Heng Sin Low
Added simple swing dialog for generation of model class and interface. Added eclipse launch config for the model generator swing dialog.
2010-12-14 16:02:51 +08:00 |
Heng Sin Low
2pack refactoring - decouple from SvrProcess and DB Model. Enhance the grid tab export framework to support export of 2pack archive.
2010-12-14 07:59:58 +08:00 |
Heng Sin Low
added waiting block for equinox event and ds service to start.
2010-12-10 00:31:30 +08:00 |
Heng Sin Low
Fixed typo.
2010-12-09 01:41:29 +08:00 |
Heng Sin Low
Implemented system event on top of osgi event admin framework and dynamic service framework. Added event.test project as example of usage. Modify ModelEventValidationEngine to invoke osgi event handler.
2010-12-06 13:04:44 +08:00 |
Heng Sin Low
Implemented grid data export extension for swing client.
2010-11-24 11:03:19 +08:00 |
Heng Sin Low
1) Implemented DocFactory as extension, this does break backward compatibility as the Doc class now take MAcctSchema instead of MAcctSchema[] as parameter. 2) Refactor the posting control and create financial document from Doc.java to DocManager.java
2010-11-22 14:33:40 +08:00 |
Heng Sin Low
Fixed http://kenai.com/jira/browse/HENGSIN-8 - swing account viewer not working.
2010-11-22 14:30:04 +08:00 |
Heng Sin Low
1. Added basic priority support for extensions. 2. Factor out the discovery of model class and instantiation of model po as extension.
2010-11-19 17:43:23 +08:00 |
Heng Sin Low
remove accidentally committed server.xml file
2010-11-17 14:25:31 +08:00 |
Heng Sin Low
Remove obsolete launch file. Added stacktrace command for equinox console which will print stacktrace of all currently active thread.
2010-11-03 15:38:37 +08:00 |
Heng Sin Low
Fixed extension query by extension id.
2010-11-03 15:36:33 +08:00 |
Heng Sin Low
Added support to search extension by extension point id + extension id. Enhance search of "class" attribute.
2010-10-26 19:07:40 +08:00 |
Heng Sin Low
Fixed random IndexOutofBound exception.
2010-10-26 19:06:06 +08:00 |
Heng Sin Low
Use "user.dir" as the default adempiere home folder when running on server.
2010-10-26 19:05:14 +08:00 |
Heng Sin Low
Don't continue platform startup if Adempiere.properties file is missing.
2010-10-26 19:04:04 +08:00 |
Heng Sin Low
Fixed multi lingual reporting issue
2010-10-26 19:03:16 +08:00 |
Heng Sin Low
Refactoring to make project and folder name the same as the bundle symbolic name. Migrate to use eclipse feature and product configuration ( build is broken, to fix later )
2010-09-29 15:25:34 +08:00 |