- fix for scripts to avoid errors when the table doesn't have the ID column, for example updating AD_Ref_Table throws error because there is no AD_Ref_Table_ID
* IDEMPIERE-5567 Support of UUID as Key (FHCA-4195) - ChangeLog - FKRules
* - change warning by IllegalArgumentException
- change package visibility to protected
* - remove unnecessary code - the Model Cascade is calling the deleteModelCascade for children too
* - Implement SysConfig AD_CHANGELOG_SAVE_UUID
- reorganize MSysConfig (there were entries out of order)
* - Add index for performance on AD_ChangeLog.Record_UU
* - Enable change log for tables with multi-key (like _Trl or _Access)
* - Enable saving change log for AD_ClientInfo
* - when updating a record that doesn't have UUID - assign one