1007781 Fix barcode text bug
1009003 add QR Code as Barcode Type for Print Formats
1006829 Add "Print Barcode Text" flag to print format item. Fix wrong scaling for barcode image. Fix barcode print format item doesn't respect max height.
IDEMPIERE-3948 Implement QRCode support in report engine
IDEMPIERE-1854 Barcode issue: Code Missing from barcodes in Code 128 B
IDEMPIERE-1838 Adding UPC-A barcode support in print format and adding setting fonts from print format item
a mavent project convert from plugin have flow default rule
1. maven project prefer setting JRE to Execution environment, so .classpath is updated
2. java class compliment to target/classes/, so build.propertie is updated
3. JDK compliance configuration setting per project (only this option), so .settings/org.eclipse.jdt.core.prefs is created
extra setting about warning done manual to resolved
it happend on bundle use non-standard java package
on org.adempiere.server, old method add accessrules to classpathentry don't work for maven build.
so change to warning method make it consitent with other
pending to correct dependency of org.compiere.db.oracle.provider org.compiere.db.postgresql.provider
to org.jfree.io
it better use common from apache or create new one
setting classpath of jre to workspace default jre. other some time we encounter bellow error with project have faceted like org.adempiere.base
Access restriction: The constructor 'Some class' is not API (restriction on required library '/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64/jre/lib/rt.jar') Some class.java
Thanks to Juliana Corredor for the research and integration
Peer reviewed and tested by Carlos Ruiz (initial version, still pending tests)
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