* IDEMPIERE-5567 Support of UUID as Key (FHCA-4195) - Recent Items
- Implement support for recent items for UUID based tables
- Refactor MRecentItem for better performance
* - fixes
* IDEMPIERE-5567 Support of UUID as Key (FHCA-4195) - ChangeLog - FKRules
* - change warning by IllegalArgumentException
- change package visibility to protected
* - remove unnecessary code - the Model Cascade is calling the deleteModelCascade for children too
* - Implement SysConfig AD_CHANGELOG_SAVE_UUID
- reorganize MSysConfig (there were entries out of order)
* - Add index for performance on AD_ChangeLog.Record_UU
* - Enable change log for tables with multi-key (like _Trl or _Access)
* - Enable saving change log for AD_ClientInfo
* - when updating a record that doesn't have UUID - assign one
* IDEMPIERE-5683 - Improve Record ID and Record UU by Constraint Type
* IDEMPIERE-5683 - replace direct sql with model classes
- rename deleteSetNull to setRecordIdNull
- replace direct sql with model classes in deleteCascade, setRecordIdNull
- remove unnecessary change from AD_Ref_List
* IDEMPIERE-5683 - cache tables arrays in PO_Record
* IDEMPIERE-5683 - fix Dynamic Validation
* IDEMPIERE-5683 - change CleanOrphanCascade
- IsCleanChangeLog process parameter removed
- replace direct sql with java model
- delete just on Model Cascade constraint
- new Set Null rule implemented
* IDEMPIERE-5683 - fix when Record_ID is mandatory
* IDEMPIERE-5567 Support of UUID for Search (UU) data type (FHCA-4195) - fix broken unit tests
* - Fix problem with unit test:
MTestTest.testReadingUpdatingTest:65 expected: <Test setting description> but was: <Test setting descriptionMTestEventDelegate>
* IDEMPIERE-5567 Support of UUID as Key (FHCA-4195) - Fix unique constraints
* - Create/Complete Table must create the UU idx and constraint when it does not exist
* - Create 65 UUID constraints/indexes existing in database but missing in dictionary
* - Set all official UUID columns with the new UUID data type
* IDEMPIERE-5567 Support of UUID as Key (FHCA-4195)
New generated model classes with new UUID constructor
* - In order to use UUID constructor M classes must implement the constructor too
- Adding the constructor on MTest and adding a JUnit test to test/show how it works
* - Remove warning caused by changes on this ticket
* - Add UUID constructor to factories
* - Set new UUID constructor in mapped/annotated test classes
- Preparation for the new UUID constructor
* - Add UUID constructor to core model classes
- WARNING: MPaymentBatch(Properties, String, String) already existed with Name as parameter, it was changed to UUID
* IDEMPIERE-5482 - Field Style Scope HTML Element
* IDEMPIERE-5482 - implemented in report engine, removed the new field
* IDEMPIERE-5482 - add IsWrapWithSpan to AD_Style
* IDEMPIERE-5482 - pr1572 patch
* IDEMPIERE-5567 Support of UUID for Search (UU) data type (FHCA-4195)
* - Search editor now assigns the value correctly when selecting from Info Window
- Info Window shows correctly the first UU key column
- Added Record UUID new data type to work with record ID editor but with UU column
- Added column/field Test.Record_UU for testing
* - Fix opening Record ID editor after saved
* - Implement changes suggested by Heng Sin's peer review
* - Remove other unnecessary changes
* - safer comparison
* IDEMPIERE-5650 - Cannot Define Multiple Values for Dashboard Content Process Parameters
* IDEMPIERE-5650 - remove hardcoded condition
* IDEMPIERE-5650 - fix for reference list multiselection
- support for non-ID multiselection types (values were not rendered e.g. with DocType="IP,CO")
* IDEMPIERE-5650 - fix for reference list multiselection
* IDEMPIERE-5650 - bug fixes
- error use case: reference list with numeric values e.g. "10", "20",... (fix: check DisplayType instead of data type)
- error use case 2: defining more than one multi-selection caused parsing error (fixed parsing logic in MDashboardContent)
* IDEMPIERE-5650 - optimise parsing method
