Fixed the issue with 8078
New Functionality
1.- When you create a new client the Material, Resource, Burden , Overhead , Outside Processing Cost Elements are created, The reason this that ADempiere now only support to material for Standard Cost vut with Manufacturing Cost management is necessary implement the Resource, Burden , Overhead , Outside Processing Cost Elements
2.- When you create new product the MCost record is create for each cost element the same way that when you create a new client and the standard product is created
3.- The refactor and created the method for delete MCost record the same way that was created
4.- New method in MCostElemnt for manufacturing account
5.- Rename some method with best name getMaterialWithMethodCosting
6.- The MAcctSchema was fixed
So the now ADempiere work the same work the same way to create product that when you create a new client.
- migrate to ejb3.
- upgrade jboss to 4.2.3.
- added glassfish support. tested on glassfish v2u2
- drop the tomcat-only deployment task that is not working, need jee server instead of just a servlet runtime.