Fix sample AccountingUS.csv to avoid the warning reported by Adam Tang at

This commit is contained in:
Carlos Ruiz 2016-12-21 19:30:38 +01:00
parent a697612728
commit f4648d26a1
1 changed files with 31 additions and 31 deletions

View File

@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
"[Account_Value]","[Account_Name]","[Account_Description]","[Account_Type]","[Account_Sign]","[Account_Document]","[Account_Summary]","[Default_Account]","[Account_Parent]","[Balance Sheet]","[Balance Sheet_Name]","[US 1120 Balance Sheet]","US 1120 Balance Sheet_Name","[Profit & Loss]","[Profit & Loss_Name]","[US 1120 Income Statement]","[US 1120 Income Statement_Name]","[Cash Flow]","[Cash Flow_Name]"
[Account_Value],[Account_Name],[Account_Description],[Account_Type],[Account_Sign],[Account_Document],[Account_Summary],[Default_Account],[Account_Parent],[Balance Sheet],[Balance Sheet_Name],[US 1120 Balance Sheet],[US 1120 Balance Sheet_Name],[Profit & Loss],[Profit & Loss_Name],[US 1120 Income Statement],[US 1120 Income Statement_Name],[Cash Flow],[Cash Flow_Name]
1,"Assets",,"Asset",,,"Yes",,,1,"Assets",15,"Total Assets",,,,,,
11100,"Checking Account","Bank Asset","Asset",,"Yes","No","B_ASSET_ACCT",11,,,,,,,,,,
11110,"Checking In-Transfer","Bank transactions in transit","Asset",,"Yes","No","B_INTRANSIT_ACCT",11,,,,,,,,,,
11120,"Checking Unidentified Receipts","Receipts from unidentified customer","Asset",,"Yes","No","",11,,,,,,,,,,
11120,"Checking Unidentified Receipts","Receipts from unidentified customer","Asset",,"Yes","No",,11,,,,,,,,,,
11130,"Checking Unallocated Receipts","Received, unallocated payments","Asset",,"Yes","No","B_UNALLOCATEDCASH_ACCT",11,,,,,,,,,,
11200,"Checking Account 2",,"Asset",,,"No",,11,,,,,,,,,,
11300,"Savings Account",,"Asset",,,"No",,11,,,,,,,,,,
@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
12115,"Accounts Receivable Services - Trade","Accounts Receivables for Services","Asset",,"Yes","No","C_RECEIVABLE_SERVICES_ACCT",121,,,"2a","Trade nodes and accounts receivables",,,,,,
12120,"A/R Non Sufficient Funds Returned Checks",,"Asset",,,"No",,121,,,"2a",,,,,,,
12180,"A/R Trade Allowance for Bad Debit",,"Asset",,,"No",,121,,,"2b","Less allowances for bad debts",,,,,,
12190,"Not invoiced receivables","We delivered but have not invoiced yet","Asset",,"Yes","No","",121,,,"2a",,,,,,,
12190,"Not invoiced receivables","We delivered but have not invoiced yet","Asset",,"Yes","No",,121,,,"2a",,,,,,,
122,"Credit Card in Transit",,"Asset",,,"Yes",,12,,,,,,,,,,
12210,"In Transit A/R Amex",,"Asset",,,"No",,122,,,"2a",,,,,,,
12220,"In Transit A/R Master Card",,"Asset",,,"No",,122,,,"2a",,,,,,,
@ -30,10 +30,10 @@
12440,"Loans Receivable Others",,"Asset",,,"No",,124,,,"2a",,,,,,,
12510,"Vendor prepayment","Prepayments for future expense","Asset",,"Yes","No","V_PREPAYMENT_ACCT",125,,,"2a",,,,,,,
12520,"Employee Expense Prepayment","Expense advances","Asset",,"Yes","No","",125,,,"2a",,,,,,,
12520,"Employee Expense Prepayment","Expense advances","Asset",,"Yes","No",,125,,,"2a",,,,,,,
126,"Tax receivables",,"Asset",,,"Yes",,12,,,,,,,,,,
12610,"Tax credit A/R","Tax to be reimbursed - before tax declaration","Asset",,"Yes","No","T_CREDIT_ACCT",126,,,6,,,,,,,
12620,"Tax receivables","Tax to receive based on tax declaration","Asset",,"Yes","No","",126,,,6,,,,,,,
