diff --git a/data/sr_RS/AD_Desktop_Trl_sr_RS.xml b/data/sr_RS/AD_Desktop_Trl_sr_RS.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..c5d88d8db5 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/sr_RS/AD_Desktop_Trl_sr_RS.xml @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ + + + + + + FrontOffice + Front Office Desktop + + + diff --git a/data/sr_RS/AD_Element_Trl_sr_RS.xml b/data/sr_RS/AD_Element_Trl_sr_RS.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..e9f94e4faf --- /dev/null +++ b/data/sr_RS/AD_Element_Trl_sr_RS.xml @@ -0,0 +1,28864 @@ + + + + + + Прилог + Прилог + Прилог за документ + Прилог може бити било који тип документа/датотеке и може бити приложен било ком слогу у систему. + + + + + + + Клијент + Клијент + Клијент/закупац за ову инсталацију. + Клијент је фирма или правно лице Не можете да делите податке између клијената. Закупац је синоним за клијента + + + + + + + Колона + Колона + Колона у табели + Повежи са колоном базе у табели + + + + + + + Приказ колоне + Приказ колоне + Колона која ће бити приказана + Приказ колоне означава ону колону која ће бити приказана. + + + + + + + Системски елемент + Елемент + Системски елемент омогућава централно одржавање описа колоне и помоћ. + Системски елемент омогућава централно одржавање помоћи, описа и терминологије за колону базе података. + + + + + + + Поље + Поље + Поље у табели базе података + Поље идентификује поље у табели базе података. + + + + + + + Кључ колона + Кључ колона + Јединствени идентификатор слога + Колона Кључ показје да је она јединствени идентификатор слога у табели. + + + + + + + Језик + Језик + Језик за овај ентитет + Језик одређује који се језик користи за приказ и форматирање + + + + + + + Мени + Мени + Означава мени + Мени одређује јединствени мени. Менији се користе да контролишу приказ оним екранима којима корисник има право приступа. + + + + + + + Транс. организација + Транс. организација + Извођење или покретање организације + Организација која обавља или иницира ову трансакцију (за другу организацију). The owning Organization may not be the transaction organization in a service bureau environment, with centralized services, and inter-organization transactions. + + + + + + + Организација + Организација + Организациони ентитет унутар клијента + Организација је организациона јединица клијента или правни ентитит - нпр. продавница, одељење Подаци између организација су заједнички. + + + + + + + Инстанца процеса + Инстанца процеса + Instance of the process + + + + + + + + Преференције + Преференције + Personal Value Preference + + + + + + + + Процес + Процес + Process or Report + The Process field identifies a unique Process or Report in the system. + + + + + + + Параметар процеса + Параметар процеса + + + + + + + + + Листа референци + Листа референци + Reference List based on Table + The Reference List field indicates a list of reference values from a database tables. Reference lists populate drop down list boxes in data entry screens + + + + + + + Референца + Референца + System Reference and Validation + The Reference could be a display type, list or table validation. + + + + + + + Кључ референце + Кључ референце + Required to specify, if data type is Table or List + The Reference Value indicates where the reference values are stored. It must be specified if the data type is Table or List. + + + + + + + Улога + Улога + Responsibility Role + The Role determines security and access a user who has this Role will have in the System. + + + + + + + Секвенца + Секвенца + Секвенца документа + The Sequence defines the numbering sequence to be used for documents. + + + + + + + Језичак + Језичак + Tab within a Window + The Tab indicates a tab that displays within a window. + + + + + + + Табела + Табела + Database Table information + The Database Table provides the information of the table definition + + + + + + + Инстанца задатка + Инстанца задатка + + + + + + + + + ОС Задатак + ОС Задатак + Operation System Task + The Task field identifies a Operation System Task in the system. + + + + + + + П.партнер стабло + П.партнер стабло + Tree to determine business partner hierarchy + Trees are used for (finanial) reporting + + + + + + + Стабло + Стабло + Identifies a Tree + The Tree field identifies a unique Tree in the system. Trees define roll ups or summary levels of information. They are used in reports for defining report points and summarization levels. + + + + + + + Стабло менија + Стабло менија + Tree of the menu + Menu access tree + + + + + + + Стабло организације + Стабло организације + Tree to determine organizational hierarchy + Trees are used for (finanial) reporting and security access (via role) + + + + + + + Стабло производа + Стабло производа + Tree to determine product hierarchy + Trees are used for (finanial) reporting + + + + + + + Стабло пројекта + Стабло пројекта + Tree to determine project hierarchy + Trees are used for (finanial) reporting + + + + + + + Стабло продајног региона + Стабло продајног региона + Tree to determine sales regional hierarchy + Trees are used for (finanial) reporting + + + + + + + Корисник/контакт + Корисник + User within the system - Internal or Business Partner Contact + The User identifies a unique user in the system. This could be an internal user or a business partner contact + + + + + + + Динамичка провера + Провера + Dynamic Validation Rule + These rules define how an entry is determined to valid. You can use variables for dynamic (context sensitive) validation. + + + + + + + Следећи чвор + Следећи чвор + Next Node in workflow + The Next Node indicates the next step or task in this Workflow. + + + + + + + Чвор + Чвор + Workflow Node (activity), step or process + The Workflow Node indicates a unique step or process in a Workflow. + + + + + + + Прозор + Прозор + Data entry or display window + The Window field identifies a unique Window in the system. + + + + + + + Радни ток + Радни ток + Workflow or combination of tasks + The Workflow field identifies a unique Workflow in the system. + + + + + + + Степен присупа подацима + Степен присупа подацима + Access Level required + Indicates the access level required for this record or process. + + + + + + + Знак конта + Конта + Indicates the Natural Sign of the Account as a Debit or Credit + Indicates if the expected balance for this account should be a Debit or a Credit. If set to Natural, the account sign for an asset or expense account is Debit Sign (i.e. negative if a credit balance). + + + + + + + Врста конта + Врста конта + Indicates the type of account + Valid account types are A - Asset, E - Expense, L - Liability, O- Owner's Equity, R -Revenue and M- Memo. The account type is used to determine what taxes, if any are applicable, validating payables and receivables for business partners. Note: Memo account amounts are ignored when checking for balancing + + + + + + + Конто + Конто + Account used + The (natural) account used + + + + + + + Трошкови стицања + Трошкови стицања + The cost of gaining the prospect as a customer + The Acquisition Cost identifies the cost associated with making this prospect a customer. + + + + + + + Акција + Акција + Indicates the Action to be performed + The Action field is a drop down list box which indicates the Action to be performed for this Item. + + + + + + + Актуална вредност + Актуална вредност + Actual Life Time Revenue + The Actual Life Time Value is the recorded revenue in primary accounting currency generated by the Business Partner. + + + + + + + Адреса 1 + Адреса 1 + Address line 1 for this location + The Address 1 identifies the address for an entity's location + + + + + + + Адреса 2 + Адреса 2 + Address line 2 for this location + The Address 2 provides additional address information for an entity. It can be used for building location, apartment number or similar information. + + + + + + + После испоруке + После испоруке + Due after delivery rather than after invoicing + The After Delivery checkbox indicates that payment is due after delivery as opposed to after invoicing. + + + + + + + Псеудоним + Псеудоним + Defines an alternate method of indicating an account combination. + The Alias field allows you to define a alternate method for referring to a full account combination. For example, the Account Receivable Account for Garden World may be aliased as GW_AR. + + + + + + + Износ + Изн + Износ + Износ + + + + + + + Потражује + Acct Credit + Accounted Credit Amount + The Account Credit Amount indicates the transaction amount converted to this organization's accounting currency + + + + + + + Дугује + Acct Debit + Accounted Debit Amount + The Account Debit Amount indicates the transaction amount converted to this organization's accounting currency + + + + + + + Износ одобрења + Износ одоб + The approval amount limit for this role + The Approval Amount field indicates the amount limit this Role has for approval of documents. + + + + + + + Source Credit + Source Credit + Source Credit Amount + The Source Credit Amount indicates the credit amount for this line in the source currency. + + + + + + + Source Debit + Source Debit + Source Debit Amount + The Source Debit Amount indicates the credit amount for this line in the source currency. + + + + + + + Особина + Особина + + + + + + + + + Аутоматска контрола периода + Аутоматска контрола периода + If selected, the periods are automatically opened and closed + In the Automatic Period Control, periods are opened and closed based on the current date. If the Manual alternative is activated, you have to open and close periods explicitly. + + + + + + + Рачун за + Рачун за + Bill to Address + The Bill/Invoice To indicates the address to use when remitting bills + Bill From Address + The Bill/Invoice From indicated the address where the invoice is created by the vendor + Рачун од + Рачун од + + + Бинарни подаци + Бинарно + Binary Data + The Binary field stores binary data. + + + + + + + Статус буџета + Статус буџета + Indicates the current status of this budget + The Budget Status indicates the current status of this budget (i.e Draft, Approved) + + + + + + + Примарни контни план + Примарни контни план + Primary rules for accounting + An Accounting Schema defines the rules used accounting such as costing method, currency and calendar. + + + + + + + Елемент контног плана + Елемент контног плана + + + + + + + + + Контни план + Контни план + Rules for accounting + An Accounting Schema defines the rules used in accounting such as costing method, currency and calendar + + + + + + + Пословни партнер + Пословни партнер + Означава пословног партнера + Пословни партнер је било ко, са којим вршите трансакције. Он може бити добављач, купац, запослени или референт продаје. + + + + + + + Локација партнера + Локација партнера + Identifies the (ship to) address for this Business Partner + The Partner address indicates the location of a Business Partner + Identifies the (ship from) address for this Business Partner + The Partner address indicates the location of a Business Partner + Локација партнера + Локација партнера + + + Календар + Календар + Accounting Calendar Name + The Calendar uniquely identifies an accounting calendar. Multiple calendars can be used. For example you may need a standard calendar that runs from Jan 1 to Dec 31 and a fiscal calendar that runs from July 1 to June 30. + + + + + + + Курс конверзије + Курс конверзије + Rate used for converting currencies + The Conversion Rate defines the rate (multiply or divide) to use when converting a source currency to an accounting currency. + + + + + + + Земља + Земља + Земља + The Country defines a Country. Each Country must be defined before it can be used in any document. + + + + + + + Валута + Валута + The Currency for this record + Indicates the Currency to be used when processing or reporting on this record + + + + + + + Валута за + Валута за + Target currency + The Currency To defines the target currency for this conversion rate. + + + + + + + Тип документа + Тип док + Document type or rules + The Document Type determines document sequence and processing rules + + + + + + + Циљни тип документа + Циљни тип док + Target document type for conversing documents + You can convert document types (e.g. from Offer to Order or Invoice). The conversion is then reflected in the current type. This processing is initiated by selecting the appropriate Document Action. + + + + + + + Контни елемент + Контни елемент + Контни елемент + Account Elements can be natural accounts or user defined values. + + + + + + + Елемент + Елемент + Accounting Element + The Account Element uniquely identifies an Account Type. These are commonly known as a Chart of Accounts. + + + + + + + Локација из + Локација из + Локација одакле је инвентар/производ премештен + The Location From indicates the location that a product was moved from. + + + + + + + Локација ка + Локација ка + Локација где је инвентар/производ премештен + The Location To indicates the location that a product was moved to. + + + + + + + Адреса + Адреса + Location or Address + The Location / Address field defines the location of an entity. + + + + + + + Не Пословни Дан + Не Пословни Дан + Day on which business is not transacted + The Non Business Day identifies a day that should not be considered a day when business is transacted + + + + + + + Услови плаћања + Услови плаћања + The terms of Payment (timing, discount) + Payment Terms identify the method and timing of payment. + + + + + + + Период контроле + Период контроле + + + + + + + + + Период + Период + Period of the Calendar + The Period indicates an exclusive range of dates for a calendar. + + + + + + + Пројекат + Пројекат + Financial Project + A Project allows you to track and control internal or external activities. + + + + + + + Регион + Регион + Identifies a geographical Region + The Region identifies a unique Region for this Country. + + + + + + + Продајни регион + Продајни регион + Sales coverage region + The Sales Region indicates a specific area of sales coverage. + + + + + + + Категорија пореза + Категорија пореза + Категорија пореза + The Tax Category provides a method of grouping similar taxes. For example, Sales Tax or Value Added Tax. + + + + + + + Порез + Порез + Tax identifier + The Tax indicates the type of tax used in document line. + + + + + + + ЈМ конверзија + ЈМ конверзија + Unit of Measure Conversion + The UOM Conversion identifies a unique to and from Unit of Measure, conversion rate and conversion date range. + + + + + + + ЈМ + ЈМ + Јединице мере + The UOM defines a unique non monetary Unit of Measure + + + + + + + ЈМ за + ЈМ за + Target or destination Unit of Measure + The UOM To indicates the destination UOM for a UOM Conversion pair. + + + + + + + ЈМ за дужину + ЈМ за дужину + Standard Unit of Measure for Length + The Standard UOM for Length indicates the UOM to use for products referenced by length in a document. + + + + + + + ЈМ за време + ЈМ за време + Стандардна јединица мере за време + The Standard UOM for Time indicates the UOM to use for products referenced by time in a document. + + + + + + + ЈМ за запремину + ЈМ за запремину + Standard Unit of Measure for Volume + The Standard UOM for Volume indicates the UOM to use for products referenced by volume in a document. + + + + + + + ЈМ за тежину + ЈМ за тежину + Standard Unit of Measure for Weight + The Standard UOM for Weight indicates the UOM to use for products referenced by weight in a document. + + + + + + + Комбинација + Комбинација + Valid Account Combination + The Combination identifies a valid combination of element which represent a GL account. + + + + + + + Година + Година + Calendar Year + The Year uniquely identifies an accounting year for a calendar. + + + + + + + Колаут + Колаут + Fully qualified class names and method - separated by semicolons + A Callout allow you to create Java extensions to perform certain tasks always after a value changed. Callouts should not be used for validation but consquences of a user selecting a certain value. +The callout is a Java class implementing org.compiere.model.Callout and a method name to call. Example: "org.compiere.model.CalloutRequest.copyText" instanciates the class "CalloutRequest" and calls the method "copyText". You can have multiple callouts by separating them via a semicolon + + + + + + + Град + Град + Identifies a City + The City identifies a unique City for this Country or Region. + + + + + + + Код провере + Код провере + Validation Code + The Validation Code displays the date, time and message of the error. + + + + + + + DB назив колоне + DB назив колоне + Name of the column in the database + The Column Name indicates the name of a column on a table as defined in the database. + + + + + + + Комбинација + Комбинација + Јединствена комбинација контних елемената + The Combination field defines the unique combination of element values which comprise this account. + + + + + + + Коментари + Коментари + Comments or additional information + The Comments field allows for free form entry of additional information. + + + + + + + Упозорење снимања + Упозорење снимања + Warning displayed when saving + Warning or information displayed when committing the record + + + + + + + Контролна сума + Контр сума + If not zero, the Debit amount of the document must be equal this amount + If the control amount is zero, no check is performed. +Otherwise the total Debit amount must be equal to the control amount, before the document is processed. + + + + + + + Просечан трошак + Просечан трошак + Weighted average costs + Weighted average (actual) costs + + + + + + + Стандардан трошак + Стандардан трошак + Standard Costs + Standard (plan) costs. + + + + + + + Методологија трошкова + Методологија трошкова + Indicates how Costs will be calculated + The Costing Method indicates how costs will be calculated (Standard, Average, Lifo, FoFo). The default costing method is defined on accounting schema level and can be optionally overwritten in the product category. The costing method cannot conflict with the Material Movement Policy (defined on Product Category). + + + + + + + Прецизност трошкова + Прецизност трошкова + Rounding used costing calculations + The Costing Precision defines the number of decimal places that amounts will be rounded to when performing costing calculations. + + + + + + + Трошкови + Трошкови + Costs in accounting currency + The Costs indicates the cost of a campaign in an Organizations accounting currency. + + + + + + + ISO код земље + ISO земља + Upper-case two-letter alphanumeric ISO Country code according to ISO 3166-1 - http://www.chemie.fu-berlin.de/diverse/doc/ISO_3166.html + For details - http://www.din.de/gremien/nas/nabd/iso3166ma/codlstp1.html or - http://www.unece.org/trade/rec/rec03en.htm + + + + + + + Креирано + Креирано + Date this record was created + The Created field indicates the date that this record was created. + + + + + + + Креирано од + Креирано од + User who created this records + The Created By field indicates the user who created this record. + + + + + + + Број + Број + Credit Card Number + The Credit Card number indicates the number on the credit card, without blanks or spaces. + + + + + + + Симбол + Валута + Symbol of the currency (opt used for printing only) + The Currency Symbol defines the symbol that will print when this currency is used. + + + + + + + Currency Balancing Acct + Currency Balancing Acct + Account used when a currency is out of balance + The Currency Balancing Account indicates the account to used when a currency is out of balance (generally due to rounding) + + + + + + + Коефицијент + Коефицијент + Currency Conversion Rate + The Currency Conversion Rate indicates the rate to use when converting the source currency to the accounting currency + + + + + + + Текући следећи + Текући следећи + The next number to be used + The Current Next indicates the next number to use for this document + + + + + + + Матични број + Матични број + Dun & Bradstreet Number + Used for EDI - For details see www.dnb.com/dunsno/list.htm + + + + + + + Датум + Датум + Date when business is not conducted + The Date field identifies a calendar date on which business will not be conducted. + + + + + + + Датум контирања + Датум конт + Accounting Date + The Accounting Date indicates the date to be used on the General Ledger account entries generated from this document. It is also used for any currency conversion. + + + + + + + Датум испоруке + Датум испоруке + Date when the product was delivered + + + + + + + + Датум документа + Датум док + Date of the Document + The Document Date indicates the date the document was generated. It may or may not be the same as the accounting date. + + + + + + + Датум фактурисања + Датум фактурисања + Date printed on Invoice + The Date Invoice indicates the date printed on the invoice. + + + + + + + Датум наруџбине + Датум наруџбине + Датум поручивања + Indicates the Date an item was ordered. + + + + + + + Договорени термин + Договорени термин + Date Order was promised + The Date Promised indicates the date, if any, that an Order was promised for. + + + + + + + Подразумевана логика + Подразумевана логика + Default value hierarchy, separated by ; + The defaults are evaluated in the order of definition, the first not null value becomes the default value of the column. The values are separated by comma or semicolon. a) Literals:. 'Text' or 123 b) Variables - in format @Variable@ - Login e.g. #Date, #AD_Org_ID, #AD_Client_ID - Accounting Schema: e.g. $C_AcctSchema_ID, $C_Calendar_ID - Global defaults: e.g. DateFormat - Window values (all Picks, CheckBoxes, RadioButtons, and DateDoc/DateAcct) c) SQL code with the tag: @SQL=SELECT something AS DefaultValue FROM ... The SQL statement can contain variables. There can be no other value other than the SQL statement. The default is only evaluated, if no user preference is defined. Default definitions are ignored for record columns as Key, Parent, Client as well as Buttons. + + + + + + + Испоручено преко + Испоручено преко + How the order will be delivered + The Delivery Via indicates how the products should be delivered. For example, will the order be picked up or shipped. + + + + + + + Опис + Опис + Optional short description of the record + Опис је ограничен на 255 карактера. + + + + + + + Нестао + Нестао + This product is no longer available + The Discontinued check box indicates a product that has been discontinued. + + + + + + + Укинут од + Укинут од + Discontinued By + The Discontinued By indicates the individual who discontinued this product + + + + + + + Попуст % + Попуст % + Discount in percent + The Discount indicates the discount applied or taken as a percentage. + + + + + + + Попуст дана + Попуст дана + Number of days from invoice date to be eligible for discount + The Discount Days indicates the number of days that payment must be received in to be eligible for the stated discount. + + + + + + + Дужина приказа + Дужина приказа + Length of the display in characters + The display length is mainly for String fields. The length has no impact, if the data type of the field is - Integer, Number, Amount (length determined by the system) - YesNo (Checkbox) - List, Table, TableDir (length of combo boxes are determined by their content at runtime) + + + + + + + Логика приказа + Логика приказа + If the Field is displayed, the result determines if the field is actually displayed + format := {expression} [{logic} {expression}]<br> +expression := @{context}@{operand}{value} or @{context}@{operand}{value}<br> +logic := {|}|{&}<br> +context := any global or window context <br> +value := strings or numbers<br> +logic operators := AND or OR with the previous result from left to right <br> +operand := eq{=}, gt{&gt;}, le{&lt;}, not{~^!} <br> +Examples: <br> +@AD_Table_ID@=14 | @Language@!GERGER <br> +@PriceLimit@>10 | @PriceList@>@PriceActual@<br> +@Name@>J<br> +Strings may be in single quotes (optional) + + + + + + + Прикажи вредност + Прикажи вредност + Displays Value column with the Display column + The Display Value checkbox indicates if the value column will display with the display column. + + + + + + + Формат штампе адресе + Формат штампе адресе + Format for printing this Address + The Address Print format defines the format to be used when this address prints. The following notations are used: @C@=City @P@=Postal @A@=PostalAdd @R@=Region + + + + + + + Стопа дељења + Стопа дељења + To convert Source number to Target number, the Source is divided + To convert Source number to Target number, the Source is divided by the divide rate. If you enter a Divide Rate, the Multiply Rate will be automatically calculated. + + + + + + + Акција документа + Акција док + The targeted status of the document + You find the current status in the Document Status field. The options are listed in a popup + + + + + + + Секвенца документа + Секвенца док + Document sequence determines the numbering of documents + The Document Sequence indicates the sequencing rule to use for this document type. + + + + + + + Статус документа + Статус док + The current status of the document + The Document Status indicates the status of a document at this time. If you want to change the document status, use the Document Action field + + + + + + + Документ бр + Документ бр + Document sequence number of the document + The document number is usually automatically generated by the system and determined by the document type of the document. If the document is not saved, the preliminary number is displayed in "<>". + +If the document type of your document has no automatic document sequence defined, the field is empty if you create a new document. This is for documents which usually have an external number (like vendor invoice). If you leave the field empty, the system will generate a document number for you. The document sequence used for this fallback number is defined in the "Maintain Sequence" window with the name "DocumentNo_<TableName>", where TableName is the actual name of the table (e.g. C_Order). + + + + + + + Датум уласку у ЕУ + Датум уласку у ЕУ + Date when the currency joined / will join the EMU + The EMU Entry Date defines the date that this currency entered, or will enter the Economic Monetary Union. + + + + + + + ЕУ Курс + ЕУ Курс + Official rate to the Euro + The EMU Rate defines the official rate to be used when converting from this currency to the Euro. + + + + + + + Врста + Врста + Element Type (account or user defined) + The Element Type indicates if this element is the Account element or is a User Defined element. + + + + + + + Последњи датум + Последњи датум + Last effective date (inclusive) + The End Date indicates the last date in this range. + + + + + + + Формат телефона + Формат телефона + Format of the phone; Can contain fixed format elements, Variables: "_lLoOaAcCa09" + <B>Validation elements:</B> + (Space) any character +_ Space (fixed character) +l any Letter a..Z NO space +L any Letter a..Z NO space converted to upper case +o any Letter a..Z or space +O any Letter a..Z or space converted to upper case +a any Letters & Digits NO space +A any Letters & Digits NO space converted to upper case +c any Letters & Digits or space +C any Letters & Digits or space converted to upper case +0 Digits 0..9 NO space +9 Digits 0..9 or space + +Example of format "(000)_000-0000" + + + + + + + Формат поштанског кода + Формат поштанског кода + Format of the postal code; Can contain fixed format elements, Variables: "_lLoOaAcCa09" + <B>Validation elements:</B> + (Space) any character +_ Space (fixed character) +l any Letter a..Z NO space +L any Letter a..Z NO space converted to upper case +o any Letter a..Z or space +O any Letter a..Z or space converted to upper case +a any Letters & Digits NO space +A any Letters & Digits NO space converted to upper case +c any Letters & Digits or space +C any Letters & Digits or space converted to upper case +0 Digits 0..9 NO space +9 Digits 0..9 or space + +Example of format "(000)_000-0000" + + + + + + + Додатни поштански Формат + Додатни поштански Формат + Format of the value; Can contain fixed format elements, Variables: "_lLoOaAcCa09" + <B>Validation elements:</B> + (Space) any character +_ Space (fixed character) +l any Letter a..Z NO space +L any Letter a..Z NO space converted to upper case +o any Letter a..Z or space +O any Letter a..Z or space converted to upper case +a any Letters & Digits NO space +A any Letters & Digits NO space converted to upper case +c any Letters & Digits or space +C any Letters & Digits or space converted to upper case +0 Digits 0..9 NO space +9 Digits 0..9 or space + +Example of format "(000)_000-0000" + + + + + + + Факс + Факс + Facsimile number + The Fax identifies a facsimile number for this Business Partner or Location + + + + + + + Дужина + Дужина + Дужина колоне у бази података + The Length indicates the length of a column as defined in the database. + + + + + + + Прва продаја + Прва продаја + Date of First Sale + The First Sale Date identifies the date of the first sale to this Business Partner + + + + + + + Износ транспорта + Износ трансп + Износ транспорта + The Freight Amount indicates the amount charged for Freight in the document currency. + + + + + + + GAAP + GAAP + Generally Accepted Accounting Principles + The GAAP identifies the account principles that this accounting schema will adhere to. + + + + + + + Буџет + Буџет + General Ledger Budget + The General Ledger Budget identifies a user defined budget. These can be used in reporting as a comparison against your actual amounts. + + + + + + + Категорија ГК + Категорија ГК + General Ledger Category + The General Ledger Category is an optional, user defined method of grouping journal lines. + + + + + + + Дневник обрада + Дневник обрада + General Ledger Journal Batch + The General Ledger Journal Batch identifies a group of journals to be processed as a group. + + + + + + + Дненик став + Дненик став + General Ledger Journal Line + The General Ledger Journal Line identifies a single transaction in a journal. + + + + + + + Дневник + Дневник + General Ledger Journal + The General Ledger Journal identifies a group of journal lines which represent a logical business transaction + + + + + + + Укупан салдо + Укупан салдо + Total amount of document + The Grand Total displays the total amount including Tax and Freight in document currency + + + + + + + Користи псеудоним конта + Псеудоним + Ability to select (partial) account combinations by an Alias + The Alias checkbox indicates that account combination can be selected using a user defined alias or short key. + + + + + + + Користи контролу комбинације конта + Контрола комбинације + Combination of account elements are checked + The Combination Control checkbox indicates if the combination of account elements will be verified against the defined acceptable combination. + + + + + + + Додатни поштански код + Додатни поштански код + Has Additional Postal Code + The Additional Postal Code checkbox indicates if this address uses an additional Postal Code. If it is selected an additional field displays for entry of the additional Postal Code. + + + + + + + Земља има регион + Земља има регион + Country contains Regions + The Country has Region checkbox is selected if the Country being defined is divided into regions. If this checkbox is selected, the Region Tab is accessible. + + + + + + + Има стабло + Има стабло + Window has Tree Graph + The Has Tree checkbox indicates if this window displays a tree metaphor. + + + + + + + Коментар/помоћ + Коментар + Comment or Hint + The Help field contains a hint, comment or help about the use of this item. + + + + + + + ISDN + ISDN + ISDN or modem line + The ISDN identifies a ISDN or Modem line number. + + + + + + + ISO код валуте + ISO валута + Three letter ISO 4217 Code of the Currency + For details - http://www.unece.org/trade/rec/rec09en.htm + + + + + + + Income Summary Acct + Income Summary Acct + Income Summary Account + + + + + + + + Увећање + Увећање + The number to increment the last document number by + The Increment indicates the number to increment the last document number by to arrive at the next sequence number + + + + + + + Intercompany Due From Acct + Intercompany Due From Acct + Intercompany Due From / Receivables Account + The Intercompany Due From account indicates the account that represents money owed to this organization from other organizations. + + + + + + + Intercompany Due To Acct + Intercompany Due To Acct + Intercompany Due To / Payable Account + The Intercompany Due To Account indicates the account that represents money owed to other organizations. + + + + + + + Дан за рачун + Дан за рачун + Day of Invoice Generation + The Invoice Day indicates the day of invoice generation. If twice monthly, the second time is 15 days after this day. + + + + + + + Фреквенција рачуна + Фреквенција рачуна + How often invoices will be generated + The Invoice Frequency indicates the frequency of invoice generation for a Business Partner. + + + + + + + Дан у недељи за рачун + Дан у недељи за рачун + Day to generate invoices + The Invoice Week Day indicates the day of the week to generate invoices. + + + + + + + Accrual + Accrual + Indicates if Accrual or Cash Based accounting will be used + The Accrual checkbox indicates if this accounting schema will use accrual based account or cash based accounting. The Accrual method recognizes revenue when the product or service is delivered. Cash based method recognizes income when then payment is received. + + + + + + + Активан + Активан + Слог је активан у систему. + Постоје два главна метода да се слог учини недоступним унутар система: један је да се обрише слог, а други је да се слог де-активира. Деактивиран слог није доступан за избор, али је доступан за извештаје. Постоје два разлога за де-активирање слога, а не брисање: (1) Систему је потребан слог за потребе контроле/провере. (2) Овај слог је повезан са другим слогом. Нпр., не можете обрисати пословног партнера, ако постоје фактуре у којима се појављује исти. Ви деактивирате пословног партнера и на тај начин спречавате да се он користи приликом будућег уноса неког документа. + + + + + + + Ограничење износа + Огр. износа + Пошаљите фактуре само ако изноз прекорачује лимит + The Amount Limit checkbox indicates if invoices will be sent out if they are below the entered limit. + + + + + + + Одобрено + Одобрено + Indicates if this document requires approval + The Approved checkbox indicates if this document requires approval before it can be processed. + + + + + + + Активирај ревизију + Активирај ревизију + Activate Audit Trail of what numbers are generated + The Activate Audit checkbox indicates if an audit trail of numbers generated will be kept. + + + + + + + Аутоматско нумерисање + Аутоматско нумерисање + Automatically assign the next number + The Auto Numbering checkbox indicates if the system will assign the next number automatically. + + + + + + + Балансиран + Балансиран + + + + + + + + + Балансирање + Балансирање + All transactions within an element value must balance (e.g. cost centers) + The Balancing checkbox indicates the this element must balance in each journal transaction. For example, if cost centers have been defined as an element which is balance then the debits and credits for each unique cost center must net to 0.00. This is commonly used to define parts of an organization which report as their own entity. Balancing is not an option for the Account element. + + + + + + + Базни језик + Базни језик + The system information is maintained in this language + + + + + + + + Централно одржаван + Централно одржаван + Information maintained in System Element table + The Centrally Maintained checkbox indicates if the Name, Description and Help maintained in 'System Element' table or 'Window' table. + + + + + + + Одобрен кредит + Одобрен кредит + Credit has been approved + Credit Approved indicates if the credit approval was successful for Orders + + + + + + + Купац + Купац + Indicates if this Business Partner is a Customer + The Customer checkbox indicates if this Business Partner is a customer. If it is select additional fields will display which further define this customer. + + + + + + + Слог је обрисив + Слог је обрисив + Indicates if records can be deleted from the database + The Records Deleteable checkbox indicates if a record can be deleted from the database. If records cannot be deleted, you can only deselect the Active flag + + + + + + + Испоручен + Испоручен + + + + + + + + + Приказан + Приказан + Determines, if this field is displayed + If the field is displayed, the field Display Logic will determine at runtime, if it is actually displayed + + + + + + + Документ контролисан + Док Контролисан + Control account - If an account is controlled by a document, you cannot post manually to it + + + + + + + + Документ је контролисан бројевима + Док број контр + The document has a document sequence + The Document Number Controlled checkbox indicates if this document type will have a sequence number. + + + + + + + Члан ЕУ + Члан ЕУ + This currency is member if the European Monetary Union + The Emu Member checkbox is used to indicate if this currency is a member of the European Economic Union. + + + + + + + Запослени + Запослени + Indicates if this Business Partner is an employee + The Employee checkbox indicates if this Business Partner is an Employee. If it is selected, additional fields will display which further identify this employee. + + + + + + + Криптовано + Криптовано + Display or Storage is encrypted + Display encryption (in Window/Tab/Field) - all characters are displayed as '*' - in the database it is stored in clear text. You will not be able to report on these columns.<br> +Data storage encryption (in Table/Column) - data is stored encrypted in the database (dangerous!) and you will not be able to report on those columns. Independent from Display encryption. + + + + + + + Евро валута + Евро валута + This currency is the Euro + The Euro Currency checkbox is used to indicate if this currency is the Euro Currency. + + + + + + + Само поље + Само поље + Label is not displayed + The Field Only checkbox indicates that the column will display without a label. + + + + + + + Потпуно квалификован + Потпуно квалификован + This account is fully qualified + The Fully Qualified check box indicates that all required elements for an account combination are present. + + + + + + + Генерисан + Генерисан + This Line is generated + The Generated checkbox identifies a journal line that was generated from a source document. Lines could also be entered manually or imported. + + + + + + + Само заглаље + Само заглаље + Field without Column - Only label is displayed + The Heading Only checkbox indicates if just the label will display on the screen + + + + + + + Идентификатор + Идентификатор + This column is part of the record identifier + The Identifier checkbox indicates that this column is part of the identifier or key for this table. + + + + + + + Контни језичак + Контни језичак + This Tab contains accounting information + The Accounting Tab checkbox indicates if this window contains accounting information. To display accounting information, enable this in Tools>Preference and Role. + + + + + + + Фактурисанo + Фактурисанo + Is this invoiced? + If selected, invoices are created + + + + + + + Кључ колона + Кључ колона + Ова колона је кључ у овој табели + The key column must also be display sequence 0 in the field definition and may be hidden. + + + + + + + Обавезан + Обавезан + Data entry is required in this column + The field must have a value for the record to be saved to the database. + + + + + + + Прописани конто + Прописани конто + The primary natural account + The natural account is often based on (industry specific) chart of accounts + + + + + + + Родитељ веза колона + Родитељ веза колона + This column is a link to the parent table (e.g. header from lines) - incl. Association key columns + The Parent checkbox indicates if this column is a link to the parent table. + + + + + + + Примаран + Примаран + Indicates if this is the primary budget + The Primary checkbox indicates if this budget is the primary budget. + + + + + + + Одштампан + Одштампан + Indicates if this document / line is printed + The Printed checkbox indicates if this document or line will included when printing. + + + + + + + Обрада + Обрада + + + + + + + + + Кандидат + Кандидат + Indicates this is a Prospect + The Prospect checkbox indicates an entity that is an active prospect. + + + + + + + Купљено + Купљено + Organization purchases this product + The Purchased check box indicates if this product is purchased by this organization. + + + + + + + Опсег + Опсег + The parameter is a range of values + The Range checkbox indicates that this parameter is a range of values. + + + + + + + Само читање + Само читање + Field is read only + The Read Only indicates that this field may only be Read. It may not be updated. + + + + + + + Читање-писање + Читање-писање + Field is read / write + The Read Write indicates that this field may be read and updated. + + + + + + + Продајна цена + Продајна цена + This is a Sales Price List + The Sales Price List check box indicates if this price list is used for sales transactions. + + + + + + + Референт продаје + Реф продаје + Indicates if the business partner is a sales representative or company agent + The Sales Rep checkbox indicates if this business partner is a sales representative. A sales representative may also be an emplyee, but does not need to be. + Business Partner responsible for documents + The Sales Rep checkbox indicates if this business partner is a company agent. A company agent may also be an emplyee, but does not need to be. + Представник компаније + Представник компаније + + + Иста линија + Иста линија + Displayed on same line as previous field + The Same Line checkbox indicates that the field will display on the same line as the previous field. + + + + + + + Безбедност укључена + Безбедност укључена + If security is enabled, user access to data can be restricted via Roles + The Security Enabled checkbox indicates that user access to the data in this table can be restricted using Roles. + + + + + + + Распоред са једним редом + Распоред са једним редом + Default for toggle between Single- and Multi-Row (Grid) Layout + The Single Row Layout checkbox indicates if the default display type for this window is a single row as opposed to multi row. + + + + + + + На продају + На продају + Организација продаје овај производ + На продају штиклиран квадратић показује да се овај производ продаје од стране организације. + + + + + + + Ускладиштено + Ускладиштено + Organization stocks this product + The Stocked check box indicates if this product is stocked by this Organization. + + + + + + + Збирни ниво + Збирни ниво + This is a summary entity + A summary entity represents a branch in a tree rather than an end-node. Summary entities are used for reporting and do not have own values. + + + + + + + Језик система + Језик система + The screens, etc. are maintained in this Language + Select, if you want to have translated screens available in this language. Please notify your system administrator to run the language maintenance scripts to enable the use of this language. If the language is not supplied, you can translate the terms yourself. + + + + + + + Коришћено за ID слога + Коришћено за ID слога + The document number will be used as the record key + The Used for Record ID checkbox indicates if the document id will be used as the key to the record + + + + + + + Пребачено + Пребачено + Transferred to General Ledger (i.e. accounted) + The transferred checkbox indicates if the transactions associated with this document should be transferred to the General Ledger. + + + + + + + Преведено + Преведено + This column is translated + The Translated checkbox indicates if this column is translated. + + + + + + + Језичак за превод + Језичак за превод + This Tab contains translation information + The Translation Tab checkbox indicate if a tab contains translation information. To display translation information, enable this in Tools>Preference. + + + + + + + Ажурирајући + Ажурирајући + Determines, if the field can be updated + The Updateable checkbox indicates if a field can be updated by the user. + + + + + + + Корисничко ажурирајући + Корисничко ажурирајући + The field can be updated by the user + The User Updateable checkbox indicate if the user can update this field. + + + + + + + Добављач + Добављач + Indicates if this Business Partner is a Vendor + The Vendor checkbox indicates if this Business Partner is a Vendor. If it is selected, additional fields will display which further identify this vendor. + + + + + + + Последњи контакт + Последњи контакт + Датум када је ова индивидуа последњи пут контактирана + The Last Contact indicates the date that this Business Partner Contact was last contacted. + + + + + + + Последњи резултат + Последњи резултат + Result of last contact + The Last Result identifies the result of the last contact made. + + + + + + + Максимални степен + Максимални степен + Maximum Inventory level for this product + Indicates the maximum quantity of this product to be stocked in inventory. + + + + + + + Минимални степен + Минимални степен + Minimum Inventory level for this product + Indicates the minimum quantity of this product to be stocked in inventory. + + + + + + + + Ставка бр. + Ставка бр. + Јединстена ставка у овом документу + Indicates the unique line for a document. It will also control the display order of the lines within a document. + + + + + + + Износ ставке + Изн ставке + Ставка укупан износ (количина * актуелна цена) без трошкова превоза и других оптерећења + Indicates the extended line amount based on the quantity and the actual price. Any additional charges or freight are not included. The Amount may or may not include tax. If the price list is inclusive tax, the line amount is the same as the line total. + + + + + + + Секвенца + Секвенца + + + + + + + + + Шаржа бр + Шаржа бр + Lot number (alphanumeric) + The Lot Number indicates the specific lot that a product was part of. + + + + + + + Локатор + Локатор + Warehouse Locator + The Locator indicates where in a Warehouse a product is located. + + + + + + + Ценовник + Ценовник + Unique identifier of a Price List + Price Lists are used to determine the pricing, margin and cost of items purchased or sold. + + + + + + + Верзија ценовника + Верзија ценовника + Identifies a unique instance of a Price List + Each Price List can have multiple versions. The most common use is to indicate the dates that a Price List is valid for. + + + + + + + Категорија производа + Категорија производа + Category of a Product + Identifies the category which this product belongs to. Product categories are used for pricing and selection. + + + + + + + Производ + Производ + Product, Service, Item + Identifies an item which is either purchased or sold in this organization. + + + + + + + Испоручилац + Испоручилац + Method or manner of product delivery + The Shipper indicates the method of delivering product + + + + + + + Складиште + Складиште + Storage Warehouse and Service Point + The Warehouse identifies a unique Warehouse where products are stored or Services are provided. + + + + + + + Текст поруке + Текст поруке + Textual Informational, Menu or Error Message + The Message Text indicates the message that will display + + + + + + + Савет поруке + Савет поруке + Additional tip or help for this message + The Message Tip defines additional help or information about this message. + + + + + + + Врста поруке + Врста поруке + Type of message (Informational, Menu or Error) + The Message Type indicates the type of message being defined. Valid message types are Informational, Menu and Error. + + + + + + + Коефицијент множења + Коефицијент множења + Rate to multiple the source by to calculate the target. + To convert Source number to Target number, the Source is multiplied by the multiply rate. If the Multiply Rate is entered, then the Divide Rate will be automatically calculated. + + + + + + + Шифра делатности + Шифра делатности + Standard Industry Code or its successor NAIC - http://www.osha.gov/oshstats/sicser.html + The NAICS/SIC identifies either of these codes that may be applicable to this Business Partner. + + + + + + + Назив + Назив + Алфанумерички идентификатор ентитета. + Назив ентитета (слога) се користи приликом основне претраге као додатна опција уз кључну реч - ид број. Назив може бити дужине до 60 карактера. + + + + + + + Свега дана + Свега дана + Net Days in which payment is due + Indicates the number of days after invoice date that payment is due. + + + + + + + Node_ID + Node_ID + + + + + + + + + Запослени + Запослени + Number of employees + Indicates the number of employees for this Business Partner. This field displays only for Prospects. + + + + + + + ОС команда + ОС команда + Operating System Command + The OS Command is for optionally defining a command to that will be part of this task. For example it can be used to starting a back up process or performing a file transfer. + + + + + + + Sql ORDER BY + Order by clause + Fully qualified ORDER BY clause + The ORDER BY Clause indicates the SQL ORDER BY clause to use for record selection + + + + + + + Организација + Организација + Организациони ентитет унутар клијента + Организација је организациона јединица клијента или правни ентитит - нпр. продавница, одељење + + + + + + + Ценовник набавке + Ценовник набавке + Price List used by this Business Partner + Identifies the price list used by a Vendor for products purchased by this organization. + + + + + + + Процес датум + П датум + Параметар процеса + + + + + + + + Процес датум до + П датум до + Параметар процеса + + + + + + + + Процес стринг + П стринг + Параметар процеса + + + + + + + + Процес стринг до + П стринг до + Параметар процеса + + + + + + + + Родитељ + Родитељ + Parent of Entity + The Parent indicates the value used to represent the next level in a hierarchy or report to level for a record + + + + + + + Родитељ порез + Родитељ порез + Parent Tax indicates a tax that is made up of multiple taxes + The Parent Tax indicates a tax that is a reference for multiple taxes. This allows you to charge multiple taxes on a document by entering the Parent Tax + + + + + + + Лозинка + Лозинка + Password of any length (case sensitive) + The Password for this User. Passwords are required to identify authorized users. For Adempiere Users, you can change the password via the Process "Reset Password". + + + + + + + Акција периода + Акција периода + Action taken for this period + The Period Action indicates the action to be taken for this period. For example 'Close Period' or 'Open Period'. + + + + + + + Период бр + Период бр + Unique Period Number + The Period No identifies a specific period for this year. Each period is defined by a start and end date. Date ranges for a calendar and year cannot overlap. + + + + + + + Статус периода + Статус периода + Current state of this period + The Period Status indicates the current status for this period. For example 'Closed', 'Open', 'Never Opened'. + + + + + + + Врста периода + Врста периода + Врста периода + The Period Type indicates the type (Standard or Adjustment) of period. + + + + + + + Будући дани + Будући дани + Number of days to be able to post to a future date (based on system date) + If Automatic Period Control is enabled, the current period is calculated based on the system date and you can always post to all days in the current period. Future Days enable to post to future periods. E.g. today is Apr 15th and Future Days is set to 30, you can post up to May 15th + + + + + + + Историјски дани + Историјски дани + Number of days to be able to post in the past (based on system date) + If Automatic Period Control is enabled, the current period is calculated based on the system date and you can always post to all days in the current period. History Days enable to post to previous periods. E.g. today is May 15th and History Days is set to 30, you can post back to April 15th + + + + + + + Телефон + Телефон + Identifies a telephone number + The Phone field identifies a telephone number + + + + + + + Други телефон + Други телефон + Identifies an alternate telephone number. + The 2nd Phone field identifies an alternate telephone number. + + + + + + + Књижи ово + Књижи ово + Actual Values can be posted + The Post Actual indicates if actual values can be posted to this element value. + + + + + + + Буџет слање + Буџет слање + Budget values can be posted + The Post Budget indicates if budget values can be posted to this element value. + + + + + + + Терет слање + Терет слање + Post commitments to this account + + + + + + + + Статистика слање + Статистика слање + Post statistical quantities to this account? + + + + + + + + ПТТ број + ПТТ број + Postal code + The Postal Code or ZIP identifies the postal code for this entity's address. + + + + + + + - + - + Additional ZIP or Postal code + The Additional ZIP or Postal Code identifies, if appropriate, any additional Postal Code information. + + + + + + + Врста књижења + Врста књижења + The type of posted amount for the transaction + The Posting Type indicates the type of amount (Actual, Budget, Reservation, Commitment, Statistical) the transaction. + + + + + + + Потенцијалниа вредност животног века + Потенцијалниа вредност животног века + Total Revenue expected + The Potential Life Time Value is the anticipated revenue in primary accounting currency to be generated by the Business Partner. + + + + + + + Префикс + Префикс + Prefix before the sequence number + The Prefix indicates the characters to print in front of the document number. + + + + + + + Цена по јед + Цена по јед + Стварна цена + The Actual or Unit Price indicates the Price for a product in source currency. + + + + + + + Каталошка цена + Каталошка цена + Каталошка цена + The List Price is the official List Price in the document currency. + + + + + + + Приоритет + Приоритет + Priority of a document + The Priority indicates the importance (high, medium, low) of this document + + + + + + + Обради одмах + Обради одмах + + + + + + + + + Количина + Кол + Количина + The Quantity indicates the number of a specific product or item for this document. + + + + + + + Испоручена количина + Испоручена кол + Испоручена количина + The Delivered Quantity indicates the quantity of a product that has been delivered. + + + + + + + Фактурисана количина + Фактурисанo + Invoiced Quantity + The Invoiced Quantity indicates the quantity of a product that have been invoiced. + + + + + + + Количина на стању + Кол.на стању + Количина на стању + The On Hand Quantity indicates the quantity of a product that is on hand in a warehouse. + + + + + + + Наручена количина + Наручена кол + Наручена количина + The Ordered Quantity indicates the quantity of a product that was ordered. + Наручена количина + The Ordered Quantity indicates the quantity of a product that was ordered. + Кол. налога нав. + Кол. налога нав. + + + Резервисана количина + Резервисана кол + Резервисана количина + The Reserved Quantity indicates the quantity of a product that is currently reserved. + Quantity Ordered on Purchase Orders + The Ordered Quantity indicates the quantity of a product that is currently ordered. + On Order Quantity + On Order Quantity + + + Коефицијент + Коефицијент + Rate or Tax or Exchange + The Rate indicates the percentage to be multiplied by the source to arrive at the tax or exchange amount. + + + + + + + Realized Gain Acct + Realized Gain Acct + Realized Gain Account + The Realized Gain Account indicates the account to be used when recording gains achieved from currency revaluation that have been realized. + + + + + + + Realized Loss Acct + Realized Loss Acct + Realized Loss Account + The Realized Loss Account indicates the account to be used when recording losses incurred from currency revaluation that have yet to be realized. + + + + + + + ИД слога + ИД слога + Direct internal record ID + The Record ID is the internal unique identifier of a record. Please note that zooming to the record may not be successful for Orders, Invoices and Shipment/Receipts as sometimes the Sales Order type is not known. + + + + + + + Референца + Референца + Reference for this record + The Reference displays the source document number. + + + + + + + Референца бр + Референца бр + Your customer or vendor number at the Business Partner's site + The reference number can be printed on orders and invoices to allow your business partner to faster identify your records. + + + + + + + Регион + Регион + Name of the Region + The Region Name defines the name that will print when this region is used in a document. + + + + + + + Врста допуне + Врста допуне + Method for re-ordering a product + The Replenish Type indicates if this product will be manually re-ordered, ordered when the quantity is below the minimum quantity or ordered when it is below the maximum quantity. If you select a custom replenishment type, you need to create a class implementing org.compiere.util.ReplenishInterface and set that on warehouse level. + + + + + + + Резултат + Резултат + Result of the action taken + The Result indicates the result of any action taken on this request. + + + + + + + Retained Earning Acct + Retained Earning Acct + + + + + + + + + SKU + SKU + Stock Keeping Unit + The SKU indicates a user defined stock keeping unit. It may be used for an additional bar code symbols or your own schema. + + + + + + + Кампања + Кампања + Маркетиншка кампања + The Campaign defines a unique marketing program. Projects can be associated with a pre defined Marketing Campaign. You can then report based on a specific Campaign. + + + + + + + Канал + Канал + Sales Channel + The Sales Channel identifies a channel (or method) of sales generation. + + + + + + + Кредитни лимит + Кредитни лимит + Total outstanding invoice amounts allowed + The Credit Limit indicates the total amount allowed 'on account' in primary accounting currency. If the Credit Limit is 0, no ckeck is performed. Credit Management is based on the Total Open Amount, which includes Vendor activities. + + + + + + + Кредит коришћен + Кредит коришћен + Current open balance + The Credit Used indicates the total amount of open or unpaid invoices in primary accounting currency for the Business Partner. Credit Management is based on the Total Open Amount, which includes Vendor activities. + + + + + + + Правило испоруке + Правило испоруке + Defines the timing of Delivery + The Delivery Rule indicates when an order should be delivered. For example should the order be delivered when the entire order is complete, when a line is complete or as the products become available. + + + + + + + Налог + Налог + Налог + The Order is a control document. The Order is complete when the quantity ordered is the same as the quantity shipped and invoiced. When you cloase an order, unshipped (backordered) quantities are cancelled. + Налог за набавку + The Purchase Order is a control document. The Purchase Order is complete when the quantity ordered is the same as the quantity shipped and invoiced. When you cloase an order, unshipped (backordered) quantities are cancelled. + Налог за набавку + Налог за набавку + + + Начин фактурисања + Начин фактурисања + Фреквенција и методологија фактурисања + Начин фактурисања одређује како ће бити фактурисано пословном партнеру и фреквенцију фактурисања. + + + + + + + Распоред рачуна + Распоред рачуна + Schedule for generating Invoices + The Invoice Schedule identifies the frequency used when generating invoices. + + + + + + + Ставка налога за продају + Ставка налога + Ставка налога за продају + The Sales Order Line is a unique identifier for a line in an order. + Ставка налога за набавку + The Purchase Order Line is a unique identifier for a line in an order. + Ставка налога за набавку + Ставка налога + + + Обим продаје у 1.000 + Обим продаје + Total Volume of Sales in Thousands of Currency + The Sales Volume indicates the total volume of sales for a Business Partner. + + + + + + + Раздвајач елемента + Раздвајач елемента + Раздвајач елемента + The Element Separator defines the delimiter printed between elements of the structure + + + + + + + Секвенца + Секвенца + Method of ordering records; lowest number comes first + The Sequence indicates the order of records + + + + + + + Серијски бр + Серијски бр + Product Serial Number + The Serial Number identifies a tracked, warranted product. It can only be used when the quantity is 1. + + + + + + + Удео + Удео + Share of Customer's business as a percentage + The Share indicates the percentage of this Business Partner's volume of the products supplied. + + + + + + + Дубина рафа + Дубина рафа + Shelf depth required + The Shelf Depth indicates the depth dimension required on a shelf for a product + + + + + + + Висина рафа + Висина рафа + Shelf height required + The Shelf Height indicates the height dimension required on a shelf for a product + + + + + + + Ширина рафа + Ширина рафа + Shelf width required + The Shelf Width indicates the width dimension required on a shelf for a product + + + + + + + Слог цорт бр + Слог цорт бр + Determines in what order the records are displayed + The Record Sort No indicates the ascending sort sequence of the records. If the number is negative, the records are sorted descending. +Example: A tab with C_DocType_ID (1), DocumentNo (-2) will be sorted ascending by document type and descending by document number (SQL: ORDER BY C_DocType, DocumentNo DESC) + + + + + + + Почетни датум + Почетни датум + First effective day (inclusive) + The Start Date indicates the first or starting date + + + + + + + Рестартуј секвенцу на почетак сваке године + Рестартуј секвенцу на почетак сваке године + Restart the sequence with Start on every 1/1 + The Restart Sequence Every Year checkbox indicates that the documents sequencing should return to the starting number on the first day of the year. + + + + + + + Старт бр + Старт бр + Starting number/position + The Start Number indicates the starting position in the line or field number in the line + + + + + + + Стандардна прецизност + Стандардна прецизност + Rule for rounding calculated amounts + The Standard Precision defines the number of decimal places that amounts will be rounded to for accounting transactions and documents. + + + + + + + Замена + Замена + Entity which can be used in place of this entity + The Substitute identifies the entity to be used as a substitute for this entity. + + + + + + + Суфикс + Суфикс + Suffix after the number + The Suffix indicates the characters to append to the document number. + + + + + + + Suspense Balancing Acct + Suspense Balancing Acct + + + + + + + + + Suspense Error Acct + Suspense Error Acct + + + + + + + + + Износ + Изн + + + + + + + + + Датум + Датум + + + + + + + + + DateTime + DateTime + + + + + + + + + Integer + Integer + + + + + + + + + Број + Број + + + + + + + + + DB Table Name + DB Table Name + Name of the table in the database + The DB Table Name indicates the name of the table in database. + + + + + + + ПИБ + ПИБ + Tax Identification + The Tax ID field identifies the legal Identification number of this Entity. + + + + + + + Тест ИД + Тест ИД + + + + + + + + + Ка + Ка + Receiving Country + The To Country indicates the receiving country on a document + + + + + + + Ка + Ка + Receiving Region + The To Region indicates the receiving region on a document + + + + + + + Укупан кредит + Укупан кредит + Total Credit in document currency + The Total Credit indicates the total credit amount for a journal or journal batch in the source currency + + + + + + + Укупно задужење + Укупно задужење + Total debit in document currency + The Total Debit indicates the total debit amount for a journal or journal batch in the source currency + + + + + + + Укупан износ ставки + Укупан износ ставки + Total of all document lines + The Total amount displays the total of all lines in document currency + + + + + + + Врста | област + Врста | област + Element this tree is built on (i.e Product, Business Partner) + The Tree Type / Area field determines the type of tree this is. For example, you may define one tree for your Products and another tree for your Business Partners. + + + + + + + Врста + Врста + Type of Validation (SQL, Java Script, Java Language) + The Type indicates the type of validation that will occur. This can be SQL, Java Script or Java Language. + + + + + + + Симбол + ЈМ + Symbol for a Unit of Measure + The Symbol identifies the Symbol to be displayed and printed for a Unit of Measure + + + + + + + UPC/EAN + UPC/EAN + Bar Code (Universal Product Code or its superset European Article Number) + Use this field to enter the bar code for the product in any of the bar code symbologies (Codabar, Code 25, Code 39, Code 93, Code 128, UPC (A), UPC (E), EAN-13, EAN-8, ITF, ITF-14, ISBN, ISSN, JAN-13, JAN-8, POSTNET and FIM, MSI/Plessey, and Pharmacode) + + + + + + + Јединица по палети + Јединица по палети + Јединица по палети + The Units per Pallet indicates the number of units of this product which fit on a pallet. + + + + + + + Unrealized Gain Acct + Unrealized Gain Acct + Unrealized Gain Account for currency revaluation + The Unrealized Gain Account indicates the account to be used when recording gains achieved from currency revaluation that have yet to be realized. + + + + + + + Unrealized Loss Acct + Unrealized Loss Acct + Unrealized Loss Account for currency revaluation + The Unrealized Loss Account indicates the account to be used when recording losses incurred from currency revaluation that have yet to be realized. + + + + + + + Ажурирано + Ажурирано + Date this record was updated + The Updated field indicates the date that this record was updated. + + + + + + + Ажурирано од + Ажурирано од + User who updated this records + The Updated By field indicates the user who updated this record. + + + + + + + Користи валутно балансирање + Користи валутно балансирање + + + + + + + + + Користи застојно билансирање + Користи застојно билансирање + + + + + + + + + Користи застојну грешку + Користи застојну грешку + + + + + + + + + Корисничка листа 1 + Корисничка 1 + User defined list element #1 + The user defined element displays the optional elements that have been defined for this account combination. + + + + + + + Корисничка листа 2 + Корисник 2 + User defined list element #2 + The user defined element displays the optional elements that have been defined for this account combination. + + + + + + + Кориснички ниво + Кориснички ниво + System Client Organization + The User Level field determines if users of this Role will have access to System level data, Organization level data, Client level data or Client and Organization level data. + + + + + + + Формат вредности + Формат вредности + Format of the value; Can contain fixed format elements, Variables: "_lLoOaAcCa09" + <B>Validation elements:</B> + (Space) any character +_ Space (fixed character) +l any Letter a..Z NO space +L any Letter a..Z NO space converted to upper case +o any Letter a..Z or space +O any Letter a..Z or space converted to upper case +a any Letters & Digits NO space +A any Letters & Digits NO space converted to upper case +c any Letters & Digits or space +C any Letters & Digits or space converted to upper case +0 Digits 0..9 NO space +9 Digits 0..9 or space + +Example of format "(000)_000-0000" + + + + + + + Важи од + Важи од + Valid from including this date (first day) + The Valid From date indicates the first day of a date range + + + + + + + Важи до + Важи до + Valid to including this date (last day) + The Valid To date indicates the last day of a date range + + + + + + + Врста провере + Врста провере + Different method of validating data + The Validation Type indicates the validation method to use. These include list, table or data type validation. + + + + + + + Кључна реч + Кључна реч + Search key for the record in the format required - must be unique + A search key allows you a fast method of finding a particular record. +If you leave the search key empty, the system automatically creates a numeric number. The document sequence used for this fallback number is defined in the "Maintain Sequence" window with the name "DocumentNo_<TableName>", where TableName is the actual name of the table (e.g. C_Order). + + + + + + + Категорија партнера + Категорија Партнера + Product Category of the Business Partner + The Business Partner Category identifies the category used by the Business Partner for this product. + + + + + + + Партнеров кључ производа + Партнеров кључ производа + Product Key of the Business Partner + The Business Partner Product Key identifies the number used by the Business Partner for this product. It can be printed on orders and invoices when you include the Product Key in the print format. + + + + + + + Верзија + Верзија + Version of the table definition + The Version indicates the version of this table definition. + + + + + + + Обим + Обим + Volume of a product + The Volume indicates the volume of the product in the Volume UOM of the Client + + + + + + + Тежина + Тежина + Weight of a product + The Weight indicates the weight of the product in the Weight UOM of the Client + + + + + + + Sql WHERE + Where clause + Fully qualified SQL WHERE clause + The Where Clause indicates the SQL WHERE clause to use for record selection. The WHERE clause is added to the query. Fully qualified means "tablename.columnname". + + + + + + + WindowType + WindowType + Type or classification of a Window + The Window Type indicates the type of window being defined (Maintain, Transaction or Query) + + + + + + + Радни ток + Радни ток + Workflow or tasks + The Workflow field identifies a unique workflow. A workflow is a grouping of related tasks, in a specified sequence and optionally including approvals + + + + + + + Ред (X) + X + X dimension, e.g., Aisle + The X dimension indicates the Aisle a product is located in. + + + + + + + UOM код + UOM код + UOM EDI X12 Code + The Unit of Measure Code indicates the EDI X12 Code Data Element 355 (Unit or Basis for Measurement) + + + + + + + Раф (Y) + Y + Y dimension, e.g., Bin + The Y dimension indicates the Bin a product is located in + + + + + + + Година + Година + Calendar Year + The Year identifies the Calendar year + + + + + + + Спрат (Z) + Z + Z dimension, e.g., Level + The Z dimension indicates the Level a product is located in. + + + + + + + Банка + Банка + Банка + The Bank is a unique identifier of a Bank for this Organization or for a Business Partner with whom this Organization transacts. + + + + + + + Рачун банке + Рачун банке + Рачун у банци + The Bank Account identifies an account at this Bank. + + + + + + + Партнеров рачун у банци + Партнеров рачун у банци + Bank Account of the Business Partner + The Partner Bank Account identifies the bank account to be used for this Business Partner + + + + + + + Опомена + Опомена + Dunning Rules for overdue invoices + The Dunning indicates the rules and method of dunning for past due payments. + + + + + + + Обуставе + Обуставе + Withholding type defined + The Withholding indicates the type of withholding to be calculated. + + + + + + + Број рачуна + Број рачуна + Број рачуна у банци + Број рачуна означава број рачуна додељен ово банкарском рачуну. + + + + + + + Уживалац прихода + Уживалац прихода + Business Partner to whom payment is made + The Beneficiary indicates the Business Partner to whom payment will be made. This field is only displayed if the Paid to Third Party checkbox is selected. + + + + + + + Износ потраживања + Изн Потраживања + Charge Amount + The Charge Amount indicates the amount for an additional charge. + + + + + + + Наплата пенала + Наплата пенала + Indicates if fees will be charged for overdue invoices + The Charge Fee checkbox indicates if the dunning letter will include fees for overdue invoices + + + + + + + Наплата камате + Наплата камате + Indicates if interest will be charged on overdue invoices + The Charge Interest checkbox indicates if interest will be charged on overdue invoice amounts. + + + + + + + Класификација + Класификација + Classification for grouping + The Classification can be used to optionally group products. + + + + + + + Кредитни лимит + Кредитни лимит + Amount of Credit allowed + The Credit Limit field indicates the credit limit for this account. + + + + + + + Текуће стање + Текуће стање + Current Balance + The Current Balance field indicates the current balance in this account. + + + + + + + Дана између опомена + Дана између опомена + Days between sending dunning notices + The Days Between Dunning indicates the number of days between sending dunning notices. + + + + + + + Попуст 2 % + Попуст 2 % + Discount in percent + The Discount indicates the discount applied or taken as a percentage. + + + + + + + Попуст Дана 2 + Попуст Дана 2 + Number of days from invoice date to be eligible for discount + The Discount Days indicates the number of days that payment must be received in to be eligible for the stated discount. + + + + + + + Документ BaseType + Док BaseType + Logical type of document + The Document Base Type identifies the base or starting point for a document. Multiple document types may share a single document base type. + + + + + + + Копије документа + Копије + Number of copies to be printed + The Document Copies indicates the number of copies of each document that will be generated. + + + + + + + Белешка документа + Белешка док + Additional information for a Document + The Document Note is used for recording any additional information regarding this product. + + + + + + + Имејл адреса + Имејл + Electronic Mail Address + The Email Address is the Electronic Mail ID for this User and should be fully qualified (e.g. joe.smith@company.com). The Email Address is used to access the self service application functionality from the web. + + + + + + + Приморај лимит цене + Приморај Лимит Цене + Do not allow prices below the limit price + The Enforce Price Limit check box indicates that prices cannot be below the limit price in Orders and Invoices. Ths can be overwritten, if the role allows this. + + + + + + + Разлог изузећа + Разлог изузећа + Reason for not withholding + The Exempt Reason indicates the reason that monies are not withheld from this employee. + + + + + + + Accounting Fact + Accounting Fact + + + + + + + + + Износ пенала + Пенали + Fee amount in invoice currency + The Fee Amount indicates the charge amount on a dunning letter for overdue invoices. This field will only display if the charge fee checkbox has been selected. + + + + + + + Фиксни износ + Фикс изн + Fix amounted amount to be levied or paid + The Fixed Amount indicates a fixed amount to be levied or paid. + + + + + + + Фиксни месец пресек + Фиксни месец пресек + Last day to include for next due date + The Fix Month Cutoff indicates the last day invoices can have to be included in the current due date. This field only displays when the fixed due date checkbox has been selected. + + + + + + + Фиксни месец дан + Фиксни месец дан + Day of the month of the due date + The Fix Month Day indicates the day of the month that invoices are due. This field only displays if the fixed due date checkbox is selected. + + + + + + + Фиксни месец распон + Фиксни месец распон + Number of months (0=same, 1=following) + The Fixed Month Offset indicates the number of months from the current month to indicate an invoice is due. A 0 indicates the same month, a 1 the following month. This field will only display if the fixed due date checkbox is selected. + + + + + + + Грејс дани + Грејс дани + Days after due date to send first dunning letter + The Grace Days indicates the number of days after the due date to send the first dunning letter. This field displays only if the send dunning letters checkbox has been selected. + + + + + + + Порука грешке о увозу + Порука грешке о увозу + Messages generated from import process + The Import Error Message displays any error messages generated during the import process. + + + + + + + Увежено + Увежено + Has this import been processed + The Imported check box indicates if this import has been processed. + + + + + + + Камата у процентима + Камата у процентима + Percentage interest to charge on overdue invoices + The Interest amount in percent indicates the interest to be charged on overdue invoices. This field displays only if the charge interest checkbox has been selected. + + + + + + + Адреса рачуна + Адреса рачуна + Business Partner Invoice/Bill Address + If the Invoice Address is selected, the location is used to send invoices to a customer or receive invoices from a vendor. + + + + + + + Ниво документа + Ниво док + Tax is calculated on document level (rather than line by line) + If the tax is calculated on document level, all lines with that tax rate are added before calculating the total tax for the document. +Otherwise the tax is calculated per line and then added. +Due to rounding, the tax amount can differ. + + + + + + + Фиксни датум доспећа + Фиксни датум доспећа + Payment is due on a fixed date + The Fixed Due Date checkbox indicates if invoices using this payment tern will be due on a fixed day of the month. + + + + + + + Foreign Currency Account + Foreign Currency + Balances in foreign currency accounts are held in the nominated currency + Balances in foreign currency accounts are held in the nominated currency and translated to functional currency + + + + + + + Mandatory Withholding + Mandatory Withholding + Monies must be withheld + The Mandatory Withholding checkbox indicates that monies must be withheld from this employee. + + + + + + + Једнократна трансакција + Једнократна трансакција + + + + + + + + + Властита банка + Властита банка + Bank for this Organization + The Own Bank field indicates if this bank is for this Organization as opposed to a Bank for a Business Partner. + + + + + + + Плаћено трећем лицу + Плаћено трећем лицу + Amount paid to someone other than the Business Partner + The Paid to Third Party checkbox indicates that the amounts are paid to someone other than the Business Partner. + + + + + + + Платити са адресе + Платити са адресе + Business Partner pays from that address and we'll send dunning letters there + If the Pay-From Address is selected, this location is the address the Business Partner pays from and where dunning letters will be sent to. + + + + + + + Проценат обуставе + Проценат обуставе + Withholding amount is a percentage of the invoice amount + The Percent Withholding checkbox indicates if the withholding amount is a percentage of the invoice amount. + + + + + + + Плати на адресу + Плати на адресу + Business Partner payment address + If the Remit-To Address is selected, the location is used to send payments to the vendor. + + + + + + + Исти порез + Исти порез + Use the same tax as the main transaction + The Same Tax checkbox indicates that this charge should use the same tax as the main transaction. + + + + + + + Адреса испоруке + Адреса Испоруке + Business Partner Shipment Address + If the Ship Address is selected, the location is used to ship goods to a customer or receive goods from a vendor. + + + + + + + Изузеће пореза + Изузеће пореза + Business partner is exempt from tax + If a business partner is exempt from tax, the exempt tax rate is used. For this, you need to set up a tax rate with a 0% rate and indicate that this is your tax exempt rate. This is required for tax reporting, so that you can track tax exempt transactions. + + + + + + + Процењени порез + Процењени порез + Tax is Prorated + The Prorate Tax checkbox indicates if this tax is prorated. + + + + + + + Обустава пореза + Обустава пореза + This is a tax related withholding + The Tax Withholding checkbox indicates if this withholding is tax related. + + + + + + + Привремено изузет + Привремено изузет + Temporarily do not withhold taxes + The Temporary Exempt checkbox indicates that for a limited time, taxes will not be withheld for this employee. + + + + + + + Максималан износ + Макс изн + Maximum Amount in invoice currency + The Maximum Amount indicates the maximum amount in invoice currency. + + + + + + + Минималан износ + Мин изн + Minimum Amount in invoice currency + The Minimum amount indicates the minimum amount as stated in the currency of the invoice. + + + + + + + Најмања кол поручивања + Најмања кол поручивања + Minimum order quantity in UOM + The Minimum Order Quantity indicates the smallest quantity of this product which can be ordered. + + + + + + + Количина по паковању + Количина по паковању + Package order size in UOM (e.g. order set of 5 units) + The Order Pack Quantity indicates the number of units in each pack of this product. + + + + + + + Правило плаћања + Правило плаћања + Purchase payment option + The Payment Rule indicates the method of purchase payment. + + + + + + + Проценат + Проценат + Проценат + The Percent indicates the percentage used. + + + + + + + Ознака налога + Ознака налога + Transaction Reference Number (Sales Order, Purchase Order) of your Business Partner + The business partner order reference is the order reference for this specific transaction; Often Purchase Order numbers are given to print on Invoices for easier reference. A standard number can be defined in the Business Partner (Customer) window. + + + + + + + Последња куповна цена + Последња куповна цена + Price of the last purchase order for the product + The Last PO Price indicates the last price paid (per the purchase order) for this product. + + + + + + + Најнижа цена + Најнижа цена + Најнижа цена за производ + The Price Limit indicates the lowest price for a product stated in the Price List Currency. + + + + + + + Стандардна цена + Стд цена + Стандардна цена + The Standard Price indicates the standard or normal price for a product on this price list + + + + + + + Штампани текст + Текст + The label text to be printed on a document or correspondence. + The Label to be printed indicates the name that will be printed on a document or correspondence. The max length is 2000 characters. + + + + + + + Рангирање + Рангирање + Classification or Importance + The Rating is used to differentiate the importance + + + + + + + Routing No + Routing No + Bank Routing Number + The Bank Routing Number (ABA Number) identifies a legal Bank. It is used in routing checks and electronic transactions. + + + + + + + Шаљи писма опомене + Шаљи писма опомене + Indicates if dunning letters will be sent + The Send Dunning Letters checkbox indicates if dunning letters will be sent to Business Partners who use this dunning rule. + + + + + + + Потраживање + Потраживање + Additional document charges + The Charge indicates a type of Charge (Handling, Shipping, Restocking) + + + + + + + Swift code + Swift code + Swift Code or BIC + The Swift Code (Society of Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunications) or BIC (Bank Identifier Code) is an identifier of a Bank. The first 4 characters are the bank code, followed by the 2 character country code, the two character location code and optional 3 character branch code. For details see http://www.swift.com/biconline/index.cfm + + + + + + + Threshold max + Threshold max + Maximum gross amount for withholding calculation (0=no limit) + The Threshold maximum indicates the maximum gross amount to be used in the withholding calculation . A value of 0 indicates there is no limit. + + + + + + + Threshold min + Threshold min + Minimum gross amount for withholding calculation + The Threshold Minimum indicates the minimum gross amount to be used in the withholding calculation. + + + + + + + Наслов + Наслов + Name this entity is referred to as + The Title indicates the name that an entity is referred to as. + + + + + + + URL + URL + Full URL address - e.g. http://www.adempiere.org + The URL defines an fully qualified web address like http://www.adempiere.org + + + + + + + Procedure + Procedure + Name of the Database Procedure + The Procedure indicates the name of the database procedure called by this report or process. + + + + + + + Активност + Активност + Пословна активност + Activities indicate tasks that are performed and used to utilize Activity based Costing + + + + + + + Правило превознине + Правило превознине + Method for charging Freight + The Freight Cost Rule indicates the method used when charging for freight. + + + + + + + Фактура + Фактура + Invoice Identifier + The Invoice Document. + + + + + + + Customer Prepayment + Customer Prepayment + Account for customer prepayments + The Customer Prepayment account indicates the account to be used for recording prepayments from a customer. + + + + + + + Конто за потраживања купаца + Конто за потраживања купаца + Конто за потраживања купаца + Конто потраживања купаца означава конто који ће се користити за снимање трансакције за потраживања купаца + + + + + + + Код робе + Код робе + Код робе коришћен за израчунавање пореза + The Commodity Code indicates a code that is used in tax calculations + + + + + + + Кредитна картица + Кредитна картица + Credit Card (Visa, MC, AmEx) + The Credit Card drop down list box is used for selecting the type of Credit Card presented for payment. + + + + + + + Налог продаје подтип + Налог продаје подтип + Налог продаје подтип + The SO Sub Type indicates the type of sales order this document refers to. This field only appears when the Document Base Type is Sales Order. The selection made here will determine which documents will be generated when an order is processed and which documents must be generated manually or in batches. <br> +The following outlines this process.