Carlos Ruiz
Usability on zkwebui:
* Increase usability on login window as the OK button is shown in the same place
* Show always OK button at the top right, same as Swing client does
2011-03-25 23:09:53 -05:00
Carlos Ruiz
Usability on zkwebui:
* Red color whole label of empty mandatory fields
2011-03-25 23:04:01 -05:00
Carlos Ruiz
FR [3132033] - Make payment export class configurable per bank
2011-03-25 20:54:47 -05:00
Carlos Ruiz
Fix [3114390] - UI disappearing long running refresh
2011-03-25 20:16:11 -05:00
Carlos Ruiz
* Implement translation for Dashboard Content titles (name) and tooltip (description)
* Integrate MDashboardContent class implemented by Teo Sarca with revision 12691
2011-03-25 20:09:53 -05:00
Carlos Ruiz
Fix problem in zkwebui - resource assignment cannot be created.
Steps to reproduce:
- Create a Sales Order
- Create a line selling Mary Consultant product
- Try to create a resource assignment
a Null Pointer Exception was thrown
2011-03-25 19:54:10 -05:00
Carlos Ruiz
Fix problem with PDF Viewer window that cannot be closed on zkwebui.
Steps to reproduce:
- Create an standard order with delivery=Force and complete
- Run the Generate Shipments process (from zkwebui) and fill the parameters to generate the shipments
- Answer Yes when asked to print the shipments
- zkwebui open a pdf viewer window without title that cannot be closed
This patch solves the problem assigning a title to the window when the title is empty
2011-03-08 11:52:10 -05:00
Carlos Ruiz
minor - translate BPartner message on two zk forms
2011-03-08 11:51:03 -05:00
Carlos Ruiz
Fix several errors with Allocation:
- fix a wrong raise of exception when no organization (add throws keyword)
- when creating the allocation is taking the organization of log in, and it must take precedence the organization chosen by the user on the allocation window (login org still used in case no org is selected by user)
2011-03-08 11:45:59 -05:00
Carlos Ruiz
Just one record for personal lock or record access can be saved.
Steps to reproduce:
- Enable Personal Lock on a Role (i.e. GardenAdmin)
- Log in as GardenAdmin, open Payment Term window and lock the first record
- Then try to lock the second record, it's not possible, just one record can be saved on the same session
This commit fix the problem.
2011-03-08 11:43:49 -05:00
Carlos Ruiz
Implement system configurator parameter ZK_ROOT_FOLDER_BROWSER to indicate the root for zk folder browser
2011-03-08 11:27:33 -05:00
Carlos Ruiz
Improve output message from translation import process
2011-03-08 11:03:32 -05:00
Carlos Ruiz
Fix zkwebui problem with mandatory read-only fields.
There is a case where a read-only field is set as mandatory (it's filled with a default value) - this is working ok in swing, but in zkwebui was not working because read-only fields were treated in a different way
Fix problem caused by revision 14423:
Problem reported here:
* Fix zkwebui problem with mandatory read-only fields.
* Now it behaves like swing
* And lists are not filled for read-only fields (better performance)
2011-03-08 10:46:14 -05:00
Carlos Ruiz
Improvements for zkwebui process parameter panel:
- show mandatory fields similar to windows (marked with a red * at the end)
- validate mandatory fields, inform the user and allow the user to fill them without cancelling the report/process (the user is notified immediately no need to push Parameter button to go back and fill the mandatory parameters - similar as swing client behaves)
2011-03-07 10:59:31 -05:00
Carlos Ruiz
fix in BrowserToken to avoid Null Pointer Exception
2011-03-07 10:25:32 -05:00
Carlos Ruiz
Synchronize InfoInvoice with InfoInvoicePanel (zkwebui)
- swing is showing DueDate and zk is not
- add DocumentNo to the order in case several documents fall on the same due date
2011-03-07 10:11:51 -05:00
Heng Sin Low
WGenForm must be declare as instance variable instead of static variable.
2011-02-16 12:11:56 +08:00
Heng Sin Low
Fixed wrong variable declaration - should be instance instead of static.
2011-02-14 12:21:20 +08:00
Heng Sin Low
Fixed current record could disappear after save.
2011-02-08 18:59:03 +08:00
Heng Sin Low
Set zk component id prefix for selenium test support.
2011-02-08 10:54:42 +08:00
Heng Sin Low
Implement saveAndCreate toolbar button - use ctrl-q as shortcut instead of ctrl-a which is commonly known as the short cut key for select all text.
2011-02-08 10:53:35 +08:00
Heng Sin Low
Fixed can't auto focus to number box.
2011-02-07 18:18:18 +08:00
Heng Sin Low
Fixed memory leak in the merge pdf method.