12620,"Tax receivables","Tax to receive based on tax declaration","Asset",,"Yes","No",,126,,,6,,,,,,,
12800,"Intercompany Due From","Default Receivables account for intercompany trx","Asset",,"Yes","No","INTERCOMPANYDUEFROM_ACCT",12,,,6,,,,,,,
12900,"A/R Miscellaneous",,"Asset",,,"No",,12,,,"2a",,,,,,,
@ -41,10 +41,10 @@
13200,"Tax-Exempt Securities",,"Asset",,,"No",,13,,,5,"Tax-Exempt Securities",,,,,,
13300,"Other Investments",,"Asset",,,"No",,13,,,9,"Other Investments",,,,,,
14100,"General Trade Inventory","Inventory Account","Asset",,"Yes","No","",14,,,,,,,,,,
14100,"General Trade Inventory","Inventory Account","Asset",,"Yes","No",,14,,,,,,,,,,
14120,"Product asset","Product Inventory Account","Asset",,"Yes","No","P_ASSET_ACCT",14,,,,,,,,,,
14130,"Work In Process","Work In Process Account","Asset",,"Yes","No","",14,,,,,,,,,,
14140,"Floor Stock","Floor Stock Account","Asset",,"Yes","No","",14,,,,,,,,,,
14130,"Work In Process","Work In Process Account","Asset",,"Yes","No",,14,,,,,,,,,,
14140,"Floor Stock","Floor Stock Account","Asset",,"Yes","No",,14,,,,,,,,,,
15,"Prepaid Expenses, Deposits & Other Current Assets",,"Asset",,,"Yes",,1,15,"Prepaid Expenses, Deposits & Other Current Assets",6,"Other Current Assets",,,,,,
151,"Prepaid Expenses",,"Asset",,,"Yes",,15,,,,,,,,,,
15110,"Prepaid Insurance",,"Asset",,,"No",,151,,,,,,,,,,
@ -110,8 +110,8 @@
21550,"Mail Order Deposits",,"Liability",,,"No",,215,,,,,,,,,,
216,"Tax Payables",,"Liability",,,"Yes",,21,,,18,"Other current liabilities",,,,,,
21610,"Tax due","Tax to be paid - before tax declaration","Liability",,"Yes","No","T_DUE_ACCT",216,,,,,,,,,,
21620,"Tax liability","Tax to be paid based on tax declaration","Liability",,"Yes","No","",216,,,,,,,,,,
21700,"Withholding (Tax)","Withholding for 1099 or Quality Guarantee","Liability",,"Yes","No","",21,,,,,,,,,,
21620,"Tax liability","Tax to be paid based on tax declaration","Liability",,"Yes","No",,216,,,,,,,,,,
21700,"Withholding (Tax)","Withholding for 1099 or Quality Guarantee","Liability",,"Yes","No",,21,,,,,,,,,,
21710,"Withholding (Other)",,"Liability",,,"No",,21,,,,,,,,,,
21800,"Intercompany Due To","Default Payables account for intercompany trx","Liability",,"Yes","No","INTERCOMPANYDUETO_ACCT",21,,,,,,,,,,
22,"Accrued Expenses",,"Liability",,,"Yes",,2,22,"Accrued Expenses",18,,,,,,,
@ -152,7 +152,7 @@
32,"Earnings",,"Owner's Equity",,,"Yes",,3,32,"Current Profit & Loss",25,"Retained Earnings",,,,,,
32100,"Dividends",,"Owner's Equity",,,"No",,32,,,,,,,,,,
32200,"Drawings",,"Owner's Equity",,,"No",,32,,,,,,,,,,
32900,"Retained Earnings","Year end processing to balance account (Income Summary)","Owner's Equity",,"Yes","No","",32,,,,,,,,,,
32900,"Retained Earnings","Year end processing to balance account (Income Summary)","Owner's Equity",,"Yes","No",,32,,,,,,,,,,
,,,,,,,,,33,"Total Liabilities and Equity",,,,,,,,
41000,"Trade Revenue","Default Product or Service revenue","Revenue",,"Yes","No","P_REVENUE_ACCT",4,,,,,,,"1a","Gross receipts or sales",,
@ -160,16 +160,16 @@
43000,"Sideline Revenue",,"Revenue",,,"No",,4,,,,,,,"1a",,,
46000,"Royalties Revenue",,"Revenue",,,"No",,4,,,,,,,7,"Gross Royalties",,
47000,"Unearned revenue","We have invoiced, but not delivered yet","Revenue",,"Yes","No","UNEARNEDREVENUE_ACCT",4,,,,,,,"1a",,,
48000,"Not invoiced revenue","We delivered but have not invoiced yet","Revenue",,"Yes","No","",4,,,,,,,"1a",,,
