* IDEMPIERE-4416 invalidating a purchase order doesn't remove connection to receipt
* IDEMPIERE-4416 invalidating a purchase order doesn't remove connection to receipt
- refactoring, make MiniTableImpl usable outside of test
* IDEMPIERE-4416 invalidating a purchase order doesn't remove connection to receipt
- refactoring, move business and sql logic from Match to model class.
- add more unit test
* IDEMPIERE-4416 invalidating a purchase order doesn't remove connection to receipt
- set M_InOut.C_Order_ID to null
* IDEMPIERE-4416 invalidating a purchase order doesn't remove connection to receipt
- update unit test for setting of M_InOut.C_Order_ID to null.
* IDEMPIERE-5750 Error when switching to tab when choosing a language other than English
* - avoid usage of AdempiereIdGenerator.escapeId when not ZkUnitTest
* IDEMPIERE-5448 Can't launch unit test with Eclipse 2022-09
- upgrade to tycho 3.1.0-SNAPSHOT
- set maven compiler source and target level to 11
- upgrade to junit 5.9.1
* IDEMPIERE-5448 Can't launch unit test with Eclipse 2022-09
- Change tycho version to 3.0.3
* IDEMPIERE-5448 2023 June Platform Update
* IDEMPIERE-5448 2023 June Platform Update
- Explicitly set target, source and release level to JavaSE 11
* IDEMPIERE-5448 2023 June Platform Update
- Use 3.0.5-SNAPSHOT to fix stack overflow error.
* IDEMPIERE-5448 2023 June Platform Update
- Change source, target and release level to JDK 17
- Update target platform name to idempiere-230620
* IDEMPIERE-5448 2023 June Platform Update
- Fix LogFactory ClassNotFound exception with Eclipse 2023-06
* IDEMPIERE-5109 Release 9 Horizon
- Fill UUID in missing AD_TreeNodeMM_UU
* - IDEMPIERE-1052 - set as Search for High Volume tables
* - Fix supported versions in SECURITY.md
* - Script to set the Version number
* - Set credits and image
* - script to clean trailing space from elements
* - Set entity type EXT for Web Service tables
* - IDEMPIERE-4214 Javadoc: correct warnings on newest java version
* - Improvements to model generator classes
* - Model classes
* - Folders script maintenance new version
* IDEMPIERE-4782 Multi-factor authentication (FHCA-2034)
Implement suggestions from Heng Sin
* IDEMPIERE-4782 Multi-factor authentication (FHCA-2034)
Fix security warning advised by github/CodeQL
* IDEMPIERE-4782 Multi-factor authentication (FHCA-2034)
Implement an incremental delay in zk when the validation code is wrong (to avoid brute-force attacks)
As suggested by Ricardo Santana:
* ensures one-time only use of an OTP
* Log failures in AuthFailure.log
* IDEMPIERE-4782 Multi-factor authentication (FHCA-2034)
* Log failures in AuthFailure.log - add case for login with email
* Implement incremental delay also for login panel
* IDEMPIERE-4749 Allow to use OAuth2 libraries on plugins
- move oauth libraries and dependency to target platform
- require Tycho 2.3.0+ and Eclipse 2021-03+
* IDEMPIERE-4749 Allow to use OAuth2 libraries on plugins
Fix launch configuration.
* IDEMPIERE-4722 Remove constraint that idempiere source folder must be used as Eclipse workspace
use project_loc of org.adempiere.base instead of workspace_loc
integrate additional fix from Carlos
* backward compatible with the previous idempiere.properties and idempiereEnv.properties version
* when the setup/console-setup is executed again the secret keys are stored obfuscated in a different file .idpass
* to add more is just adding keys to array ConfigurationData.secretVars
* the previous (unobfuscated) approach is still preserved passing -DIDEMPIERE_SECURE_PROPERTIES=false to the JVM in setup and server
* the approach just run on Linux - as is implemented using shell script, windows is out of the initial scope, but could be possible to implement .bat files to do similar
* the default approach is to use getVar.sh and setVar.sh that writes in .idpass obfuscated
* is possible to extend and use custom secret managers implementing customSetVar.sh and customGetVar.sh
* samples for amazon AWS secretsmanager are included
* avoid the email sent on setup sending the secret keys
* enclose all variables in myEnvironment.sh within quotes (this avoids problems with variables containing spaces)
* add coreutils as required for debian installer (as we use base64 now to obfuscate passwords)
* swing client is not affected as it saves the idempiere.properties encrypted in user home folder
* IDEMPIERE-4620 Improvements for Setup programs
* Allow receiving log level as parameter for setup and console-setup
* Avoid duplication of log file - just leave it in /log
* Implement logging for console-setup too
* mark SilentSetup as deprecated
* add runtime-*.app to .gitignore (sometimes files appear in these folders and can be wrongly committed)
* IDEMPIERE-4620 Improvements for Setup programs
* Add validation for log level parameter
* Implement silent-setup instead of deprecating
* console-setup is prone to errors when redirecting stdin
* Test the debian installer using the silent-setup