- fix the PO is immutable errors
- forbid that system nodes are changed by non-system users
- system nodes are shown in gray
- reorganize layout of system workflows in editor
- make the nodes smaller
- fix the layout problem of name and properties dialogs
Found issue in _Bank/Cash Statement_ window, button _Create lines from_ is creating all lines (payments and receipts) positive, the correct behavior must be to create the receipts positive and payments negative.
To fix this:
* the function currencyConvertPayment was modified to use C_Payment_V instead of C_Payment
* the columns currencyrate, convertedamt and isoverridecurrencyrate were added to the view C_Payment_V
* the definition of the view C_Payment_V was moved from script to dictionary (easier to add new columns in future)
* IDEMPIERE-1117 Attachment -> Disable preview over certain size
Add message Preview
* IDEMPIERE-1117 Attachment -> Disable preview over certain size
Move to correct folder