Speed up financial reports
[ 1642765 ] problem with Facc_act_balance slow financial report Implemented a better approach (suggested by Heng Sin) - Dropped Fact_Acct_Balance table - Created Fact_Acct_Balance view for backward compatibility - Created speed up index on Fact_Acct - Replaced the accesses to Fact_Acct_Balance by accessing directly Fact_Acct in code - Don't need to "update balances" anymore
This commit is contained in:
@ -112,9 +112,6 @@ public class FactAcctReset extends SvrProcess
pstmt = null;
// Balances
if (p_DeletePosting)
FinBalance.updateBalanceClient(getCtx(), p_AD_Client_ID); // delete
return "@Updated@ = " + m_countReset + ", @Deleted@ = " + m_countDelete;
} // doIt
@ -1,175 +0,0 @@
* Product: Adempiere ERP & CRM Smart Business Solution *
* Copyright (C) 1999-2006 ComPiere, Inc. All Rights Reserved. *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it *
* under the terms version 2 of the GNU General Public License as published *
* by the Free Software Foundation. This program is distributed in the hope *
* that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied *
* See the GNU General Public License for more details. *
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along *
* with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., *
* 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA. *
* For the text or an alternative of this public license, you may reach us *
* ComPiere, Inc., 2620 Augustine Dr. #245, Santa Clara, CA 95054, USA *
* or via info@compiere.org or http://www.compiere.org/license.html *
package org.compiere.report;
import java.math.*;
import java.util.*;
import org.compiere.model.*;
import org.compiere.process.*;
import java.util.logging.*;
import org.compiere.util.*;
* Financial Balance Maintenance Engine
* @author Jorg Janke
* @version $Id: FinBalance.java,v 1.2 2006/07/30 00:51:05 jjanke Exp $
* @author Low Heng Sin
* - Make always delete + insert to resolved Feature Request [ 1557707 ] and
* bug [1619917]
public class FinBalance extends SvrProcess
* Financial Report Constructor
public FinBalance()
log.info(" ");
} // FinBalance
/** Logger */
protected static CLogger s_log = CLogger.getCLogger (FinBalance.class);
private int p_C_AcctSchema_ID = 0;
* Prepare - e.g., get Parameters.
protected void prepare()
// Parameter
ProcessInfoParameter[] para = getParameter();
for (int i = 0; i < para.length; i++)
String name = para[i].getParameterName();
if (para[i].getParameter() == null)
else if (name.equals("C_AcctSchema_ID"))
p_C_AcctSchema_ID = ((BigDecimal)para[i].getParameter()).intValue();
log.log(Level.SEVERE, "Unknown Parameter: " + name);
} // prepare
* Perform process.
* @return Message to be translated
* @throws Exception
protected String doIt() throws java.lang.Exception
log.fine("C_AcctSchema_ID=" + p_C_AcctSchema_ID);
if (p_C_AcctSchema_ID != 0)
updateBalanceClient(getCtx(), getAD_Client_ID());
return "";
} // doIt
* Delete Balances
* @param C_AcctSchema_ID accounting schema 0 for all
* @return Message to be translated
public static String deleteBalance (int C_AcctSchema_ID)
StringBuffer sql = new StringBuffer ("DELETE FROM Fact_Acct_Balance WHERE ");
if (C_AcctSchema_ID != 0)
sql.append ("C_AcctSchema_ID=").append (C_AcctSchema_ID);
int no = DB.executeUpdate(sql.toString(), null); // out of trx
String msg = "@Deleted@=" + no;
s_log.fine("C_AcctSchema_ID=" + C_AcctSchema_ID + " #=" + no);
return msg;
} // deleteBalance
* Update / Create Balances.
