IDEMPIERE-2979 Only change BP Location name when a related field changes

This commit is contained in:
Carlos Ruiz 2015-12-16 16:09:11 -05:00
parent f7596139e2
commit f03a80f3e2
2 changed files with 57 additions and 25 deletions

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@ -695,9 +695,26 @@ public class MLocation extends X_C_Location implements Comparator<Object>
int bplID = DB.getSQLValueEx(get_TrxName(), "SELECT C_BPartner_Location_ID FROM C_BPartner_Location WHERE C_Location_ID = " + getC_Location_ID());
if (bplID>0)
MBPartnerLocation bpl = new MBPartnerLocation(getCtx(), bplID, get_TrxName());
// just trigger BPLocation name change when the location change affects the name:
// 0 - City
// 1 - City + Address1
// 2 - City + Address1 + Address2
// 3 - City + Address1 + Address2 + Region
// 4 - City + Address1 + Address2 + Region + ID
int bplocname = MSysConfig.getIntValue(MSysConfig.START_VALUE_BPLOCATION_NAME, 0, getAD_Client_ID(), getAD_Org_ID());
if (bplocname < 0 || bplocname > 4)
bplocname = 0;
if ( is_ValueChanged(COLUMNNAME_City)
|| is_ValueChanged(COLUMNNAME_C_City_ID)
|| (bplocname >= 1 && is_ValueChanged(COLUMNNAME_Address1))
|| (bplocname >= 2 && is_ValueChanged(COLUMNNAME_Address2))
|| (bplocname >= 3 && (is_ValueChanged(COLUMNNAME_RegionName) || is_ValueChanged(COLUMNNAME_C_Region_ID)))
) {
MBPartnerLocation bpl = new MBPartnerLocation(getCtx(), bplID, get_TrxName());
return success;

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@ -941,30 +941,45 @@ public class WLocationDialog extends Window implements EventListener<Event>
MAddressValidation validation = (MAddressValidation) lstAddressValidation.getSelectedItem().getValue();
boolean changedCity = m_location.is_ValueChanged(MLocation.COLUMNNAME_City) || m_location.is_ValueChanged(MLocation.COLUMNNAME_C_City_ID);
boolean changedAddress1 = m_location.is_ValueChanged(MLocation.COLUMNNAME_Address1);
boolean changedAddress2 = m_location.is_ValueChanged(MLocation.COLUMNNAME_Address2);
boolean changedRegion = m_location.is_ValueChanged(MLocation.COLUMNNAME_RegionName) || m_location.is_ValueChanged(MLocation.COLUMNNAME_C_Region_ID);
// Save changes
boolean success = false;
if (
boolean success =;
if (success) {
// IDEMPIERE-417 Force Update BPLocation.Name
if (m_GridField != null && m_GridField.getGridTab() != null
&& "C_BPartner_Location".equals(m_GridField.getGridTab().getTableName()))
m_GridField.getGridTab().setValue("Name", ".");
success = true;
} else {
//Update BP_Location name IDEMPIERE 417
int bplID = DB.getSQLValueEx(trx.getTrxName(), "SELECT C_BPartner_Location_ID FROM C_BPartner_Location WHERE C_Location_ID = " + m_location.getC_Location_ID());
if (bplID>0)
MBPartnerLocation bpl = new MBPartnerLocation(Env.getCtx(), bplID, trx.getTrxName());
if (
success = true;
} else {
success = true;
// just trigger BPLocation name change when the location change affects the name:
// 0 - City
// 1 - City + Address1
// 2 - City + Address1 + Address2
// 3 - City + Address1 + Address2 + Region
// 4 - City + Address1 + Address2 + Region + ID
int bplocname = MSysConfig.getIntValue(MSysConfig.START_VALUE_BPLOCATION_NAME, 0, m_location.getAD_Client_ID(), m_location.getAD_Org_ID());
if (bplocname < 0 || bplocname > 4)
bplocname = 0;
if ( changedCity
|| (bplocname >= 1 && changedAddress1)
|| (bplocname >= 2 && changedAddress2)
|| (bplocname >= 3 && changedRegion)
) {
if ( m_GridField != null && m_GridField.getGridTab() != null
&& "C_BPartner_Location".equals(m_GridField.getGridTab().getTableName()))
m_GridField.getGridTab().setValue("Name", ".");
} else {
//Update BP_Location name IDEMPIERE 417
int bplID = DB.getSQLValueEx(trx.getTrxName(), "SELECT C_BPartner_Location_ID FROM C_BPartner_Location WHERE C_Location_ID = " + m_location.getC_Location_ID());
if (bplID>0)
MBPartnerLocation bpl = new MBPartnerLocation(Env.getCtx(), bplID, trx.getTrxName());
success =;
if (success) {