* IDEMPIERE-5005 - Chat window broken
Fix event processing on chat window
* IDEMPIERE-5005 - Chat window broken
Removed confirm panel as it servers no other purpose than closing the
* IDEMPIERE-4863-1 Enable save column width in WListBox
This PR is the base for implementing save of column width of a wlistbox in forms and windows.
* IDEMPIERE-4863-1 Enable save column width in WListBox implementation example
This commit is showing examples implementation of this PR, it is for infoProductWindow and infoWindow
* IDEMPIERE-4986 Extend events to prefill email dialog variables from report window
* IDEMPIERE-4986 Extend events to prefill email dialog variables from report window / also in new Attachment button
* IDEMPIERE-4986 Extend events to prefill email dialog variables from report window / change approach to constructor
* IDEMPIERE-4992 email from archive dialog
* IDEMPIERE-4946 : Add IsShowInDashboard, SeqNo and ImageURL on AD_UserDef_Info
* IDEMPIERE-4946 : Add IsShowInDashboard, SeqNo and ImageURL on AD_UserDef_Info
Use customized image from tenant level when opening the panel
* IDEMPIERE-4946 : Add IsShowInDashboard, SeqNo and ImageURL on AD_UserDef_Info - fix migration scripts name
* IDEMPIERE-4961 Minor performance enhancement for AD Window
* IDEMPIERE-4961 Minor performance enhancement for AD Window
Fix potential mtab not found issue with 2pack import.
* IDEMPIERE-4960 Performance improvement for the opening of info window
* IDEMPIERE-4960 Performance improvement for the opening of info window
Query.scroll and Query.list basically offer the same db performance, the
previous change is unnecessary.
* IDEMPIERE-4959 Performance improvement for the opening of form window
* IDEMPIERE-4959 Performance improvement for the opening of form window
minor cache name change.
* IDEMPIERE-4958 Performance improvement for the opening of process dialog
* IDEMPIERE-4958 Performance improvement for the opening of process dialog
Query.scroll and Query.list has similar db performance, the previous
change is not needed.
* IDEMPIERE-4937 Refreshing the GridTab after moving a node in the Tree
* IDEMPIERE-4937 Refreshing the GridTab after moving a node in the Tree
Use Trx object instead of context for event changes indicator.
* IDEMPIERE-4470 Window Advanced Search - New operator types: AND Not, Or Not
Based on pull request 170
Co-authored-by: Igor Pojzl <igor.pojzl@cloudempiere.com>
* IDEMPIERE-4470 Window Advanced Search - New operator types: AND Not, Or Not
Rename migration scripts as suggested by Heng Sin
* IDEMPIERE-4927 Header mobile not showing menu and searchbox when username is too long
* IDEMPIERE-4927 Header mobile not showing menu and searchbox when username is too long / peer review
Co-authored-by: a_lara <alara@ghintech.com>
* IDEMPIERE-2853: Support for IADTabPanel as factory to add custom Tab types
sh: q: command not found
* IDEMPIERE-2853: adding requested Java doc, fixing seq mismatch in oracle and postgresql, Using Interface method instead of manual isSortTab check,
* IDEMPIERE-2853: Adding default implementation for isEnableCustomizeButton in IADTabpanel
* IDEMPIERE-2853: renaming reference label and Added support for allowing implementor to update toolbar state.
* IDEMPIERE-2853: Fixing compilation issue due to merging to master branch
* Using PO update for all node that's being updated
* Using saveEx(trxName) when saving PO for all updated nodes
* Checking PO.is_Changed() and using saveEx(trxName) when saving PO for all updated nodes
* IDEMPIERE-4410 Review Shortcuts (probably ESC) for all popovers, modals, dialogs
add esc shortcut for customize grid view, attachment, csv import loader,
export, file import loader, chat and post it dialogs.
* IDEMPIERE-4410 Review Shortcuts (probably ESC) for all popovers, modals, dialogs
- add esc handling to more dialog and popup.
* IDEMPIERE-4410 Review Shortcuts (probably ESC) for all popovers, modals, dialogs
- add esc shortcut to process modal dialog.
* IDEMPIERE-4410 Review Shortcuts (probably ESC) for all popovers, modals, dialogs
- Fix esc handling for numberbox, image dialog, email dialog, media
dialog and cloud upload dialog.
* IDEMPIERE-1994 Ability to organise process and report parameters by Field Group functionality
* IDEMPIERE-1994 Ability to organise process and report parameters by Field Group functionality
Fix collapsed by default not working.