* Called from FinReport, FactAcctReset (indirect)
* @param C_AcctSchema_ID accounting schema
* @param deleteFirst delete (all) balances first
* @return Message to be translated
public static String updateBalance (int C_AcctSchema_ID)
s_log.info("C_AcctSchema_ID=" + C_AcctSchema_ID);
long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
int no = DB.executeUpdate("DELETE FROM Fact_Acct_Balance WHERE C_AcctSchema_ID=?",
C_AcctSchema_ID, null);
s_log.fine("Deleted=" + no);
String sql = null;
/** Insert **/
sql = "INSERT INTO Fact_Acct_Balance "
+ "(AD_Client_ID, AD_Org_ID, C_AcctSchema_ID, DateAcct,"
+ " Account_ID, PostingType, M_Product_ID, C_BPartner_ID,"
+ " C_Project_ID, AD_OrgTrx_ID, C_SalesRegion_ID,C_Activity_ID,"
+ " C_Campaign_ID, C_LocTo_ID, C_LocFrom_ID, User1_ID, User2_ID, UserElement1_ID, UserElement2_ID, GL_Budget_ID,"
+ " AmtAcctDr, AmtAcctCr, Qty) "
+ "SELECT AD_Client_ID, AD_Org_ID, C_AcctSchema_ID, TRUNC(DateAcct),"
+ " Account_ID, PostingType, M_Product_ID, C_BPartner_ID,"
+ " C_Project_ID, AD_OrgTrx_ID, C_SalesRegion_ID,C_Activity_ID,"
+ " C_Campaign_ID, C_LocTo_ID, C_LocFrom_ID, User1_ID, User2_ID, UserElement1_ID, UserElement2_ID, GL_Budget_ID,"
+ " COALESCE(SUM(AmtAcctDr),0), COALESCE(SUM(AmtAcctCr),0), COALESCE(SUM(Qty),0) "
+ "FROM Fact_Acct a "
+ "WHERE C_AcctSchema_ID=" + C_AcctSchema_ID;
sql += " GROUP BY AD_Client_ID,AD_Org_ID, C_AcctSchema_ID, TRUNC(DateAcct),"
+ " Account_ID, PostingType, M_Product_ID, C_BPartner_ID,"
+ " C_Project_ID, AD_OrgTrx_ID, C_SalesRegion_ID, C_Activity_ID,"
+ " C_Campaign_ID, C_LocTo_ID, C_LocFrom_ID, User1_ID, User2_ID, UserElement1_ID, UserElement2_ID, GL_Budget_ID";
no = DB.executeUpdate(sql, null);
s_log.fine("Inserts=" + no);
start = System.currentTimeMillis() - start;
s_log.info((start/1000) + " sec");
return "";
} // updateBalance
* Update Balance of Client
* @param ctx context
* @param AD_Client_ID client
* @param deleteFirst delete first
* @return error or ""
public static String updateBalanceClient (Properties ctx, int AD_Client_ID)
MAcctSchema[] ass = MAcctSchema.getClientAcctSchema(ctx, AD_Client_ID);
for (int i = 0; i < ass.length; i++)
return "";
} // updateBalanceClient
* Test
* @param args ignored
public static void main(String[] args)
FinBalance finBalance1 = new FinBalance();
} // main
} // FinBalance
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
* Product: Adempiere ERP & CRM Smart Business Solution *
* Product: Adempiere ERP & CRM Smart Business Solution *
* Copyright (C) 1999-2006 ComPiere, Inc. All Rights Reserved. *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it *
* under the terms version 2 of the GNU General Public License as published *
@ -59,8 +59,6 @@ public class FinReport extends SvrProcess
private int p_C_SalesRegion_ID = 0;
/** Campaign Parameter */
private int p_C_Campaign_ID = 0;
/** Update Balances Parameter */
private boolean p_UpdateBalances = true;
/** Details before Lines */
private boolean p_DetailsSourceFirst = false;
/** Hierarchy */
@ -115,8 +113,6 @@ public class FinReport extends SvrProcess
p_C_SalesRegion_ID = ((BigDecimal)para[i].getParameter()).intValue();
else if (name.equals("C_Campaign_ID"))
p_C_Campaign_ID = ((BigDecimal)para[i].getParameter()).intValue();
else if (name.equals("UpdateBalances"))
p_UpdateBalances = "Y".equals(para[i].getParameter());
