* IDEMPIERE-4460 : User suggestions for field/context help : check permission
new method to check exclusion of a table for current role, used to determine if popups should be displayed or not
* IDEMPIERE-4460 : User suggestions for field/context help : check permission
Following @globalqss's recommandations : rename the method + add more controls inside
Co-Authored-By: Carlos Ruiz <carg67@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Carlos Ruiz <carg67@gmail.com>
* IDEMPIERE-4173 Wrong GL postings for matched invoice in RMA/Vendor Return/Credit Memo
* IDEMPIERE-4173 Wrong GL postings for matched invoice in RMA/Vendor Return/Credit Memo - Added test case
* IDEMPIERE-4067 : Support for Under/Over line and Blank line in finacial report line.
* IDEMPIERE-4067 : Adding support for blank line export in CSV, HTML, Excel. Also allowing to show description if provided. fixed all review comments fron Carlos Ruiz
* IDEMPIERE-4066: Adding 'Relative Period To' on financial report column which allow to specify period range to produce YoY. QoQ like comparision report.
* IDEMPIERE-4066: Fixing defaulting RelativePeriodTo to Null issue
* IDEMPIERE-4066: Fix as per Carlos review.
1. Fixing compilation issue
2. Moving Column ID constants to systemIDs
3. Updating serial version for MReportColumn.
* IDEMPIERE-4066: Reverted GridField class changes and configured defailt for RelativePeriodTo to be 'NULL'
* IDEMPIERE-1709 / IDEMPIERE-2624 Cant confirm 0 qty on Movement Confirmation
Implement void for movement confirm
* IDEMPIERE-1709 / IDEMPIERE-2624 Cant confirm 0 qty on Movement Confirmation
Voiding the confirmation voids the inventory move too
* IDEMPIERE-1709 / IDEMPIERE-2624 Cant confirm 0 qty on Movement Confirmation
Similar case found in MInOut - cannot void because of catch-22
Allow to void MInOut -> it automatically voids all pending confirmations
* IDEMPIERE-1709 / IDEMPIERE-2624 Cant confirm 0 qty on Movement Confirmation
Set quantities in zero when voiding movement confirmation
* IDEMPIERE-4424 Concurrent update not prevented in Grid View
Grid View - change click navigation to follow the same flow as toolbar
* IDEMPIERE-4424 Concurrent update not prevented in Grid View
GridTable - added Updated and Processed concurrency checked against PO.
* IDEMPIERE-4424 Concurrent update not prevented in Grid View
Incorporate fix suggested by Carlos
Fix problem reported by Anozi Mada
Fix issue found when testing - postgresql was failing with error
org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: la columna «c_doctypereval_id» es de tipo numeric pero la expresión es de tipo text
Avoid creating empty journal
* IDEMPIERE-4425 Find Window improvements
Fix for printing report parameters - it is printing OPERATOR_EQUAL on reports instead of =
* IDEMPIERE-4425 Find Window improvements
Previous commit broke the find function - must use SQL for Values
* IDEMPIERE-2216:when make a warehouse order (in counter document test). new document material receipt is link with warehouse order not link with purchase order. it's correct?
* IDEMPIERE-2240:when create "On Credit Order" in counter document mode. invoice vendor make wrong reference to sale order
* IDEMPIERE-2257:can't complete invoice (vendor) generate from "order credit" by counter.
Integrating patch from Hiep hieplq@hasuvimex.vn
Changed syntax to be more readable
Used Processed instead of checking list of DocStatus
Co-authored-by: hieplq@hasuvimex.vn <hieplq@hasuvimex.vn>
* IDEMPIERE-4422 : GL Distribution - add SeqNo
Add SeqNo column on GL Distribution to allow users to choose the lowest one when several records are retrieved.
