automatic Open Sequence -> buttons don't require names
* Login Automatic Open Sequence -> buttons look bad with non-font icons
* Clicking on + on an item of the favourites throws an NPE
* Implement same approach about checking for new button restricted on menu search, menu popup and quick entry popup
* IDEMPIERE-3340 : User favorite with tree structure
* IDEMPIERE-3340: Marking write operation to safe for cross tenant safe
* IDEMPIERE-3340: Fixing Cross tenant access issue
* IDEMPIERE-3340: refactoring as review comment, Fixing renaming folder issue, Auto launch window shows all items irrespective of access
* Sync with IDEMPIERE-4251
* Sync with IDEMPIERE-4251
* IDEMPIERE-3340: Refactoring as review comment for caching,
toolbar button restriction method with ID, tooltip messages, font base theme,
remove double click event, etc.
Co-authored-by: Carlos Ruiz <carg67@gmail.com>
* IDEMPIERE-4654 Sales Order After Receipt Delivery Rule is not working
create shipment if it is fully paid and stock is available
use currencyconvertpayment
- rename after receipt to after payment
- added unit test for invoice payment
Co-authored-by: Carlos Ruiz <carg67@gmail.com>
* IDEMPIERE-4628 Implement configurable query timeout for info window
* IDEMPIERE-4628 Implement configurable query timeout for info window
Move migration script from i8.2z to i8.2
* IDEMPIERE-4616 : Lead : add IsVendorLead
* IDEMPIERE-4616 : Lead : add IsVendorLead
Fix description for Lead window
Add Display Logic for Opportunity parameters (now hidden if no opportunity)
Set BPartner.IsCustomer/IsVendor according to Lead.IsSales/VendorLead
* IDEMPIERE-4616 : Lead : add IsVendorLead
Move scripts from 8.2 to 8.2z
* IDEMPIERE-4297 Improve test data
Add new document types in Garden World:
- Warehouse Purchase Order -> creates and matches automatically material receipt
- Point of Purchase Order -> creates and matches automatically material receipt, invoice, it also creates a payment and allocation when payment rule is Cash
* Fix IsDefault=N
* IDEMPIERE-4567 Resetting payment allocation to a charge leaves wrong BP Balance
MAllocationHdr.updateBP was broken, the form Payment Allocation worked just because it was calling bpartner.setTotalOpenBalance() at the end
so, I refactored the MAllocationHdr.updateBP and before/afterDelete to call bpartner.setTotalOpenBalance instead if the broken algorithm
Unit test added for allocating and deleting a customer invoice, a vendor invoice, and a charge
* IDEMPIERE-4567 Resetting payment allocation to a charge leaves wrong BP Balance
- Fix peer review changes requested by @hengsin
- Detected double call to bpartner.setTotalOpenBalance in WAllocation
- Detected some business partners in GardenWorld with wrong TotalOpenBalance or SO_CreditUsed, added migration script to fix it, it made more complicate to write unit tests as the data was wrong
- Deprecate zk form WTranslationDialog and controller TranslationController
- Move the logic to a java process org.idempiere.process.TranslationImpExp
- As a process works in mobile, can be called via webservices, tested with fitnesse, etc
- Importing leaves a better and readable log of each file processed
- Importing/Exporting gives feedback to the user about the file being processed
Side note:
- To standardize the menu - renamed the "Initial Client Setup Process" to "Initial Client Setup"
Improvements over the previous form:
- can process the files from the zip in root folder, or in internal folder with the name of the language
- can process a URL http/https to download the zip file
- fix the PO is immutable errors
- forbid that system nodes are changed by non-system users
- system nodes are shown in gray
- reorganize layout of system workflows in editor
- make the nodes smaller
- fix the layout problem of name and properties dialogs