else if (name.equals("DetailsSourceFirst"))
p_DetailsSourceFirst = "Y".equals(para[i].getParameter());
@ -242,10 +238,6 @@ public class FinReport extends SvrProcess
int no = DB.executeUpdate(sql.toString(), get_TrxName());
log.fine("Report Lines = " + no);
// Update AcctSchema Balances
if (p_UpdateBalances)
FinBalance.updateBalance (m_report.getC_AcctSchema_ID());
// ** Get Data ** Segment Values
m_columns = m_report.getColumnSet().getColumns();
if (m_columns.length == 0)
@ -324,7 +316,7 @@ public class FinReport extends SvrProcess
// Get Period/Date info
select.append(" FROM Fact_Acct_Balance WHERE DateAcct ");
select.append(" FROM Fact_Acct WHERE TRUNC(DateAcct) ");
BigDecimal relativeOffset = null; // current
if (m_columns[col].isColumnTypeRelativePeriod())
relativeOffset = m_columns[col].getRelativePeriod();
@ -1020,7 +1012,7 @@ public class FinReport extends SvrProcess
// Get Period info
select.append(" FROM Fact_Acct_Balance fb WHERE DateAcct ");
select.append(" FROM Fact_Acct fb WHERE TRUNC(DateAcct) ");
FinReportPeriod frp = getPeriod (m_columns[col].getRelativePeriod());
if (m_lines[line].getAmountType() != null) // line amount type overwrites column
@ -1104,7 +1096,7 @@ public class FinReport extends SvrProcess
insert.append(" FROM Fact_Acct_Balance x WHERE ")
insert.append(" FROM Fact_Acct x WHERE ")
.append(m_lines[line].getWhereClause(p_PA_Hierarchy_ID)); // (sources, posting type)
String s = m_report.getWhereClause();
if (s != null && s.length() > 0)
@ -1190,7 +1182,7 @@ public class FinReport extends SvrProcess
insert.append(" AND ").append(s);
// Period restriction
FinReportPeriod frp = getPeriod (0);
insert.append(" AND DateAcct ")
insert.append(" AND TRUNC(DateAcct) ")
// PostingType ??
// if (!m_lines[line].isPostingType()) // only if not defined on line
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
* Product: Adempiere ERP & CRM Smart Business Solution *
* Product: Adempiere ERP & CRM Smart Business Solution *
* Copyright (C) 1999-2006 ComPiere, Inc. All Rights Reserved. *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it *
* under the terms version 2 of the GNU General Public License as published *
@ -71,8 +71,6 @@ public class FinStatement extends SvrProcess
private int p_C_SalesRegion_ID = 0;
/** Campaign Parameter */
private int p_C_Campaign_ID = 0;
/** Update Balances Parameter */
private boolean p_UpdateBalances = true;
/** Hierarchy */
private int p_PA_Hierarchy_ID = 0;
@ -127,8 +125,6 @@ public class FinStatement extends SvrProcess
p_C_SalesRegion_ID = ((BigDecimal)para[i].getParameter()).intValue();
else if (name.equals("C_Campaign_ID"))
p_C_Campaign_ID = ((BigDecimal)para[i].getParameter()).intValue();
else if (name.equals("UpdateBalances"))
p_UpdateBalances = "Y".equals(para[i].getParameter());
log.log(Level.SEVERE, "Unknown Parameter: " + name);
@ -237,10 +233,6 @@ public class FinStatement extends SvrProcess
protected String doIt()
// Update AcctSchema Balances
if (p_UpdateBalances)
FinBalance.updateBalance (p_C_AcctSchema_ID);
@ -267,9 +259,9 @@ public class FinStatement extends SvrProcess
.append(DB.TO_DATE(p_DateAcct_From, true)).append(",")
.append(DB.TO_STRING(Msg.getMsg(Env.getCtx(), "BeginningBalance"))).append(",NULL,"
+ "COALESCE(SUM(AmtAcctDr),0), COALESCE(SUM(AmtAcctCr),0), COALESCE(SUM(AmtAcctDr-AmtAcctCr),0), COALESCE(SUM(Qty),0) "