<br> +SO Sub Type of <b>Standard Order</b> will generate just the <b>Order</b> document when the order is processed. <br> +The <b>Delivery Note</b>, <b>Invoice</b> and <b>Receipt</b> must be generated via other processes. <br> +SO Sub Type of <b>Warehouse Order</b> will generate the <b>Order</b> and <b>Delivery Note</b>. <br> The <b>Invoice</b> and <b>Receipt</b> must be generated via other processes.<br> +SO Sub Type of <b>Credit Order</b> will generate the <b>Order</b>, <b>Delivery Note</b> and <b>Invoice</b>. <br> The <b>Reciept</b> must be generated via other processes.<br> +SO Sub Type of <b>POS</b> (Point of Sale) will generate all document + + + + + + + Расходи запосленог + Расходи запосленог + Конто за расходе запосленог + Овај конто се користи за бележење трошкова за овог радника + + + + + + + Employee Prepayment + Employee Prepayment + Account for Employee Expense Prepayments + The Employee Prepayment Account identifies the account to use for recording expense advances made to this employee. + + + + + + + Порука грешке + Порука грешке + + + + + + + + + Извештај + Извештај + Indicates a Report record + The Report checkbox indicates that this record is a report as opposed to a process + + + + + + + Отпремница + Отпремница + Material Shipment Document + The Material Shipment / Receipt + Material Receipt Document + The Material Shipment / Receipt + Рачун + Рачун + + + Ставка отпремнице + Ставка отпремнице + Line on Shipment or Receipt document + The Shipment/Receipt Line indicates a unique line in a Shipment/Receipt document + Line on Receipt document + + Ставка отпремнице + Ставка отпремнице + + + Поп.залиха + Поп.залиха + Parameters for a Physical Inventory + The Physical Inventory indicates a unique parameters for a physical inventory. + + + + + + + Ставка пописа залиха + Ставка пописа залиха + Unique line in an Inventory document + The Physical Inventory Line indicates the inventory document line (if applicable) for this transaction + + + + + + + Локатор ка + Локатор ка + Локација куда је инвентар премештен + The Locator To indicates the location where the inventory is being moved to. + + + + + + + Интерна доставница + Премештај + Movement of Inventory + The Inventory Movement uniquely identifies a group of movement lines. + + + + + + + Премештај ставка + Премештај ставка + Inventory Move document Line + The Movement Line indicates the inventory movement document line (if applicable) for this transaction + + + + + + + Производња + Производња + Plan for producing a product + The Production uniquely identifies a Production Plan + + + + + + + Ставка производње + Ставка производње + Document Line representing a production + The Production Line indicates the production document line (if applicable) for this transaction + + + + + + + Трансакција залиха + Трансакција залиха + + + + + + + + + Датум премештања + Датум премештања + Date a product was moved in or out of inventory + The Movement Date indicates the date that a product moved in or out of inventory. This is the result of a shipment, receipt or inventory movement. + + + + + + + Количина премештања + Кол + Quantity of a product moved. + The Movement Quantity indicates the quantity of a product that has been moved. + + + + + + + Врста премештања + Врста премештања + Method of moving the inventory + The Movement Type indicates the type of movement (in, out, to production, etc) + + + + + + + Product Asset + Product Asset + Account for Product Asset (Inventory) + The Product Asset Account indicates the account used for valuing this a product in inventory. + + + + + + + Product COGS + Product COGS + Account for Cost of Goods Sold + The Product COGS Account indicates the account used when recording costs associated with this product. + + + + + + + Product Expense + Product Expense + Account for Product Expense + The Product Expense Account indicates the account used to record expenses associated with this product. + + + + + + + Приход производа + Приход производа + Account for Product Revenue (Sales Account) + The Product Revenue Account indicates the account used for recording sales revenue for this product. + + + + + + + Project Asset + Project Asset + Project Asset Account + The Project Asset account is the account used as the final asset account in capital projects + + + + + + + Обрађено + Обрађено + The document has been processed + The Processed checkbox indicates that a document has been processed. + + + + + + + Књиговодствена количина + Књиг кол + Book Quantity + The Quantity Book indicates the line count stored in the system for a product in inventory + + + + + + + Пописана количина + Поп кол + Counted Quantity + The Quantity Count indicates the actual inventory count taken for a product in inventory + + + + + + + Vendor Liability + Vendor Liability + Account for Vendor Liability + The Vendor Liability account indicates the account used for recording transactions for vendor liabilities + + + + + + + Vendor Service Liability + Vendor Service Liability + Account for Vender Service Liability + The Vendor Service Liability account indicates the account to use for recording service liabilities. It is used if you need to distinguish between Liability for products and services. This account is only used, if posting to service accounts is enabled in the accounting schema. + + + + + + + Vendor Prepayment + Vendor Prepayment + Account for Vendor Prepayments + The Vendor Prepayment Account indicates the account used to record prepayments from a vendor. + + + + + + + Max. Вредност + Max. Вредност + Maximum Value for a field + The Maximum Value indicates the highest allowable value for a field + + + + + + + Min. Вредност + Min. Вредност + Minimum Value for a field + The Minimum Value indicates the lowest allowable value for a field. + + + + + + + Warehouse Differences + Warehouse Differences + Warehouse Differences Account + The Warehouse Differences Account indicates the account used recording differences identified during inventory counts. + + + + + + + (Not Used) + (Not Used) + Warehouse Inventory Asset Account - Currently not used + The Warehouse Inventory Asset Account identifies the account used for recording the value of your inventory. This is the counter account for inventory revaluation differences. The Product Asset account maintains the product asset value. + + + + + + + Референт продаје + Реф продаје + Sales Representative or Company Agent + The Sales Representative indicates the Sales Rep for this Region. Any Sales Rep must be a valid internal user. + Purchase or Company Agent + Purchase agent for the document. Any Sales Rep must be a valid internal user. + Представник компаније + Agent + + + Цена укључује порез + Цена укључује порез + Tax is included in the price + The Tax Included checkbox indicates if the prices include tax. This is also known as the gross price. + + + + + + + Потребна пореска потврда + Потребна пореска потврда + This tax rate requires the Business Partner to be tax exempt + The Requires Tax Certificate indicates that a tax certificate is required for a Business Partner to be tax exempt. + + + + + + + Трошкови + Трошкови + Charges can be added to the document + The Charges checkbox indicates that charges can be added to this document. Charges can include items like shipping, handling or bank charges. + + + + + + + Account_Acct + Account_Acct + + + + + + + + + Шаблон п.партнера + Шаблон п.партнера + Business Partner used for creating new Business Partners on the fly + When creating a new Business Partner from the Business Partner Search Field (right-click: Create), the selected business partner is used as a template, e.g. to define price list, payment terms, etc. + + + + + + + Врста документа за рачун + Врста док рачун + Document type used for invoices generated from this sales document + The Document Type for Invoice indicates the document type that will be used when an invoice is generated from this sales document. This field will display only when the base document type is Sales Order. + + + + + + + Врста документа за предрачун + Врста док предрачун + Document type used for pro forma invoices generated from this sales document + he Document Type for Invoice indicates the document type that will be used when an invoice is generated from this sales document. This field will display only when the base document type is Sales Order and the Pro Forma Invoice checkbox is selected + + + + + + + Врста документа за испоруку + Врста док испоруку + Document type used for shipments generated from this sales document + he Document Type for Shipments indicates the document type that will be used when a shipment is generated from this sales document. This field will display only when the base document type is Sales Order. + + + + + + + Ниво опомене + Ниво опомене + + + + + + + + + Ставка фактуре + Ставка фактуре + Invoice Detail Line + The Invoice Line uniquely identifies a single line of an Invoice. + + + + + + + Препознавање прихода + Препознавање прихода + Метода за препознавање прихода + The Revenue Recognition indicates how revenue will be recognized for this product + + + + + + + Ниво услуге + Ниво услуге + Product Revenue Recognition Service Level + The Service Level defines a unique Service Level. + + + + + + + Ниво услуге ставка + Ниво услуге ставка + Product Revenue Recognition Service Level Line + The Service Level Line indicates a unique instance in a Service Level + + + + + + + Одрађен износ + Одрађен изн + The (legal) commitment amount + The commitment amount is independent from the planned amount. You would use the planned amount for your realistic estimation, which might be higher or lower than the commitment amount. + + + + + + + Броји оне са високим коеф.обрт + Броји оне са високим коеф.обрт + Count High Movement products + The Count High Movement checkbox indicates if the those items with a high turnover will be counted + + + + + + + Exp. Месец + Exp. Месец + Expiry Month + The Expiry Month indicates the expiry month for this credit card. + + + + + + + Exp. Година + Exp. Година + Expiry Year + The Expiry Year indicates the expiry year for this credit card. + + + + + + + Current Next (System) + Current Next (System) + Next sequence for system use + This field is for system use only and should not be modified. + + + + + + + Датум последњег пописа + Датум последњег пописа + Date of Last Inventory Count + The Date Last Inventory Count indicates the last time an Inventory count was done. + + + + + + + Датум последњег покретања + Датум последњег покретања + Date the process was last run. + The Date Last Run indicates the last time that a process was run. + + + + + + + Датум следећег покретања + Датум следећег покретања + Date the process will run next + The Date Next Run indicates the next time this process will run. + + + + + + + Датум штампе + Датум штампе + Date the document was printed. + Indicates the Date that a document was printed. + + + + + + + Дана после кашњења + Дана после кашњења + Days after due date to dun (if negative days until due) + The Days After Due Date indicates the number of days after the payment due date to initiate dunning. If the number is negarive, it includes not the not due invoices. + + + + + + + Фактурисање парним недењама + Фактурисање парним недењама + Send invoices on even weeks + The Invoice on Even Weeks checkbox indicates if biweekly invoices should be sent on even week numbers. + + + + + + + Генериши списак + Генериши списак + Генериши списак + + + + + + + + Предрачун + Предрачун + Indicates if Pro Forma Invoices can be generated from this document + The Pro Forma Invoice checkbox indicates if pro forma invoices can be generated from this sales document. A pro forma invoice indicates the amount that will be due should an order be shipped. + + + + + + + Дан рачуна пресек + Дан рачуна пресек + Last day for including shipments + The Invoice Day Cut Off indicates the last day for shipments to be included in the current invoice schedule. For example, if the invoice schedule is defined for the first day of the month, the cut off day may be the 25th of the month. An shipment on the 24th of May would be included in the invoices sent on June 1st but a shipment on the 26th would be included in the invoices sent on July 1st. + + + + + + + Недеља рачуна пресек + Недеља рачуна пресек + Last day in the week for shipments to be included + The Invoice Week Day Cutoff indicates the last day of the week a shipment must be made to be included in the invoice schedule. + + + + + + + Рачун банке + Рачун банке + Indicates if this is the Bank Account + The Bank Account checkbox indicates if this is account is the bank account. + + + + + + + Обавезивање + Обавезивање + Is this document a (legal) commitment? + Commitment indicates if the document is legally binding. + + + + + + + Подразумеван + Подразумеван + Default value + The Default Checkbox indicates if this record will be used as a default value. + + + + + + + Следећи пословни дан + Следећи пословни дан + Payment due on the next business day + The Next Business Day checkbox indicates that payment is due on the next business day after invoice or delivery. + + + + + + + Усклађено + Усклађено + Payment is reconciled with bank statement + + + + + + + + Продајне трансакције + Продајне трансакције + This is a Sales Transaction + The Sales Transaction checkbox indicates if this item is a Sales Transaction. + + + + + + + Временски базиран + Временски базиран + Time based Revenue Recognition rather than Service Level based + Revenue Recognition can be time or service level based. + + + + + + + ISO Language Code + ISO Language + Lower-case two-letter ISO-3166 code - http://www.ics.uci.edu/pub/ietf/http/related/iso639.txt + The ISO Language Code indicates the standard ISO code for a language in lower case. Information can be found at http://www.ics.uci.edu/pub/ietf/http/related/iso639.txt + + + + + + + Вечите залихе + Вечите залихе + Rules for generating physical inventory + The Perpetual Inventory identifies the Perpetual Inventory rule which generated this Physical Inventory. + + + + + + + Product for Freight + Product for Freight + + + + + + + + + Назив 2 + Назив 2 + Additional Name + + + + + + + + Број пописа + Број пописа + Frequency of inventory counts per year + The Number of Inventory Counts indicates the number of times per year that inventory counts will be preformed + + + + + + + Број месеци + Број месеци + + + + + + + + + Број бројања производа + Број бројања производа + Frequency of product counts per year + The Number of Product Count indicates the number of times per year that a product should be counted. + + + + + + + Белешка + Белешка + Optional additional user defined information + The Note field allows for optional entry of user defined information regarding this record + + + + + + + Not-invoiced Receipts + Not-invoiced Receipts + Account for not-invoiced Material Receipts + The Not Invoiced Receipts account indicates the account used for recording receipts for materials that have not yet been invoiced. + + + + + + + Not-invoiced Receivables + Not-invoiced Receivables + Account for not invoiced Receivables + The Not Invoiced Receivables account indicates the account used for recording receivables that have not yet been invoiced. + + + + + + + Not-invoiced Revenue + Not-invoiced Revenue + Account for not invoiced Revenue + The Not Invoiced Revenue account indicates the account used for recording revenue that has not yet been invoiced. + + + + + + + Број обрада + Број обрада + Frequency of processing Perpetual Inventory + The Number of Runs indicates the number of times that the Perpetual Inventory has be processed. + + + + + + + Process Number + P Number + Параметар процеса + + + + + + + + Process Number To + P Number To + Параметар процеса + + + + + + + + Цена важи од + Важи од + Effective Date of Price + The Price Effective indicates the date this price is for. This allows you to enter future prices for products which will become effective when appropriate. + + + + + + + Наб цена + Наб цена + Price based on a purchase order + The PO Price indicates the price for a product per the purchase order. + + + + + + + Креирај + Креирај + + + + + + + + + Фреквенција препознавања + Фреквенција препознавања + + + + + + + + + Датум услуге + Датум услуге + Date service was provided + The Service Date indicates the date that the service was provided. + + + + + + + Фактурисана количина + Кол фактурисана + Quantity of product or service invoiced + The Quantity Invoiced indicates the total quantity of a product or service that has been invoiced. + + + + + + + Количина испоручена + Кол испоручена + Quantity of service or product provided + The Quantity Provided indicates the total quantity of a product or service that has been received by the customer. + + + + + + + Кол + Кол + + + + + + + + + Износ пореза + Порез + Tax Amount for a document + The Tax Amount displays the total tax amount for a document. + + + + + + + Основица за порез + Пор осн + Base for calculating the tax amount + The Tax Base Amount indicates the base amount used for calculating the tax amount. + + + + + + + Ознака пореза + Ознака пореза + Short form for Tax to be printed on documents + The Tax Indicator identifies the short name that will print on documents referencing this tax. + + + + + + + Износ трансакције + Износ Трансакције + Amount of a transaction + The Transaction Amount indicates the amount for a single transaction. + + + + + + + Unearned Revenue + Unearned Revenue + Account for unearned revenue + The Unearned Revenue indicates the account used for recording invoices sent for products or services not yet delivered. It is used in revenue recognition + + + + + + + Ажурирај количине + Ажурирај количине + + + + + + + + + Правило плаћања + Правило плаћања + How you pay the invoice + The Payment Rule indicates the method of invoice payment. + + + + + + + Релативан приоритет + Релативан приоритет + Where inventory should be picked from first + The Relative Priority indicates the location to pick from first if an product is stored in more than one location. (100 = highest priority, 0 = lowest). For outgoing shipments, the location is picked with the highest priority where the entire quantity can be shipped from. If there is no location, the location with the highest priority is used. +The Priority is ignored for products with Guarantee Date (always the oldest first) or if a speific instance is selected. +Incoming receipts are stored at the location with the hoghest priority, if not explicitly selected. + + + + + + + Поздрав + Поздрав + Greeting to print on correspondence + The Greeting identifies the greeting to print on correspondence. + + + + + + + Поздрав + Поздрав + For letters, e.g. "Dear {0}" or "Dear Mr. {0}" - At runtime, "{0}" is replaced by the name + The Greeting indicates what will print on letters sent to a Business Partner. + + + + + + + Директна штампа + Директна штампа + Print without dialog + The Direct Print checkbox indicates that this report will print without a print dialog box being displayed. + + + + + + + Само име + Само име + Print only the first name in greetings + The First Name Only checkbox indicates that only the first name of this contact should print in greetings. + + + + + + + Велики обим + Велики обим + Use Search instead of Pick list + The High Volume Checkbox indicates if a search screen will display as opposed to a pick list for selecting records from this table. + + + + + + + Штамапј детаље слога на рачуну + Штампај детаље на рачуну + Print detail BOM elements on the invoice + The Print Details on Invoice indicates that the BOM element products will print on the Invoice as opposed to this product. + + + + + + + Print detail records on pick list + Print detail records on pick list + Print detail BOM elements on the pick list + The Print Details on Pick List indicates that the BOM element products will print on the Pick List as opposed to this product. + + + + + + + Проверено + Проверено + The BOM configuration has been verified + The Verified check box indicates if the configuration of this product has been verified. This is used for products that consist of a bill of materials + + + + + + + Саставница ставка + Саставница ставка + + + + + + + + + Назив параметра + Назив параметра + + + + + + + + + Датум конверзије + Датум конверзије + Date for selecting conversion rate + The Conversion Date identifies the date used for currency conversion. The conversion rate chosen must include this date in it's date range + + + + + + + Limit price Surcharge Amount + Limit price Surcharge Amt + Amount added to the converted/copied price before multiplying + Indicates the amount to be added to the Limit price prior to multiplication. + + + + + + + База граничне цене + База граничне цене + Base price for calculation of the new price + Identifies the price to be used as the base for calculating a new price list. + + + + + + + Limit price max Margin + Limit price max Margin + Maximum difference to original limit price; ignored if zero + Indicates the maximum margin for a product. The margin is calculated by subtracting the original limit price from the newly calculated price. Ако поље садржи 0.00 онда се игнорише. + + + + + + + Гранична цена мин. маржа + Гранична цена мин. маржа + Minimum difference to original limit price; ignored if zero + Indicates the minimum margin for a product. The margin is calculated by subtracting the original limit price from the newly calculated price. Ако поље садржи 0.00 онда се игнорише. + + + + + + + Ограничи заокружење цене + Ограничи заокружење цене + Rounding of the final result + A drop down list box which indicates the rounding (if any) will apply to the final prices in this price list. + + + + + + + List price Surcharge Amount + List price Surcharge Amt + List Price Surcharge Amount + The List Price Surcharge Amount indicates the amount to be added to the price prior to multiplication. + + + + + + + Основа каталошке цене + Основа каталошке цене + Price used as the basis for price list calculations + The List Price Base indicates the price to use as the basis for the calculation of a new price list. + + + + + + + Макс. маржа каталошке цене + Макс. маржа каталошке цене + Максимална маржа цене за производ + The List Price Max Margin indicates the maximum margin for a product. The margin is calculated by subtracting the original list price from the newly calculated price. Ако поље садржи 0.00 онда се игнорише. + + + + + + + Минимална маржа каталошке цене + Минимална маржа каталошке цене + Минимална маржа цене за производ + The List Price Min Margin indicates the minimum margin for a product. The margin is calculated by subtracting the original list price from the newly calculated price. Ако поље садржи 0.00 онда се игнорише. + + + + + + + Заокруживање каталошке цене + Заокруживање каталошке цене + Правило за заокруживање финалне каталошке цене + The List Price Rounding indicates how the final list price will be rounded. + + + + + + + Основа израч ценовника + Основа израч ценовника + Source for Price list calculations + The Base Price List identifies the Base Pricelist used for calculating prices (the source) + + + + + + + Standard price Surcharge Amount + Standard price Surcharge Amt + Amount added to a price as a surcharge + The Standard Price Surcharge Amount indicates the amount to be added to the price prior to multiplication. + + + + + + + + База стандардне цене + База стандардне цене + Base price for calculating new standard price + The Standard Price Base indicates the price to use as the basis for the calculation of a new price standard. + + + + + + + + Стандард макс. маржа + Стандард макс. маржа + Maximum margin allowed for a product + The Standard Price Max Margin indicates the maximum margin for a product. The margin is calculated by subtracting the original Standard price from the newly calculated price. Ако поље садржи 0.00 онда се игнорише. + + + + + + + Стандардна цена мин. маржа + Стандардна цена мин. маржа + Минимална дозвољена маржа за производ + The Standard Price Min Margin indicates the minimum margin for a product. The margin is calculated by subtracting the original Standard price from the newly calculated price. Ако поље садржи 0.00 онда се игнорише. + + + + + + + Стандардна цена заокруживање + Стандардна цена заокруживање + Правило заокруживања за израчунату цену + The Standard Price Rounding indicates how the final Standard price will be rounded. + + + + + + + Текући добављач + Текући добављач + Use this Vendor for pricing and stock replenishment + The Current Vendor indicates if prices are used and Product is reordered from this vendor + + + + + + + Гранична цена попуст % + Гранична цена попуст % + Discount in percent to be subtracted from base, if negative it will be added to base price + Indicates the discount in percent to be subtracted from base, if negative it will be added to base price + + + + + + + Попуст каталошке цене % + Попуст каталошке цене % + Попуст на цену изражено процентом + The List Price Discount Percentage indicates the percentage discount which will be subtracted from the base price. A negative amount indicates the percentage which will be added to the base price. + + + + + + + Стандардна цена попуст % + Стандардна цена попуст % + Discount percentage to subtract from base price + The Standard Price Discount Percentage indicates the percentage discount which will be subtracted from the base price. A negative amount indicates the percentage which will be added to the base price. + + + + + + + Штампај попуст + Штампај попуст + Print Discount on Invoice and Order + The Discount Printed Checkbox indicates if the discount will be printed on the document. + + + + + + + Израчунај збир (?) + Збир + Calculate the Sum of numeric content or length + Calculate the Sum (?) of the data if the field is numeric, otherwise total sum length of the field. + + + + + + + Опис наруџбине + Опис наруџбине + Description to be used on orders + The Order Description identifies the standard description to use on orders for this Customer. + + + + + + + Нето износ рачуна + Нето изн рачуна + Net amount of this Invoice + Indicates the net amount for this invoice. It does not include shipping or any additional charges. + + + + + + + Количина за испоруку + Количина за испоруку + + + + + + + + + Кол за рачун + Кол за рачун + + + + + + + + + Извештај поглед + Извештај поглед + Поглед коришћен за генерисање овог извештаја + The Report View indicates the view used to generate this report. + + + + + + + Mail Host + Mail Host + Hostname of Mail Server for SMTP and IMAP + The host name of the Mail Server for this client with SMTP services to send mail, and IMAP to process incoming mail. + + + + + + + Трошак по наруџбеници + Трошак по наруџбеници + Fixed Cost Per Order + The Cost Per Order indicates the fixed charge levied when an order for this product is placed. + + + + + + + Актуелно време испоруке + Актуелно време испоруке + Actual days between order and delivery + The Actual Delivery Time indicates the number of days elapsed between placing an order and the delivery of the order + + + + + + + Обећано време испоруке + Обећано време испоруке + Promised days between order and delivery + The Promised Delivery Time indicates the number of days between the order date and the date that delivery was promised. + + + + + + + Количина за наручивање + Кол за нар + + + + + + + + + Рејтинг квалитета + Рејтинг квалитета + Метода рангирања добављача + The Quality Rating indicates how a vendor is rated (higher number = higher quality) + + + + + + + Базни ценовник + Основа + Pricelist to be used, if product not found on this pricelist + The Base Price List identifies the default price list to be used if a product is not found on the selected price list + + + + + + + ЕДИ дефиниција + ЕДИ дефиниција + Електронска размена података + + + + + + + + Купац бр + Купац бр + EDI Identification Number + + + + + + + + ЕДИ статус + ЕДИ статус + + + + + + + + + ЕДИ врста + ЕДИ врста + + + + + + + + + Error EMail + Error EMail + Email address to send error messages to + + + + + + + + From EMail + From EMail + Full EMail address used to send requests - e.g. edi@organization.com + + + + + + + + From EMail Password + From EMail Pwd + Password of the sending EMail address + + + + + + + + From EMail User ID + From EMail User + User ID of the sending EMail address (on default SMTP Host) - e.g. edi + + + + + + + + Info EMail + Info EMail + EMail address to send informational messages and copies + The Info EMail address indicates the address to use when sending informational messages or copies of other messages. + + + + + + + To EMail + To EMail + EMail address to send requests to - e.g. edi@manufacturer.com + + + + + + + + Информације + Информације + Информација + The Information displays data from the source document line. + + + + + + + Пошаљи информације + Пошаљи информације + Send informational messages and copies + + + + + + + + Ставка попуст % + Попуст % + Ставка попуста у процентима + The Line Discount Percent indicates the discount for this line as a percentage. + + + + + + + Ставка попуста + Попуст + Ставка попуста износ + Indicates the discount for this line as an amount. + + + + + + + Ограничење износа по ставци + Ограничење износа + + + + + + + + + Ставка износа списка + Списак износ + + + + + + + + + Бруто маржа % + Маржа % + + + + + + + + + Бруто маржа + Маржа + + + + + + + + + ЕДИ трансакција + ЕДИ транс + + + + + + + + + EDI Log + EDI Log + + + + + + + + + Received Inquiry Reply + Inquiry reply + + + + + + + + + Receive Order Reply + Order reply + + + + + + + + + Reply Price + Reply Price + Confirmed Price from EDI Partner + + + + + + + + Reply Qty Available + Доступна кол + + + + + + + + + Reply Qty Confirmed + Qty Confirmed + + + + + + + + + Reply Received + Реплика + + + + + + + + + Reply Remarks + Remarks + + + + + + + + + Reply Ship date + Датум испоруке + + + + + + + + + Request Price + Request Price + + + + + + + + + Request Qty + Request Qty + + + + + + + + + Request Ship date + Request Ship date + + + + + + + + + Send Inquiry + Send Inquiry + Quantity Availability Inquiry + + + + + + + + Пошаљи налог + Пошаљи налог + + + + + + + + + Трансакција прихваћена + Транс прихваћена + + + + + + + + + Трансакција Послата + Транс послата + + + + + + + + + Врста трансакције + Врста транс + Type of credit card transaction + The Transaction Type indicates the type of transaction to be submitted to the Credit Card Company. + + + + + + + Датум трансакције + Датум транс + Датум трансакције + The Transaction Date indicates the date of the transaction. + + + + + + + Посебан образац + Посебан образац + Посебан образац + The Special Form field identifies a unique Special Form in the system. + + + + + + + Classname + Classname + Java Classname + The Classname identifies the Java classname used by this report or process. + + + + + + + Прелом стране + Прелом стране + Start with new page + Before printing this item, create a new page + + + + + + + Књижено + Књижено + Статус књижења + The Posted field indicates the status of the Generation of General Ledger Accounting Lines + + + + + + + Врста категорије + Врста категорије + Source of the Journal with this category + The Category Type indicates the source of the journal for this category. Journals can be generated from a document, entered manually or imported. + + + + + + + Грешка + Грешка + + + + + + + + + Формат увоза + Формат увоза + + + + + + + + + Формат поља + Формат поља + + + + + + + + + Формат податка + Формат податка + Format String in Java Notation, e.g. ddMMyy + The Date Format indicates how dates are defined on the record to be imported. It must be in Java Notation + + + + + + + Врста податка + Врста податка + Type of data + + + + + + + + Децимална тачка + Децимална тачка + Decimal Point in the data file - if any + + + + + + + + Дели са 100 + Дели са 100 + Divide number by 100 to get correct amount + + + + + + + + Крај бр + Крај бр + + + + + + + + + Формат + Формат + Format of the data + The Format is a drop down list box for selecting the format type (text, tab delimited, XML, etc) of the file to be imported + + + + + + + Изабран + Изабран + + + + + + + + + Константна вредност + Константа + Constant value + + + + + + + + BOM Quantity + Кол + Bill of Materials Quantity + The BOM Quantity indicates the quantity of the product in its Unit of Measure (multiplication) + + + + + + + Датум пријема + Датум пријема + Date a product was received + The Date Received indicates the date that product was received. + + + + + + + Саставница + Саст. + Саставница + The Bill of Materials check box indicates if this product consists of a bill of materials. + + + + + + + BOM Product + BOM Product + Bill of Material Component Product + The BOM Product identifies an element that is part of this Bill of Materials. + + + + + + + Слогова креирано + Слогова креирано + + + + + + + + + Производни план + Производни план + Plan for how a product is produced + The Production Plan identifies the items and steps in generating a product. + + + + + + + Production Quantity + Production Qty + Quantity of products to produce + The Production Quantity identifies the number of products to produce + + + + + + + Добављач + Добављач + The Vendor of the product/service + + + + + + + + Белешка + Белешка + System Notice + + + + + + + + Inter-Organization + Inter-Organization + Organization valid for intercompany documents + The Inter Organization field identifies an Organization which can be used by this Organization for intercompany documents. + + + + + + + Град рачуна + Град + City or the Credit Card or Account Holder + The Account City indicates the City of the Credit Card or Account holder + + + + + + + Имејл налог + Имејл + Email Address + The EMail Address indicates the EMail address off the Credit Card or Account holder. + + + + + + + Возачка дозвола + Возачка дозвола + Payment Identification - Driver License + The Driver's License being used as identification. + + + + + + + ЈМИД + ЈМИД + Payment Identification - Social Security No + The Social Security number being used as identification. + + + + + + + Име рачуна + Име рачуна + Name on Credit Card or Account holder + The Name of the Credit Card or Account holder. + + + + + + + Држава рачуна + Држава + State of the Credit Card or Account holder + The State of the Credit Card or Account holder + + + + + + + Улица рачуна + Улица + Street address of the Credit Card or Account holder + The Street Address of the Credit Card or Account holder. + + + + + + + ПТТ број рачуна + Zip + Zip Code of the Credit Card or Account Holder + The Zip Code of the Credit Card or Account Holder. + + + + + + + Прихвати директан депозит + Директан депозит + Accept Direct Deposit (payee initiated) + Indicates if Direct Deposits (wire transfers, etc.) are accepted. Direct Deposits are initiated by the payee. + + + + + + + Accept AMEX + AMEX + Accept American Express Card + Indicates if American Express Cards are accepted + + + + + + + Accept ATM + ATM + Accept Bank ATM Card + Indicates if Bank ATM Cards are accepted + + + + + + + Accept Electronic Check + ECheck + Accept ECheck (Electronic Checks) + Indicates if EChecks are accepted + + + + + + + Accept Corporate + Corporate + Accept Corporate Purchase Cards + Indicates if Corporate Purchase Cards are accepted + + + + + + + Accept Diners + Diners + Accept Diner's Club + Indicates if Diner's Club Cards are accepted + + + + + + + Accept MasterCard + MC + Accept Master Card + Indicates if Master Cards are accepted + + + + + + + Прихвати Visa + Visa + Accept Visa Cards + Indicates if Visa Cards are accepted + + + + + + + Износ + Изн + Amount in a defined currency + The Amount indicates the amount for this document line. + + + + + + + Bank Asset + Bank Asset + Bank Asset Account + The Bank Asset Account identifies the account to be used for booking changes to the balance in this bank account + + + + + + + Банкарски расход + Банкарски расход + Bank Expense Account + The Bank Expense Account identifies the account to be used for recording charges or fees incurred from this Bank. + + + + + + + Bank Interest Expense + Bank Interest Expense + Bank Interest Expense Account + The Bank Interest Expense Account identifies the account to be used for recording interest expenses. + + + + + + + Bank Interest Revenue + Bank Interest Revenue + Bank Interest Revenue Account + The Bank Interest Revenue Account identifies the account to be used for recording interest revenue from this Bank. + + + + + + + Bank In Transit + Bank In Transit + Bank In Transit Account + The Bank in Transit Account identifies the account to be used for funds which are in transit. + + + + + + + Bank Revaluation Gain + Bank Revaluation Gain + Bank Revaluation Gain Account + The Bank Revaluation Gain Account identifies the account to be used for recording gains that are recognized when converting currencies. + + + + + + + Bank Revaluation Loss + Bank Revaluation Loss + Bank Revaluation Loss Account + The Bank Revaluation Loss Account identifies the account to be used for recording losses that are recognized when converting currencies. + + + + + + + Bank Settlement Gain + Bank Settlement Gain + Bank Settlement Gain Account + The Bank Settlement Gain account identifies the account to be used when recording a currency gain when the settlement and receipt currency are not the same. + + + + + + + Bank Settlement Loss + Bank Settlement Loss + Bank Settlement Loss Account + The Bank Settlement loss account identifies the account to be used when recording a currency loss when the settlement and receipt currency are not the same. + + + + + + + Bank Unidentified Receipts + Bank Unidentified + Bank Unidentified Receipts Account + The Bank Unidentified Receipts Account identifies the account to be used when recording receipts that can not be reconciled at the present time. + + + + + + + Почетни биланс + Почетни биланс + Balance prior to any transactions + The Beginning Balance is the balance prior to making any adjustments for payments or disbursements. + + + + + + + Расподела + Расподела + Payment allocation + + + + + + + + Извод + Извод + Bank Statement of account + The Bank Statement identifies a unique Bank Statement for a defined time period. The statement defines all transactions that occurred + + + + + + + Bank statement line + Bank statement line + Line on a statement from this Bank + The Bank Statement Line identifies a unique transaction (Payment, Withdrawal, Charge) for the defined time period at this Bank. + + + + + + + Група пословних партнера + Група п.партнера + Група пословних партнера + The Business Partner Group provides a method of defining defaults to be used for individual Business Partners. + + + + + + + Уплата + Уплата + Payment identifier + The Payment is a unique identifier of this payment. + + + + + + + Payment Processor + Payment Processor + Payment processor for electronic payments + The Payment Processor indicates the processor to be used for electronic payments + + + + + + + Charge Expense + Charge Expense + Charge Expense Account + The Charge Expense Account identifies the account to use when recording charges paid to vendors. + + + + + + + Charge Revenue + Charge Revenue + Charge Revenue Account + The Charge Revenue Account identifies the account to use when recording charges paid by customers. + + + + + + + Чек бр + Чек бр + Check Number + The Check Number indicates the number on the check. + + + + + + + Verification Code + Verification + Credit Card Verification code on credit card + The Credit Card Verification indicates the verification code on the credit card (AMEX 4 digits on front; MC,Visa 3 digits back) + + + + + + + Текућа цена коштања + Текућа цена коштања + The currently used cost price + + + + + + + + Изност попуста + Попуст + Calculated amount of discount + The Discount Amount indicates the discount amount for a document or line. + + + + + + + Завршни биланс + Завршни биланс + Завршни или затварајући биланс + The Ending Balance is the result of adjusting the Beginning Balance by any payments or disbursements. + + + + + + + Будућа цена коштања + Будућа цена коштања + + + + + + + + + Адреса ХОСТА + Адреса ХОСТА + Host Address URL or DNS + The Host Address identifies the URL or DNS of the target host + + + + + + + Host port + Host port + Host Communication Port + The Host Port identifies the port to communicate with the host. + + + + + + + Online Access + Online Access + Can be accessed online + The Online Access check box indicates if the application can be accessed via the web. + + + + + + + Плаћен + Плаћен + The document is paid + + + + + + + + Иста валута + Иста валута + + + + + + + + + Micr + Micr + Combination of routing no, account and check no + The Micr number is the combination of the bank routing number, account number and check number + + + + + + + Original Transaction ID + Original Trx ID + Original Transaction ID + The Original Transaction ID is used for reversing transactions and indicates the transaction that has been reversed. + + + + + + + Purchase Price Variance + Purchase Price Variance + Difference between Standard Cost and Purchase Price (PPV) + The Purchase Price Variance is used in Standard Costing. It reflects the difference between the Standard Cost and the Purchase Order Price. + + + + + + + Page URL + Page URL + + + + + + + + + Payment Discount Expense + Pay discount expense + Payment Discount Expense Account + Indicates the account to be charged for payment discount expenses. + + + + + + + Payment Discount Revenue + Pay discount revenue + Payment Discount Revenue Account + Indicates the account to be charged for payment discount revenues. + + + + + + + Work In Progress + WIP Account + Account for Work in Progress + The Work in Process account is the account used in capital projects until the project is completed + + + + + + + PO Number + PO Number + Purchase Order Number + The PO Number indicates the number assigned to a purchase order + + + + + + + Цена + Цена + Цена + The Price indicates the Price for a product or service. + + + + + + + Производ + Производ + + + + + + + + + Proxy address + Proxy address + Address of your proxy server + The Proxy Address must be defined if you must pass through a firewall to access your payment processor. + + + + + + + Proxy logon + Proxy logon + Logon of your proxy server + The Proxy Logon identifies the Logon ID for your proxy server. + + + + + + + Proxy password + Proxy password + Password of your proxy server + The Proxy Password identifies the password for your proxy server. + + + + + + + Proxy port + Proxy port + Port of your proxy server + The Proxy Port identifies the port of your proxy server. + + + + + + + Код ауторизације + Код ауторизације + Authorization Code returned + The Authorization Code indicates the code returned from the electronic transmission. + + + + + + + Адреса проверена + Адреса проверена + This address has been verified + The Address Verified indicates if the address has been verified by the Credit Card Company. + + + + + + + ПТТ број проверен + ПТТ број проверен + The Zip Code has been verified + The Zip Verified indicates if the zip code has been verified by the Credit Card Company. + + + + + + + Информације + Информације + Response info + The Info indicates any response information returned from the Credit Card Company. + + + + + + + Референца + Референца + Payment reference + The Payment Reference indicates the reference returned from the Credit Card Company for a payment + + + + + + + Response Message + Порука + Response message + The Response Message indicates the message returned from the Credit Card Company as the result of a transmission + + + + + + + Резултат + Резултат + Result of transmission + The Response Result indicates the result of the transmission to the Credit Card Company. + + + + + + + Referrer + Referrer + Referring web address + + + + + + + + Remote Addr + Remote Addr + Remote Address + The Remote Address indicates an alternative or external address. + + + + + + + Remote Host + Remote Host + Remote host Info + + + + + + + + Session ID + Session ID + + + + + + + + + Датум извештаја + Датум извештаја + Date of the statement + The Statement Date field defines the date of the statement. + + + + + + + Разлика у извештају + Разлика у извештају + Difference between statement ending balance and actual ending balance + The Statement Difference reflects the difference between the Statement Ending Balance and the Actual Ending Balance. + + + + + + + Порез кредит + Порез кредит + Account for Tax you can reclaim + The Tax Credit Account indicates the account used to record taxes that can be reclaimed + + + + + + + Доспеће пореза + Доспеће пореза + Account for Tax you have to pay + The Tax Due Account indicates the account used to record taxes that you are liable to pay. + + + + + + + Tax Expense + Tax Expense + Account for paid tax you cannot reclaim + The Tax Expense Account indicates the account used to record the taxes that have been paid that cannot be reclaimed. + + + + + + + Tax Liability + Tax Liability + Account for Tax declaration liability + The Tax Liability Account indicates the account used to record your tax liability declaration. + + + + + + + Tax Receivables + Tax Receivables + Account for Tax credit after tax declaration + The Tax Receivables Account indicates the account used to record the tax credit amount after your tax declaration. + + + + + + + Tender type + Tender type + Method of Payment + The Tender Type indicates the method of payment (ACH or Direct Deposit, Credit Card, Check, Direct Debit) + + + + + + + Кориснички ИД + Кориснички ИД + User ID or account number + The User ID identifies a user and allows access to records or processes. + + + + + + + Voice authorization code + Voice authorization code + Voice Authorization Code from credit card company + The Voice Authorization Code indicates the code received from the Credit Card Company. + + + + + + + W_Basket_ID + W_Basket_ID + Web Basket + Temporary Web Basket + + + + + + + Inventory Revaluation + Inventory Revaluation + Account for Inventory Revaluation + The Inventory Revaluation Account identifies the account used to records changes in inventory value due to currency revaluation. + + + + + + + Обуставе + Обуставе + Account for Withholdings + The Withholding Account indicates the account used to record withholdings. + + + + + + + Отпис + Отпис + Account for Receivables write-off + The Write Off Account identifies the account to book write off transactions to. + + + + + + + Износ отписа + Отпис + Amount to write-off + The Write Off Amount indicates the amount to be written off as uncollectible. + + + + + + + Тражи + Тражи + + + + + + + + + И/Или + И/Или + Логићка операција: И или ИЛИ + + + + + + + + Find_ID + Find_ID + + + + + + + + + Операција + Операција + Compare Operation + + + + + + + + Value To + Value To + Value To + + + + + + + + Interest Amount + Interest + Interest Amount + The Interest Amount indicates any interest charged or received on a Bank Statement. + + + + + + + System Attribute + Особина + + + + + + + + + Bank Account Type + Account type + Bank Account Type + The Bank Account Type field indicates the type of account (savings, checking etc) this account is defined as. + + + + + + + Дневник благајне + Дневник благајне + Дневник благајне + The Cash Journal uniquely identifies a Cash Journal. The Cash Journal will record transactions for the cash bank account + + + + + + + Благајна + Благајна + Cash Book for recording petty cash transactions + The Cash Book identifies a unique cash book. The cash book is used to record cash transactions. + + + + + + + Ставка дневника благајне + Ставка благајне + Ставка дневника благајне + The Cash Journal Line indicates a unique line in a cash journal. + + + + + + + Пакетна обрада уплата + Пакетна обрада уплата + Payment batch for EFT + Electronic Fund Transfer Payment Batch. + + + + + + + Cash Type + Cash Type + Source of Cash + The Cash Type indicates the source for this Cash Journal Line. + + + + + + + Cash Book Asset + Cash Book Asset + Cash Book Asset Account + The Cash Book Asset Account identifies the account to be used for recording payments into and disbursements from this cash book. + + + + + + + Cash Book Differences + Cash Book Differences + Cash Book Differences Account + The Cash Book Differences Account identifies the account to be used for recording any differences that affect this cash book + + + + + + + Cash Book Expense + Cash Book Expense + Cash Book Expense Account + The Cash Book Expense Account identifies the account to be used for general, non itemized expenses. + + + + + + + Cash Book Receipt + Cash Book Receipt + Cash Book Receipts Account + The Cash Book Receipt Account identifies the account to be used for general, non itemized cash book receipts. + + + + + + + ACH + ACH + Automatic Clearing House + The ACH checkbox indicates if this Bank Account accepts ACH transactions. + + + + + + + Ручно + Ручно + This is a manual process + The Manual check box indicates if the process will done manually. + + + + + + + Reversal + Reversal + This is a reversing transaction + The Reversal check box indicates if this is a reversal of a prior transaction. + + + + + + + Износ уплате + Износ упл + Amount being paid + Indicates the amount this payment is for. The payment amount can be for single or multiple invoices or a partial payment for an invoice. + + + + + + + Payment Processor Class + Payment Processor Class + Payment Processor Java Class + Payment Processor class identifies the Java class used to process payments extending the org.compiere.model.PaymentProcessor class. <br> +Example implementations are Optimal Payments: org.compiere.model.PP_Optimal or Verisign: org.compiere.model.PP_PayFlowPro + + + + + + + Processing date + Processing date + + + + + + + + + Statement amount + Statement Amt + Statement Amount + The Statement Amount indicates the amount of a single statement line. + + + + + + + V_Date + V_Date + + + + + + + + + V_Number + V_Number + + + + + + + + + V_String + V_String + + + + + + + + + Датум ефективности + Датум ефективности + Date when money is available + The Effective Date indicates the date that money is available from the bank. + + + + + + + Креирај ставке од + Креирај ставке од + Process which will generate a new document lines based on an existing document + The Create From process will create a new document based on information in an existing document selected by the user. + + + + + + + Генериши У + Генериши У + Генериши У + + + + + + + + Прихвати откриће + Откриће + Accept Discover Card + Indicates if Discover Cards are accepted + + + + + + + Провизија% + Провиз. % + Commission stated as a percentage + The Commission indicates (as a percentage) the commission to be paid. + + + + + + + Трошак по трансакцији + Cost per Trx + Fixed cost per transaction + The Cost per Transaction indicates the fixed cost per to be charged per transaction. + + + + + + + Доспеће број дана + Доспеће број дана + Number of days due (negative: due in number of days) + + + + + + + + Online Processing + Online Processing + This payment can be processed online + The Online Processing indicates if the payment can be processed online. + + + + + + + Плаћен износ + Плаћен + + + + + + + + + Require CreditCard Verification Code + Require Verification Code + Require 3/4 digit Credit Verification Code + The Require CC Verification checkbox indicates if this bank accounts requires a verification number for credit card transactions. + + + + + + + Група поља + Група поља + Logical grouping of fields + The Field Group indicates the logical group that this field belongs to (History, Amounts, Quantities) + + + + + + + Датум последње акције + Датум последње акције + Date this request was last acted on + The Date Last Action indicates that last time that the request was acted on. + + + + + + + Датум следеће акције + Датум следеће акције + Date that this request should be acted on + The Date Next Action indicates the next scheduled date for an action to occur for this request. + + + + + + + Доспеће врста + Доспеће врста + Status of the next action for this Request + The Due Type indicates if this request is Due, Overdue or Scheduled. + + + + + + + Фреквенција + Фреквенција + Frequency of events + The frequency is used in conjunction with the frequency type in determining an event. Example: If the Frequency Type is Week and the Frequency is 2 - it is every two weeks. + + + + + + + Периодичност + Периодичност + Frequency of event + The frequency type is used for calculating the date of the next event. + + + + + + + Додељено + Додељено + Indicates if the payment has been allocated + The Allocated checkbox indicates if a payment has been allocated or associated with an invoice or invoices. + + + + + + + Ескалиран + Ескалиран + This request has been escalated + The Escalated checkbox indicates that this request has been escalated or raised in importance. + + + + + + + HTML + HTML + Text has HTML tags + + + + + + + + Тема + Тема + Mail Header (Subject) + The subject of the mail message + + + + + + + Текст писма + Текст писма + Текст коришћен за имејл поруку + The Mail Text indicates the text used for mail messages. + + + + + + + Следећа акција + Следећа акција + Следећа акција која се предузима + The Next Action indicates the next action to be taken on this request. + + + + + + + Приоритет + Приоритет + Indicates if this request is of a high, medium or low priority. + The Priority indicates the importance of this request. + + + + + + + Шаблони за писма + Шаблони за писма + Text templates for mailings + The Mail Template indicates the mail template for return messages. Mail text can include variables. The priority of parsing is User/Contact, Business Partner and then the underlying business object (like Request, Dunning, Workflow object).<br> +So, @Name@ would resolve into the User name (if user is defined defined), then Business Partner name (if business partner is defined) and then the Name of the business object if it has a Name.<br> +For Multi-Lingual systems, the template is translated based on the Business Partner's language selection. + + + + + + + Захтеви + Захтеви + Request from a Business Partner or Prospect + The Request identifies a unique request from a Business Partner or Prospect. + + + + + + + Историја захтева + Историја захтева + Request has been changed + Old values + + + + + + + Процесор захтева + Процесор захтева + Processor for Requests + Processor for Requests + + + + + + + Request Amount + Request Amt + Amount associated with this request + The Request Amount indicates any amount that is associated with this request. For example, a warranty amount or refund amount. + + + + + + + Резиме + Резиме + Textual summary of this request + The Summary allows free form text entry of a recap of this request. + + + + + + + Супервизор + Супервизор + Supervisor for this user/organization - used for escalation and approval + The Supervisor indicates who will be used for forwarding and escalating issues for this user - or for approvals. + + + + + + + Множилац + Множилац + Type Multiplier (Credit = -1) + + + + + + + + Отворен износ + Отворен + Open item amount + + + + + + + + Маржа % + Маржа % + Margin for a product as a percentage + The Margin indicates the margin for this product as a percentage of the limit price and selling price. + + + + + + + Подразумевана логика 2 + Подразумевана логика 2 + Default value hierarchy, separated by ; + The defaults are evaluated in the order of definition, the first not null value becomes the default value of the column. The values are separated by comma or semicolon. a) Literals:. 'Text' or 123 b) Variables - in format @Variable@ - Login e.g. #Date, #AD_Org_ID, #AD_Client_ID - Accounting Schema: e.g. $C_AcctSchema_ID, $C_Calendar_ID - Global defaults: e.g. DateFormat - Window values (all Picks, CheckBoxes, RadioButtons, and DateDoc/DateAcct) c) SQL code with the tag: @SQL=SELECT something AS DefaultValue FROM ... The SQL statement can contain variables. There can be no other value other than the SQL statement. The default is only evaluated, if no user preference is defined. Default definitions are ignored for record columns as Key, Parent, Client as well as Buttons. + + + + + + + SQL Group Function + SQL Group Function + This function will generate a Group By Clause + The SQL Group Function checkbox indicates that this function will generate a Group by Clause in the resulting SQL. + + + + + + + Одабир плаћања + Одабир плаћања + Одабир плаћања + The Payment Selection identifies a unique Payment + + + + + + + Ставка одабира плаћања + Ставка одабира плаћања + Ставка одабира плаћања + The Payment Selection Line identifies a unique line in a payment + + + + + + + Датум уплате + Датум уплате + Date Payment made + The Payment Date indicates the date the payment was made. + + + + + + + Укупан износ + Укупан изн + Укупан износ + The Total Amount indicates the total document amount. + + + + + + + Report view Column + Report view Column + + + + + + + + + Function Column + Function Column + Overwrite Column with Function + The Function Column indicates that the column will be overridden with a function + + + + + + + Текући износ + Actual Amt + The actual amount + Actual amount indicates the agreed upon amount for a document. + + + + + + + Текућа количина + Actual Qty + The actual quantity + The Actual Quantity indicates the quantity as referenced on a document. + + + + + + + Множилац износ + Multiplier Amt + Multiplier Amount for generating commissions + The Multiplier Amount indicates the amount to multiply the total amount generated by this commission run by. + + + + + + + Одузми износ + Subtract Amt + Subtract Amount for generating commissions + The Subtract Amount indicates the amount to subtract from the total amount prior to multiplication. + + + + + + + Провизија + Провизија + Провизија + The Commission Rules or internal or external company agents, sales reps or vendors. + + + + + + + Износ провизије + Comm Amt + Generated Commission Amount + The Commission Amount indicates the resulting amount from a Commission Run. + + + + + + + Ставка провизије + Comm Line + Ставка провизије + The Commission Line is a unique instance of a Commission Run. If the commission run was done in summary mode then there will be a single line representing the selected documents totals. If the commission run was done in detail mode then each document that was included in the run will have its own commission line. + + + + + + + Циклус пројекта + Циклус пројекта + Identifier for this Project Reporting Cycle + Identifies a Project Cycle which can be made up of one or more cycle steps and cycle phases. + + + + + + + Корак циклуса + Корак циклуса + The step for this Cycle + Identifies one or more steps within a Project Cycle. A cycle Step has multiple Phases + + + + + + + Project Line + Project Line + Task or step in a project + The Project Line indicates a unique project line. + + + + + + + Износ провизије + Comm Amt + Износ провизије + The Commission Amount is the total calculated commission. It is based on the parameters as defined for this Commission Run. + + + + + + + Конвертовани износ + Конвертовано + Конвертовани износ + The Converted Amount is the result of multiplying the Source Amount by the Conversion Rate for this target currency. + + + + + + + Датум уговора + Датум уговора + The (planned) effective date of this document. + The contract date is used to determine when the document becomes effective. This is usually the contract date. The contract date is used in reports and report parameters. + + + + + + + Завршни датум + Завршни датум + Завршни или планирани датум комплетирања + The finish date is used to indicate when the project is expected to be completed or has been completed. + + + + + + + Основ обрачуна + Основ обрачуна + Basis for the calculation the commission + The Calculation Basis indicates the basis to be used for the commission calculation. + + + + + + + Информације ка + Информације ка + + + + + + + + + Само позитиван + Само позитиван + Do not generate negative commissions + The Positive Only check box indicates that if the result of the subtraction is negative, it is ignored. This would mean that negative commissions would not be generated. + + + + + + + Планиран износ + Планиран изн + Planned amount for this project + The Planned Amount indicates the anticipated amount for this project or project line. + + + + + + + Планирана маржа % + Планирана маржа + Project's planned margin as a percentage + The Planned Margin Percentage indicates the anticipated margin percentage for this project or project line + + + + + + + Планирана маржа + Планирана маржа + Project's planned margin amount + The Planned Margin Amount indicates the anticipated margin amount for this project or project line. + + + + + + + Планирана цена + Планирана цена + Planned price for this project line + The Planned Price indicates the anticipated price for this project line. + + + + + + + Планиране количине + Planned Qty + Planned quantity for this project + The Planned Quantity indicates the anticipated quantity for this project or project line + + + + + + + Множилац количина + Множилац кол + Value to multiply quantities by for generating commissions. + The Multiplier Quantity field indicates the amount to multiply the quantities accumulated for this commission run. + + + + + + + Одузми количину + Subtract Qty + Quantity to subtract when generating commissions + The Quantity Subtract identifies the quantity to be subtracted before multiplication + + + + + + + Relative Weight + Relative Weight + Relative weight of this step (0 = ignored) + The relative weight allows you to adjust the project cycle report based on probabilities. For example, if you have a 1:10 chance in closing a contract when it is in the prospect stage and a 1:2 chance when it is in the contract stage, you may put a weight of 0.1 and 0.5 on those steps. This allows sales funnels or measures of completion of your project. + + + + + + + Покретање провизија + Comm Run + Commission Run or Process + The Commission Run is a unique system defined identifier of a specific run of commission. When a Commission is processed on the Commission Screen, the Commission Run will display. + + + + + + + Провизија само над одређеним налозима + Comm o Orders + Commission only Orders or Invoices, where this Sales Rep is entered + Sales Reps are entered in Orders and Invoices. If selected, only Orders and Invoices for this Sales Reps are included in the calculation of the commission. + + + + + + + Списак детаља + Списак детаља + Списак детаља документа + The List Details checkbox indicates that the details for each document line will be displayed. + + + + + + + Детаљи провизије + Пров детаљи + Supporting information for Commission Amounts + The Commission Detail provides supporting information on a Commission Run. Each document line that was part of the Commission Run will be reflected here. + + + + + + + PO Payment Term + PO Payment Term + Payment rules for a purchase order + The PO Payment Term indicates the payment term that will be used when this purchase order becomes an invoice. + + + + + + + B.Partner Column + BPartner Column + Fully qualified Business Partner key column (C_BPartner_ID) + The Business Partner Column indicates the Business Partner to use when calculating this measurement + + + + + + + Calculation Class + Calculation Class + Java Class for calculation, implementing Interface Measure + The Calculation Class indicates the Java Class used for calculating measures. + + + + + + + Колона датум + Колона датум + Fully qualified date column + The Date Column indicates the date to be used when calculating this measurement + + + + + + + Датум од + Датум од + Starting date for a range + The Date From indicates the starting date of a range. + + + + + + + Датум до + Датум до + End date of a date range + The Date To indicates the end date of a range (inclusive) + + + + + + + Циљ перформанси + Циљ перформанси + Target achievement from 0..1 + The Goal Performance indicates the target achievement from 0 to 1. + + + + + + + Постигнут + Постигнут + The goal is achieved + The Achieved checkbox indicates if this goal has been achieved. + + + + + + + Manual Actual + Manual Actual + Manually entered actual value + The Manual Active identifies a manually entered actual measurement value. + + + + + + + Белешка + Белешка + Note for manual entry + The Note allows for entry for additional information regarding a manual entry. + + + + + + + Measure Actual + Measure Actual + Actual value that has been measured. + The Measure Actual indicates the actual measured value. The measured values are used in determining if a performance goal has been met + + + + + + + Measure Target + Measure Target + Target value for measure + The Measure Target indicates the target or goal for this measure. It is used as in comparing against the actual measures + + + + + + + Врста мерења + Врста мерења + Determines how the actual performance is derived + The Measure Type indicates how the actual measure is determined. For example, one measure may be manual while another is calculated. + + + + + + + Org Column + Org Column + Fully qualified Organization column (AD_Org_ID) + The Organization Column indicates the organization to be used in calculating this measurement. + + + + + + + Постигнуће + Постигнуће + Performance Achievement + The Achievement identifies a unique task that is part of an overall performance goal. + + + + + + + Циљ + Циљ + Циљ перформанси + The Performance Goal indicates what this users performance will be measured against. + + + + + + + Мери + Мери + Concrete Performance Measurement + The Measure identifies a concrete, measurable indicator of performance. For example, sales dollars, prospects contacted. + + + + + + + Рачуница мерења + Рачуница мерења + Calculation method for measuring performance + The Measure Calculation indicates the method of measuring performance. + + + + + + + Производ колона + Производ колона + Fully qualified Product column (M_Product_ID) + The Product Column indicates the product to use to use when calculating this measurement. + + + + + + + Sql SELECT + Select Clause + SQL SELECT clause + The Select Clause indicates the SQL SELECT clause to use for selecting the record for a measure calculation. Do not include the SELECT itself. + + + + + + + Колона извештаја + Колона извештаја + Column in Report + + + + + + + + Врста износа + Врста изн + Type of amount to report + You can choose between the total and period amounts as well as the balance or just the debit/credit amounts. + + + + + + + Revenue Recognition Plan + Revenue Recognition Plan + Plan for recognizing or recording revenue + The Revenue Recognition Plan identifies a unique Revenue Recognition Plan. + + + + + + + Revenue Recognition Run + Revenue Recognition Run + Revenue Recognition Run or Process + The Revenue Recognition Runs identifies a unique instance of processing revenue recognition. + + + + + + + Рачуница + Рачуница + + + + + + + + + Врста колоне + Врста колоне + + + + + + + + + Врста валуте + Врста валуте + + + + + + + + + Adhoc Conversion + Adhoc Conversion + Perform conversion for all amounts to currency + If a currency is selected, only this currency will be reported. If adhoc conversion is selected, all currencies are converted to the defined currency + + + + + + + Врста линије + Врста линије + + + + + + + + + Operand 1 + Operand 1 + First operand for calculation + + + + + + + + Operand 2 + Operand 2 + Second operand for calculation + + + + + + + + Финансијски Извештај + Финансијски Извештај + Финансијски Извештај + + + + + + + + Поставке колоне извештаја + Поставке колоне извештаја + Collection of Columns for Report + The Report Column Set identifies the columns used in a Report. + + + + + + + Ставка извештаја + Ставка извештаја + + + + + + + + + Извештај поставки сета ставки + Извештај поставки сета ставки + + + + + + + + + Извештај извор + Извештај извор + Restriction of what will be shown in Report Line + + + + + + + + Recognized Amount + Recognized Amt + + + + + + + + + Релативан период + Релативан период + Period offset (0 is current) + + + + + + + + Веб бројач + Веб бројач + Individual Count hit + Web Counter Details + + + + + + + Correct tax for Discounts/Charges + Correct tax for Discounts/Charges + Correct the tax for payment discount and charges + Payment discounts may require to correct the tax. This primarily applicable in VAT systems. If the original invoice had tax records, the payment discount, write-off, etc. is corrected by the tax. The calculation of the tax is prorated based on the invoice. + + + + + + + Post Trade Discount + Трговачки попуст + Generate postings for trade discounts + If the invoice is based on an item with a list price, the amount based on the list price and the discount is posted instead of the net amount. +Example: Quantity 10 - List Price: 20 - Actual Price: 17 +If selected for a sales invoice 200 is posted to Product Revenue and 30 to Discount Granted - rather than 170 to Product Revenue. +The same applies to vendor invoices. + + + + + + + Invoice Price Variance + Invoice Price Variance + Difference between Costs and Invoice Price (IPV) + The Invoice Price Variance is used reflects the difference between the current Costs and the Invoice Price. + + + + + + + Одобрен трговачки попуст + Trade Discount Grant + Trade Discount Granted Account + The Trade Discount Granted Account indicates the account for granted trade discount in sales invoices + + + + + + + Trade Discount Received + Trade Discount Received + Trade Discount Receivable Account + The Trade Discount Receivables Account indicates the account for received trade discounts in vendor invoices + + + + + + + Inventory Adjustment + Inventory Adjustment + Account for Inventory value adjustments for Actual Costing + In actual costing systems, this account is used to post Inventory value adjustments. You could set it to the standard Inventory Asset account. + + + + + + + Поглед + Поглед + Ово је поглед + This is a view rather than a table. A view is always treated as read only in the system. + + + + + + + Образац за штампу + Образац за штампу + Образац + + + + + + + + Bank Account Document + Bank Account Doc + Checks, Transfers, etc. + Bank documents, you generate or track + + + + + + + Рачун + Рачун + This is a sales transaction (receipt) + + + + + + + + Разлика + Разлика + Difference Amount + + + + + + + + Системска боја + Боја + Color for backgrounds or indicators + + + + + + + + Радна површина + Радна површина + Collection of Workbenches + + + + + + + + Desktop Workbench + Desktop Workbench + + + + + + + + + Слика + Слика + Image or Icon + Images and Icon can be used to display supported graphic formats (gif, jpg, png). +You can either load the image (in the database) or point to a graphic via a URI (i.e. it can point to a resource, http address) + + + + + + + Корисничко дефинисано поље + Корисничко поље + + + + + + + + + User defined Tab + User Tab + + + + + + + + + User defined Window + User Win + + + + + + + + + Радни сто + Радни сто + Collection of windows, reports + + + + + + + + Workbench Window + Workbench Win + + + + + + + + + Алфа + Алфа + Color Alpha value 0-255 + + + + + + + + Друга алфа + Друга алфа + Alpha value for second color + + + + + + + + Плава + Плава + Color RGB blue value + + + + + + + + Друга плава + Друга плава + RGB value for second color + + + + + + + + Врста боје + Врста боје + Color presentation for this color + + + + + + + + Зелена + Зелена + RGB value + + + + + + + + Друга зелена + Друга зелена + RGB value for second color + + + + + + + + Selection Column + Избор + Is this column used for finding rows in windows + If selected, the column is listed in the first find window tab and in the selection part of the window + + + + + + + Ставка растојање + Растојање + Растојање између ставки + + + + + + + + Ширина линије + Ширина линије + Width of the lines + + + + + + + + PO Description + PO Description + Description in PO Screens + + + + + + + + PO Help + PO Help + Help for PO Screens + + + + + + + + PO Name + PO Name + Name on PO Screens + + + + + + + + PO Print name + PO Print + Print name on PO Screens/Reports + + + + + + + + Read Only Logic + Read Only Logic + Logic to determine if field is read only (applies only when field is read-write) + format := {expression} [{logic} {expression}]<br> +expression := @{context}@{operand}{value} or @{context}@{operand}{value}<br> +logic := {|}|{&}<br> +context := any global or window context <br> +value := strings or numbers<br> +logic operators := AND or OR with the previous result from left to right <br> +operand := eq{=}, gt{&gt;}, le{&lt;}, not{~^!