* IDEMPIERE-4858 : CreateTable process
* IDEMPIERE-4858 : CreateTable process - fixes
Changes following Carlos's remarks - see details in the ticket
Co-Authored-By: Carlos Ruiz <carg67@gmail.com>
* IDEMPIERE-4858 : CreateTable process - fixes migration scripts
See details in ticket
Co-Authored-By: Carlos Ruiz <carg67@gmail.com>
* IDEMPIERE-4858 : CreateTable process - various fixes
fix migration scripts names / constants in uppercase / remove check of table length
* IDEMPIERE-4858 : CreateTable process - various fixes
default value for EntityType param / replace numeric name/value params by boolean ones / enhance creation of system element (name/print name/description)
see https://idempiere.atlassian.net/browse/IDEMPIERE-4858?focusedCommentId=47325
* IDEMPIERE-4858 : CreateTable process : optional columns
* IDEMPIERE-4858 : CreateTable process : remove wrong temporary migration scripts
* IDEMPIERE-4858 : CreateTable process :
add org.adempiere.base.process as required plugin (and not as imported package)
add missing content on migration scripts
* IDEMPIERE-4858 : CreateTable process : fixes / reordering / renaming
Failed creating Description column: ** Fill mandatory fields: : Length
Value and DocumentNo are not usually mandatory
Some minor reordering and renaming of variables
Co-Authored-By: Carlos Ruiz <carg67@gmail.com>
* IDEMPIERE-4858 : CreateTable process : can be used to add columns on existing table
Co-Authored-By: Carlos Ruiz <carg67@gmail.com>
* IDEMPIERE-4858 : CreateTable process - fix default value for TableName parameter
Co-Authored-By: Carlos Ruiz <carg67@gmail.com>
* IDEMPIERE-4858 : CreateTable process - restore default value for Description, Name and AccessLevel parameters
Co-Authored-By: Carlos Ruiz <carg67@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Carlos Ruiz <carg67@gmail.com>
* IDEMPIERE-4864 Fix shortcut handling for combobox and ad window
* IDEMPIERE-4864 Fix shortcut handling for combobox and ad window
- fix combobox keyboard navigation
- improve focus handling with mask
* IDEMPIERE-4782 Multi-factor authentication (FHCA-2034)
Implement suggestions from Heng Sin
* IDEMPIERE-4782 Multi-factor authentication (FHCA-2034)
Fix security warning advised by github/CodeQL
* IDEMPIERE-4782 Multi-factor authentication (FHCA-2034)
Implement an incremental delay in zk when the validation code is wrong (to avoid brute-force attacks)
As suggested by Ricardo Santana:
* ensures one-time only use of an OTP
* Log failures in AuthFailure.log
* IDEMPIERE-4782 Multi-factor authentication (FHCA-2034)
* Log failures in AuthFailure.log - add case for login with email
* Implement incremental delay also for login panel
* IDEMPIERE-4808 : Payment Allocation should be IsSOTrx neutral
* IDEMPIERE-4808 : forms can use IsSOTrx from AD_Menu
* IDEMPIERE-4808 : add IgnoreIsSOTrxInBPInfo to be used on BPartner InfoWindow
Co-Authored-By: Carlos Ruiz <carg67@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Carlos Ruiz <carg67@gmail.com>
* IDEMPIERE-4779 : Dashboard / Report : parameters are wrongly displayed
* IDEMPIERE-4779 : Dashboard / Report : parameters are wrongly displayed
Avoid usage of DisplayType.IsID
* IDEMPIERE-4779 : Dashboard / Report : parameters are wrongly displayed
AD_Reference_Value_ID can be used for search/table/tabledir
* IDEMPIERE-4779 : Dashboard / Report : parameters are wrongly displayed
Use MLookupInfo.QueryDirect to display value
* IDEMPIERE-4794 IQuickEntry OSGI Service
* Interface IQuickeEntry replaced with abstract class AbstractWQuickEntry,
* QuickEntry Service used in InfoWindow. Redundant method removed.
Co-authored-by: Andreas <sumerauer@kanzlei-wmv.de>
* COF #10327 IDEMPIERE-4773 - add form factory base class backed by map and lambda functional object
Remove unnecessary white space only changes and fix wrong component name
Co-authored-by: muriloht <muriloht@devcoffee.com.br>
Co-authored-by: matheus.marcelino <matheus.marcelino@devcoffee.com.br>
* IDEMPIERE-4771 add Cloud Upload interface to report viewer and scheduler
* IDEMPIERE-4771 add Cloud Upload interface to report viewer and scheduler
Fix initial output type selection for csv. Fix handling of binary vs
text media type.
* IDEMPIERE-4771 add Cloud Upload interface to report viewer and scheduler
- Change AD_AuthorizationAccount scope from single value to multiple
selection list (AD_AuthorizationScopes replace AD_AuthorizationScope)
* IDEMPIERE-4771 add Cloud Upload interface to report viewer and scheduler
Fix isIntersectCSV db function
* IDEMPIERE-4771 add Cloud Upload interface to report viewer and scheduler
add back AD_AuthorizationScope Configured dynamic validation filter
* IDEMPIERE-4781 : Dashboard / Report : use @SQL= syntax
* IDEMPIERE-4781 : Dashboard / Report - be able to use Range parameters
* IDEMPIERE-4781 : Dashboard Content as Advanced
* Update DashboardController.java
Implement partial solution for IDEMPIERE-4779
Fix issue with Timestamp not working for IDEMPIERE-4781
it was throwing:
12:58:07.928-----------> DashboardController.render: Failed to create dashboard content [358]
java.lang.NumberFormatException: Error at index 6 in: "474671+02"
at java.base/java.lang.NumberFormatException.forCharSequence(NumberFormatException.java:81)
at java.base/java.lang.Integer.parseInt(Integer.java:735)
at java.sql/java.sql.Timestamp.valueOf(Timestamp.java:239)
at org.adempiere.webui.desktop.DashboardController.fillParameter(DashboardController.java:974)
Co-authored-by: Carlos Ruiz <carg67@gmail.com>
* IDEMPIERE-4769 False result in validation for pending changes
* * Fix also the case that changing detail is not decorating the window title with prefix *
* IDEMPIERE-4768 Cannot ship in some cases when multiple ASI with different material policy
* IDEMPIERE-4768 Cannot ship in some cases when multiple ASI with different material policy
* Fix wrong selection of material date policy, must take into account isUseGuaranteeDateForMPolicy
* Fix wrong material receipt, assigning material date policy based on inventory instead of document/ASI
* * Unit tests
* IDEMPIERE-4764 Hazelcast distributed cache can be an issue in some environments
- Change setting for all caches to be non-distributed
* IDEMPIERE-4764 Hazelcast distributed cache can be an issue in some environments
* TC-324 Fix cache related monitoring and performance issues
- PO & GridTable call to CacheMgt reset should be async.
Co-authored-by: hengsin <hengsin@gmail.com>
* IDEMPIERE-4746 Wrong usage of MTable.getColumnIndex
* Implementing suggestion from Andreas Sumerauer
* Fix issue in IDEMPIERE-3916 (Move Client) and IDEMPIERE-1026 (Create Window from Table)
* IDEMPIERE-4746 Wrong usage of MTable.getColumnIndex
* Change approach to discover real columns
* * Rename method as suggested by Andreas Sumerauer
* IDEMPIERE-4708 Context from ProcessParameterPanel is not cleared when closing the window
* Revert "IDEMPIERE-4708 Context from ProcessParameterPanel is not cleared when closing the window"
This reverts commit 74d5d07bea748f6405bfb6988a01fab1f605f720.
* Implement suggestion from @hengsin
* IDEMPIERE-4692 Mandatory range parameters : "To" style not updated after being filled manually
* based on patch from Anozi Mada
* Add javadoc explaining new columnname notation in IProcessParameterListener
* Change BankTransferParameterListener to illustrate better usage of columnname - as example
* IDEMPIERE-3101 implement OAuth2 for mail (gmail, outlook and other mail system)
WIP - initial version working on zk with google apps mail using OAuth2 Authorization Code Flow and Client Type = web application
* Enable imap reading with OAuth2 in RequestEMailProcessor
* Simplify the code - tested plain and OAuth2 can use the same methods
* Add +SCOPE parameter to AddAuthorizationForm according to IDEMPIERE-4713
* Rename the form AddAuthorizationMailForm to AddAuthorizationForm as is now more generic
* Rename migration scripts to make it newer than IDEMPIERE-4713
* Add list of scopes attended by a credential
* Change form to accept other scopes, if no scope parameter is passed, then a list is shown, change the menu to fix the EMail scope
* Add MAuthorizationAccount.refreshAndGetAccessToken
* Add translation for messages
* make call generic oauth, avoid using specific google API
* Tests with microsoft as OAuth2 provider
* Add record for microsoft as provider
* Increase size of tokens
* Define mandatory and secure columns
* Update refresh token when it comes on the refresh call
* Revoke endpoint is optional
* Change the approach to a process instead of a form (WIP)
* Implement servlet to process the OAuth2 code
* Solve context suggestion from hengsin
* Implement the form in an automatic popup approach for running on zkwebui
* i18n - add translations for all messages that are shown to user
* on the form opted for click to avoid the problem with browsers forbidding popups
* clean spaces and tabs on line endings
* avoid logging and copy of the secure columns
* Fix problem reported by @d-ruiz about hidden NPE when SMTP Authentication is disabled
* Add writing to AD_PInstance_Para and AD_PInstance_Log the results of processing the servlet
* Control to avoid using the same authorization URL twice
* IDEMPIERE-4488 Remove .classpath from repository
* IDEMPIERE-4488 Remove .classpath from repository
add ignore for .classpath
* IDEMPIERE-4488 Remove .classpath from repository
remove ".settings/org.eclipse.jdt.core.prefs"
* IDEMPIERE-4488 Remove .classpath from repository
fix false status report for /bin and .project
* IDEMPIERE-4722 Remove constraint that idempiere source folder must be used as Eclipse workspace
use project_loc of org.adempiere.base instead of workspace_loc
integrate additional fix from Carlos
* IDEMPIERE-4713 Allow definition of context variables to inject on menu and window definition
* * Implement prefix "+" as suggested by @hengsin
* Clear the variable
* * Fix scope of methods and fix interface as suggested by @hengsin
* * Implement changes suggested by @hengsin
* Add control for clicking on new button on Favourites and menu
Immediately treat jqxhr.status=0 as server not available doesn't work
well on firefox. With Firefox both stop of server and navigate away to
another site provide same jqxhr.onerror event and jqxhr.status of 0.
* Login Automatic Open Sequence -> buttons don't require names
* Login Automatic Open Sequence -> buttons look bad with non-font icons
* Clicking on + on an item of the favourites throws an NPE
* Implement same approach about checking for new button restricted on menu search, menu popup and quick entry popup
* IDEMPIERE-3340 : User favorite with tree structure
* IDEMPIERE-3340: Marking write operation to safe for cross tenant safe
* IDEMPIERE-3340: Fixing Cross tenant access issue
* IDEMPIERE-3340: refactoring as review comment, Fixing renaming folder issue, Auto launch window shows all items irrespective of access
* Sync with IDEMPIERE-4251
* Sync with IDEMPIERE-4251
* IDEMPIERE-3340: Refactoring as review comment for caching,
toolbar button restriction method with ID, tooltip messages, font base theme,
remove double click event, etc.
Co-authored-by: Carlos Ruiz <carg67@gmail.com>
* IDEMPIERE-4676 Browser hangs after restarting iDempiere or refreshing ui.zk, on macos sometimes during work
* IDEMPIERE-4678 Save log informing Notice created when background job
stop immediately when server is not reachable
* IDEMPIERE-4678 Save log informing Notice created when background job
* Added also a refactor for the INSERT INTO AD_PInstance_Log to use safer binding variables and add method saveEx
* - Implement suggestions from @hengsin
- Add some additional improvements
* IDEMPIERE-4662 Some problems of sort at window before save
* IDEMPIERE-4662 Some problems of sort at window before save
Fixed the sequence of edit field -> sort -> edit field will wrongly
trigger save automatically.
* IDEMPIERE-4657 Search Dialog Columns are duplicated when table is present in multiple window tabs.
* Improve query when different seqno (just check fields from first tab)
* IDEMPIERE-4653 Improve timeout handling of window tab
* Fixed a problem with IDEMPIERE-4130 that was not using role max query records
* GridTable was throwing NPEs because the arrays were disposed before closing
* Lowered log level on MRole to avoid clogging the console (I was testing with INFO level)
* Added more points of control for the timeout exception to give meaningful errors to the user and allow refining the query without closing the Find dialog
* Implemented a control to avoid repeating a slow initial query every time the dialog is open
* Added dialog when the find criteria doesn't return rows and allows the user to refine the query
* When the initial number of records is unknown, show a question mark instead of the count
* * Fix wrong role level pushed in first commit
* IDEMPIERE-4628 Implement configurable query timeout for info window
* IDEMPIERE-4628 Implement configurable query timeout for info window
Move migration script from i8.2z to i8.2
* IDEMPIERE-4647 : filter plugins using name
* Minor improvements
* Add translated message for Filter
* Use ON_CHANGE instead of ON_BLUR, allows to apply the filter with ENTER
Co-authored-by: Carlos Ruiz <carg67@gmail.com>
* IDEMPIERE-4251 Constant definition for all Env Context
replace "#Date" with Env.DATE
* IDEMPIERE-4251 Constant definition for all Env Context
replace "#.." with constant at Env
* IDEMPIERE-4251 Constant definition for all Env Context
Merge patch from Carlos