48000,"Not invoiced revenue","We delivered but have not invoiced yet","Revenue",,"Yes","No",,4,,,,,,,"1a",,,
49,"Sales Discounts",,"Revenue",,,"Yes",,4,,,,,49,"Sales Discounts","1b","Less returns and allowances",,
49100,"Trade Discounts","Granted Trade discounts (corrects Product Revenue)","Revenue",,"Yes","No","P_TRADEDISCOUNTGRANT_ACCT",49,,,,,,,,,,
49200,"Payment discount expense","Granted early payment discount to customers","Revenue",,"Yes","No","PAYDISCOUNT_EXP_ACCT",49,,,,,,,,,,
49300,"Promotion Discounts",,"Revenue",,,"No",,49,,,,,,,,,,
5,"Cost of Goods Sold",,"Expense",,,"Yes",,,,,,,5,"Cost of Goods Sold",2,"Cost of goods sold",,
51100,"Product CoGs","Cost of Goods Sold","Expense",,"Yes","No","P_COGS_ACCT",5,,,,,,,,,,
51110,"Cost Of Production","Cost Of Production Account","Expense",,"Yes","No","",5,,,,,,,,,,
51120,"Scrap","Scrap Account","Expense",,"Yes","No","",5,,,,,,,,,,
51130,"Outside Processing (Subcontract)","Outside Processing Account","Expense",,"Yes","No","",5,,,,,,,,,,
51110,"Cost Of Production","Cost Of Production Account","Expense",,"Yes","No",,5,,,,,,,,,,
51120,"Scrap","Scrap Account","Expense",,"Yes","No",,5,,,,,,,,,,
51130,"Outside Processing (Subcontract)","Outside Processing Account","Expense",,"Yes","No",,5,,,,,,,,,,
51200,"Product Expense","Default Service costs (I.e. not on inventory)","Expense",,"Yes","No","P_EXPENSE_ACCT",5,,,,,,,,,,
51210,"Product Cost Adjustment","Product Cost Adjustments","Expense",,"Yes","No","P_COSTADJUSTMENT_ACCT",5,,,,,,,,,,
51280,"Landed Cost Clearing","Default Landed Cost Clearing","Expense",,"Yes","No","P_LANDEDCOSTCLEARING_ACCT",5,,,,,,,,,,
@ -183,17 +183,17 @@
56,"Inventory CoGs",,"Expense",,,"Yes",,5,,,,,56,"Inventory CoGs",2,,,
56100,"Inventory Shrinkage","Physical Inventory Gain/Loss","Expense",,"Yes","No","W_DIFFERENCES_ACCT",56,,,,,,,,,,
56200,"Inventory Write Down Below Cost",,"Expense",,,"No",,56,,,,,,,,,,
56300,"Inventory Adjustment","Inventory Actual Accounting Value Adjustment","Expense",,"Yes","No","",56,,,,,,,,,,
56400,"Inventory Revaluation","Difference to (lower cost) or market","Expense",,"Yes","No","",56,,,,,,,,,,
56300,"Inventory Adjustment","Inventory Actual Accounting Value Adjustment","Expense",,"Yes","No",,56,,,,,,,,,,
56400,"Inventory Revaluation","Difference to (lower cost) or market","Expense",,"Yes","No",,56,,,,,,,,,,
57000,"Direct Labor",,"Expense",,,"No",,5,,,,,,,,,,
58,"CoGS Variances",,"Expense",,,"Yes",,5,,,,,58,"CoGs Variances",2,,,
58100,"Invoice price variance","Difference between product cost and invoice price (IPV)","Expense",,"Yes","No","P_INVOICEPRICEVARIANCE_ACCT",58,,,,,,,,,,
58200,"Purchase price variance","Difference between purchase price and standard costs (PPV)","Expense",,"Yes","No","P_PURCHASEPRICEVARIANCE_ACCT",58,,,,,,,,,,
58300,"Purchase price variance Offset","Offset Account for Purchase price variance (PPV) ","Expense",,"Yes","No","PPVOFFSET_ACCT",58,,,,,,,,,,
58400,"Using Variance","Account for Using Variance","Expense",,"Yes","No","",58,,,,,,,,,,
58400,"Using Variance","Account for Using Variance","Expense",,"Yes","No",,58,,,,,,,,,,
58500,"Method Change Variance","Account for Method Change Variance","Expense",,"Yes","No","P_RATEVARIANCE_ACCT",58,,,,,,,,,,
58600,"Rate Variance","Account for Rate Variance","Expense",,"Yes","No","",58,,,,,,,,,,
58700,"Mix Variance","Account for Mix Variance","Expense",,"Yes","No","",58,,,,,,,,,,