} <br> +Examples: <br> +@AD_Table_ID@=14 | @Language@!GERGER <br> +@PriceLimit@>10 | @PriceList@>@PriceActual@<br> +@Name@>J<br> +Strings may be in single quotes (optional) + + + + + + + Црвена + Црвена + RGB value + + + + + + + + Друга црвена + Друга црвена + RGB value for second color + + + + + + + + Симулација + Симулација + Performing the function is only simulated + + + + + + + + Обриши старе/постојеће слогове + Обриши старе/постојеће слогове + Otherwise records will be added + + + + + + + + Детаљне информације + Детаљне информације + Additional Detail Information + + + + + + + + Maximum write-off per Invoice + Maximum write-off per Invoice + Maximum invoice amount to be written off in invoice currency + + + + + + + + Product quantity must be in stock + Product quantity must be in stock + If not sufficient in stock in the warehouse, the BOM is not produced + + + + + + + + Само попуст + Само попуст + Include only invoices where we would get payment discount + + + + + + + + Only Due + Only Due + Include only due invoices + + + + + + + + Product Key + Product Key + Key of the Product + + + + + + + + Количина залиха + Количина залиха + + + + + + + + + Show Actual Amount + Show Actual Amount + + + + + + + + + Show Committed Amount + Show Committed Amount + + + + + + + + + Прикажи планирани износ + Прикажи планирани износ + + + + + + + + + Прикажи планиран износ маргине + Прикажи планиран износ маргине + + + + + + + + + Прикажи планирану количину + Прикажи планирану количину + + + + + + + + + Врста ентитета + Врста ентитета + Dictionary Entity Type; Determines ownership and synchronization + The Entity Types "Dictionary", "Adempiere" and "Application" might be automatically synchronized and customizations deleted or overwritten. + +For customizations, copy the entity and select "User"! + + + + + + + Увоз поља + Увоз поља + Create Fields from Table Columns + + + + + + + + Увоз табеле + Увоз табеле + Import Table Columns from Database + + + + + + + + Синхронизуј базу података + Синхронизуј БП + Change database table definition when changing dictionary definition + When selected, the database column definition is updated based on your entries in the Column definition of the Application Dictionary. + + + + + + + Одабир плаћања + Payment selection + AP Payment Selection Clearing Account + + + + + + + + Нераспоређена готовина + Нераспоређена готовина + Unallocated Cash Clearing Account + Receipts not allocated to Invoices + + + + + + + Трансфер готовине + Трансфер готовине + Cash Transfer Clearing Account + Account for Invoices paid by cash + + + + + + + Уклопи рачун + Уклопи рачун + Match Shipment/Receipt to Invoice + + + + + + + + Match PO + Match PO + Match Purchase Order to Shipment/Receipt and Invoice + The matching record is usually created automatically. If price matching is enabled on business partner group level, the matching might have to be approved. + + + + + + + Delete existing Accounting Entries + Delete existing Accounting Entries + The selected accounting entries will be deleted! DANGEROUS !!! + + + + + + + + Кључна реч + Кључна реч + Кључна реч (не разликује велика и мала слова) + Case insensitive keyword for matching. The individual keywords can be separated by space, comma, semicolon, tab or new line. Do not use filler words like "a", "the". At this point, there are NO text search operators like "or" and "and". + + + + + + + Аларм после дана доспећа + Alert days Due + Send email alert after number of days due (0=no alerts) + Send an email alert after the item is Due (after Date Next Action). If set to zero, no alert is sent. + + + + + + + Escalate after Days Due + Escalate after Days + Escalation to superior after number of due days (0 = no) + The item will be escalated and assigned to the supervisor after the number of days over due. If 0, there is no escalation. + + + + + + + Request Routing + Request Routing + Automatic routing of requests + + + + + + + + Request EMail + Request EMail + EMail address to send automated mails from or receive mails for automated processing (fully qualified) + EMails for requests, alerts and escalation are sent from this email address as well as delivery information if the sales rep does not have an email account. The address must be filly qualified (e.g. joe.smith@company.com) and should be a valid address. + + + + + + + Request Folder + Request Folder + EMail folder to process incoming emails; if empty INBOX is used + Email folder used to read emails to process as requests, If left empty the default mailbox (INBOX) will be used. Requires IMAP services. + + + + + + + Request User + Request User + User Name (ID) of the email owner + EMail user name for requests, alerts and escalation are sent from this email address as well as delivery information if the sales rep does not have an email account. Required, if your mail server requires authentification as well as for processing incoming mails. + + + + + + + Request User Password + Request User PW + Password of the user name (ID) for mail processing + + + + + + + + Прихвати језик + Прихвати језик + Language accepted based on browser information + + + + + + + + User Agent + User Agent + Browser Used + + + + + + + + Сви чворови + Сви чворови + All Nodes are included (Complete Tree) + If selected, all Nodes must be in the tree. + + + + + + + Break Discount % + Break Discount + Trade Discount in Percent for the break level + Trade Discount in Percent for the break level + + + + + + + Break Value + Break Value + Low Value of trade discount break level + Starting Quantity or Amount Value for break level + + + + + + + Степен акумулације + Степен акумулације + Level for accumulative calculations + + + + + + + + Врста попуста + Врста попуста + Type of trade discount calculation + Type of procedure used to calculate the trade discount percentage + + + + + + + Flat Discount % + Flat Discount + Flat discount percentage + + + + + + + + Количински базирано + Количински базирано + Trade discount break level based on Quantity (not value) + The calculation of the trade discount level is based on the quantity of the order and not the value amount of the order + + + + + + + Шема попуста + Шема попуста + Schema to calculate the trade discount percentage + After calculation of the (standard) price, the trade discount percentage is calculated and applied resulting in the final price. + Schema to calculate price lists + + Шаблон ценовника + Шаблон ценовника + + + Discount Schema Break + Discount Schema Break + Trade Discount Break + Trade discount based on breaks (steps) + + + + + + + Дисконтни ценовник + Дисконтни ценовник + Line of the pricelist trade discount schema + For the Pricelist Discount Type, you enter how the list, standard and limit price is calculated. + + + + + + + Шема за попуст набавке + Шема за попуст набавке + Schema to calculate the purchase trade discount percentage + + + + + + + + Скрипта + Скрипта + Dynamic Java Language Script to calculate result + Use Java language constructs to define the result of the calculation + + + + + + + Image Alpha + Image Alpha + Image Texture Composite Alpha + Composite Alpha factor for taint color. + + + + + + + URL слике + URL слике + URL of image + URL of image; The image is not stored in the database, but retrieved at runtime. The image can be a gif, jpeg or png. + + + + + + + Понови удаљеност + Понови удаљеност + Distance in points to repeat gradient color - or zero + The gradient color is not repeated, if the value is zero. The distance is added to (or subtracted from) the starting point of the gradient. + + + + + + + Почетна тачка + Почетна тачка + Start point of the gradient colors + The gradient starts at the start point (e.g. North). The repeat distance determines if and how often the gradient colors are repeated. If starting from southern points, the upper color is actually at the button. + + + + + + + Статистичко бројање + Статистичко бројање + Internal statistics how often the entity was used + For internal use. + + + + + + + Statistic Seconds + Statistic Seconds + Internal statistics how many seconds a process took + For internal use + + + + + + + Tab Level + Tab Level + Hierarchical Tab Level (0 = top) + Hierarchical level of the tab. If the level is 0, it is the top entity. Level 1 entries are dependent on level 0, etc. + + + + + + + Standard Cost Value + Standard Cost Value + Value in Standard Costs + + + + + + + + Valuation Date + Valuation Date + Date of valuation + + + + + + + + Вредност најниже цене + Вредност најниже цене + Вредност са најнижом ценом + + + + + + + + Вредност каталошке цене + Вредност каталошке цене + Valuation with List Price + + + + + + + + PO Price Value + PO Price Value + Valuation with PO Price + + + + + + + + Std Price Value + Std Price Value + Valuation with standard price + + + + + + + + Average Cost Amount Sum + Average Cost Amount Sum + Cumulative average cost amounts (internal) + Current cumulative costs for calculating the average costs + + + + + + + Average Cost Quantity Sum + Average Cost Quantity Sum + Cumulative average cost quantities (internal) + Current cumulative quantity for calculating the average costs + + + + + + + Std Cost Amount Sum + Std Cost Amount Sum + Standard Cost Invoice Amount Sum (internal) + Current cumulative amount for calculating the standard cost difference based on (actual) invoice price + + + + + + + Std Cost Quantity Sum + Std Cost Quantity Sum + Standard Cost Invoice Quantity Sum (internal) + Current cumulative quantity for calculating the standard cost difference based on (actual) invoice price + + + + + + + Std PO Cost Amount Sum + Std PO Cost Amount Sum + Standard Cost Purchase Order Amount Sum (internal) + Current cumulative amount for calculating the standard cost difference based on (planned) purchase order price + + + + + + + Std PO Cost Quantity Sum + Std PO Cost Quantity Sum + Standard Cost Purchase Order Quantity Sum (internal) + Current cumulative quantity for calculating the standard cost difference based on (planned) purchase order price + + + + + + + Ставка ИД + Ставка ИД + ИД ставке трансакције (интерно) + Internal link + + + + + + + PPV Offset + PPV Offset + Purchase Price Variance Offset Account + Offset account for standard costing purchase price variances. The counter account is Product PPV. + + + + + + + Цена са последњег рачуна + Цена са последњег рачуна + Price of the last invoice for the product + The Last Invoice Price indicates the last price paid (per the invoice) for this product. + + + + + + + Укупан износ рачуна + Укупан износ рачуна + Cumulative total lifetime invoice amount + The cumulative total lifetime invoice amount is used to calculate the total average price + + + + + + + Укупна количина рачуна + Укупна количина рачуна + Cumulative total lifetime invoice quantity + The cumulative total lifetime invoice quantity is used to calculate the total average price + + + + + + + Discount calculated from Line Amounts + Discount calculated from Line Amounts + Payment Discount calculation does not include Taxes and Charges + If the payment discount is calculated from line amounts only, the tax and charge amounts are not included. This is e.g. business practice in the US. If not selected the total invoice amount is used to calculate the payment discount. + + + + + + + Фиксни лимит цене + Фиксни лимит + Fixed Limit Price (not calculated) + + + + + + + + Fixed List Price + Fixed List + Fixes List Price (not calculated) + + + + + + + + Fixed Standard Price + Fixed Standard + Fixed Standard Price (not calculated) + + + + + + + + Set Future Costs to + Set Future Costs to + Set the Future costs to the selection + + + + + + + + Set Standard Cost to + Set Standard Cost to + Set new Standard Costs to the selection + + + + + + + + Standard Cost Invoice Difference + Standard Cost Invoice Diff + Standard Cost Invoice Difference + Accumulated difference of Invoice Costs to Standard Costs + + + + + + + Standard Cost PO Difference + Standard Cost PO Diff + Standard Cost Purchase Order Difference + Accumulated difference of Purchase Order Costs to Standard Costs + + + + + + + Укупно коштање рачуна + Укупно коштање рачуна + Total lifetime invoice costs + + + + + + + + Порука + Порука + Системска порука + Information and Error messages + + + + + + + Allow UoM Fractions + Allow UoM Fractions + Allow Unit of Measure Fractions + If allowed, you can enter UoM Fractions + + + + + + + Додели од + Додели од + Assign resource from + Assignment start + + + + + + + Додели до + Додели до + Assign resource until + Assignment end + + + + + + + Датум расхода + Датум расхода + Date of expense + Date of expense + + + + + + + Датум извештаја + Датум извештаја + Expense/Time Report Date + Date of Expense/Time Report + + + + + + + Slot End + Slot End + Time when timeslot ends + Ending time for time slots + + + + + + + Slot Start + Slot Start + Time when timeslot starts + Starting time for time slots + + + + + + + Expense Amount + Expense Amount + Amount for this expense + Expense amount in currency + + + + + + + Доступно + Доступно + Resource is available + Resource is available for assignments + + + + + + + Потврђено + Потврђено + Assignment is confirmed + Resource assignment is confirmed + + + + + + + Day Slot + Day Slot + Resource has day slot availability + Resource is only available on certain days + + + + + + + Time Report + Time Report + Line is a time report only (no expense) + The line contains only time information + + + + + + + Time Slot + Time Slot + Resource has time slot availability + Resource is only available at certain times + + + + + + + Петак + Пет + Available on Fridays + + + + + + + + Понедељак + Пон + Available on Mondays + + + + + + + + Субота + Суб + Available on Saturday + + + + + + + + Недеља + Нед + Available on Sundays + + + + + + + + Четвртак + Чет + Available on Thursdays + + + + + + + + Уторак + Уто + Available on Tuesdays + + + + + + + + Среда + Сре + Available on Wednesdays + + + + + + + + Врста расхода + Врста расхода + Expense report type + + + + + + + + Ресурс + Ресурс + Ресурс + + + + + + + + Додела ресурса + Додела + Додела ресурса + + + + + + + + Врста ресурса + Врста ресурса + + + + + + + + + Resource Unavailability + Resource Unavailability + + + + + + + + + Извештај расхода + Извештај расхода + Извештај времена и расхода + + + + + + + + Expense Line + Expense Line + Time and Expense Report Line + + + + + + + + Single Assignment only + Single Assignment + Only one assignment at a time (no double-booking or overlapping) + If selected, you can only have one assignment for the resource at a single point in time. It is also not possible to have overlapping assignments. + + + + + + + Колона наруџбе + Колона наруџбе + Column determining the order + Integer Column of the table determining the order (display, sort, ..). If defined, the Order By replaces the default Order By clause. It should be fully qualified (i.e. "tablename.columnname"). + + + + + + + Укључена колона + Укључена колона + Column determining if a Table Column is included in Ordering + If a Included Column is defined, it decides, if a column is active in the ordering - otherwise it is determined that the Order Column has a value of one or greater + + + + + + + Боја штампања + Боја штампања + Color used for printing and display + Colors used for printing and display + + + + + + + Фонт штампе + Фонт штампе + Одржавање фонта штампе + Font used for printing + + + + + + + Формат штампања + Формат штампања + Data Print Format + The print format determines how data is rendered for print. + + + + + + + Укључен формат штампе + Укључен формат штампе + Print format that is included here. + Included Print formats allow to e.g. Lines to Header records. The Column provides the parent link. + + + + + + + Print Format Item + Print Format Item + Item/Column in the Print format + Item/Column in the print format maintaining layout information + + + + + + + Папир штампања + Папир штампања + Printer paper definition + Printer Paper Size, Orientation and Margins + + + + + + + Поравнање поља + Поравнање поља + Field Text Alignment + Alignment of field text. The default is determined by the data/display type: Numbers are right aligned, other data is left aligned + + + + + + + Креирај копију + Креирај копију + + + + + + + + + Маргина подножја + Маргина подножја + Margin of the Footer in 1/72 of an inch + Distance from the bottom of the main content to the end of the printable page in 1/72 of an inch (point) + + + + + + + Маргина заглавља + Маргина заглавља + Margin of the Header in 1/72 of an inch + Distance from the top of the printable page to the start of the main content in 1/72 of an inch (point) + + + + + + + Образац + Образац + If Selected, a Form is printed, if not selected a columnar List report + A form has individual elements with layout information (example: invoice, check) +<br> +A columnar list report has individual columns (example: list of invoices) + + + + + + + Групиши по + Групиши по + After a group change, totals, etc. are printed + Grouping allows to print sub-totals. If a group changes, the totals are printed. Group by columns need to be included in the sort order. + + + + + + + Само једна линија + Једна линија + If selected, only one line is printed + If the column has a width restriction, the text is broken into multiple lines. If One Line is selected, only the first line is printed. + + + + + + + Положено + Положено + Положена оријентација + + + + + + + + Следећа линија + Следећа линија + Print item on next line + If not selected, the item is printed on the same line + + + + + + + Сортирај по + Сортирај по + Include in sort order + The records are ordered by the value of this column. If a column is used for grouping, it needs to be included in the sort order as well. + + + + + + + Релативан положај + Релативан положај + The item is relative positioned (not absolute) + The relative positioning of the item is determined by X-Z space and next line + + + + + + + Order Tab + Order Tab + The Tab determines the Order + + + + + + + + Стандардно заглавље/подножје + Стандардно заглавље/подножје + The standard Header and Footer is used + If the standard header is not used, it must be explicitly defined. + + + + + + + Базирано табелама + Базирано табелама + Table based List Reporting + Table based columnar list reporting is invoked from the Window Report button + + + + + + + Максимална висина + Максимална висина + Maximum Height in 1/72 if an inch - 0 = no restriction + Maximum height of the element in 1/72 of an inch (point). If zero (0), there is no height restriction. + + + + + + + Максимална ширина + Максимална ширина + Maximum Width in 1/72 if an inch - 0 = no restriction + Maximum width of the element in 1/72 of an inch (point). If zero (0), there is no width restriction. + + + + + + + X положај + X положај + Absolute X (horizontal) position in 1/72 of an inch + Absolute X (horizontal) position in 1/72 of an inch + + + + + + + X размак + X размак + Relative X (horizontal) space in 1/72 of an inch + Relative X (horizontal) space in 1/72 of an inch in relation to the end of the previous item. + + + + + + + Y положај + Y положај + Absolute Y (vertical) position in 1/72 of an inch + Absolute Y (vertical) position in 1/72 of an inch + + + + + + + Y размак + Y размак + Relative Y (vertical) space in 1/72 of an inch + Relative Y (vertical) space in 1/72 of an inch in relation to the end of the previous item. + + + + + + + Поравнање ставке + Поравнање ставке + Поравнање ставке + For relative positioning, the line alignment + + + + + + + Простор + Простор + Print Area + Print area of this item + + + + + + + Врста формата + Врста формата + Print Format Type + The print format type determines what will be printed. + + + + + + + Цена рачуна + Цена рачуна + Unit price to be invoiced or 0 for default price + Unit Price in the currency of the business partner! If it is 0, the standard price of the sales price list of the business partner (customer) is used. + + + + + + + Претплаћена/потплаћена исплата + Претплаћена/потплаћена исплата + Over-Payment (unallocated) or Under-Payment (partial payment) + Overpayments (negative) are unallocated amounts and allow you to receive money for more than the particular invoice. +Underpayments (positive) is a partial payment for the invoice. You do not write off the unpaid amount. + + + + + + + Претплаћена/потплаћена исплата + Претплаћена/потплаћена исплата + Over-Payment (unallocated) or Under-Payment (partial payment) Amount + Overpayments (negative) are unallocated amounts and allow you to receive money for more than the particular invoice. +Underpayments (positive) is a partial payment for the invoice. You do not write off the unpaid amount. + + + + + + + Формат штампе чекова + Формат штампе чекова + Print Format for printing Checks + You need to define a Print Format to print the document. + + + + + + + Формат штампе опомене + Формат штампе опомене + Print Format for printing Dunning Letters + You need to define a Print Format to print the document. + + + + + + + Формат штампе рачуна + Формат штампе рачуна + Print Format for printing Invoices + You need to define a Print Format to print the document. + + + + + + + Формат штампе наруџбеница + Формат штампе наруџбеница + Print Format for Orders, Quotes, Offers + You need to define a Print Format to print the document. + + + + + + + Remittance Print Format + Remittance Print Format + Print Format for separate Remittances + You need to define a Print Format to print the document. + + + + + + + Формат штампе испорука + Формат штампе испорука + Print Format for Shipments, Receipts, Pick Lists + You need to define a Print Format to print the document. + + + + + + + Позивни број + Позивни број + Phone Area Code + Phone Area Code + + + + + + + Град + Град + Град + City in a country + + + + + + + Координате + Координате + Location coordinate + This column contains the geographical coordinates (latitude/longitude) of the location.<p> +In order to avoid unnecessary use of non-standard characters and space, the following standard presentation is used:<br> +0000N 00000W 0000S 00000E <br> +where the two last digits refer to minutes and the two or three first digits indicate the degrees + + + + + + + Locode + Locode + Location code - UN/LOCODE + UN/Locode is a combination of a 2-character country code and a 3-character location code, e.g. BEANR is known as the city of Antwerp (ANR) which is located in Belgium (BE). +<p>See: http://www.unece.org/cefact/locode/service/main.htm + + + + + + + Слика приложена + Слика приложена + The image to be printed is attached to the record + The image to be printed is stored in the database as attachment to this record. The image can be a gif, jpeg or png. + + + + + + + Израчунај просек (?) + Просек + Calculate Average of numeric content or length + Calculate the Mean (?) of the data if the field is numeric, otherwise calculate the average length of the field. + + + + + + + Израчунај избројано (?) + Избројано + Count number of not empty elements + Calculate the total number (?) of not empty (NULL) elements (maximum is the number of lines). + + + + + + + Износ словима + Износ словима + Amount in words + Amount in words will be printed. + + + + + + + Посл.партн контакт поздрав + Посл.партн контакт поздрав + Greeting for Business Partner Contact + + + + + + + + Посл.партн поздрав + Посл.партн поздрав + Greeting for Business Partner + + + + + + + + Назив контакта + Назив контакта + Business Partner Contact Name + + + + + + + + Тип документа + Тип документа + Тип документа + + + + + + + + Document Type Note + Document Type Note + Optional note of a document type + + + + + + + + Multi Lingual Documents + Multi Lingual Documents + Documents are Multi Lingual + If selected, you enable multi lingual documents and need to maintain translations for entities used in documents (examples: Products, Payment Terms, ...).<br> +Please note, that the base language is always English. + + + + + + + Set NL Position + Set NL Position + Set New Line Position + When enabled, the current x (horizontal) Position before printing the item is saved. The next New Line will use the saved x (horizontal) Position, enabling to print data in columns. +The setting is not restricted to an area (header, content, footer), allowing to align information also with Header and Footer with the Content. + + + + + + + Suppress Null + Suppress Null + Suppress columns or elements with NULL value + If a Form entry is NULL and if selected, the field (including label) is not printed. <br> +If all elements in a table column are NULL and if selected, the column is not printed. + + + + + + + Услови плаћања + Услови плаћања + Услови плаћања + + + + + + + + Услов продаје белешка + Услов продаје белешка + Note of a Payment Term + + + + + + + + Опис ресурса + Опис ресурса + Resource Allocation Description + + + + + + + + Расположив кредит + Расположив кредит + Available Credit based on Credit Limit (not Total Open Balance) and Credit Used + + + + + + + + Графикон + Графикон + Graph included in Reports + Pie/Line Graph to be printed in Reports + + + + + + + Штампа - формат табеле + Table Format + Table Format in Reports + Print Table Format determines Fonts, Colors of the printed Table + + + + + + + Испод колоне + Испод колоне + Print this column below the column index entered + This column is printed in a second line below the content of the first line identified. Please be aware, that this is depends on the actual sequence. Enter a 1 to add the info below the first column. + + + + + + + Колона Података 2 + Колона Података 2 + Data Column for Line Charts + Additional Graph Data Column for Line/Bar Charts + + + + + + + Колона података 3 + Колона података 3 + Data Column for Line Charts + Additional Graph Data Column for Line/Bar Charts + + + + + + + Колона података 4 + Колона података 4 + Data Column for Line Charts + Additional Graph Data Column for Line/Bar Charts + + + + + + + Колона података 5 + Колона података 5 + Data Column for Line Charts + Additional Graph Data Column for Line/Bar Charts + + + + + + + Колона података + Колона података + Data Column for Pie and Line Charts + Graph Data Column for Pie and Line/Bar Charts + + + + + + + Колона описа + Колона описа + Description Column for Pie/Line/Bar Charts + Graph Description Column for Pie and Line/Bar Charts + + + + + + + Function Font + Function Font + Function row Font + Font of the function row + + + + + + + Function BG Color + Function BG Color + Function Background Color + Background color of a function row + + + + + + + Боја функције + Боја функције + Function Foreground Color + Foreground color of a function row + + + + + + + Врста графикона + Врста графикона + Type of graph to be painted + Type of graph to be painted + + + + + + + Фонт заглавља реда + Фонт заглавља реда + Header row Font + Font of the table header row + + + + + + + Заглавље боја линије + Заглавље боја линије + Table header row line color + Color of the table header row lines + + + + + + + Header Row BG Color + Header Row GB Color + Background color of header row + Table header row background color + + + + + + + Header Row Color + Header Row Color + Foreground color if the table header row + Table header row foreground color + + + + + + + Paint Boundary Lines + Paint boundary Lines + Paint table boundary lines + Paint lines around table + + + + + + + Paint Horizontal Lines + Paint H Lines + Paint horizontal lines + Paint horizontal table lines + + + + + + + Paint Vertical Lines + Paint V Lines + Paint vertical lines + Paint vertical table lines + + + + + + + Print Function Symbols + Print Function Symbols + Print Symbols for Functions (Sum, Average, Count) + If selected, print symbols - otherwise print names of the function + + + + + + + Боја ставке + Боја ставке + Table line color + + + + + + + + Org Address + Org Address + Organization Location/Address + + + + + + + + Warehouse Address + Warehouse Address + Warehouse Location/Address + Address of Warehouse + + + + + + + BP Search Key + Купац бр + Business Partner Key Value + Search Key of Business Partner + + + + + + + Фиксна ширина + Фиксна ширина + Column has a fixed width + The Column has a fixed width, independent from the content + + + + + + + Следећа страна + Следећа страна + The column is printed on the next page + Before printing this column, there will be a page break. + + + + + + + Покретање опомена + Покретање опомена + Покретање опомена + + + + + + + + Dunning Run Entry + Dunning Run Entry + Dunning Run Entry + + + + + + + + Dunning Run Line + Dunning Run Line + Dunning Run Line + + + + + + + + Pay Selection Check + Pay Selection Check + Payment Selection Check + + + + + + + + Датум опомене + Датум опомене + Date of Dunning + + + + + + + + Актива + Актива + Средства коришћена интерно или од стране купаца + An asset is either created by purchasing or by delivering a product. An asset can be used internally or be a customer asset. + + + + + + + Референт продаје + Реф продаје + + + + + Представник компаније + Представник компаније + + + Доња маргина + Доња + Bottom Space in 1/72 inch + Space on bottom of a page in 1/72 inch + + + + + + + Лева маргина + Лева + Left Space in 1/72 inch + Space on left side of a page in 1/72 inch + + + + + + + Десна маргина + Десна + Right Space in 1/72 inch + Space on right side of a page in 1/72 inch + + + + + + + Горња маргина + Горња + Top Space in 1/72 inch + Space on top of a page in 1/72 inch + + + + + + + Рођендан + Рођендан + Birthday or Anniversary day + Birthday or Anniversary day + + + + + + + Датум одјаве + Одјава + Date the contact opted out + If the field has a date, the customer opted out (unsubscribed) and cannot receive mails for the Interest Area + + + + + + + Област интересовања + Област интересовања + Област интересовања или поглавље + Interest Areas reflect interest in a topic by a contact. Interest areas can be used for marketing campaigns. + + + + + + + Врста захтева + Врста захтева + Type of request (e.g. Inquiry, Complaint, ..) + Request Types are used for processing and categorizing requests. Options are Account Inquiry, Warranty Issue, etc. + + + + + + + Датум Претплате + Датум Претплате + Date the contact actively subscribed + Date the contact subscribe the interest area + + + + + + + EMail User ID + EMail User + User Name (ID) in the Mail System + The user name in the mail system is usually the string before the @ of your email address. Required if the mail server requires authentification to send emails. + + + + + + + EMail User Password + EMail Password + Password of your email user id + Required if the mail server requires authentification to send emails. + + + + + + + SMTP Authentication + SMTP Authentication + Your mail server requires Authentication + Some email servers require authentication before sending emails. If yes, users are required to define their email user name and password. If authentication is required and no user name and password is required, delivery will fail. + + + + + + + Врста производа + Врста производа + Type of product + The type of product also determines accounting consequences. + + + + + + + Систем + Систем + Системска дефиниција + Common System Definition + + + + + + + ИД партнера + ИД партнера + Partner ID or Account for the Payment Processor + Partner ID (Verisign) or Account ID (Optimal) + + + + + + + Регистрован имејл + Регистрован имејл + Email of the responsible for the System + Email of the responsible person for the system (registered in WebStore) + + + + + + + ИД добављача + ИД добављача + Vendor ID for the Payment Processor + + + + + + + + Referenced Order Line + Ref Order Line + Reference to corresponding Sales/Purchase Order + Reference of the Sales Order Line to the corresponding Purchase Order Line or vice versa. + + + + + + + Кључ пословног партнера + Посл.партн кључ + The Key of the Business Partner + + + + + + + + Опис контакта + Опис контакта + Description of Contact + + + + + + + + Default Account + Default Account + Name of the Default Account Column + + + + + + + + Назив елемента + Назив елемента + Name of the Element + + + + + + + + Element Key + Element Key + Key of the element + + + + + + + + Увоз пословног партнера + Увоз п. партнера + + + + + + + + + Увези конто + Увези конто + Import Account Value + + + + + + + + Увоз - производ + Увоз - производ + Import Item or Service + + + + + + + + Увези сет ставки извештаја + Увези сет ставки извештаја + Import Report Line Set values + + + + + + + + Произвођач + Произвођач + Manufacturer of the Product + The manufacturer of the Product (used if different from the Business Partner / Vendor) + + + + + + + Product Category Key + Product Category Key + + + + + + + + + Report Line Set Name + Report Line Set Name + Name of the Report Line Set + + + + + + + + Royalty Amount + Royalty Amount + (Included) Amount for copyright, etc. + + + + + + + + Опис URL + Опис URL + URL for the description + + + + + + + + Обриши старе увежене слогове + Обриши старе увежене + Before processing delete old imported records in the import table + + + + + + + + Групни кључ + Групни кључ + Business Partner Group Key + + + + + + + + Parent Account + Parent Account + The parent (summary) account + + + + + + + + Parent Key + Parent Key + Key if the Parent + + + + + + + + Update Default Accounts + Update Default Accounts + Update Default Accounts + + + + + + + + Create New Combination + Create New Combination + Create New Account Combination + + + + + + + + Испорука средстава + Испорука средстава + Испорука of Asset + The availability of the asset to the business partner (customer). + + + + + + + Група средства + Група средства + Групе средстава + The group of assets determines default accounts. If an asset group is selected in the product category, assets are created when delivering the asset. + + + + + + + Расходовање средстава + Расходовање средстава + Internally used asset is not longer used. + + + + + + + + Asset Depreciation Date + Asset depreciation date + Date of last depreciation + Date of the last deprecation, if the asset is used internally and depreciated. + + + + + + + Asset Disposal Date + Asset disposal date + Date when the asset is/was disposed + + + + + + + + Market value Amount + Market value amt + Market value of the asset + For reporting, the market value of the asset + + + + + + + У употреби од датума + У употреби од датума + Date when Asset was put into service + The date when the asset was put into service - usually used as start date for depreciation. + + + + + + + Asset value + Asset value + Book Value of the asset + + + + + + + + Датум гаранције + Датум Гаранције + Date when guarantee expires + Date when the normal guarantee or availability expires + + + + + + + Гаранција дана + Гаранција дана + Number of days the product is guaranteed or available + If the value is 0, there is no limit to the availability or guarantee, otherwise the guarantee date is calculated by adding the days to the delivery date. + + + + + + + Depreciate + Depreciate + The asset will be depreciated + The asset is used internally and will be depreciated + + + + + + + Disposed + Disposed + The asset is disposed + The asset is no longer used and disposed + + + + + + + У поседу + У поседу + The asset is in the possession of the organization + Assets which are not in possession are e.g. at Customer site and may or may not be owned by the company. + + + + + + + Owned + Owned + The asset is owned by the organization + The asset may not be in possession, but the asset is legally owned by the organization + + + + + + + Life use + Life use + Units of use until the asset is not usable anymore + Life use and the actual use may be used to calculate the depreciation + + + + + + + Коментари локације + Коментари локације + Additional comments or remarks concerning the location + + + + + + + + Training Class + Training Class + The actual training class instance + A scheduled class + + + + + + + Тренинг + Тренинг + Поновљени тренинг + The training may have multiple actual classes + + + + + + + Usable Life - Months + Usable life months + Months of the usable life of the asset + + + + + + + + Usable Life - Years + Usable life years + Years of the usable life of the asset + + + + + + + + Употреби јединице + Употреби јединице + Currently used units of the assets + + + + + + + + Верзија бр + Верзија бр + Број верзије + + + + + + + + Потврда испоруке + Потврда испоруке + EMail Delivery confirmation + + + + + + + + Fully depreciated + Fully depreciated + The asset is fully depreciated + The asset costs are fully amortized. + + + + + + + Message ID + Message ID + EMail Message ID + SMTP Message ID for tracking purposes + + + + + + + EMail PDF + EMail PDF + Email Document PDF files to Business Partner + + + + + + + + Col_1 + Col_1 + + + + + + + + + Col_2 + Col_2 + + + + + + + + + Col_3 + Col_3 + + + + + + + + + Col_4 + Col_4 + + + + + + + + + Col_5 + Col_5 + + + + + + + + + Col_6 + Col_6 + + + + + + + + + Col_7 + Col_7 + + + + + + + + + Col_8 + Col_8 + + + + + + + + + Col_9 + Col_9 + + + + + + + + + Col_10 + Col_10 + + + + + + + + + Col_11 + Col_11 + + + + + + + + + Col_12 + Col_12 + + + + + + + + + Col_13 + Col_13 + + + + + + + + + Col_14 + Col_14 + + + + + + + + + Col_15 + Col_15 + + + + + + + + + Col_16 + Col_16 + + + + + + + + + Col_17 + Col_17 + + + + + + + + + Col_18 + Col_18 + + + + + + + + + Col_19 + Col_19 + + + + + + + + + Col_20 + Col_20 + + + + + + + + + Директоријум докумената + Директоријум Документа + Directory for documents from the application server + Directory to store documents by the application server. The path/directory is accessed by the application server and may not be accessible to clients. + + + + + + + Invoice Mail Text + Invoice Mail Text + Email text used for sending invoices + Standard email template used to send invoices as attachments. + + + + + + + Order Mail Text + Order Mail Text + Email text used for sending order acknowledgements or quotations + Standard email template used to send acknowledgements or quotations as attachments. + + + + + + + Remittance Mail Text + Remittance Mail Text + Email text used for sending payment remittances + Standard email template used to send remittances as attachments. + + + + + + + Пошаљи имејл + Пошаљи имејл + Enable sending Document EMail + Send emails with document attached (e.g. Invoice, Delivery Note, etc.) + + + + + + + Shipment Mail Text + Shipment Mail Text + Email text used for sending delivery notes + Standard email template used to send delivery notes as attachments. + + + + + + + Expired Guarantee Mail + Expired Guarantee Mail + Send email to partners with expired guarantee + + + + + + + + Level no + Level no + + + + + + + + + Списак извора + Списак извора + Извештај изворних ставки конта + List the Source Accounts for Summary Accounts selected + + + + + + + Списак трансакција + Списак транс. + Списак извештаја трансакција + List the transactions of the report source lines + + + + + + + Col_0 + Col_0 + + + + + + + + + Биланс + Биланс + + + + + + + + + Суфикс штампе налепнице + Суфикс налепнице + The label text to be printed on a document or correspondence after the field + The Label to be printed indicates the name that will be printed on a document or correspondence after the field. The max length is 60 characters. + + + + + + + Земља рачуна + Земља + Земља + Account Country Name + + + + + + + Web Parameter 1 + WebParam1 + Web Site Parameter 1 (default: header image) + The parameter could be used in the JSP page for variables like logos, passwords, URLs or entire HTML blocks. The access is via ctx.webParam1 - By default, it is positioned on the upper left side with 130 pixel width. + + + + + + + Web Parameter 2 + WebParam2 + Web Site Parameter 2 (default index page) + The parameter could be used in the JSP page for variables like logos, passwords, URLs or entire HTML blocks. The access is via ctx.webParam2 - By default, it is positioned after the header on the web store index page. + + + + + + + Web Parameter 3 + WebParam3 + Web Site Parameter 3 (default left - menu) + The parameter could be used in the JSP page for variables like logos, passwords, URLs or entire HTML blocks. The access is via ctx.webParam3 - By default, it is positioned at the end in the menu column with 130 pixel width. + + + + + + + Web Parameter 4 + WebParam 4 + Web Site Parameter 4 (default footer left) + The parameter could be used in the JSP page for variables like logos, passwords, URLs or entire HTML blocks. The access is via ctx.webParam4 - By default, it is positioned on the left side of the footer with 130 pixel width. + + + + + + + Web Order EMail + Web Order EMail + EMail address to receive notifications when web orders were processed + When processig a web order, a confirmation is sent to the EMail addess of the customer from the request EMail address copying this email address when entered. + + + + + + + Распоред уплата фактура + Invoice Pay Schedule + Распоред уплата фактура + The Invoice Payment Schedule determines when partial payments are due. + + + + + + + Распоред плаћања + Распоред плаћања + Распоред плаћања шаблон + Information when parts of the payment are due + + + + + + + Бројач + Бројач + Count Value + Number counter + + + + + + + Датум попуста + Датум попуста + Last Date for payments with discount + Last Date where a deduction of the payment discount is allowed + + + + + + + Amount due + Amount due + Amount of the payment due + Full amount of the payment due + + + + + + + Due Date + Due Date + Date when the payment is due + Date when the payment is due without deductions or discount + + + + + + + Исправан + Исправан + Element is valid + The element passed the validation check + + + + + + + Свега дан + Свега дан + Day when payment is due net + When defined, overwrites the number of net days with the relative number of days to the the day defined. + + + + + + + Проценат + Проценат + Percent of the entire amount + Percentage of an amount (up to 100) + + + + + + + Target URL + Target URL + URL for the Target + URL of the Target Site + + + + + + + Ставка корпе + Ставка корпе + Web Basket Line + Temporary Web Basket Line + + + + + + + Web Click + Web Click + Individual Web Click + Web Click Datails + + + + + + + Број кликова + Број Кликова + Web Click Management + Web Click Management + + + + + + + Бројање бројача + Бројање бројача + Web Counter Count Management + Web Counter Information + + + + + + + Multiplier AP + Multiplier AP + Payables Multiplier + + + + + + + + Датум гаранције + Датум гаранције + Product has Guarantee or Expiry Date + For individual products, you can define a guarantee or expiry date + + + + + + + Instance Attribute + Instance Attribute + The product attribute is specific to the instance (like Serial No, Lot or Guarantee Date) + If selected, the individual instance of the product has this attribute - like the individual Serial or Lot Numbers or Guarantee Date of a product instance. If not selected, all instances of the product share the attribute (e.g. color=green). + + + + + + + Шаржа + Шаржа + The product instances have a Lot Number + For individual products, you can define Lot Numbers + + + + + + + Серијски бр + Серијски бр + The product instances have Serial Numbers + For individual products, you can define Serial Numbers + + + + + + + Особина + Особина + Особина производа + Product Attribute like Color, Size + + + + + + + Комплет особина + Комплет особина + Product Attribute Set + Define Product Attribute Sets to add additional attributes and values to the product. You need to define a Attribute Set if you want to enable Serial and Lot Number tracking. + + + + + + + Пример комплета својстава + Пример комплета својстава + Product Attribute Set Instance + The values of the actual Product Attribute Instances. The product level attributes are defined on Product level. + + + + + + + Вредност особине + Вредност особине + Product Attribute Value + Individual value of a product attribute (e.g. green, large, ..) + + + + + + + Шаржа + Шаржа + Дефиниција шарже производа + The individual Lot of a Product + + + + + + + Контрола шарже + Контрола шарже + Контрола шарже производа + Definition to create Lot numbers for Products + + + + + + + Контрола серијског броја + Контрола серијског броја + Контрола серијског броја производа + Definition to create Serial numbers for Products + + + + + + + Претрага особине + Претрага особине + Основне особине претраге + Attributes are specific to a Product Attribute Set (e.g. Size for T-Shirts: S,M,L). If you have multiple attributes and want to search under a common sttribute, you define a search sttribute. Example: have one Size search attribute combining the values of all different sizes (Size for Dress Shirt XL,L,M,S,XS). The Attribute Search allows you to have all values available for selection. This eases the maintenance of the individual product attribute. + + + + + + + Укључен језичак + Укључен језичак + Included Tab in this Tab (Master Dateail) + You can include a Tab in a Tab. If displayed in single row record, the included tab is displayed as multi-row table. + + + + + + + Штампа налепнице + Штампа налепнице + Label Format to print + Format for printing Labels + + + + + + + Штампа налепнице ставка + Налепница штампа + Print Label Line Format + Format of the line on a Label + + + + + + + Сесија + Сесија + User Session Online or Web + Online or Web Session Information + + + + + + + BOM Type + BOM Type + Type of BOM + The type of Bills of Materials determines the state + + + + + + + Партнер родитељ + Партнер родитељ + Business Partner Parent + The parent (organization) of the Business Partner for reporting purposes. + + + + + + + Стандардна фаза + Стд фаза + Standard Phase of the Project Type + Phase of the project with standard performance information with standard work + + + + + + + Врста пројекта + Врста пројекта + Type of the project + Type of the project with optional phases of the project with standard performance information + + + + + + + Враћајући + Враћајући + Враћајући документ + Враћајући документи + + + + + + + Recurring Run + Recurring Run + Recurring Document Run + History of Recurring Document Generation + + + + + + + Одрађен квантитет + Одрађена кол + The (legal) commitment Quantity + The commitment amount is independent from the planned amount. You would use the planned amount for your realistic estimation, which might be higher or lower than the commitment amount. + + + + + + + Копирај од + Копирај од + Copy From Record + Copy From Record + + + + + + + Download URL + Download URL + URL of the Download files + Semicolon separated list of URLs to be downloaded or distributed + + + + + + + Рачун партнер + Рачун партнер + Business Partner to be invoiced + If empty the shipment business partner will be invoiced + + + + + + + Рачун локација + Рачун локација + Business Partner Location for invoicing + + + + + + + + Рачун контакт + Рачун контакт + Business Partner Contact for invoicing + + + + + + + + Генериши наруџбу + Генериши наруџбу + Генериши наруџбу + + + + + + + + Увоз залиха + Увоз залиха + Увоз трансакција залиха + + + + + + + + Фактурисан износ + Фактурисан износ + The amount invoiced + The amount invoiced + + + + + + + Фактурисана количина + Фактурисана количина + The quantity invoiced + + + + + + + + Maintain Change Log + Change Log + Maintain a log of changes + If selected, a log of all changes is maintained. + + + + + + + Комплетирај + Комплетирај + It is complete + Indication that this is complete + + + + + + + Врста формата етикете + Врста формата етикете + Врста формата етикете + + + + + + + + Висина етикете + Висина етикете + Физичка висина етикете + Physical height of the label + + + + + + + Висина етикете + Висина етикете + Физичка висина етикете + Physical Width of the Label + + + + + + + Назив штампача + Назив штампача + Name of the Printer + Internal (Opereating System) Name of the Printer; Please mote that the printer name may be different on different clients. Enter a printer name, which applies to ALL clients (e.g. printer on a server). <p> +If none is entered, the default printer is used. You specify your default printer when you log in. You can also change the default printer in Preferences. + + + + + + + Текст писма пројекта + Текст писма пројекта + Standard text for Project EMails + Standard text for Project EMails + + + + + + + Формат штампе пројекта + Формат штампе пројекта + Standard Project Print Format + Standard Project Print Format + + + + + + + Биланс пројекта + Биланс пројекта + Total Project Balance + The project balance is the sum of all invoices and payments + + + + + + + Враћајућа врста + Враћајућа врста + Type of Recurring Document + The type of document to be generated + + + + + + + Максимално покретања + Макс покр + Number of recurring runs + Number of recurring documents to be generated in total + + + + + + + Преостало покретања + Преостало покретања + Number of recurring runs remaining + Number of recurring documents to be still generated + + + + + + + Стандардна количина + Стандардна количина + Стандардна количина + + + + + + + + Веб сесија + Веб сесија + Web Session ID + + + + + + + + Change Log + Change Log + Log of data changes + Log of data changes + + + + + + + Рекламни текст + Рекламни текст + Text of the Advertisement + The text of the advertisement with optional HTML tags. The HTML tags are not checked for correctness and may impact the remaining page. + + + + + + + Самостално + Самостално + This is a Self-Service entry or this entry can be changed via Self-Service + Self-Service allows users to enter data or update their data. The flag indicates, that this record was entered or created via Self-Service or that the user can change it via the Self-Service functionality. + + + + + + + Log + Log + + + + + + + + + Нова вредност + Нова вредност + New field value + New data entered in the field + + + + + + + Стара вредност + Стара вредност + The old file data + Old data overwritten in the field + + + + + + + ИД процеса + ИД П + + + + + + + + + Process Message + P Msg + + + + + + + + + Реклама + Реклама + Веб рекламирање + Advertisement on the Web + + + + + + + Складиште кључ + Складиште кључ + Key of the Warehouse + Key to identify the Warehouse + + + + + + + Врста коштања + Врста коштања + Type of Cost (e.g. Current, Plan, Future) + You can define multiple cost types. A cost type selected in an Accounting Schema is used for accounting. + + + + + + + Org Assignment + Org Assignment + Assigment to (transaction) Organization + Assignment to the transacation organization (cost center). + + + + + + + Фаза пројекта + Фаза пројекта + Phase of a Project + + + + + + + + Задатак пројекта + Задатак пројекта + Actual Project Task in a Phase + A Project Task in a Project Phase represents the actual work. + + + + + + + Стандардни задатак + Стандардни задатак + Standard Project Type Task + Standard Project Task in a Project Phase with standard effort + + + + + + + Chargeable Quantity + Chargeable Qty + + + + + + + + + Commitment is Ceiling + Commit ceiling + The commitment amount/quantity is the chargeable ceiling + The commitment amount and quantity is the maximum amount and quantity to be charged. Ignored, if the amount or quantity is zero. + + + + + + + Изостави + Изостави + Exclude access to the data - if not selected Include access to the data + If selected (excluded), the role cannot access the data specified. If not selected (included), the role can ONLY access the data specified. Exclude items represent a negative list (i.e. you don't have access to the listed items). Include items represent a positive list (i.e. you only have access to the listed items). +<br>You would usually not mix Exclude and Include. If you have one include rule in your list, you would only have access to that item anyway. + + + + + + + Врста времена + Врста времена + Type of time recorded + Differentiate time types for reporting purposes (In parallel to Activities) + + + + + + + Account Key + Account Key + Key of Account Element + + + + + + + + Account Schema Name + AcctSchema Name + Name of the Accounting Schema + + + + + + + + Обрада књижења + Обрада књижења + Process SQL after executing the query + Could be Update/Delete/etc. statement + + + + + + + Pre Processing + Pre Processing + Process SQL before executing the query + Could be Update/Delete/etc. statement + + + + + + + Аларм + Аларм + Адемпјеров аларм + Adempiere Alerts allow you define system conditions you want to be alerted of + + + + + + + Правило упозорења + Правило упозорења + Definition of the alert element + + + + + + + + Тема аларма + Тема аларма + Subject of the Alert + The subject of the email message sent for the alert + + + + + + + Порука аларма + Порука аларма + Message of the Alert + The message of the email sent for the alert + + + + + + + Банкарски рачун бр + Банкарски рачун бр + Bank Account Number + + + + + + + + Беч опис + Беч опис + Description of the Batch + + + + + + + + Беч документ бр + Беч документ бр + Document Number of the Batch + + + + + + + + Кључ пословног партнера + Кључ пословног партнера + Key of the Business Partner + + + + + + + + Назив категорије + Назив категорије + Name of the Category + + + + + + + + Назив наплате + Назив наплате + Name of the Charge + + + + + + + + Клијент кључ + Клијент кључ + Key of the Client + + + + + + + + Назив врсте документа + Назив вр.док + Name of the Document Type + + + + + + + + Приморај сигурност клијента + Приморај сигурност клијента + Send alerts to recipient only if the client security rules of the role allows + + + + + + + + Приморај сигурност улоге + Приморај сигурност улоге + Send alerts to recipient only if the data security rules of the role allows + + + + + + + + Sql FROM + From Clause + SQL FROM clause + The Select Clause indicates the SQL FROM clause to use for selecting the record for a measure calculation. It can have JOIN clauses. Do not include the FROM itself. + + + + + + + Увоз извода из банке + Увоз извода из банке + Import of the Bank Statement + + + + + + + + Увези дневник главне књиге + Увези дневник главне књиге + Import General Ledger Journal + + + + + + + + Увези наруџбеницу + Увези наруџбеницу + Увези наруџбенице + + + + + + + + Увези плаћања + Увези плаћања + Увези плаћања + + + + + + + + Фактура документ бр + Фактура документ бр + Document Number of the Invoice + + + + + + + + Delayed Capture + Delayed Capture + Charge after Shipment + Delayed Capture is required, if you ship products. The first credit card transaction is the Authorization, the second is the actual transaction after the shipment of the product. + + + + + + + Ставка опис + Ставка опис + Ставка опис + + + + + + + + Кључ локатора + Кључ локатора + Кључ локатора складишта + + + + + + + + Превознина + Превознина + Freight Rate + Freight Rate for Shipper + + + + + + + Категорија превознине + Категорија превознине + Category of the Freight + Freight Categories are used to calculate the Freight for the Shipper selected + + + + + + + Memo + Memo + Memo Text + + + + + + + + Бр пакета + Бр пакета + Number of packages shipped + + + + + + + + Trx Org Key + Trx Org Key + Key of the Transaction Organization + + + + + + + + Org Key + Org Key + Key of the Organization + + + + + + + + Payment Term Key + Payment Term Key + Key of the Payment Term + + + + + + + + Датум преузимања + Датум преузимања + Date/Time when picked for Shipment + + + + + + + + Project Key + Project Key + Key of the Project + + + + + + + + Authorization Code (DC) + Authorization Code (DC) + Authorization Code Delayed Capture returned + The Authorization Code indicates the code returned from the electronic transmission. + + + + + + + CVV Match + CVV Match + Credit Card Verification Code Match + The Credit Card Verification Code was matched + + + + + + + Reference (DC) + Reference (DC) + Payment Reference Delayed Capture + The Payment Reference indicates the reference returned from the Credit Card Company for a payment + + + + + + + Издање бр + Издање бр + Internal Release Number + + + + + + + + Ship Date + Ship Date + Shipment Date/Time + Actual Date/Time of Shipment (pick up) + + + + + + + Интерни корисници + Интерни корисници + Number of Internal Users for Adempiere Support + You can purchase professioal support from Adempiere, Inc. or their partners. See http://www.adempiere.com for details. + + + + + + + + Swipe + Swipe + Track 1 and 2 of the Credit Card + Swiped information for Credit Card Presence Transactions + + + + + + + Tracking No + Tracking No + Number to track the shipment + + + + + + + + Tracking URL + Tracking URL + URL of the shipper to track shipments + The variable @TrackingNo@ in the URL is replaced by the actual tracking number of the shipment. + + + + + + + Увези фактуре + Увези фактуре + Увези фактуре + + + + + + + + Репликација + Репликација + Data Replication Target + Data Replication Target Details. Maintained on the central server. + + + + + + + Дневник репликације + Дневник репликације + Data Replication Log Details + Data Replication Run Log + + + + + + + Репликација покретање + Репликација покретање + Data Replication Run + Data Replication Run information + + + + + + + Стратегија репликације + Стратегија репликације + Data Replication Strategy + The Data Replication Strategy determines what and how tables are replicated + + + + + + + Репликациона табела + Репликациона табела + Data Replication Strategy Table Info + Determines how the table is replicated + + + + + + + Реплицирано + Реплицирано + The data is successfully replicated + The data replication was successful. + + + + + + + PO Window + PO Window + Purchase Order Window + Window for Purchase Order (AP) Zooms + + + + + + + Replication Type + Replication Type + Type of Data Replication + The Type of data Replication determines the directon of the data replication. <br> +Reference means that the data in this system is read only -> <br> +Local means that the data in this system is not replicated to other systems - <br> +Merge means that the data in this system is synchronized with the other system <-> <br> + + + + + + + Јавно + Јавно + Public can read entry + If selected, public users can read/view the entry. Public are users without a Role in the system. Use security rules for more specic access control. + + + + + + + Јавно уписиво + Јавно уписиво + Public can write entries + If selected, public users can write/create entries. Public are users without a Role in the system. Use security rules for more specic access control. + + + + + + + Категорија знања + Категорија + Категорија знања + Set up knowledge categories and values as a search aid. Examples are Release Version, Product Area, etc. Knowledge Category values act like keyworks. + + + + + + + Вредност категорије + Вредност + The value of the category + The value of the category is a keyword + + + + + + + Entry Comment + Коментар + Knowledge Entry Comment + Comment regarding a knowledge entry + + + + + + + Entry + Entry + Knowledge Entry + The searchable Knowledge Entry + + + + + + + Related Entry + Related Entry + Related Entry for this Enntry + Related Knowlege Entry for this Knowledge Entry + + + + + + + Извор знања + Извор знања + Извор унешеног знања + The Source of a Knowlegde Entry is a pointer to the originating system. The Knowledge Entry has an additional entry (Description URL) for more detailed info. + + + + + + + Синоним знања + Синоним знања + Кључна реч синонима Знања + Search Synonyms for Knowledge Keywords; Example: Product = Item + + + + + + + Поглавље знања + Поглавље + Поглавље знања + Topic or Discussion Thead + + + + + + + Врста знања + Врста + Врста знања + Area of knowlege - A Type has multiple Topics + + + + + + + Кључне речи + Кључне речи + Списак кључних речи - раздвојене размаком, запетом или тачка зарезом + List if individual keywords for search relevancy. The keywords are separated by space, comma or semicolon. + + + + + + + Синоним име + Синоним име + The synonym for the name + The synonym broadens the search + + + + + + + Tunnel via HTTP + Tunnel via HTTP + Connect to Server via HTTP Tunnel + If selected, the connection to the server is via a HTTP tunnel, otherwise it uses an RMI/JNP connection + + + + + + + Тест + Тест + Execute in Test Mode + + + + + + + + ID Range End + ID End + End if the ID Range used + The ID Range allows to restrict the range of the internally used IDs. Please note that the ID range is NOT enforced. + + + + + + + ID Range Start + ID Start + Start of the ID Range used + The ID Range allows to restrict the range of the internally used IDs. The standard rages are 0-899,999 for the Application Dictionary 900,000-999,999 for Application Dictionary customizations/extensions and > 1,000,000 for client data. The standard system limit is 9,999,999,999 but can easily be extended. The ID range is on a per table basis. +Please note that the ID range is NOT enforced. + + + + + + + Удаљени клијент + Удаљени клијент + Remote Client to be used to replicate / synchronize data with. + The remote client used for data replication. + + + + + + + Удаљена организација + Удаљена орг + Remote Organization to be used to replicate / synchronize data with. + The remote organization used for data replication. If not selected, all organizations are replicated/synchronized. + + + + + + + Language ID + Language ID + + + + + + + + + Пројекат + Пројекат + Name of the Project + + + + + + + + Фаза пројекта + Фаза пројекта + Name of the Project Phase + + + + + + + + Врста пројекта + Врста пројекта + Name of the Project Type + + + + + + + + Назив циклуса + Циклус + Name of the Project Cycle + + + + + + + + Cycle Step Name + Корак циклуса + Name of the Prohect Cycle Step + + + + + + + + SO/PO Type + SO/PO Type + Sales Tax applies to sales situations, Purchase Tax to purchase situations + Sales Tax: charged when selling - examples: Sales Tax, Output VAT (payable) +Purchase Tax: tax charged when purchasing - examples: Use Tax, Input VAT (receivable) + + + + + + + Only Validate Data + Validate Only + Validate the date and do not process + + + + + + + + Import only if No Errors + Import No Errors + Only start the import, if there are no validation Errors + + + + + + + + Document Org + Document Org + Document Organization (independent from account organization) + + + + + + + + Journal Document No + Journal Doc No + Document number of the Journal + + + + + + + + Attach Asset + Attach Asset + Attach Asset to be delivered per email + + + + + + + + Испорука бројање + Испорука бројање + Number of Deliveries + + + + + + + + Веб продавница информације + Web Info + Web Store Header Information + Display HTML Info in the Web Store - by default in the header. + + + + + + + + Web Parameter 5 + Web Param 5 + Web Site Parameter 5 (default footer center) + The parameter could be used in the JSP page for variables like logos, passwords, URLs or entire HTML blocks. The access is via ctx.webParam5 - By default, it is positioned in the center of the footer. + + + + + + + Web Parameter 6 + Web Parm 6 + Web Site Parameter 6 (default footer right) + The parameter could be used in the JSP page for variables like logos, passwords, URLs or entire HTML blocks. The access is via ctx.webParam6 - By default, it is positioned on the right side of the footer. + + + + + + + Minimum Amt + Minimum Amt + Minumum Amout in Document Currency + + + + + + + + Пројекат издање + Пројекат издање + Project Issues (Material, Labor) + Issues to the project initiated by the "Issue to Project" process. You can issue Receipts, Time and Expenses, or Stock. + + + + + + + Категорија пројекта + Категорија пројекта + Категорија пројекта + The Project Category determines the behavior of the project: +General - no special accounting, e.g. for Presales or general tracking +Service - no special accounting, e.g. for Service/Charge projects +Work Order - creates Project/Job WIP transactions - ability to issue material +Asset - create Project Asset transactions - ability to issue material + + + + + + + Налог за набавку + Налог за набавку + Налог за набавку + + + + + + + + Статус кредита + Статус кредита + Business Partner Credit Status + Credit Management is inactive if Credit Status is No Credit Check, Credit Stop or if the Credit Limit is 0. +If active, the status is set automatically set to Credit Hold, if the Total Open Balance (including Vendor activities) is higher then the Credit Limit. It is set to Credit Watch, if above 90% of the Credit Limit and Credit OK otherwise. + + + + + + + Уједини у један документ + Уједини + Уједини ставке у један документ + + + + + + + + Само опис + Опис + if true, the line is just description and no transaction + If a line is Description Only, e.g. Product Inventory is not corrected. No accounting transactions are created and the amount or totals are not included in the document. This for including descriptional detail lines, e.g. for an Work Order. + + + + + + + Pricing + Pricing + + + + + + + + + Затвори документ + Затвори + Close Document (process) + + + + + + + + Штампач налепница + Штампач налепница + Label Printer Definition + + + + + + + + Label printer Function + Label printer Function + Function of Label Printer + + + + + + + + Регистрација система + Регистрација + Регистрација система + The System Registration helps Adempiere to help the installed base + + + + + + + Инфорамција о провери + Информација о провери + Верификационе информације о имејл адреси + Ово поље садржи додатне информације о томе како је имејл био проверен + + + + + + + Класа (Class) криптовања + Класа (Class) криптовања + Encryption Class used for securing data content + The class needs to implement the interface org.compiere.util.SecureInterface. +You enable it by setting the COMPIERE_SECURE parameter of your Client and Server start scripts to the custom class. + + + + + + + Подножје центар + Подножје центар + Content of the center portion of the footer. + + + + + + + + Подножје лево + Подножје лево + Content of the left portion of the footer. + + + + + + + + Подножје десно + Подножје десно + Content of the right portion of the footer. + + + + + + + + Функција префикс + Функција префикс + Подаци послати пре функције + + + + + + + + Функција суфикс + Функција суфикс + Подаци послати после функције + + + + + + + + Минимално дана гарантовања + Мин гарантовања + Minumum number of guarantee days + When selecting batch/products with a guarantee date, the minimum left guarantee days for automatic picking. You can pick any batch/product manually. + + + + + + + Заглавље центар + Заглавље центар + Content of the center portion of the header. + + + + + + + + Заглавље лево + Заглавље лево + Content of the left portion of the header. + + + + + + + + Заглавље десно + Заглавље десно + Content of the right portion of the header. + + + + + + + + Информације индустрије + Информације индустрије + Information of the industry (e.g. professional service, distribution of furnitures, ..) + Description if the industry ad precise as possible. + + + + + + + Врста залиха + Врста залиха + Type of inventory difference + The type of inventory difference determines which account is used. The default is the Inventory Difference account defined for the warehouse. Alternatively, you could select any charge. This allows you to account for Internal Use or extraordinary inventory losses. + + + + + + + Дозвољено за објаву + Дозвољено за објаву + You allow to publish the information, not just statistical summary info + + + + + + + + Може да извезе + Може да извезе + Users with this role can export data + You can restrict the ability to export data from Adempiere. + + + + + + + Може извештаје + Може извештаје + Users with this role can create reports + You can restrict the ability to report on data. + + + + + + + У производњи + У производњи + The system is in production + + + + + + + + Израчунај максимум (?) + Изр макс + Calculate the maximim amount + Calculate the Maximum (?) of the data if the field is numeric, otherwise maximum length of the field. + + + + + + + Израчунај минимум (?) + Изр мин + Calculate the minimum amount + Calculate the Minimum (?) of the data if the field is numeric, otherwise minimum length of the field. + + + + + + + Лични приступ + Лични приступ + Allow access to all personal records + Users of this role have access to all records locked as personal. + + + + + + + Лично закључавање + Лично закључавање + Allow users with role to lock access to personal records + If enabled, the user with the role can prevent access of others to personal records. If a record is locked, only the user or people who can read personal locked records can see the record. + + + + + + + Регистровано + Регистровано + The application is registered. + + + + + + + + Покретни тотал + Покретни тотал + Create a running total (sum) + A running total creates a sum at the end of a page and on the top of the next page for all colums, which have a Sum function. You should define running total only once per format. + + + + + + + Прикажи рачуноводство + Прикажи рачуноводство + Users with this role can see accounting information + This allows to prevent access to any accounting information. + + + + + + + XY Position + XY Position + The Function is XY position + This function positions for the next print operation + + + + + + + Ставка укупно + Ставка укупно + Total line amount incl. Порез + Total line amount + + + + + + + Obscure + Obscure + Type of obscuring the data (limiting the display) + + + + + + + + Platform Info + Platform + Information about Server and Client Platform + Include information on Server, Network [Operating System, RAM, Disk, CPUs] and (number of) Clients. + + + + + + + Running Total Lines + RT Lines + Create Running Total Lines (page break) every x lines + When you want to print running totals, enter the number of lines per page after you want to create a running total line and page break. You should define running total only once per format. + + + + + + + XY Separator + XY Separator + The separator between the X and Y function. + + + + + + + + Опис издања + Опис издања + Description of the Issue line + + + + + + + + Издање ставка + Издање ставка + Line number of the issue + + + + + + + + Ставка марже + Ставка марже + Маржа ставке - планиран износ минус трошкови + + + + + + + + Врста приступа + Врста приступа + The type of access for this rule + If you restrict Access to the entity, you also cannot Report or Export it (i.e. to have access is a requirement that you can report or export the data). The Report and Export rules are further restrictions if you have access. + + + + + + + Зависни ентитети + Зависни ентитети + Also check access in dependent entities + Also dependent entities are included. Please be aware, that enabling this rule has severe consequences and that this is only wanted in some circumstances. +<p>Example Rule: "Include Payment Term Immediate with Dependent Entities" +<br>Primary effect: users with this role can only select the payment term Immediate +<br>Secondary effect (dependent entities): users with this role can see only invoices/orders with the payment term immediate. + + + + + + + Character Data + Character Data + Long Character Field + + + + + + + + Креирај уплату + Креирај уплату + + + + + + + + + EFT Memo + EFT Memo + Electronic Funds Transfer Memo + Information from EFT media + + + + + + + EFT Payee + EFT Payee + Electronic Funds Transfer Payee information + Information from EFT media + + + + + + + EFT Payee Account + EFT Payee Account + Electronic Funds Transfer Payyee Account Information + Information from EFT media + + + + + + + EFT Reference + EFT Reference + Electronic Funds Transfer Reference + Information from EFT media + + + + + + + EFT Trx ID + EFT Trx ID + Electronic Funds Transfer Transaction ID + Information from EFT media + + + + + + + EFT Trx Type + EFT Trx Type + Electronic Funds Transfer Transaction Type + Information from EFT media + + + + + + + Рок трајања + Рок трајања + Shelf Life Days remaning to Guarantee Date (minus minimum guarantee days) + Shelf Life of products with Guarantee Date instance compared to today minus the minimum guaranteed days. +(Guarantee Date-Today) – Min Guarantee Days + + + + + + + Доступна количина + Доступна кол + Available Quantity (On Hand - Reserved) + Quantity available to promise = On Hand minus Reserved Quantity + + + + + + + Remaining Shelf Life % + Rem Shelf Life % + Remaining shelf life in percent based on Guarantee Date + (Guarantee Date-Today) / Guarantee Days + + + + + + + Min Shelf Life % + Min Shelf Life % + Minimum Shelf Life in percent based on Product Instance Guarantee Date + Miminum Shelf Life of products with Guarantee Date instance. If > 0 you cannot select products with a shelf life ((Guarantee Date-Today) / Guarantee Days) less than the minum shelf life, unless you select "Show All" + + + + + + + Доспеће данас + Доспеће данас + + + + + + + + + Доспеће данас-30 + Доспеће данас-30 + + + + + + + + + Доспеће данас-7 + Доспеће данас-7 + + + + + + + + + Доспеће 1-7 + Доспеће 1-7 + + + + + + + + + Доспеће 31-60 + Доспеће 31-60 + + + + + + + + + Доспеће > 31 + Доспеће > 31 + + + + + + + + + Доспеће 61-90 + Доспеће 61-90 + + + + + + + + + Доспеће > 61 + Доспеће > 61 + + + + + + + + + Доспеће 8-30 + Доспеће 8-30 + + + + + + + + + Доспеће > 91 + Доспеће > 91 + + + + + + + + + Past Due 1-30 + Past Due 1-30 + + + + + + + + + Past Due 1-7 + Past Due 1-7 + + + + + + + + + Past Due 31-60 + Past Due 31-60 + + + + + + + + + Past Due > 31 + Past Due > 31 + + + + + + + + + Past Due 61-90 + Past Due 61-90 + + + + + + + + + Past Due > 61 + Past Due > 61 + + + + + + + + + Past Due 8-30 + Past Due 8-30 + + + + + + + + + Past Due > 91 + Past Due > 91 + + + + + + + + + Past Due + Past Due + + + + + + + + + Списак рачуна + Списак рачуна + Укључити списак рачуна + + + + + + + + Mandatory Guarantee Date + Mandatory Guarantee Date + The entry of a Guarantee Date is mandatory when creating a Product Instance + + + + + + + + Обавезна шаржа + Обавезна шаржа + The entry of Lot info is mandatory when creating a Product Instance + + + + + + + + Серијски број је обавезан + Серијски број је обавезан + The entry of a Serial No is mandatory when creating a Product Instance + + + + + + + + Min Shelf Life Days + Min Shelf Life Days + Minimum Shelf Life in days based on Product Instance Guarantee Date + Miminum Shelf Life of products with Guarantee Date instance. If > 0 you cannot select products with a shelf life less than the minum shelf life, unless you select "Show All" + + + + + + + Shelf Life Days + Shelf Life Days + Shelf Life in days based on Product Instance Guarantee Date + Shelf Life of products with Guarantee Date instance compared to today. + + + + + + + Partner Tax ID + BP Tax TD + Tax ID of the Business Partner + + + + + + + + Backordered + Backordered + Backordered Quantity + Calculated: ordered - delivered quantity + + + + + + + Старатегија расподеле + Расподела + Старатегија расподеле + Allocation from incoming to outgoing transactions + + + + + + + Out Shipment Line + Out Shipment Line + Outgoing Shipment/Receipt + + + + + + + + Излаз залиха ставка + Излаз залиха ставка + Outgoing Inventory Line + + + + + + + + Out Production Line + Out Production Line + Outgoing Production Line + + + + + + + + Out Transaction + Out Transaction + Outgoing Transaction + + + + + + + + Девијација рачунања (?) + Девијација + Calculate Standard Deviation + The Standard Deviation (?) is the a measure of dispersion - used in combination with the Mean (?) + + + + + + + Calculate Variance (?