1. use latest jdt for support jdk10
2. tycho resolve dependency to javax.activation, javax.xml.bind from jdk, but jdk don't public it.
eclipse resolve by get highest version from com.sun.activation.javax.activation, jaxb-api
so need use Require-Bundle to force tycho choose com.sun.activation.javax.activation
2.1 if keep both import javax.activation and Require-Bundle com.sun.activation.javax.activation with get bellow exception on tycho but org.adempiere.base don't have this issue
[ERROR] /home/hieplq/1Dev/project/native/idempiere-dev-11/org.adempiere.ui.zk/WEB-INF/src/org/adempiere/webui/factory/[16]
[ERROR] import javax.activation.DataSource;
[ERROR] ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
[ERROR] Access restriction: The type 'DataSource' is not API (restriction on classpath entry '/home/hieplq/.m2/repository/p2/osgi/bundle/com.sun.activation.javax.activation/1.2.0/com.sun.activation.javax.activation-1.2.0.jar')
3. pass --add-exports for org.adempiere.base, install, server and swing
update jetty to 12
update almost library to latest version
change org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.batch to org.eclipse.jdt.core
change to org.apache.geronimo.specs.geronimo-j2ee-management_1.1_spec, reduce dependency and correct dependency of activeMQ
javax.activation to com.sun.activation.javax.activation
lib for service will take from library instea of jdk
groovy to date
+ add more Osgi for jasper dependency
+ don't fix incompatibility issue for swing
+ use bootdelegation to resolve issue. let all use class from jdk
online and offline taget platform with parameter
wire org.apache.lucene.core to 3.5.0.v20120725-1805 (match with current org.apache.lucene.analysis)
target file become simple because don't neeed filter out bundle
for maven build, taget just need to define url to repository
for eclipse
1. deselect lower version of singleton bundle in case have multi version
2. Some bunlde have multi version, lancher will auto pickup latest version, but dependency need older version, so deselect all new version
3. is got trouble nowaday, so can't test remote repository