58600,"Rate Variance","Account for Rate Variance","Expense",,"Yes","No",,58,,,,,,,,,,
58700,"Mix Variance","Account for Mix Variance","Expense",,"Yes","No",,58,,,,,,,,,,
58800,"Average Cost Variance","Account for Average Cost Variance","Expense",,"Yes","No","P_AVERAGECOSTVARIANCE_ACCT",58,,,,,,,,,,
59,"CoGs Discounts",,"Expense",,,"Yes",,5,,,,,59,"CoGS Discounts",2,,,
59100,"Trade discounts received","Received Trade Discounts (corrects Product expense)","Expense",,"Yes","No","P_TRADEDISCOUNTREC_ACCT",59,,,,,,,,,,
@ -274,7 +274,7 @@
68300,"Business Travel - Hotel",,"Expense",,,"No",,68,,,,,,,,,,
68400,"Business Meals & Entertainment (50%)",,"Expense",,,"No",,68,,,,,,,,,,
68500,"Staff Meeting Food (100%)",,"Expense",,,"No",,68,,,,,,,,,,
68600,"Employee expense","Default employee expenses","Expense",,"Yes","No","",68,,,,,,,,,,
68600,"Employee expense","Default employee expenses","Expense",,"Yes","No",,68,,,,,,,,,,
68900,"Business Travel Other Expense",,"Expense",,,"No",,68,,,,,,,,,,
69100,"Business Insurance",,"Expense",,,"No",,69,,,,,,,,,,
@ -283,7 +283,7 @@
69400,"Other Insurance",,"Expense",,,"No",,69,,,,,,,,,,
70,"Payment Processor Costs",,"Expense",,,"Yes",,6,,,,,70,"Payment Processor Costs",,,,
70100,"Credit Card Service Charges",,"Expense",,,"No",,70,,,,,,,,,,
70200,"Bank Service Charges","Bank expenses","Expense",,"Yes","No","",70,,,,,,,,,,
70200,"Bank Service Charges","Bank expenses","Expense",,"Yes","No",,70,,,,,,,,,,
70900,"Other Payment Service Charges",,"Expense",,,"No",,70,,,,,,,,,,
71,"Dues & Subscription",,"Expense",,,"Yes",,6,,,,,71,"Dues & Subscriptions",,,,
71100,"Association Membership Fees",,"Expense",,,"No",,71,,,,,,,,,,
@ -330,7 +330,7 @@
79,"Default/Suspense Accounts","Temporary accounts - balance should be zero","Expense",,,"Yes",,6,,,,,79,"Default/Suspense Accounts",,,,
79100,"Default account","Default Account (if no other account is defined) V1.1","Expense",,"Yes","No","DEFAULT_ACCT",79,,,,,,,,,,
79200,"Suspense balancing ","Difference to make journal balance in source currency - needs to be solved","Expense",,"Yes","No","SUSPENSEBALANCING_ACCT",79,,,,,,,,,,
79300,"Suspense error","Import did not find account - needs to be solved","Expense",,"Yes","No","",79,,,,,,,,,,
79300,"Suspense error","Import did not find account - needs to be solved","Expense",,"Yes","No",,79,,,,,,,,,,
79400,"Cash book expense","Default other expense for petty cash transactions","Expense",,"Yes","No","CB_EXPENSE_ACCT",79,,,,,,,,,,
79500,"Cash book receipts","Default other revenue for petty cash transactions","Revenue",,"Yes","No","CB_RECEIPT_ACCT",79,,,,,,,,,,
79600,"Charge expense","Default other expense","Expense",,"Yes","No","CH_EXPENSE_ACCT",79,,,,,,,,,,
@ -343,8 +343,8 @@
80300,"Rental Income",,"Revenue",,,"No",,80,,,,,,,6,"Gross Rents",,
80400,"Sales Tax Commission",,"Revenue",,,"No",,80,,,,,,,,,,
805,"Currency Gain",,"Revenue",,,"Yes",,80,,,,,805,"Currency Gain",,,,
80510,"Bank revaluation gain","Foreign currency bank account gain","Revenue",,"Yes","No","",805,,,,,,,,,,
80520,"Bank settlement gain","Difference between payment and bank account currency","Revenue",,"Yes","No","",805,,,,,,,,,,
80510,"Bank revaluation gain","Foreign currency bank account gain","Revenue",,"Yes","No",,805,,,,,,,,,,
80520,"Bank settlement gain","Difference between payment and bank account currency","Revenue",,"Yes","No",,805,,,,,,,,,,
