Heng Sin Low
Use "user.dir" as the default adempiere home folder when running on server.
2010-10-26 19:05:14 +08:00
Heng Sin Low
Don't continue platform startup if Adempiere.properties file is missing.
2010-10-26 19:04:04 +08:00
Heng Sin Low
Fixed multi lingual reporting issue
2010-10-26 19:03:16 +08:00
Heng Sin Low
LanguageMaintenance process should be in the process module instead of the swing client module.
2010-10-26 18:59:23 +08:00
Heng Sin Low
Don't continue platform startup if Adempiere.properties file is missing.
2010-10-26 18:58:04 +08:00
Heng Sin Low
LoginPanel should display only supported language.
2010-10-26 18:57:21 +08:00
Heng Sin Low
2010-10-23 08:32:19 +08:00
Heng Sin Low
Reorganize product definition for server and client.
2010-10-22 15:50:25 +08:00
Heng Sin Low
clean up un-used project folder
2010-10-22 14:41:08 +08:00
Heng Sin Low
refactoring and clean up
2010-10-22 11:17:34 +08:00
Heng Sin Low
refactoring and clean up
2010-10-22 11:08:26 +08:00
Heng Sin Low
Ported chat window from swing UI.
2010-10-22 10:30:19 +08:00
Heng Sin Low
Updated swing client product configuration.
2010-10-22 10:29:44 +08:00
Heng Sin Low
Feature project for Adempiere target platform
2010-10-22 10:28:30 +08:00
Heng Sin Low
Added feature project for Adempiere development sdk
2010-10-22 10:27:49 +08:00
Heng Sin Low
Added feature project for gemini web and dependency.
2010-10-22 10:27:13 +08:00
Heng Sin Low
Added feature project for external bundle dependency.
2010-10-22 10:26:28 +08:00
Heng Sin Low
New target platform project with gemini web 1.0.0.RC1 and resolve equinox and p2 bundle from helios update site.
2010-10-14 19:43:01 +08:00
Heng Sin Low
Remove ui.swing dependency. Added a text/console setup UI.
2010-10-02 18:01:27 +08:00
Heng Sin Low
Remove file that's no longer used in the osgi environment.
2010-10-02 17:59:52 +08:00
Heng Sin Low
Remove obsolete update-configurator plugin from feature.
2010-10-02 17:59:14 +08:00
Heng Sin Low
Refactoring to make project and folder name the same as the bundle symbolic name. Migrate to use eclipse feature and product configuration ( build is broken, to fix later )
2010-09-29 15:25:34 +08:00
Heng Sin Low
remove ejb interface that's no longer use.
2010-09-22 18:48:59 +08:00
Heng Sin Low
Migrated Server and Status client interface to equinox extension.
2010-09-21 12:57:09 +08:00
Heng Sin Low
added tomcat development configuration template with ssl connector enabled.
2010-09-21 12:51:53 +08:00
Heng Sin Low
Implemented restlet base remote Server and Status service for swing client using ssl and http basic authentication.
2010-09-21 12:44:58 +08:00
Heng Sin Low
Migrated Server and Status client interface to equinox extension.
2010-09-21 11:38:44 +08:00
Heng Sin Low
added restlet bundle to build a web base replacement of the Server and Status ejb bean.
2010-09-21 10:56:30 +08:00
Heng Sin Low
better IE8 support.
2010-09-13 23:43:47 +08:00
Heng Sin Low
Fixed a field editor focus bug, better column width for "Line" column and better IE8 support.
2010-09-13 23:42:34 +08:00
Heng Sin Low
added missing AdempiereDatabase extension declaration.
2010-09-04 10:12:48 +08:00
Heng Sin Low
minor - fixed wrong text and build message in build.xml
2010-08-24 04:18:51 +08:00
Heng Sin Low
added ignore rule for new bundle project
2010-08-23 19:30:09 +08:00
Heng Sin Low
migrate oracle and postgresql provider to be equinox extension based.
2010-08-23 19:27:28 +08:00
Heng Sin Low
added equinox declarative service support.