�) + Варијанса + Calculate Variance + The Variance (?�) is the a measure of dispersion - used in combination with the Mean (?) + + + + + + + Featured in Web Store + Featured + If selected, the product is displayed in the inital or any empy search + In the display of products in the Web Store, the product is displayed in the inital view or if no search criteria are entered. To be displayed, the product must be in the price list used. + + + + + + + Врста валуте + Врста валуте + Currency Conversion Rate Type + The Currency Conversion Rate Type lets you define different type of rates, e.g. Spot, Corporate and/or Sell/Buy rates. + + + + + + + Currency Type Key + Currency Conversion Type + Key value for the Currency Conversion Rate Type + The date type key for the conversion of foreign currency transactions + + + + + + + Складиште + Складиште + Назив складишта + + + + + + + + Распоред плаћања исправан + Распоред плаћања исправан + Is the Payment Schedule is valid + Payment Schedules allow to have multiple due dates. + + + + + + + Branch ID + Branch ID + Bank Branch ID + Dependent on the loader, you may have to provide a bank branch ID + + + + + + + Bank Statement Loader + Bank Statement Loader + Definition of Bank Statement Loader (SWIFT, OFX) + The loader definition privides the parameters to load bank statements from EFT formats like SWIFT (MT940) or OFX + + + + + + + Формат датума + Формат датума + Date format used in the imput format + The date format is usually detected, but sometimes need to be defined. + + + + + + + EFT Amount + EFT Amount + Electronic Funds Transfer Amount + + + + + + + + EFT Check No + EFT Check No + Electronic Funds Transfer Check No + Information from EFT media + + + + + + + EFT Currency + EFT Currency + Electronic Funds Transfer Currency + Information from EFT media + + + + + + + EFT Statement Date + EFT Statement Date + Electronic Funds Transfer Statement Date + Information from EFT media + + + + + + + EFT Statement Line Date + EFT Statement Line Date + Electronic Funds Transfer Statement Line Date + Information from EFT media + + + + + + + EFT Statement Reference + EFT Statement Reference + Electronic Funds Transfer Statement Reference + Information from EFT media + + + + + + + EFT Effective Date + EFT Effective Date + Electronic Funds Transfer Valuta (effective) Date + Information from EFT media + + + + + + + Назив датотеке + Назив датотеке + Name of the local file or URL + Name of a file in the local directory space - or URL (file://.., http://.., ftp://..) + + + + + + + Financial Institution ID + Financial Institution ID + The ID of the Financial Institution / Bank + Depending on the loader, it might require a ID of the financial institution + + + + + + + Payment Document No + Payment Document No + Document number of the Payment + + + + + + + + PIN + PIN + Personal Identification Number + + + + + + + + Statement Line Date + Statement Line Date + Date of the Statement Line + + + + + + + + Statement Loader Class + Statement Loader Class + Class name of the bank statement loader + The name of the actual bank statement loader implementing the interface org.compiere.impexp.BankStatementLoaderInterface + + + + + + + Create Reciprocal Rate + Create Reciprocal + Create Reciprocal Rate from current information + If selected, the imported USD->EUR rate is used to create/calculate the reciprocal rate EUR->USD. + + + + + + + Import Conversion Rate + Import Conversion Rate + Import Currency Conversion Rate + + + + + + + + ISO Currency To Code + ISO Currency To + Three letter ISO 4217 Code of the To Currency + For details - http://www.unece.org/trade/rec/rec09en.htm + + + + + + + User Substitute + User Substitute + Substitute of the user + A user who can act for another user. + + + + + + + Parent Organization + Parent Org + Parent (superior) Organization + Parent Organization - the next level in the organizational hierarchy. + + + + + + + Workflow Activity + Wf Activity + Workflow Activity + The Workflow Activity is the actual Workflow Node in a Workflow Process instance + + + + + + + Workflow Activity Result + Wf Activity Result + Result of the Workflow Process Activity + Activity Result of the execution of the Workflow Process Instrance + + + + + + + Workflow Block + Wf Block + Workflow Transaction Execution Block + A workflow execution block is optional and allows all work to be performed in a single transaction. If one step (node activity) fails, the entire work is rolled back. + + + + + + + Workflow Event Audit + Wf Event Audit + Workflow Process Activity Event Audit Information + History of chenges ov the Workflow Process Activity + + + + + + + Workflow Node Parameter + Wf Node Parameter + Workflow Node Execution Parameter + Parameter for the execution of the Workflow Node + + + + + + + Процес радног тока + Wf Process + Actual Workflow Process Instance + Instance of a workflow execution + + + + + + + Workflow Process Data + Wf Process Data + Workflow Process Context + Context information of the workflow process and activity + + + + + + + Одговоран за радни ток + Wf Responsible + Лице одговорно за извршавање радног тока + The ultimate responsibility for a workflow is with an actual user. The Workflow Responsible allows to define ways to find that actual User. + + + + + + + Назив особине + Назив особине + Name of the Attribute + Identifier of the attribute + + + + + + + Вредност особине + Вредност особине + Value of the Attribute + Adempiere converts the (string) field values to the attribute data type. Booleans (Yes-No) may have the values "true" and "false", the date format is YYYY-MM-DD + + + + + + + Аутор + Аутор + Author/Creator of the Entity + + + + + + + + Коштање + Коштање + Cost information + + + + + + + + Трајање + Трајање + Normal Duration in Duration Unit + Expected (normal) Length of time for the execution + + + + + + + Јединица трајања + Јединица трајања + Unit of Duration + Unit to define the length of time for the execution + + + + + + + Finish Mode + Finish Mode + Workflow Activity Finish Mode + How the system operated at the end of an activity. Automatic implies return when the invoked applications finished control - Manual the user has to explicitly terminate the activity. + + + + + + + Duration Limit + Limit + Maximum Duration in Duration Unit + Maximum (critical) Duration for time management purposes (e.g. starting an escalation procedure, etc.) in Duration Units. + + + + + + + Врста одговорности + Врста одговорности + Type of the Responsibility for a workflow + Type how the responsible user for the execution of a workflow is determined + + + + + + + Start Mode + Start Mode + Workflow Activity Start Mode + How is the execution of an activity triggered. Automatic are triggered implicitly by the system, Manual explicitly by the User. + + + + + + + Subflow Execution + Subflow Execution + Mode how the sub-workflow is executed + + + + + + + + Transition Code + Transition Code + Code resulting in TRUE of FALSE + The transition is executed, if the code results in TRUE (or is empty) + + + + + + + Waiting Time + Waiting Time + Workflow Simulation Waiting time + Amount of time needed to prepare the performance of the task on Duration Units + + + + + + + Workflow State + Wf State + State of the execution of the workflow + + + + + + + + Working Time + Working Time + Workflow Simulation Execution Time + Amount of time the performer of the activity needs to perform the task in Duration Unit + + + + + + + Врста догађаја + Врста догађаја + Type of Event + + + + + + + + Join Element + Join Element + Semantics for multiple incoming Transitions + Semantics for multiple incoming Transitions for a Node/Activity. AND joins all concurrent threads - XOR requires one thread (no synchronization). + + + + + + + Split Element + Split Element + Semantics for multiple outgoing Transitions + Semantics for multiple outgoing Transitions for a Node/Activity. AND represents multiple concurrent threads - XOR represents the first transition with a true Transaition condition. + + + + + + + Publication Status + Publication Status + Status of Publication + Used for internal documentation + + + + + + + Регистрација + Регистрација + Регистрација корисничких средстава + User Registration of an Asset + + + + + + + Registration Attribute + Registration Attribute + Asset Registration Attribute + Define the individual values for the Asset Registration + + + + + + + Ставка пореза укупно + Ставка укупно + Tax Line Total Amount + + + + + + + + Accounted Amount + Accounted + Amount Balance in Currency of Accounting Schema + + + + + + + + Source Amount + Source + Amount Balance in Source Currency + + + + + + + + Update Balances + UpdateBalances + Update Accounting Balances first (not required for subsequent runs) + + + + + + + + Мод одржавања + Мод одржавања + Language Maintenance Mode + + + + + + + + Accept Direct Debit + Директан депозит + Accept Direct Debits (vendor initiated) + Accept Direct Debit transactions. Direct Debits are initiated by the vendor who has permission to deduct amounts from the payee's account. + + + + + + + Уклапање извода + Уклапање извода + Algorithm to match Bank Statement Info to Business Partners, Invoices and Payments + An algorithm to find Business Partners, Invoices, Payments in imported Bank Statements. The class needs to implement org.compiere.impexp.BankStatementMatcherInterface + + + + + + + Match Statement + Match Statement + + + + + + + + + Header Stroke + Hdr Stroke + Width of the Header Line Stroke + The width of the header line stroke (line thickness) in Points. + + + + + + + Header Stroke Type + Hdr Stroke Type + Type of the Header Line Stroke + Type of the line printed + + + + + + + Paint Header Lines + Header Lines + Paint Lines over/under the Header Line + If selected, a line is painted above and below the header line using the stroke information + + + + + + + Line Stroke + Line Stroke + Width of the Line Stroke + The width of the line stroke (line thickness) in Points. + + + + + + + Line Stroke Type + Line Stroke Type + Type of the Line Stroke + Type of the line printed + + + + + + + Повезана организација + Повезана орг + The Business Partner is another Organization for explicit Inter-Org transactions + The business partner is another organization in the system. So when performing transactions, the counter-document is created automatically. Example: You have BPartnerA linked to OrgA and BPartnerB linked to OrgB. If you create a sales order for BPartnerB in OrgA a purchase order is created for BPartnerA in OrgB. This allows to have explicit documents for Inter-Org transactions. + + + + + + + Врста организације + Врста орг + Organization Type allows you to categorize your organizations + Organization Type allows you to categorize your organizations for reporting purposes + + + + + + + Распоред + Распоред + Schedule Processes + Schedule processes to be executed asynchronously + + + + + + + Scheduler Log + Scheduler Log + Result of the execution of the Scheduler + Result of the execution of the Scheduler + + + + + + + Процесор радних токова + Процесор радних токова + Workflow Processor Server + Workflow Processor Server + + + + + + + Workflow Processorl Log + Workflow Processor Log + Result of the execution of the Workflow Processor + Result of the execution of the Workflow Processor + + + + + + + Лицитација + Лицитација + Bid for a Topic + You can create a bid for a topic. Depening on the type, the highest bidder wins the Topic - or you participate in funding for a Topic. + + + + + + + Лицитација коментар + Лицитација коментар + Make a comment to a Bid Topic + Everyone can give comments concerning a Bid Topic - e.g. Questions, Suggestions + + + + + + + Фондови купца + Фондови купца + Buyer Funds for Bids on Topics + Available Funds (from Payments) and Committed or Uncommited funds for Bids + + + + + + + Понуда + Понуда + Offer for a Topic + You can create an offer for a topic. + + + + + + + Seller Funds + Seller Funds + Seller Funds from Offers on Topics + Available Funds (for Payments) and Committed or Uncommited funds from Offers + + + + + + + Поглавље + Поглавље + Auction Topic + Description of the item to sell or create. + + + + + + + Topic Category + Topic Category + Auction Topic Category + For an Auction Topic Type, define the different Categories used. + + + + + + + Topic Type + Topic Type + Врста области аукције + The Auction Topic Type determines what kind of auction is used for a particular area + + + + + + + Рачуноводствени процесор + Рачуноводствени процесор + Accounting Processor/Server Parameters + Accounting Processor/Server Parameters + + + + + + + Accounting Processor Log + Acct Processor Log + Result of the execution of the Accounting Processor + Result of the execution of the Accounting Processor + + + + + + + Обрађивач аларма + Обрађивач аларма + Alert Processor/Server Parameter + Alert Processor/Server Parameter + + + + + + + Alert Processor Log + Alert Processor Log + Result of the execution of the Alert Processor + Result of the execution of the Alert Processor + + + + + + + Односи са партнерима + Односи са партнерима + Business Partner Relation + Business Partner Relation allow to maintain Third Party Relationship rules: who receives invoices for shipments or pays for invoices. + + + + + + + Related Partner + Related Partner + Related Business Partner + The related Business Partner Acts on behalf of the Business Partner - example the Related Partner pays invoices of the Business Partner - or we pay to the Related Partner for invoices received from the Business Partner + + + + + + + Related Partner Location + Related Partner Location + Location of the related Business Partner + + + + + + + + Захтеви за понуду + Захтеви за понуду + Request for Quotation + Request for Quotation to be sent out to vendors of a RfQ Topic. After Vendor selection, optionally create Sales Order or Quote for Customer as well as Purchase Order for Vendor(s) + + + + + + + Област захтева за понуду + Област захтева за понуду + Topic for Request for Quotations + A Request for Quotation Topic allows you to maintain a subscriber list of potential Vendors to respond to RfQs + + + + + + + RfQ Subscriber + RfQ Subscriber + Request for Quotation Topic Subscriber + Subcriber to invite to respond to RfQs + + + + + + + RfQ Line + RfQ Line + Request for Quotation Line + Request for Quotation Line + + + + + + + RfQ Line Quantity + RfQ Line Qty + Request for Quotation Line Quantity + You may request a quotation for different quantities + + + + + + + RfQ Response Line + RfQ Response Line + Request for Quotation Response Line + Request for Quotation Response Line from a potential Vendor + + + + + + + RfQ Response Line Qty + RfQ Response Line Qty + Request for Quotation Response Line Quantity + Request for Quotation Response Line Quantity from a potential Vendor + + + + + + + Испорука претплате + Испорука претплате + Optional Delivery Record for a Subscription + Record of deliveries for a subscription + + + + + + + Претплата + Претплата + Subscription of a Business Partner of a Product to renew + Subscription of a Business Partner of a Product to renew + + + + + + + Врста претплате + Врста претплате + Type of subscription + Subscription type and renewal frequency + + + + + + + Потврђена количина + Потврђена кол + Confirmation of a received quantity + Confirmation of a received quantity + + + + + + + Креирајте наруџбеницу набавке + Креирајте наруџбеницу набавке + Креирајте налог за набавку + + + + + + + + Create SO + Create SO + + + + + + + + + Датум одговора + Датум одговора + Date of the Response + Date of the Response + + + + + + + Завршетак рада + Завршетак рада + Date when work is (planned to be) complete + + + + + + + + Почетак рада + Почетак рада + Date when work is (planned to be) started + + + + + + + + Испорука дана + Испорука дана + Number of Days (planned) until Delivery + + + + + + + + Доспеће + Доспеће + Subscription Renewal is Due + + + + + + + + Грешка + Грешка + An Error occured in the execution + + + + + + + + Интерно + Интерно + Internal Organization + + + + + + + + У транзиту + У транзиту + Movement is in transit + Material Movement is in transit - shipped, but not received. +The transaction is completed, if confirmed. + + + + + + + Invited Vendors Only + Invited Vendors + Only invited vendors can respond to an RfQ + The Request for Quotation is only visible to the invited vendors + + + + + + + Понуђена количина + Offer Qty + This quantity is used in the Offer to the Customer + When multiple quantities are used in an Request for Quotation, the selected Quantity is used for generating the offer. If none selected the lowest number is used. + + + + + + + Објављено + Објављено + The Topic is published and can be viewed + If not selected, the Topic is not visible to the general public. + + + + + + + Purchase Quantity + Purchase Qty + This quantity is used in the Purchase Order to the Supplier + When multiple quantities are used in an Request for Quotation, the selected Quantity is used for generating the purchase order. If none selected the lowest number is used. + + + + + + + Прорачун свих количина + Quote All Qty + Suppliers are requested to provide responses for all quantities + If selected, the response to the Request for Quotation needs to have a price for all Quantities + + + + + + + Прорачун укупног износа + Прорачун укупног износа + The respnse can have just the total amount for the RfQ + If not selected, the resonse must be provided per line + + + + + + + Одговор прихваћен + Одговор прихваћен + Are Resonses to the Request for Quotation accepted + If selected, responses for the RfQ are accepted + + + + + + + Изабрани победник/добављач + Изабрани победник/добављач + The resonse is the selected winner + The resonse is the selected winner. If selected on Response level, the line selections are ignored. + + + + + + + Willing to commit + Willing to commit + + + + + + + + + Days to keep Log + Days keep Log + Number of days to keep the log entries + Older Log entries may be deleted + + + + + + + Дистрибуциона листа + Дистрибуциона листа + Distribution Lists allow to distribute products to a selected list of partners + Distribution list contain business partners and a distribution quantity or ratio for creating Orders + + + + + + + Дистрибуциона листа линија + Дистрибуциона листа линија + Distribution List Line with Business Partner and Quantity/Percentage + The distribution can be based on Ratio, fixed quantity or both. +If the ratio and quantity is not 0, the quantity is calculated based on the ratio, but with the Quantity as a minimum. + + + + + + + Пакет + Пакет + Shipment Package + A Shipment can have one or more Packages. A Package may be individually tracked. + + + + + + + Ставка пакета + Ставка пакета + The detail content of the Package + Link to the shipment line + + + + + + + Књижно писмо + Књижно писмо + Return Material Authorization + A Return Material Authorization may be required to accept returns and to create Credit Memos + + + + + + + Ставке књижног писма + Ставке књижног писма + Return Material Authorization Line + Detail information about the returned goods + + + + + + + Минимална количина + Мин Кол + Minimum quantity for the business partner + If a minimum quantity is defined, and the quantity is based on the percentage is lower, the minimum quantity is used. + + + + + + + Чланство + Чланство + Product used to deternine the price of the membership for the topic type + A topic can require to pay a membership fee. + + + + + + + Not Committed Aount + Not Committed Amt + Amount not committed yet + + + + + + + + Износ понуде + Изн понуде + Amount of the Offer + + + + + + + + Плаћено до + Плаћено до + Subscription is paid/valid until this date + + + + + + + + Подразумевани параметар + Подразумевани параметар + Default value of the parameter + The default value can be a variable like @#Date@ + + + + + + + Payment BPartner + Payment BPartner + Business Partner responsible for the payment + + + + + + + + Локација плаћања + Локација плаћања + Location of the Business Partner responsible for the payment + + + + + + + + Преузета количина + Преузета количина + + + + + + + + + Приватна белешка + Приватна белешка + Private Note - not visible to the other parties + + + + + + + + Publish RfQ + Publish RfQ + + + + + + + + + RfQ Type + RfQ Type + Request for Quotation Type + + + + + + + + Request Processor Log + Request Processor Log + Result of the execution of the Request Processor + Result of the execution of the Request Processor + + + + + + + Пристигле информације + Пристигле информације + Information of the receipt of the package (acknowledgement) + + + + + + + + Referenced Shipment + Ref Ship + + + + + + + + + Referenced Invoice + Ref Invoice + + + + + + + + + Referenced Invoice Line + Ref Invoice Line + + + + + + + + + Referenced Order + Ref Order + Reference to corresponding Sales/Purchase Order + Reference of the Sales Order Line to the corresponding Purchase Order Line or vice versa. + + + + + + + Везан производ + Везан производ + Везан производ + + + + + + + + Related Product Type + Related Product Type + + + + + + + + + Датум обнове + Датум обнове + + + + + + + + + Лоша количина + Лоша кол + The Quantity scrapped due to QA issues + + + + + + + + Циљана количина + Циљана кол + Target Movement Quantity + The Quantity which should have been received + + + + + + + Детаљи + Детаљи + + + + + + + + + Текстуална порука + Порука + Текстуална порука + + + + + + + + Тема акција + Тема акција + + + + + + + + + Тема статус + Тема статус + + + + + + + + + Информације праћења + Информације праћења + + + + + + + + + Врста аукције + Врста аукције + + + + + + + + + Датум одлуке + Датум одлуке + + + + + + + + + Referenced Shipment Line + Ref Ship Line + + + + + + + + + Одговори захтева за понудама + Одговори захтева за понудама + Request for Quotation Response from a potential Vendor + Request for Quotation Response from a potential Vendor + + + + + + + Креирај један налог + Креирај један налог + For all shipments create one Order + + + + + + + + Alert Recipient + Alert Recipient + Recipient of the Alert Notification + You can send the notifications to users or roles + + + + + + + Scheduler Recipient + Scheduler Recipient + Recipient of the Scheduler Notification + You can send the notifications to users or roles + + + + + + + Tax ZIP + Tax ZIP + Tax Postal/ZIP + For local tax, you may have to define a list of (ranges of) postal codes or ZIPs + + + + + + + Тражени датум + Тражени датум + Date when required + + + + + + + + Требовање + Требовање + Требовање материјала + + + + + + + + Requisition Line + Requisition Line + Material Requisition Line + + + + + + + + Дан у месецу + Месец дан + Day of the month 1 to 28/29/30/31 + + + + + + + + ZIP To + ZIP To + Postal code to + Conecutive range to + + + + + + + Рангирање + Рангирање + Relative Rank Number + One is the highest Rank + + + + + + + Врста распореда + Врста распореда + Type of schedule + Define the method how the next occurance is calculated + + + + + + + Дан у недељи + Недеља дан + Дан у недељи + + + + + + + + Копирај ставке + Копирај ставке + + + + + + + + + Белешка прилога + Белешка прилога + Personal Attachment Note + + + + + + + + Transition Condition + Услов + Workflow Node Transition Condition + Optional restriction of transition of one node to the next + + + + + + + Node Transition + Transition + Workflow Node Transition + The Next Nodes Tab defines the order or Nodes or Steps in a Workflow. + + + + + + + Validate Workflow + Validateworkflow + + + + + + + + + Време чекања + Време чекања + Time in minutes to wait (sleep) + Time in minutes to be suspended (sleep) + + + + + + + Workflow Key + Радни ток + Key of the Workflow to start + + + + + + + + Транзитна продаја + Транзитна продаја + Drop Shipments are sent from the Vendor directly to the Customer + Drop Shipments do not cause any Inventory reservations or movements as the Shipment is from the Vendor's inventory. The Shipment of the Vendor to the Customer must be confirmed. + + + + + + + Одобри властите документе + Одобри властите + Users with this role can approve their own documents + If a user cannot approve their own documents (orders, etc.), it needs to be approved by someone else. + + + + + + + Увек ажурирајући + Увек ажурирајући + The column is always updateable, even if the record is not active or processed + If selected and if the winow / tab is not read only, you can always update the column. This might be useful for comments, etc. + + + + + + + ГК дистрибуција + ГК дистрибуција + Главна књига - дистрибуција + If the account combination criteria of the Distribution is met, the posting to the account combination is replaced by the account combinations of the distribution lines. The distribution is prorated based on the ratio of the lines. The distribution must be valid to be used. + + + + + + + GL Distribution Line + GL Distribution Line + General Ledger Distribution Line + If the account combination criteria of the Distribution is met, the posting to the account combination is replaced by the account combinations of the distribution lines. The distribution is prorated based on the ratio of the lines. + + + + + + + Однос + Однос + Relative Ratio for Distributions + The relative weight of an distribution. If the total of all ratios is 100, it is the same as percent. + + + + + + + Total Ratio + Total Ratio + Total of relative weight in a distribution + The total relative weight of an distribution. If the total of all ratios is 100, it is the same as percent. + + + + + + + Протекло време мс + Протекло време + Elapsed Time in mili seconds + Elapsed Time in mili seconds + + + + + + + Позван + Позван + Date when (last) invitation was sent + + + + + + + + Send RfQ Invitation to Vendors + Send RfQ to Vendor + Send the RfQ Invitation to the Vendors + + + + + + + + Ставка завршавања посла + Ставка завршавања посла + Date when line work is (planned to be) complete + + + + + + + + Ставка почетак посла + Ставка почетак посла + Date when line work is (planned to be) started + + + + + + + + Ставка дани испоруке + Ставка дани испоруке + + + + + + + + + Ставка помоћ/коментар + Ставка коментар + + + + + + + + + Цена количине + Цена кол + + + + + + + + + Рангирање количине + Рангирање кол + + + + + + + + + Rank RfQ + Rank RfQ + + + + + + + + + Крај чекања + Крај чекања + End of sleep time + End of suspension (sleep) + + + + + + + Покретање дистрибуције + Покретање дистрибуције + Distribution Run create Orders to distribute products to a selected list of partners + Distribution Run defines how Orders are created based on Distribution Lists + + + + + + + Distribution Run Line + Distribution Run Line + Distribution Run Lines define Distribution List, the Product and Quantiries + The order amount is based on the greater of the minimums of the product or distribution list and the quantity based on the ratio. + + + + + + + Укупна количина + Укупна кол + Укупна количина + + + + + + + + Start Implementation/Production + Start Implementation/Production + The day you started the implementation (if implementing) - or production (went life) with Adempiere + + + + + + + + Одржавање статистике + Одржавање статистике + Maintain general statistics + Mainatan and allow to transfer general statistics (number of clients, orgs, business partners, users, products, invoices) to get a better feeling for the application use. This information is not published. + + + + + + + Дневник приступа + Дневник приступа + Log of Access to the System + + + + + + + + Реплика + Реплика + Реплика или одговор + + + + + + + + Бројач документа + Бројач документа + Веза бројача документа + When using explicit documents for inter-org transaction (after linking a Business Partner to an Organization), you can determine what document type the counter document is based on the document type of the original transaction. Example: a "Standard Order" creates a "Standard PO". +If you define a relationship here, you overwrite the default counter document type in the Document Type definition. This allows you to define a specific mapping. + + + + + + + Бројач документ врста + Counter Doc Type + Generated Counter Document Type (To) + The Document Type of the generated counter document + + + + + + + Тражња + Тражња + Тражња материјала + Material Demand can be based on Forecast, Requisitions, Open Orders + + + + + + + Тражња детаљи + Тражња детаљи + Material Demand Line Source Detail + Source Link for Material Demand Lines + + + + + + + Тражња ставка + Тражња ставка + Material Demand Line + Demand for a product in a period + + + + + + + Предвиђање + Предвиђање + Material Forecast + Material Forecast + + + + + + + Предвиђање линија + Предвиђање линија + Предвиђање линија + Forecast of Product Qyantity by Period + + + + + + + Израчуната количина + Calculated Qty + Израчуната количина + + + + + + + + Std User Workflow + Std User Workflow + Standard Manual User Approval Workflow + If selected, only documents with an open status (drafted, in progress, approved, rejected, invalid) and standard user actions (prepare, complete, approve, reject) are allowed to continue. Use this to prevent having to define details on how automatic processes (unlock, invalidate, post, re-activate) and when the document is closed for normal user action (completed, waiting, closed, voided, reversed). + + + + + + + Invoice Tax ID + Invoice Tax ID + + + + + + + + + Invoice Partner Key + Invoice Partner Key + + + + + + + + + Адреса рачуна + Адреса рачуна + Address Used for Invoicing + + + + + + + + Рачун име контакта + Рачун име контакта + + + + + + + + + Рачун назив + Рачун назив + + + + + + + + + Рачун назив2 + Рачун назив2 + + + + + + + + + Рачун телефон + Рачун телефон + + + + + + + + + Рачун наслов + Рачун наслов + + + + + + + + + BP Name + BP Name + + + + + + + + + BP Name2 + BP Name2 + + + + + + + + + Износ најбоље понуде + Најбоља понуда + Износ најбоље понуде + Filled by Rank Response Process + + + + + + + Провера завршена + Провера завршена + + + + + + + + + Стабло активности + Стабло активности + Tree to determine activity hierarchy + Trees are used for (finanial) reporting + + + + + + + Стабло кампање + Стабло кампање + Tree to determine marketing campaign hierarchy + Trees are used for (finanial) reporting + + + + + + + Use Beta Functions + Use Beta + Enable the use of Beta Functionality + The exact scope of Beta Functionality is listed in the release note. It is usually not recommended to enable Beta functionality in production environments. + + + + + + + Default Counter Document + Default Counter Doc + The document type is the default counter document type + When using explicit documents for inter-org transaction (after linking a Business Partner to an Organization), you can determine what document type the counter document is based on the document type of the original transaction. Example: when generating a Sales Order, use this Sales Order document type. +This default can be overwritten by defining explicit counter document relationships. + + + + + + + Прекини процес + Прекини процес + Прекини текући процес + + + + + + + + Врста потврде + Врста потврде + Врста потврде + + + + + + + + Креирај потврду + Креирај потврду + + + + + + + + + Pick/QA Confirmation + Pick/QA Confirm + Require Pick or QA Confirmation before processing + The processing of the Shipment (Receipt) requires Pick (QA) Confirmation. Note that shipments for automatic documents like POS/Warehouse Orders cannot have confirmations! + + + + + + + Потврда испоруке/пријема + Потврда испоруке/пријема + Require Ship or Receipt Confirmation before processing + The processing of the Shipment (Receipt) requires Ship (Receipt) Confirmation. Note that shipments for automatic documents like POS/Warehouse Orders cannot have confirmations! + + + + + + + Потврда испоруке/пријема + Потврда испоруке/пријема + Потврда пријема или испоруке + Confirmation of Shipment or Receipt - Created from the Shipment/Receipt + + + + + + + Ship/Receipt Confirmation Line + Ship/Receipt Confirm Line + Material Shipment or Receipt Confirmation Line + Детаљи потврде + + + + + + + Креирај пакет + Креирај пакет + + + + + + + + + Разлика + Разлика + Difference Quantity + + + + + + + + Висина прозора + Проз. вис. + + + + + + + + + Ширина прозора + Проз. шир. + + + + + + + + + Врста књижног писма + Врста књижног писма + Врста овере књижних писама + Врста књижних писама + + + + + + + Отказано + Отказано + Трансакција је отказана + + + + + + + + Опис превоза + Опис превоза + + + + + Receipt Decription + Receipt Description + + + Износ одобрења + Износ одоб + Document Approval Amount + Approval Amount for Workflow + + + + + + + Allocation Line + Allocation Line + Allocation Line + Allocation of Cash/Payment to Invoice + + + + + + + Mandatory Type + Mandatory Type + The specification of a Product Attribute Instance is mandatory + + + + + + + + Цена фактурасана + Цена фактурасана + The priced invoiced to the customer (in the currency of the customer's AR price list) - 0 for default price + The invoiced price is derived from the Invoice Price entered and can be overwritten. If the price is 0, the default price on the customer's invoice is used. + + + + + + + Price Reimbursed + Price Reimbursed + The reimbursed price (in currency of the employee's AP price list) + The reimbursed price is derived from the converted price and can be overwritten when approving the expense report. + + + + + + + Quantity Reimbursed + Qty Reimbursed + The reimbursed quantity + The reimbursed quantity is derived from the entered quantity and can be overwritten when approving the expense report. + + + + + + + Документ разлике + Док разлике + Document type for generating in dispute Shipments + If the confirmation contains differences, the original document is split allowing the original document (shipment) to be processed and updating Inventory - and the newly created document for handling the dispute at a later time. Until the confirmation is processed, the inventory is not updated. + + + + + + + Спорно + Спорно + Document is in dispute + The document is in dispute. Use Requests to track details. + + + + + + + B.Partner Flat Discount + Partner Flat Discount + Use flat discount defined on Business Partner Level + For calculation of the discount, use the discount defined on Business Partner Level + + + + + + + Create Counter Document + Create Counter + Create Counter Document + If selected, create specified counter document. If not selected, no counter document is created for the document type. + + + + + + + LDAP User Name + LDAP User + User Name used for authorization via LDAP (directory) services + Optional LDAP system user name for the user. If not defined, the normal Name of the user is used. This allows to use the internal (LDAP) user id (e.g. jjanke) and the normal display name (e.g. Jorg Janke). The LDAP User Name can also be used without LDAP enables (see system window). This would allow to sign in as jjanke and use the display name of Jorg Janke. + + + + + + + Split when Difference + Split Difference + Split document when there is a difference + If the confirmation contains differences, the original document is split allowing the original document (shipment) to be processed and updating Inventory - and the newly created document for handling the dispute at a later time. Until the confirmation is processed, the inventory is not updated. + + + + + + + LDAP Domain + LDAP Domain + Directory service domain name - e.g. adempiere.org + If LDAP Host and Domain is specified, the user is authenticated via LDAP. The password in the User table is not used for connecting to Adempiere. + + + + + + + LDAP URL + LDAP URL + Connection String to LDAP server starting with ldap:// + LDAP connection string, e.g. ldap://dc.adempiere.org + + + + + + + Потврда премештаја + Потврда премештаја + Inventory Move Confirmation + The document is automatically created when the document type of the movement indicates In Transit. + + + + + + + Потврда ставке премештаја + Потврда ставке премештаја + Inventory Move Line Confirmation + + + + + + + + Бета функционалност + Бета функционалност + This functionality is considered Beta + Beta functionality is not fully tested or completed. + + + + + + + Адреса 3 + Адреса 3 + Address Line 3 for the location + The Address 2 provides additional address information for an entity. It can be used for building location, apartment number or similar information. + + + + + + + Адреса 4 + Адреса 4 + Address Line 4 for the location + The Address 4 provides additional address information for an entity. It can be used for building location, apartment number or similar information. + + + + + + + Подразумевана боја штампања + Подразумевана боја штампања + + + + + + + + + Default Print Font + Default Print Font + + + + + + + + + Print Item Name + Item Name + + + + + + + + + Потврда бр. + Потврда бр. + Confirmation Number + + + + + + + + Ship/Receipt Confirmation Import Line + Ship/Receipt Confirm Import Line + Material Shipment or Receipt Confirmation Import Line + Import Confirmation Line Details + + + + + + + Отворени биланс + Отворени биланс + Total Open Balance Amount in primary Accounting Currency + The Total Open Balance Amount is the calculated open item amount for Customer and Vendor activity. If the Balance is below zero, we owe the Business Partner. The amout is used for Credit Management. +Invoices and Payment Allocations determine the Open Balance (i.e. not Orders or Payments). + + + + + + + Орјентирна цена + Орјентирна цена + Price to compare responses to + + + + + + + + Пошаљи + Пошаљи + + + + + + + + + Times Dunned + # Dunned + Number of times dunned previously + + + + + + + + Бенчмарк разлика + Бенчмарк разлика + Difference between Response Price and Benchmark Price + + + + + + + + New EMail Address + New EMail Address + Enter new EMail Address - not changed if empty + + + + + + + + New EMail User ID + New EMail User ID + Enter new User ID of your internal EMail System - not changed if empty + + + + + + + + New EMail User PW + New EMail User PW + Enter new User Password of your internal EMail System - not changed if empty + + + + + + + + Нова лозинка + Нова лозинка + Enter the new password - not changed if empty + + + + + + + + Стара лозинка + Стара лозинка + Old Password is required if you are not a System Administrator + + + + + + + + Include Disputed + Include Disputed + Include disputed Invoices + + + + + + + + Само рачуне продаје + Само рачуне продаје + Otherwise also Payments and AP Invoices + + + + + + + + Врста вредности особине + Врста вредности особине + Type of Attribute Value + The Attribute Value type deternines the data/validation type + + + + + + + RfQ Quantity + RfQ Quantity + The quantity is used when generating RfQ Responses + When generating the RfQ Responses, this quantity is included + + + + + + + SLA критеријум + SLA критеријум + Service Level Agreement Criteria + Criteria to measure service level agreements (e.g. Quality, Delivery meets Promised date, ..) + + + + + + + SLA Goal + SLA Goal + Service Level Agreement Goal + Goal for the SLA criteria for the Business Partner + + + + + + + SLA Measure + SLA Measure + Service Level Agreement Measure + View/Maintain the individual actual value / measure for the business partner service level agreement goal + + + + + + + Вредност + Вредност + Бројчана вредност + + + + + + + + RfQ Topic Subscriber Restriction + RfQ Topic Subscriber Only + Include Subscriber only for certain products or product categories + Products and/or Product Categories for which the subscriber should be included. If no product / category is entered, the subscriber is requested to answer requests for all lines in a RfQ + + + + + + + ПОС терминал + Каса + Point of Sales Terminal - каса + The POS Terminal defines the defaults and functions available for the POS Form + + + + + + + Распоред тастера + Распоред тастера + POS Function Key + Define a POS Function Key + + + + + + + ПОС распоред тастера + ПОС распоред тастера + ПОС распоред функцијских тастера + ПОС распоред функцијских тастера + + + + + + + Измена цене + Измена цене + Allow modifying the price + Allow modifying the price for products with a non zero price + + + + + + + Земља + Земља + Назив земље + + + + + + + + Приступ свим организацијама + Приступ свим организацијама + Access all Organizations (no org access control) of the client + When selected, the role has access to all organizations of the client automatically. This also increases performance where you have many organizations. + + + + + + + Цена + Цена + Price Entered - the price based on the selected/base UoM + The price entered is converted to the actual price based on the UoM conversion + + + + + + + Количина + Количина + The Quantity Entered is based on the selected UoM + The Quantity Entered is converted to base product UoM quantity + + + + + + + List Prive + Каталошка цена + Entered List Price + Price List converted to entered UOM + + + + + + + Било који конто + Било који кнт + Match any value of the Account segment + If selected, any value of the account segment will match. If not selected, but no value of the accounting segment is selected, the matched value must be null (i.e. not defined). + + + + + + + Било која активност + Било која активност + Match any value of the Activity segment + If selected, any value of the account segment will match. If not selected, but no value of the accounting segment is selected, the matched value must be null (i.e. not defined). + + + + + + + Било који пословни партнер + Било који п.партнер + Match any value of the Business Partner segment + If selected, any value of the account segment will match. If not selected, but no value of the accounting segment is selected, the matched value must be null (i.e. not defined). + + + + + + + Било која кампања + Било која кампања + Match any value of the Campaign segment + If selected, any value of the account segment will match. If not selected, but no value of the accounting segment is selected, the matched value must be null (i.e. not defined). + + + + + + + Било која локација од + Било која лок од + Match any value of the Location From segment + If selected, any value of the account segment will match. If not selected, but no value of the accounting segment is selected, the matched value must be null (i.e. not defined). + + + + + + + Било која локација до + Било која лок до + Match any value of the Location To segment + If selected, any value of the account segment will match. If not selected, but no value of the accounting segment is selected, the matched value must be null (i.e. not defined). + + + + + + + Било која организација + Било која орг + Match any value of the Organization segment + If selected, any value of the account segment will match. If not selected, but no value of the accounting segment is selected, the matched value must be null (i.e. not defined). + + + + + + + Било која транс. организације + Било која транс. орг + Match any value of the Transaction Organization segment + If selected, any value of the account segment will match. If not selected, but no value of the accounting segment is selected, the matched value must be null (i.e. not defined). + + + + + + + Било који производ + Било који производ + Match any value of the Product segment + If selected, any value of the account segment will match. If not selected, but no value of the accounting segment is selected, the matched value must be null (i.e. not defined). + + + + + + + Било који пројекат + Било који пројекат + Match any value of the Project segment + If selected, any value of the account segment will match. If not selected, but no value of the accounting segment is selected, the matched value must be null (i.e. not defined). + + + + + + + Било који продајни регион + Било који продајни регион + Match any value of the Sales Region segment + If selected, any value of the account segment will match. If not selected, but no value of the accounting segment is selected, the matched value must be null (i.e. not defined). + + + + + + + Било који корисник 1 + Било који корисник 1 + Match any value of the User 1 segment + If selected, any value of the account segment will match. If not selected, but no value of the accounting segment is selected, the matched value must be null (i.e. not defined). + + + + + + + Било који корисник 2 + Било који корисник 2 + Match any value of the User 2 segment + If selected, any value of the account segment will match. If not selected, but no value of the accounting segment is selected, the matched value must be null (i.e. not defined). + + + + + + + Прилагођен префикс + Прилагођен префикс + Prefix for Custom entities + The prefix listed are ignored as customization for database or entity migration + + + + + + + Преписати преко конта + Преписати преко конта + Overwrite the account segment Account with the value specified + If not overwritten, the value of the original account combination is used. If selected, but not specified, the segment is set to null. + + + + + + + Преписати преко активности + Преписати преко активности + Overwrite the account segment Activity with the value specified + If not overwritten, the value of the original account combination is used. If selected, but not specified, the segment is set to null. + + + + + + + Преписати преко посл.партнера + Преписати преко п.партнера + Overwrite the account segment Business Partner with the value specified + If not overwritten, the value of the original account combination is used. If selected, but not specified, the segment is set to null. + + + + + + + Преписати преко кампање + Преписати преко кампање + Overwrite the account segment Campaign with the value specified + If not overwritten, the value of the original account combination is used. If selected, but not specified, the segment is set to null. + + + + + + + Преписати преко: локација од + Преписати преко: лок од + Overwrite the account segment Location From with the value specified + If not overwritten, the value of the original account combination is used. If selected, but not specified, the segment is set to null. + + + + + + + Преписати преко: локација до + Преписати преко лок. до + Overwrite the account segment Location From with the value specified + If not overwritten, the value of the original account combination is used. If selected, but not specified, the segment is set to null. + + + + + + + Преписати преко организација + Преписати преко орг + Overwrite the account segment Organization with the value specified + If not overwritten, the value of the original account combination is used. If selected, but not specified, the segment is set to null. + + + + + + + Преписати преко транс. организације + Преписати преко транс. орг + Overwrite the account segment Transaction Organization with the value specified + If not overwritten, the value of the original account combination is used. If selected, but not specified, the segment is set to null. + + + + + + + Преписати преко производа + Преписати преко производа + Overwrite the account segment Product with the value specified + If not overwritten, the value of the original account combination is used. If selected, but not specified, the segment is set to null. + + + + + + + Преписати преко пројекта + Преписати преко пројекта + Overwrite the account segment Project with the value specified + If not overwritten, the value of the original account combination is used. If selected, but not specified, the segment is set to null. + + + + + + + Преписати преко продајног региона + Преписати преко прод рег + Overwrite the account segment Sales Region with the value specified + If not overwritten, the value of the original account combination is used. If selected, but not specified, the segment is set to null. + + + + + + + Преписати преко корисника 1 + Преписати преко корисника 1 + Overwrite the account segment User 1 with the value specified + If not overwritten, the value of the original account combination is used. If selected, but not specified, the segment is set to null. + + + + + + + Преписати преко корисника 2 + Преписати преко корисника 2 + Overwrite the account segment User 2 with the value specified + If not overwritten, the value of the original account combination is used. If selected, but not specified, the segment is set to null. + + + + + + + Тотал проценат + Тотал проценат + Sum of the Percent details + + + + + + + + Формат локалне адресе + Формат локалне адресе + Формат штампе адресе у локалу + The optional Local Address Print format defines the format to be used when this address prints for the Country. If defined, this format is used for printing the address for the country rather then the standard address format. + The following notations are used: @C@=City @P@=Postal @A@=PostalAdd @R@=Region + + + + + + + Bank Account No Format + Bank Account No Format + Format of the Bank Account + + + + + + + + Bank Routing No Format + Bank Routing No Format + Format of the Bank Routing Number + + + + + + + + Reverse Local Address Lines + Reverse Local Address + Print Local Address in reverse Order + If NOT selected the local sequence is Address 1, Address 2, Address 3, Address 4, City/Region/Postal, Country. +If selected the local sequence is Country, City/Region/Postal, Address 4, Address 3, Address 2, Address 1. +The sequence of City/Region/Postal is determined by the local address format. + + + + + + + Reverse Address Lines + Reverse Address + Print Address in reverse Order + If NOT selected the sequence is Address 1, Address 2, Address 3, Address 4, City/Region/Postal, Country. +If selected the sequence is Country, City/Region/Postal, Address 4, Address 3, Address 2, Address 1. +The sequence of City/Region/Postal is determined by the address format. + + + + + + + Document Value Logic + Doc Value Logic + Logic to determine Workflow Start - If true, a workflow process is started for the document + You can enter simple logic using variables like @Created@=@Updated@, which fires, when a record is created. If you need to evaluate also values of other records, you need to use SQL logic and need to prefix this logic with "SQL=". Example: start a Order verify workflow, when a business partner ordered something and is over the credit limit "SQL=EXISTS (SELECT * FROM C_BPartner bp WHERE C_Order. C_BPartner_ID=bp. C_BPartner_ID AND SO_CreditUsed > SO_CreditLimit)". +Note that the SQL based logic checks for duplicate workflows (i.e. a workflow is started only once per record). + + + + + + + Just Migrated + Just Migrated + Value set by Migration for post-Migation tasks. + + + + + + + + Workflow Type + Workflow Type + Type of Worflow + The type of workflow determines how the workflow is started. + + + + + + + Креирај + Креирај + Create from Replenishment + + + + + + + + Details/Source First + Details/Source First + Details and Sources are printed before the Line + + + + + + + + Последње упозорење + Последње упозорење + Датум када је последње упозорење послато + The last alert date is updated when a reminder email is sent + + + + + + + Due Date Tolerance + Due Date Tolerance + Tolerance in days between the Date Next Action and the date the request is regarded as overdue + When the Date Next Action is passed, the Request becomes Due. After the Due Date Tolerance, the Request becomes Overdue. + + + + + + + Подсећање дана + Подсећање дана + Days between sending Reminder Emails for a due or inactive Document + When a document is due ot too long without activity, a reminder is sent. 0 means no reminders. +The Remind Days are the days when the next email reminder is sent. + + + + + + + EMail when Due + EMail when Due + Send EMail when Request becomes due + Send EMail when Request becomes due + + + + + + + EMail when Overdue + EMail when Overdue + Send EMail when Request becomes overdue + Send EMail when Request becomes overdue + + + + + + + Inactivity Alert Days + Inactivity Alert Days + Send Alert when there is no activity after days (0= no alert) + An email alert is sent when the request shows no activity for the number of days defined. + + + + + + + Alert over Priority + Alert over Priority + Send alert email when over priority + Send alert email when a suspended activity is over the priority defined + + + + + + + Dynamic Priority Change + Dyn Priority Change + Change of priority when Activity is suspended waiting for user + Starting with the Process / Node priority level, the priority of the suspended activity can be changed dynamically. Example +5 every 10 minutes + + + + + + + Dyn Priority Start + Dyn Priority Start + Starting priority before changed dynamically + + + + + + + + Dynamic Priority Unit + Dyn Priority Unit + Change of priority when Activity is suspended waiting for user + Starting with the Process / Node priority level, the priority of the suspended activity can be changed dynamically. Example +5 every 10 minutes + + + + + + + DB Address + DB Address + JDBC URL of the database server + + + + + + + + Назив базе података + ДБ назив + Назив базе података + + + + + + + + Processors + Processors + Number of Database Processors + + + + + + + + Other SQL Clause + Other Clause + Other SQL Clause + Any other complete clause like GROUP BY, HAVING, ORDER BY, etc. after WHERE clause. + + + + + + + Прилагођавање + Прилагођавање + The change is a customization of the data dictionary and can be applied after Migration + The migration "resets" the system to the current/original setting. If selected you can save the customization and re-apply it. Please note that you need to check, if your customization has no negative side effect in the new release. + + + + + + + Обнови + Обнови + + + + + + + + + Опозови + Опозови + + + + + + + + + Validate current (new) Value + Validate current (new) Value + Ensure that the new value of the change is the current value in the system (i.e. no change since then) + + + + + + + + Validate current (old) Value + Validate current (old) Value + Ensure that the old value of the change is the current value in the system (i.e. original situation) + + + + + + + + Only Set Customization + Only Set Customization + Set Customization for change records records with Dictionary Entity Type + + + + + + + + Accounted Balance + Биланс + Accounted Balance Amount + The Account Balance Amount indicates the transaction amount converted to this organization's accounting currency + + + + + + + Source Balance + Source Balance + Source Balance Amount + The Source Balance Amount indicates the balance amount for this line in the source currency. + + + + + + + Опис производа + Опис произв + Опис производа + Description of the product + + + + + + + jsp URL + jsp URL + Web URL of the jsp function + For the Web UI, define the URL to perform the function (usually a jsp). The URL also can be external to the system. + + + + + + + Internal Use Qty + Internal Use + Internal Use Quantity removed from Inventory + Quantity of product inventory used internally (positive if taken out - negative if returned) + + + + + + + Трансакција + Trx Name + Name of the transaction + Internal name of the transcation + + + + + + + Степен преференција + Степен преференција + Determines what preferences the user can set + Preferences allow you to define default values. If set to None, you cannot set any preference nor value preference. Only if set to Client, you can see the Record Info Change Log. + + + + + + + Overwrite Price Limit + Overwrite Price Limit + Overwrite Price Limit if the Price List enforces the Price Limit + The Price List allows to enforce the Price Limit. If set, a user with this role can overwrite the price limit (i.e. enter any price). + + + + + + + To Product + To Product + Product to be converted to (must have UOM Conversion defined to From Product) + + + + + + + + Назив производа + Назив производа + Назив производа + + + + + + + + Назив организације + Назив орг + Назив организације + + + + + + + + AP - AR + AP - AR + Include Receivables and/or Payables transactions + + + + + + + + Allocate Oldest First + Allocate Oldest First + Allocate payments to the oldest invoice + Allocate payments to the oldest invoice. There might be an unallocated amount remaining. + + + + + + + Претплата + Претплата + The Payment/Receipt is a Prepayment + Payments not allocated to an invoice with a charge are posted to Unallocated Payments. When setting this flag, the payment is posted to the Customer or Vendor Prepayment account. + + + + + + + IBAN + IBAN + International Bank Account Number + If your bank provides an International Bank Account Number, enter it here +Details ISO 13616 and http://www.ecbs.org. The account number has the maximum length of 22 characters (without spaces). The IBAN is often printed with a apace after 4 characters. Do not enter the spaces in Adempiere. + + + + + + + Прецизност цене + Прецизност цене + Прецизност (број децимала) за цену + The prices of the price list are rounded to the precision entered. This allows to have prices with below currency precision, e.g. $0.005. Enter the number of decimals or -1 for no rounding. + + + + + + + Налози са непотвђеним отпремницама + Налози са непотвђеним отпремницама + Generate shipments for Orders with open delivery confirmations? + You can also include orders who have outstanding confirmations (e.g. ordered=10 - not confirmed shipments=4 - would create a new shipment of 6 if available). + + + + + + + Arc Diameter + Arc Diameter + Arc Diameter for rounded Rectangles + Width of the horizontal/vertical diameter of the arc at the four corners + + + + + + + Попуни облик + Попуни облик + Попуни облик са изабраном бојом + + + + + + + + Shape Type + Shape Type + Type of the shape to be painted + + + + + + + + Model Validation Classes + Model Validation Classes + List of data model validation classes separated by ; + List of classes implementing the interface org.compiere.model.ModelValidator, separaed by semicolon. +The class is called for the client and alows to validate documents in the prepare stage and monitor model changes. + + + + + + + Архива + Архива + Document and Report Archive + Depending on the Client Automatic Archive Level documents and reports are saved and available for view. + + + + + + + Аутоматско архивирање + Аутоматско архивирање + Enable and level of automatic Archive of documents + Adempiere allows to automatically create archives of Documents (e.g. Invoices) or Reports. You view the archived material with the Archive Viewer + + + + + + + Шаблон датума + Шаблон датума + Java Date Pattern + Option Date pattern in Java notation. Examples: dd.MM.yyyy - dd/MM/yyyy If the pattern for your language is not correct, please create a Adempiere support request with the correct information + + + + + + + Децимална тачка + Децимална тачка + The number notation has a decimal point (no decimal comma) + If selected, Numbers are printed with a decimal point "." - otherwise with a decimal comma ",". The thousand separator is the opposite. +If the pattern for your language is not correct, please create a Adempiere support request with the correct information + + + + + + + Media Size + Media Size + Java Media Size + The Java Media Size. Example: "MediaSize.ISO.A4" (the package javax.print.attribute.standard is assumed). If you define your own media size, use the fully qualified name. +If the pattern for your language is not correct, please create a Adempiere support request with the correct information + + + + + + + Шаблон времена + Шаблон времена + Java Time Pattern + Option Time pattern in Java notation. Examples: "hh:mm:ss aaa z" - "HH:mm:ss" +If the pattern for your language is not correct, please create a Adempiere support request with the correct information + + + + + + + Додељени износ + Додељени изн + Amount allocated to this document + + + + + + + + Доступан износ + Доступан изн + Amount available for allocation for this document + + + + + + + + Особина производа + Особина производа + Product Attribute Instance Description + + + + + + + + Комисионар + Comm B.Partner + Business Partner receiving the Commission + + + + + + + + Commission Converted Amount + Comm Conv Amt + Commission calculation basis Converted Amount + + + + + + + + Commission Qty + Comm Qty + Commission calculation basis Quantity + + + + + + + + Поље слике + Поље слике + The image is retrieved from the data column + The Image URL is retrieved from the data column + + + + + + + BBAN + BBAN + Basic Bank Account Number + The Basic (or Domestic) Bank Account Number is used in Bank transfers (see also IBAN). For details see ISO 13616 and http://www.ecbs.org/ + + + + + + + Правила робе + Правила роб + Правило премештања робе + The Material Movement Policy determines how the stock is flowing (FiFo or LiFo) if a specific Product Instance was not selected. The policy can not contradict the costing method (e.g. FiFo movement policy and LiFo costing method). + + + + + + + Зависни трошкови + Зависни трошкови + Landed cost to be allocated to material receipts + Landed costs allow you to allocate costs to previously received material receipts. Examples are freight, excise tax, insurance, etc. + + + + + + + Претражи рачуне + Претражи рачуне + Search Invoice Identifier + The Invoice Document. + + + + + + + Редослед претраге + Редослед претраге + Order Identifier + Order is a control document. + + + + + + + Search Shipment/Receipt + Search Shipment/Receipt + Material Shipment Document + The Material Shipment / Receipt + + + + + + + Пакетна обрада фактура + Пакетна обрада фактура + Expense Invoice Batch Header + + + + + + + + Invoice Batch Line + Invoice Batch Line + Expense Invoice Batch Line + + + + + + + + Document Amt + Document Amt + Document Amount + + + + + + + + Multi Row Only + Multi Row Only + This applies to Multi-Row view only + + + + + + + + Use User Org Access + Use User Org Access + Use Org Access defined by user instead of Role Org Access + You can define the access to Organization either by Role or by User. You would select this, if you have many organizations. + + + + + + + Check all DB Tables + Check all DB Tables + Check not just this table + + + + + + + + Column SQL + Column SQL + Virtual Column (r/o) + You can define virtual columns (not stored in the database). If defined, the Column name is the synonym of the SQL expression defined here. The SQL expression must be valid.