- fix for scripts to avoid errors when the table doesn't have the ID column, for example updating AD_Ref_Table throws error because there is no AD_Ref_Table_ID
* IDEMPIERE-5567 Support of UUID as Key (FHCA-4195) - Archive
* - Support for master/detail reports on UUID based tables
* - Archive button
* - Add test print format for UU Based Table
* - backward compatibility on MArchive.getReportAndDocumentCountByRecordId
* - Backward compatibility with filesystem storage
* - Improve naming of temporary folder for 2Pack
* - Improve query to use correctly the index
* - Improve method to use ID when no UUID
* - Ensure the Record_UU is filled even when called from foreign sources
* - Implement the same provision for exceptional cases on MAttachment, MChat, MLabelAssignment, MPostIt to fill the UUID when not passed (f.e. when created by a plugin)