+ "FROM Fact_Acct_Balance "
+ "FROM Fact_Acct "
+ "WHERE ").append(m_parameterWhere)
.append(" AND DateAcct < ").append(DB.TO_DATE(p_DateAcct_From));
.append(" AND TRUNC(DateAcct) < ").append(DB.TO_DATE(p_DateAcct_From));
// Start Beginning of Year
if (p_Account_ID > 0)
@ -279,7 +271,7 @@ public class FinStatement extends SvrProcess
MPeriod first = MPeriod.getFirstInYear (getCtx(), p_DateAcct_From);
if (first != null)
sb.append(" AND DateAcct >= ").append(DB.TO_DATE(first.getStartDate()));
sb.append(" AND TRUNC(DateAcct) >= ").append(DB.TO_DATE(first.getStartDate()));
log.log(Level.SEVERE, "First period not found");
@ -300,11 +292,11 @@ public class FinStatement extends SvrProcess
+ "DateAcct, Name, Description,"
+ "AmtAcctDr, AmtAcctCr, Balance, Qty) ");
sb.append("SELECT ").append(getAD_PInstance_ID()).append(",Fact_Acct_ID,1,")
+ "AmtAcctDr, AmtAcctCr, AmtAcctDr-AmtAcctCr, Qty "
+ "FROM Fact_Acct "
+ "WHERE ").append(m_parameterWhere)
.append(" AND DateAcct BETWEEN ").append(DB.TO_DATE(p_DateAcct_From))
.append(" AND TRUNC(DateAcct) BETWEEN ").append(DB.TO_DATE(p_DateAcct_From))
.append(" AND ").append(DB.TO_DATE(p_DateAcct_To));
int no = DB.executeUpdate(sb.toString(), get_TrxName());
@ -1,111 +0,0 @@
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<!DOCTYPE database SYSTEM "http://db.apache.org/torque/dtd/database">
<database name="default" defaultIdMethod="none">
<table name="FACT_ACCT_BALANCE">
<column name="AD_CLIENT_ID" primaryKey="false" required="true" type="ID" size="10" autoIncrement="false"/>
<column name="AD_ORG_ID" primaryKey="false" required="true" type="ID" size="10" autoIncrement="false"/>
<column name="C_ACCTSCHEMA_ID" primaryKey="false" required="true" type="ID" size="10" autoIncrement="false"/>
<column name="DATEACCT" primaryKey="false" required="true" type="TIMESTAMP" size="7" autoIncrement="false"/>
<column name="ACCOUNT_ID" primaryKey="false" required="true" type="ID" size="10" autoIncrement="false"/>
<column name="POSTINGTYPE" primaryKey="false" required="true" type="CHAR" size="1" autoIncrement="false"/>
<column name="M_PRODUCT_ID" primaryKey="false" required="false" type="ID" size="10" autoIncrement="false"/>
<column name="C_BPARTNER_ID" primaryKey="false" required="false" type="ID" size="10" autoIncrement="false"/>
<column name="C_PROJECT_ID" primaryKey="false" required="false" type="ID" size="10" autoIncrement="false"/>
<column name="AD_ORGTRX_ID" primaryKey="false" required="false" type="ID" size="10" autoIncrement="false"/>
<column name="C_SALESREGION_ID" primaryKey="false" required="false" type="ID" size="10" autoIncrement="false"/>
<column name="C_ACTIVITY_ID" primaryKey="false" required="false" type="ID" size="10" autoIncrement="false"/>
<column name="C_CAMPAIGN_ID" primaryKey="false" required="false" type="ID" size="10" autoIncrement="false"/>
<column name="C_LOCTO_ID" primaryKey="false" required="false" type="ID" size="10" autoIncrement="false"/>
<column name="C_LOCFROM_ID" primaryKey="false" required="false" type="ID" size="10" autoIncrement="false"/>
<column name="USER1_ID" primaryKey="false" required="false" type="ID" size="10" autoIncrement="false"/>
<column name="USER2_ID" primaryKey="false" required="false" type="ID" size="10" autoIncrement="false"/>