* IDEMPIERE-5650 - pr1757_PR0 patch
* IDEMPIERE-5567 Support of UUID as Key (FHCA-4195) - Foreign Keys
* - Table Direct working as read-only and link column
* - Fixes for Table with Reference
* - Add UUID FK management to Migrate ID process
- Add MColumn.beforeSave validation to force UUID columns to end with _UU
- Add table TestUUDet with two foreign keys pointing to TestUU (TableDir and Search)
- Add detail tab to Test UU Based Table window
- Add a new test window named Test UU Detail
- Generate model classes for the new test table
- Add test case for the detail test table
- Add MTable.isIDKeyTable method
- Add UU foreign key cross tenant validation to PO.validForeignKeys
* - Added a Chosen Multiple Selection Table with foreign UU for testing
- Changed reference in dictionary logic and sql to reflect new data types
- Disable SearchUU temporarily (will be worked in next step)
- Add validation to avoid encrypting UUID columns
- Avoid warning when searching for getPO method on UUID based tables
- Make Zoom Across button work with UUID foreign keys
- Enable zoom and zoom to detail for UUID foreign keys
- Enable Find Advanced on detail foreign UUID keys
* - Fix javadoc
- Quote properly UUID
- Validate null on return
* - Fix zoom logic - tested zooming to tab in first second and third level
* IDEMPIERE-5659 - New Document Base Type Group Window
* IDEMPIERE-5659 - fixes
- renaming the table, model and elements according to the ticket
- removing MDocBaseGroup beforeSave validation
- adding an unique index for the Line table
* IDEMPIERE-5644 : Allow to set an image per form
* IDEMPIERE-5644 : Allow to set an image per form - fix suggested by hengsin
Co-Authored-By: hengsin <152246+hengsin@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: hengsin <152246+hengsin@users.noreply.github.com>
* IDEMPIERE-5567 Support of UUID as Key (FHCA-4195)
* - Implement changes to support Model classes with UUID constructor
* - fix issue with tables with single parent key - like AD_Ref_Table
* - Create test table and JUnit test
* - fixes from Heng Sin
* - Improve performance on new methods in MTable
- Minor refinements in ModelClassGenerator
- Regenerate Test X classes
- Change Create Window from Table to receive the parent link as parameter (because tables can have now no keys at all)
* - Implement suggestions from Heng Sin
* - _UU column as primary key constraint for UUID based tables
Co-authored-by: hengsin <hengsin@gmail.com>
* IDEMPIERE-5538 - Add isValid to Drill Rule allow validate parameters with beforesave
* IDEMPIERE-5538 - beforeSave, capture process parameters
* IDEMPIERE-5538 - validate only through process
* IDEMPIERE-5538 - isValid check in getByTable method
* IDEMPIERE-5538 - add validation to before save/after delete
* IDEMPIERE-5538 - validate system drill rules
* IDEMPIERE-5538 - fix validation logic
The mandatory validation have to skip the key parameter since it is not loaded from Drill Rule Para.
* IDEMPIERE-5538 - fix Drill Rule window definition
* IDEMPIERE-5538 - bug fix scripts to iD10
* IDEMPIERE-5538 - fix missing read only logic
* IDEMPIERE-5538 - all scripts to iD10
* IDEMPIERE-5238 - Support of Search display type for AD_Table_ID
* IDEMPIERE-5238 - no key column error
* IDEMPIERE-5238 - fix css
* IDEMPIERE-5238 - move scripts to iD10
* IDEMPIERE-5238 - bug fixes
- dialog did not open if AD_Table_ID = 0
- NPE if closing dialog with OK button and AD_Table_ID = 0
* IDEMPIERE-5238 - fix multiple tableID > 0 checks
* IDEMPIERE-5621 - Dashboard Report ignore if parameter is mandatory or not
* IDEMPIERE-5621 - small fixes
* IDEMPIERE-5621 - missing javadoc for new methods
* IDEMPIERE-5621 - move scripts, list empty para, update css
* IDEMPIERE-5611 Record ID Editor doesn't work with House Keeping
- Fix zoom window on tables that have this field empty and have a window associated
* - Fix zoom and lookup without AD_Window_ID update
* - Add discovery for more tab levels
* - Fix zoom when AD_Table.AD_Window_ID is null.
