* IDEMPIERE-4322 Sort tab does not support virtual column identifier and identifiers with different data type
add support for virtual column identifier
concat multiple identifier instead of taking the first not null value
* IDEMPIERE-4322 Sort tab does not support virtual column identifier and identifiers with different data type
Change to use DB.TO_CHAR.
Other condition (parent, key etc) shouldn't exclude IsIdentifier since
the UI allows it.
* IDEMPIERE-4374 CSS Field Style not working for WSearchEditor
fix css field style not working for WSearchEditor
* IDEMPIERE-4374 CSS Field Style not working for WSearchEditor
fix css
* IDEMPIERE-4372 Performance: only add log record and sql statement to context if trace/debug level <= debug/info
Minor clean up and thread safe fix for CLogErrorBuffer and MIssue
Only add LogRecord and SQL to context if TraceLevel is <= INFO
* IDEMPIERE-4372 Performance: only add log record and sql statement to context if trace/debug level <= debug/info
add back DB.isConnected check
remove redundant CLogErrorBuffer call from DB.isConnected
more fine grained synchronization
* IDEMPIERE-4329 Cleanup eclipse warnings
Clean unused imports
* IDEMPIERE-4329 Cleanup eclipse warnings
Clean some additional warnings
Make org.adempiere.base to respect the Warnings/Errors level configuration from workspace
* IDEMPIERE-4329 Cleanup eclipse warnings
One more unused import caused by the previous commit
Revert SC_NO_Content for error bad to SC_BAD_REQUEST so that the failure
count at client side will work.
Add session timeout/notfound checking at client side.
* IDEMPIERE-1540 Autocomplete for field type "Search"
Implement auto complete for search field
* IDEMPIERE-1540 Autocomplete for field type "Search"
Add support for isAutoComplete flag (default is off).
Add isAutoComplete to AD_UserDef_Field, AD_InfoColumn and
Performance improvement - reduce number of queries for autocomplete and
added some cache.
* IDEMPIERE-1540 Autocomplete for field type "Search"
add constant for auto complete query timeout
use union all to further reduce the number of queries
* IDEMPIERE-4304 Saved Query duplicates if use to save after sharing
* IDEMPIERE-4304 Saved Query duplicates if use to save after sharing - Replaced JDBC call for Query
* IDEMPIERE-4298: remove Bundle-RequiredExecutionEnvironment
when build by tycho value of Bundle-RequiredExecutionEnvironment and jdt need to compatibility
in case we use Bundle-RequiredExecutionEnvironment = 11 then can't build by jdk != 11
so stick on fix value isn't good
eclipse now also support Require-Capability, so don't need Bundle-RequiredExecutionEnvironment anymore
* IDEMPIERE-4298:support update jdk (jdk 12 13 14)
default environment still jdk-11 but you can build for any jdk by below command
export JAVA_HOME=path to jdk
mvn verify -Djdk.version=11
in case on JAVA_HOME is jdk 14 then can set jdk.version for 11, 12, 13, 14 and same for other jdk
at moment java 14 just support on eclipse 2020-03 with install plugin
Java 14 Support for Eclipse 2020-03 (4.15)
* IDEMPIERE-1035 hard to find exceptions when using restrictive rights - Improve not access to workflow message
* IDEMPIERE-1035 hard to find exceptions when using restrictive rights - Improve not access to workflow message