<column name="GL_BUDGET_ID" primaryKey="false" required="false" type="ID" size="10" autoIncrement="false"/>
<column name="AMTACCTDR" primaryKey="false" required="true" type="DECIMAL" default="0" autoIncrement="false"/>
<column name="AMTACCTCR" primaryKey="false" required="true" type="DECIMAL" default="0" autoIncrement="false"/>
<column name="QTY" primaryKey="false" required="true" type="DECIMAL" default="0" autoIncrement="false"/>
<column name="CREATEDBY" primaryKey="false" required="true" type="ID" size="10" default="0" autoIncrement="false"/>
<column name="CREATED" primaryKey="false" required="true" type="TIMESTAMP" size="7" default="CURRENT_TIMESTAMP" autoIncrement="false"/>
<column name="UPDATEDBY" primaryKey="false" required="true" type="ID" size="10" default="0" autoIncrement="false"/>
<column name="UPDATED" primaryKey="false" required="true" type="TIMESTAMP" size="7" default="CURRENT_TIMESTAMP" autoIncrement="false"/>
<column name="ISACTIVE" primaryKey="false" required="true" type="CHAR" size="1" default="Y" autoIncrement="false"/>
<column name="C_SUBACCT_ID" primaryKey="false" required="false" type="ID" size="10" autoIncrement="false"/>
<column name="USERELEMENT1_ID" primaryKey="false" required="false" type="ID" size="10" autoIncrement="false"/>
<column name="USERELEMENT2_ID" primaryKey="false" required="false" type="ID" size="10" autoIncrement="false"/>
<column name="C_PROJECTPHASE_ID" primaryKey="false" required="false" type="ID" size="10" autoIncrement="false"/>
<column name="C_PROJECTTASK_ID" primaryKey="false" required="false" type="ID" size="10" autoIncrement="false"/>
<foreign-key foreignTable="AD_CLIENT" name="ADCLIENT_FACTACCTBAL" onDelete="none">
<reference local="AD_CLIENT_ID" foreign="AD_CLIENT_ID"/>
<foreign-key foreignTable="AD_ORG" name="ADORG_FACTACCTBAL" onDelete="cascade">
<reference local="AD_ORG_ID" foreign="AD_ORG_ID"/>
<foreign-key foreignTable="AD_ORG" name="ADORGTRX_FACTACCTBAL" onDelete="none">
<reference local="AD_ORGTRX_ID" foreign="AD_ORG_ID"/>
<foreign-key foreignTable="C_ACCTSCHEMA" name="CACCTSCHEMA_FACTACCTBAL" onDelete="none">
<reference local="C_ACCTSCHEMA_ID" foreign="C_ACCTSCHEMA_ID"/>
<foreign-key foreignTable="C_ACTIVITY" name="CACTIVITY_FACTACCTBAL" onDelete="none">
<reference local="C_ACTIVITY_ID" foreign="C_ACTIVITY_ID"/>
<foreign-key foreignTable="C_BPARTNER" name="CBPARTNER_FACTACCTBAL" onDelete="none">
<reference local="C_BPARTNER_ID" foreign="C_BPARTNER_ID"/>
<foreign-key foreignTable="C_CAMPAIGN" name="CCAMPAIGN_FACTACCTBAL" onDelete="none">
<reference local="C_CAMPAIGN_ID" foreign="C_CAMPAIGN_ID"/>
<foreign-key foreignTable="C_ELEMENTVALUE" name="CELEMENTVALUEU2_FACTACCTBAL" onDelete="none">
<reference local="USER2_ID" foreign="C_ELEMENTVALUE_ID"/>
<foreign-key foreignTable="C_ELEMENTVALUE" name="CELEMENTVALUEU1_FACTACCTBAL" onDelete="none">
<reference local="USER1_ID" foreign="C_ELEMENTVALUE_ID"/>
<foreign-key foreignTable="C_ELEMENTVALUE" name="CELEMENTVALUEACCT_FACTACCTBAL" onDelete="none">
<reference local="ACCOUNT_ID" foreign="C_ELEMENTVALUE_ID"/>
<foreign-key foreignTable="C_LOCATION" name="CLOCTO_FACTACCTBAL" onDelete="none">
<reference local="C_LOCTO_ID" foreign="C_LOCATION_ID"/>
<foreign-key foreignTable="C_LOCATION" name="CLOCFROM_FACTACCTBALANCE" onDelete="none">
