Use the static method getLogger instead of using a static logger variable. The logger is created as needed inside the getLogger method.
2), properties file wrongly created
Patch accepted.
3), Cannot connect to http://localhost:8080/admin/adempiereMonitor
Always set default level for root logger in CLogMgt initialization.
4), Build fails by default requiring directory lib/plugins
Modify utils_dev/build.xml to ensure the existence of the lib/plugins folder.
5) Module refactoring
* Remove client bundle dependency from the zkwebui bundle. Common UI code of the 2 bundle is moved into the new uibase bundle.
* Remove client bundle dependency from server side bundle. The swing specific jasper report code is moved into the new JasperReportsClient bundle.
* Move most swing code that is still in the base bundle into the client bundle. Many swing client specific code in (base bundle) is move into the (client bundle).
* Default handlers for 2Pack is moved into the new pipoHandlers bundle. All loading of 2pack handler is now done using the equinox extension mechanism.
6) Extension point
* Added process, form and modelvalidator extension point base on the existing work done by Jorg Viola in the osgi1 branch.
7) The pipo bundle is move from plugins/pipo to /pipo ( relative to the workspace ) due to ant4eclipse have problem building the bundle using the previous layout.
8) New workflow editor and rendering implementation using netbeans visual library. The implementation is shared the by swing and zk client.
Revision: 12547
JAF 1.1.1 -> The JavaBeans Activation Framework 1.1.1 final release is included with the Java SE 6 release
Revision: 12549
Upgrade to JavaMail 1.4.3
Upgrade to SwingX 1.6
Embed ADempiere in Equinox OSGi
* Status: Swing client can be started in Equinox - not tested much
* turned base, client and tools projects into bundles
* sorted out some glitches in resource loading
* a copy of Adempiere class in client was required to correctly fire up swing
* first ideas for the service interfaces (see base/org.adempiere.base package)
Now Eclipse projects reference proper jar files:
oracle.jar is artificial jar. Replaced by : orcs12.jar and ojdbc14.jar
jboss.jar is artificial jar. Replaced by: jbossall-client.jar
This makes cheouted Adempiere sources from Eclipse compilable!