2011-02-07 18:13:58 +08:00
Heng Sin Low
Added NPE check.
2011-02-07 18:11:50 +08:00
Heng Sin Low
Remove unnecessary max length for search criteria input box.
2011-02-07 18:07:39 +08:00
Heng Sin Low
Set zk component id prefix for selenium test support.
2011-02-07 18:00:56 +08:00
Heng Sin Low
Render user home page in background thread.
2011-02-07 18:00:37 +08:00
Heng Sin Low
Implemented login date support, set zk component id prefix for selenium test support.
2011-02-07 17:58:26 +08:00
Heng Sin Low
Set zk component id prefix for selenium test support.
2011-02-07 17:50:05 +08:00
Heng Sin Low
Should execute confirmPrint before printing of check.
2011-02-07 17:29:46 +08:00
Heng Sin Low
Implement saveAndCreate toolbar button.
2011-02-07 12:19:05 +08:00
Heng Sin Low
Implement saveAndCreate toolbar button.
2011-02-07 12:01:09 +08:00
Heng Sin Low
Show busy dialog while button process is running.
2011-02-07 11:28:32 +08:00
Heng Sin Low
Fixed showWindow(modalWindow, "center") doesn't show modal window in the center of screen.
2011-02-07 11:28:09 +08:00
Heng Sin Low
Fixed the new record button in find dialog incorrectly set an empty query object as the current query for the window.
2011-02-07 11:18:23 +08:00
Heng Sin Low
The file name editor value is not save if user doesn't press enter at the text box after selected file using the browse for file button.
2011-02-07 11:14:10 +08:00
Heng Sin Low
The file directory editor value is not save if user doesn't press enter at the text box after selected folder using the browse for directory button.
2011-02-07 11:11:37 +08:00
Heng Sin Low
Added null check.
2011-02-07 11:07:20 +08:00
Heng Sin Low
Added null check.
2011-02-07 11:06:27 +08:00
Heng Sin Low
Added null check.
2011-02-07 11:03:36 +08:00
Heng Sin Low
added null check for attachment entry and move button state management to the auto preview method.
2011-01-19 13:11:01 +08:00
Heng Sin Low
Use process title as pdf viewer title. Ensure busy dialog is always closed.
2011-01-19 12:24:38 +08:00
Heng Sin Low
Fixed tab context preparation error.
2011-01-19 11:10:47 +08:00
Heng Sin Low
Info panel not reset to empty after a new query doesn't match any records in db.
2011-01-17 20:02:20 +08:00
Heng Sin Low
Fixed context management bug with server push.
2011-01-17 18:05:09 +08:00
Heng Sin Low
Updated extension point documentation formatting. Remove the use of osgi: prefix for form, modelvalidator and process to ease migration, the framework will now always check whether an implementation exists in the extension registry before checking the java classpath. Rename org.adempiere.osgi in swing to org.adempiere.ui.swing.factory and drop the incomplete IMenuAction extension in swing ( will come back to this later ).
2010-12-20 10:46:25 +08:00
Heng Sin Low
Fixed loading of image resource for web ui.
2010-12-17 11:49:05 +08:00
Heng Sin Low
minor - make generated id more readable.
2010-12-16 16:26:08 +08:00
Heng Sin Low
Fixed AdempiereIdGenerator doesn't always generate valid uuid which should only include ascii alphabet, digit and the '_' character.
2010-12-15 16:21:25 +08:00
Heng Sin Low
2pack refactoring - decouple from SvrProcess and DB Model. Enhance the grid tab export framework to support export of 2pack archive.
2010-12-14 07:59:58 +08:00
Heng Sin Low
Implemented data grid export service for zk client.
2010-11-24 11:58:19 +08:00
Heng Sin Low
Implemented field editor factory extension for zk client
2010-11-24 07:27:22 +08:00
Heng Sin Low
Minor info product window search enhancement.
2010-11-23 18:34:00 +08:00
Heng Sin Low
Implemented info factory as extension point for zk and swing client.
2010-11-23 18:01:11 +08:00
Heng Sin Low
Fixed lookup of form extension.
2010-11-04 03:51:55 +08:00
Heng Sin Low
Don't continue platform startup if file is missing.
2010-10-26 18:58:04 +08:00
Heng Sin Low
LoginPanel should display only supported language.
2010-10-26 18:57:21 +08:00
Heng Sin Low
Ported chat window from swing UI.
2010-10-22 10:30:19 +08:00
Heng Sin Low
Refactoring to make project and folder name the same as the bundle symbolic name. Migrate to use eclipse feature and product configuration ( build is broken, to fix later )
2010-09-29 15:25:34 +08:00