* - use the new method also in InfoGeneralPanel
* - set zoom window just when is not defined (preserve potential customizations)
Co-authored-by: hengsin <hengsin@gmail.com>
* IDEMPIERE-5238 - new reference for Table
- creating new reference: AD_Table Name for the Record ID editor to be able to type in the Table field by Name instead of TableName
* IDEMPIERE-5238 - move scripts to iD10
* IDEMPIERE-5613 Make filling of _UU column optional
* - clear _UU when column is made inactive
* - Add parameter IsClearUUID
- Fix issue with buffer log not being flushed
* IDEMPIERE-5595: Allow to deactivate negate option for "Chosen Multiple Selection" components in processes
* IDEMPIERE-5595: regenerate serial
* IDEMPIERE-5595: move scripts to iD10 / resolve conflict
* IDEMPIERE-5595: change position of the field / update existing data
* IDEMPIERE-5595: check ProcedureName is empty before enabling it
* IDEMPIERE-5595: update existing records missing in oracle
* Update 202303020910_IDEMPIERE-5595.sql
* Update 202303020910_IDEMPIERE-5595.sql
Co-authored-by: Carlos Ruiz <carg67@gmail.com>
* IDEMPIERE-5238 - initial draft commit
* IDEMPIERE-5238 - fixes
* IDEMPIERE-5238 - popup window
* IDEMPIERE-5238 - renaming to Record ID
* IDEMPIERE-5238 - renaming to Record ID
* IDEMPIERE-5238 - fixes
* IDEMPIERE-5238 - fixes
* IDEMPIERE-5238 - fixes
* IDEMPIERE-5238 - technical fixes
* IDEMPIERE-5238 - pr1610_1 patch
* IDEMPIERE-5238 - bug fixes
* IDEMPIERE-5238 - set table to read only
* IDEMPIERE-5238 - fix parsing error
* IDEMPIERE-5238 - pr1610 patch
* IDEMPIERE-5238 - fix Find Window issue
* IDEMPIERE-5238 - Info Panel NPE patch
* IDEMPIERE-5238 - UI fix
In the Record ID Dialog the 'Record' label should be visible only when the corresponding editor is visible.
* IDEMPIERE-5238 - find window patch
* IDEMPIERE-5238 - clear Record ID when clearing AD_Table_ID
* IDEMPIERE-5238 - clear Record ID when clearing AD_Table_ID
* IDEMPIERE-5238 - move scripts to correct folder
All scripts to iD10
* IDEMPIERE-5586 Implement ID independent migration script
* IDEMPIERE-5586 Implement ID independent migration script
- add Oracle script (99% converted by ChatGPT from PostgreSQL :)).
* IDEMPIERE-5586 Implement ID independent migration script
- handle official id value for foreign key reference .
- add back centralized id support.
* IDEMPIERE-5586 Implement ID independent migration script
- minor refactoring
- add support for AD_Table_ID+Record_ID usage
* IDEMPIERE-5586 Implement ID independent migration script
- add support for Delete
- add unit test
* IDEMPIERE-5586 Implement ID independent migration script
- add insert_accounting and insert_tree support.
* IDEMPIERE-5586 Implement ID independent migration script
- add ADSortTab support.
* IDEMPIERE-5586 Implement ID independent migration script
- move migration script from iD11 to iD10.
* # IDEMPIERE-5458 - Timezone defined by Organization
* # IDEMPIERE-5468 - improved unit test
* # IDEMPIERE-5458 - removing user/password from scriptg
* IDEMPIERE-5458 - fix migration script
* IDEMPIERE-5458 - adding field in org info tab
* IDEMPIERE-5534 Make configurable the maximum records in lists
* - Impose hardcoded limit of 50.000 as suggested by Heng Sin
* - change message
* IDEMPIERE-5503 Product Costs > Cost Movement > Field AMOUNT has inconsistent +/- signs
* IDEMPIERE-5503 Product Costs > Cost Movement > Field AMOUNT has inconsistent +/- signs
- refinement and added unit tests
* IDEMPIERE-5503 Product Costs > Cost Movement > Field AMOUNT has inconsistent +/- signs
- add unit test for lot level costing
* IDEMPIERE-5503 Product Costs > Cost Movement > Field AMOUNT has inconsistent +/- signs
- fix unit test error.