<br> +Example: "Updated-Created" would list the age of the entry in days + + + + + + + Елемент коштања + Елемент коштања + Product Cost Element + + + + + + + + Врста трошка елемента + Врста трошка елемента + Type of Cost Element + + + + + + + + Израчунато + Израчунато + The value is calculated by the system + You cannot change values maintained by the system. + + + + + + + Дистрибуција трошкова + Дистрибуција трошкова + Дистрибуција зависних трошкова + How landed costs are distributed to material receipts + + + + + + + Група + Група + Група захтева + Group of requests (e.g. version numbers, responsibility, ...) + + + + + + + Категорија + Категорија + Категорија захтева + Category or Topic of the Request + + + + + + + Статус + Статус + Захтев за статус + Status if the request (open, closed, investigating, ..) + + + + + + + Resolution + Resolution + Захтев за решавање + Resolution status (e.g. Fixed, Rejected, ..) + + + + + + + User Importance + User Importance + Priority of the issue for the User + + + + + + + + Поверљивост + Поверљивост + Врста поверљивости + + + + + + + + Related Request + Related Request + Related Request (Master Issue, ..) + Request related to this request + + + + + + + Entry Confidentiality + Entry Confidentiality + Confidentiality of the individual entry + + + + + + + + Standard Response + Std Response + Захтев стандардног одговора + Text blocks to be copied into request response text + + + + + + + Почетно време + Почетно време + Време започињања + + + + + + + + Завршно време + Завршно време + End of the time span + + + + + + + + Quantity Used + Qty Used + Quantity used for this event + + + + + + + + Производ кориштен + Производ кориштен + Product/Resource/Service used in Request + Invoicing uses the Product used. + + + + + + + Request Invoice + Request Invoice + The generated invoice for this request + The optionally generated invoice for the request + + + + + + + Response Text + Response Text + Request Response Text + Text block to be copied into request response text + + + + + + + Датум затварања + Датум затварања + Датум затварања + The Start Date indicates the last or final date + + + + + + + Отворен статус + Отворен + The status is closed + This allows to have the three generat situations of "not open" - "open" - "closed" + + + + + + + Closed Status + Затворено + The status is closed + This allows to mave multiple closed status + + + + + + + Auto Due Date Days + Auto Due Date Days + Automatic Due Date Days + If a due date is not defined and the Auto Due Days ins greater then zero, a due date in the number of days is automatically created. + + + + + + + Product Download + Product Download + Product downloads + Define download for a product. If the product is an asset, the user can download the data. + + + + + + + Имејл проверен + Имејл проверен + Date Email was verified + + + + + + + + One Asset Per UOM + One Asset Per UOM + Create one asset per UOM + If selected, one asset per UOM is created, otherwise one asset with the quantity received/shipped. If you have multiple lines, one asset is created per line. + + + + + + + Mail Text 2 + Mail Text 2 + Optional second text part used for Mail message + The Mail Text indicates the text used for mail messages. + + + + + + + Mail Text 3 + Mail Text 3 + Optional third text part used for Mail message + The Mail Text indicates the text used for mail messages. + + + + + + + Web продавница + Web продавница + A Web Store of the Client + + + + + + + + Web Store EMail + Web Store EMail + EMail address used as the sender (From) + The EMail address is used to send mails to useres of the web store + + + + + + + WebStore User + Web Store User + User ID of the Web Store EMail address + User ID to connect to the Mail Server + + + + + + + WebStore Password + WebStore Password + Password of the Web Store EMail address + Password to connect to the Mail Server + + + + + + + Menu Assets + Средства + Show Menu Assets + + + + + + + + Мени налози + Налози + Прикажи мени налога + + + + + + + + Мени рачуни + Рачуни + Прикажи мени рачуна + + + + + + + + Мени испоруке + Испоруке + Прикажи мени испоруке + + + + + + + + Menu Payments + Payments + Show Menu Payments + + + + + + + + Menu RfQs + RfQs + Show Menu RfQs + + + + + + + + Menu Requests + Requests + Show Menu Requests + + + + + + + + Menu Interests + Interests + Show Menu Interests + + + + + + + + Menu Registrations + Registrations + Show Menu Registrations + + + + + + + + Menu Contact + Контакт + Show Menu Contact + + + + + + + + EMail Header + EMail Header + Header added to EMails + The header is added to every email. + + + + + + + EMail Footer + EMail Footer + Footer added to EMails + The footer is added to every email. + + + + + + + Mail Message + Mail Message + Web Store Mail Message Template + + + + + + + + Врста поруке + Врста поруке + Mail Message Type + + + + + + + + Тема + Тема + Email Message Subject + Subject of the EMail + + + + + + + Порука + Порука + EMail Message + Message of the EMail + + + + + + + Message 2 + Message 2 + Optional second part of the EMail Message + Message of the EMail + + + + + + + Message 3 + Message 3 + Optional third part of the EMail Message + Message of the EMail + + + + + + + User Mail + User Mail + Mail sent to the user + Archive of mails sent to users + + + + + + + Referenced Payment + Ref Payment + + + + + + + + + Креирај као активно + Креирај активно + Create Asset and activate it + You may want to consider not to automatically make the asset active if you need to get some additional information + + + + + + + Notification Type + Notification Type + Type of Notifications + Emails or Notification sent out for Request Updates, etc. + + + + + + + Следећи статус + Следећи статус + Move to next status automatically after timeout + After the timeout, change the status automatically + + + + + + + Ажурирај статус + Ажурирај статус + Automatically change the status after entry from web + Change the status automatically after the entry was changed via the Web + + + + + + + Timeout in Days + Timeout Days + Timeout in Days to change Status automatically + After the number of days of inactivity, the status is changed automatically to the Next Status. If no Next Status is defined, the status is not changed. + + + + + + + Web Can Update + Web Can Update + Entry can be updated from the Web + + + + + + + + Финално затварање + Финално затварање + Уноси који су финално затворени не могу бити поново отворени + + + + + + + + Радно место + Радно место + Радно место + + + + + + + + Категоризација радних места + Категоризација радних места + Категорија радног места + Класификација радних места + + + + + + + Додељивање радног места + Додељивање радног места + Додељивање запосленог (корисника) на радно место + + + + + + + + Плате + Плате + Плата или лични доходак + + + + + + + + Врста надокнаде + Врста надокнаде + Врста надокнаде + + + + + + + + Стандардни сати + Стандардни сати + Стандардни радни сати базирани на врсти надокнаде + Number of hours per Remuneration Type (e.g. Daily 8 hours, Weekly 40 hours, etc.) to determine when overtime starts + + + + + + + Бруто износ + Бруто + Gross Remuneration Amount + Gross Salary or Wage Amount (without Overtime, Benefits and Employer overhead) + + + + + + + Бруто трошак + Бруто трошак + Gross Remuneration Costs + Gross Salary or Wage Costs (without Overtime, with Benefits and Employer overhead) + + + + + + + Overtime Amount + Overtime Amount + Hourly Overtime Rate + Hourly Amount without Benefits and Employer overhead + + + + + + + Overtime Cost + Overtime Cost + Hourly Overtime Cost + Hourly Amount with Benefits and Employer overhead + + + + + + + Position Remuneration + Position Remuneration + Remuneration for the Position + + + + + + + + Employee Remuneration + Employee Remuneration + Employee Wage or Salary Overwrite + Overwrite the standard Remuneration + + + + + + + Алтернативна група + Алтернативна група + Product BOM Alternative Group + Alternative groups allow you to group Bill of Material components, which are exclusive (i.e. only one is valid). Examples different engine sizes. + + + + + + + Product Operation + Product Operation + Product Manufacturing Operation + The Operations to create the product. Note that the actual used operation and sequence is determined by the BOM Product. + + + + + + + Подешавање времена + Подешавање времена + Setup time before starting Production + Once per operation + + + + + + + Runtime per Unit + Unit Runtine + Time to produce one unit + + + + + + + + Teardown Time + Teardown Time + Time at the end of the operation + Onec per operation + + + + + + + Operation Resource + Operation Resource + Product Operation Resource + Resources for the Operation. You can have multiple resources (e.g. tool, labor) per operation. + + + + + + + Саст. + Саст. + Саставница артикла + Саставница артикла + + + + + + + Измена белешке + Измена белешке + Bill of Materials (Engineering) Change Notice (Version) + + + + + + + + BOM Use + BOM Use + The use of the Bill of Material + By default the Master BOM is used, if the alternatives are not defined + + + + + + + Промена захтева + Промена захтева + BOM (Engineering) Change Request + Change requests for a Bill of Materials. They can be automatically created from Requests, if enabled in the Request Type and the Request Group referres to a Bill of Materials + + + + + + + BOM Component + BOM Component + Bill of Material Component (Product) + The Bill of Material Compoment determines what products, services and outside processing is included in producing the Product. It references the operation and determines it's sequence. + + + + + + + Врста компоненте + Врста компоненте + BOM Product Type + + + + + + + + Phantom + Phantom + Phantom Component + Phantom Component are not stored and produced with the product. This is an option to avild maintaining an Engineering and Manufacturing Bill of Materials. + + + + + + + Lead Time Offset + Lead Time Offset + Optional Lead Time offest before starting production + Optional Lead Time offest before starting production + + + + + + + Create Change Request + Create Change Request + Automatically create BOM (Engineering) Change Request + Create automatically a Product Bill of Material (Engineering) Change Request when the Request Group references a Product BOM + + + + + + + Захтевај ажурирање + Захтевај ажурирање + Request Updates + + + + + + + + Insert Record + Insert Record + The user can insert a new Record + If not selected, the user cannot create a new Record. This is automatically disabled, if the Tab is Read Only. + + + + + + + Напредан језичак + Напредан језичак + This Tab contains advanced Functionality + The tab with advanced functionality is only displayed, if enabled in Tools>Preference. + + + + + + + Поверљиве информације + Поверљиве информације + Can enter confidential information + When entering/updating Requests over the web, the user can mark his info as confidential + + + + + + + База приоритета + База приоритета + Base of Priority + When deriving the Priority from Importance, the Base is "added" to the User Importance. + + + + + + + Null Columns + Null Columns + Columns with NULL value + Null values are used for showing "no change" + + + + + + + Fixed in + Fixed in + Fixed in Change Notice + + + + + + + + Only If BP has Balance + Only If BP has Balance + Include only if Business Partner has outstanding Balance + + + + + + + + Attribute Set Instance To + Attribute Set Instance To + Target Product Attribute Set Instance + + + + + + + + Revaluated Amount Cr + Revaluated Amt Cr + Revaluated Cr Amount + + + + + + + + Revaluated Difference Cr + Difference Cr + Revaluated Cr Amount Difference + + + + + + + + Revaluated Amount Dr + Revaluated Amt Dr + Revaluated Dr Amount + + + + + + + + Revaluated Difference Dr + Difference Dr + Revaluated Dr Amount Difference + + + + + + + + Revaluation Conversion Type + Reval Conversion Type + Revaluation Currency Conversion Type + + + + + + + + Revaluation Date + Reval Date + Date of Revaluation + + + + + + + + EMail Test + EMail Test + Test EMail + + + + + + + + Server Process + Server Process + Run this Process on Server only + Enabling this flag disables to run the process on the client. This potentially decreases the availability. + + + + + + + Server EMail + Server EMail + Send EMail from Server + When selected, mail is sent from the server rather then the client. This decreases availability. You would select this when you do not want to enable email relay for the client addresses in your mail server. + + + + + + + Web Context + Web Context + Web Server Context - e.g. /wstore + Unique Web Server Context for this Web Store - will set context-root in application.xml. +The web context usually starts with / and needs to be a valid context name (not checked). + + + + + + + BPartner (Agent) + BPartner (Agent) + Business Partner (Agent or Sales Rep) + + + + + + + + Промени тренутна подешавања + Промени подешавања + Confirm that you want to change the current setting + + + + + + + + Maximum Length + Maximum Length + Maximum Length of Data + + + + + + + + Тест вредност + Тест вредност + Value to test + + + + + + + + Source Warehouse + Source Warehouse + Optional Warehouse to replenish from + If defined, the warehouse selected is used to replenish the product(s) + + + + + + + Replenishment Class + Replenishment Class + Custom class to calculate Quantity to Order + If you select a custom replenishment type, you need to create a class implementing org.compiere.util.ReplenishInterface and set that on warehouse level. + + + + + + + Costing Level + Costing Level + The lowest level to accumulate Costing Information + If you want to maintain different costs per organization (warehouse) or per Batch/Lot, you need to make sure that you define the costs for each of the organizations or batch/lot. The Costing Level is defined per Accounting Schema and can be overwritten by Product Category and Accounting Schema. + + + + + + + Детаљи трошка + Детаљи трошка + Cost Detail Information + + + + + + + + Основа + Основа + Calculation Base + + + + + + + + Зависни трошкови расподела + Зависни трошкови расподела + Allocation for Land Costs + + + + + + + + Adjust COGS + Adjust COGS + Adjust Cost of Good Sold + For Invoice costing methods, you can adjust the cost of goods sold. At the time of shipment, you may not have received the invoice for the receipt or cost adjustments like freight, customs, etc. + + + + + + + Набавна цена + Набавна цена + Price per Unit of Measure including all indirect costs (Freight, etc.) + Optional Purchase Order Line cost price. + + + + + + + Accumulated Amt + Accumulated Amt + Укупан износ + Sum of all amounts + + + + + + + Accumulated Qty + Accumulated Qty + Укупна количина + Sum of the quantities + + + + + + + Copy Overwrite + Copy Overwrite + Copy and Overwrite Default Accounts (DANGEROUS!!) + + + + + + + + Only Organization + Only Org + Create posting entries only for this organization + When you have multiple accounting schema, you may want to restrict the generation of postings entries for the additional accounting schema (i.e. not for the primary). Example: You have a US and a FR organization. The primary accounting schema is in USD, the second in EUR. If for the EUR accounting schema, you select the FR organizations, you would not create accounting entries for the transactions of the US organization in EUR. + + + + + + + Lost Sales Qty + Lost Sales Qty + Quantity of potential sales + When an order is closed and there is a difference between the ordered quantity and the delivered (invoiced) quantity is the Lost Sales Quantity. Note that the Lost Sales Quantity is 0 if you void an order, so close the order if you want to track lost opportunities. [Void = data entry error - Close = the order is finished] + + + + + + + Изгубљена продаја изн + Изгубљена продаја изн + Износ изгубљене продаје у валути рачуна + + + + + + + + Износ марже + Изн марже + Difference between actual and limit price multiplied by the quantity + The margin amount is calculated as the difference between actual and limit price multiplied by the quantity + + + + + + + Exclude Attribute Set + Exclude Attribute Set + Exclude the ability to enter Attribute Sets + + + + + + + + Изузми шаржу + Изузми шаржу + Exclude the ability to create Lots in Attribute Sets + + + + + + + + Exclude SerNo + Exclude SerNo + Exclude the ability to create Serial Numbers in Attribute Sets + + + + + + + + Allocate Payment + Allocate Payment + Allocate Payment to Invoices + You can directly allocate payments to invoices when creating the Payment. +Note that you can over- or under-allocate the payment. When processing the payment, the allocation is created. + + + + + + + Invoice Amt + Invoice Amt + + + + + + + + + Remaining Amt + Remaining Amt + Remaining Amount + + + + + + + + Full BP Access + Full BP Access + The user/concat has full access to Business Partner information and resources + If selected, the user has full access to the Business Partner (BP) information (Business Documents like Orders, Invoices - Requests) or resources (Assets, Downloads). If you deselet it, the user has no access rights unless, you explicitly grant it in tab "BP Access" + + + + + + + User BP Access + User BP Access + User/concat access to Business Partner information and resources + If on User level, "Full BP Access" is NOT selected, you need to give access explicitly here. + + + + + + + Врста приступа + Врста приступа + Type of Access of the user/contact to Business Partner information and resources + If on User level, "Full BP Access" is NOT selected, give access explicitly + + + + + + + User Query + User Query + Saved User Query + + + + + + + + Delta Amount + Delta Amt + Difference Amount + + + + + + + + Delta Quantity + Delta Qty + Quantity Difference + + + + + + + + Текућа количина + Текућа кол + Текућа количина + + + + + + + + Књижи одмах + Књижи одмах + Post the accounting immediately for testing + If selected, the accouning consequences are immediately generated when completing a doecument. Otherwise the document is posted by a batch process. You should select this only if you are testing, + + + + + + + Трошкови одмах + Трошкови одмах + Update Costs immediately for testing + If selected, costs are updated immediately when a Cost Detail record is created (by matching or shipping). Otherwise the costs are updated by batch or when the costs are needed for posting. You should select this only if you are testing, + + + + + + + Трошкови ред чекања + Трошкови ред чекања + FiFo/LiFo Cost Queue + Note thet the cost queue may not be the same as the physical movement cost queue due to differences in costing level and warehouse priority. + + + + + + + Receivable Services + AR Services + Customer Accounts Receivables Services Account + Account to post services related Accounts Receivables if you want to differentiate between Services and Product related revenue. This account is only used, if posting to service accounts is enabled in the accounting schema. + + + + + + + Inventory Clearing + Inventory Clearing + Product Inventory Clearing Account + Account used for posting matched product (item) expenses (e.g. AP Invoice, Invoice Match). You would use a different account then Product Expense, if you want to differentate service related costs from item related costs. The balance on the clearing account should be zero and accounts for the timing difference between invoice receipt and matching. + + + + + + + Cost Adjustment + Cost Adjustment + Product Cost Adjustment Account + Account used for posting product cost adjustments (e.g. landed costs) + + + + + + + Post Services Separately + Post Services + Differentiate between Services and Product Receivable/Payables + If selcted, you will post service related revenue to a different receiveables account and service related cost to a different payables account. + + + + + + + Explicit Cost Adjustment + Explicit Cost Adjustment + Post the cost adjustment explicitly + If selected, landed costs are posted to the account in the line and then this posting is reversed by the postings to the cost adjustment accounts. If not selected, it is directly posted to the cost adjustment accounts. + + + + + + + Create New Batch + New Batch + If selected a new batch is created + Note that the balance check does not check that individual batches are balanced. + + + + + + + Create New Journal + New Journal + If selected a new journal within the batch is created + Note that the balance check does not check that individual journals are balanced. + + + + + + + Потврди упит слогова + Потврди упит слогова + Require Confirmation if more records will be returned by the query (If not defined 500) + Enter the numer of records the query wil return without confirmation to avoid unnecessary system load. If 0, the system default of 500 is used. + + + + + + + Max Query Records + Max Query Records + If defined, you cannot query more records as defined - the query criteria needs to be changed to query less records + Enter the numer of records a user will be able to query to avoid unnecessary system load. If 0, no restrictions are imposed. + + + + + + + SerNo Char Start Overwrite + SerNo Char Start + Serial Number Start Indicator overwrite - default # + If not defined, the default character # is used + + + + + + + SerNo Char End Overwrite + SerNo Char End + Serial Number End Indicator overwrite - default empty + If not defined, no character is used + + + + + + + Шаржа Почетно Слово Препиши + Шаржа Почетно Слово + Lot/Batch Start Indicator overwrite - default « + If not defined, the default character « is used + + + + + + + Шаржа последње слово препиши + Шаржа последње слово + Lot/Batch End Indicator overwrite - default » + If not defined, the default character » is used + + + + + + + Commitment Type + Commitment Type + Create Commitment and/or Reservations for Budget Control + The Posting Type Commitments is created when posting Purchase Orders; The Posting Type Revervation is created when posting Requisitions. This is used for bugetary control. + + + + + + + Commitment Offset + Commitment Offset + Budgetary Commitment Offset Account + The Commitment Offset Account is used for posting Commitments and Reservations. It is usually an off-balance sheet and gain-and-loss account. + + + + + + + Декларација пореза + Декларација пореза + Define the declaration to the tax authorities + The tax declaration allows you to create supporting information and reconcile the documents with the accounting + + + + + + + Tax Declaration Line + Tax Declaration Line + Tax Declaration Document Information + The lines are created by the create process. You can delete them if you do not want to include them in a particular declaration. + + + + + + + Tax Declaration Accounting + Tax Declaration Acct + Tax Accounting Reconciliation + Accounting related information for reconcilation with documents. It includes all revenue/expense and tax entries as a base for detail reporting + + + + + + + Match Requirement + Match + Matching Requirement for Invoice + + + + + + + + Искључити аутоматску испоруку + Exclude Delivery + Exclude from automatic Delivery + The product is excluded from generating Shipments. This allows manual creation of shipments for high demand items. If selected, you need to create the shipment manually. +But, the item is always included, when the delivery rule of the Order is Force (e.g. for POS). +This allows finer granularity of the Delivery Rule Manual. + + + + + + + Хиерархија извештавања + Хиерархија + Optional Reporting Hierarchy - If not selected the default hierarchy trees are used. + Reporting Hierarchy allows you to select different Hierarchies/Trees for the report. +Accounting Segments like Organization, Account, Product may have several hierarchies to accomodate different views on the business. + + + + + + + Стабло конта + Стабло конта + Tree for Natural Account Tree + + + + + + + + Sales Tax + Sales Tax + This is a sales tax (i.e. not a value added tax) + If selected AP tax is handled as expense, otherwise it is handeled as a VAT credit. + + + + + + + Контрола буџета + Контрола буџета + Контрола буџета + Budget Control allows you to restrict the use of expenditures, commitments (Purchase Orders) and reservations (Requisitions). If defined, you mey not be able to approve Requisitions, Purchse Orders, or AP Invoices. + + + + + + + Пре одобрења + Пре одобрења + The Check is before the (manual) approval + If selected, the Budget Approval is before manual approvals - i.e. is only approved if budget is available. This may cause that the use of the budget is delayed (after the approval) + + + + + + + Опсег контроле + Опсег контроле + Scope of the Budget Control + + + + + + + + GL Fund + GL Fund + General Ledger Funds Control + General Ledger Funds Control allows you to restrict the use of funds. This is independent from budget control. + + + + + + + Fund Restriction + Fund Restriction + Restriction of Funds + If defined, you can use the fund only for the accounts selected. + + + + + + + Под конто + Sub Acct + Sub account for Element Value + The Element Value (e.g. Account) may have optional sub accounts for further detail. The sub account is dependent on the value of the account, so a further specification. If the sub-accounts are more or less the same, consider using another accounting dimension. + + + + + + + Кориснички елемент 1 + Кориснички елемент 1 + User defined accounting Element + A user defined accounting element referres to a Adempiere table. This allows to use any table content as an accounting dimension (e.g. Project Task). Note that User Elements are optional and are populated from the context of the document (i.e. not requested) + + + + + + + Кориснички елемент 2 + Кориснички елемент 2 + User defined accounting Element + A user defined accounting element referres to a Adempiere table. This allows to use any table content as an accounting dimension (e.g. Project Task). Note that User Elements are optional and are populated from the context of the document (i.e. not requested) + + + + + + + EMail Recipient + EMail Recipient + Recipient of the EMail + + + + + + + + Профил конекције + Профил конекције + How a Java Client connects to the server(s) + Depending on the connection profile, different protocols are used and tasks are performed on the server rather then the client. Usually the user can select different profiles, unless it is enforced by the User or Role definition. The User level profile overwrites the Role based profile. + + + + + + + Client Share + Client Share + Force (not) sharing of client/org entities + For entities with data access level of Client+Organization either force to share the entries or not. Example: Product and Business Partner can be either defined on Client level (shared) or on Org level (not shared). You can define here of Products are always shared (i.e. always created under Organization "*") or if they are not shared (i.e. you cannot enter them with Organization "*") + + + + + + + Share Type + Share Type + Type of sharing + Defines if a table is shared within a client or not. + + + + + + + Кредит посматрање % + Кредит посматрање % + Credit Watch - Percent of Credit Limit when OK switches to Watch + If Adempiere maintains credit status, the status "Credit OK" is moved to "Credit Watch" if the credit available reaches the percent entered. If not defined, 90% is used. + + + + + + + Толеранција поклап. цене + Толеранција поклап. цене + PO-Invoice Match Price Tolerance in percent of the purchase price + Tolerance in Percent of matching the purchase order price to the invoice price. The difference is posted as Invoice Price Tolerance for Standard Costing. If defined, the PO-Invoice match must be explicitly approved, if the matching difference is greater then the tolerance.<br> +Example: if the purchase price is $100 and the tolerance is 1 (percent), the invoice price must be between $99 and 101 to be automatically approved. + + + + + + + Price Match Difference + Price Match Difference + Difference between Purchase and Invoice Price per matched line + The difference between purchase and invoice price may be used for requiring explicit approval if a Price Match Tolerance is defined on Business Partner Group level. + + + + + + + Извештавање о грешкама + Извештавање о грешкама + Automatically report Errors + To automate error reporting, submit errors to Adempiere. Only error (stack trace) information is submitted (no data or confidential information). It helps us to react faster and proactively. If you have a support contract, we will you inform about corrective measures. This functionality is experimental at this point. + + + + + + + System Issue + System Issue + Automatically created or manually entered System Issue + System Issues are created to speed up the resolution of any system related issues (potential bugs). If enabled, they are automatically reported to Adempiere. No data or confidential information is transferred. + + + + + + + Локални домаћин + Локални домаћин + Информације о локалном домаћину + + + + + + + + Траг грешке + Траг грешке + System Error Trace + Java Trace Info + + + + + + + Stack Trace + Stack Trace + System Log Trace + + + + + + + + Request Document No + Request Document No + Adempiere Request Document No + + + + + + + + Оперативни систем + Оперативни систем + Operating System Info + + + + + + + + База података + База података + Database Information + + + + + + + + Vanilla System + Vanilla System + The system was NOT compiled from Source - i.e. standard distribution + You may have customizations, like additional columns, tables, etc - but no code modifications which require compiling from source. + + + + + + + Reproducible + Reproducible + Problem can re reproduced in Gardenworld + The problem occurs also in the standard distribution in the demo client Gardenworld. + + + + + + + Revaluation Document Type + Doc Type Reval + Document Type for Revaluation Journal + + + + + + + + Укључи све валуте + Све валуте + Report not just foreign currency Invoices + + + + + + + + Статус задатка + Статус задатка + Status of the Task + Completion Rate and Status of the Task + + + + + + + План комплетирања + План комплетирања + Planned Completion Date + Date when the task is planned to be complete + + + + + + + План количина + План количина + Планиране количине + Планиране количине + + + + + + + Почетак плана + Почетак плана + Planned Start Date + Date when you plan to start + + + + + + + Шема боја + Шема боја + Шема боја за индикаторе перформанси + Visual representation of performance by color. The Schema has often three levels (e.g. red-yellow-green). Adempiere support two levels (e.g. red-green) or four levels (e.g. gray-bronce-silver-gold). Note that Measures without a goal are represented white. The percentages could be beween 0 and unlimited (i.e. above 100%). + + + + + + + Mark 1 Percent + Mark 1 Percent + Percentage up to this color is used + Example 50 - i.e. below 50% this color is used + + + + + + + Боја 1 + Боја 1 + First color used + + + + + + + + Mark 2 Percent + Mark 2 Percent + Percentage up to this color is used + Example 80 - e.g., if Mark 1 is 50 - this color is used between 50% and 80% + + + + + + + Боја 2 + Боја 2 + Second color used + + + + + + + + Mark 3 Percent + Mark 3 Percent + Percentage up to this color is used + Example 100 - e.g., if Mark 2 is 80 - this color is used between 80% and 100% + + + + + + + Боја 3 + Боја 3 + Third color used + + + + + + + + Mark 4 Percent + Mark 4 Percent + Percentage up to this color is used + Example 9999 - e.g., if Mark 3 is 100 - this color is used above 100% + + + + + + + Боја 4 + Боја 4 + Forth color used + + + + + + + + Parent Goal + Parent Goal + Parent Goal + You can create a hierarchy of goals by linking the sub-goals to the summary goal. +The measures are automatically rolled up + + + + + + + Measure Scope + Measure Scope + Performance Measure Scope + The scope of the goal can be broken down for initial display. +Example: Scope is Year, Display is Month - the goal is entered as a yearly number, the display divides the goal by 12 + + + + + + + Measure Display + Measure Display + Measure Scope initially displayed + + + + + + + + Ограничење циља + Ограничење циља + Performance Goal Restriction + Restriction of the performance measure to the Organization, Business Partner or Product defined. +Example: The performance is only measured for HQ +The measure must support the data, otherwise it is ignored. + + + + + + + Врста ограничења + Врста ограничења + Goal Restriction Type + Enter one or more records per Goal Restriction Type (e.g. Org o1, o2) + + + + + + + Кључ колона + Кључ колона + Кључ колона за табелу + + + + + + + + Бенчмарк + Бенчмарк + Performance Benchmark + Data Series to compare internal performance with (e.g. stock price, ...) + + + + + + + Однос + Однос + Performace Ratio + Calculation instruction set for a perfomance ratio + + + + + + + Measure Data Type + Врста податка + Type of data - Status or in Time + Status represents values valid at a certain time (e.g. Open Invoices) - No history is maintained.<br> +Time represents a values at a given time (e.g. Invoice Amount on 1/1) - History is maintained + + + + + + + Accumulation Type + Accumulation Type + How to accumulate data on time axis + Sum adds the data points (e.g. stock volume) - Average is appropriate for e.g. Stock Price + + + + + + + Бенчмарк подаци + Бенчмарк подаци + Performance Benchmark Data Point + Data Series Point to compare internal performance with (e.g. stock price, ...) + + + + + + + Датум + Датум + Датум бенчмарка + Date of the Benchmark Data Point + + + + + + + Вредност + Вредност + Бенчмарк вредност + Value of the Benchmark Data Point + + + + + + + Ratio Element + Ratio Element + Performance Ratio Element + Individual calculation instruction for a ratio + + + + + + + Operand + Operand + Ratio Operand + Operand how data is calculated. If it is the first in the series, 'minus' will create a negative value, otherwise ignored. + + + + + + + Element Type + Element Type + Ratio Element Type + Type of data used for the calculation + + + + + + + Ratio Used + Ratio Used + Performace Ratio Used + Existing Performance Ratio to be used in the calculation. Make sure that the Ratio is not self-referencing (loop). + + + + + + + Last Maintenance + Last Maintenance + Last Maintenance Date + + + + + + + + Next Maintenence + Next Maintenence + Next Maintenence Date + + + + + + + + Last Unit + Last Unit + Last Maintenance Unit + + + + + + + + Next Unit + Next Unit + Next Maintenence Unit + + + + + + + + Lease Termination + Lease Termination + Lease Termination Date + Last Date of Lease + + + + + + + Lessor + Lessor + The Business Partner who rents or leases + + + + + + + + Last Note + Last Note + Last Maintenance Note + + + + + + + + Support Expires + Support Expires + Date when the Adempiere support expires + Check http://www.adempiere.org for support options + + + + + + + Release Tag + Release Tag + Release Tag + + + + + + + + Support EMail + Support EMail + EMail address to send support information and updates to + If not entered the registered email is used. + + + + + + + Issue Summary + Issue Summary + Issue Summary + + + + + + + + Source Class + Source Class + Source Class Name + + + + + + + + Source Method + Source Method + Source Method Name + + + + + + + + Logger + Logger + Logger Name + + + + + + + + Ставка + Ставка + Ставка бр. + + + + + + + + Познато издање + Познато издање + Познато издање + + + + + + + + Издање препоруке + Издање препоруке + Recommendations how to fix an Issue + Recommendations how to fix an Issue + + + + + + + Статус издања + Статус издања + Status of an Issue + Status of an Issue + + + + + + + Статус издања + Статус издања + Current Status of the Issue + Description of the current status of the issue + + + + + + + Java Info + Java Info + Java Version Info + + + + + + + + Статистика + Статистика + Information to help profiling the system for solving support issues + Profile information do not contain sensitive information and are used to support issue detection and diagnostics as well as general anonymous statistics + + + + + + + Profile + Profile + Information to help profiling the system for solving support issues + Profile information do not contain sensitive information and are used to support issue detection and diagnostics + + + + + + + Стари назив + Стари назив + + + + + + + + + System Status + System Status + Status of the system - Support priority depends on system status + System status helps to prioritize support resources + + + + + + + Track Issues + Track Issues + Enable tracking issues for this asset + Issues created by automatic Error Reporting + + + + + + + Издање - систем + Издање - систем + System creating the issue + + + + + + + + Издање - пројекат + Издање - пројекат + Implementation Projects + + + + + + + + Издање - корисник + Издање - корисник + User who reported issues + + + + + + + + Трошак вредност + Трошак вредност + Value with Cost + + + + + + + + Source + Source + Issue Source + Source of the Issue + + + + + + + Status Category + Status Category + Request Status Category + Category of Request Status enables to maintain different set of Status for different Request Categories + + + + + + + Size X + Size X + X (horizontal) dimension size + Size of X (horizontal) dimension in Units + + + + + + + Size Y + Size Y + Y (vertical) dimension size + Size of Y (vertical) dimension in Units + + + + + + + Јединице мере + Јединице + Units of Dimension + + + + + + + + Постави пописане количине на + Постави пописане количине на + Set the value of the inventory count to Zero or On Hand Quantity + + + + + + + + Област интересовања + Област интересовања + Name of the Interest Area + Name of the Interest Area of the user + + + + + + + Врста баркода + Баркод + Type of barcode + + + + + + + + Web пројекат + Web пројекат + A web project is the main data container for Containers, URLs, Ads, Media etc. + A web project is the meta definition which will contain later on all data within the Web Content Management Project. + + + + + + + Meta Copyright + Meta Copyright + Contains Copyright information for the content + This Tag contains detailed information about the content's copyright situation, how holds it for which timeframe etc. + + + + + + + Meta Publisher + Meta Publisher + Meta Publisher defines the publisher of the content + As author and publisher must not be the same person this tag saves the responsible publisher for the content + + + + + + + Meta RobotsTag + Meta RobotsTag + RobotsTag defines how search robots should handle this content + The Meta Robots Tag define on how a search engines robot should handle this page and the following ones. It defines two keywords: (NO)INDEX which defines whether or not to index this content and (NO)FOLLOW which defines whether or not to folow links. The most common combination is INDEX,FOLLOW which will force a search robot to index the content and follow links and images. + + + + + + + Meta Author + Meta Author + Author of the content + Author of the content for the Containers Meta Data + + + + + + + Meta Content Type + Meta Content Type + Defines the type of content i.e. "text/html; charset=UTF-8" + With this tag you can overwrite the type of content and how search engines will interpret it. You should keep in mind that this will not influence how the Server and Client interpret the content. + + + + + + + Шаблон + Шаблон + Template defines how content is displayed + A template describes how content should get displayed, it contains layout and maybe also scripts on how to handle the content + + + + + + + Included + Included + Defines whether this content / template is included into another one + Templates can be independent or included. Included Templates are also called subtemplates + + + + + + + Use Ad + Use Ad + Whether or not this templates uses Ad's + This describe whether or not this Template will use Ad's + + + + + + + Uses News + Uses News + Template or container uses news channels + This content (container or template) uses news channels + + + + + + + Елементи + Елементи + Contains list of elements seperated by CR + Contains a list of elements this template uses seperated by a Carriage Return. Last line should be empty + + + + + + + TemplateXST + TemplateXST + Contains the template code itself + Here we include the template code itself + + + + + + + Web Container + Container + Web Container contains content like images, text etc. + A Container defines the abstract level around the content, it defines how the content get's displayed, indexed and stored. + + + + + + + Белешка + Белешка + Contains last write notice + Contains info on what changed with the last write + + + + + + + Web Container Type + Container Type + Web Container Type + This parameter defines the type of content for this container. + + + + + + + External Link (URL) + Екстерни линк + External Link (IRL) for the Container + External URL for the Container + + + + + + + + Relative URL + Relative URL + Contains the relative URL for the container + The relative URL is used together with the webproject domain to display the content + + + + + + + Indexed + Indexed + Index the document for the internal search engine + For cross document search, the document can be indexed for faster search (Container, Document Type, Request Type) + + + + + + + Secure content + Secure content + Defines whether content needs to get encrypted + If you select this parameter this container will only get delivered over a secure connection i.e. SSL etc. if no encryption can be found no content will be delivered + + + + + + + Meta Description + Meta Description + Meta info describing the contents of the page + The Meta Description tag should contain a short description on the page content + + + + + + + Meta Keywords + Meta Keywords + Contains the keywords for the content + Contains keyword info on the main search words this content is relevant to + + + + + + + StructureXML + StructureXML + Autogenerated Containerdefinition as XML Code + Autogenerated Containerdefinition as XML Code + + + + + + + ContainerXML + ContainerXML + Autogenerated Containerdefinition as XML Code + Autogenerated Containerdefinition as XML Code + + + + + + + Advertisement Category + Advertisement Category + Advertisement Category like Banner Homepage + The advertisement category defines a container for ad's like for example all banners used on the homepage in rotation are stored in a category "Banner Homepage" etc. + + + + + + + Медијске ставке + Медијске ставке + Contains media content like images, flash movies etc. + This table contains all the media content like images, flas movies etc. + + + + + + + Media Type + Media Type + Defines the media type for the browser + The browser and the media server need info on the type of content + + + + + + + Реклама + Реклама + An Advertisement is something like a banner + You could use banner, partner infos, sponsored links etc. as an advertisement + + + + + + + Target Frame + Target Frame + Which target should be used if user clicks? + Do we want the content to stay in same window, to open up a new one or to place it in a special frame? + + + + + + + Actual Click Count + Actual Click Count + How many clicks have been counted + Contains info on the actual click count until now + + + + + + + Max Click Count + Max Click Count + Maximum Click Count until banner is deactivated + A banner has a maximum number of clicks after which it will get deactivated + + + + + + + Actual Impression Count + Actual Impression Count + How many impressions have been counted + Contains info on the actual impression count until now + + + + + + + Max Impression Count + Max Impression Count + Maximum Impression Count until banner is deactivated + A banner has a maximum number of impressions after which it will get deactivated + + + + + + + Start Count Impression + Start Count Impression + For rotation we need a start count + If we run banners in rotation we always show the one with the min of impressions, so if a new banner is added to impressions we don't want it to show up so often we set a startimpressions value. StartImpression+ActualImpression=CurrentImpression + + + + + + + HTML садржај + HTML садржај + Contains the content itself + Contains the content itself as HTML code. Should normally only use basic tags, no real layouting + + + + + + + Special AD Flag + Special AD Flag + Do we need to specially mention this ad? + If we have a block in content where anounce content and also sponsored links we should mention the sponsored ones + + + + + + + Регистратор догађаја + Регистратор догађаја + Do we need to log the banner impressions and clicks? (needs much performance) + As of performance we should only log banners if really necessary, as this takes a lot of performance + + + + + + + Media Server + Media Server + Media Server list to which content should get transfered + For performance optimization we save media content on static servers + + + + + + + Transfer passive + Transfer passive + FTP passive transfer + Should the transfer be run in passive mode? + + + + + + + IP Address + IP Address + Defines the IP address to transfer data to + Contains info on the IP address to which we will transfer data + + + + + + + Folder + Folder + A folder on a local or remote system to store data into + We store files in folders, especially media files. + + + + + + + Container Element + Container Element + Container element i.e. Headline, Content, Footer etc. + A container element defines the smalles definition of content, i.e. the headline, the content etc. + + + + + + + Container URL + Container URL + Contains info on used URLs + We save the info on all used URLs for checking them on availability etc. + + + + + + + Последња провера + Последња провера + Информација о томе када смо извршили последњу проверу + Info on the last check date + + + + + + + Статус + Статус + Status of the currently running check + Status of the currently running check + + + + + + + Последњи резултат + Последњи резултат + Contains data on the last check result + If we ran into errors etc. you will find the details in here + + + + + + + Web Container Stage + Container Stage + Web Container Stage contains the staging content like images, text etc. + A Container defines the abstract level around the content, it defines how the content get's displayed, indexed and stored. +The ID is related 1 to 1 to the container ID + + + + + + + Container Stage Element + Container Stage Element + Container element i.e. Headline, Content, Footer etc. + A container element defines the smalles definition of content, i.e. the headline, the content etc. + + + + + + + Канали новости + Канали новости + News channel for rss feed + A news channel defines the content base for the RSS feed + + + + + + + Link + Link + Contains URL to a target + A Link should contain info on how to get to more information + + + + + + + News Item / Article + News Item / Article + News item or article defines base content + A news item / article is kind of a teaser for more information on an article + + + + + + + LinkURL + LinkURL + Contains URL to a target + A Link should contain info on how to get to more information + + + + + + + Publication Date + Publication Date + Date on which this article will / should get published + Date on which this article will / should get published + + + + + + + WebProject Domain + WebProject Domain + Definition of Domainhandling + This data describes how the different Domains should get handled and how data is forwarded. + + + + + + + Fully Qualified Domain Name + Fully Qualified Domain Name + Fully Qualified Domain Name i.e. www.comdivision.com + This field contains the so called fully qualified domain name including host and domain, but not anything protocol specific like http or the document path. + + + + + + + Начин фактурисања + Начин фактурисања + Invoice Rule for the project + The Invoice Rule for the project determines how orders (and consequently invoices) are created. The selection on project level can be overwritten on Phase or Task + + + + + + + Revenue Recognition Start + RR Start + Revenue Recognition Start Date + The date the revenue reconition starts. + + + + + + + Revenue Recognition Amt + RR Amt + Revenue Recognition Amount + The amount for revenue recognition calculation. If empty, the complete invoice amount is used. The difference between Revenue Recognition Amount and Invoice Line Net Amount is immediately recognized as revenue. + + + + + + + Line Level + Line Level + Project Line Level + Level on which Project Lines are maintained + + + + + + + Stylesheet + Stylesheet + CSS (Stylesheet) used + Base Stylesheet (.css file) to use - if empty, the default (standard.css) is used. The Style sheet can be a URL. + + + + + + + Container Link + Container Link + Link to another Container in the Web Project + Интерни линк + + + + + + + Container Link + Container Link + Stage Link to another Container in the Web Project + Интерни линк + + + + + + + Modified + Modified + The record is modified + Indication that the record is modified + + + + + + + Container Tree + Container Tree + Container Tree + Container Tree + + + + + + + Stage Tree + Stage Tree + Stage Tree + Stage Tree + + + + + + + Media Tree + Media Tree + Media Tree + Media Tree + + + + + + + Template Tree + Template Tree + Template Tree + Template Tree + + + + + + + Врста чета + Врста чета + Type of discussion / chat + Chat Type allows you to receive subscriptions for particular content of discussions. It is linked to a table. + + + + + + + Чет + Чет + Chat or discussion thread + Thread of discussion + + + + + + + Chat Entry + Chat Entry + Individual Chat / Discussion Entry + The entry can not be changed - just the confidentiality + + + + + + + Meta Language + Meta Language + Language HTML Meta Tag + + + + + + + + Template Table + Template Table + CM Template Table Link + Link a Template with a Table + + + + + + + Container T.Table + Container T.Table + Container Template Table + Link to individual Record + + + + + + + Stage T.Table + Stage T.Table + Containet Stage Template Table + Link to individual Record + + + + + + + Re-Validate + Re-Validate + Re-Validate entries + + + + + + + + Врста ентитета + Врста ентитета + System Entity Type + The entity type determines the ownership of Application Dictionary entries. The types "Dictionary" and "Adempiere" should not be used and are maintainted by Adempiere (i.e. all changes are reversed during migration to the current definition). + + + + + + + ModelPackage + ModelPackage + Java Package of the model classes + By default, the Java model classes for extensions are in the compiere.model package. If you provide a jar file in the classpath, you can define here your specific model package. The model classes are used to save/modify/delete entries and as well as in Workflow. Refer to the Compiere naming convention to make sure that your class is used rather then the base classes. + + + + + + + Classpath + Classpath + Extension Classpath + If your appplication requires additional jar files, enter them here. The jar files must be located in the $ADEMPIERE_HOME/lib directory. + + + + + + + Modification + Modification + System Modification or Extension + Description of the System modification or extension + + + + + + + Web Access Profile + Access Profile + Web Access Profile + Define access to collaboration management content. You can assign the profile to a internal role or for external access to business partner group. + + + + + + + Media Deploy + Media Deploy + Media Deployment Log + Log of Media Deployments + + + + + + + Постављен + Постављен + Entity is deployed + + + + + + + + Last Synchronized + Last Synchronized + Date when last synchronized + + + + + + + + Broadcast Server + Broadcast Server + Веб сервер за емитовање + + + + + + + + Web Access Log + Web Access Log + Web Access Log Information + + + + + + + + Врста дневника + Врста дневника + Web Log Type + + + + + + + + Врста захтева + Врста захтева + + + + + + + + + Hyphen + Hyphen + + + + + + + + + Protocol + Protocol + Protocol + + + + + + + + Status Code + Status Code + + + + + + + + + Величина датотеке + Величина датотеке + Size of the File in bytes + + + + + + + + Информациони прозор + Информациони прозор + Info and search/select Window + The Info window is used to search and select records as well as display information relevant to the selection. + + + + + + + Info Column + Info Column + Info Window Column + Column in the Info Window for display and/or selection. If used for selection, the column cannot be a SQL expression. The SQL clause must be fully qualified based on the FROM clause in the Info Window definition + + + + + + + Query Criteria + Query Criteria + The column is also used as a query criteria + The column is used to enter queries - the SQL cannot be an expression + + + + + + + Index Log + Log + Text search log + + + + + + + + Index Query + Query + Text Search Query + Text search query entered + + + + + + + Query Result + Резултат + Result of the text query + + + + + + + + Query Source + Source + Source of the Query + + + + + + + + Index + Index + Text Search Index + Text search index keyword and excerpt across documents + + + + + + + Excerpt + Excerpt + Surrounding text of the keyword + A passage or segment taken from a document, + + + + + + + Source Updated + Source Updated + Date the source document was updated + + + + + + + + Index Stop + Index Stop + Keyword not to be indexed + Keyword not to be indexed, optional restriced to specific Document Type, Container or Request Type + + + + + + + Tax Correction + Tax Correction + Type of Tax Correction + Determines if/when tax is corrected. Discount could be agreed or granted underpayments; Write-off may be partial or complete write-off. + + + + + + + Садржај + Садржај + + + + + + + + + Директно постави + Директно постави + + + + + + + + + Година + Година + Фискална година + The Year identifies the accounting year for a calendar. + + + + + + + Acct Open Dr + Acct Open Dr + Open Debit in document curreny & rate + + + + + + + + Acct Open Cr + Acct Open Cr + Open Credit in document curreny & rate + + + + + + + + Acct Open Balance + Acct Open Balance + Open Balance in document curreny & rate + + + + + + + + Употреба конта + Употреба конта + Business Partner Bank Account usage + Determines how the bank account is used. + + + + + + + Креирај нивое секвенцијално + Секвенцијално + Create Dunning Letter by level sequentially + If selected, the dunning letters are created in the sequence of the dunning levels. Otherwise, the dunning level is based on the days (over)due. + + + + + + + Прикажи све које касне + Прикажи све које касне + Show/print all due invoices + The dunning letter with this level incudes all due invoices. + + + + + + + Прикажи које не касне + Прикажи које не касне + Show/print all invoices which are not due (yet). + The dunning letter with this level incudes all not due invoices. + + + + + + + Стопирај кредитирање + Стопирај кредитирање + Set the business partner to credit stop + If a dunning letter of this level is created, the business partner is set to Credit Stop (needs to be manually changed). + + + + + + + Постави услов продаје + Постави услов продаје + Set the payment term of the Business Partner + If a dunning letter of this level is created, the payment term of this business partner is overwritten. + + + + + + + Collection Status + Collection Status + Invoice Collection Status + Status of the invoice collection process + + + + + + + Ldap Processor + Ldap Processor + LDAP Server to authenticate and authorize external systems based on Adempiere + The LDAP Server allows third party software (e.g. Apache) to use the users defined in the system to authentificate and authorize them. There is only one server per Adempiere system. The "o" is the Client key and the optional "ou" is the Interest Area key. + + + + + + + Ldap Port + Ldap Port + The port the server is listening + The default LDAP port is 389 + + + + + + + Ldap Processor Log + Ldap Log + LDAP Server Log + + + + + + + + Ldap Access + Ldap Access + Ldap Access Log + Access via LDAP + + + + + + + Moderation Type + Moderation Type + Type of moderation + + + + + + + + Chat Entry Parent + Chat Entry Parent + Link to direct Parent + + + + + + + + Chat Entry Grandparent + Chat Entry Grandparent + Link to Grand Parent (root level) + + + + + + + + Chat Entry Type + Chat Entry Type + Type of Chat/Forum Entry + + + + + + + + Moderation Status + Moderation Status + Status of Moderation + + + + + + + + Wiki Token + Wiki Token + Wiki Token + + + + + + + + TokenType + Token Type + Wiki Token Type + + + + + + + + Macro + Macro + Macro + + + + + + + + AD_PACKAGE_IMP_INST_ID + AD_PACKAGE_IMP_INST_ID + + + + + + + + + CreatedDate + CreatedDate + + + + + + + + + Package Version + Package Version + + + + + + + + + UpdatedDate + UpdatedDate + + + + + + + + + Uninstall + Uninstall + + + + + + + + + PK_Status + PK_Status + + + + + + + + + Креатор + Креатор + + + + + + + + + CreatorContact + CreatorContact + + + + + + + + + AD_Package_Imp_Backup_ID + AD_Package_Imp_Backup_ID + + + + + + + + + AD_Package_Imp_Detail_ID + AD_Package_Imp_Detail_ID + + + + + + + + + AD_Package_Imp_Org_Dir + AD_Package_Imp_Org_Dir + + + + + + + + + ColValue + ColValue + + + + + + + + + AD_Package_Imp_ID + AD_Package_Imp_ID + + + + + + + + + AD_Package_Imp_Bck_Dir + AD_Package_Imp_Bck_Dir + + + + + + + + + AD_Original_ID + AD_Original_ID + + + + + + + + + Ad_Backup_ID + Ad_Backup_ID + + + + + + + + + Success + Success + + + + + + + + + AD_Package_Exp_ID + AD_Package_Exp_ID + + + + + + + + + AD_Package_Type + AD_Package_Type + + + + + + + + + Инструкције + Инструкције + + + + + + + + + File_Directory + File_Directory + + + + + + + + + AD_Package_Exp_Detail_ID + AD_Package_Exp_Detail_ID + + + + + + + + + Destination_FileName + Destination_FileName + + + + + + + + + Destination_Directory + Destination_Directory + + + + + + + + + DBType + DBType + + + + + + + + + Target_Directory + Target_Directory + + + + + + + + + SQLStatement + SQLStatement + + + + + + + + + AD_Package_Code_New + AD_Package_Code_New + + + + + + + + + AD_Package_Code_Old + AD_Package_Code_Old + + + + + + + + + AD_Package_Exp_Common_ID + AD_Package_Exp_Common_ID + + + + + + + + + Update System Maintained Application Dictionary + AD_Override_Dict + + + + + + + + + Package Directory + AD_Package_Dir + Package directory, default to AdempiereHome/packages + + + + + + + + AD_Package_Imp_Proc_ID + AD_Package_Imp_Proc_ID + + + + + + + + + Package Source + Package Source + Fully qualified package source file name + + + + + + + + Package Source Type + AD_Package_Source_Type + Type of package source - file, ftp, webservice etc + + + + + + + + Show Help + Show Help + + + + + + + + + Jasper Report + Jasper Report + + + + + + + + + Copy Columns From Table + Copy Columns From Table + + + + + + + + + Store Attachments On File System + Store Attachments On File System + + + + + + + + + Windows Attachment Path + Windows Attachment Path + + + + + + + + + Unix Attachment Path + Unix Attachment Path + + + + + + + + + Подешивач система + Подешивач система + + + + + + + + + Дозволи информације рачуна + Дозволи информације рачуна + + + + + + + + + Дозволи информације активе + Дозволи информације активе + + + + + + + + + Дозволи информације пословног партнера + Дозволи информације пословног партнера + + + + + + + + + Дозволи информације дневника благајне + Дозволи информације дневника благајне + + + + + + + + + Дозволи информације улаз-излаз + Дозволи информације улаз-излаз + + + + + + + + + Дозволи информације фактуре + Дозволи информације фактуре + + + + + + + + + Дозволи информације налога + Дозволи информације налога + + + + + + + + + Дозволи информације плаћања + Дозволи информације плаћања + + + + + + + + + Дозволи информације производа + Дозволи информације производа + + + + + + + + + Дозволи информације ресурса + Дозволи информације ресурса + + + + + + + + + Дозволи информације календара + Дозволи информације календара + + + + + + + + + Inbox Folder + Inbox Folder + + + + + + + + + Поверљивост + Поверљивост + Врста поверљивости + + + + + + + + IMAP User + IMAP User + + + + + + + + + IMAP Password + IMAP Password + + + + + + + + + IMAP Host + IMAP Host + + + + + + + + + User Importance + User Importance + Priority of the issue for the User + + + + + + + + Request Folder + Request Folder + + + + + + + + + Error Folder + Error Folder + + + + + + + + + Jasper Process + Jasper Process + The Jasper Process used by the printengine if any process defined + + + + + + + + Дозволи негативно књижење + Дозволи негативно књижење + Allow to post negative accounting values + + + + + + + + Parent Product Category + Parent Product Category + + + + + + + + + Store Archive On File System + Store Archive On File System + + + + + + + + + Windows Archive Path + Windows Archive Path + + + + + + + + + Unix Archive Path + Unix Archive Path + + + + + + + + + Mandatory Logic + Mandatory Logic + + + + + + + + + IsPostcodeLookup + IsPostcodeLookup + Does this country have a post code web service + Enable the IsPostcodeLookup if you wish to configure a post code lookup web service + + + + + + + LookupClassName + LookupClassName + The class name of the postcode lookup plugin + Enter the class name of the post code lookup plugin for your postcode web service provider + + + + + + + LookupClientID + LookupClientID + The ClientID or Login submitted to the Lookup URL + Enter the ClientID or Login for your account provided by the post code web service provider + + + + + + + LookupUrl + LookupUrl + The URL of the web service that the plugin connects to in order to retrieve postcode data + Enter the URL of the web service that the plugin connects to in order to retrieve postcode data + + + + + + + LookupPassword + LookupPassword + The password submitted to the Lookup URL + Enter the password for your account provided by the post code web service provider + + + + + + + HTML + HTML + + + + + + + + + PA_DashboardContent_ID + PA_DashboardContent_ID + + + + + + + + + Отпремница + Отпремница + MaterialShipment Document + The Material Shipment / Receipt + Material Receipt Document + The Material Shipment / Receipt + Рачун + Рачун + + + Black List Cheque + Black List Cheque + + + + + + + + + Назив банке + Назив банке + + + + + + + + + Чек бр. + Чек бр. + + + + + + + + + Веб особине + Веб особине + + + + + + + + + Кључ + Кључ + + + + + + + + + Вредност + Вредност + + + + + + + + + Мени улога + Мени улога + + + + + + + + + Веб мени + Веб мени + + + + + + + + + Menu Link + Menu Link + + + + + + + + + Модул + Модул + + + + + + + + + Parent Menu + Parent Menu + + + + + + + + + Has SubMenu + Has SubMenu + + + + + + + + + Веза слике + Веза слике + + + + + + + + + Радно место + Радно место + + + + + + + + + Фиока Касе + Фиока Касе + + + + + + + + + Секвенца + Секвенца + + + + + + + + + Категорија + Категорија + + + + + + + + + Група1 + Група1 + + + + + + + + + Група2 + Група2 + + + + + + + + + Врста налога + Врста налога + + + + + + + + + AmountTendered + AmountTendered + + + + + + + + + AmountRefunded + AmountRefunded + + + + + + + + + ПИН корисника + ПИН корисника + + + + + + + + + UserDiscount + UserDiscount + + + + + + + + + Args + Args + + + + + + + + + isPresentForProduct + Present for Product + + + + + + + + + Bank for transfers + Bank for transfers + Bank account depending on currency will be used from this bank for doing transfers + + + + + + + + CashBook for transfers + CashBook for transfers + + + + + + + + + Auto Lock + Auto Lock + Whether to automatically lock the terminal when till is closed + + + + + + + + Cash Book Transfer Type + Cash Book Transfer Type + Where the money in the cash book should be transfered to. Either a Bank Account or another Cash Book + + + + + + + + Transfer Cash trx to + Transfer Cash trx to + Bank Account on which to transfer all Cash transactions + + + + + + + + Transfer Cash trx to + Transfer Cash trx to + Cash Book on which to transfer all Cash transactions + + + + + + + + Cash BPartner + Cash BPartner + BPartner to be used for Cash transactions + + + + + + + + Check Bank Account + Check Bank Account + Bank Account to be used for processing Check transactions + + + + + + + + Tranfer Check trx to + Transfer Check trx to + Bank account on which to transfer Check transactions + + + + + + + + Check Transfer Type + Check Transfer Type + + + + + + + + + Card Bank Account + Card Bank Account + Bank Account on which card transactions will be processed + + + + + + + + Transfer Card trx to + Transfer Card trx to + Bank account on which to transfer Card transactions + + + + + + + + Transfer Card trx to + Transfer Card trx to + Cash Book on which to transfer all Card transactions + + + + + + + + Card Transfer Type + Card Transfer Type + + + + + + + + + Шаблон п.партнера + Шаблон п.партнера + BPartner that is to be used as template when new customers are created + + + + + + + + Last Lock Time + Last Lock Time + Last time at which the terminal was locked + + + + + + + + Locked + Locked + Whether the terminal is locked + + + + + + + + Lock Time + Lock Time + Time in minutes the terminal should be kept in a locked state. + + + + + + + + Sales Pricelist + Sales Pricelist + + + + + + + + + UnlockingTime + UnlockingTime + Time at which the terminal should be unlocked + + + + + + + + ПОС терминал + ПОС терминал + + + + + + + + + Transfer Check trx to + Transfer Check trx to + Cash Book on which to transfer all Check transactions + + + + + + + + Receipt Footer Msg + Receipt Footer Msg + This message will be displayed at the bottom of a receipt when doing a sales or purchase + + + + + + + + IsDiscountUptoLimitPrice + IsDiscountUptoLimitPrice + + + + + + + + + IsDiscountAllowedOnTotal + IsDiscountAllowedOnTotal + + + + + + + + + QtyCsv + QtyCsv + + + + + + + + + UnitsPerPack + UnitsPerPack + The Units Per Pack indicates the no of units of a product packed together. + + + + + + + + Round Off Factor + Round Off Factor + Used to Round Off Payment Amount + + + + + + + + Field Group Type + Field Group Type + + + + + + + + + ActivityValue + ActivityValue + + + + + + + + + Dunning Grace + Dunning Grace + + + + + + + + + Print Unprocessed Entries Only + Print Unprocessed Entries Only + + + + + + + + + Провера модела + Провера модела + + + + + + + + + Model Validation Class + Model Validation Class + + + + + + + + + Post if Clearing Equal + Post if Clearing Equal + This flag controls if Adempiere must post when clearing (transit) and final accounts are the same + + + + + + + + Commitment Offset Sales + Commitment Offset Sales + Budgetary Commitment Offset Account for Sales + The Commitment Offset Account is used for posting Commitments Sales and Reservations. It is usually an off-balance sheet and gain-and-loss account. + + + + + + + Степен конфигурације + Configuration Level for this parameter + Configuration Level for this parameter + Configuration Level for this parameter +S - just allowed system configuration +C - client configurable parameter +O - org configurable parameter + + + + + + + % Utilization + % Utilization + + + + + + + + + Daily Capacity + Daily Capacity + + + + + + + + + Manufacturing Resource + Manufacturing Resource + + + + + + + + + Manufacturing Resource Type + Manufacturing Resource Type + + + + + + + + + Queuing Time + Queuing Time + + + + + + + + + Workflow Node Product + Workflow Node Product + + + + + + + + + Workflow Node Asset + Workflow Node Asset + + + + + + + + + Is Milestone + Is Milestone + + + + + + + + + Is Subcontracting + Is Subcontracting + + + + + + + + + Units by Cycles + Units by Cycles + The Units by Cycles are defined for process type Flow Repetitive Dedicated and indicated the product to be manufactured on a production line for duration unit. + When Units by Cycles are defined the duration time is the total of time to manufactured the units + + + + + + + Moving Time + Moving Time + + + + + + + + + Overlap Units + Overlap Units + Overlap Units are number of units that must be completed before they are moved the next activity + When there are two consecutive avtivity, you can sometimes save time by moving partial quantites from one activity to the next before the first activity as been completed. + + + + + + + Process Type + Process Type + + + + + + + + + Qty Batch Size + Qty Batch Size + + + + + + + + + Revision + Revision + + + + + + + + + BOM & Formula + BOM & Formula + BOM & Formula + + + + + + + + Feature + Feature + Indicated the Feature for Product Configure + Indicated the Feature for Product Configure + + + + + + + Quantity Assay + Quantity Assay + Indicated the Quantity Assay to use into Quality Order + Indicated the Quantity Assay to use into Quality Order + + + + + + + Backflush Group + Backflush Group + The Grouping Components to the Backflush + When the components are deliver is possible to indicated The Backflush Group this way you only can deliver the components that are for this Backflush Group. + + + + + + + Врста компоненте + Врста компоненте + Component Type for a Bill of Material or Formula + The Component Type can be: + +1.- By Product: Define a By Product as Component into BOM +2.- Component: Define a normal Component into BOM +3.- Option: Define an Option for Product Configure BOM +4.- Phantom: Define a Phantom as Component into BOM +5.- Packing: Define a Packing as Component into BOM +6.- Planning : Define Planning as Component into BOM +7.- Tools: Define Tools as Component into BOM +8.- Variant: Define Variant for Product Configure BOM + + + + + + + + Предвиђање + Предвиђање + Indicated the % of participation this component into a of the BOM Planning + The BOM of Planning Type are useful to Planning the Product family. + +For example is possible create a BOM Planning for an Automobile + +10% Automobile Red +35% Automobile Blue +45% Automobile Black +19% Automobile Green +1% Automobile Orange + +When Material Plan is calculated MRP generate a Manufacturing Order meet to demand to each of the Automobile + + + + + + + Is Critical Component + Is Critical Component + Indicate that a Manufacturing Order can not begin without have this component + Indicate that a Manufacturing Order can not begin without have this component + + + + + + + Is Qty Percentage + Is Qty Percentage + Indicate that this component is based in % Quantity + Indicate that this component is based in % Quantity + + + + + + + Issue Method + Issue Method + There are two methods for issue the components to Manufacturing Order + Method Issue: The component are delivered one for one and is necessary indicate the delivered quantity for each component. + +Method BackFlush: The component are delivered based in BOM, The delivered quantity for each component is based in BOM or Formula and Manufacturing Order Quantity. + +Use the field Backflush Group for grouping the component in a Backflush Method. + + + + + + + Саставница ставка + Саставница ставка + Саставница ставка + The BOM Line is a unique identifier for a BOM line in an BOM. + + + + + + + Количина + Количина + Indicate the Quantity use in this BOM + Exist two way the add a compenent to a BOM or Formula: + +1.- Adding a Component based in quantity to use in this BOM +2.- Adding a Component based in % to use the Order Quantity of Manufacturing Order in this Formula. + + + + + + + + Quantity in % + Quantity in % + Indicate the Quantity % use in this Formula + Exist two way the add a compenent to a BOM or Formula: + +1.- Adding a Component based in quantity to use in this BOM +2.