80530,"Unrealized gain","Difference between foreign currency receivables/payables and current rate","Revenue",,"Yes","No","UNREALIZEDGAIN_ACCT",805,,,,,,,,,,
80540,"Realized gain","Difference between invoice and payment currency","Revenue",,"Yes","No","REALIZEDGAIN_ACCT",805,,,,,,,,,,
80700,"Capital Gains Income",,"Revenue",,,"No",,80,,,,,,,,,,
@ -356,8 +356,8 @@
82300,"Uninsured Casualty Loss",,"Expense",,,"No",,82,,,,,,,,,,
82400,"Charitable Contributions",,"Expense",,,"No",,82,,,,,,,19,"Charitable Contributions",,
825,"Currency Loss",,"Expense",,,"Yes",,82,,,,,825,"Currency Loss",,,,
82510,"Bank revaluation loss","Foreign currency bank account loss","Expense",,"Yes","No","",825,,,,,,,,,,
82520,"Bank settlement loss","Difference between payment and bank account currency","Expense",,"Yes","No","",825,,,,,,,,,,
82510,"Bank revaluation loss","Foreign currency bank account loss","Expense",,"Yes","No",,825,,,,,,,,,,
82520,"Bank settlement loss","Difference between payment and bank account currency","Expense",,"Yes","No",,825,,,,,,,,,,
82530,"Unrealized loss","Difference between foreign currency receivables/payables and current rate","Expense",,"Yes","No","UNREALIZEDLOSS_ACCT",825,,,,,,,,,,
82540,"Realized loss","Difference between invoice and payment currency","Expense",,"Yes","No","REALIZEDLOSS_ACCT",825,,,,,,,,,,
82550,"Currency balancing","Rounding difference to make journal balance in accounting currency","Expense",,"Yes","No","CURRENCYBALANCING_ACCT",825,,,,,,,,,,
@ -365,15 +365,15 @@
82800,"Fixes Asset Sale Loss",,"Expense",,,"No",,82,,,,,,,,,,
82900,"Other Expense",,"Expense",,,"No",,82,,,,,,,,,,
83,"Expense (Absorbed)",,"Expense",,,"Yes",,,,,,,83,"Expense (Absorbed)",,,,
83100,"Labor (Absorbed)","Labor Absorbed account","Expense",,"Yes","No","",83,,,,,,,,,,
83200,"Burden (Absorbed)","Burden Absorbed account","Expense",,"Yes","No","",83,,,,,,,,,,
83300,"Overhead (Applied)","Overhead Applied account","Expense",,"Yes","No","",83,,,,,,,,,,
83100,"Labor (Absorbed)","Labor Absorbed account","Expense",,"Yes","No",,83,,,,,,,,,,
83200,"Burden (Absorbed)","Burden Absorbed account","Expense",,"Yes","No",,83,,,,,,,,,,
83300,"Overhead (Applied)","Overhead Applied account","Expense",,"Yes","No",,83,,,,,,,,,,
,,,,,,,,,,,,,"83_","Net Income before Tax",,,,
89,"Income Tax & Summary",,"Expense",,,"Yes",,,,,,,89,"Income Tax & Summary",,,,
89100,"Federal Income Tax",,"Expense",,,"No",,89,,,,,,,,,,
89200,"State Income Tax",,"Expense",,,"No",,89,,,,,,,,,,
89300,"Local Income Tax",,"Expense",,,"No",,89,,,,,,,,,,
89900,"Income Summary","Year end processing to balance account (Retained Earnings)","Expense",,"Yes","No","",89,,,,,"89_","Net Income",,,,
89900,"Income Summary","Year end processing to balance account (Retained Earnings)","Expense",,"Yes","No",,89,,,,,"89_","Net Income",,,,
911,"Profit Center Costing Distribution",,"Memo",,,"No",,91,,,,,,,,,,
912,"Project Costing Distribution",,"Memo",,,"No",,91,,,,,,,,,,

1 [Account_Value] [Account_Name] [Account_Description] [Account_Type] [Account_Sign] [Account_Document] [Account_Summary] [Default_Account] [Account_Parent] [Balance Sheet] [Balance Sheet_Name] [US 1120 Balance Sheet] US 1120 Balance Sheet_Name [US 1120 Balance Sheet_Name] [Profit & Loss] [Profit & Loss_Name] [US 1120 Income Statement] [US 1120 Income Statement_Name] [Cash Flow] [Cash Flow_Name]