<reference local="C_LOCFROM_ID" foreign="C_LOCATION_ID"/>
<foreign-key foreignTable="C_PROJECT" name="CPROJECT_FACTACCTBAL" onDelete="none">
<reference local="C_PROJECT_ID" foreign="C_PROJECT_ID"/>
<foreign-key foreignTable="C_PROJECTPHASE" name="CPROJECTPHASE_FACTACCTBALANCE" onDelete="setnull">
<reference local="C_PROJECTPHASE_ID" foreign="C_PROJECTPHASE_ID"/>
<foreign-key foreignTable="C_PROJECTTASK" name="CPROJECTTASK_FACTACCTBALANCE" onDelete="setnull">
<reference local="C_PROJECTTASK_ID" foreign="C_PROJECTTASK_ID"/>
<foreign-key foreignTable="C_SALESREGION" name="CSALESREGION_FACTACCTBAL" onDelete="none">
<reference local="C_SALESREGION_ID" foreign="C_SALESREGION_ID"/>
<foreign-key foreignTable="GL_BUDGET" name="GLBUDGET_FACTACCTBALANCE" onDelete="none">
<reference local="GL_BUDGET_ID" foreign="GL_BUDGET_ID"/>
<foreign-key foreignTable="M_PRODUCT" name="MPRODUCT_FACTACCTBAL" onDelete="none">
<reference local="M_PRODUCT_ID" foreign="M_PRODUCT_ID"/>
<unique name="FACT_ACCT_BALANCE_AKEY">
<unique-column name="AD_CLIENT_ID"/>
<unique-column name="AD_ORG_ID"/>
<unique-column name="C_ACCTSCHEMA_ID"/>
<unique-column name="DATEACCT"/>
<unique-column name="ACCOUNT_ID"/>
<unique-column name="POSTINGTYPE"/>
<unique-column name="M_PRODUCT_ID"/>
<unique-column name="C_BPARTNER_ID"/>
<unique-column name="C_PROJECT_ID"/>
<unique-column name="AD_ORGTRX_ID"/>
<unique-column name="C_SALESREGION_ID"/>
<unique-column name="C_ACTIVITY_ID"/>
<unique-column name="C_CAMPAIGN_ID"/>
<unique-column name="C_LOCTO_ID"/>
<unique-column name="C_LOCFROM_ID"/>
<unique-column name="USER1_ID"/>
<unique-column name="USER2_ID"/>
<unique-column name="GL_BUDGET_ID"/>
@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW fact_acct_balance
SELECT ad_client_id, ad_org_id, c_acctschema_id,
TRUNC (dateacct) as dateacct, account_id, postingtype,
m_product_id, c_bpartner_id, c_project_id, ad_orgtrx_id,
c_salesregion_id, c_activity_id, c_campaign_id, c_locto_id,
c_locfrom_id, user1_id, user2_id, gl_budget_id,
COALESCE (SUM (amtacctdr), 0) as amtacctdr,
COALESCE (SUM (amtacctcr), 0) as amtacctcr,
COALESCE (SUM (qty), 0) as qty, MAX (createdby) as createdby,
MAX (created) as created, MAX (updatedby) as updatedby,
MAX (updated) as updated, MAX (isactive) as isactive,
MAX (c_subacct_id) as c_subacct_id, userelement1_id,
userelement2_id, MAX (c_projectphase_id) as c_projectphase_id,
MAX (c_projecttask_id) as c_projecttask_id
FROM fact_acct a
GROUP BY ad_client_id, ad_org_id, c_acctschema_id,
TRUNC (dateacct), account_id, postingtype,
m_product_id, c_bpartner_id, c_project_id, ad_orgtrx_id,
c_salesregion_id, c_activity_id, c_campaign_id, c_locto_id,
c_locfrom_id, user1_id, user2_id,
userelement1_id, userelement2_id,
@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW fact_acct_balance
SELECT ad_client_id, ad_org_id, c_acctschema_id,
TRUNC (dateacct) as dateacct, account_id, postingtype,
m_product_id, c_bpartner_id, c_project_id, ad_orgtrx_id,
c_salesregion_id, c_activity_id, c_campaign_id, c_locto_id,
c_locfrom_id, user1_id, user2_id, gl_budget_id,
COALESCE (SUM (amtacctdr), 0) as amtacctdr,
COALESCE (SUM (amtacctcr), 0) as amtacctcr,
COALESCE (SUM (qty), 0) as qty, MAX (createdby) as createdby,
MAX (created) as created, MAX (updatedby) as updatedby,
MAX (updated) as updated, MAX (isactive) as isactive,