- Adding a Component based in % to use the Order Quantity of Manufacturing Order in this Formula. + + + + + + + + % Scrap + % Scrap + Indicate the % Scrap for calculate the Scrap Quantity + Scrap is useful to determinate a rigth Standard Cost and management a good supply. + + + + + + + Create Plan + Create Plan + Indicates whether planned orders will be generated by MRP + Indicates whether planned orders will be generated by MRP, if this flag is not just MRP generate a 'Create' action notice + + + + + + + Is MPS + Is MPS + + + + + + + + + Required Calculate MRP + Required Calculate MRP + + + + + + + + + Maximum Order Qty + Maximum Order Qty + Maximum order quantity in UOM + The Maximum Order Quantity indicates the biggest quantity of this product which can be ordered. + + + + + + + Order Period + Order Period + + + + + + + + + Order Policy + Order Policy + + + + + + + + + Order Qty + Order Qty + + + + + + + + + Product Planning + Product Planning + + + + + + + + + Planner + Planner + + + + + + + + + Time Fence + Time Fence + + + + + + + + + Transfert Time + Transfert Time + + + + + + + + + Yield % + Yield % + The Yield is the percentage of a lot that is expected to be of acceptable wuality may fall below 100 percent + ADempiere Calculate the total yield for a product from the yield for each activity when the process Workflow Cost Roll-Up is executed. + +The expected yield for an Activity can be expressed as: + +Yield = Acceptable Units at Activity End x 100 + +The Total manufacturing yield for a product is determined by multiplying the yied percentage for each activity. + +Manufacturing Yield = Yield % for Activity 10 x Yied % for Activity 20 , etc + +Take care when setting yield to anything but 100% particularly when yied is used for multiples activities + + + + + + + + + Low Level + Low Level + + + + + + + + + Manufacturing Order BOM Line + Manufacturing Order BOM Line + + + + + + + + + Manufacturing Order + Manufacturing Order + + + + + + + + + DateConfirm + DateConfirm + + + + + + + + + DateFinishSchedule + DateFinishSchedule + + + + + + + + + DateSimulation + DateSimulation + + + + + + + + + DateStart + DateStart + + + + + + + + + DateStartSchedule + DateStartSchedule + + + + + + + + + TypeMRP + TypeMRP + + + + + + + + + Duration Real + Duration Real + + + + + + + + + Duration Requiered + Duration Requiered + + + + + + + + + Активност редоследа производње + Активност редоследа производње + + + + + + + + + Manufacturing Order Workflow + Manufacturing Order Workflow + + + + + + + + + Qty Reject + Qty Reject + + + + + + + + + Qty Requiered + Qty Required + + + + + + + + + QtyScrap + % Scrap + Scrap Quantity for this componet + Scrap Quantity for this componet + + + + + + + Setup Time Real + Setup Time Real + + + + + + + + + Setup Time Requiered + Setup Time Requiered + + + + + + + + + Manufacturing Order Activity Next + Manufacturing Order Activity Next + + + + + + + + + Manufacturing Order Activity Next + Manufacturing Order Activity Next + + + + + + + + + Cumulated Amt Post + Cumulated Amt Post + + + + + + + + + Cumulated Qty Post + Cumulated Qty Post + + + + + + + + + Current Cost Price Lower Level + Current Cost Price Lower Level + Current Price Lower Level Is the sum of the costs of the components of this product manufactured for this level. + Current Price Lower Level is used for get the total costs for lower level the a product manufactured. + +The Current Price Lower Level always will be calculated. + +You can see the Current Cost Price and Current Cost Price Lower Level with Cost Bill of Material & Formula Detail Report. + +The sum the Current Cost Price + Current Cost Price Lower Level is the total cost to a product manufactured. + + + + + + + + Manufacturing Order Cost + Manufacturing Order Cost + + + + + + + + + Manufacturing Order BOM + Manufacturing Order BOM + + + + + + + + + Qty Post + Qty Post + + + + + + + + + Float After + Float After + + + + + + + + + Float Befored + Float Befored + + + + + + + + + Qty Batchs + Qty Batchs + + + + + + + + + Manufacturing Order Activity Product + Manufacturing Order Activity Product + + + + + + + + + Manufacturing Order Activity Asset + Manufacturing Order Activity Asset + + + + + + + + + Qty Delivered Line + Qty Delivered Line + + + + + + + + + Qty Issue Scrap Should Be + Qty Issue Scrap Should Be + + + + + + + + + Qty Issue Should Be + Qty Issue Should Be + + + + + + + + + Qty Scrap Line + Qty Scrap Line + + + + + + + + + Is BatchTime + Is BatchTime + + + + + + + + + Manufacturing Cost Collector + Manufacturing Cost Collector + + + + + + + + + Distribution Order + Distribution Order + + + + + + + + + Qty In Transit + Qty In Transit + + + + + + + + + Distribution Order Line + Distribution Order Line + + + + + + + + + Quality Specification + Quality Specification + + + + + + + + + QM_SpecificationLine_ID + QM_SpecificationLine_ID + + + + + + + + + Material Requirement Planning + Material Requirement Planning + + + + + + + + + Temporal MRP & CRP + Temporal MRP & CRP + + + + + + + + + Levels + Levels + + + + + + + + + Temporal BOM Line + Temporal BOM Line + + + + + + + + + Overwrite Sequence on Complete + Overwrite Sequence on Complete + + + + + + + + + Definite Sequence + Definite Sequence + + + + + + + + + Overwrite Date on Complete + Overwrite Date on Complete + + + + + + + + + Jasper Process Now + Jasper Process Now + + + + + + + + + Fail on Missing Model Validator + Fail on Missing Model Validator + + + + + + + + + IsUseASP + IsUseASP + + + + + + + + + ASP Level + ASP Level + + + + + + + + + ASP Status + ASP Status + + + + + + + + + AllFields + AllFields + + + + + + + + + ASP Module + ASP Module + + + + + + + + + Client Level + Client Level + + + + + + + + + Client Exception + Client Exception + + + + + + + + + Правило + Правило + + + + + + + + + Rule Type + Rule Type + + + + + + + + + Generated Draft + Generated Draft + + + + + + + + + Collapsed By Default + Collapsed By Default + Flag to set the initial state of collapsible field group. + + + + + + + + Table Script Validator + Table Script Validator + + + + + + + + + Event Model Validator + Event Model Validator + + + + + + + + + Network Distribution + Network Distribution + + + + + + + + + Network Distribution Line + Network Distribution Line + + + + + + + + + Decimal Pattern + Decimal Pattern + Java Decimal Pattern + Option Decimal pattern in Java notation. Examples: 0000 will format 23 to 0023 + + + + + + + Manufacturing Order MA + Manufacturing Cost Collector + + + + + + + + + Датум пријаве + Датум пријаве + + + + + + + + + Event Change Log + Event Change Log + Type of Event in Change Log + + + + + + + + Last Build Info + Last Build Info + + + + + + + + + Fail if Build Differ + Fail if Build Differ + + + + + + + + + Поређај по вредности + Поређај по вредности + Order list using the value column instead of the name column + Order list using the value column instead of the name column + + + + + + + Info Factory Class + Info Factory Class + Fully qualified class name that implements the InfoFactory interface + Fully qualified class name that implements the InfoFactory interface. This can be use to provide custom Info class for column. + + + + + + + Migration Script + Table to check wether the migration script has been applied + + + + + + + + + Име програмера + Име програмера + + + + + + + + + Примени скрипту + Примени скрипту + + + + + + + + + Roll the Script + Roll the Script + + + + + + + + + Safety Stock Qty + Safety Stock Qty + Safety stock is a term used to describe a level of stock that is maintained below the cycle stock to buffer against stock-outs + Safety stock is defined as extra units of inventory carried as protection against possible stockouts. It is held when an organization cannot accurately predict demand and/or lead time for the product. + +Rereference: +http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Safety_stock + + + + + + + Tax Group + Tax Group + + + + + + + + + Tax Base + Tax Base + + + + + + + + + Tax Definition + Tax Definition + + + + + + + + + Tax Type + Tax Type + + + + + + + + + Max Taxable + Max Taxable + + + + + + + + + Min Taxable + Min Taxable + + + + + + + + + Replication Document + Replication Document + + + + + + + + + Export Processor + Export Processor + + + + + + + + + Export Format + Export Format + + + + + + + + + Test Import Model + Test Import Model + + + + + + + + + Format Line + Format Line + + + + + + + + + Embedded Format + Embedded Format + + + + + + + + + Is Part Unique Index + Is Part Unique Index + + + + + + + + + Export Processor Type + Export Processor Type + + + + + + + + + Домаћин + Домаћин + + + + + + + + + Port + Port + + + + + + + + + Конто + Конто + + + + + + + + + Password Info + Password Info + + + + + + + + + Processor Parameter + Processor Parameter + + + + + + + + + Parameter Value + Parameter Value + + + + + + + + + Java Class + Java Class + + + + + + + + + Import Processor + Import Processor + + + + + + + + + Import Processor Type + Import Processor Type + + + + + + + + + Import Processor Parameter + Import Processor Parameter + + + + + + + + + Import Processor Log + Import Processor Log + + + + + + + + + Уговор о раду + Уговор о раду + + + + + + + + + Платно одељење + Платно одељење + + + + + + + + + Радник + Радник + + + + + + + + + Платни посао + Платни посао + + + + + + + + + Платни списак + Платни списак + + + + + + + + + National Code + National Code + + + + + + + + + Social Security Code + Social Security Code + + + + + + + + + Конто платног атрибута + Конто платног атрибута + + + + + + + + + Платни атрибут радника + Платни атрибут радника + + + + + + + + + Платни појам + Платни појам + + + + + + + + + Макс. вреднос + Макс. вреднос + + + + + + + + + Мин. вредност + Мин. вредност + + + + + + + + + Job Cant + Job Cant + + + + + + + + + Next Job + Next Job + + + + + + + + + Категорија платних концепата + Категорија платних концепата + + + + + + + + + Конто платног појма + Конто платног појма + + + + + + + + + Платни конто прихода + Платни конто прихода + + + + + + + + + Платни конто расхода + Платни конто расхода + + + + + + + + + Обрада платног списка + Обрада платног списка + + + + + + + + + Период платног списка + Период платног списка + + + + + + + + + Година платног списка + Година платног списка + + + + + + + + + Платни појам + Платни појам + + + + + + + + + Конто платног појма + Конто платног појма + + + + + + + + + Тип платне листе + Тип платне листе + + + + + + + + + Платна листа + Платна листа + + + + + + + + + Основна платна листа + Основна платна листа + + + + + + + + + Верзија платне листе + Верзија платне листе + + + + + + + + + Ставка платне листе + Ставка платне листе + + + + + + + + + Платни обрачун + Платни обрачун + + + + + + + + + Reversal ID + Reversal ID + ID of document reversal + + + + + + + + Drop Shipment Partner + Drop Shipment Partner + Business Partner to ship to + If empty the business partner will be shipped to. + + + + + + + Drop Shipment Location + Drop Shipment Location + Business Partner Location for shipping to + + + + + + + + Drop Shipment Contact + Drop Shipment Contact + Business Partner Contact for drop shipment + + + + + + + + Drop Ship Warehouse + Drop Ship Warehouse + The (logical) warehouse to use for recording drop ship receipts and shipments. + The drop ship warehouse will be used for recording material transactions relating to drop shipments to and from this organization. + + + + + + + Linked Order + Linked Order + This field links a sales order to the purchase order that is generated from it. + + + + + + + + Linked Order Line + Linked Order Line + This field links a sales order line to the purchase order line that is generated from it. + + + + + + + + Selected Product + Selected Product + + + + + + + + + Производ + Производ + + + + + + + + + Implosion + Implosion + Implosion of a Bill of Materials refers to finding all the BOM''s in which a component is used. + Commonly called a Where-Used report. + + + + + + + Test Export Model + Test Export Model + + + + + + + + + Allow Info MRP + Allow Info MRP + + + + + + + + + Allow Info CRP + Allow Info CRP + + + + + + + + + Required Calculate DRP + Required Calculate DRP + + + + + + + + + Depreciation Type + Depreciation Type + + + + + + + + + DepreciationType + DepreciationType + + + + + + + + + Текст + Текст + + + + + + + + + A_Depreciation_Table_Detail_ID + A_Depreciation_Table_Detail_ID + + + + + + + + + Period/Yearly + Period/Yearly + + + + + + + + + Врста + Врста + + + + + + + + + Коефицијент + Коефицијент + + + + + + + + + Depreciation Code + Depreciation Code + + + + + + + + + A_Depreciation_Table_Header_ID + A_Depreciation_Table_Header_ID + + + + + + + + + Period/Yearly + Period/Yearly + + + + + + + + + A_Depreciation_Exp_ID + A_Depreciation_Exp_ID + + + + + + + + + Entry Type + Entry Type + + + + + + + + + Расход + Расход + + + + + + + + + A_Account_Number + A_Account_Number + + + + + + + + + A_Depreciation_Workfile_ID + A_Depreciation_Workfile_ID + + + + + + + + + A_Accumulated_Depr + A_Accumulated_Depr + + + + + + + + + A_Asset_Cost + A_Asset_Cost + + + + + + + + + A_Asset_Life_Current_Year + A_Asset_Life_Current_Year + + + + + + + + + A_Period_Forecast + A_Period_Forecast + + + + + + + + + A_Prior_Year_Accumulated_Depr + A_Prior_Year_Accumulated_Depr + + + + + + + + + Salvage Value + Salvage Value + + + + + + + + + Количина + Количина + + + + + + + + + A_Period_Posted + A_Period_Posted + + + + + + + + + A_Life_Period + A_Life_Period + + + + + + + + + A_Asset_Life_Years + A_Asset_Life_Years + + + + + + + + + A_Base_Amount + A_Base_Amount + + + + + + + + + A_Calc_Accumulated_Depr + A_Calc_Accumulated_Depr + + + + + + + + + A_Curr_Dep_Exp + A_Curr_Dep_Exp + + + + + + + + + A_Current_Period + A_Current_Period + + + + + + + + + I_FAJournal_ID + I_FAJournal_ID + + + + + + + + + CurrencyRateType + CurrencyRateType + + + + + + + + + A_Depreciation_Forecast_ID + A_Depreciation_Forecast_ID + + + + + + + + + End Aset ID + End Aset ID + + + + + + + + + A_Start_Asset_ID + A_Start_Asset_ID + + + + + + + + + A_Asset_Reval_Entry_ID + A_Asset_Reval_Entry_ID + + + + + + + + + A_Effective_Date + A_Effective_Date + + + + + + + + + Revaluation Calculation Method + Revaluation Calculation Method + + + + + + + + + A_Reval_Multiplier + A_Reval_Multiplier + + + + + + + + + A_Reval_Effective_Date + A_Reval_Effective_Date + + + + + + + + + A_Rev_Code + A_Rev_Code + + + + + + + + + A_Asset_Reval_Index_ID + A_Asset_Reval_Index_ID + + + + + + + + + A_Reval_Rate + A_Reval_Rate + + + + + + + + + A_Reval_Code + A_Reval_Code + + + + + + + + + A_Depreciation_Entry_ID + A_Depreciation_Entry_ID + + + + + + + + + A_Asset_Split_ID + A_Asset_Split_ID + + + + + + + + + A_Amount_Split + A_Amount_Split + + + + + + + + + A_Asset_Acct_ID + A_Asset_Acct_ID + + + + + + + + + A_Percent_Original + A_Percent_Original + + + + + + + + + Split Type + Split Type + + + + + + + + + Transfer Balance IS + Transfer Balance IS + + + + + + + + + A_QTY_Split + A_QTY_Split + + + + + + + + + A_Percent_Split + A_Percent_Split + + + + + + + + + To Asset ID + To Asset ID + + + + + + + + + A_Asset_CreateDate + A_Asset_CreateDate + + + + + + + + + A_Asset_RevalDate + A_Asset_RevalDate + + + + + + + + + Asset ID + Asset ID + + + + + + + + + Original Qty + Original Qty + + + + + + + + + Depreciation Expense Account + Depreciation Expense Account + + + + + + + + + A_Depreciation_Manual_Period + A_Depreciation_Manual_Period + + + + + + + + + A_Disposal_Gain + A_Disposal_Gain + + + + + + + + + Revaluation Cost Offset for Prior Year + Revaluation Cost Offset for Prior Year + + + + + + + + + Revaluation Cost Offset for Current Year + Revaluation Cost Offset for Current Year + + + + + + + + + Revaluation Accumulated Depreciation Offset for Prior Year + Revaluation Accumulated Depreciation Offset for Prior Year + + + + + + + + + Revaluation Accumulated Depreciation Offset for Current Year + Revaluation Accumulated Depreciation Offset for Current Year + + + + + + + + + Period Start + Period Start + + + + + + + + + Крај периода + Крај периода + + + + + + + + + Disposal Revenue + Disposal Revenue + + + + + + + + + Loss on Disposal + Loss on Disposal + + + + + + + + + Split Percentage + Split Percentage + + + + + + + + + Revaluation Expense Offs + Revaluation Expense Offs + + + + + + + + + A_Depreciation_Variable_Perc + A_Depreciation_Variable_Perc + + + + + + + + + Depreciation Calculation Type + Depreciation Calculation Type + + + + + + + + + A_Depreciation_Manual_Amount + A_Depreciation_Manual_Amount + + + + + + + + + Convention Type + Convention Type + + + + + + + + + A_Asset_Spread_ID + A_Asset_Spread_ID + + + + + + + + + Accumulated Depreciation + Accumulated Depreciation + + + + + + + + + Asset Cost Account + Asset Cost Account + + + + + + + + + A_Asset_Disposed_ID + A_Asset_Disposed_ID + + + + + + + + + Disposed Date + Disposed Date + + + + + + + + + Disposed Reason Code + Disposed Reason Code + + + + + + + + + A_Proceeds + A_Proceeds + + + + + + + + + Disposal Method + Disposal Method + + + + + + + + + A_Asset_Trade_ID + A_Asset_Trade_ID + + + + + + + + + A_Asset_Transfer_ID + A_Asset_Transfer_ID + + + + + + + + + New Asset Cost Acct + New Asset Cost Acct + + + + + + + + + Old Depreciation Exp Acct + Old Depreciation Exp Acct + + + + + + + + + New Disposal Loss + New Disposal Loss + + + + + + + + + Transfer Balance Sheet + Transfer Balance Sheet + + + + + + + + + Old Disposal Revenue + Old Disposal Revenue + + + + + + + + + New Disposal Revenue + New Disposal Revenue + + + + + + + + + Old Disposal Loss + Old Disposal Loss + + + + + + + + + New Depreciation Exp Acct + New Depreciation Exp Acct + + + + + + + + + Old Asset Cost Acct + Old Asset Cost Acct + + + + + + + + + New Accum Depreciation Acct + New Accum Depreciation Acct + + + + + + + + + Old Accum Depreciation Acct + Old Accum Depreciation Acct + + + + + + + + + A_Depreciation_Build_ID + A_Depreciation_Build_ID + + + + + + + + + A_Asset_Spread_Type + A_Asset_Spread_Type + + + + + + + + + A_Period_10 + A_Period_10 + + + + + + + + + A_Period_12 + A_Period_12 + + + + + + + + + A_Period_14 + A_Period_14 + + + + + + + + + A_Period_3 + A_Period_3 + + + + + + + + + A_Period_5 + A_Period_5 + + + + + + + + + A_Period_7 + A_Period_7 + + + + + + + + + A_Period_9 + A_Period_9 + + + + + + + + + A_Period_8 + A_Period_8 + + + + + + + + + A_Period_6 + A_Period_6 + + + + + + + + + A_Period_4 + A_Period_4 + + + + + + + + + A_Period_2 + A_Period_2 + + + + + + + + + A_Period_13 + A_Period_13 + + + + + + + + + A_Period_11 + A_Period_11 + + + + + + + + + A_Period_1 + A_Period_1 + + + + + + + + + A_Depreciation_Convention_ID + A_Depreciation_Convention_ID + + + + + + + + + ConventionType + ConventionType + + + + + + + + + Textmsg + Textmsg + + + + + + + + + A_Asset_Group_Acct_ID + A_Asset_Group_Acct_ID + + + + + + + + + Depreciation Calculation Type + Depreciation Calculation Type + + + + + + + + + A_Asset_Info_Tax_ID + A_Asset_Info_Tax_ID + + + + + + + + + Investment Credit + Investment Credit + + + + + + + + + Tax Entity + Tax Entity + + + + + + + + + Purchased New? + Purchased New? + + + + + + + + + Finance Method + Finance Method + + + + + + + + + A_Asset_Info_Fin_ID + A_Asset_Info_Fin_ID + + + + + + + + + Payment Due Date + Payment Due Date + + + + + + + + + Purchase Option + Purchase Option + + + + + + + + + Purchase Option Credit % + Purchase Option Credit % + + + + + + + + + Option Purchase Price + Option Purchase Price + + + + + + + + + Purchase Option Credit + Purchase Option Credit + + + + + + + + + Monthly Payment + Monthly Payment + + + + + + + + + Contract Expiration Date + Contract Expiration Date + + + + + + + + + Датум уговора + Датум уговора + + + + + + + + + A_Asset_Change_ID + A_Asset_Change_ID + + + + + + + + + AssetBookValueAmt + AssetBookValueAmt + + + + + + + + + AssetAccumDepreciationAmt + AssetAccumDepreciationAmt + + + + + + + + + Ad_User_ID + Ad_User_ID + + + + + + + + + Versionno + Versionno + + + + + + + + + Serno + Serno + + + + + + + + + ChangeType + ChangeType + + + + + + + + + ChangeDate + ChangeDate + + + + + + + + + ChangeAmt + ChangeAmt + + + + + + + + + A_Asset_Addition_ID + A_Asset_Addition_ID + + + + + + + + + A_Asset_Info_Lic_ID + A_Asset_Info_Lic_ID + + + + + + + + + License Fee + License Fee + + + + + + + + + Policy Renewal Date + Policy Renewal Date + + + + + + + + + License No + License No + + + + + + + + + Issuing Agency + Issuing Agency + + + + + + + + + A_Asset_Info_Ins_ID + A_Asset_Info_Ins_ID + + + + + + + + + Insured Value + Insured Value + + + + + + + + + Policy Number + Policy Number + + + + + + + + + Replacement Costs + Replacement Costs + + + + + + + + + Insurance Company + Insurance Company + + + + + + + + + Insurance Premium + Insurance Premium + + + + + + + + + A_Asset_Info_Oth_ID + A_Asset_Info_Oth_ID + + + + + + + + + A_User1 + A_User1 + + + + + + + + + A_User10 + A_User10 + + + + + + + + + A_User11 + A_User11 + + + + + + + + + A_User12 + A_User12 + + + + + + + + + A_User13 + A_User13 + + + + + + + + + A_User14 + A_User14 + + + + + + + + + A_User15 + A_User15 + + + + + + + + + A_User2 + A_User2 + + + + + + + + + A_User3 + A_User3 + + + + + + + + + A_User4 + A_User4 + + + + + + + + + A_User5 + A_User5 + + + + + + + + + A_User6 + A_User6 + + + + + + + + + A_User7 + A_User7 + + + + + + + + + A_User8 + A_User8 + + + + + + + + + A_User9 + A_User9 + + + + + + + + + Source of Entry + Source of Entry + + + + + + + + + Capital vs Expense + Capital vs Expense + + + + + + + + + A_Asset_Use_ID + A_Asset_Use_ID + + + + + + + + + UseDate + UseDate + + + + + + + + + I_Asset_ID + I_Asset_ID + + + + + + + + + I_Isimported + I_Isimported + + + + + + + + + Asset Related? + Asset Related? + + + + + + + + + A_Processed + A_Processed + + + + + + + + + Autocomplete + Autocomplete + Automatic completion for textfields + The autocompletion uses all existing values (from the same client and organization) of the field. + + + + + + + Planning Horizon + Planning Horizon + The planning horizon is the amount of time (Days) an organisation will look into the future when preparing a strategic plan. + The planning horizon is the amount of time (Days) an organisation will look into the future when preparing a strategic plan. + + + + + + + Include Nulls in Org + Include Nulls in Org + Include nulls in the selection of the organization + + + + + + + + Include Nulls in Account + Include Nulls in Account + Include nulls in the selection of the account + + + + + + + + Include Nulls in BPartner + Include Nulls in BPartner + Include nulls in the selection of the business partner + + + + + + + + Include Nulls in Product + Include Nulls in Product + Include nulls in the selection of the product + + + + + + + + Include Nulls in Location + Include Nulls in Location + Include nulls in the selection of the location + + + + + + + + Include Nulls in Project + Include Nulls in Project + Include nulls in the selection of the project + + + + + + + + Include Nulls in Sales Region + Include Nulls in Sales Region + Include nulls in the selection of the sales region + + + + + + + + Include Nulls in Activity + Include Nulls in Activity + Include nulls in the selection of the activity + + + + + + + + Include Nulls in Campaign + Include Nulls in Campaign + Include nulls in the selection of the campaign + + + + + + + + Include Nulls in User Element 1 + Include Nulls in User Element 1 + Include nulls in the selection of the user element 1 + + + + + + + + Include Nulls in User Element 2 + Include Nulls in User Element 2 + Include nulls in the selection of the user element 2 + + + + + + + + IsAllowLogging + IsAllowLogging + Determine if a column must be recorded into the change log + + + + + + + + Manufacturing Order Mail Text + Manufacturing Order Text + Email text used for sending Manufacturing Order + Standard email template used to send Manufacturing Order as attachments. + + + + + + + Manufacturing Order Print Format + Manufacturing Order Print Format + Print Format for printing Manufacturing Order + You need to define a Print Format to print the document. + + + + + + + Distribution Order Print Format + Distribution Order Print Format + Print Format for printing Distribution Order + You need to define a Print Format to print the document. + + + + + + + Distribution Order Mail Text + Distribution Order Text + Email text used for sending Distribution Order + Standard email template used to send Manufacturing Order as attachments. + + + + + + + Product Attribute To + Product Attribute To + Product Attribute Instance Description + + + + + + + + Is In Payroll + Is In Payroll + Defined if any User Contact will be used for Calculate Payroll + + + + + + + + Charge Type + Charge Type + + + + + + + + + Allow Positive + Allow Positive + + + + + + + + + Allow Negative + Allow Negative + + + + + + + + + House Keeping Configuration + House Keeping Configuration + + + + + + + + + Last Deleted + Last Deleted + + + + + + + + + Backup Folder + Backup Folder + Backup Folder + + + + + + + + Export XML Backup + Export XML Backup + + + + + + + + + Save In Historic + Save In Historic + + + + + + + + + Last Run + Last Run + + + + + + + + + Format Pattern + Format Pattern + The pattern used to format a number or date. + A string complying with either Java SimpleDateFormat or DecimalFormat pattern syntax used to override the default presentation format of a date or number type field. + + + + + + + Factor + Factor + Scaling factor. + Numbers are divided by the scaling factor for presentation. E.g. 123,000 with a scaling factor of 1,000 will display as 123. + + + + + + + Reversal Line + Reversal Line + Use to keep the reversal line ID for reversing costing purpose + + + + + + + + Multi Line Header + Multi Line Header + Print column headers on mutliple lines if necessary. + If selected, column header text will wrap onto the next line -- otherwise the text will be truncated. + + + + + + + Suppress Repeats + Suppress Repeats + Suppress repeated elements in column. + Determines whether repeated elements in a column are repeated in a printed table. + + + + + + + Column No + Column No + Dashboard content column number + Dashboard content column number, not used by the swing client at the moment. + + + + + + + ZUL File Path + ZUL File Path + Absolute path to zul file + Absolute path to zul file that is use to generate dashboard content + + + + + + + Cost Collector Type + Cost Collector Type + Transaction Type for Manufacturing Management + + + + + + + + Collapsible + Collapsible + Flag to indicate the state of the dashboard panel + Flag to indicate the state of the dashboard panel (i.e. collapsible or static) + + + + + + + Include Nulls in Org Trx + Include Nulls in Org Trx + Include nulls in the selection of the organization transaction + + + + + + + + Work In Process + Account for Work in Progress + The Work in Process account is the account used Manufacturing Order + + + + + + + + Method Change Variance + Account for Method Change Variance + The Method Change Variance account is the account used Manufacturing Order + The Method Change Variance is used in Standard Costing. It reflects the difference between the Standard BOM , Standard Manufacturing Workflow and Manufacturing BOM Manufacturing Workflow. + +If you change the method the manufacturing defined in BOM or Workflow Manufacturig then this variance is generate. + + + + + + + Usage Variance + Account for Usage Variance + The Usage Variance account is the account used Manufacturing Order + The Usage Variance is used in Standard Costing. It reflects the difference between the Quantities of Standard BOM or Time Standard Manufacturing Workflow and Quantities of Manufacturing BOM or Time Manufacturing Workflow of Manufacturing Order. + +If you change the Quantities or Time defined in BOM or Workflow Manufacturig then this variance is generate. + + + + + + + Rate Variance + Account for Rate Variance + The Rate Variance account is the account used Manufacturing Order + The Rate Variance is used in Standard Costing. It reflects the difference between the Standard Cost Rates and The Cost Rates of Manufacturing Order. + +If you change the Standard Rates then this variance is generate. + + + + + + + Mix Variance + Account for Mix Variance + The Mix Variance account is the account used Manufacturing Order + The Mix Variance is used when a co-product received in Inventory is different the quantity expected + + + + + + + + Floor Stock + Account for Floor Stock + The Floor Stock account is the account used Manufacturing Order + The Floor Stock is used for accounting the component with Issue method is set Floor stock into Bill of Material & Formula Window. + +The components with Issue Method defined as Floor stock is acounting next way: + +Debit Floor Stock Account +Credit Work in Process Account + + + + + + + Cost Of Production + Account for Cost Of Production + The Cost Of Production account is the account used Manufacturing Order + The Cost Of Production is used for accounting Non productive Labor + + + + + + + + Labor + Account for Labor + The Labor account is the account used Manufacturing Order + The Labor is used for accounting the productive Labor + + + + + + + + Burden + Account for Burden + The Burden account is the account used Manufacturing Order + The Burden is used for accounting the Burden + + + + + + + Outside Processing + Account for Burden + The Outside Processing Account is the account used in Manufacturing Order + The Outside Processing Account is used for accounting the Outside Processing + + + + + + + Overhead + Account for Overhead + The Overhead account is the account used in Manufacturing Order + + + + + + + + Scrap + Account for Scrap + The Scrap account is the account used in Manufacturing Order + + + + + + + + ASP Window + ASP Window + + + + + + + + + ASP Tab + ASP Tab + + + + + + + + + ASP Field + ASP Field + + + + + + + + + ASP Process + ASP Process + + + + + + + + + ASP Process Parameter + ASP Process Parameter + + + + + + + + + ASP Form + ASP Form + + + + + + + + + ASP Task + ASP Task + + + + + + + + + ASP Workflow + ASP Workflow + + + + + + + + + Gross Requirements Quantity + Gross Req. Кол + + + + + + + + + Scheduled Receipts Quantity + Scheduled Receipts Qty + + + + + + + + + On Hand Projected Quantity + On Hand Projected Qty + On Hand Projected Quantity + The On Hand Projected Quantity indicates the quantity of a product that is on hand in time line. + + + + + + + Future Cost Price Lower Level + Future Cost price Lower Level + + + + + + + + + Cost Frozen + Cost Frozen + Indicated that the Standard Cost is frozen + + + + + + + + AD_SearchDefinition_ID + AD_SearchDefinition_ID + + + + + + + + + Query + Query + SQL + + + + + + + + Search Type + Search Type + Which kind of search is used (Query or Table) + + + + + + + + Transaction Code + Transaction Code + The transaction code represents the search definition + + + + + + + + Create Reversal + Create Reversal + Indicates that reversal movement will be created, if disabled the original movement will be deleted. + + + + + + + + Product Price Vendor Break + Product Price Vendor Break + + + + + + + + + Import Price List + Import Price List + + + + + + + + + Promotion Group + Promotion Group + + + + + + + + + Promotion Group Line + Promotion Group Line + + + + + + + + + Promotion + Promotion + + + + + + + + + Релативан приоритет + Релативан приоритет + Which promotion should be apply to a product + The relative priority indicate the promotion to use when a product exists in more than one promotion. Promotion with the highest priority take precedence. + + + + + + + Promotion Line + Promotion Line + + + + + + + + + Mandatory Promotion Line + Mandatory Promotion Line + Order must have this promotion line + The mandatory promotion check box indicates that the order must have this promotion line + + + + + + + Promotion Pre Condition + Promotion Pre Condition + + + + + + + + + Usage Counter + Usage Counter + Usage counter + Counter to record how many times this promotion have been used + + + + + + + Usage Limit + Usage Limit + Maximum usage limit + Maximum number of time this promotion can be use + + + + + + + Купон промоције + Купон промоције + User entered promotion code at sales time + If present, user entered the promotion code at sales time to get this promotion + + + + + + + Distribution Type + Distribution Type + Type of quantity distribution calculation using comparison qty and order qty as operand + + + + + + + + Distribution Sorting + Distribution Sorting + Quantity distribution sorting by unit price + + + + + + + + Promotion Reward + Promotion Reward + + + + + + + + + For all distribution + For all distribution + This reward is for all distribution + + + + + + + + Same distribution for source and target + Same distribution for source and target + Use the same distribution for source and target + Use the same distribution for source and target. Source distribution is for the entitlement of the reward, target distribution is the distribution to get the product to apply the reward to + + + + + + + Target distribution + Target distribution + Get product from target distribution to apply the promotion reward + + + + + + + + Reward Type + Reward Type + Type of reward which consists of percentage discount, flat discount or absolute amount + + + + + + + + Referenced RMA + Ref RMA + + + + + + + + + Referenced RMA Line + Ref RMA Line + + + + + + + + + Parent Column + Parent Column + The link column on the parent tab. + + + + + + + + Promotion Distribution + Promotion Distribution + + + + + + + + + Copy From Report and Process + Copy From Report and Process + Copy settings from one report and process to another. + Copy the settings from the selected report and process to the current one. This overwrites existing settings and translations. + + + + + + + Chart Type + Chart Type + Type fo chart to render + + + + + + + + Goal Display + Goal Display + Type of goal display on dashboard + Display goal on dashboard as html table or graph. + + + + + + diff --git a/data/sr_RS/AD_FieldGroup_Trl_sr_RS.xml b/data/sr_RS/AD_FieldGroup_Trl_sr_RS.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..24e1d4aec2 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/sr_RS/AD_FieldGroup_Trl_sr_RS.xml @@ -0,0 +1,143 @@ + + + + + + Статус + + + Количина + + + Износи + + + Референца + + + Историја + + + Производ + + + Пословни партнер + + + Складиште + + + Банка + + + Благајна + + + Порез + + + Пројекат + + + Генерално + + + Акција + + + Стандардан трошак + + + Стварни трошак + + + Статистика + + + Подразумевано + + + Управљање захтевима + + + Web продавница + + + Интерно + + + Екстерно + + + Заједничко + + + Отпремнице + + + Документ + + + Ставка + + + Симулација + + + Калкулације + + + Прокси + + + Испорука + + + Издавање рачуна + + + Само .. + + + Избор + + + Радни ток + + + Приступ + + + Дозволи инфо у оквиру улоге + + + Конта + + + Setup + + + Dates + + + Revaluation Accounts + + + Уговор + + + Опције + + + Главна књига + + + Machines + + + База података + + + Manufacturing + + diff --git a/data/sr_RS/AD_Field_Trl_sr_RS.xml b/data/sr_RS/AD_Field_Trl_sr_RS.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..c8c9711ccc --- /dev/null +++ b/data/sr_RS/AD_Field_Trl_sr_RS.xml @@ -0,0 +1,509 @@ + + + + + + Link Column + Link Column for Multi-Parent tables + The Link Column indicates which column is the primary key for those situations where there is more than one parent. Only define it, if the table has more than one parent column (e.g. AD_User_Roles). + + + Језик + Language for this Business Partner if Multi-Language enabled + The Language identifies the language to use for display and formatting documents. It requires, that on Client level, Multi-Lingual documents are selected and that you have created/loaded the language. + + + Start Node + Workflow Node, step or process + The Workflow Node indicates a unique step or process in a Workflow. + + + Износ пореза + Tax Amount for Credit Card transaction + The Tax Amount displays the total tax amount. The tax amount is only used for credit card processing. + + + Only Currency + Restrict accepting only this currency + The Only Currency field indicates that this bank account accepts only the currency identified here. + + + Пословни партнер / референт продаје + Identifies a Business Partner (Sales Rep) receiving the Commission + The Business Partner should be a vendor and may be a Sales Representative + + + Acknowledge + System Notice acknowledged + The Acknowledged checkbox indicates if this notice does not need to be retained. + + + Driving Column + Column which controls all tabs in the workbench + + + + Назив система + Назовите вашу инсталацију Адемпјера, нпр. Петар Петровић, ДОО + The name if the system to differentiate support contracts + + + Пример комплета својстава + Product Attribute Values + The values of the actual Product Attributes. Product Instance attributes are defined in the actual transactions. + + + Документ бр + Document sequence number of the document + The document number is usually automatically generated by the system and determined by the document type of the document. If the document is not saved, the preliminary number is displayed in "<>". + +If the document type of your document has no automatic document sequence defined, the field is empty if you create a new document. This is for documents which usually have an external number (like vendor invoice). If you leave the field empty, the system will generate a document number for you. The document sequence used for this fallback number is defined in the "Maintain Sequence" window with the name "DocumentNo_<TableName>", where TableName is the actual name of the table (e.g. C_Order). + + + Вредност + Condition Value + + + + Преписати преко пројекта + Overwrite the account segment Project with the value specified + If not overwritten, the value of the original account combination is used. If selected, but not specified, the segment is set to null. + + + Пример комплета својстава + Product Attribute Values + The values of the actual Product Attributes. Product Instance attributes are defined in the actual transactions. + + + Језик + Language for this Business Partner if Multi-Language enabled + The Language identifies the language to use for display and formatting documents. It requires, that on Client level, Multi-Lingual documents are selected and that you have created/loaded the language. + + + UserName + UserName / Login to use for login + UserName / Login to use for the login +Email of the responsible person for the system (registered in WebStore) + + + Mandatory Overwrite + Overwrite Field Mandatory status + The field must have a value for the record to be saved to the database. + + + Reference Overwrite + System Reference - optional Overwrite + You can overwrite the Display Type, but only use this if you aware of the consequences. + + + Кључна реч + Search key for the record in the format required + 7 bit lower case alpha numeric - max length 8 - can be used for operating system names. + + + AD_Package_Exp_ID + + + + + Обрађено + + + + + IsActive + + + + + Клијент + + + + + Организација + + + + + Name of Package + Name of Package + + + + Creation Directory + + + + + Креирано од + User who created the package + + + + Create Date + Date when Package was created + + + + Processed By + User who Processed the package + + + + Processed Date + Date when the package was processed + + + + Description of Package + + + + + Export Package + + + + + AD_Package_Exp_Detail_ID + + + + + Item Name + + + + + Обрада + + + + + IsActive + + + + + Обрађено + + + + + Package Build ID + + + + + Клијент + + + + + Организација + + + + + Врста + + + + + Мени + + + + + Source File Directory + Current location of source file + + + + Табела + + + + + Образац + + + + + Процес + + + + + Радни ток + + + + + Радни сто + + + + + Белешке + + + + + Вредност + Condition Value + + + + Ресурс + Ресурс + Select the manufacturing resource (previously defined) where you want to execute the operation. For the product costing, the Resource rate is taken from the cost element introduced in the window Product Costing. + + + Пословни партнер + Identifies a Business Partner to Subcontrating + Пословни партнер је било ко, са којим вршите трансакције. Он може бити добављач, купац, запослени или референт продаје. + + + Важи од + Valid from including this date (first day) + The Valid From date indicates the first day of a date range. When you enter dates in the fields Valid From To we give the the period of time where this operation will have to be considered for the elaboration of the product. + + + Важи до + Valid to including this date (last day) + The Valid To date indicates the last day of a date range When you enter dates in the fields Valid From To we give the the period of time where this operation will have to be considered for the elaboration of the product. + + + Start Node + Workflow Node step or process + The Workflow Node indicates a unique step or process in a Workflow. + + + Copy BOM Lines From + Copy BOM Lines from an exising BOM + Copy BOM Lines from an exising BOM. The BOM being copied to, must not have any existing BOM Lines. + + + Важи од + Valid from including this date (first day) + The Valid From date indicates the first day of a date range + +The Valid From and Valid To dates indicate the valid time period to use the BOM in a Manufacturing Order. + + + Складиште + Storage Warehouse and Service Point + The Warehouse identifies a unique Warehouse where products are stored or Services are provided. + +Warehouse place where you locate and control the products + + + Ресурс + Ресурс + A manufacturing resource is a place where a product will be made. + + + BOM Formula + + The name BOM/Formula that you introduce in this window will be considered the default BOM to produce the product in this Organization-Plant-Warehouse. If you do not fill this field the default BOM Formula for the entity will be the BOM/Formula which has the same name as the product. + + + Радни ток + Workflow or combination of tasks + The Workflow field identifies a unique Workflow in the system. + +The Workflow you introduce in this window will be considered the default Workflow to produce the product in this Organization-Plant-Warehouse. If you do not fill this field the defaul Workflow for the entity will be the Workflow with the same name as the product. + + + Обећано време испоруке + Promised days between order and delivery + The Promised Delivery Time indicates the number of days between the order date and the date that delivery was promised. + +You must enter the average number of days to receive the product in the warehouse since you approve the requisition or manufacturing order until you receive the material in the warehouse . If the product is bought you must register the calendar days required since you make the PO until you receive the material in the warehouse. If the product is manufactured in your plant you must register the number of working days since you release the MO until you receive the material in the warehouse. + + + Working Time + Workflow Simulation Execution Time + Amount of time the performer of the activity needs to perform the task in Duration Unit + +In the field Working Time you enter the accumulated time (using the Promising Delivery Time) in the critical path of the BOM for this product. It is the required time to produce the product as if you would not have any component on hand. + + + Acknowledge + System Notice acknowledged + The Acknowledged checkbox indicates if this notice does not need to be retained. + + + Accumulated Qty + Укупна количина + Sum of the quantities + +This field shows the sum of the quantities of the product that have had movements. + + + Accumulated Amt + Укупан износ + Sum of all amounts + +This field shows the sum of the amounts of the product that have had movements. + + + Верзија бр + + + + + Наручена количина + Наручена количина + The Ordered Quantity indicates the quantity of a product that was ordered. + + + Instance + Product Attribute Set Instance + The values of the actual Product Attribute Instances. The product level attributes are defined on Product level. + + + Instance To + Target Product Attribute Set Instance + + + + Resource/Plant + Resource/Plant + + + + Датум наруџбине + Датум поручивања + Indicates the Date an item was ordered. Date Ordered is the date when the order was generated. If the MO is created manually the default date ordered is the system date. If the MO was generated by MRP the default date ordered is the day of the MRP process. + + + Договорени термин + Date Order was promised + The Date Promised indicates the date, if any, that an Order was promised for. Date Promised Is the date we commit to give the order to the warehouse. If the MO is created manually the default date promised is the system date. If the MO was generated by MRP this date is filled automatically using its algorithm calculation. + + + Date Start + Indicate the real date to start + It is the date when the first manufacturing order movement is reported, this movement can be an inventory or labor movement. + + + Завршни датум + Завршни или планирани датум комплетирања + The finish date is used to indicate when the project is expected to be completed or has been completed. + +To Manufacturing Order is the date when the last manufacturing order movement is reported, It is the closing order date. + + + Представник компаније + Представник компаније + Company Agent to Distribution Order + + + Transit Warehouse + Storage Warehouse and Service Point + The Warehouse identifies a unique Warehouse where products are stored or Services are provided. + + + Target Warehouse + Target Warehouse and Service Point + The Warehouse identifies a unique Warehouse where products are stored or Services are provided. + + + Језик + Language for this Business Partner if Multi-Language enabled + The Language identifies the language to use for display and formatting documents. It requires that on Client level Multi-Lingual documents are selected and that you have created/loaded the language. + + + Create from a Window + + + + + Period 1 % + + + + + Period 2 % + + + + + Period 3 % + + + + + Period 4 % + + + + + Period 5 % + + + + + Period 6 % + + + + + Period 7 % + + + + + Period 8 % + + + + + Period 9 % + + + + + Period 10 % + + + + + Period 11 % + + + + + Period 12 % + + + + + Period 13 % + + + + + Period 14 % + + + + + Скрипта + + + + + Назив + + + + + Acknowledge + System Notice acknowledged + The Acknowledged checkbox indicates if this notice does not need to be retained. + + diff --git a/data/sr_RS/AD_Form_Trl_sr_RS.xml b/data/sr_RS/AD_Form_Trl_sr_RS.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..af2f550dd5 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/sr_RS/AD_Form_Trl_sr_RS.xml @@ -0,0 +1,207 @@ + + + + + + Генериши фактуре (ручно) + Изаберите и генеришите фактуре + Generate Invoices from Orders. +Select the orders to generate the invoice for. + + + Увоз учитавач датотека + Учитавање текстуелних датотека у табеле за увоз + The Import File Loader parses the content of a flat file and loads it into import tables. Comments start with a '[' and end with a ']' and are ignored; example: [Some Heading]. + + + Иницијално подешавање клијента + Иницијално подешавање новог клијента + Set up a new Client/Tenant of the system + + + Робно материјалне трансакције + Робно материјалне трансакције + + + + Расподела уплата + Усклади фактуре и уплате + + + + Генериши трошкове + Генериши трошкове од природних (б.прев.) конта + Use the upper portion to create new charges using the general charge accounts. Use the lower portion to create charges based on the natural account. + + + Уплата штампа/извоз + Штампа или извош Ваших уплата + + + + Ручни избор уплата + Ручни избор уплата + Select vendor invoices for payment. If you don't see an invoice, make sure that it is not included in a different (nprocessed) Payment Selection. + + + Уклапање налог за набавку, пријемница, фактура + Уклопи налоге набавке, пријемнице и фактуре добављача + Make sure that the Receipts and Invoices are processed. If you want to match partial shipment, make sure that "Same Quantity" is not selected. + + + Превод увоз/извоз + Увоз или извоз превода језика + Export/Import Translation info to/from xml for translation in external tool. Please note that the Language MUST be an enabled and verified System Langage. + + + Генерисање испорука (ручно) + Избор и генерисање испорука + Generate Shipments from Orders. +Select the orders to generate the shipments for. + + + SQL процес + Обради SQL наредбе + Process SQL DDL Statements + + + Спајање ентитета + Споји од ентитета ка ентитету - обриши од + <i>Dangerous - Please are aware of what you are doing!</i> +All instances of the From entity (e.g. Customer A) are changed to the To entity (e.g. Customer B). +The From entity (e.g. Customer A) is deleted. +<p><b>There is NO undo nor trace ! Please do a backup first</b> Please be aware that you may be changing history records (e.g. invoices, etc.) ! </p> +<p><b>Side effects:</b> Merging Products are likely to distort product costs; Merging Business Partners may result in incorrect open item balance. Check with support on remedies. +<p><b>Restrictions:</b> Accounting and Inventory conflicts are not resolved in this version. + + + Каса + Терминал продајног места + Enter Transactions via a POS Terminal. Automatically, scans or credit card swipes are recongized. + + + Уклони саставницу + Уклони (прошири) саставницу + Drop the extended Bill of Materials into an Order, Invoice, etc. The documents need to be in a Drafted stage. Make sure that the items included in the BOM are on the price list of the Order, Invoice, etc. as otherwise the price will be zero! + + + Одржавање стабла + Одржавање стабла + View and change trees. Maintain the entries in their specific Windows. + + + Уређиваћ радног тока + Ажурирање радног тока + Edit the graphical layout of workflows + + + Активности радног тока + Моје активности радног тока + View active worflow activities + + + Прегледач архива + View automatically archived Documents + Depending on the Client Automatic Archive Level documents and reports are saved and available for view. In the Report Viewer you can manually archive Documents or Reports. You can only view archives, if you have access to the original document. + + + Индикатори перформанси + Поглед на индикаторе перформанси + View all Performance Indicators and Goals + + + Мрежа особина производа + Одржавање производа са својим особинама унутар табеле + Select one or two attributes if a Product Attribute and display/maintain products in a row or table grid. + + + BOM & Formula Info + Shows in two different panels the parent-component relationship for the product entered in the Product field. + The BOM & Formula Review option menu shows in two different panels the parent-component relationship for the product entered in the Product field. + +You need to introduce the parent product you want to see its components then click the OK button, next drag the left margin of the panel to the right and you will have the two panels. + +When you need to consult an implosion, click the implosion check box and enter the component you wish to consult and tick the Implosion check box. + +You need to introduce the parent product you want to see its components then click the OK button, next drag the left margin of the panel to the right and you will have the two panels. + +The left panel shows the BOM hierarchies in a tree form. The right panel shows the information connected with the BOM for every product in it + + + Product Configuration BOM + This form let create a product configure with multy level using options and variants + A configurable Bill of Material (CBOM) is used by industries that have multiple options and highly configurable products. + +The CBOM is used to dynamically create "end-items" that a company sells. The benefit of using CBOM structure is it reduces the work-effort needed to maintain product structures. The configurable BOM is most frequently driven by "configurator" software, however it can be enabled manually (manual maintenance is infrequent because its unwieldy to manage the number of permutaions and combinations of possible configurations) The development of the CBOM is dependent on having a Modular BOM structure in place (see Modular BOM). The Modular BOM structure provides the assemblies/sub-systems that can be selected to "configure" an end-item. + + + MRP Info + Show the detail of MRP calculation + Show the detail of MRP calculation + + + Planned Order Approval + A planned manufacturing order is a manufacturing order suggested by the MRP process and contains its quantity and its release and promise dates. + A planned manufacturing order is a manufacturing order suggested by the MRP process and contains its quantity and its release and promise dates. when you approve a manufacturing planned order you convert it in a manufacturing order with the status of In Process. + +When you approve a planned order you are telling the system that the manufacturing order is ready to start its process with the approval you change the order status from Draft to In Process. + + + CRP Info + It shows graphically of the required and available time for each manufacturing resource. + It shows graphically of the required and available time for each manufacturing resource. + + + Resource Load View + It shows graphically of the required and available time for each manufacturing resource. + It shows graphically of the required and available time for each manufacturing resource. + + + Order Receipt & Issue + Order Receipt & Issue + The form shows at the upper side static information around the product and the manufacturing resource where it has to be made, it also shows a summary of the quantities to be controlled in the MO such as the Original and delivered quantities and the Quantity to deliver for the MO up to date. + +If the production process requires production in batch, then the Qty Batchs shows the Number of batches the shop floor needs to do and the Qty Batch Size contains the size of every batch to be produced. + + +If you want to issue the MO components before you receive the finished product you should tick the checkbox Is Delivery, this case is recommended when you have a long to medium lead time and you want to have the inventory quantities as reliable as possible at every moment. + +If you have small lead time and you wish to save clerk time then you must tick Is Backflush checkbox and you will receive the finished product at the same time you issue automatically the components + +The Backflush Group field is used when you want to issue just components belonging to this group. (This characteristic could not be included in the current version). + +At the lower part of the window you can find the list of every MO component, this can be modified according with the real products and quantities given to the shop floor. + +The quantities to be issued are selected with the checkbox at the first column of the list of components. If the actual quantity is different from the standard quantity showed in the column Qty to deliver you should edit this field to enter the right quantity to be issued. + +Finally a message box asks if you want to close the OM document, you should click the ok button if this MO does not have any more transactions and has to be closed. + + + + + Generate Movement Manual + Generate Movement to a Order Distribution + + + + Бележница платних акција + Бележница платних акција бележи догађаје над радницима + + + + Генериши отпремнице и фактуре (ручно) + Select and generate shipments & Invoices + Generate Shipments & Invoices from Orders. +Select the orders to generate the shipments & Invoices for. + + + Material Receipt Distribution Order + Material Receipt Distribution Order + + + + Manufacturing Workflow Editor + Edit Manufacturing Workflows + Edit the graphical layout of manufacturing workflows + + diff --git a/data/sr_RS/AD_InfoColumn_Trl_sr_RS.xml b/data/sr_RS/AD_InfoColumn_Trl_sr_RS.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..03d95355ea --- /dev/null +++ b/data/sr_RS/AD_InfoColumn_Trl_sr_RS.xml @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ + + + + diff --git a/data/sr_RS/AD_InfoWindow_Trl_sr_RS.xml b/data/sr_RS/AD_InfoWindow_Trl_sr_RS.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..d63c3dadd9 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/sr_RS/AD_InfoWindow_Trl_sr_RS.xml @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ + + + + diff --git a/data/sr_RS/AD_Menu_Trl_sr_RS.xml b/data/sr_RS/AD_Menu_Trl_sr_RS.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..d2acb5438c --- /dev/null +++ b/data/sr_RS/AD_Menu_Trl_sr_RS.xml @@ -0,0 +1,2601 @@ + + + + + + Упити о фактурама + + + + Задатак + Одржавање задатака + + + Валута + Одржавање валута + + + Стопа валуте + Одржавање стопи валута за конверзију + + + Календарска година и период + Одржавање календарски година и периода + + + Контни елемент + Одржавање контних елемената + + + Контна комбинација + Оджавање исправних контних комбинација + + + Јединице мере + Одржавање јединица мере + + + Локација + Одржавање адреса локација + + + Земља и град + Одржавање земаља и градова + + + Пословни партнер + Одржавање пословних партнера + + + Контни план + Одржавање контних планова - да би промене постале ефективне морате се поново пријавити + + + Тест + Екран теста + + + Прилог + Одржавање прилога + + + Преференције + Одржавање системског клијента организације и корисничких подешавања + + + Пројекат + Одржавање пројеката + + + Категорија ГК + Одржавање категодија главне књиге + + + Дневник главне књиге + Унос и измена ручно унетих рачуноводствених ставова + + + Активност (АБЦ) + Одржавање активности за систем коштања базиран на активностима + + + Тип документа + Одржавање типова докумената + + + Стопа пореза + Одржавање пореза и њихових стопа + + + Категорија пореза + Одржавање стопа категорија + + + Складишта и локатори + Одржавање складишта и локатора + + + Производ + Одржавање производа + + + Услови плаћања + Одржавање услова плаћања + + + Испоручилац + Одржавање испоручиоца + + + Налог за продају + Унесите или измените налоге за продају + + + Категорија производа + Одржавање категорија производа + + + Ценовник + Одржавање ценовника производа + + + Распоред рачуна + Одржавање распореда рачуна + + + Маркетиншка кампања + Одржавање маркетиншких кампања + + + Буџет главне књиге (бољи прев.) + Одржавање буџета главне књиге + + + Маркетиншки канал + Одржавање маркетиншких канала + + + Продајни регион + Одржавање продајних региона + + + Елемент + Одржавање системских елемената + + + Табела и колона + Одржавање табела и колона + + + Референца + Одржавање референци система + + + Прозор, језичак и поље + Одржавање прозора, језичка и поља + + + Правила провере исправности + Одржавање динамичких правила исправности за колона и поља + + + Порука + Одржавање информација и порука о грешкама + + + Мени + Одржавање менија + + + Језик + Одржавање језика + + + Корисник + Одржавање корисника система + + + Клијент + Одржавање клијента + + + Организација + Одржавање организација + + + Улога + Одржавање корисничких права + + + Секвенца документа + Одржавање секвенци документа и система + + + Радни ток + Одржавање радних токова + + + Речник апликације + Одржавање речника апликације + + + Општа правила + + + + Правила за клијента + Одржавање правила клијента + + + Подаци + Одржавање података + + + Мерење перформанси + + + + Помоћни програми + + + + Управљање пројектима + + + + Системска правила + Главна системска правила + + + Увоз података + + + + Правила књижења + + + + Правила комитената + + + + Продаја + + + + Подешавања робно материјалног + + + + Детаљи ставова књижења + Упит над ставовима књижења + + + Стабло + Одржавање дефиниције стабла + + + Банка + Одржавање банке + + + Опомена + Одржавање нивоа опомене + + + Обуставе (1099) + Одржавање сертификата обустава + + + Потраживање + Одржавање трошкова + + + Организациона правила + + + + Извештај и процес + Одржавање извештаја и процеса + + + Фактура (купцу) + Ажурирање фактуре купцу + + + Попис + Ажурирање пописа магацина + + + Отпремница (купцу) + Повраћаји купца + + + Интерна доставница + Интерна доставница + + + Робно материјално + + + + Увоз пословног партнера + Увоз пословног партнера + + + Препознавање прихода + Правила за препознавање прихода + + + Вечите залихе + Одржавање правила вечитих залиха + + + Детаљи добављача + Одржавање детаља довављача + + + Поздрав + Одржавање поздрава + + + Генерисање фактура + Генерисање и штампа фактура из отворених налога + + + Генерисање испорука + Генерисање и штампа испорука из отворених налога + + + Трансакције налога + Трансакције налога + + + Отворени налози + Извештај о отвореним налозима + + + Извештај допуна + Извештај допуна залиха + + + Резиме трансакција производа + Резиме трансакција производа + + + Процесор захтева + Дефинисање захтева процесора + + + Извештај поглед + Одржавање погледа извештаја + + + Трансакције фактура (Рачунов.) + Трансакција фактура по рачуноводственом датуму + + + Набавка + + + + Пријемница + Испоруке добављача (пријемнице) + + + Налог за набавку + Одржавање налога набавке + + + Фактура добављача + Ажурирање фактура добављача + + + Фактуре - дневно + Извештај фактура по дану + + + Фактуре - месечно + Извештај фактура по месецу + + + Фактуре месечно - категорије производа + Извештај фактура -кат. производа по месецу + + + Фактуре недељно - кат. производа + Извештај фактура -кат. производа недељни + + + Фактуре - месечно - добављач + Извештај фактура -добављач производа по месецу + + + Фактуре - недељно + Извештај фактура - недељно + + + Образац + Посебан образац + + + Генериши фактуре (ручно) + Изаберите и генеришите фактуре + + + Администрација система + + + + Подешавање и коришћење пројекта + Подешавање и извештаји пројеката + + + Верзија Јаве + Прикажите верзију подразумеване Јава виртуелне машине + + + Порука грешке + Прикажи поруке грешака + + + Увези формат учитавача + Одржавање увоза учитавача формата + + + Увоз учитавач датотека + Учитавање текстуелних датотека у табеле за увоз + + + Подешавање језика + Подешава нови језик система и преводи елементе + + + Иницијално подешавање клијента + Иницијално подешавање новог клијента + + + Избор добављача + Производи са више од једног добављача + + + Производња + Производња базирана на саставници + + + Робно материјалне трансакције + Робно материјалне трансакције + + + Кварталне фактуре купца по производу + Извештај фактура по купцу и производу по кварталу + + + Кварталне фактуре купца по добављачу + Извештај фактура по купцу и добављачу производа по кварталу + + + Група пословних партнера + Одржавање група пословних партнера + + + Белешка + Преглед системских бележака + + + Извод + Процесира изводе банке + + + Уплата + Процесирај исплате и уплате + + + Отворене ставке + + + + Захтеви + Рад на Вашим захтевима + + + Шаблони за писма + Одржавање шаблона имејла + + + Прилагођене особине + Одржавање прилагожених особина ентитета + + + Благајна + Одржавање благајне + + + Дневник благајне + Трансакције готовине + + + Отворене ставке + Списак отворених ставки (фактура) + + + Непоравнате уплате + Непоравнате уплате са изводом банке + + + Расподела уплата + Усклади фактуре и уплате + + + Расподела + Уплата - фактура - расподела + + + Група поља + Дефинисање поља групе + + + Преглед расподеле + Преглед и повратак расподела + + + Трансакције фактура (Док) + Трансакција фактура по датуму фактуре + + + Детаљи фактуре и маржа + Детаљи (ставке) фактуре и маржа - извештај + + + Генериши трошкове + Генериши трошкове од природних (б.прев.) конта + + + Одабир плаћања + Одабир фактура за уплате + + + Вредност трансакције производа + Вредност трансакције производа + + + Провизија + Одржавање провизија и награда + + + Извештај пројеката + Одржавање циклуса извештаја пројеката + + + Резиме статуса пројекта + Статус пројекта пројектног циклуса + + + Провера иницијалне поставке клијента + Провера нивоа системске поставке новог клијента + + + Комитенти + Односи са купцима и одржавање партнера + + + Покретање провизија + Провера и измена провизија + + + Подешавање рачуноводства + Провера и измена рачуноводствених поставки + + + Подешаваља пословних партнера + Подешавања правила везаних за пословне партнера + + + Подешавање ценовника + Дефинисање ценовника и попуста + + + Подешаваље производа + Подешаваље производа + + + Подешавање продаје + Подешавање продаје + + + Подешавање пореза + Подешавање пореских калкулација + + + Услуге + Управљање услугама + + + Продаја и маркетинг + + + + Циљ перформанси + Дефинисање циљева перформанси + + + Рачуница мерења перформанси + Дефинисање како израчунавате мерење перформанси + + + Подешавање анализе перформанси + Подешавање анализе перформанси + + + Рачуноводство + + + + Мерење перформанси + Дефинишите Ваше мерење перформанси + + + Финансијко извештавање + + + + Финансијски Извештај + Одржавање финансијских извештаја + + + Поставке колоне извештаја + Одржавање поставки колона финансијског извештаја + + + Извештај поставки сета ставки + Одржавање ставки финансијког извештаја + + + Ниво услуге + Одржавање нивоа услуга + + + Ручни избор уплата + Ручни избор уплата + + + Уплата штампа/извоз + Штампа или извош Ваших уплата + + + Детаљи дневника благајне + Информације детаља дневника благајне + + + Извоз базе података + Извоз (снимање) базе података + + + Пронађи (индиректна употреба) + Дијалог пронађи (индиректна употреба) + + + Робно-материјалне трансакције (индиректна употреба) + Робно-материјалне трансакције (индиректна употреба) + + + Образац за штампу + Одржавање кориштеног обрасца за штампу (фактуре, чекови) + + + Системска боја + Одржавање системских боја + + + Радна површина + Одржавање радне површине + + + Слике у програму + Одржавање слика и икона + + + Радни сто + Одржавање радног стола + + + Продаја + + + + База података - трансфер + Трансфер базе података + + + Синхронизација терминологије + Синхронизација терминологије унутар система. + + + Отпис потраживања + Отпис отворених потраживања + + + Понови књижење + Понови књижења докумената са грешком приликом књижења или над закључаним документима + + + Поништи рачуноводство + Понишвтавање рачунодствених уноса *** зауставите рачуноводствени сервер пре започињања *** + + + Захтев (све) + Поглед и рад над свим захтевима + + + Подешавање захтева + Подесите клијента да процесира захтеве + + + Шема попуста + Одржавање трговачке шеме попуста + + + Пробни извештај залиха + Пробни извештај залиха + + + Уклапање налог за набавку, пријемница, фактура + Уклопи налоге набавке, пријемнице и фактуре добављача + + + Ажурирање стандардног коштања + Постављање стандардне и будуће цене коштања + + + Извештај коштања производа (стари) + Извештај коштања производа + + + Уклопљене фактуре + Погледај уклопљене фактуре + + + Уклопљени налози за набавку + Погледај уклопљене налоге за набавку + + + Врста расхода + Одржавање извештаја врста расхода + + + Извештај расхода + Извештај времена и расхода + + + Ресурс + Одржавање ресурса + + + Врста ресурса + Одржавање врста ресурса + + + Прекомпајлирај ДБ објекте + Прекомпајлирај ДБ објекте + + + Формат штампања + Одржавање формата штампе + + + Фонт штампе + Одржавање фонта штампе + + + Боја штампања + Одржавање боје штампе + + + Папир штампања + Одржавање папира штампе + + + Штампање + Дефиниција штампе + + + Расходи (за фактурисање) + Погледај расходе и трошкове који нису фактурисани купцу + + + Креирај налоге продаје на основу расхода + Креирај налоге продаје за купце на основу извештаја расхода + + + Креирај фактуре потраживања расхода + Креирај фактуре потраживања расхода који требају бити плаћени запосленима + + + Штампа - формат табеле + Дефиниши формат табеле за извештај + + + Врста захтева + Одржавање врста захтева + + + Област интересовања + Област интересовања или поглавље + + + Систем + Системска дефиниција + + + Генериши налоге за набавку на основу налога за продају + Креирај налоге за набавку на основу налога за продају + + + Превод увоз/извоз + Увоз или извоз превода језика + + + Поново отвори захтев + Поново отвори затворене захтеве + + + Увези сет ставки извештаја + Увези сет ставки извештаја + + + Увези конто + Увези вредности природних конта + + + Увоз - производ + Увези производе + + + Провера превода система + Провери превод системског језика + + + Актива + Средства коришћена интерно или од стране купаца + + + Група средства + Групе средстава + + + Тренинг + Поновљени тренинг + + + Средства + + + + Генерисање испорука (ручно) + Избор и генерисање испорука + + + Штампај фактуре + Штампа фактура на папир или слање ПДФ-а + + + Испорука средстава + Испорука средстава купцу електронски + + + Расходи (који нису рефундирани) + Погледај расходе и трошкове који нису рефундирани + + + Изјава о контима + Извештај изјаве о контима - почетни биланс и трансакције + + + SQL процес + Обради SQL наредбе + + + Биланси ставова књижења + Упит над билансима ставова књижења + + + Комплет особина + Одржавање комплета особина производа + + + Контрола серијског броја + Контрола серијског броја производа + + + Контрола шарже + Контрола шарже производа + + + Шаржа + Дефиниција шарже производа + + + Особине производа + + + + Претрага особине + Основне особине претраге + + + Особина + Особина производа + + + Фактура расхода (алфа) + Уплате - фактуре расхода - непоуздана функционалност + + + Враћајући + Враћајући документ + + + Улога - приступ подацима + Одржавање приступа подацима улоге + + + Увоз залиха + Увоз трансакција залиха + + + Врста пројекта + Одржавање врсте пројекта и фазе + + + Штампа налепнице + Штампа формата налепнице + + + Ревизија сесије + Ревизија корисничких сесија + + + Безбедност + + + + Ревизија промена + Ревизија промена података + + + Врста времена + Одржавање врсте бележења времена + + + Врста коштања + Одржавање врста трошкова + + + Реклама + Веб рекламирање + + + Веб + + + + Увоз извода из банке + Увоз извода из банака + + + Увези плаћања + Увиз уплата + + + Клик + Одржавање веб кликова + + + Увези наруџбеницу + Увези наруџбенице + + + Распоред уплата фактура + Одржавање распореда уплата фактура + + + Увези дневник главне књиге + Увези дневник главне књиге + + + Аларм + Адемпјеров аларм + + + Бројач + Веб бројач + + + Категорија превознине + Одржавање катагорија превознине + + + Увези фактуре + Увези фактуре + + + Ресетовање кеша + Ресетује кеш система ** Затворити све прозоре пре наставка ** + + + Контна аналитика + Одржавање не-контних стабала аналитике + + + Репликација + Одржавање циљних мета репликације + + + Стратегија репликације + Одржавање стратегије репликације + + + Пројекат (ставке/издања) + Одржавање налога продаје и детаља радних налога + + + База знања + Одржавање базе знања + + + Категорија знања + Одржавање категорија знања и вредности + + + Синоним знања + Кључна реч синонима Знања + + + Извор знања + Извор уноса знања + + + База знања + + + + Ажурирање контних биланса + Ажурирај дневне контне билансе + + + Информације о комитенту + Информације документације пословних партнера + + + Подешавање репликације + Подешавање репликационих података + + + Пошаљи имејл текст + Пошаљи имејл ка активним претплатницима у интересној области или групи пословних партнера од изабраног корисника + + + Спајање ентитета + Споји од ентитета ка ентитету - обриши од + + + Извештај циклуса пројекта + Извештај пројеката базиран на пројектним циклусима + + + Средства купца + Извештај средстава купца са бројем испорука + + + Испорука средстава - детаљи + Извештај о детаљима испорука средстава + + + Издавање за пројекат + Издавање материјала за пројекат на основу пријемнице или ручно - са локације инвентара + + + Генерисање налога за набавку на основу пројекта + Генерисање налога за набавку на основу ставки пројекта + + + Детаљи пројекта - рачуноводствени извештај + Детаљи ставова књижења за пројекат + + + Ставке пројекта које нису издате + Списак ставки пројекта радног налога или пројекта средстава, који нису издати као пројекат + + + Налог за набавку унутар пројетка није издат + Списак ставки пројекта са генерисаним налозима за набавку радног налога или пројекта средстава, који нису издати од стране пројекта + + + Поново уреди цене налога/фактуре + Прерачунај цену базирану на последњој верзији ценовника од отвореног налога или фактуре + + + Конвертовање понуде + Конвертовање отворених понуда у налог + + + Штампач налепница + Одржавање дефиниције штамапча налепница + + + Провера типова документа + Провера типова документа и контроле периода + + + Маржа пројекта (радни налог) + Ставке пројекта радног налога (планиран приход) у односу на Издавање пројекта (трошкови) + + + Складиштење детаљи + Извештај детаља складиштења + + + Детаљи трансакције + Извештај детаља трансакције + + + Застаревање + Извештај застаревања + + + Информације о референту продаје + Информације референта продаје + + + Кликова месечно + Кликова месечно + + + Необрађени кликови + Необрађени кликови + + + Непрокњижени документи + Некњижени документи + + + Врста валуте + Одржавање типова стопа валута за конверзију + + + Каса + Терминал продајног места + + + Организација пословног партнера + Постави и верификуј власништво организације пословних партнера + + + Организација производа + Постави и верификуј власништво организације артикала + + + Организација складишта + Постави и верификуј власништво организације магацина + + + Учитавање извода из банке + Учитавање извода из банке + + + Обрисати увоз + Обрисати све податке у табели увоза + + + Увези курсну листу + Увези курсну листу + + + Уклони саставницу + Уклони (прошири) саставницу + + + Одговоран за радни ток + Лице одговорно за извршавање радног тока + + + Процес радног тока + Праћење процеса радног тока + + + Активности радног тока (све) + Прати све активности радног тока + + + Особине регистрације + Средства - особине регистрације + + + Регистрација + Регистрација корисничких средстава + + + Порез фактуре + Поравнање пореза фактуре + + + Детаљи ставова књижења + Accounting Fact Details Report + + + Детаљи књижења - дневно + Accounting Fact Details summarized by Accounting Date + + + Ставови књижења - период + Сумирани ставови књижења по рачуноводственом периоду + + + Поново отворити налог + Отворити претходно затворени налог + + + Уклапање извода + Algorithm to match Bank Statement Info to Business Partners, Invoices and Payments + + + Пакетна обрада уплата + Process Payment Patches for EFT + + + Процесор радних токова + Maintain Workflow Processor and Logs + + + Рачуноводствени процесор + Одржавање процесора радних токова и дневника догађаја + + + Врста организације + Одржавање врста организација + + + Купац аукције + Одржавање информација купца аукције + + + Продавац аукције + Одржавање информација продавца аукције + + + Пакет + Одржавање пакета испоруке + + + Дистрибуциона листа + Одржавање дистрибуционих листа + + + Обрађивач аларма + Одржавање параметара аларма сервера и дневника догађаја + + + Одељак за лицитацију + Одељак за лицитацију и понуде + + + Врста претплате + Одржавање типова претплате + + + Претплата + Одржавање претплата и испорука + + + Распоред + Maintain Schedule Processes and Logs + + + Односи са партнерима + Maintain Business Partner Relations + + + Област захтева за понуду + Одржавање области ЗЗП и претплатника + + + Врста области аукције + Одржавање врсти области аукција и категорија + + + Захтеви за понуду + Manage Request for Quotations + + + Књижно писмо + Уређивање овере књижних писама + + + Сервер + Адемпјер одржавање сервера + + + Налози за продају + + + + Фактуре + + + + Испоруке + + + + Тржиште + + + + Провера секвенце + Провера секвенци система и докумената + + + Покретање опомена + Управљање покретањем опомена + + + Требовање + Требовање материјала + + + ГК дистрибуција + Главна књига - дистрибуција + + + Одржавање стабла + Одржавање стабла + + + Одговори захтева за понудама + Управљање одговорима захтева за понудама + + + Одговори захтева за понудама + Детаљи захтева за понудама + + + Неодговорени захтеви за понудама + Outstanding RfQ Responses + + + Уређиваћ радног тока + Ажурирање радног тока + + + Активности радног тока + Моје активности радног тока + + + Отворена требовања + Детаљи информације о отвореним требовањима + + + Покретање дистрибуције + Distribution Run create Orders to distribute products to a selected list of partners + + + Раскини везу комитента и организације + Раскини везу пословног партнера од организације + + + Испорука средстава месечно + Месечни извештај о испоруци средстава + + + Ревизија приступа + Ревизија приступа подацима или ресурсима + + + Бројач документа + Maintain Counter Document Types + + + Тражња + Одржавање тражње материјала + + + Предвиђање + Одржавање предвиђања материјала + + + Потврда испоруке/пријема + Потврда пријема или испоруке + + + Врста књижног писма + Врста овере књижних писама + + + Детаљи отверене потврде + Open Shipment or Receipt Confirmation Details + + + Отворене потврде + Open Shipment or Receipt Confirmations + + + Процесирање ревизије + Audit process use + + + Потврда доставнице + Потврдити доставницу + + + Формат штампе детаљи + Print Format Detail Report + + + Увези потврде + Import Receipt/Shipment Confirmation Lines + + + Ресетуј лозинку + Ресетуј лозинку корисника + + + SLA критеријум + Service Level Agreement Criteria + + + SLA по партнеру + Service Level Agreement + + + Шаблон ценовника + Maintain Price List Schema + + + ПОС терминал + Maintain your Point of Sales Terminal + + + ПОС распоред тастера + ПОС распоред функцијских тастера + + + Детаљи пријемнице + Material Receipt Detail Information + + + Детаљи отпремница + Информације о детаљима испоруке (отпремнице) + + + Ажурирање права приступа улога + Ажурирање права приступа групе или група клијента + + + Поништавање расподеле + Поништавање (брисање) расподеле уплата фактура + + + Аутоматска расподела + Automatic allocation of invoices to payments + + + Регистрација система + Региструјте Ваш систем + + + Reapply Customizations + If you identified customizations in the Change Log, you can reapply them + + + Радни ток за клијента + Move custom workflow elements to the current client + + + Радни ток + Адемпјер радниток + + + Пробни биланс + Пробни биланс за временски период + + + Инвентар за интерну употребу + Enter Internal Use of Inventory + + + Конвертовање ЈМ производа + Brack-up or repackage same Products with different UOM + + + Штампај писма опомене + Print Dunning letters to paper or send PDF + + + Провери пословног партнера + Провера конзистетности података пословног партнера + + + Пакетна обрада налога + Пакетно обради налоге + + + Прегледач архива + View automatically archived Documents + + + Нерасподељене фактуре + Invoices not allocated to Payments + + + Нерасподељене уплате + Payments not allocated to Invoices + + + Детаљи уплате + Payment Detail Report + + + Незатворено - комитент + Business Partner Open Amount + + + Покретање провизије - детаљно + Покретање извештаја о детаљима комисионе продаје + + + Синхронизовање док. превода + Синхронизовање док. превода + + + Материјална референца + Material Transactions Cross Reference (used/resourced) + + + Пакетна обрада фактура + Рачуни трошкова - пакетна обрада + + + Прилагођавање прозора + Дефинисање подешавање прозора за улогу/корисника + + + ЕДИ дефиниција + Одржавање ЕДИ дефиниција + + + ЕДИ трансакција + + + + Коштање производа + Одржавање коштања производа + + + Елемент коштања + Maintain Product Cost Element + + + Коштање + + + + Захтев за статус + Maintain Request Status + + + Захтев стандардног одговора + Maintain Request Standard Response + + + Захтев за решавање + Одржавање захтева за решавање + + + Група захтева + Одржавање групе захтева + + + Категорија захтева + Одржавање категорије захтева + + + Захтеви + + + + Web продавница + Дефинишите веб продавницу + + + Радно место + Одржавање радних места + + + Категоризација радних места + Одржавање категорија радних места + + + Плате + Одржавање личних доходака + + + Белешка о промени саставнице + Maintain Bill of Materials (Engineering) Change Notice (Version) + + + Саставница производа + Maintain Product Bill of Materials + + + Захтеви за фактурама + Create Invoice for Requests + + + Измена белешке + Maintain (Engineering) Change Notice (Version) + + + Сређивање складишта + Inventory Storage Cleanup + + + Нереализоване фактуре - добитак/губитак + Извештај о нереализованим фактурама - добитак/губитак + + + Трошкови производа + Извештај коштања производа + + + Резиме коштања производа + Збирни извештај коштања производа + + + Детаљи коштања производа + Product Invoice Cost Detail Report + + + Налог детаљи + Извештај о детаљима налога + + + Детаљи о комитенту + Business Partner Detail Report + + + Пример комплета својстава + View Attribute Set Instance detail and use + + + Креирање записа за коштање + Креирање записа за коштање + + + Декларација пореза + Define the declaration to the tax authorities + + + Хиерархија извештавања + Дефинисање хиерархије извештавања + + + Креирај налог за набавку - на основу требовања + На основу требовања креирати налог за набавку + + + Контрола буџета + Maintain Budget Controls + + + GL Fund (Alpha) + Maintain Fund Controls + + + Извештај о проблемима система + Аутоматски креирани или ручно унешени извештаји проблема система + + + Квартално фактурисање производа + Imvoice Report by Product per Quarter + + + Месечно фактурисање производа + Imvoice Report by Product per Month + + + Индикатори перформанси + Поглед на индикаторе перформанси + + + Шема боја за индикаторе перформанси + Одржавање шеме боја за индикаторе перформанси + + + Performance Benchmark + Performance Benchmark + + + Performance Ratio + Maintain Performance Ratios + + + Издање препоруке + Maintain Issue Recommendation + + + Статус издања + Maintain Issue Status + + + Познато издање + Maintain Known Issue + + + Издање - пројекат + Maintain Issue Management Project Links + + + Издање - корисник + User who reported Issues + + + Издање - систем + Maintain Systems + + + Мрежа особина производа + Одржавање производа са својим особинама унутар табеле + + + Колаборација + Колаборација и управљање садржајем + + + Шаблон + + + + Медијске ставке + Maintain Web Media + + + Канали новости + Define News Channels, write and publish articles + + + Управљање веб рекламама + Content Management Ad Management defines the needed categories and items + + + Погледај чет + View discussions / chats + + + Web пројекат + Maintain Web Project (Content Management) + + + Врста чета + Maintain Chat Types + + + Deploy Web Project + Deploy Web Project + + + Провера саставнице + Провера структуре саставнице + + + Врста ентитета + Maintain System Entity Type + + + Веб приступ + Одржавање веб приступа + + + Веб сервер за емитовање + Одржавање веб сервера за емитовање + + + Информациони прозор + Define Info and search/select Window + + + Индекс текстова + Maintain Text Search Index + + + Индекс текстова стоп + Одржавање кључних речи које се не индексирају + + + Дневник претраге текста + Погледај дневник претраге текста + + + Поново изгради индекс + + + + ЛДАП сервер + LDAP Server to authenticate and authorize external systems based on Adempiere + + + Паковање апликације + Извоз и увоз паковања + + + Инсталирани пакети + Списак пакета који су инсталирани + + + Одржавање пакета + Одржавање историје инсталације пакета + + + PackOut - креирање пакета + Пакет изградња апликације + + + Основни детаљи пакета + Одржавање основних детаља пакета + + + PackIn - увоз пакета + Увоз пакета + + + Копирање улоге + Копирање улоге + + + Подешивач система + + + + Захтевај имејл процесор + + + + Уређивање садржаја огласне табле + + + + Ажурирај мени улога + + + + Веб POS + + + + Веб ПОС мени + Да динамички генеришете линкове менија у веб ПОС-у + + + Веб ПОС мени улога + У зависност од улоге, различити сет менија је генерисан и доступан. + + + Веб ПОС особине + Stores the message tags to be picked up from AD_MESSAGE + + + Веб ПОС провера црне листе + Провера црне листе + + + Провера модела + + + + Поставка веб ПОС-а + + + + Управљање производњом + Manufacturing + + + Manufacturing Management Setup + Setup Manufacturing Management + + + Engineering Management + Engineering management involves the overall management of organizations with an orientation to manufacturing, engineering, technology or production. + + + Resource Manufacturing + Resource Manufacturing + + + Manufacturing Resource + Manufacturing Resource + + + Manufacturing Workflow + + + + Manufacturing Workflows + Maintain Manufacturing Workflows (Routing) + + + Manufacturing Workflow Setup + Setup Manufacturing Workflow + + + Bill of Material & Formulas + Bill of Material & Formulas + + + Bill of Material & Formula Setup + Setup Bill of Material & Formula + + + Bill of Materials & Formula + Maintain Product Bill of Materials & Formula + + + BOM & Formula Info + Shows in two different panels the parent-component relationship for the product entered in the Product field. + + + Multi Level BOM & Formula Detail + Shows in two different panels the parent-component relationship for the product entered in the Product field. + + + Mutiple Components Change + This option allows the change of any component into BOM or Formula + + + Product Configuration BOM + This form let create a product configure with multy level using options and variants + + + Planning Management + Using Planning Management you answer the question: When and How Many products we must get? + + + Planning Management Setup + Setup Planning Management + + + Product Planning + Product Planning + + + Product Planning Data + Maintain Product Planning Data + + + Create Product Planning + This process will create the data plannig register for every product + + + MRP + Materials Requirements Planning + + + Material Requirement Planning Setup + MRP is a set of techniques which uses Bills of Material, Inventory Data, and the Master Production Schedule to calculate requirements for materials. + + + Calculate Low Level + This process calculate and register the lowest level of a product inside any BOM. It is used in the MRP calculations and should be executed when you enter a new BOM. + + + Create Record MRP + This process recreate the demand, approved and open orders for a product. + + + Calculate Material Plan + This process calcualte the demand, approved and open orders for a product. + + + MRP Info + Show the detail of MRP calculation + + + MRP Notice + View MRP Notices + + + MRP Details + Show the detail of MRP calculation + + + Planned Order Approval + A planned manufacturing order is a manufacturing order suggested by the MRP process and contains its quantity and its release and promise dates. + + + CRP + Capacity Requirements Planning + + + CRP Info + It shows graphically of the required and available time for each manufacturing resource. + + + Calculate Capacity Plan + Calculate Capacity Plan + + + Resource Load View + It shows graphically of the required and available time for each manufacturing resource. + + + Capacity Requirement Planning Setup + The process of Capacity Plan Calculation allows us to know the available time in each manufacturing resource, as well as the required time to satisfy the Master Production Schedule. + + + DRP + Distribution Resource Planning + + + Calculate Distribution Plan + Distribution Resource Planning (DRP) is a method used in business administration for planning orders within a supply chain. + + + Distribution Resource Planning Setup + is a method used in business administration for planning orders within a supply chain. DRP enables the user to set certain inventory control parameters (like a safety stock) and calculate the time-phased inventory requirements. + + + DRP Details + Show the detail of DRP calculation + + + Production Management + Production Management + + + Discreet Manufacturing + + + + Discrete Manufacturing Setup + Once the production planning process is completed, the production control process let us to check the execution activities in order to be sure we can reach the material plan. + + + Manufacturing Order + Maintain Manufacturing Order + + + Manufacturing Orders Review + It is a report of every Manufacturing Orders filtering according with the characteristics the user is interested to select. + + + Component Check + Show if components are available in the warehouse to Manufacturing Order + + + Print & Release Order + Once the planned orders of manufacture generated by MRP, have been aprobed, has been reached the date of liberation and has been verified that the required components are in existence, the orders are emitted to the plant for its manufacture. + + + Order Receipt & Issue + Order Receipt & Issue + + + Inventory in Process + This report show the inventory in process + + + Management Maintenance + Management Maintenance + + + Spare parts + Spare parts + + + Activity Control + Activity Control + + + Activity Control Report + Activity Control + + + Shop Floor Transaction Details + Show the Shop Floor Transaction Details + + + Distribution Management + Distribution Resource Planning (DRP) is a method used in business administration for planning orders within a supply chain. + + + Distribution Management Setup + Setup Distribution Management + + + Distribution Order + Distribution Order allow create Order inter warehouse to supply a demand + + + Generate Movement Manual + Generate Movement to a Order Distribution + + + Generate Movement + Generate and print Movement from open Distribution Orders + + + Quality Management + Quality Management + + + Quality Specifications + Maintain Quality Specifications + + + Print Test Results + Process allow print the result of Quality Order + + + Standard Costing Management + Standard Costing Management + + + Create Doc Type to Manufacturing + Let create the document type to manufacturing + + + Create Element + Let create every cost elements defined for a Organization, Accounting Schema, Warehouse, Resource, Cost Type ,Product and Product Attribute Set Instance. + + + Product Costing + To watch the cost elements for every set of Product, Organization, Accounting Schema, Warehouse, Resource and Cost Type + + + Copy Price to Standard Cost + This process allow copy a Price from Price list Version to Element Cost. + + + Workflow Cost Roll-Up + This Process allow integrate Labor and Overhead Cost to a Manufacturing Workflow + + + Cost Workflow & Process Details + This report show every cost element to a BOM or Formula + + + Bill of Material & Formula Cost Roll-UP + This Process allow integrate Bill of Material & Formula Cost. + + + Cost Collector + The cost collector is a repository of all the MO transactions. + + + АСП модули + + + + АСП претплаћени модули + + + + Правило + + + + Ажурирање броја секвенце + + + + Distribution Network + Distribution Network define the supply relationships + + + Миграционе скрипте + + + + Припреми миграционе скрипте + + + + Global Tax Management + + + + Tax Group + Tax Groups let you group the business partner with a reference tax. + + + C_Invoce Calculate Tax + + + + Tax Definition + Lets you define different tax combinations. + + + Tax Rate Parent + Одржавање пореза и њихових стопа + + + Tax Type + Tax Types let you group taxes together. + + + Tax Base + Defines tax base for a tax + + + Replication Data + + + + Setup Replication + Подешавање репликационих података + + + Export Format + + + + Export Processor + + + + Export Processor Type + + + + Import Processor + + + + Import Processor Type + + + + Људски ресурси и зараде + Људски ресурси и зараде + + + Људски ресурси + + + + Уговор о раду + Одржавање уговора о раду + + + Радник + Исплата радника + + + Платно одељење + Одржавање платног одељења + + + Платни посао + Одржавање платних послова + + + Платни списак + + + + Каталог платних појмова + Одржавање каталога платних концепата + + + Обрачун зарада + Обрачун зарада се користи за обраду зарада, може се обрачунавати за једног или све раднике + + + Дефинисање платног списка + У предузећу, платни списак представља суму свих финансијских евиденција зарада, дневница, бонуса и одбитака. + + + Категорија платних концепата + Oдржавање категорија платних појмова + + + Тип платне листе + Одржавање типова платне листе + + + Платна табела + Одржавање платних табела + + + Платни обрачун + Историја платног обрачуна + + + Слање зарада е-поштом + Овај процес служи за слање плата свим запосленима путем е-поште + + + Бележница платних акција + Бележница платних акција бележи догађаје над радницима + + + Подешавање људских ресурса и зарада + Подешавање људских ресурса и зарада + + + Генератор извозних формата + Креирање вишеструких извозних формата који се налазе у прозору + + + Обрада платног списка + Обрада платног списка + + + Manufacturing Workflow Editor + Edit Manufacturing Workflows + + + Bill of Materials & Formula + Maintain Product Bill of Materials & Formula + + + Test Export Model + Test Export of XML files + + + Test Import Model + Test Import of XML files + + + Генериши отпремнице и фактуре (ручно) + Select and generate shipments & Invoices + + + Customer Service + Customer Related Assets + + + Fixed Assets + Applications to setup and maintain fixed assets + + + Обрада + Process Fixed Assets + + + Asset Revaluation + Process Asset Revaluations + + + Asset Revaluation Processing + Process Revaluation of Assets + + + Asset Revaluation Index + Set the Revaluate Assets Index or Factors + + + Splits Transfers and Disposals + Process Assets Splits Transfers and Disposals + + + Transfer Asset Entry + Create Transfer Asset Entry + + + Disposed Asset Entry + Create Disposed Asset Entry + + + Asset Disposal Expense Entry Rpt + Used to review Assets Disposed Entry + + + Asset Transfer Entry + Used to review Assets Transfered Entry + + + Asset Split + Split Assets Process + + + Asset Disposal + Dispose of Assets + + + Asset Transfers + Process transfers of assets + + + Split Asset Entry + Create Split Asset Entries + + + Asset Split Entry + Used to review Assets Split Entry + + + Depreciation Processing + Applications to Process Fixed Assets to the GL + + + Depreciation Expense Entry + Used to review Depreciation Expense Entry not yet booked + + + Build Depreciation Workfile + Build Depreciation Expense File + + + Post Depreciation Entry + Create Depreciation Entry + + + Asset Depreciation Forecast + Used to review Assets Forecast + + + Build Depreciation Forecast + + + + Reporting + Reporting for fixed assets + + + RV_Asset_Parent_Report + + + + RV_Depreciation_Table + + + + Spread Report + + + + RV_Asset_Depreciation_Method + List Depreciation Methods + + + RV_Asset_Convention_Rpt + Asset Convention Report + + + RV_Depreciation_Calculation_Methods + List Depreciation Calculation Methods Available + + + RV_Asset_Group_Defaults + Lists Asset Group Settings & Defaults + + + Setup and Maintain + Setup and maintain assets + + + Fixed Assets Setup + Setup and Maintain Fixed Assets + + + Inbound Charges for GL + Process invoice charges from GL + + + Inbound Asset Entry + Create Inbound Asset Entry + + + Inbound Charge Entry Report + Used to review Assets Inbound Entry + + + Inbound Charges for AP + Process invoice charges from AP + + + Увоз учитавач датотека + Учитавање текстуелних датотека у табеле за увоз + + + Post Imported Assets + Import Fixed Assets + + + Depreciation Setup + Applications to setup and maintain depreciation + + + Depreciation Period Spread Type + Period Spread Type + + + Depreciation Methods + Depreciation Methods + + + Depreciation Tables + Allows users to create multiple depreciation schedules + + + Depreciation First Year Conventions + Setup for depreciation Setups + + + Depreciation Calculation Method + Define Calculation Methods used in depreciation expense calculation + + + Forecast Management + + + + Forecast Report by Period + Forecast Report by Period + + + Calculate Forecast + Calculate Forecast + + + Forecast Report + Forecast Report + + + Distribution Run Orders + Create Distribution Run Orders based on Distribution List or The Quantity Demand the Distribution Order and redistribute the quantity into Distribution Plan line items + + + Distribution Order Detail + Distribution Order Detail Report + + + Immediate Bank Transfer + + + + Material Receipt Distribution Order + Material Receipt Distribution Order + + + Charge Type + + + + Bank Transfer + Bank Transfer let money tranfer between Banks + + + House Keeping + + + + HouseKeeping + + + + Enable Native Sequence + Enable Native Sequence + + + Web POS Terminal + + + + Cost BOM Multi Level Review + This report show every cost element to a BOM or Formula. + + + Frozen/UnFrozen Cost + + + + Initial Client Setup Process + + + + Search Definition + Define transactions for the QuickSearch bar + + + Import Price List + + + + Promotion Group + + + + Promotion + + + + Трансакције налога + + + + MRP Notice (all) + View all MRP Notices + + diff --git a/data/sr_RS/AD_Message_Trl_sr_RS.xml b/data/sr_RS/AD_Message_Trl_sr_RS.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..76c09737b1 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/sr_RS/AD_Message_Trl_sr_RS.xml @@ -0,0 +1,5409 @@ + + + + + + нула + + + + један + + + + два + + + + три + + + + четири + + + + пет + + + + шест + + + + седам + + + + осам + + + + девет + + + + О ... + + + + Приступ + + + + Не можете изменити слог + Немате привилегије/права + + + Не можете избрисати овај слог + Немате привилегије/права + + + Не можете убацити слог + Немате привилегије/права + + + Не можете ажурирати овај слог + Немате привилегије/права + + + Клијент & Организациони подаци + + + + Не можете обрисати слогове ове датотеке због разлога контроле + Ако није трансакција, можете деактивирати овај слог одштиклирањем "Активан" знака + + + Организациони подаци + + + + Дељени подаци + + + + Системски подаци + + + + Системски & клијентски подаци + + + + Са тренутном Улогом, не можете ажурирати ову информацију + Немате привилегије/права + + + Са тренутном улогом, не можете видети ову информацију + Немате привилегије/права (ваша Улога Вам не дозвољава проступ овој информацији) - или - поставите профил (нпр. Ако желите видети рачуноводствено слогове, штиклирајте Прикажи Рачуноводство) + + + Адемпјер, АД. + http://www.adempiere.org + + + 40 Old Tannery Rd Monroe CT 06460 USA + Телефон (203) 445-8182 + + + Адемпјер онлине + + + + Контна комбинација + + + + Креирај нови конто или ажурирај псеудоним + + + + Конто није ажуриран + + + + Прегледач конта + + + + Ова акција није дозвољена у овом контексту + + + + Ова акција није подржана + + + + Адреса + + + + &Напредно + + + + Псеудоним + + + + Сви слогови + + + + Дај првенство избору упарене фактуре и плаћања и обради их понаособ. + + + + Слог не може бити измењен + + + + Износ + + + + Доспеће износа + + + + Износ уплате + + + + Са износа + + + + Ка износу + + + + Апликација + + + + Примењено + + + + Уз први слог + + + + Уз задњи слог + + + + Прилог + + + + Да ли желите да обришете овај (комплетан) прилог + + + + Изаберита датотеку да приложите овом ентитету + + + + Прилог није пронађен + + + + Не можете додати прилог овом ентитету + Прилог захтева један кључ, док је овај ентите вероватно асоцијација (са два кључа) или ентитет без јединственог нумеричког кључа. + + + Аутоматски отпис + Аутоматско израчунавање износа отписа да затвори ову отворену ставку + + + Аутоматско чување + Аутоматско чување података + + + Аутоматска пријава + Пријава текућег корисничког ИД-а аутоматски + + + Расположив избор + + + + Пословни партнер није пронађен + + + + Пословни партнер није сачуван + + + + Додај на стубац + + + + Стубчани графикон + + + + Уклони са стубца + + + + Пословни партнер + + + + Дигитрон + + + + Календар + + + + &Откажи + + + + &Откажи Упит + + + + Не може да промени врсту документа + + + + Не можете обрисати овај слог (можда ћете га некад реактивирати) + + + + Не можете обрисати завршене/обрађене трансакције + + + + Промена подразумеване дневник благајне је игнорисана. Молимо Вас да промените дневник благајне само након комплетирања трансакције + + + + Трошак је креиран + + + + Креирај трошак из конта + + + + Генериши трошкове + + + + Креирај конто и трошак + + + + Трошак НИЈЕ креиран + + + + Град + + + + Клијент + + + + Дељене услуге + + + + Затвори прозор + + + + Комбинација + + + + Веза + + + + Контакт + + + + Контролни износ се разликује од биланса + + + + Грешка настала за време извршавања програма за конверзију валута + + + + Конвертовано + + + + Ископирано + + + + &Копирај слог + + + + Ажурирај ископиран слог и сачувај или игнориши + + + + Не може да ископира: + + + + Земља + + + + Креирај + + + + Креирај нови слог + + + + Креирано + + + + Датум истека кредитне картице мора бити у формату "MMYY" + + + + Месец у датуму истека кредитне картице је погрешан + + + + Година у датуму истека кредитне картице је погрешна + + + + Кредитна картица је истекла + + + + Број кредитне картице није исправан + + + + Проблем са бројем кредитне картице Наставити? + + + + Код за проверу кредитне картице није исправан. + Четвороцифрени код за преверу је одштампан на AMEX картици изнад броја кредитне картице. На осталим картицама то је троцифрен број одштампан на пољу потписа одмах након броја кредитне картице. + + + Белешка: преко кредитног лимита + + + + Претварање валута + + + + Текућа подешавања + + + + Прилагоди + + + + Грешка базе података. + + + + Подаци потребни из базе података + + + + База података + + + + Датум + + + + Датум од + + + + Датум до + + + + Степен трага + + + + Подразумевана грешка + + + + &Обриши слог + + + + Не може да обрише слог: + + + + Слог није обрисан - завистан слог је пронађен + + + + Да ли желите да обришете слог? + + + + Обрисано + + + + Опис + + + + Детаљан слог + + + + Разлика + + + + Трговачки попуст + + + + Датум попуста + + + + Категорија попуста није исправна (изнад или испод 100) + + + + Прикажи инфо документа + + + + Прикажи квантитет + + + + Прикажи извор инфо + + + + Документ је био процесиран + + + + Копирај + + + + Прорешетај + + + + EFT + + + + Имејл + + + + И-мејл за подршку + + + + &Уређивање + + + + Уређивач + + + + Н&апусти прозор + + + + Унеси &упит + + + + Унесите текст за претрагу у стаблу + + + + Окружење + + + + Грешка: + + + + Изврши упит + + + + Изађи из програма + + + + Да ли сте сигурни да желите изаћи из програма? + + + + Рашири све + + + + &Рашири стабло + + + + Расход + + + + Истиче (MMYY) + + + + Извоз + + + + Извоз у ексцел + + + + Извези слогове + + + + Процес није успео: + + + + Поље + + + + &Датотека + + + + csv - Ексцелл запетом раздвојене вредности датотека + + + + Не може да креира датотеку + + + + html - HTML датотека + + + + Увоз учитавач датотека + + + + <Изаберите датотеку коју желите да учитате> + + + + Изаберите датотеку да бисте учитали одговарајући увозни Формат + + + + Изаберите увозни Формат + + + + Редови у датотеци / учитани и спремни за увоз: + + + + Погрешана екстензија датотеке + + + + pdf - Acrobat PDF датотека + + + + ps - Postscript датотека + + + + rtf - Rich Text Format датотека + + + + txt - Tab раздвојена датотека + + + + Грешака уписа дототеке + + + + xml - XML датотека + + + + Попуни обевезна поља: + + + + &Претрага слога + + + + Расположиве колоне + + + + Изаберите колоне и поређајте их + + + + Изабране колоне + + + + Прилагоди тражење + + + + Обележи ред или унеси критеријум претраге + + + + Унесите критеријум упита са опцоним % "wildcardom" (не разликује мала/велика слова) + + + + Ниједан слог није пронађен + + + + Први слог + + + + Прва страна + + + + Од + + + + Колаут функција није пронађена + + + + Грешка колаут функције + + + + Генериши + + + + &Иди + + + + Иди на страну + + + + Колона за назив (X-Оса) + + + + Поздрав + + + + Сумирај + + + + Групиши по + + + + Заглавље + + + + &Помоћ + + + + Историј&а слогова + + + + &Мени + + + + Домаћин + + + + &Поништи промене + + + + Не може да игнорише промене: + + + + Промене су игнорисане + + + + Информације + + + + Конто инфо + + + + Информације о комитенту + + + + Испорука инфо + + + + Фактура инфо + + + + Налог инфо + + + + Уплата инфо + + + + Производ &инфо + + + + Убачено + + + + Генериши фактуре (ручно) + + + + Генериши фактуре + + + + Фактуре су генерисане у зависности од избора "фактурног правила" у налогу + + + + Изаберите испоруке за генерисање фактура + + + + Један или више производа се појављује једном или више пута у пописној листи. Ставке су деактивиране. + + + + Фактура + + + + Отпремница (испорука) већ постоји за ову фактуру + + + + Документ прво мора бити комплетиран + + + + Унесите овде ставку + + + + Премести ставку + + + + Последњи слог + + + + Последња страна + + + + Дужина + + + + Степен + + + + Учитај + + + + Учитавање .... + + + + Локација/адреса + + + + Унесите нову локацију/адресу + + + + Ажирирај локацију/адресу + + + + Пријава + + + + Пријава (успешна) + + + + Маржа + + + + Упарује од + + + + Режим претраге + + + + Упари ка + + + + Упарено + + + + Упарује + + + + &Мени + + + + Иди на мени + + + + Мени не може да учита: + + + + Порука није послата. Проблем: + + + + Порука је послата. + + + + Поруке + + + + Мрежа &укључи/искључи + + + + Вишевалутни + + + + Не + + + + &Назив + + + + Прегледај + + + + Прегледај или ажурирај слог + + + + <Упит активан> Прегледај или ажурирај слог + + + + &Нови слог + + + + Унесите податке за нови слог и сачувајте или игноришите + + + + Не може да дода нови слог: + + + + Нова вредност + + + + Следећи слог + + + + Следећа страна + + + + Није пронађен следећи број секвенце + Контактирај систем администратора + + + Не + + + + Порука није пронађена + + + + Број ставки + + + + Број уплата + + + + Ниједан слог није пронађен; унесите податке за нови слог + + + + Није пронађен исправна рачуноводствена информација. + + + + НИЈЕ активно + + + + Нема довољно на лагеру: + + + + * Није пронађено * + + + + Није упарено + + + + Није јединствено: + + + + Број редова x колона + + + + &У реду + + + + Прикажи старе/завршене трансакције + + + + Стара вредност + + + + На вези + + + + Само купци + + + + Само доспеле фактуре + + + + Само добављачи + + + + Отворен + + + + Отворен + + + + Опције + + + + Сортирај по + + + + {0} Линија(е) - {1,number,#,##0.00} - Тотал: {2,number,#,##0.00} {3} = {4,number,#,##0.00} + + + + Орг + + + + Неки други процес је активан за овај слог, покушајте касније + + + + Страна + + + + Прелом стране + + + + Страна {P} од {N} + + + + Две стране + + + + Цела страна + + + + Ширина стране + + + + Параметар + + + + Грешка: недостаје параметар + + + + Родитељ слог + + + + Лозинка + + + + Уплата + + + + Расподела уплата + + + + Број рачуна банке није исправан + + + + Број банкарског чека није исправан + + + + Банкарски број трасирања није исправан + + + + Унесите уплату после завршетка трансакције + + + + Креирана уплата: + + + + Уплата попуст + + + + Грешка се догодила током обраде уплате: + + + + Нема процесора уплата за ову врсту уплате. + Креирај процесор уплате за ваш банкарски рачун. + + + Процес уплате није успео + + + + Уплата је успешно обрађена + + + + Инос је нула. Унесите уплату после завршетка трансакције + + + + Следећи календарки период није пронађен + Молимо Вас да подесите будуће периоде + + + Календарки период није пронађен + Проверите подешавања календара и рачуноводствених шема као и рачуноводствених шема које се односе на клијента или организацију + + + Не постоји исправан период за овај рачуноводствени датум. + Проверите ваша подешавања календара. + + + Пита графикон + + + + Документ мора бити комплетиран или затворен да бисте видели рачуноводство + + + + Књижи сада и креирај рачуноводствене ставове? + + + + Књижење: Грешка сервера + + + + ПТТ број + + + + ПТТ број+4 + + + + Грешка књижења + + + + Грешка књижења + + + + Грешка књижења: Извор није избалансиран + + + + Грешка Слања: Изворна валута није конвертибилна + Дефинишите курс од изворне валуте ка вашој рачуноводственој валути + + + Грешка књижења: Погрешан рачун + Рачун није више активан; реактивирајте вредност рачуна или изаберите нови + + + Грешка књижења: Период је затворен + (Поново-) Отворите период или промените рачуноводствени датум + + + Преференције + + + + Преференције + + + + Претходни слог + + + + Претходна страна + + + + Историја цене + + + + Верзија ценовника + + + + Није пронађен ниједна активна и исправна верзија ценовника + + + + &Штампај + + + + Прилагоди извештај + + + + Дефинисан [приказан] + + + + Штампај фактуре + + + + Штампај само скорије фактуре ? (Бр: Штампај све фактуре од налога) + + + + Штампај екран + + + + Подеси страну + + + + Штампај испоруке + + + + Одштампан + + + + Штампач + + + + Штампање + + + + Да ли је у реду одштампано ? + + + + Процес + + + + Процес отказан + + + + Процес није успео + + + + Процес не може започети - не постоји назив процедуре + + + + Процес је завршен успешно + + + + Процес је црко у току извршавања + + + + Грешка: + + + + Информација: + + + + Упозорење: + + + + Процес не може бити прослеђен + + + + Обрађујем ... Молимо сачекајте ... + + + + Доступно + + + + Количина + + + + Унесите упит + + + + Откажи Упит + + + + Унесите упит + + + + Унесите критеријум упита + + + + Изврши Упит + + + + Укључи у упит + + + + Нема слогова за задати критеријум. Да ли желите да промените критеријум упита? + + + + Слог је само за читање + + + + Понови књижење + + + + Поновопослати документ поново креира рачуноводство за овај документ + + + + Слог + + + + Проблем приликом приступа слогу: + + + + Слог пронађен + + + + Слог сачуван + + + + Слогови + + + + Понови &упит + + + + Понови упит - све + + + + Не може да понови упит података: + + + + Подаци потребни + + + + Понавља упит за подацима ... + + + + Регион/Држава + + + + Преостало + + + + Савет дознаке + + + + &Извештај + + + + Пронађи извештај + + + + Сачувај извештај као PDF, CSV, HTML или TXT датотеку + + + + Извештаји + + + + Не може да пошаље И-мејл + + + + И-мејл од {0} до {1} + + + + Не може да пошаље И-мејл: Нема пошиљаоца (ОД) адресе - проверити корисника + + + + Не може да пошаље И-мејл: Није пронађен имејл сервер (SMTP); провери податке клијента + + + + Не може да пошаље И-мејл: Нема адресе дестинације (ка) - провери контакт + + + + И-Мејл послат + + + + Захтев {0} је премештен од стране {1} од {2} ка {3} + + + + Аларм: Захтев {0} касни + + + + Ескалирао захтев {0} ка {1} + + + + Унесите потребне информације: + + + + Приход + + + + Окренут од документа + + + + Улога и Клијент/Организација није конзистентно + + + + Кредит доступан + + + + Производ је резервисан или је већ испоручен или фактурисан. Постави количину на нула. Детаљи: + + + + Унос у пољу кључа није јединствен - слог са том вредношћу већ постоји. Детаљи: + + + + Слог је референциран од стране других слогова. Детаљи: + + + + Исти пословни партнер + + + + Исти производ + + + + Иста количина + + + + &Сачувај промене + + + + Да ли желите да сачувате промене? + + + + Сачувај информације у колачић + + + + Није могуће сачувати промене: + + + + Није могуће сачувати промене - подаци су измењени након упита. + Систем ће поново учитати слог. + + + Није могуће снимити слог - потребан је јединствени податак: + Молимо промените информацију. + + + Слог није сачуван. Ред није пронађен! + + + + Није сачуван + + + + Не може послати слог: + + + + Слог сачуван + + + + Шема + + + + Скрипта + + + + Уређивач скрипти + + + + Грешка скрипте + + + + Помоћ скрипте + + + + Резултат + + + + Резултат променљиве + + + + Доступне променљиве + + + + Претражи слогове + + + + Критеријум претраге + + + + Не може да лоцира слог: + + + + Све / Било који + + + + Претражи коришћењем све критеријума (AND) - или било који критеријум (OR) + + + + Нема ничега за претрагу овде + + + + Обележи слог & врати + + + + Грешка упита - вероватно је унешен погрешан критеријум + + + + Редови пронађени - унесите критеријум упита (по потреби са %) + + + + Обележи + + + + Расположив избор + + + + Изабери документ + + + + Изабери датотеку + + + + Претражи и обележи унос + + + + Изабери ставку менија + + + + Изабери програм + + + + Изабери колоне за изабрани прозор + + + + Преместите жељене колоне у обележену "кутију" и подесите њихов редослед + + + + Изабрани избори + + + + Изабран + + + + Пошаљи имејл + + + + Пошаљи писмо + + + + Секвенца + + + + Не може пронаћи секвенцу документа: + Проверите дефиницију документа и правила секвенце документа + + + Не може да пронађе следећи ИД секвенце табеле + Проверите са вашим систем администратором + + + Не може да пронађе секвенце за: + + + + Креирај објекте на серверу + Креирај сложене објекте на апликационом серверу (споре комуникационе линије) + + + Документ прво мора бити комплетиран + + + + Прикажи рачуноводствене језичке + Прикажи рачуноводствене информације + + + Прикажи језичке за превођење + Прикажи информације превођења + + + Један-слог приказ + + + + Поређај по + + + + Поређано + + + + Стандардно + + + + Старт + + + + Да ли желите да започнете процес? + + + + Започни обележен извештај + + + + Започни извештаје + + + + Започни претрагу ... + + + + Тема + + + + Процес је завршен успешно + + + + Збир + + + + Систем + + + + Језичак + + + + Не може да изврши задатак: + + + + Задаци + + + + Критеријум за порез није пронашао + + + + Не може пронаћи порез + + + + Тест + + + + Истекло време - покушајте да проверите резултате касније + + + + Ка + + + + Данас + + + + &Алати + + + + Тотали + + + + Транс. + + + + Тема корисничког интерфејса + Прозор - Метал - Адемпјер + + + Цена испод лимита + + + + Ажурирај + + + + Ажурирај податке за ископирани слог и сними или игнориши + + + + Ажурирано + + + + Корисник + + + + Кориснички интерфејс + + + + Кориснички дефинисане поруке + + + + Корисничко име и лозинка нису конзистентни + + + + Уплата штампај/извези + + + + За неке уплате, нема довољно простора за све ставке дознаке Да ли желите да штампате одвојено савет дознаке ? + + + + Нема докумената банкарског рачуна (чекови) за ову банку и правила плаћања. + + + + Нема расположивих уплата за штампу/извоз + + + + Да ли желите да штампате савет дознаке ? + + + + Генериши EFT уплате + + + + Да ли је штампа уплате исправна ? + + + + Избор уплата (ручно) + + + + Генериши уплате из избора уплата? + + + + Не постоји банкарски рачун са документом (нпр. чек) + + + + Штампа/извоз генерисаних уплата? + + + + Иницијално подешавање клијента + + + + Инфо материјалне трансакције + + + + &Кључ + + + + Подешавање вредности + + + + Подешавање вредности обрисано + + + + Подешавање вредности постављено + + + + Пословни партнер није пронађен + + + + Пословни партнер није постављен + + + + За степен + + + + &Поглед + + + + Графикон + + + + Унесите избор и критеријум приказа и покренит упит + + + + &Унесите упит + + + + Погледај резултате + + + + Не може започети радни ток - дефиниција није исправна + + + + Изађите из радног тока + + + + Следећи корак радног тока + + + + Претходни корак радног тока + + + + Назад на почетак радног тока + + + + Молимо обновите ваш интернет претраживач, ако зависно поље избора остане празно након промене улоге. + + + + База података тренутно није доступна + + + + Чека уплату (ако је потребно можете затворити налог) + + + + &Складиште + + + + Инфо слога + + + + Прозор + + + + Отпис + + + + Да + + + + Да + + + + &Увеличај + + + + Увеличање документа + + + + од + + + + Штампај само скорашње испоруке? (Бр: Штампај све испоруке налога) + + + + Додела ресурса + + + + {0} Линија(е) - Укупно: {1,number,#,##0.00} {2} + + + + Недеља + + + + Дан + + + + Месец + + + + Ресурс информације + + + + Ресурс није доступан или није активан + + + + Ресурс није доступан + + + + Није послован дан + + + + Време није доступно + + + + Дан није доступан + + + + Распоред инфо + + + + Положено + + + + Усправно + + + + Није пронађен курс између валута + + + + Оператор + + + + Упит вредност + + + + Ка вредности упита + + + + Грешка провере + + + + Редови података + + + + Колоне података + + + + Није дефинисан ниједан формат штампе документа + + + + Преведи формат штампе + Ако немате опцију вишејезички документ укључену, можете превести извештај овде. + + + Преведи + + + + Нови извештај + + + + Просечан + + + + Избројано + + + + Слика екрана + + + + Грешка верзије базе података + Програм подразумева верзију базе Података {0}, али база података има верзију {1}. Ово ће вероватно узроковати грешку која се тешко решава. Молимо одмах зауставите базу података и мигрирајте је. + + + Увек преглед пре штампе + Не штампај директно - чак ни документе + + + Све + + + + Година + + + + Колико дуго назад у историју? + Погледај историјске слогове уназад у времену. + + + Да буде упарено + + + + Сачувај лозинку + Сачувај лозинку за брзу пријаву (безбедносни ризик) + + + Дневник благајне информације + + + + Ресурс информације + + + + Апсолутан износ + + + + Увоз + + + + Грешке + + + + Куповина + + + + Ниједан апликациони сервер није пронађен + + + + Оптимално + + + + Учитај рачуноводствене вредности + Формат: Racunovodstvo__.csv + + + Није пронађено изузеће пореза (дефиниши те стопу изузећа пореза) + + + + Нема везе са базом података + + + + Генериши испоруке + + + + Изаберите налоге за генерисање испорука + + + + Испоруке су генерисане у зависности од "правила испоруке" избора у налогу + + + + Отпремнице + + + + Послато + + + + Потребно је да ограничите избор. + + + + Почетни биланс + + + + Погрешни аргументи - проверите параметре + + + + Трошак не може бити изабран, ако постоји избор производа. Трошак мора имати своју властиту ставку. + + + + Врста документа уплате и врста Фактуре нису конзистентни. + + + + (поново) Изаберите фактуру + + + + Онлине плаћање није успешно + + + + Грешка учитавања + + + + Споји од (брише се) + + + + Споји ка (опстаје) + + + + Споји од ентитета ка ентитету ? ** Нема повратка нити трага -- потребно је да имате бекап/резерву ** + + + + Спајање успешно + + + + Грешка спајања - Молимо прегледајте: + + + + Грешка постављања језика + Провери подешавања језика + + + Није дефинисан ниједан скуп обележја производа + + + + нема информације обележја производа + + + + Нема производа са обележјима за избор + + + + Контекст + + + + Информације актива + + + + Ресет + + + + Особине производа + + + + Инстанца обележја производа + + + + SQL наредба + + + + Приватно закључан слог + + + + Инфо обележја производа + + + + Не можете креирати извештај за ову информацију. + Немате привилегије/права + + + Не можете извозити ову информацију. + Немате привилегије/права + + + Подаци клијента + + + + Дијалог приступа слогу + + + + Улога инфо + + + + Укључи + + + + Изостави + + + + Одржавање речника + Само за интерно одржавање Адемпјеровог речника - НЕ ДИРАЈ + + + Нема превода + + + + Обележи постојећи слог + + + + Нови слог + + + + Уреди слог + + + + Прикажи све + + + + Документ има ставке без ОБАВЕЗНИХ скупа обележја производа постави инстанцу - комплетирај прво + + + + Обележи постојећи слог + + + + Величина + + + + Подебљано + + + + Искошено + + + + Подвучено + + + + Фамилија фонта + + + + Стил фонта + + + + Лева + + + + Центар + + + + Десна + + + + Поравнај + + + + Фонт + + + + Систем није подешен за репликацију (погледај дневник-log) + + + + Просек + + + + Минимум + + + + Максимум + + + + Варијанса + + + + Станд.девијација + + + + Покретни тотал + + + + Изабери производ + + + + Укупно ВМ меморије {0,number,integer} kB - Слободно {1,number,integer} kB + + + + ssv - Semicolon Separated Values датотека + + + + Сачувај прилог на диск + + + + Да ли желите да обришете овај прилог? + + + + jpg - JPEG Graphic датотека + + + + Преузмите {0} за {1} Верзију = {2} - Шаржа = {3} - СерБр = {4} Датум Гаранције = {5,date,short} Хвала на коришћењу Адампјеровог упраљања комитентима + + + + Ви отписујете значајан удео отвореног износа. + Одштилирајте атоматски отпис да би ручно унели износ отписа + + + Одговор + + + + Проследи + + + + Немате активности + + + + Ваше активности радног тока + + + + Резултати радног тока + + + + Не може напред + + + + Активан радни ток за овај слог постоји (комплетирај прво): + + + + Период затворен + + + + Активни &радни токови + + + + Нема мете увеличања за овај слог + + + + &Увеличај преко (где је коришћено) + + + + Налог + + + + Бројач документа + + + + Постави величину прозора + + + + Постави величину прозора за све кориснике (Одустани да би се вратило на пордразумевано) + + + + Коришћени конто је под контролом од стране документа - Не користити за ручне дневнике. + + + + Организација складишта није организација документа + + + + Пословни партнер је на кредит стоп + + + + Пословни Партнер је на Кредит чекај + + + + Пословни партнер са овим налогом преко кредит чекај + + + + Пословни партнер са отвореном пошиљком преко кредит чекај + + + + Није фактурисан износ + + + + Стара лозинка је обавезна + + + + Стара лозинка се не слаже + + + + Ниједан POS терминал није дефинисан за корисника + + + + Обележите POS терминал + + + + Региструјте + + + + Резиме + + + + &Производ + + + + &Пословни партнер + + + + Контрола + + + + Дата готовина + + + + Повратак + + + + Готовина + + + + Истек (exp) MM/YY + + + + Текућа ставка + + + + Одјава + + + + Плус (додај) + + + + Минус (одузми) + + + + Сет обележја производа нема ниједно обележје инстанце (нпр. серијски број) + + + + Нема доступних залиха: + + + + Јединица мере производа мора бити најмања јединица мере + Стопа дељења >= 1 и увек резултат у исправној јединици мере. Пример: да претворите КОМ у ПАР, стопа множења је 0.5 + + + Изаберите ЈМ производа као од Јединице мере: + + + + Непотврђена количина + + + + Попуна залиха + + + + Захтев {0} - Доспеће + + + + Аларм неактивности: Захтев {0} + + + + Радни ток није исправан + + + + Аларм неактивности: активност радног тока {0} + + + + Аларм активност радног тока: максимално време је истекло {0} + + + + Аларм активност радног тока преко прироритета {0} + + + + Неуспело + + + + ** Поништено + + + + Неизбалансиран дневник и "Suspense" билансирање није укључено + + + + Избор + + + + Приказ + + + + Произбод није у ценовнику + + + + Додан + + + + Грешка приликом креирања поставке рачуноводства. Проверите лог грешке и формат (Accounting) Racunovodstvo*.cvs датотеке - Не сме бити дуплих конта и сва подразумевана конта морају бити укључена (чак иако их не користите). + + + + За интерно коришћење залиха морате дефинисати трошак + + + + Сачувај у датотеку + + + + Само грешке + + + + Степен трага + Детаљ трага Информације - ИНФО је обично довољно + + + Траг информације + + + + Датотека трага + Креирај датотеку трага у Адемпјер директоријуму или корисничког директоријуму + + + Покрени процес на серверу + Покрени процесе на апликационом серверу (споре комуникационе линије) + + + Креирај нови захтев + + + + Прикажи све захтеве + + + + Прикажи активне захтеве + + + + Документа + + + + Извештаји + + + + Нема архиве за овај слог + + + + &Провери захтеве + + + + &Архивирана документа/извештаји + + + + Документа архивирана + + + + Грешка архиве + + + + Сви извештаји + + + + Организација * (0) није дозвољена + + + + Забелешка кредита + + + + {0} Линија(е) {1,number,#,##0.00} - Тотал: {2,number,#,##0.00} + + + + Притисните ОК да започнете процес "После Миграције"... што може трајати неколико минута + + + + Погрешно: + + + + Додела ресурса не може бити обрисана. Може бити коришћена у налогу или фактури. Обриши ставку налога/фактуре са додељеним. + + + + Да + + + + Не + + + + Захтевај ажурирање + + + + Прикажи напредне језичке + Прикажи језичке са напредном функционалношћу као нпр. упаривање, додељивање,... + + + Истекло време захтева статуса + + + + Статус документа промењен - поново учитај слог + + + + Учитаће велики број слогова - Да ли желите да наставите? + + + + Креирај нови чвор + + + + Обриши чвор + + + + Додај ставку + + + + Обриши ставку + + + + Није одобрено + + + + Доступно за обећати + + + + Недовољна Количина на располагању + + + + Уплата је додељена (трошкови, фактура, наруџбеница) + + + + Ниво коштања дефинисан на нивоу клијента - Не можете изабрати нити организацију нити особину + + + + Не можете избрисати овај слог (тренутно је у употреби) + + + + Слог већ постоји + + + + Претплатили сте се на ову област интересовања Да би поништили претплату, пријавите се (логујте), и идите на област интересовања и кликните поништење претплате (unsubscribe) + + + + Сила + + + + Упит је вратио више слогова него што је дозвољено у улози - понови упит + + + + Аутоматски нови слог + Када ниједан слог не постоји, аутоматски креирај нови слог + + + Форсирај слање - препиши закључано + + + + Алтернатива + + + + Непотвђен премештај + + + + Профил везе је измењен - потребно је поново се пријавити да би био ефективан + + + + Радни ток & активности + + + + &Радни ток + + + + &Претрага + + + + Молимо изабарите над-језичкак прво: + + + + Молимо изабарите над-језичак пре него што изаберете зависни језичак + + + + &У реду + + + + &Документ бр + + + + Кеш прозора + Кеш дефиниције прозора на клијенту + + + &Перформансе + + + + Назив система + Назовите вашу инсталацију Адемпјера, нпр. Петар Петровић, ДОО + + + Постојећи уговор за подршку + Пријавите се за Адемпјер подршку - такође подржите развој производа + + + Подржани корисници + Максимално корисника купљеног уговора подршке + + + Недовољно инвентара је доступно: + + + + Документ обрађен + + + + Није резервисан + + + + Процес запоћео ... још увек ради (поновите упит касније) + + + + Започните као позадински процес + + + + Особина мреже + + + + Начин + + + + Поглед + + + + Креирајте наруџбеницу набавке + + + + Ажурирај цену + + + + URL није исправан и не може бити приказан. + + + + Ниједна ставка документа није пронађена + + + + Чет + + + + Није исправан + + + + Распоред резултат + + + + Банкарски рачун за пословног партнера није пронађен + + + + Корисничка имејл адреса није проверана - Молимо проверите имејл + + + + Корисничка претплата није пронађена + + + + Изабери &све + + + + Затвори све прозоре + + + + Затвори остале прозоре + + + + Потврдити везу приликом стартовања + + + + Једна инстанца по прозору + + + + Отвори прозор максимизован + + + + Обриши изабране ставке + + + + Сачувај прво родитељски језичак + + + + Карактер сет + Карактер сет увоз / извоз + + + Добављач имплементације + + + + Верзија Имплементације + + + + Ако измените начин чувања прилога, стари прилози неће више бити доступни Вашем клијенту + + + + Побрините се да ископирате прилоге на нову путању! + + + + Откривена је петља у стаблу категорије производа - биће враћене старе вредности + + + + Ако промените начин за чување архиве, старе архиве више неће бити доступне Вешем клијенту. + + + + Постарајте се да копирате архиве на нову путању! + + + + Верзија за штампу + + + + ЦЦ + + + + Или наручите или РМА може бити процес на овом документу. + + + + Добављач РМА + + + + 1000 рупија + + + + 100 долара + + + + 100 рупија + + + + 10 долара + + + + 10 рупија + + + + 1 цент + 1 цент + + + 1 долар + + + + 2000 рупија + + + + 200 рупија + + + + 20 центи + 20 центи + + + 20 долара + + + + 25 рупија + + + + 500 рупија + + + + 50 центи + 50 центи + + + 50 долара + + + + 50 рупија + + + + 5 центи + 5 центи + + + 5 долара + + + + 5 рупија + + + + Доспеће 0 + + + + Доспеће 0-30 + + + + Врста конта + + + + Рачуни потраживања - трговина + + + + Активирај + + + + Активирај добављача + + + + Стварна цена + + + + Додај + + + + Додај чек са црне листе + + + + Додај клијента за картицу исправности + + + + Додај клијента за картицу исправности + + + + Додај слог + + + + Додај у корпу + + + + Адреса + + + + Прилагодите дневник благајне + + + + Напредно + + + + Застаревање + + + + Појавиле су се неке грешке у комуникацији са сервером. Молимо покушајте поново. + + + + Све + + + + Сви производи + + + + Разлика + + + + Расход + + + + Рачун + + + + Износ повраћаја новца + + + + Непотвђен износ + + + + Трансфер + + + + Назив апликације + + + + Верзија апликације + + + + Средства + + + + Бар један + + + + Прилижи слику + + + + Особина + Особина + + + Комплет особина + Комплет особина + + + Доступни менији + + + + Назад + + + + Баркод + Баркод + + + Баркод већ постоји! + + + + Чекови на црној листи + + + + Информације о комитенту + + + + Пословни партнер детаљи трансакције + + + + Марка + + + + Обрачунскi период и валутa + + + + Картица + + + + Износ картице + + + + Унешен износ картице + + + + Непотврђен износ картице + + + + Укупан износ картице + + + + Картица је празна ! + + + + Број картице + + + + Картица укупно + + + + Додај више + + + + Картица је празна! + + + + Картица има + + + + ставке + + + + Уклони + + + + Готовина + + + + Износ готовине + + + + Благајна + + + + Дневник благајне је прилагођен. + + + + Дневник благајне је прилагођен + + + + Историја дневника благајне + + + + Детаљи ставке готовине + + + + Уплата готовине + + + + Готовински приход + + + + Новац врећен + + + + Готовина непотврђена + + + + Готовина за трансфер + + + + Готовина укупно + + + + Мобилни телефон + + + + Контрола + + + + Чек + + + + Износ чека + + + + Унешен износ чека + + + + Непотврђен износ чека + + + + Чек укупан износ + + + + Чек бр. + + + + Чек укупно + + + + Изаберите особину + + + + Молимо изабирите број касе + + + + Очисти + + + + Затвори + + + + Затвори до + + + + Затворено + + + + Завршни биланс + + + + Трошак продате робе + + + + Боја + + + + Детаљи провизије + + + + Завршено + + + + Настави + + + + Креирај пословног партнера + + + + Креирај огртач + + + + Креирај уплату + + + + Провери кредит + + + + Детаљи кредита + + + + Кредит није дозвољен + + + + Забелешка кредита + + + + Кредит одобрен + + + + Налог кредита + + + + Попуст налога кредита + + + + Стопирај кредитирање + + + + Надзири кредит + + + + Текући месец + + + + Текући износ касе + + + + Текућа недеља + + + + Текућа година + + + + Прилагођено + + + + Прилагођен извештај продаје + + + + Купац + + + + Купац ID + + + + Купац - информације + + + + Враћен налог од купца + + + + Купац/добављач + + + + Датум креирања + + + + Од + + + + Датум наруџбине + Датум наруџбине + + + Опсег периода + + + + ка + + + + Деактивирати + + + + Деактивирати добављача + + + + Име дилера + + + + Подразумеван + + + + Избриши + + + + Избриши изабрано + + + + Дизајн + + + + Попуст + + + + Цена са попустом + + + + Приказ + + + + Да ли желите да прикажете све слогове? + + + + Базна врста документа + + + + Преузми CSV + + + + Нацрт + + + + Писма опомена су одштампана успешно + + + + Уреди + + + + Уреди особину + + + + Уреди црну листу чекова + + + + Уреди купца + + + + Уреди цену + + + + Уреди ценовник + + + + Уреди производ + + + + Уреди детаље сродних производа + + + + Уреди улогу + + + + Уреди корисника + + + + Уреди добављача + + + + Уреди штампање + + + + УНЕСИ + + + + (искључи. ПДВ) + + + + Извештај брзо покретних ставки + + + + Извештај брзо покретних ставки (текући месец) + + + + Извештај брзо покретних ставки (данас) + + + + Филтрирај по + + + + Изаберите врсту филтера + + + + Први + + + + Фиксиран + + + + Ово је непостојан износ за данас. Молимо унесите непостојан износ за следећи дан, ако га је потребно изменити. + + + + Цео садржај © + 2006 Тамак ИЦТ + + + Ништа није пронађено + + + + Од + + + + Шаблон огртача + + + + Генериши провизију + + + + Забелешка о пријему робе + + + + Забелешка о повраћају робе + + + + Сакриј детаље + + + + Увези чекове на црној листи + + + + То је услужни програм за увоз у црну листу чекова из csv датотекe у систем, <br> CSV датотека би требала изгледати попут овог који је приказан испод укључујући и заглавље: + + + + Списак увоза + + + + То је услужни програм за увоз производа и стања залиха из csv датотекe у систем, <br> Zа увоз garment производа, CSV назив би требало да садржи реч 'garment' <бр> CSV датотека би требала изгледати као једна приказана испод укључујући и заглавље + + + + (укључ. ПДВ) + + + + У току + + + + Погрешно + + + + Фактура бр + + + + Активирај + + + + Активирај + + + + Активирај делимични POS налог + + + + Ставке + + + + Последњи + + + + Последња 2 месеца + + + + Последње 2 недеље + + + + Последња 3 месеца + + + + Последње 3 недеље + + + + Последња 6 месеца + + + + Назив лиценце + Назив лиценце + + + Лиценца исправна + Лиценца исправна + + + Лиценцирана дистрибуција + + + + Лиценцирани модули + + + + Информације о лиценцирању + + + + Списак + + + + Цео садржај + + + + Заборавили сте лозинку? + + + + Молимо Вас унесиte корисничко име и лозинку + + + + Молимо Вас унесите PIN + + + + Лозинка + + + + Корисничко име + + + + + Кликните овде за повратак на екран за пријаву + + + Ваша лозинка је послата и требали би је примити у наредних неколико минута + + + + Означена цена + + + + Максимално активних корисника + + + + Максимално продата ставка + + + + Менији + + + + Минимално продата ставка + + + + Помешано + + + + Број мобилног + + + + Модел + + + + Месец + + + + Нето износ + + + + Нето готовинска трансакција + + + + Нето трансакција + + + + Нова вредност особине + + + + Нови кредитни налог + + + + Нови купац + + + + Нови налог повраћаја - купца + + + + Нова робна пријемница + + + + Нова белешка робног повраћаја + + + + Нови налог + + + + Нова цена + + + + Не + + + + Ниједан купац није пронађен за + + + + Нема испоруке + + + + Ниједан добављач није пронађен за + + + + Нормалан шаблон + + + + Чини се да нисте овлашћени да дајете попусте + + + + Није пронађено + + + + Белешке + Белешке + + + Број активних корисника + + + + Број операција + + + + Стара вредност особине + + + + Отворене фактуре + + + + Почетни салдо + + + + Налог бр + + + + Врста налога + + + + Организације + + + + Делимични POS налог + + + + Делимична историја POS налога + + + + Расподела уплата + + + + Уплатио + + + + Детаљи уплате + + + + Уплата бр. + Уплата бр. + + + Статус уплате + Статус уплате + + + Услови уплате + + + + Врста уплате + + + + Периодични детаљи дневника благајне + + + + Молимо Вас унесите PIN + + + + Администрација + + + + Готовинска продаја + + + + Продаја на одложено + + + + Рачуноводство + + + + Набавке + + + + Лагер + + + + POS информације + + + + POS информације (текући месец) + + + + POS информације (прилагођене) + + + + POS информације (данас) + + + + POS назив + + + + POS налог + + + + POS историја налога + + + + Добродошли у Постерита POS + + + + Адреса слања + + + + Теме + + + + Преференције + + + + Припремљен налог + + + + Претходни + + + + Штампај баркод + + + + Штампај писма опомене + + + + Штампај картицу исправности + + + + Штампај налог + + + + Штампај PDF + + + + Штампач укључен + + + + Назив штампача + + + + Назив штампача већ постоји! + + + + Производ ID + + + + Производ информације + + + + Ставка + + + + Услуге + + + + Производ је ажуриран + + + + Гранична добит + + + + Цена набавке + + + + Примљена количина + + + + Количина враћена од стране купца + + + + Количина враћена добављачу + + + + Количина продатих + + + + Разлог + + + + Пронађено слогова + + + + слогова по страни + + + + Удаљено штампање + + + + Уклони купца за картицу исправности + + + + Подешавање филтера штампе + + + + Понови штампу + + + + Враћен налог + + + + Приход + + + + Детаљи продаје + + + + Налог за продају + + + + Цена продаје + + + + Извештаји продаје + + + + Сачувај + + + + Сачувај као CSV + + + + Претрага + + + + Претражи купце + + + + Ниједан купац није пронађен за + + + + Претражи производе + + + + Ниједан производ није пронађен за: + + + + Приказује + + + + од + + + + ка + + + + Резултати претраге + + + + Обележи + + + + Обележи све + + + + Обележи врсту партнера + + + + Обележи опсег + + + + Обележи купце + + + + Изврши уплату + + + + НАПОМЕНА: Готовинска уплата ће имати ефекат само ако је дневник благајне затворен + + + + Отпремница бр + + + + Отпремница је обавезна + + + + Статус отпремнице + Статус отпремнице + + + Прикажи детаље + + + + Величина + + + + Слабо покретне ставке + + + + Прилагодите дневник благајне + + + + Прилагоди залихе + + + + Прилагоди лагер + + + + Пословни партнер - детаљи продаје + + + + Пословни партнери + + + + Готовинска продаја + + + + Готовинска продаја (купац је обавезан) + + + + Историја готовинске продаје + + + + Готовинска продаја (попуст/вишетруке уплате) + + + + Историја дневника благајне + + + + Извештај дневника благајне + + + + Провери/поправи интегритет базе података + + + + Затвори до + + + + Комплетирај припремљен налог + + + + Креирај опште уплате + + + + Кредитне забелешке - историја + + + + Продаја на одложено + + + + Продаја на кредит - историја + + + + Позови кредитну забелешку + + + + Тренутно новца у терминалу + + + + Историја повраћаја купца + + + + Враћен налог од купца + + + + Купци + + + + Историја документа + + + + Писма опомене + + + + Уреди вредност особине атрибута + + + + Брзо покретне ставке + + + + Генериши провизију + + + + Забелешка о пријему робе + + + + Историја забелешке о пријему робе + + + + Забелешка о повраћају робе + + + + Историја забелешке о повраћају робе + + + + Историја залиха + + + + Активирај враћени налог купца + + + + Одјави се + + + + Отвори фиоку касе + + + + Историја налога + + + + Историја распоређивања уплате + + + + Услови плаћања + + + + Извештај анализе перформанси + + + + Преференције + + + + Припреми налог + + + + Историја припремљеног налога + + + + Производи + + + + Брза готовинска продаја + + + + Улога + + + + Извештај продаје по терминалу + + + + Изврши уплату на одложену продају + + + + Лагер + + + + Премештај лагера + + + + Порез + + + + Корисници + + + + Добављачи + + + + Последња генерисана провизија + + + + Лиценцирање + + + + Статус + Статус + + + Стање на лагеру + + + + Упит над лагером + + + + Премештај лагера + + + + Извештај премештаја лагера + + + + Достави + + + + Резиме по периоду + + + + Пребаци се на страничење + + + + Постерита POS + + + + Порез кредит + + + + Доспеће пореза + + + + Само текстилни производи + + + + Корпа има + + + + Биланс регистар касе је унешен + + + + Каса Управљање + + + + Каса бр + + + + с + + + + м + + + + Ка + + + + Данас + + + + Укупно + + + + Укупно цена + + + + Приход трговине + + + + Нераспоређене уплате + + + + Детаљи ажурирања + + + + Корисник + + + + Детаљи корисника + + + + Информација + + + + ПДВ + + + + Детаљи добављача + + + + Реф. добавњача + + + + Добављачи + + + + Поглед + + + + Погледај особине + Погледај особине + + + Погледај по + + + + Информације погледа + + + + Погледај корпу производа + + + + Погледај извештај + + + + Погледај улогу + + + + Погледај добављача + + + + Година + + + + Да + + + + Цена(искљ. ПДВ) + Prix (искљ. TVA) + + + Одјава + Поређај + + + Провери цену + Prix оног који проверава + + + Следећи + Суивант + + + Ценовник + + + + Помоћ + + + + Каталошка цена + + + + Стандардна цена + + + + Најнижа цена + + + + Tax Incl + + + + Tax Excl + + + + Type of Price List + + + + Куповина + + + + Продаја + + + + Present for Product + + + + Organisation + + + + Терминали + Maintain POS Terminals + + + Cash Books + Maintain Cash Books + + + Завршено + + + + Нацрт + + + + У обради + + + + Погрешно + + + + Затворено + + + + Готовина + + + + Картица + + + + Чек + + + + Помешано + + + + Потражује + + + + Amount Paid + + + + Валута + + + + Delete Price On Price List + + + + HTML + + + + PDF + + + + CSV + + + + Sales Report + + + + Best Selling Items + + + + Stock Sales Report + + + + Stock Transfer + + + + Интерна доставница + + + + Потврда доставнице + + + + Barcode Printing + + + + Основа израч ценовника + + + + Delete Old Records + + + + Sales Price List + + + + Purchase Price List + + + + Terminal + + + + Верзија + + + + Извештаји + + + + Креирај ценовник + + + + Enforce Discount Upto Limit Price + + + + Enforce Overide Limit Price + + + + Allowed Discount On Total Sales + + + + Purchases Report + + + + Settle Payment For Purchases On Credit + + + + User Manual + + + + Contact Us + + + + Изност попуста + + + + Writeoff Amount + + + + Расположивост ставке у другим магацинима + + + + Ова забелешка већ постоји + Изабрани мени је већ регистрован на траци забелешки + + + Не може се избрисати ставка, ако је већ генерисана фактура + + + + Не може се изменити ставка, ако је већ генерисана фактура + + + + Назив упита + + + + Претплаћена/потплаћена исплата + + + + Траг миграционе скрипте + Траг миграционе скрипте - сачувај датотеку миграционе скрипте у %TEMP%/migration_script_*.sql + + + Добављач + + + + Ово је системски или клијентов параметар, и не можете га сачувати као организациони параметар + + + + Ово је системски параметар, и не можете га сачувати као клијентов параметар + + + + Креирај + Indicates that a supply order should be created to satisfy a negative projected on hand. This message is created if the flag 'Create Plan' is No. + + + De-Expedite + Indicates that a schedule supply order is due before it is needed and should be delayed, or demand rescheduled to an earlier date. + + + Expedite + Indicates that a scheduled supply order is due after is needed and should be rescheduled to an earlier date, or demand rescheduled to a later date. + + + Cancel + Indicate that a scheduled supply order is no longer needed and should be deleted. + + + Release Due For + Indicate tha a supply order should be released. if it is a draft order , it must also be approved. + + + Release Past Due For + Indicates that a supply order was not released when it was due, and should be either released or expedited now, or the demand rescheduled for a later date. + + + Quantity Less than Minimum + Indicates that a supply order was created for a quantity less than the minimum quantity set in Product Planning Data + + + Quantity Less than Maximum + Indicates that a supply order was created for a quantity for a quantity greater than than maximum quantity set in the Product Planning Data + + + Time Fence Conflict + Indicates that there is an unsatisfied material requirement inside the planning time fence for this product. You should either manually schedule and expedite orders to fill this demand or delay fulfillment of the requirement that created the demand. + + + Past Due + Indicates that a schedule supply order receipt is past due. + + + No Data Planning + indicates that there is no data planning for this product + + + Beginning Available Less Than Zero + Indicates that the quantity on hand is less that safety stock + + + Погрешна вредност скрипте - формат за JSR 223 скрипту мора бити: engine:scriptName, а да је engine groovy, jython, beanshell + + + + Прикажи све прозоре + + + + Грешка изградње верзије + Програм је изграђен са верзијом {0}, али база података је изграђена са верзијом {1}. Ово ће вероватно узроковати грешку која се тешко решава. Молимо да контактирате администратора. + + + xls - Ексцел датотека + + + + Само из истог складишта + Прикажи само налоге са истим као складиштем као што су изабрани у пријемници + + + Choose the date of the most recent payment that you plan to allocate, but it must be in an open accounting period or it will not post. + Prefer most recent payment date, within open period. + + + MRP Info + + + + CRP Info + + + + Do not exist Transit Warehouse to this Organization + Do not exist Transit Warehouse to this Organization + + + Org targer do not linked to BPartner + Org targer do not linked to BPartner + + + Check Missing Translation Records + + + + Do not exist default Locator for this Warehouse + Do not exist default Locator for this Warehouse + + + Do not exist Shipper for Create Distribution Order + Do not exist Shipper for Create Distribution Order + + + UOM can't be changed if the product has movements or costs + + + + Payment Allocate must not exists if the payment header has charge/invoice/order. + + + + Payment Amount must be equal to the sum of Allocate amounts. + + + + Already posted to this account. + + + + Invoice is fully matched. + + + + No Current Vendor Selected + Indicates that the Product has no Current Vendor selected + + + Check attached file + + + + No Vendor for Product : + + + + Shipment Due + Indicates that a shipment for a Order Distribution is due.You should be taken at the source warehouse to ensure that the order is received on time. + + + Shipment Past Due + Indicates that a shipment for a Order Distribution is past due. You should either delay the orders created the requirement for the product or expedite them when the product does arrive. + + + No source of supply + Indicates that the Product Planning Data for this product does not specify a valid network distribution. + + + Beginning Quantity Less Than Zero + Indicates that the quantity on hand is negative. + + + Past Due Demand + Indicates that a demand order is past due. + + + Business Partner has no Ship To Address + + + + Business Partner has no Bill To Address + + + + Business Partner has no Address + + + + Current record was changed by another user, please ReQuery + + + + Record on parent tab was changed by another user, please navigate to tab and ReQuery + + + + In active account + + + + Account does not have Post Actual attribute + + + + Account does not have Post Budget attribute + + + + Account does not have Post Statistical attribute + + + + Window Tab Collapsible + Make the vertical tab of window collapsible + + + Window Tab Placement + Placement of vertical tab, supported options are left ( default ) and right + + + Unknown MRP Error + Indicates that there was an unclassified error durring MRP process + + + Cannot Create Document + Indicates that there was an error durring document creation + + + No UOM conversion found + + + + 1 Рупи + + + + Слабо покретне ставке + + + diff --git a/data/sr_RS/AD_PrintFormatItem_Trl_sr_RS.xml b/data/sr_RS/AD_PrintFormatItem_Trl_sr_RS.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..74d19ec08d --- /dev/null +++ b/data/sr_RS/AD_PrintFormatItem_Trl_sr_RS.xml @@ -0,0 +1,69 @@ + + + + + + VendorProductNo + + + + Setup + + + + Cost T + + + + Cost TL + + + + Cost LL + + + + Levels + + + + Родитељ + + + + + + + + F Cost + + + + F Cost LL + + + + S Cost + + + + + + + + Опис + + + + Помоћ + + + + Помоћ + + + + + + + diff --git a/data/sr_RS/AD_PrintLabelLine_Trl_sr_RS.xml b/data/sr_RS/AD_PrintLabelLine_Trl_sr_RS.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..1f5f3b2107 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/sr_RS/AD_PrintLabelLine_Trl_sr_RS.xml @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ + + + + diff --git a/data/sr_RS/AD_Process_Para_Trl_sr_RS.xml b/data/sr_RS/AD_Process_Para_Trl_sr_RS.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..8579659f8a --- /dev/null +++ b/data/sr_RS/AD_Process_Para_Trl_sr_RS.xml @@ -0,0 +1,165 @@ + + + + + + Delete existing Accounting Entries + The selected accounting entries will be deleted! DANGEROUS !!! + + + + Верзија ценовника + Only used if Price List is used to set future/standard cost price + + + + Overwrite Payment Rule + Overwrite how to pay the invoice + The Payment Rule indicates how the incoice will be settled - you can overwrite the value from the invoice. + + + From User + Send EMail from user + The email is sent from the user selected - otherwise it is sent from the request email address of the client + + + Мод одржавања + Language Maintenance Mode + + + + Existing Organization + Organizational entity within client - set to empty if you want to create a new organization + Организација је организациона јединица клијента или правни ентитит - нпр. продавница, одељење Подаци између организација су заједнички. + + + Limit Access to Role + If no Role is selected, grant access to all (non-manual) roles of the Client + The Role determines security and access a user who has this Role will have in the System. + + + New User/Contact + User within the system - Internal or Business Partner Contact + The User identifies a unique user in the system. This could be an internal user or a business partner contact + + + New Workflow Responsible + Лице одговорно за извршавање радног тока + The ultimate responsibility for a workflow is with an actual user. The Workflow Responsible allows to define ways to find that actual User. + + + New User/Contact + User within the system - Internal or Business Partner Contact + The User identifies a unique user in the system. This could be an internal user or a business partner contact + + + New Workflow Responsible + Лице одговорно за извршавање радног тока + The ultimate responsibility for a workflow is with an actual user. The Workflow Responsible allows to define ways to find that actual User. + + + Default Sales Rep + If not defined on Business Partner Level + + + + Dunning Currency + Currency to create Dunning Letters + + + + ДПО + Date printed on shipment + The Shipment Date indicates the date printed on the shipment. + + + Print Unprocessed Entries Only + Print the unprocessed (unprinted) entries of the dunning run only. + Print the unprocessed (unprinted) entries of the dunning run only. This allows you to reprint only certain dunning entries. + + + Верзија ценовника набавке + + + + + New Product + + + + + Акција + + + + + Is Print Pack & Tools List + + + + + Is Print Pick List + + + + + Is Print Workflow + + + + + Generate Fields + + + + + Scripts Path + + + + + Includes only the Tabs that Insert records + Generated Export Format for the Tabs with Insert Record is Yes + + + + Includes only the mandatory columns + Generated an Export Format Line if the column is mandatory + + + + Based in DRP Demand + Based in DRP Demand + + + + Bank Account From + + + + + Bank Account To + + + + + Важи од + Valid from including this date (first day) + The Valid From date indicates the first day of a date range + + + Bank Account From + + + + + Bank Account To + + + + + Датум контирања + Optional account date range + Only documents within this date range which are also in open periods will be reset. + + diff --git a/data/sr_RS/AD_Process_Trl_sr_RS.xml b/data/sr_RS/AD_Process_Trl_sr_RS.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..149d101559 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/sr_RS/AD_Process_Trl_sr_RS.xml @@ -0,0 +1,1828 @@ + + + + + + Креирање периода + Креирајте 12 стандардних календарских периода. + Creates 12 calendar month long standard periods from the specified start date. If no start date is specified, 1st of Jan will be used. The period name will be generated from the start date of each period using the java SimpleDateFormat pattern provided. + + + Ренумерисање + Ренумерисање уноса попуста + + + + Креирај ценовник + Креирај цене базиране на параметрима ове верзије + Create Prices for this pricelist version in the sequence of the Discount Schema Price List. +Lines with a higher sequence overwrite existing prices. The sequence should be from generic to specific. + + + Обради налог + + + + + Креирај пописну листу + Креирај пописну листу + Ставке за пописну листу су генерисане. Можете додати нове линије или их обрисати ручно. + + + Ажурирај количину + The Book Quantity is updated with current book quantity + The Update Quantity Process will update the book quantity with the current book quantity. + + + Process Inventory Count + Process Inventory count and update Inventory + + + + Додај или копирај конта + Add missing Accounts - or Copy&Overwrite Accounts (DANGEROUS!!) + Either add missing accounts - or copy and overwrite all default accounts. If you copy and overwrite the current default values, you may have to repeat previous updates (e.g. set the bank account asset accounts, ...). If no Accounting Schema is selected all Accounting Schemas will be updated / inserted. + + + Обради отпремницу (испоруку) + Process Shipment/Receipt (Update Inventory) + Process Shipment/Receipt will move products out of/into inventory and mark line items as shipped/received. + + + Штампа налог + ** Special ** Do not change ** + + + + Process Invoice + + + + + Copy Accounts + Copy and overwrite Accounts to Business Partners of this group + If you copy and overwrite the current default values, you may have to repeat previous updates (e.g. set the receivebles account, ...) + + + Копирај језичке прозора + Copy all Tabs and Fields from other Window + + + + Copy Tab Fields + Copy Fields from other Tab + + + + Избор добављача + Производи са више од једног добављача + Vendor Selection is initiated when there is a product that is supplied by more than one vendor. It allows the selection of a specific vendor for a Purchase Order. + + + Штампа фактуре + ** Special ** Do not change ** + + + + Delivery Note / Shipment Print + ** Special ** Do not change ** + + + + Генерисање испорука + Генерисање и штампа испорука из отворених налога + Shipments for open Orders are created based on the delivery rule of the Order and the relative order priority. If a Promise Date is selected only orders up to (including) the date are selected.<br> +If several Orders of a business partner have the same location, the orders can be consolidated into one Shipment.<br> +You can also include orders who have outstanding confirmations (e.g. ordered=10 - not confirmed shipments=4 - would create a new shipment of 6 if available). + + + Генерисање фактура + Генерисање и штампа фактура из отворених налога + Invoices for open Orders are created based on the invoice rule of the Order. +If several Orders of a business partner have the same bill location, the orders can be consolidated into one Invoice. + + + Трансакције налога + Трансакције налога + With this report we can verify the detail of every Manufacturing Order transaction executed with a Manufacturing Order including information like document number, quantities, products and the date in which the transactions were made, etc. + + + Отворени налози + Извештај о отвореним налозима + Orders with quantities to deliver (Backordered) or quantities to invoice + + + Process Movements + Process Inventory Movements + Process Inventory Movements will update inventory quantities based on the defined movements between warehouses or locations. + + + Генериши провизију + Генериши провизију + + + + Резиме трансакција производа + Резиме трансакција производа + The report shows transaction summary for stored products + + + Извештај допуна + Извештај допуна залиха + Report lists products to be replenished. Note that a product can have only one current vendor. If there are more then vendor per product, both records are reset. You need to select a current vendor manually.