2010-08-23 13:27:58 +08:00
Heng Sin Low
migrate ReportViewerProvider and JRViewerProvider to equinox extension.
2010-08-23 13:26:55 +08:00
Heng Sin Low
updated ignore rules for workspace
2010-08-20 16:13:08 +08:00
Heng Sin Low
pipo is move from /plugins/pipo to /pipo due to ant4eclipse have problem building the bundle using the /plugins/pipo layout
2010-08-20 16:08:06 +08:00
Heng Sin Low
1) http://kenai.com/jira/browse/HENGSIN-6 , RUN_setup.sh failure
Use the static method getLogger instead of using a static logger variable. The logger is created as needed inside the getLogger method.
2)http://kenai.com/jira/browse/HENGSIN-3 , properties file wrongly created
Patch accepted.
3) http://kenai.com/jira/browse/HENGSIN-4 , Cannot connect to http://localhost:8080/admin/adempiereMonitor
Always set default level for root logger in CLogMgt initialization.
4) http://kenai.com/jira/browse/HENGSIN-5 , Build fails by default requiring directory lib/plugins
Modify utils_dev/build.xml to ensure the existence of the lib/plugins folder.
5) Module refactoring
* Remove client bundle dependency from the zkwebui bundle. Common UI code of the 2 bundle is moved into the new uibase bundle.
* Remove client bundle dependency from server side bundle. The swing specific jasper report code is moved into the new JasperReportsClient bundle.
* Move most swing code that is still in the base bundle into the client bundle. Many swing client specific code in Env.java (base bundle) is move into the AEnv.java (client bundle).
* Default handlers for 2Pack is moved into the new pipoHandlers bundle. All loading of 2pack handler is now done using the equinox extension mechanism.
6) Extension point
* Added process, form and modelvalidator extension point base on the existing work done by Jorg Viola in the osgi1 branch.
7) The pipo bundle is move from plugins/pipo to /pipo ( relative to the workspace ) due to ant4eclipse have problem building the bundle using the previous layout.
8) New workflow editor and rendering implementation using netbeans visual library. The implementation is shared the by swing and zk client.
2010-08-20 16:05:06 +08:00
Heng Sin Low
Added JasperReportClient to the list of auto start bundle for swing client. The activator of JasperReportClient bundle will set the viewer for jasper report. Note that this is likely to change in future.
2010-08-20 15:42:27 +08:00
Heng Sin Low
http://kenai.com/jira/browse/HENGSIN-2 , Runner adempiere_equinox_swing fail to run by default
Added required bundle.
2010-08-20 15:36:03 +08:00
Heng Sin Low
Issue HENGSIN-1, Directory tomcatConfig/src is missing
Mercurial doesn't allow empty folder in repository, added .hgignore to workaround this limitation.
2010-08-20 15:34:41 +08:00
Heng Sin Low
Fixed ssl configuration not working.
2010-08-20 15:31:21 +08:00
Heng Sin Low
Issue http://kenai.com/jira/browse/HENGSIN-3 , Property file wrongly created.
Apply patch from Carlos.
2010-08-17 17:58:48 +08:00
Heng Sin Low
Implemented remaining packout method.
2010-08-06 17:21:04 +08:00
Heng Sin Low
* Refactoring - merge ElementHandler and IPackOutHandler interface.
* Refactoring - move handler registry into its own interface and classes.
* Merge pack in and packout extension point into one - org.adempiere.pipo.Handlers.
* Created 2 handler registry implementation, one back by property file and one back by osgi service registry.
2010-08-06 16:02:29 +08:00
Heng Sin Low
* Added generic method to retrieve the record id for export.
2010-08-06 15:58:27 +08:00
Heng Sin Low
* Make the service locator API more flexible.
2010-08-06 15:57:51 +08:00
Heng Sin Low
Fixed bugs reported by Martin Augustine.
2010-07-29 12:10:45 +08:00
Heng Sin Low
* fixed a spelling error in javadoc.
* fixed official id support in saveNew_getID.
2010-07-27 19:25:52 +08:00