2 1 Assets Asset Yes 1 Assets 15 Total Assets
3 11 Cash Asset Yes 1 11 Cash 1 Cash
4 11100 Checking Account Bank Asset Asset Yes No B_ASSET_ACCT 11
5 11110 Checking In-Transfer Bank transactions in transit Asset Yes No B_INTRANSIT_ACCT 11
6 11120 Checking Unidentified Receipts Receipts from unidentified customer Asset Yes No 11
7 11130 Checking Unallocated Receipts Received, unallocated payments Asset Yes No B_UNALLOCATEDCASH_ACCT 11
8 11200 Checking Account 2 Asset No 11
9 11300 Savings Account Asset No 11
16 12115 Accounts Receivable Services - Trade Accounts Receivables for Services Asset Yes No C_RECEIVABLE_SERVICES_ACCT 121 2a Trade nodes and accounts receivables
17 12120 A/R Non Sufficient Funds Returned Checks Asset No 121 2a
18 12180 A/R Trade Allowance for Bad Debit Asset No 121 2b Less allowances for bad debts
19 12190 Not invoiced receivables We delivered but have not invoiced yet Asset Yes No 121 2a
20 122 Credit Card in Transit Asset Yes 12
21 12210 In Transit A/R Amex Asset No 122 2a
22 12220 In Transit A/R Master Card Asset No 122 2a
30 12440 Loans Receivable Others Asset No 124 2a
31 125 Prepayments Asset Yes 12
32 12510 Vendor prepayment Prepayments for future expense Asset Yes No V_PREPAYMENT_ACCT 125 2a
33 12520 Employee Expense Prepayment Expense advances Asset Yes No 125 2a
34 126 Tax receivables Asset Yes 12
35 12610 Tax credit A/R Tax to be reimbursed - before tax declaration Asset Yes No T_CREDIT_ACCT 126 6
36 12620 Tax receivables Tax to receive based on tax declaration Asset Yes No 126 6
37 12800 Intercompany Due From Default Receivables account for intercompany trx Asset Yes No INTERCOMPANYDUEFROM_ACCT 12 6
38 12900 A/R Miscellaneous Asset No 12 2a
39 13 Investments Asset Yes 1 13 Investments
41 13200 Tax-Exempt Securities Asset No 13 5 Tax-Exempt Securities
42 13300 Other Investments Asset No 13 9 Other Investments
43 14 Inventory Asset Yes 1 14 Inventory 3 Inventories
44 14100 General Trade Inventory Inventory Account Asset Yes No 14
45 14120 Product asset Product Inventory Account Asset Yes No P_ASSET_ACCT 14
46 14130 Work In Process Work In Process Account Asset Yes No 14
47 14140 Floor Stock Floor Stock Account Asset Yes No 14
48 15 Prepaid Expenses, Deposits & Other Current Assets Asset Yes 1 15 Prepaid Expenses, Deposits & Other Current Assets 6 Other Current Assets
49 151 Prepaid Expenses Asset Yes 15
50 15110 Prepaid Insurance Asset No 151
110 21550 Mail Order Deposits Liability No 215
111 216 Tax Payables Liability Yes 21 18 Other current liabilities
112 21610 Tax due Tax to be paid - before tax declaration Liability Yes No T_DUE_ACCT 216
113 21620 Tax liability Tax to be paid based on tax declaration Liability Yes No 216
114 21700 Withholding (Tax) Withholding for 1099 or Quality Guarantee Liability Yes No 21
115 21710 Withholding (Other) Liability No 21
116 21800 Intercompany Due To Default Payables account for intercompany trx Liability Yes No INTERCOMPANYDUETO_ACCT 21
117 22 Accrued Expenses Liability Yes 2 22 Accrued Expenses 18
152 32 Earnings Owner's Equity Yes 3 32 Current Profit & Loss 25 Retained Earnings
153 32100 Dividends Owner's Equity No 32
154 32200 Drawings Owner's Equity No 32
155 32900 Retained Earnings Year end processing to balance account (Income Summary) Owner's Equity Yes No 32
156 33 Total Liabilities and Equity