* IDEMPIERE-5503 Product Costs > Cost Movement > Field AMOUNT has inconsistent +/- signs
- add unit test for cost adjustment
* IDEMPIERE-5503 Product Costs > Cost Movement > Field AMOUNT has inconsistent +/- signs
- add unit test for physical inventory
* IDEMPIERE-5503 Product Costs > Cost Movement > Field AMOUNT has inconsistent +/- signs
- add unit test for PO landed cost
* IDEMPIERE-5505 : Add Value and PrintName on GL_Category
* IDEMPIERE-5505 : Add Value and PrintName on GL_Category - Value is mandatory
* IDEMPIERE-5505 : Add Value and PrintName on GL_Category - set Value to 60 chars
* IDEMPIERE-5505: Add Value and PrintName on GL_Category - add Index on Value
* IDEMPIERE-5505 : Add Value and PrintName on GL_Category - Missing AD_Sequence for Value column
integrate patch from @CarlosRuiz-globalqss
Co-Authored-By: Carlos Ruiz <carg67@gmail.com>
* IDEMPIERE-3334: Adding support for Readonly Logic, Set Pressed Logic on custom toolbar button
* IDEMPIERE-3334: Fix as per Hengsin suggestion
* IDEMPIERE-3334: Renaming migration scripts, changing VARCHAR2(2000) to VARCHAR2(2000 CHAR) and fixing sql have line starting with @
* IDEMPIERE-3334: SQL Logic evaluate by using Evaluator.parseSQLLogic()
* IDEMPIERE-3334 : Adding support for pressed and readonly logic on Window->Tab->toolbar
* IDEMPIERE-3334 : Adding Hengsin't patch
* IDEMPIERE-3334 : removing ParseContext call
* IDEMPIERE-2398 Renamed FA_ProjectCreateAsset to "Create Asset from Project" and added/fixed broken parameters
* IDEMPIERE-2398 - improve error message of process
* - set asset value from project committed amount
* - set asset value back from project balance amount
- make the project balance amount editable
- add link to the asset addition at the end of the process
Co-authored-by: Chuck Boecking <chuck@chuboe.com>
* IDEMPIERE-5057 Implement Deductible and non deductible input tax for purchasing and costing
- Fix error when user change invoice/order line to use parent tax
* IDEMPIERE-5057 Implement Deductible and non deductible input tax for purchasing and costing
- Miss MRMATax in previous commit.
* IDEMPIERE-5057 Implement Deductible and non deductible input tax for purchasing and costing
- Fixed order/invoice tax lines not created after save
* IDEMPIERE-5443 - Date Range Filter Component
* IDEMPIERE-5443 - fix migration script filename
* IDEMPIERE-5443 - new reference type Date Range Picker for process
* IDEMPIERE-5443 - remove Date Range Editor
* IDEMPIERE-5443 - pr1526 patch
* IDEMPIERE-5443 - fixes
* IDEMPIERE-5443 - nix NPE, add Locale
* IDEMPIERE-5455 Use Multi-Select parameters in Info Windows
* - fixed display for bp column
* - add more info windows
Co-authored-by: hengsin <hengsin@gmail.com>
* IDEMPIERE-5451 Create a form SQL Query - similar to SQL process to execute queries (FHCA-3849)
* - fix wrong default in SysConfig
* - remove unnecessary annotation
* - process the query in a read-only transaction
* - commit not needed since this is readonly
* IDEMPIERE-5450 Form SQL Process has security issues
* - fix javadoc
* - remove unnecessary code
* - minor improvement
* - improve discovery of single word commands
- avoids the need of space in the SysConfig key
* IDEMPIERE-5349: Adding AlwaysUpdatableLogic on Column and Field.
* IDEMPIERE-5349: Making Always Updatable logic to work when isAlwaysUpdatable is false and iAlwaysUpdatable made higher priority
* IDEMPIERE-5349: fixing error SP2-0027 in oracle
* IDEMPIERE-5349 : Fixing AlwaysUpdatableLogic not set when isAlwaysUpdatableLogic is null
* IDEMPIERE-5349 : renaming migration script and updatong AD_Field_V and AD_Field_VT