MAX (c_subacct_id) as c_subacct_id, userelement1_id,
userelement2_id, MAX (c_projectphase_id) as c_projectphase_id,
MAX (c_projecttask_id) as c_projecttask_id
FROM fact_acct a
GROUP BY ad_client_id, ad_org_id, c_acctschema_id,
TRUNC (dateacct), account_id, postingtype,
m_product_id, c_bpartner_id, c_project_id, ad_orgtrx_id,
c_salesregion_id, c_activity_id, c_campaign_id, c_locto_id,
c_locfrom_id, user1_id, user2_id,
userelement1_id, userelement2_id,
@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
-- 1642765 - problem with Facc_act_balance slow financial report
CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW fact_acct_balance
SELECT ad_client_id, ad_org_id, c_acctschema_id,
TRUNC (dateacct) as dateacct, account_id, postingtype,
m_product_id, c_bpartner_id, c_project_id, ad_orgtrx_id,
c_salesregion_id, c_activity_id, c_campaign_id, c_locto_id,
c_locfrom_id, user1_id, user2_id, gl_budget_id,
COALESCE (SUM (amtacctdr), 0) as amtacctdr,
COALESCE (SUM (amtacctcr), 0) as amtacctcr,
COALESCE (SUM (qty), 0) as qty, MAX (createdby) as createdby,
MAX (created) as created, MAX (updatedby) as updatedby,
MAX (updated) as updated, MAX (isactive) as isactive,
MAX (c_subacct_id) as c_subacct_id, userelement1_id,
userelement2_id, MAX (c_projectphase_id) as c_projectphase_id,
MAX (c_projecttask_id) as c_projecttask_id
FROM fact_acct a
GROUP BY ad_client_id, ad_org_id, c_acctschema_id,
TRUNC (dateacct), account_id, postingtype,
m_product_id, c_bpartner_id, c_project_id, ad_orgtrx_id,
c_salesregion_id, c_activity_id, c_campaign_id, c_locto_id,
c_locfrom_id, user1_id, user2_id,
userelement1_id, userelement2_id,
-- Jul 15, 2008 1:27:48 AM COT
-- 1642765 - problem with Facc_act_balance slow financial report
UPDATE AD_Table SET IsView='Y',Updated=TO_DATE('2008-07-15 01:27:48','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),UpdatedBy=100 WHERE AD_Table_ID=547
-- Jul 15, 2008 1:31:01 AM COT
-- 1642765 - problem with Facc_act_balance slow financial report
UPDATE AD_Process_Para SET IsActive = 'N',Updated=TO_DATE('2008-07-15 01:27:48','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),UpdatedBy=100 WHERE AD_Process_Para_ID=283
-- Jul 15, 2008 1:32:35 AM COT
-- 1642765 - problem with Facc_act_balance slow financial report
UPDATE AD_Menu SET IsActive = 'N',Updated=TO_DATE('2008-07-15 01:27:48','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),UpdatedBy=100 WHERE AD_Menu_ID=393
-- Jul 15, 2008 1:32:44 AM COT
-- 1642765 - problem with Facc_act_balance slow financial report
UPDATE AD_Process SET IsActive = 'N',Updated=TO_DATE('2008-07-15 01:27:48','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),UpdatedBy=100 WHERE AD_Process_ID=203
-- Jul 15, 2008 1:34:15 AM COT
-- 1642765 - problem with Facc_act_balance slow financial report
UPDATE AD_Process_Para SET IsActive = 'N',Updated=TO_DATE('2008-07-15 01:27:48','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),UpdatedBy=100 WHERE AD_Process_Para_ID=453
-- Jul 15, 2008 1:34:26 AM COT
-- 1642765 - problem with Facc_act_balance slow financial report
UPDATE AD_Process_Para SET IsActive = 'N',Updated=TO_DATE('2008-07-15 01:27:48','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),UpdatedBy=100 WHERE AD_Process_Para_ID=53123
-- Jul 15, 2008 1:35:05 AM COT
-- 1642765 - problem with Facc_act_balance slow financial report