157 4 Sales Revenue Yes 4 Sales
158 41000 Trade Revenue Default Product or Service revenue Revenue Yes No P_REVENUE_ACCT 4 1a Gross receipts or sales
160 43000 Sideline Revenue Revenue No 4 1a
161 46000 Royalties Revenue Revenue No 4 7 Gross Royalties
162 47000 Unearned revenue We have invoiced, but not delivered yet Revenue Yes No UNEARNEDREVENUE_ACCT 4 1a
163 48000 Not invoiced revenue We delivered but have not invoiced yet Revenue Yes No 4 1a
164 49 Sales Discounts Revenue Yes 4 49 Sales Discounts 1b Less returns and allowances
165 49100 Trade Discounts Granted Trade discounts (corrects Product Revenue) Revenue Yes No P_TRADEDISCOUNTGRANT_ACCT 49
166 49200 Payment discount expense Granted early payment discount to customers Revenue Yes No PAYDISCOUNT_EXP_ACCT 49
167 49300 Promotion Discounts Revenue No 49
168 5 Cost of Goods Sold Expense Yes 5 Cost of Goods Sold 2 Cost of goods sold
169 51100 Product CoGs Cost of Goods Sold Expense Yes No P_COGS_ACCT 5
170 51110 Cost Of Production Cost Of Production Account Expense Yes No 5
171 51120 Scrap Scrap Account Expense Yes No 5
172 51130 Outside Processing (Subcontract) Outside Processing Account Expense Yes No 5
173 51200 Product Expense Default Service costs (I.e. not on inventory) Expense Yes No P_EXPENSE_ACCT 5
174 51210 Product Cost Adjustment Product Cost Adjustments Expense Yes No P_COSTADJUSTMENT_ACCT 5
175 51280 Landed Cost Clearing Default Landed Cost Clearing Expense Yes No P_LANDEDCOSTCLEARING_ACCT 5
183 56 Inventory CoGs Expense Yes 5 56 Inventory CoGs 2
184 56100 Inventory Shrinkage Physical Inventory Gain/Loss Expense Yes No W_DIFFERENCES_ACCT 56
185 56200 Inventory Write Down Below Cost Expense No 56
186 56300 Inventory Adjustment Inventory Actual Accounting Value Adjustment Expense Yes No 56
187 56400 Inventory Revaluation Difference to (lower cost) or market Expense Yes No 56
188 57000 Direct Labor Expense No 5
189 58 CoGS Variances Expense Yes 5 58 CoGs Variances 2
190 58100 Invoice price variance Difference between product cost and invoice price (IPV) Expense Yes No P_INVOICEPRICEVARIANCE_ACCT 58
191 58200 Purchase price variance Difference between purchase price and standard costs (PPV) Expense Yes No P_PURCHASEPRICEVARIANCE_ACCT 58
192 58300 Purchase price variance Offset Offset Account for Purchase price variance (PPV) Expense Yes No PPVOFFSET_ACCT 58
193 58400 Using Variance Account for Using Variance Expense Yes No 58
194 58500 Method Change Variance Account for Method Change Variance Expense Yes No P_RATEVARIANCE_ACCT 58
195 58600 Rate Variance Account for Rate Variance Expense Yes No 58
196 58700 Mix Variance Account for Mix Variance Expense Yes No 58
197 58800 Average Cost Variance Account for Average Cost Variance Expense Yes No P_AVERAGECOSTVARIANCE_ACCT 58
198 59 CoGs Discounts Expense Yes 5 59 CoGS Discounts 2
199 59100 Trade discounts received Received Trade Discounts (corrects Product expense) Expense Yes No P_TRADEDISCOUNTREC_ACCT 59
274 68300 Business Travel - Hotel Expense No 68
275 68400 Business Meals & Entertainment (50%) Expense No 68
276 68500 Staff Meeting Food (100%) Expense No 68
277 68600 Employee expense Default employee expenses Expense Yes No 68
278 68900 Business Travel Other Expense Expense No 68
279 69 Insurance Expense Yes 6 69 Insurance
280 69100 Business Insurance Expense No 69