Fix typo
* IDEMPIERE-4422 : GL Distribution - add SeqNo
Fix a missed typo
* IDEMPIERE-4386 setAD_User_ID() breaks when logged in as System user
Allow saving Tab Customization for System user
* IDEMPIERE-4386 setAD_User_ID() breaks when logged in as System user
Fix copy/paste error
* IDEMPIERE-4386 setAD_User_ID() breaks when logged in as System user
Implement same suggestion on all the classes where setAD_User_ID must be allowed to explicitly set to System
There were already two classes with the Override approach: MUserPreference and MUserRoles, so this commit is to apply the same approach to all the classes with same approach
* IDEMPIERE-4406 Performance: PO Cache should not always reset all entries after update of one record
PO update - reset cache by record id
* IDEMPIERE-4406 Performance: PO Cache should not always reset all entries after update of one record
refine unit test
* IDEMPIERE-4406 Performance: PO Cache should not always reset all entries after update of one record
add cache reset fix for delete
* IDEMPIERE-4406 Performance: PO Cache should not always reset all entries after update of one record
Fix exception when cache is empty
Expose hidden cache reset exception
* IDEMPIERE-4389 Implement Copy Constructor support for PO
Implement PO support for copy constructor
* IDEMPIERE-4389 Implement Copy Constructor support for PO
deprecate clone
replace clone with copy constructor
* IDEMPIERE-4389 Implement Copy Constructor support for PO
add unit test for MPrintFormat copy constructor
* IDEMPIERE-4389 Implement Copy Constructor support for PO
fix wrong import
* IDEMPIERE-2624 Cant confirm 0 qty on Movement Confirmation
* IDEMPIERE-2624 Cant confirm 0 qty on Movement Confirmation
Add validations to avoid editing lines if there are pending confirmations, in movement and shipment/receipt
add native postgresql unit test for GenericPaymentExport
remove unnecessary static and fix sql exception doesn't stop the export
replace Oracle (+) with standard sql outer joint
* IDEMPIERE-4372 Performance: only add log record and sql statement to context if trace/debug level <= debug/info
Minor clean up and thread safe fix for CLogErrorBuffer and MIssue
Only add LogRecord and SQL to context if TraceLevel is <= INFO
* IDEMPIERE-4372 Performance: only add log record and sql statement to context if trace/debug level <= debug/info
add back DB.isConnected check
remove redundant CLogErrorBuffer call from DB.isConnected
more fine grained synchronization
close trx in finally block.
m_directNullKey interfere with CSV Import Loader due to trx that's not
committed yet.
insert mode: update window/tab context after save.
Ability to define a dedicated mail template for the EMailTest process (via a client level SysConfig).
Output of the process was wrong (always successful even when the email was not sent)
Using Hiep's idea
Co-Authored-By: hieplq <hieplq@users.noreply.github.com>
Following Carlos's tests/advices, add current System Properties to the Properties initialized for the email
Co-Authored-By: Carlos Ruiz <carg67@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: hieplq <hieplq@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Carlos Ruiz <carg67@gmail.com>
* IDEMPIERE-4351 : MJournal/MJournalLine : fill mandatory values (if missing) in beforeSave methods
* IDEMPIERE-4351 : MJournal/MJournalLine : fill mandatory
Based on Carlos's patch :
Fix issues in PO.java that are not allowing the beforeSave methods that complete organization to work
* This also has the effect of checking and setting the organization restrictions after beforeSave and EventHandlers have finished, potentially fixing developer errors on org not respecting the configuration on Client Share
* In MJournalLine move the setting of org to the top because the getOrCreateCombination method works with the org value
Co-Authored-By: Carlos Ruiz <carg67@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Carlos Ruiz <carg67@gmail.com>
* IDEMPIERE-1026 Button on table to create automatically the window
* IDEMPIERE-1026 Button on table to create automatically the window - Fixed script
* IDEMPIERE-1026 Button on table to create automatically the window - Header update
* IDEMPIERE-1026 Button on table to create automatically the window - Follow best practices, no hardcoded IDs, no mixed cache and transaction
* IDEMPIERE-1026 Button on table to create automatically the window - Carlos PR
Starting point is the open source version of Compiere org/compiere/process/PriceListCreate.java
This version adds column M_DiscountSchemaLine.Description and rounding options for Hundred and Thousand
Then added to this version the iDempiere changes related to use correctly the T_Selection with AD_PInstance_ID,
and the changes related to Ticket #1002354: Price List Enhancement - which added Product Costs as an option for getting the initial price
Fixed many wrongly defined columns #resolve IDEMPIERE-4334
Added a fix to DisplayType - running synchronize column in C_Conversion_Rate.C_Currency_ID_To and A_Asset_Split.A_Asset_ID_To was throwing error
* IDEMPIERE-4330 New tables are not logged - requires a server restart
* IDEMPIERE-4330 New tables are not logged - requires a server restart
Add synchronized to isLogged and resetLoggedList as advised by Heng Sin
* IDEMPIERE-4329 Cleanup eclipse warnings
Clean unused imports
* IDEMPIERE-4329 Cleanup eclipse warnings
Clean some additional warnings
Make org.adempiere.base to respect the Warnings/Errors level configuration from workspace
* IDEMPIERE-4329 Cleanup eclipse warnings
One more unused import caused by the previous commit
* IDEMPIERE-1540 Autocomplete for field type "Search"
Implement auto complete for search field
* IDEMPIERE-1540 Autocomplete for field type "Search"
Add support for isAutoComplete flag (default is off).
