Thorough review of the BOM verification process:
1 - changed the three BOMprice functions to not take into account unverified BOMs
2 - fixed four BOMQty functions to point to correct BOM structures
3 - dropped from DB unused BOMQty*ASI functions and deprecated class
4 - Verify BOMs process inactivated (pointing to unused structures)
5 - set default and displaylogic for process parameters of Verify BOM Structure
6 - set product verified flag as readonly to allow modification just via process verify BOM
7 - BOM products are marked as not verified when lines are changed or last line deleted
- view replacement for M_Storage – ad_table marked as view
- migration script from M_Storage to the two new tables
- migration script to fill M_Warehouse.ReserveLocator_ID
- generate UUID columns and model classes for the two new tables
- the unique index key m_storagereservation_pkey must have IsSOTrx
- reorg unique index key m_storagereonhand_pkey - most accessed columns first
- m_product_stock_v - restored to previous version based on M_Storage now view
- m_product_substituterelated_v - restored to previous version based on M_Storage now view
- Expose AD_Window_UU, AD_Tab_UU, AD_Table_UU and IsSortTab as part of the _TabInfo. This allow display logic of button to target specific tab or table that is not using official id.
- Added AD_Column.IsToolbarButton to support column button as part of toolbar instead of as field.
- Added API to support dialog implementation of AD_Form.
This has suffered lot of modifications after the last commit in trunk:
svn revisions: 12968, 13190, 13206, 13208, 14172, 14175, 14200, 14201
hg changesets: 6356, 6360, 6361, 6362, 6394, 6395, 6396, 6397
It requires proper functional review and analysis of collaterals
We better revert from here and integrate later when it's more stable and we have proper description and QA over these new processes.
This is a slightly large commit affecting the core functionality of shipments
so I'm happy for all eyeballs I can get on this code. I've tested as thorough
one person can do.
If there are no undiscovered bugs this doesn't change current functionality unless
you change the new setting of "Delivery Policy" available on Client Info and
Organization Info.
See also
Link to SF Tracker: