* IDEMPIERE-4653 Improve timeout handling of window tab
* Fixed a problem with IDEMPIERE-4130 that was not using role max query records
* GridTable was throwing NPEs because the arrays were disposed before closing
* Lowered log level on MRole to avoid clogging the console (I was testing with INFO level)
* Added more points of control for the timeout exception to give meaningful errors to the user and allow refining the query without closing the Find dialog
* Implemented a control to avoid repeating a slow initial query every time the dialog is open
* Added dialog when the find criteria doesn't return rows and allows the user to refine the query
* When the initial number of records is unknown, show a question mark instead of the count
* * Fix wrong role level pushed in first commit
* IDEMPIERE-4628 Implement configurable query timeout for info window
* IDEMPIERE-4628 Implement configurable query timeout for info window
Move migration script from i8.2z to i8.2
* IDEMPIERE-4647 : filter plugins using name
* Minor improvements
* Add translated message for Filter
* Use ON_CHANGE instead of ON_BLUR, allows to apply the filter with ENTER
Co-authored-by: Carlos Ruiz <carg67@gmail.com>
* IDEMPIERE-4251 Constant definition for all Env Context
replace "#Date" with Env.DATE
* IDEMPIERE-4251 Constant definition for all Env Context
replace "#.." with constant at Env
* IDEMPIERE-4251 Constant definition for all Env Context
Merge patch from Carlos
* IDEMPIERE-4616 : Lead : add IsVendorLead
* IDEMPIERE-4616 : Lead : add IsVendorLead
Fix description for Lead window
Add Display Logic for Opportunity parameters (now hidden if no opportunity)
Set BPartner.IsCustomer/IsVendor according to Lead.IsSales/VendorLead
* IDEMPIERE-4616 : Lead : add IsVendorLead
Move scripts from 8.2 to 8.2z
* IDEMPIERE-4632 Print Invoices is not translating the invoice if the report is a Jasper Report
* IDEMPIERE-4632 Print Invoices is not translating the invoice if the report is a Jasper Report
* IDEMPIERE-4626 Error message when opening FindWindow in Invoice(Customer)
add Payment displaytype to isList
* IDEMPIERE-4626 Error message when opening FindWindow in Invoice(Customer)
merge suggestion from Carlos
* IDEMPIERE-4485 Info Window Columns has no Value preference
* IDEMPIERE-4485 Fix Query Parameter SQLWhere build.
* IDEMPIERE-4485 Info Window Columns - shorter code.
* backward compatible with the previous idempiere.properties and idempiereEnv.properties version
* when the setup/console-setup is executed again the secret keys are stored obfuscated in a different file .idpass
* to add more is just adding keys to array ConfigurationData.secretVars
* the previous (unobfuscated) approach is still preserved passing -DIDEMPIERE_SECURE_PROPERTIES=false to the JVM in setup and server
* the approach just run on Linux - as is implemented using shell script, windows is out of the initial scope, but could be possible to implement .bat files to do similar
* the default approach is to use getVar.sh and setVar.sh that writes in .idpass obfuscated
* is possible to extend and use custom secret managers implementing customSetVar.sh and customGetVar.sh
* samples for amazon AWS secretsmanager are included
* avoid the email sent on setup sending the secret keys
* enclose all variables in myEnvironment.sh within quotes (this avoids problems with variables containing spaces)
* add coreutils as required for debian installer (as we use base64 now to obfuscate passwords)
* swing client is not affected as it saves the idempiere.properties encrypted in user home folder
* IDEMPIERE-4620 Improvements for Setup programs
* Allow receiving log level as parameter for setup and console-setup
* Avoid duplication of log file - just leave it in /log
* Implement logging for console-setup too
* mark SilentSetup as deprecated
* add runtime-*.app to .gitignore (sometimes files appear in these folders and can be wrongly committed)
* IDEMPIERE-4620 Improvements for Setup programs
* Add validation for log level parameter
* Implement silent-setup instead of deprecating
* console-setup is prone to errors when redirecting stdin
* Test the debian installer using the silent-setup