283 69400 Other Insurance Expense No 69
284 70 Payment Processor Costs Expense Yes 6 70 Payment Processor Costs
285 70100 Credit Card Service Charges Expense No 70
286 70200 Bank Service Charges Bank expenses Expense Yes No 70
287 70900 Other Payment Service Charges Expense No 70
288 71 Dues & Subscription Expense Yes 6 71 Dues & Subscriptions
289 71100 Association Membership Fees Expense No 71
330 79 Default/Suspense Accounts Temporary accounts - balance should be zero Expense Yes 6 79 Default/Suspense Accounts
331 79100 Default account Default Account (if no other account is defined) V1.1 Expense Yes No DEFAULT_ACCT 79
332 79200 Suspense balancing Difference to make journal balance in source currency - needs to be solved Expense Yes No SUSPENSEBALANCING_ACCT 79
333 79300 Suspense error Import did not find account - needs to be solved Expense Yes No 79
334 79400 Cash book expense Default other expense for petty cash transactions Expense Yes No CB_EXPENSE_ACCT 79
335 79500 Cash book receipts Default other revenue for petty cash transactions Revenue Yes No CB_RECEIPT_ACCT 79
336 79600 Charge expense Default other expense Expense Yes No CH_EXPENSE_ACCT 79
343 80300 Rental Income Revenue No 80 6 Gross Rents
344 80400 Sales Tax Commission Revenue No 80
345 805 Currency Gain Revenue Yes 80 805 Currency Gain
346 80510 Bank revaluation gain Foreign currency bank account gain Revenue Yes No 805
347 80520 Bank settlement gain Difference between payment and bank account currency Revenue Yes No 805
348 80530 Unrealized gain Difference between foreign currency receivables/payables and current rate Revenue Yes No UNREALIZEDGAIN_ACCT 805
349 80540 Realized gain Difference between invoice and payment currency Revenue Yes No REALIZEDGAIN_ACCT 805
350 80700 Capital Gains Income Revenue No 80
356 82300 Uninsured Casualty Loss Expense No 82
357 82400 Charitable Contributions Expense No 82 19 Charitable Contributions
358 825 Currency Loss Expense Yes 82 825 Currency Loss
359 82510 Bank revaluation loss Foreign currency bank account loss Expense Yes No 825
360 82520 Bank settlement loss Difference between payment and bank account currency Expense Yes No 825
361 82530 Unrealized loss Difference between foreign currency receivables/payables and current rate Expense Yes No UNREALIZEDLOSS_ACCT 825
362 82540 Realized loss Difference between invoice and payment currency Expense Yes No REALIZEDLOSS_ACCT 825
363 82550 Currency balancing Rounding difference to make journal balance in accounting currency Expense Yes No CURRENCYBALANCING_ACCT 825
365 82800 Fixes Asset Sale Loss Expense No 82
366 82900 Other Expense Expense No 82
367 83 Expense (Absorbed) Expense Yes 83 Expense (Absorbed)
368 83100 Labor (Absorbed) Labor Absorbed account Expense Yes No 83
369 83200 Burden (Absorbed) Burden Absorbed account Expense Yes No 83
370 83300 Overhead (Applied) Overhead Applied account Expense Yes No 83
371 83_ Net Income before Tax
372 89 Income Tax & Summary Expense Yes 89 Income Tax & Summary
373 89100 Federal Income Tax Expense No 89
374 89200 State Income Tax Expense No 89
375 89300 Local Income Tax Expense No 89
376 89900 Income Summary Year end processing to balance account (Retained Earnings) Expense Yes No 89 89_ Net Income
377 91 Costing Memo Yes
378 911 Profit Center Costing Distribution Memo No 91
379 912 Project Costing Distribution Memo No 91