Fix problem reported by Anozi Mada
Fix issue found when testing - postgresql was failing with error
org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: la columna «c_doctypereval_id» es de tipo numeric pero la expresión es de tipo text
Avoid creating empty journal
* IDEMPIERE-4162 ignore inactive products when looking for duplicate upc, handle errors on update without disturbing the import run.
* IDEMPIERE-4162 ignore inactive products when looking for duplicate upc, handle errors on update without disturbing the import run.
changed ImportProduct to save errors even if the next product is in error, too.
* IDEMPIERE-4162 ignore inactive products when looking for duplicate upc, handle errors on update without disturbing the import run.
changed ImportProduct to save errors even if the next product is in error, too.
* IDEMPIERE-4162 ignore inactive products when looking for duplicate upc, handle errors on update without disturbing the import run.
Check for duplicate UPC in m_product
* IDEMPIERE-4162 ignore inactive products when looking for duplicate upc, handle errors on update without disturbing the import run.
check for inactive products added
Ability to define a dedicated mail template for the EMailTest process (via a client level SysConfig).
Output of the process was wrong (always successful even when the email was not sent)
* IDEMPIERE-1026 Button on table to create automatically the window
* IDEMPIERE-1026 Button on table to create automatically the window - Fixed script
* IDEMPIERE-1026 Button on table to create automatically the window - Header update
* IDEMPIERE-1026 Button on table to create automatically the window - Follow best practices, no hardcoded IDs, no mixed cache and transaction
* IDEMPIERE-1026 Button on table to create automatically the window - Carlos PR
Starting point is the open source version of Compiere org/compiere/process/
This version adds column M_DiscountSchemaLine.Description and rounding options for Hundred and Thousand
Then added to this version the iDempiere changes related to use correctly the T_Selection with AD_PInstance_ID,
and the changes related to Ticket #1002354: Price List Enhancement - which added Product Costs as an option for getting the initial price
* IDEMPIERE-4329 Cleanup eclipse warnings
Clean unused imports
* IDEMPIERE-4329 Cleanup eclipse warnings
Clean some additional warnings
Make org.adempiere.base to respect the Warnings/Errors level configuration from workspace
* IDEMPIERE-4329 Cleanup eclipse warnings
One more unused import caused by the previous commit
* IDEMPIERE-4298: remove Bundle-RequiredExecutionEnvironment
when build by tycho value of Bundle-RequiredExecutionEnvironment and jdt need to compatibility
in case we use Bundle-RequiredExecutionEnvironment = 11 then can't build by jdk != 11
so stick on fix value isn't good
eclipse now also support Require-Capability, so don't need Bundle-RequiredExecutionEnvironment anymore
* IDEMPIERE-4298:support update jdk (jdk 12 13 14)
default environment still jdk-11 but you can build for any jdk by below command
export JAVA_HOME=path to jdk
mvn verify -Djdk.version=11
in case on JAVA_HOME is jdk 14 then can set jdk.version for 11, 12, 13, 14 and same for other jdk
at moment java 14 just support on eclipse 2020-03 with install plugin
Java 14 Support for Eclipse 2020-03 (4.15)
Fix Column Encryption broken in oracle - it was changing the column to
NVARCHAR - modified to preserve the type, and fixed an error when
encrypting columns from AD_Client