* Payment Selection Manual:
** WPaySelect.onEvent: improved to refresh lines on onlydue, paymentrule and paymentdate changes
** PaySelect.getPaymentRuleData: is getting also inactive payment rules
** WPaySelect is showing correctly the schedule records of an invoice, but the due date is wrong - leading to wrong schedule records shown with only due invoices flag
** PaySelect.getDocTypeData: Is just selecting API/APC, can also include AR documents
* Payment Selection Create (button on window)
** running PaySelectionCreateFrom repeated the invoices - must just add new
** issotrx set based on payment rule - direct debit Y, otherwise N
** The process is getting the records from C_Invoice instead of C_Invoice_V (as manual does) - this must be leading to error on selected schedule records for only due parameter (test required to confirm)
* Payment Print/Export
** deleted not used PayPrint.getPaySelectionData
Thorough review of the BOM verification process:
1 - changed the three BOMprice functions to not take into account unverified BOMs
2 - fixed four BOMQty functions to point to correct BOM structures
3 - dropped from DB unused BOMQty*ASI functions and deprecated M_Product_BOM_Check.java class
4 - Verify BOMs process inactivated (pointing to unused structures)
5 - set default and displaylogic for process parameters of Verify BOM Structure
6 - set product verified flag as readonly to allow modification just via process verify BOM
7 - BOM products are marked as not verified when lines are changed or last line deleted
- view replacement for M_Storage – ad_table marked as view
- migration script from M_Storage to the two new tables
- migration script to fill M_Warehouse.ReserveLocator_ID
- generate UUID columns and model classes for the two new tables
- the unique index key m_storagereservation_pkey must have IsSOTrx
- reorg unique index key m_storagereonhand_pkey - most accessed columns first
- m_product_stock_v - restored to previous version based on M_Storage now view
- m_product_substituterelated_v - restored to previous version based on M_Storage now view
- Expose AD_Window_UU, AD_Tab_UU, AD_Table_UU and IsSortTab as part of the _TabInfo. This allow display logic of button to target specific tab or table that is not using official id.