UPDATE AD_Process_Para SET IsActive = 'N',Updated=TO_DATE('2008-07-15 01:27:48','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),UpdatedBy=100 WHERE AD_Process_Para_ID=454
@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
-- 1642765 - problem with Facc_act_balance slow financial report
CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW fact_acct_balance
SELECT ad_client_id, ad_org_id, c_acctschema_id,
TRUNC (dateacct) as dateacct, account_id, postingtype,
m_product_id, c_bpartner_id, c_project_id, ad_orgtrx_id,
c_salesregion_id, c_activity_id, c_campaign_id, c_locto_id,
c_locfrom_id, user1_id, user2_id, gl_budget_id,
COALESCE (SUM (amtacctdr), 0) as amtacctdr,
COALESCE (SUM (amtacctcr), 0) as amtacctcr,
COALESCE (SUM (qty), 0) as qty, MAX (createdby) as createdby,
MAX (created) as created, MAX (updatedby) as updatedby,
MAX (updated) as updated, MAX (isactive) as isactive,
MAX (c_subacct_id) as c_subacct_id, userelement1_id,
userelement2_id, MAX (c_projectphase_id) as c_projectphase_id,
MAX (c_projecttask_id) as c_projecttask_id
FROM fact_acct a
GROUP BY ad_client_id, ad_org_id, c_acctschema_id,
TRUNC (dateacct), account_id, postingtype,
m_product_id, c_bpartner_id, c_project_id, ad_orgtrx_id,
c_salesregion_id, c_activity_id, c_campaign_id, c_locto_id,
c_locfrom_id, user1_id, user2_id,
userelement1_id, userelement2_id,
-- Jul 15, 2008 1:27:48 AM COT
-- 1642765 - problem with Facc_act_balance slow financial report
UPDATE AD_Table SET IsView='Y',Updated=TO_TIMESTAMP('2008-07-15 01:27:48','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),UpdatedBy=100 WHERE AD_Table_ID=547
-- Jul 15, 2008 1:31:01 AM COT
-- 1642765 - problem with Facc_act_balance slow financial report
UPDATE AD_Process_Para SET IsActive = 'N',Updated=TO_TIMESTAMP('2008-07-15 01:27:48','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),UpdatedBy=100 WHERE AD_Process_Para_ID=283
-- Jul 15, 2008 1:32:35 AM COT
-- 1642765 - problem with Facc_act_balance slow financial report
UPDATE AD_Menu SET IsActive = 'N',Updated=TO_TIMESTAMP('2008-07-15 01:27:48','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),UpdatedBy=100 WHERE AD_Menu_ID=393
-- Jul 15, 2008 1:32:44 AM COT
-- 1642765 - problem with Facc_act_balance slow financial report
UPDATE AD_Process SET IsActive = 'N',Updated=TO_TIMESTAMP('2008-07-15 01:27:48','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),UpdatedBy=100 WHERE AD_Process_ID=203
-- Jul 15, 2008 1:34:15 AM COT
-- 1642765 - problem with Facc_act_balance slow financial report
UPDATE AD_Process_Para SET IsActive = 'N',Updated=TO_TIMESTAMP('2008-07-15 01:27:48','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),UpdatedBy=100 WHERE AD_Process_Para_ID=453
-- Jul 15, 2008 1:34:26 AM COT
-- 1642765 - problem with Facc_act_balance slow financial report
UPDATE AD_Process_Para SET IsActive = 'N',Updated=TO_TIMESTAMP('2008-07-15 01:27:48','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),UpdatedBy=100 WHERE AD_Process_Para_ID=53123
-- Jul 15, 2008 1:35:05 AM COT
-- 1642765 - problem with Facc_act_balance slow financial report
UPDATE AD_Process_Para SET IsActive = 'N',Updated=TO_TIMESTAMP('2008-07-15 01:27:48','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),UpdatedBy=100 WHERE AD_Process_Para_ID=454
Reference in New Issue