Add isAutoComplete to AD_UserDef_Field, AD_InfoColumn and
Performance improvement - reduce number of queries for autocomplete and
added some cache.
* IDEMPIERE-1540 Autocomplete for field type "Search"
add constant for auto complete query timeout
use union all to further reduce the number of queries
* IDEMPIERE-4304 Saved Query duplicates if use to save after sharing
* IDEMPIERE-4304 Saved Query duplicates if use to save after sharing - Replaced JDBC call for Query
* IDEMPIERE-3333: Respecting ReportView order by clause when there is no orderby field on print format configured.
* IDEMPIERE-3333: Adding cached method as per peer review comment.
* IDEMPIERE-3333: Refactoring as per feedback from Carlos Ruiz.
* IDEMPIERE-1146 + IDEMPIERE-3234 / Centralized ID not working with native sequence enabled / PROJECT_ID_USE_CENTRALIZED_ID should take priority higher than SYSTEM_NATIVE_SEQUENCE
improve performance not reading MTable and Columns but just a cache
list of tables with EntityType column
Remove deprecation as the method is now capable of managin all cases
* IDEMPIERE-4168 Move Webstore out of core
Change EntityType of webstore table, column, field and menu from 'D' to
* IDEMPIERE-4168 Move Webstore out of core
Generate Model/Interface: filter column by EntityType. Update
AD_UserMail model class.
* IDEMPIERE-4168 Move Webstore out of core
Added optional column entity type filter.
Peer review and tests:
* PO -> implement postDelete method to be called after the database delete is committed - fix issue about file being deleted from filesystem and commit failing because of referential integrity (for example deleting an image that is associated to a user)
* MArchive, MAttachment, MImage -> change deletion of file from before/afterDelete to postDelete
* MImage -> change getImageStoragePath from clientID/orgID to AD_Image/clientID (this is to allow using the same storage that attachments and archives uses, and avoid issues when changing org)
* MBPartner, MUser, MPOSKey -> delete associated image with postDelete
* ArchiveFileSystem -> fix issue not deleting the file in the filesystem when deleting the archive (using get_ID() on a deleted record returns zero)
* WImageEditor -> save automatically when creating a new image
* AttachmentFileSystem -> avoid trying to save attachment after is deleted
* ImageDBStorageImpl, MSysConfig -> Implement SysConfig IMAGE_DB_STORAGE_SAVE_AS_ZIP to save images in DB zipped - defaults to false which is the actual behavior
* ImageFileStorageImpl -> do not save file with extension, to fix error where previous file was not deleted when uploading a new file with different extension
* Complete ticket - implement support for XLSX in scheduler, background jobs, jasper reporting, default types
* Synchronize xlsx with xls exporter to use ZK_FOOTER_SERVER_MSG and ZK_FOOTER_SERVER_DATETIME_FORMAT SysConfig
* Excel alerts now export to xlsx instead of xls