Heng Sin Low
IDEMPIERE-2245 Platform Upgrade for r3.
2014-10-13 11:05:19 +08:00 |
Heng Sin Low
IDEMPIERE-1635 Upgrade to zk7. Update platform to Gemini Web 2.2.2, Tomcat 7.0.35 and Eclipse 4.3 ( Kepler ).
2014-04-03 01:31:20 +08:00 |
Heng Sin Low
IDEMPIERE-833 Felix web console is missing the metatype service dependency
2013-04-05 09:52:05 +08:00 |
Heng Sin Low
IDEMPIERE-748 error while print jasper report when using table component in ireport 4.6.0
IDEMPIERE-807 Jasper report not working when adding barcode
2013-04-01 16:27:24 +08:00 |
Heng Sin Low
IDEMPIERE-546 Integrate Apache Felix Web Console. Accessible at osgi/system/console using the administrator login.
2013-01-11 11:49:46 +08:00 |
Heng Sin Low
IDEMPIERE-92 - Integrate Selenium. Implemented selenium and fitnesse integration using FitLibrary and FitLibraryWeb. Added FitLibrary and FitLibraryWeb documentation to fitnesse root. Added 2 example fitnesse test for zk.
2012-12-13 03:35:08 +08:00 |