<br> +Movements are only created, if a sourcing warehouse is defined for the warehouse to be replenished. + + + Order Drilldown + + + + + Трансакције фактура (Рачунов.) + Трансакција фактура по рачуноводственом датуму + Овај извештај приказује списак трансакција фактура на основу датума књижења + + + Фактуре - дневно + Invoice Report per Day + Фактурисан износ по организацији и референту продаје + + + Фактуре - месечно + Invoice Report per Month + Фактурисан износ по организацији и референту продаје + + + Фактуре - недељно + Invoice Report per Week + Фактурисан износ по организацији и референту продаје + + + Фактуре недељно - кат. производа + Invoice Report by Product Category per Week + Фактурисан износ по категорији производа + + + Фактуре месечно - категорије производа + Invoice Report by Product Category per Month + Фактурисан износ по категорији производа + + + Фактуре - месечно - добављач + Invoice Report by Product Vendor per Month + Invoiced Amount by Vendor and Product Category + + + Генериши фактуре (ручно) + Generate and print Invoices manually + + + + Копирај ставке + Copy Lines from other Import Format + + + + Verify BOM + Verify BOM Structure and Update Low Level + The Verify BOM Structure checks the elements and steps which comprise a Bill of Materials. + + + Create/Post Production + Create production lines, if not created - otherwise process the production + Create/Post Production will generate the production lines and process the production. If the production lines already exists, the production will be processed + + + Кварталне фактуре купца по производу + Извештај фактура по купцу и производу по кварталу + Фактурисан износ по категорији и категорији производа + + + Кварталне фактуре купца по добављачу + Извештај фактура по купцу и добављачу производа по кварталу + Фактурисан износ по купцу и добављачу (шта је купац купио, од ког добављача) + + + Copy Accounts + Copy and overwrite Accounts to Products of this category + If you copy and overwrite the current default values, you may have to repeat previous updates (e.g. set the revenue account, ...). If no Accounting Schema is selected all Accounting Schemas will be updated / inserted for products of this category. + + + Generate Receipt from Invoice + Create and process delivery Receipt from this invoice. + The invoice should be correct and completed. + + + Process Cash + + + + + Отворене ставке + Списак отворених ставки (фактура) + Displays all unpaid invoices for a given Business Partner and date range. Please note that Invoices paid in Cash will appear in Open Items until the Cash Journal is processed. + + + Непоравнате уплате + Непоравнате уплате са изводом банке + The report lists payments which are not reconciled with a bank statement. Payments with a zero payment amount are not listed. + + + Process Statement + + + + + Расподела + Уплата - фактура - расподела + The report displays invoice allocations to payments and cash journals. Previous allocations are displayed as reversed. + + + Process Payment + + + + + Process Allocation + + + + + Трансакције фактура (Док) + Трансакција фактура по датуму фактуре + Овај извештај приказује списак трансакција фактура на основу датума фактуре + + + Детаљи фактуре и маржа + Детаљи (ставке) фактуре и маржа - извештај + Овај извештај приказује списак фактура купаца и добављача са маржама. + + + Online Process + + + + + Generate Invoice from Receipt + Create and process Invoice from this receipt. The receipt should be correct and completed. + Generate Invoice from Receipt will create an invoice based on the selected receipt and match the invoice to that receipt. You can set the document number only if the invoice document type allows to set the document number manually. + + + Prepare Payment + Create Prepared Payments (Checks) to be paid + You create the actual Payments via Payment Print/Export + + + Create From ... + + + + + Dunning Letter + ** Special ** Do not change ** + + + + Вредност трансакције производа + Вредност трансакције производа + The report shows product transactions with current vendor prices + + + Резиме статуса пројекта + Статус пројекта пројектног циклуса + + + + Генериши наруџбу + Generate Order from Project + The Generate Order process will generate a new Order document based on the project phase. A price list and warehouse/service point must be defined on the project. + + + Копирај ставке + Copy Commission Lines from other Commission + + + + Формирај фактуру + Create Invoice from Commission Calculation + + + + Отвори/затвори све + Change Period Status for all Period Controls of this Period + + + + Отвори/затвори + Промени статус периода + + + + Process Journal + + + + + Детаљи дневника благајне + Информације детаља дневника благајне + + + + Отпис потраживања + Отпис отворених потраживања + Write-off receivables causes the invoices selected by the criteria to be marked as paid and the open invoice amount to be written off. Alternatively you can create payments. + + + Синхронизација терминологије + Синхронизација терминологије унутар система. + Based on the entries in Window Element, the fields in windows, parameters, etc. are synchronized, if they are centrally maintained. Also synchronizes Language Translation. + + + Create Columns from DB + Create Dictionary Columns of Table not existing as a Column but in the Database + If you have added columns in the database to this table, this procedure creates the Column records in the Dictionary. Please be aware, that they may deleted, if the entity type is not set to User. + + + Креирај поља + Create Field from Table Column, which do not exist in the Tab yet + Based on the table columns of this Tab, this procedure creates the missing Fields + + + Понови књижење + Понови књижења докумената са грешком приликом књижења или над закључаним документима + After resubmitting, the accounting engine will try to post the document again. You resubmit documents, if they are locked or when the document had posting errors - after fixing the cause (e.g. opening period). + + + Поништи рачуноводство + Понишвтавање рачунодствених уноса *** зауставите рачуноводствени сервер пре започињања *** + Delete accounting records of documents to be re-created by the next run of the accounting engine. This is a dramatic step and you want to do this ONLY after changes of the accounting structure (e.g. different default accounts, etc.) and if fixing via manual Journal entries is not sensible. + + + Language Maintenance + Maintain language translation in system + You can Add Missing Translation entries (required after activating an additional System Language) - Delete Translation Records - or Re-Create the translation Records (first delete and add missing entries). +Note that Adding the Missing Translation records creates them by copying the System Language (English). You would apply the Language Pack after that process. Run Syncronize Terminology after importing the translation. + + + Пробни извештај залиха + Пробни извештај залиха + Report lists products with their on-hand quantity and values at the valuation date. In addition to several prices, standard costs and an optional other cost element is used to calculate the inventory of the particular warehouse. + + + Синхронизуј колону + Change database table definition from application dictionary + When selected, the database column definition is updated based on your entries in the Column definition of the Application Dictionary. Note that not all changes are supported by the database and may result in an error. + + + Ажурирање стандардног коштања + Постављање стандардне и будуће цене коштања + For Standard Costs you can set/recalculate the current or future cost price (for the cost type of the accounting schema). If the Costing Level of the Accounting Schema is set to Client, missing cost records are created. The historical costs are calculated based on the accumulated amount/quantity of the costing method. + + + Извештај коштања производа (стари) + Извештај коштања производа + + + + Process Expenses + + + + + Прекомпајлирај ДБ објекте + Прекомпајлирај ДБ објекте + Recompile Functions, Procedures, Triggers, Views, etc. + + + Креирај налоге продаје на основу расхода + Креирај налоге продаје за купце на основу извештаја расхода + + + + Креирај фактуре потраживања расхода + Креирај фактуре потраживања расхода који требају бити плаћени запосленима + + + + Обради пакетну обраду + + + + + Копирај колоне + Copy Report Columns from other Column Set + Copy columns at the end of this Column Set. Please note that you need to re-set the calculation operands. + + + Копирај ставке + Copy Report Lines from other Line Set + Copy lines at the end of this Line Set. Please note that you need to re-set the calculation operands. + + + Set Print Format + Set for all Print Formats with same Landscape/Portrait + + + + Копирај/креирај + Copy existing OR create Print Format from Table + Select either a table to create a print format [creates initial rough layout] +OR a print format to copy into the current print format [copies layout]. + + + Генериши налоге за набавку на основу налога за продају + Креирај налоге за набавку на основу налога за продају + After completing sales orders, you can create one or more purchase orders for each sales order. A purchase order references always only one sales order (i.e. no consolidation of sales orders). +The Organization of the Sales Order is used to create the Purchase Order. If a (default) PO document type is defined on Organization level, that is used instead of the document types defined on Client level. + +POs are created for all sales order lines where the product has a current vendor, the vendor has a Vendor Price List with all Products on the most current Price List Version. The Unit of Measure is copied; PO and SO can have different currencies. + +Once the process is run, you need to synchronize the SO/PO manually (e.g. in case of additional lines and changed lines (product & quantity). + + + Import Business Partners + Import Business Partners + The Parameters are default values for null import record values, they do not overwrite any data. + + + Поново отвори захтев + Поново отвори затворене захтеве + + + + Увези производе + Imports products from a file into the application + Import Products will bring a file of products, in a predefined format into the application.<p> +The Parameters are default values for null import record values, they do not overwrite any data.<p> +If you select an existing price list and you have List, Standard, and Limit Price defined, they are directly created/updated. + + + Import Accounts + Import Natural Accounts + Import accounts and their hierarchies and optional update the default accounts. +Updating the Default Accounts changes the natural account segment of the used account, e.g. account 01-240 becomes 01-300). If you create a new combination, the old account (e.g. 01-240) will remain, otherwise replaced. +If you select this, make sure that you not multiple default accounts using one natural account and HAVE A BACKUP !! +<p>The Parameters are default values for null import record values, they do not overwrite any data. + + + Увези сет ставки извештаја + Import Report Line Set information + The Parameters are default values for null import record values, they do not overwrite any data. + + + Генерисање испорука (ручно) + Генериши и штампај испоруке (отпремнице) + + + + Штампај фактуре + Штампа фактура на папир или слање ПДФ-а + (Re)Print Invoices or send them as PDF attachments to the Business Partner Contact with a valid EMail addres. +<br> +Remark: If you only enter a Document No FROM value, all invoices greater or equal that document number are printed; you can alternatively use the % character as a widcard. + + + Испорука средстава + Испорука средстава купцу електронски + Send Mail to customers and attach new delivery (optional). + + + Креирај извештај + Креирај финансијски извештај + Подразумевани период је текући период. You can optionally enter other restrictions. You can select an alternative Reporting Hierarchy. + + + Ажурирање контних биланса + Ажурирај дневне контне билансе + Овај процес се покреће аутоматски + + + Изјава о контима + Извештај изјаве о контима - почетни биланс и трансакције + Select a Period (current period if empty) or enter a Account Date Range. You can select an alternative Reporting Hierarchy. + + + Ресетовање кеша + Ресетује кеш система ** Затворити све прозоре пре наставка ** + To increase performance, Adempiere caches repeatedly used data. Овај процес брише локални кеш. + + + Увези наруџбенице + Увези наруџбенице + The Parameters are default values for null import record values, they do not overwrite any data. +Note that only Prepare and Complete are valid document actions. + + + Увези фактуре + Увези фактуре + The Parameters are default values for null import record values, they do not overwrite any data. +Note that only Prepare and Complete are valid document actions. + + + Start Replication Run + Start Replication with Remote Host + + + + Пошаљи имејл текст + Пошаљи имејл ка активним претплатницима у интересној области или групи пословних партнера од изабраног корисника + Select the Interest Area to which subscribers you send the Mail Text from the User selected. Additionally, you can send mails to the Contacts of a Business Partner Group.<br> +The User to send emails from needs to have valid EMail information. If you don't select a user, the Mail is sent from the Client's Request Mail User. + + + Копирај ставке + Копирај ставке из друге фактуре + + + + Копирај ставке + Копирај ставке из другог налога + + + + Детаљи копирања + Copy Lines/Phases/Tasks from other Project + + + + Покрени обраду + Start Recurring Run + + + + Детаљи копирања + Copy Journal/Lines from other Journal Batch + + + + Постави врсту пројекта + Set Project Type and for Service Projects copy Phases and Tasks of Project Type into Project + + + + + Генериши наруџбу + Generate Order from Project Phase + The Generate Order process will generate a new Order document based on the project phase or tasks. A price list and warehouse/service point must be defined on the project. If a product is defined on phase level, the Phase information is used as the basis for the Order (milestone invoicing) - otherwise the individual tasks. + + + Project Print + ** Special ** Do not change ** + + + + Извештај циклуса пројекта + Извештај пројеката базиран на пројектним циклусима + The Project Cycle reports on common project phases of a Cycle Step/Phase. All Report information is weighted by the relative weight of the Cycle Step and converted to the currency of the Project Cycle (e.g. for Sales Funnel Reporting).<p> +The Projects must have a Project Type, Phase and Currency defined. The Phase must be assigned to a Cycle Step. + + + Увоз залиха + Import Physical Inventory + The Parameters are default values for null import record values, they do not overwrite any data. + + + Import Journal + Import General Ledger Batch/Journal/Line + The Parameters are default values for null import record values, they do not overwrite any data. + + + Увоз извода из банке + Увоз извода из банке + The Parameters are default values for null import record values, they do not overwrite any data. + + + Средства купца + Извештај средстава купца са бројем испорука + The report lists the assets of business partners with the total asset delivery count. + + + Испорука средстава - детаљи + Извештај о детаљима испорука средстава + The report lists the details of Asset Deliveries for the records selected. + + + Издавање за пројекат + Издавање материјала за пројекат на основу пријемнице или ручно - са локације инвентара + Select a Project and either +<br>- Material Receipt +<br>- Expense Report +<br<- Inventory Location and Project Line not issued yet +<br>- Inventory Location, Product and Quantity +The default Movement Date is today's date. + + + Генерисање налога за набавку на основу пројекта + Генерисање налога за набавку на основу ставки пројекта + + + + + Детаљи пројекта - рачуноводствени извештај + Детаљи ставова књижења за пројекат + + + + Затвори пројекат + + + + + Ставке пројекта које нису издате + Списак ставки пројекта радног налога или пројекта средстава, који нису издати као пројекат + + + + Налог за набавку унутар пројетка није издат + Списак ставки пројекта са генерисаним налозима за набавку радног налога или пројекта средстава, који нису издати од стране пројекта + + + + Преузми цену + Get Price for Project Line based on Project Price List + + + + Конвертовање понуде + Конвертовање отворених понуда у налог + You can convert a Proposal or Quotation to any other Order document type. You would use this process, if you want to maintain/keep the Proposal or Quotation. The document status needs to be In Process. + + + Поново уреди цене налога/фактуре + Прерачунај цену базирану на последњој верзији ценовника од отвореног налога или фактуре + + + + Провера типова документа + Провера типова документа и контроле периода + Makes sure that there is a DocumentType for all Document Base Types<br> +Creates missing Period Controls for Document Type (You may have to open them) + + + Маржа пројекта (радни налог) + Ставке пројекта радног налога (планиран приход) у односу на Издавање пројекта (трошкови) + The Project Margin Report for Work Orders compares the Project lines (planned revenue) against the Project issues (actual effort and costs). The margin amount is calculated by subtracting the costs (issue) from the revenue (line). +The costs are in the currency of the Accounting Schema - the lines are in the currency of the price list of the project. + + + Провера стабла + Провера комплетности и исправности стабла + + + + Складиштење детаљи + Извештај детаља складиштења + The report shows storage details including product instance (Lot, Serial No) info + + + Детаљи трансакције + Извештај детаља трансакције + The report shows transaction details (receipts, shipments, inventory, movements, ...) including product instance (Lot, Serial No) info + + + Застаревање + Извештај застаревања + The aging report allows you to report on Open Items (Invoices). Select the aging buckets, you want to have in your report. If you select a currency, you get only invoices of that currency, otherwise the amounts are converted to your primary accounting currency. If you do not select a Statement Date, the system date is used to calculate the buckets. If you do not list the individual invoices, the Due Date is the earliest due date for the business partner and the Due Days are the average due days of all invoices.<br> +<br> +If you select an Account Date the report will generate the Aging as of that date. The report will exclude documents after the selected date.<br> +<br> +For example: A customer has one invoice for $100 with the Account Date of 03/31/08 and one payment for $100 with the Account Date of 05/01/08. The report will show the following balances based on the Account Date selected: 03/15/08= 0; 04/15/08=100; 05/15/08 = 0. + + + + Кликова месечно + Кликова месечно + The report shows active advertisement Click Count per Month. + + + Необрађени кликови + Необрађени кликови + The Report shows Clicks, which could not be processed (URL not matched to Click Count) + + + Обриши белешке + Обриши све белешке + + + + Провери + Провери распоред плаћања + + + + Провери + Validate Payment Terms and Schedule + + + + Организација складишта + Постави и верификуј власништво организације магацина + The process allows you to change or verify the organization ownership of a warehouse and its dependent entities (Location, Storage). + + + Организација производа + Постави и верификуј власништво организације артикала + The process allows you to change or verify the organization ownership of Products and its dependent entities (BOM, Substitute, Replenish, Purchasing, Business Partner Info, Costing). <br> +Select either a Product Category ar a specific Product. + + + Организација пословног партнера + Постави и верификуј власништво организације пословних партнера + The process allows you to change or verify the organization ownership of Business Partners and its dependent entities (Location, Contact/User, Bank Account, Withholding). <br> +Select either a Business Partner Group ar a specific Business Partner + + + Учитавање извода из банке + Учитавање извода из банке + Load the bank statement into the import table. The parameters used depend on the actual loader. + + + Обрисати увоз + Обрисати све податке у табели увоза + You would delete all data in an import table, if there was a problem with data loading. The delete does not distinguish between imported and not imported data. + + + Import Conversion Rate + Import Currency Conversion Rate + + + + Register Now! + Registrations help us to better serve the Adempiere User Base. + We will NOT make the data available to any third party or use the information for other than statistical purposes. +It will help us, if you would allow to publish your use of Adempiere. We will contact you directly before we publish any information. + + + + Порез фактуре + Поравнање пореза фактуре + The Report lists Invoice Tax lines with Business Partner Tax information. + + + Детаљи ставова књижења + Accounting Fact Details Report + Report with detail accounting details. + + + Детаљи књижења - дневно + Accounting Fact Details summarized by Accounting Date + The report lists the daily summary of accounting transactions + + + Ставови књижења - период + Сумирани ставови књижења по рачуноводственом периоду + The Period is based on the the Calendar defined on Client level. + + + Поново отворити налог + Отворити претходно затворени налог + + + + Match Bank Statement + Match Bank Statement Info to Business Partners, Invoices and Payments + + + + Креирај уплату + Create Payment from Bank Statement Info + + + + Провера секвенце + Провера секвенци система и докумената + Check that System and Document sequences are correct. Run this process, if you get Duplicate Key error messages. + + + Креирај налоге + Create orders based on Distribution List line items + Please note that due to rounding, the total quantity of the order(s) is likely to be higher then the quantity entered. + + + Повежи организацију + Link Business Partner to an Organization + If the Business Partner is another Organization, select the Organization or set to empty to create a new Organization. You link a Business Partner to an Organization to create explicit Documents for Inter-Org transaction. +If you create a new Organization, you may supply a Organization Type. If you select a Role, the access to the new Organization is limited to that role, otherwise all (non manual) roles of the Client will have access to the new Organization. + + + Креирај и позови + Create RfQ and Invite Vendors + Create (missing) RfQ Responses and optionally send EMail Invitation/Reminder to Vendors to respond to RfQ + + + Позови и подсети + EMail Invite or Remind Vendor to answer RfQ + Send Invitation/Reminder to Vendors to respond to RfQ per email + + + Неодговорени захтеви за понудама + Outstanding RfQ Responses + Lists Responses of active RfQs (not closed/processed) where the Response is not marked as complete. + + + Одговори захтева за понудама + Детаљи захтева за понудама + Lists detail Responses of active RfQs (not closed/processed) where the Response is marked as complete. + + + Рангирај одговоре + Рангирај комплетиран ЗЗП одговоре + Invalid responses are ranked with 999 per Quantity. The Quantity Responses are ranked among each other and the RfQ Best Response updated. The response Lines is maked as Selected winner, where the line quantity purchase quantity is selected. A total winner is only selected, if the RfQ type is "Quote All Lines" or "Quote Total only". + +Then the rankings of all Quantity Responses are added for the total ranking of the response. The response with the lowest total ranking is marked as Selected Winner. + + + Креирајте налог за набавку + Create Purchase Order(s) for RfQ Winner(s) + Create purchase order(s) for the resonse(s) and lines marked as Selected Winner using the selected Purchase Quantity (in RfQ Line Quantity) . If a Response is marked as Selected Winner, all lines are created (and Selected Winner of other responses ignored). If there is no response marked as Selected Winner, the lines are used. + + + Креирајте налог за продају + Креирајте налог за продају + A Sales Order is created for the entered Business Partner. A sales order line is created for each RfQ line quantity, where "Offer Quantity" is selected. If on the RfQ Line Quantity, an offer amount is entered (not 0), that price is used. +If a magin is entered on RfQ Line Quantity, it overwrites the general margin. The margin is the percentage added to the Best Response Amount. + + + Копирај ставке + Copy Lines from another RfQ + + + + Затвори ЗЗП + Close RfQ and Responses + Close the RfQ and all it's Responses + + + Отворена требовања + Детаљи информације о отвореним требовањима + + + + Креирај налоге + Create orders based on Distribution List line items + Please note that due to rounding, the total quantity of the order(s) is likely to be higher then the quantity entered. + + + Раскини везу комитента и организације + Раскини везу пословног партнера од организације + UnLink a Business Partner Linked to an Organization (for explicit inter-org documents) + + + Process Requisition + + + + + Испорука средстава месечно + Месечни извештај о испоруци средстава + The report lists the Asset and the deliveries per month for the records selected. + + + Validate Document Type + + + + + RfQ Response Print + ** Special ** Do not change ** + + + + Провера завршена + Check if Response is Complete based on RfQ settings + + + + Manage Activity + Manage Workflow Activity + Update or stop Workflow Activity + + + Manage Process + Manage Workflow Process + Update or stop Workflow Process + + + Process Confirmation + + + + + Креирај потврду + Create Confirmations for the Document + The confirmations generated need to be processed (confirmed) before you can process this document + + + Креирај пакет + Create Package for Shipmet + + + + Process RMA + + + + + Детаљи отверене потврде + Open Shipment or Receipt Confirmation Details + The Report lists the open confirmation lines + + + Отворене потврде + Open Shipment or Receipt Confirmations + The report lists the open confirmations + + + Process Confirmation + Process Inventory Movement Confirmation + + + + Формат штампе детаљи + Print Format Detail Report + Print Format with Item details + + + Ресетуј лозинку + Ресетуј лозинку корисника + You can change User Passwords and EMail settings. You do not need to know/enter the password, if you are an Administrator. + + + Create Dunning Run + Create Dunning Run Entries based on the Dunning Level criteria + + + + Inventory Move Print + ** Special ** Do not change ** + Create/Copy your own Format and Process + + + Physical Inventory Print + ** Special ** Do not change ** + Create/Copy your own Format and Process + + + Shipment Confirmation + ** Special ** Do not change ** + + + + Детаљи пријемнице + Material Receipt Detail Information + The report provides Material Repecipt Header and Line with locator information. + + + Детаљи отпремница + Информације о детаљима испоруке (отпремнице) + The report provides Material Shipment Header and Line with locator information. You can use the report to create a Consolidated Picking List. + + + Ажурирање права приступа улога + Ажурирање права приступа групе или група клијента + Update the access rights of a role or all roles of a client to windows, forms, processes and workflows. If run for System, all roles of all clients are updated. Note that a role is only updated if it is not marked as manual. + + + Увези потврде + Увези потврде + The Parameters are default values for null import record values, they do not overwrite any data. + + + Capture + Calculate Measures + Capture and Calculate Measures + If automatic, capture measures - and calculate/update the actual measure. + + + Calculate Measures + Calculate the Measure + Calculate/update the actual measure. + + + Verify + Verify GL Distribution + + + + Избриши + Delete Invoice Matching Record + + + + Избриши + Delete PO Matching Record + + + + Аутоматска расподела + Automatic allocation of invoices to payments + Try to allocate invoices to payments for a business partner or group. You may want to reset existing allocations first.<br> +The allocation is based on (1) payments entered with reference to invoices (2) payment selections (3) business partner balance (4) matching amount of invoice & payment. Allocation is based on exact amount and includes AP/AR imvoices/payments.<br> +Optionally as (5), you can enable to allocate payments to the oldest invoice. In this case, there might be an unallocated amount remaining. + + + Поништавање расподеле + Поништавање (брисање) расподеле уплата фактура + Delete Allocations for a business partner or business partner group, accounting date range or individual allocation. In contrast to "Void" in "View Allocation", the allocation is deleted (no trace), if the period is open. + + + Validate Workflow + Validate thet the workflos is correct + (limited checking) + + + Document Value based Workflows + *** DO NOT MODIFY *** + + + + Un-Do Changes + Undo changes + You can undo certain changes. + + + Re-Do Changes + Reapply changes + You can reapply certain changes. + + + Reapply Customizations + If you identified customizations in the Change Log, you can reapply them + The migration "resets" the system to the current/original setting. If selected in the Change Log, you can save the customization and re-apply them. Please note that you need to check, if your customization has no negative side effect in the new release. <br> +Shut down the Application Server before running this process and set the Trace level (in Preference) higher or equals WARNING. + + + Радни ток за клијента + Move custom workflow elements to the current client + The security architecture prevents you from adding client specific modifications/customizations to existing standard workflows. This process moves your customization made on system level to this client to add client specific details. + + + Пробни биланс + Пробни биланс за временски период + Select a Period (current period if empty) or enter a Account Date Range. If an account is selected, the balance is calculated based on the account type and the primary calendar of the client (i.e. for revenue/expense accounts from the beginning of the year). If no account is selected, the balance is the sum of all transactions before the selected account range or first day of the period selected. You can select an alternative Reporting Hierarchy. + + + Конвертовање ЈМ производа + Brack-up or repackage same Products with different UOM + Example: "Product EA" has a defined UOM Conversion to "Product 6Pack" and vice versa. +This is a one-step replacement for defining BOM and creating/processes a Production. + + + Штампај писма опомене + Print Dunning letters to paper or send PDF + (Re)Print Dunning Letters or send them as PDF attachments to the Business Partner Contact with a valid EMail addres. + + + + Payment Print + ** Special ** Do not change ** + + + + Провери пословног партнера + Провера конзистетности података пословног партнера + Check the payments and invoices of a business partner and checks the balances. + + + Пакетна обрада налога + Пакетно обради налоге + Базирано на изабраном критеријуму, налози се обрађују користећи изабрану акцију документа. Проверите да ли је акција документа исправна за документе. + + + Нерасподељене фактуре + Invoices not allocated to Payments + Report of not allocated Invoices (for partially paid/allocated invoices see Open Item) + + + Нерасподељене уплате + Payments not allocated to Invoices + Report of not allocated Payments (for partially allocated payments, use Payment Detail) + + + Детаљи уплате + Payment Detail Report + Type adjusted payments (receipts positive, payments negative) with allocated and available amounts + + + Незатворено - комитент + Business Partner Open Amount + The report lists open invoices and payments + + + Покретање провизије - детаљно + Покретање извештаја о детаљима комисионе продаје + Commission Run, Amount Details with Order/Invoice details + + + Синхронизовање док. превода + Синхронизовање док. превода + If the current client has not multi-lingual documents enabled, the translations for documents are synchronized with the main record (i.e. it copies the content of the main record to the translation records). This process is necessary when swiching to a mono-lingual environment as there the terminoligy is maintained not in the translation records.<br> +This applies to the client defined document translations, e.g. for UoM, Payment Terms, Product Info, etc. + + + Материјална референца + Material Transactions Cross Reference (used/resourced) + The report displays, e.g. where Material Receipts are used or Customer Shipments are resourced from + + + Креирај фактуре + + + + + Захтеви за фактурама + Create Invoice for Requests + Create invoice for Request Type with optional Request Group, Category for Business Partner. If the used product for invoicing is not defined, the product defined in the parameter is used. + + + Сређивање складишта + Inventory Storage Cleanup + Create Inventory Movements for unbalanced Inventory Location Storage (i.e. within a warehouse move inventory to locations with negative on hand quantity). + + + Нереализоване фактуре - добитак/губитак + Извештај о нереализованим фактурама - добитак/губитак + The Report lists not fully paid invoices with open amount, the GL amounts and the revalued amounts. If an invoice is partially paid, the percentage of the open amount is used to calculate the revaluation amount.<br> +If you select a currency, only invoices of that currency are included; if you select Include All Currencies, all invoices are included and you can use the report to reconcile your AP/AR accounts.<br> +If you select a GL Document Type, a GL Journal is created. +Note that the report only includes posted invoices. + + + Test EMail + Test EMail Connection + Test EMail Connection based on info defined. An EMail is sent from the request user to the request user. Also, the web store mail settings are tested. + + + Column Encryption + Test and enable Column Encryption + To enable storage encryption or remove encryption is dangerous as you may loose data. You need to verify that the column is big enough to hold the encrypted value. You can provide your own encryption method, but cannot change it once enabled. <br> +The default implementation supports US ASCII String conversion (not Unicode, Numbers, Dates)<br> +Note that support is restricted to setup and test, but not data recovery. + + + Трошкови производа + Извештај коштања производа + The Product Cost report lists the product costs for the product, cost type and cost element + + + Резиме коштања производа + Збирни извештај коштања производа + The Product Cost report lists the summarized product costs for the product + + + Детаљи коштања производа + Product Invoice Cost Detail Report + The Product Invoice Cost Detail Report lists the products with the individual invoice cost allocation + + + Distribute Costs + Distribute costs to Products + Distribute costs to Products based on selections - Distribution Base (Quantity, Current Costs, Line, Weight, ..) and Receipt/Line or directly to the product. + + + Налог детаљи + Извештај о детаљима налога + The report includes order detail information including lost sales. The report can be used for Sales and Purchasing. + + + Детаљи о комитенту + Business Partner Detail Report + The report list details of Business Partner, Addresses and Contacts for any active Business Partner with an Address and Contact + + + Креирање записа за коштање + Креирање записа за коштање + The costing records are created when needed or by batch processes. You can force the creation of the costing information here. + + + Create Tax Declaration + Create Tax Declaration from Documents + + + + Креирај налог за набавку - на основу требовања + На основу требовања креирати налог за набавку + Create Purchase orders from Purchase Requisitions. + + + Create GL/Default + Copy matching account element values from existing Accounting Schema + Create the GL and Default accounts for this accounting schema and copy matching account element values. + + + Report or Update Issue + Report Issue to Adempiere + + + + Месечно фактурисање производа + Invoice Report by Product per Month + Фактурисан износ по производима и месецима + + + Квартално фактурисање производа + Invoice Report by Product per Quarter + Фактурисан износ по производу и кварталу + + + Проверите подршку + Validate Support Contract + The process connects to the Adempiere Support Services server and validates the support contract. To sign up for support, please go to http://www.adempiere.org + + + Увиз уплата + Увиз уплата + The Parameters are default values for null import record values, they do not overwrite any data. + + + Провери + Validate Staging Area + + + + Deploy Web Project + Deploy Web Project + The process deploys the media to the media server(s) and then copies the stage to the container. + + + Провера саставнице + Провера структуре саставнице + The Verify BOM Structures checks the elements and steps which comprise a Bill of Materials. + + + Провери + Validate Template + + + + Register Extension + Register your extension with Adempiere + You can register the four character extension with Adempiere. This makes sure that your extension can be automatically distributed and implemented. You will also be able to certify extensions. Contact Adempiere for details. + + + Провери + Validate Info Window SQL + Validate generated Info Window SQL + + + Поново изгради индекс + + Be carefull, this process will reindex all tables and records which are marked to get indexed. Depending on the number of documents this could take a long time. This should only be run if you have removed stop words, if this is mentioned to be run after migration. + + + Media Direct Deploy + + + + + PackRoll + + + + + PackOut + Process to create package export + + + + File_Select + Select a file + + + + PackIn + Import Package + Import a package + + + Копирање улоге + Копирање улоге + + + + Copy Columns from Table + Create Dictionary Columns for a Table taking another as base + + + + Захтевај имејл процесор + + + + + Create Order From RMA + Creates an order based on this RMA Document. The RMA should be correct and completed. + Generate Order from RMA will create an order based on this RMA document. + + + Generate Shipments for Vendor RMA + Generate Shipments from open vendor RMA based on selection. + + + + Generate Invoices for Vendor RMA + Generate Invoices from open vendor RMA based on selection. + + + + Ажурирај мени улога + + + + + Поставка веб ПОС-а + + + + + PP_Product_BOM CopyFrom + + This process copies BOM Lines from the Selected BOM to the Current BOM. The BOM being copied to must have any existing BOM Lines + + + Multi Level BOM & Formula Detail + Shows in two different panels the parent-component relationship for the product entered in the Product field. + The BOM & Formula Review option menu shows in two different panels the parent-component relationship for the product entered in the Product field. + +You need to introduce the parent product you want to see its components then click the OK button, next drag the left margin of the panel to the right and you will have the two panels. + +When you need to consult an implosion, click the implosion check box and enter the component you wish to consult and tick the Implosion check box. + +You need to introduce the parent product you want to see its components then click the OK button, next drag the left margin of the panel to the right and you will have the two panels. + +The left panel shows the BOM hierarchies in a tree form. The right panel shows the information connected with the BOM for every product in it. + + + Mutiple Components Change + This option allows the change of any component into BOM or Formula + This option allows the change of any component into BOM or Formula + + + Create Product Planning + This process will create the data plannig register for every product + In order to facilitate to load the data planning of similar products, you can run the process Create product Planning and this process will create the data plannig register for every product which fits the parameters: Product category, Warehouse and Resource. + +You must indicate the planning parameters defined in the last section for every Product category, Warehouse, and Resource set. Every product which fit these three parameters will have a data planning record with the same data planning values you enter in this form. + + + Calculate Low Level + This process calculate and register the lowest level of a product inside any BOM. It is used in the MRP calculations and should be executed when you enter a new BOM. + This process calculate and register the lowest level of a product inside any BOM. It is used in the MRP calculations and should be executed when you enter a new BOM. + + + Create Record MRP + This process recreate the demand, approved and open orders for a product. + This process recreate the demand, approved and open orders for a product. + +Generally, this process is only performed during the implementation of MRP + + + Calculate Material Plan + This process calcualte the demand, approved and open orders for a product. + This process calcualte the demand, approved and open orders for a product. + + + MRP Details + Show the detail of MRP calculation + Show the detail of MRP calculation + + + Calculate Capacity Plan + Calculate Capacity Plan + The process of Capacity Plan Calculation allows us to know the available time in each manufacturing resource, as well as the required time to satisfy the Master Production Schedule. + + + Calculate Distribution Plan + Distribution Resource Planning (DRP) is a method used in business administration for planning orders within a supply chain. + Distribution Resource Planning (DRP) is a method used in business administration for planning orders within a supply chain. + +DRP enables the user to set certain inventory control parameters (like a safety stock) and calculate the time-phased inventory requirements. + +DRP uses several variables: +the on-hand inventory at the end of a period. +the backordered demand at the end of a period. +the required quantity of product needed at the beginning of a period. +the constrained quantity of product available at the beginning of a period. +the recommended order quantity at the beginning of a period. + +DRP needs the following information: +the demand in a future period. +the scheduled receipts at the beginning of a period. +the safety stock requirement for a period. +the on-hand inventory at the beginning of a period. + + + + DRP Details + Show the detail of DRP calculation + Show the detail of DRP calculation + + + Process Manufacturing Order + + + + + Manufacturing Order + + + + + Manufacturing Orders Review + It is a report of every Manufacturing Orders filtering according with the characteristics the user is interested to select. + It is a report of every Manufacturing Orders filtering according with the characteristics the user is interested to select. + + + Component Check + Show if components are available in the warehouse to Manufacturing Order + Before you complete a MO it is necessary to validate the components are available in the warehouse, in order to track the components availability you get a report which shows among other data: the Required Quantity for the MO, the Reserved Quantity, the On Hand Quantity and the Available Quantity. + + + Print & Release Order + Once the planned orders of manufacture generated by MRP, have been aprobed, has been reached the date of liberation and has been verified that the required components are in existence, the orders are emitted to the plant for its manufacture. + Once the planned orders of manufacture generated by MRP, have been aprobed, has been reached the date of liberation and has been verified that the required components are in existence, the orders are emitted to the plant for its manufacture. If you wish to print the warehouse and shop floor documentation you must tick the adequate check box: + +If you tick the Print Pick List check box you will get a report with the required components and quantities to help the warehouse clerk to issue the material to the shop floor. The next report is an example of this: + +If you tick the Print Pack List check box you will get a report with the required components and containing the material with a Component Type of Packing and Tools recorded in the BOM Window. + +Another report which is part of the Manufacturing Order Release Package is the Workflow(Routing). + +You can print this report with tick in the Print Workflow check box and it shows to the shop floor personnel the necessary steps for the manufacture of the product. + +This Report contains the place where the product should be made, the standard times, the tools and necessary devices. + +If you wish to print this report tick the check box Print Workflow. + + + Inventory in Process + This report show the inventory in process + This report show the inventory in process + + + Process Cost Collector + + + + + Shop Floor Transaction Details + Show the Shop Floor Transaction Details + + + + Process Distribution Order + + + + + Distribution Order Print + ** Special ** Do not change ** + + + + Generate Movement + Generate and print Movement from open Distribution Orders + Movement for open Distribution Orders are created based on the delivery rule of the Distribution Order and the relative order priority. If a Promise Date is selected only orders up to (including) the date are selected.<br> +If several Distribution Orders of a business partner have the same location, the Distribution orders can be consolidated into one Movement.<br> +You can also include Distibution orders who have outstanding confirmations (e.g. ordered=10 - not confirmed movements=4 - would create a new movement of 6 if available). + + + Print Test Results + Process allow print the result of Quality Order + + + + Create Doc Type to Manufacturing + Let create the document type to manufacturing + This process only need run one time by client + + + Create Element + Let create every cost elements defined for a Organization, Accounting Schema, Warehouse, Resource, Cost Type ,Product and Product Attribute Set Instance . + With this process is possible to create every cost elements defined for a Organization, Accounting Schema, Warehouse, Resource, Cost Type and Product. + + + Product Costing + To watch the cost elements for every set of Product, Organization, Accounting Schema, Warehouse, Resource and Cost Type + To watch the cost elements for every set of Product, Organization, Accounting Schema, Warehouse, Resource and Cost Type. + + + Copy Price to Standard Cost + This process allow copy a Price from Price list Version to Element Cost + This process allow copy a Price from Price list Version to Element Cost + + + Workflow Cost Roll-Up + This Process allow integrate Labor and Overhead Cost to a Manufacturing Workflow + This Process allow integrate Labor and Overhead Cost to a Manufacturing Workflow + +Labor Cost Operation = (Setup Time / Qty Batch Size) * Duration * Labor Rate to this Resource +Overhead Cost Operation = (Setup Time / Qty Batch Size) * Duration * Overhead Rate to this Resource + +Labor Cost Workflow = Sum of every the Labor Cost Operation +Overhead Cost Workflow = Sum of every the Overhead Cost Operation + +Cost Workflow = Labor Cost Workflow + Overhead Cost Workflow + + + + Cost Workflow & Process Details + This report show every cost element to a BOM or Formula + This report show every cost element to a BOM or Formula + + + Bill of Material & Formula Cost Roll-UP + This Process allow integrate Bill of Material & Formula Cost + This Process allow integrate Bill of Material & Formula Cost + +Element Cost = Element Cost this level + Element Cost this low level + +Total BOM Cost = Sum every Element Cost + + + Create Report (Jasper) + Create Financial Report (Jasper) + Подразумевани период је текући период. You can optionally enter other restrictions. You can select an alternative Reporting Hierarchy. + + + ASP Generate Fields + + + + + ASP Generate Level + + + + + Ажурирање броја секвенце + + + + + Apply Migration Scripts + + + + + Припреми миграционе скрипте + + + + + C_Invoce Calculate Tax + + + + + Test Import Model + Test Import of XML files + + + + Обрада платног списка + + + + + Креирање платног појма + + + + + Креирање платних периода + + + + + Обрачун зарада + Обрачун зарада се користи за обраду зарада, може се обрачунавати за једног или све раднике + + + + Слање зарада е-поштом + Овај процес служи за слање плата свим запосленима путем е-поште + + + + Генератор извозних формата + Креирање вишеструких извозних формата који се налазе у прозору + + + + Test Export Model + Test Export of XML files + + + + Import FA Journal + Import FA Batch/Journal/Line + The Parameters are default values for null import record values they do not overwrite any data. + + + Build Depreciation Forecast File + + + + + Process Entry + + + + + Asset Disposal Expense Entry Rpt + Used to review Assets Disposed Entry + + + + Asset Transfer Entry + Used to review Assets Transfered Entry + + + + A_Asset_Split + + + + + A_Asset_Disposal + + + + + A_Depreciation_Transfer + + + + + Asset Split Entry + Used to review Assets Split Entry + + + + Depreciation Expense Entry + Used to review Depreciation Expense Entry not yet booked + + + + Build Depreciation Workfile + + + + + Asset Depreciation Forecast + Used to review Assets Forecast + + + + RV_Asset_Parent_Report + + + + + RV_Depreciation_Table + + + + + Spread Report + + + + + RV_Asset_Depreciation_Method + List Depreciation Methods + + + + Create Depreciation Function + + + + + RV_Asset_Convention_Rpt + Asset Convention Report + + + + A_Depreciation_Entry_Cleanup + + + + + RV_Depreciation_Calculation_Methods + List Depreciation Calculation Methods Available + + + + RV_Asset_Group_Defaults + Lists Asset Group Settings & Defaults + + + + Inbound Charges for GL + Process invoice charges from GL + This process processes charges to Fixed Assets from GL + + + Inbound Charge Entry Report + Used to review Assets Inbound Entry + + + + Inbound Charges for AP + Process invoice charges from AP + This process processes charges to Fixed Assets from AP + + + Import Asset + Imports Asset from a file into the application + Import Asset will bring a file of Asset in a predefined format into the application.<p> +The Parameters are default values for null import record values they do not overwrite any data. + + + Forecast Report + Forecast Report + Forecast Report + + + Forecast Report by Period + Forecast Report by Period + Forecast Report by Period + + + Calculate Forecast + Calculate Forecast + Calculate Forecast + + + Distribution Run Orders + Create Distribution Run Orders based on Distribution List or The Quantity Demand the Distribution Order and redistribute the quantity into Distribution Plan line items + Based in DRP Demand is selected then the redistribute the quantity is based in % of Demand + +Please note that due to rounding, the total quantity of the order(s) is likely to be higher then the quantity entered. + +Consolidate to one Document let the distribution in current Documents with ranges dates promised, if do not is selected then a new Order is generate. + + + Distribution Order Detail + Distribution Order Detail Report + The report includes order detail information Distribution Orders. + + + Immediate Bank Transfer + + + + + Bank Transfer + Bank Transfer let money tranfer between Banks + + + + HouseKeeping + + + + + House Keeping + + + + + Enable Native Sequence + Enable Native Sequence + This process allows Enable the native sequences based in the current AD_Sequence. + +This process should be implemented when the users are not connected. + + + Cost BOM Multi Level Review + This report show every cost element to a Multi Level BOM or Formula + This report show every cost element to a Multi Level BOM or Formula + + + Frozen/UnFrozen Cost + Frozen or UnFrozen Cost + Lets freeze or unfreeze the cost, If the Cost is UnFrozen then can be changed + + + Initial Client Setup Process + + + + + Import Price Lists + Imports price lists from a file into the application + + + + Трансакције налога + Извештај о трансакцијама налога + + + + Copy From Report and Process + Copy settings from one report and process to another. + Copy the settings from the selected report and process to the current one. This overwrites existing settings and translations. + + diff --git a/data/sr_RS/AD_Ref_List_Trl_sr_RS.xml b/data/sr_RS/AD_Ref_List_Trl_sr_RS.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..ccffe07650 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/sr_RS/AD_Ref_List_Trl_sr_RS.xml @@ -0,0 +1,4297 @@ + + + + + + Организација + + + + Клијент+Организација + + + + Само систем + + + + Све + + + + Провера списка + Провера списка + + + DataType + DataType + + + Провера табеле + Провера табеле + + + SQL + SQL + + + Java језик + Java језик + + + Java Script + ECMA Script + + + Прозор + + + + Задатак + + + + РадниТок + + + + Процес + + + + Грешка + + + + Информација + + + + Мени + + + + Један слог + + + + Одржавати + + + + Трансакција + + + + Само упит + + + + Spot + Spot Conversation Rate Type + + + Крај периода + Врста конверзије периода + + + Стандардни период календара + Период са не поклапајућим данима календара + + + Период подешавања + Период без календарских дана + + + Конто + Контни елемент + + + Кориснички дефинисано + Кориснички дефинисани елемент + + + Актива + Конто активе (биланс стања) + + + Пасива + Конто пасиве (биланс стања) + + + Приход + Revenue (P&L) Account + + + Расход + Expense (P&L) Account + + + Owner's Equity + Owner's Equity (Balance Sheet) Account + + + Memo + Memo (Non Balance Sheet nor P&L) Account + + + Natural + Natural sign of the Account Type + + + Задужење + Билансни конто дугује + + + Потражује + Потражни конто биланса + + + Мени + + + + Вредност елемента + Конто, итд. + + + Производ + + + + ППартнер + Пословни партнер + + + Регионална канцеларија + + + + Accounts Payable Office + + + + Фабрика + + + + Мали бизнис + + + + Minority-Owned Small Business + + + + Minority-Owned Business + + + + Woman-Owned Small Business + + + + Woman-Owned Business + + + + Подизвођач радова + + + + Индивидуално + + + + Партнерство + + + + Корпорација + + + + Локација истовара + + + + Standard Costing + Standard Purchase Order Price Costing + + + Average PO + Weighted Average Purchase Order Price Costing + + + ЛИФО + Последњи у - први ван коштање + + + ФИФО + Први у - први ван коштање + + + International GAAP + International GAAP + + + US GAAP + United States GAAP + + + German HGB + German HGB + + + Actual + Actual Postings + + + Буџет + Budget Postings + + + Обавезивање + External Encumbrance or Commitment Postings + + + Статистичко + Statistical Postings + + + Локално + Локално <- + + + Спојити + Спојити <--> + + + Референца + Референца -> + + + Нацрт + + + + Завршено + + + + Одобрено + + + + Није одобрено + + + + Поништено + + + + Погрешно + + + + Reversed + + + + Затворено + + + + Комплетирај + Generate documents and complete transaction + + + Одобрити + Одобрити ову трансакцију + + + Одбити + Одбити одобрење овог документа + + + Књижи + Књижи трансакцију + + + Поништено + Set all quantities to zero and complete transaction + + + Затвори + Коначно затворити ову трансакцију It cannot be re-activated. + + + Reverse - Correct + Reverse Transaction (correction) by reversing sign with same date + + + Reverse - Accrual + Reverse by switching Dr/Cr with current date + + + Invalidate + Invalidate Document + + + Re-activate + Reopen Document and Reverse automaticly generated documents; You need to Complete the transaction after the change. + + + <Ништа> + Без акције + + + Непознато + + + + Систем+клијент + + + + Ништа + Без курса конверзије + + + Фиксиран + Евро фиксирана валута + + + Просечан + Просечне стопе + + + Предузеће + Company Rate + + + Врста корисника + User Rate Type + + + Manual Rate + Manual Rate + + + Налог на одложено + + + + POS налог + + + + Магацински налог + + + + Стандардни налог + + + + Понуда + + + + Предрачун + + + + Amex + + + + MasterCard + + + + Visa + + + + ATM + + + + После испоруке отпремнице + Фактура за сваки налог + + + После испоруке + Фактура по испоруци + + + После испоруке по утврђеном распореду + Фактура/купцу распоред фактура + + + После уплате + После уплате готовине + + + Доступност + Најраније, одмах када артикал постане доступан + + + Комплетна ставка + Најраније, одмах када све артикли постану доступни + + + Комплетирај налог + Најраније, одмах када налог постане доступан + + + Одмах + Одмах фактура + + + Покупити + + + + Испорука + + + + Испоручилац + + + + Трошкови транспорта укључени + Трошкови транспорта укључени + + + Фиксна цена + Фиксна превознина + + + Израчунато + Израчунато на основу правила о превозу производа + + + Ставка + Унешене на нивоу ставке + + + Високо + Високи приоритет + + + Средње + Средњи приоритет + + + Ниско + Низак приоритет + + + Цео број .00 + Број без децимала + + + Без заокруживања + + + + Четвртина .25 .50 .75 + + + + Десетина .10, .20, .30, ... + + + + Петина .05, .10, .15, ... + + + + Десет 10.00, 20.00, .. + + + + Последња куповна цена + + + + Одржавај максималан ниво + + + + Ручно + + + + Reorder below Minimum Level + + + + Недеља + + + + Понедељак + + + + Уторак + + + + Среда + + + + Четвртак + + + + Петак + + + + Субота + + + + Дненовно + + + + Недељно + + + + Месечно + + + + Два пут месечно + + + + Отвори период + + + + Затвори период + Меко затварање - може бити поново отворено + + + Трајно затвори период + + + + Отворен + + + + Затворено + + + + Трајно затворено + + + + Никада отварано + + + + Скица + + + + Одобрено + + + + Грешка + + + + Упозорење + + + + Информација + + + + <Нема акције> + + + + Организација + Поседује организацију + + + Конто + Прописани конто + + + Производ + Производ + + + ППартнер + Пословни партнер + + + Орг транс. + Трансакција организације + + + Локација из + Локација из + + + Локација ка + Локација ка + + + Продајни регион + Продајни регион + + + Пројекат + Пројекат + + + Кампања + Маркетиншка кампања + + + Корисничка листа 1 + Корисничка 1 + + + Корисничка листа 2 + Корисник 2 + + + Организација + + + + Саставница + Саставница + + + Пројекат + + + + Продајни регион + + + + Категорија производа + + + + Кампања + + + + Дневник главне књиге + + + + Документ ГК + + + + AP Invoice + + + + AP Payment + + + + AR Invoice + + + + AR Receipt + + + + Налог за продају + + + + Отпремница купцу + + + + Повраћаји купца + + + + Vendor Receipts + + + + Повраћаји добављачу + + + + Залихе - излаз + + + + Залихе - улаз + + + + Активност + Пословна активност + + + Активност + + + + Повраћај материјала + + + + AR Pro Forma Invoice + + + + Испорука материјала + + + + Пријемница + + + + Каталошка цена + + + + Стандардна цена + + + + Limit (PO) Price + + + + Material Movement + + + + Налог за набавку + + + + Захтев за набавку + + + + Prepay Order + + + + Готовина + + + + Кредитна картица + + + + Директан депозит + + + + Чек + + + + На одложено + + + + Месец + + + + Квартал + + + + Година + + + + У обради + + + + Blind list (w/o book quantity) + + + + Count list (with book quantity) + + + + Контролни списак + + + + Припрема + Провера конзистентностси документа и провера залиха + + + Чекајућа уплата + + + + Одкључати + Unlock Transaction (process error) + + + Попис материјала + + + + Movement From + + + + Movement To + + + + Извештај + + + + ASC X12 + + + + EDIFACT + + + + Email EDI + + + + Скица + + + + Послато + + + + Обавештен + + + + Одговорено (комплетирано) + + + + Упит + + + + Налог за набавку + + + + AP Credit Memo + + + + AR Credit Memo + + + + Образац + Посебан образац + + + And + + + + Or + + + + = + + + + >= + + + + > + + + + < + + + + ~ + + + + <= + + + + |<x>| + + + + sql + + + + Ручно + + + + Увоз + + + + Документ + + + + Производ + + + + Пословни партнер + + + + Конта + + + + Биланси главне књиге + + + + Курсна листа + + + + Попис магацина + + + + Фиксиране колоне + + + + Раздвојено запетама + + + + Раздвојено табулаторима + + + + XML + + + + String + + + + Број + + + + Датум + + + + Константа + + + + Production + + + + + Production - + + + + > 0 + + + + = 0 + + + + < 0 + + + + not 0 + + + + Match + + + + No Match + + + + Unavailable + + + + Кредитна картица + + + + Чек + + + + Директан депозит + ACH Automatic Clearing House + + + Продаја + + + + Delayed Capture + + + + Credit (Payment) + + + + Voice Authorization + + + + Authorization + + + + Поништено + + + + Проверавање + + + + Чување + + + + Bank Account Transfer + + + + Фактура + + + + General Expense + + + + General Receipts + + + + Потраживање + + + + Разлика + + + + Diners + + + + Откриће + + + + Purchase Card + Corporate Purchase Card + + + Ништа + + + + Follow up + + + + Информација + + + + Услуге + + + + Потраживање + + + + Конто + + + + Помоћ + + + + Аларм + + + + Warranty + + + + Остали + + + + Минута + + + + Сат + + + + Дан + + + + Закашњење + + + + Доспеће + + + + Заказан + + + + Налог + + + + Фактура + + + + Рачун + + + + Недељно + + + + Месечно + + + + Квартално + + + + Систем + + + + Клијент + + + + Организација + + + + Клијент+Организација + + + + Ручно + Ручни унос + + + Израчунато + + + + Постигнућа + + + + Није књижено + + + + Књижено + + + + Није билансирано + + + + Not Convertible (no rate) + + + + Период затворен + + + + Post Prepared + + + + Погрешан конто + + + + Извод + + + + Дневник благајне + + + + Расподела уплата + + + + Total Debit Only + + + + Total Credit Only + + + + Total Balance + + + + Сабери (Op1+Op2) + + + + Одузми (Op1-Op2) + + + + Проценат (Op1 од Op2) + + + + Додај распон (од Op1 до Op2) + + + + Релативан период + + + + Рачуница + + + + Segment Value + + + + Source Currency + + + + Accounting Currency + + + + Segment Value + + + + Рачуница + + + + Normal (Flat) + + + + Gradient + + + + Ставка + + + + Texture (Picture) + + + + Радни сто + + + + Речник + Application Dictionary (synchronized) + + + Адемпјер + Adempiere Application (synchronized) + + + Одржава корисник + User maintained Entity (not synchronized) + + + Апликације + Other Applications (not synchronized) + + + Material Production + + + + Уклопи рачун + + + + Match PO + + + + Ставка + + + + Flat Percent + + + + Формула + + + + Прекиди + + + + Ценовник + + + + Север + + + + Северо исток + + + + Исток + + + + Југо исток + + + + Југ + + + + Југо запад + + + + Запад + + + + Северо запад + + + + Стандардан трошак + + + + Average PO + + + + Последња куповна цена + + + + Цена са последњег рачуна + + + + Price List (Limit) + + + + Average PO History + + + + Average Invoice History + + + + Fixed Price + + + + Подразумеван + + + + Leading (left) + + + + Trailing (right) + + + + Блок + + + + Leading (left) + + + + Центар + + + + Trailing (right) + + + + Центар + + + + Поље + + + + Текст + + + + Формат штампања + + + + Садржај + + + + Заглавље + + + + Подножје + + + + Ништа + + + + Слика + + + + Пита графикон + + + + Линијски графикон + + + + Стубчани графикон + + + + Биланс периода + + + + Period Credit Only + + + + Period Debit Only + + + + Ставка + + + + Услуге + + + + Ресурс + + + + Врста трошка + + + + На вези + + + + Currency Precision + + + + Period Quantity + + + + Укупна количина + + + + Годишњи биланс + + + + Year Credit Only + + + + Year Debit Only + + + + Year Quantity + + + + Standard Part + + + + Optional Part + + + + In alternative Group 1 + + + + In alternative Group 2 + + + + In alternaltve Group 3 + + + + In alternative Group 4 + + + + Поље + + + + Текст + + + + Фактура + + + + Дненовно + + + + Недељно + + + + Месечно + + + + Квартално + + + + Налог + + + + Дневник главне књиге + + + + Пројекат + + + + Оба + + + + Sales Tax + + + + Purchase Tax + + + + Генерално + + + + Asset Project + + + + Work Order (Job) + + + + Service (Charge) Project + + + + French Accounting Standard + + + + Custom Accounting Rules + + + + Стопирај кредитирање + + + + Кредит није дозвољен + + + + Надзири кредит + + + + No Credit Check + + + + Кредит одобрен + + + + Work Order + + + + + Work Order - + + + + Пројекат издање + + + + Obscure Digits but last 4 + + + + Obscure Digits but first/last 4 + + + + Obscure AlphaNumeric but first/last 4 + + + + Obscure AlphaNumeric but last 4 + + + + Inventory Difference + + + + Charge Account + + + + Accessing + General Access + + + Reporting + + + + Exporting + + + + Client only + + + + LiFo + Last In First Out + + + FiFo + First In First Out + + + Yearly + + + + Година + + + + Месец + + + + Дан + + + + hour + + + + minute + + + + second + + + + Regular + + + + Loop Begin + + + + Loop End + + + + AND + + + + XOR + + + + Wait (Sleep) + + + + User Choice + + + + Sub Workflow + + + + Set Variable + + + + Automatic + + + + Ручно + + + + User Window + + + + Организација + + + + Human + + + + Улога + + + + System Resource + + + + Not Started + + + + Running + + + + Suspended + + + + Завршено + + + + Обустављено + + + + Прекинуто + + + + Process Created + + + + State Changed + + + + Asynchronously + Fork + + + Synchronously + Serial + + + While Loop + + + + Repeat Until Loop + + + + User Form + + + + Apps Task + + + + Apps Report + + + + Apps Process + + + + In alternative Group 5 + + + + In alternative Group 6 + + + + In alternative Group 7 + + + + In alternative Group 8 + + + + In alternative Group 9 + + + + Released + + + + Тест + + + + Under Revision + + + + Поништено + + + + Re-Create Translation + + + + Add Missing Translations + + + + Delete Translation + + + + Директан депозит + + + + Директан депозит + + + + Solid Line + + + + Dashed Line + + + + Dotted Line + + + + Dash-Dotted Line + + + + Web Promotion + + + + Quote Total only + + + + Прорачун изабраних ставки + + + + Quote All Lines + + + + Funding - All Bidders help funding a Topic + + + + Auction - The highest Bidder wins the Topic + + + + Фреквенција + + + + Недеља дан + + + + Месец дан + + + + Прилагођавање + Distributed Extensions should have 4 characters + + + Да + + + + Не + + + + Акција документа + + + + Чекање на потврду + + + + Process Completed + + + + != + + + + Vendor Confirmation + + + + Customer Confirmation + + + + Drop Ship Confirm + + + + Потврда испоруке/пријема + + + + Pick/QA Confirm + + + + Сила + + + + Алтернатива + + + + Supplemental + + + + Није обавезно + + + + Увек обавезно + + + + When Shipping + + + + Грешка књижења + + + + String (max 40) + + + + Број + + + + Списак + + + + Генерално + General Workflow + + + Document Process + + + + Document Value + + + + Wait Complete + Wait Condition ok Complete Docuement + + + Налог за набавку + + + + Требовање + + + + Клијент + + + + Организација + + + + Корисник + + + + Ништа + + + + Receivables & Payables + + + + Receivables only + + + + Payables only + + + + Rectangle + + + + Ставка + + + + 3D Rectangle + + + + Oval + + + + Round Rectangle + + + + Normal Rectangle + + + + Ништа + + + + All (Reports, Documents) + + + + Документа + + + + External Documents + + + + LiFo + + + + FiFo + + + + Material + + + + Overhead + + + + Burden (M.Overhead) + Material Overhead + + + Outside Processing + + + + Ресурс + Labor + + + Количина + + + + Ставка + + + + Обим + + + + Тежина + + + + Трошкови + + + + Public Information + + + + Partner Confidential + + + + Order Acknowledgement + + + + Payment Acknowledgement + + + + Payment Error + + + + User Verification + + + + User Password + + + + Имејл + + + + Белешка + + + + Ништа + + + + EMail+Notice + + + + Hourly + + + + Дненовно + + + + Недељно + + + + Месечно + + + + Два пут месечно + + + + Bi-Weekly + + + + Тренутно активан + + + + Make-To-Order + + + + Претходни + + + + Previous, Spare + + + + Будуће + + + + Одржавање + + + + Поправи + + + + Master + + + + Engineering + + + + Manufacturing + + + + Планирање + + + + Стандардни производ + + + + Optional Product + + + + Алтернатива + + + + Alternative (Default) + + + + Outside Processing + + + + Интерно + + + + Хитан + + + + Мањи + + + + Исто + + + + Ниже + + + + Вишље + + + + Претплати + + + + Одјави претплату + + + + Кориснички налог + + + + Захтеви + + + + Криптовано + + + + Није криптовано + + + + Интерна доставница + + + + Прилагођено + + + + Клијент + + + + Организација + + + + Batch/Lot + + + + Просечна фактура + Weighted Average Purchase Invoice Price Costing + + + Last Invoice + + + + User Defined + + + + Business Documents + + + + Requests + + + + Assets, Download + + + + _ + + + + Резервација + Internal Commitment + + + PO Commitment only + + + + PO Commitment & Reservation + + + + Ништа + + + + Ништа + + + + Рачун + + + + Налог за набавку + + + + Purchase Order and Receipt + + + + Ручно + + + + Само период + + + + Година до датума + + + + Укупно + + + + Под конто + Под конто за вредност елемента + + + Кориснички елемент 1 + + + + Кориснички елемент 2 + + + + Имејл + + + + Власник документа + + + + Пословни партнер документа + + + + WF Responsible + + + + LAN + + + + Терминал сервер + + + + VPN + + + + WAN + + + + Client (all shared) + + + + Org (not shared) + + + + Client or Org + + + + FiFo + + + + LiFo + + + + Просечна фактура + + + + Old Standard Cost + + + + Future Standard Cost + + + + Систем генерисао + + + + 0% није започето + + + + 100% завршено + + + + 20% започето + + + + 80% готово завршено + + + + 40% обрађује + + + + 60% добар напредак + + + + 90% завршава + + + + 95% готово завршено + + + + 99% чишћење + + + + Година + + + + Квартал + + + + Месец + + + + Укупно + + + + Недеља + + + + Дан + + + + Организација + + + + Пословни партнер + + + + Производ + + + + Bus.Partner Group + + + + Категорија производа + + + + Кориснички дефинисано + + + + Qty/Amount in Time + + + + Status Qty/Amount + + + + Однос + + + + Просечан + + + + Збир + + + + Однос + + + + Константа + + + + Плус + + + + Минус + + + + Множи + + + + Дели + + + + Рачуница + + + + Account Value + + + + Evaluation + + + + Implementation + + + + Производња + + + + Захтеви + + + + Пројекат + + + + MM + + + + Inch + + + + Кол.на стању + + + + Нула + + + + Codabar 2 of 7 linear + + + + Code 39 3 of 9 linear w/o Checksum + + + + Codeabar linear + + + + Code 128 dynamically switching + Barcode that dynamically switches between character sets to give the smallest possible encoding + + + Code 128 A character set + + + + Code 128 B character set + + + + Code 128 C character set + + + + Code 39 linear with Checksum + + + + EAN 128 + + + + Global Trade Item No GTIN UCC/EAN 128 + Global Trade Name + + + Codabar Monarch linear + + + + Codabar NW-7 linear + + + + PDF417 two dimensional + + + + SCC-14 shipping code UCC/EAN 128 + + + + Shipment ID number UCC/EAN 128 + + + + UCC 128 + + + + Code 39 USD3 with Checksum + + + + Codabar USD-4 linear + + + + US Postal Service UCC/EAN 128 + + + + SSCC-18 number UCC/EAN 128 + + + + Code 39 USD3 w/o Checksum + + + + Code 39 3 of 9 linear with Checksum + + + + Code 39 linear w/o Checksum + + + + Private Information + + + + Корисничка 1 + + + + Корисник 2 + + + + User 3 + + + + User 4 + + + + CM Container + + + + CM Container Stage + + + + CM Template + + + + CM Media + + + + Ништа + + + + Одрађен износ + + + + Time&Material max Comitted + + + + Time&Material + + + + Product Quantity + + + + Пројекат + + + + Phase + + + + Задатак + + + + Документ + + + + Интерни линк + + + + External URL + + + + image/gif + + + + image/jpeg + + + + image/png + + + + application/pdf + + + + text/css + + + + Веб приступ + + + + Приказ репламе + + + + Преусмери + + + + Collaboration Management + + + + Java Client + + + + HTML Client + + + + Self Service + + + + Ништа + + + + Само отпис + + + + Само дисконт + + + + Write-off and Discount + + + + text/js + + + + Ништа + + + + Оба + + + + Директан депозит + + + + Директан депозит + + + + Опомена + + + + Collection Agency + + + + Legal Procedure + + + + Uncollectable + + + + Not moderated + + + + Before Publishing + + + + After Publishing + + + + Not Displayed + + + + Објављено + + + + To be reviewed + + + + Suspicious + + + + SQL Command + + + + Интерни линк + + + + Екстерни линк + + + + Стил + + + + Wiki + + + + Note (flat) + + + + Forum (threaded) + + + + Local Transfer + This type of transfer will transfer objects to the same Adempiere instance + + + Remote Transfer + This type of transfer will transfer objects to another Adempiere installation accessible by network. + + + XML File + This type of transfer will create a XML file + + + Release 2.5.2a + Release 2.5.2a + + + Release 2.5.2b + Release 2.5.2b + + + Release 2.5.2c + Release 2.5.2c + + + Release 2.5.2d + Release 2.5.2d + + + Release 2.5.2e + Release 2.5.2e + + + Release 2.5.3a + Release 2.5.3a + + + Release 2.5.3b + Release 2.5.3b + + + No specific release + No specific release + + + All Database Types + Use this when a SQL command syntax is the same between database types + + + DB2 + DB2 Database + + + Firebird + Firebird Database + + + MySQL + MySQL Database + + + Oracle + Oracle Database + + + Postgres + Postgres Database + + + SQL Server + SQL Server Database + + + Sybase + Sybase Database + + + Радни сто + + + + File - Code or other + + + + Подаци + + + + Радни ток + + + + Формат увоза + Exports Import Format + + + Application or Module + + + + Process/Report + + + + ReportView + + + + Улога + + + + Code Snipit + Replace a code snipit with in a file + + + SQL наредба + + + + Табела + + + + Прозор + + + + Образац + + + + Датотека + Package is file based + + + WebService + Package is available via WebService + + + Ask user (for future use) + + + + Don't show help + + + + Show Help + + + + Run silently - Take Defaults + + + + Dynamic Validation Rule + + + + Ending in 9/5 + The price ends in either a 5 or 9 whole unit + + + Порука + + + + PrintFormat + + + + Помешано + + + + Рачун банке + + + + CashBook + + + + Језичак + + + + Label + + + + Collapse + + + + PO/SO Commitment & Reservation + + + + SO Commitment only + + + + PO/SO Commitment + + + + Референца + + + + Систем + Just allowed system configuration + + + Клијент + Allowed system and client configuration + + + Организација + Allowed system, client and organization configuration + + + Maintenance Order + + + + Manufacturing Order + + + + Quality Order + + + + Платни списак + + + + Distribution Order + + + + Product Configure + + + + Quality + + + + Ставка производње + Ставка производње + + + Фабрика + + + + Work Center + + + + Work Station + + + + User Workbench + + + + Manufacturing + + + + Quality + + + + Batch Flow + The diferent Continuos Flow is that two or more products are manufactured in the same facility (long setup times the run time is hours or several days.) + + + Continuous Flow + Continuous flow usually referes to the production or processing of fluids waster powders basic metals etc. + + + Dedicate Repetititive Flow + Excess capacity may exist and either the production rate is adjusted to match the demand rate or the line is periodically idle. + + + Job Shop + A Job Shop is characterized by the organitation of similar equipmnnet by function. As Job flow from Work Center to Work Center or Departament to Departament and the diferent type of operation is performance in each center or departament + + + Mixed Repetitive Flow + Are also used to manufacture two or more However the chanover time between model is minimal (frequenctly zero) and different models are intermixed on the same line + + + Фабрика + Фабрика + + + By-Product + + + + Component + + + + Phantom + + + + Packing + + + + Планирање + + + + Tools + + + + Option + + + + Variant + + + + Issue + Components issue manuality + + + Backflush + Components issue in Backflush + + + Додај + + + + Deactivate + + + + Expire + + + + Replace + + + + Replace & Expire + + + + Fixed Order Quantity + + + + Lote For Lote + + + + Period Order Quantity + + + + Предвиђање + + + + Manufacturing Order + + + + Налог за набавку + + + + Требовање материјала + + + + Налог за продају + + + + Тражња + + + + Supply + + + + Backward + Backward Schedule + + + Проследи + Scheduke Forward + + + Hide + + + + Show + + + + Undefined + + + + Distribution Order + + + + EAN 13 + + + + Aspect Orient Program + + + + JSR 223 Scripting APIs + + + + JSR 94 Rule Engine API + + + + SQL + + + + Колаут + + + + Процес + + + + Model Validator Table Event + + + + Model Validator Document Event + + + + Model Validator Login Event + + + + Table Before New + + + + Table Before Change + + + + Table Before Delete + + + + Table After New + + + + Table After Change + + + + Table After Delete + + + + Document Before Prepare + + + + Document Before Void + + + + Document Before Close + + + + Document Before Reactivate + + + + Document Before Reverse Correct + + + + Document Before Reverse Accrual + + + + Document Before Complete + + + + Document Before Post + + + + Document After Prepare + + + + Document After Void + + + + Document After Close + + + + Document After Reactivate + + + + Document After Reverse Correct + + + + Document After Reverse Accrual + + + + Document After Complete + + + + Document After Post + + + + Убаци + + + + Избриши + + + + Ажурирај + + + + Издање 3.1.0 + Издање 3.1.0 + + + Издање 3.2.0 + Издање 3.2.0 + + + Издање 3.3.0 + Издање 3.3.0 + + + У обради + У обради + + + Завршено + Завршено + + + Грешка + Грешка + + + Коштање + + + + Цена + + + + Количина + + + + XML Element + + + + XML Attribute + + + + Embedded EXP Format + + + + Referenced EXP Format + + + + Table After New Replication + + + + Table After Change Replication + + + + Table Before Delete Replication + + + + Износ + + + + Датум + + + + Количина + + + + Текст + + + + Појам + + + + Rule Engine + + + + Информација + + + + Референца + + + + Конто + + + + Износ + Depreciation entered in field is an amount + + + Коефицијент + Depreciation entered in field is a rate + + + Период + Amount entered in the Manual Depreciation Field is by period + + + Yearly + The amount entered into the manual depreciation field is for the year + + + Depreciation + Depreciation Entries + + + Disposals + Disposal Entries for Fixed Assets + + + Forecasts + Forecasts + + + New + New Assets + + + Splits + Split Entries for Fixed Assets + + + Transfers + Transfer Entries for Fixed Assets + + + Подразумеван + Подразумеван + + + Inception to date + Revaluate each year seperately + + + Year Balances + Revaluate current year to date balances and then revaluates the beginning balance + + + Factor + Revaluation Code Type is a Factor + + + Index + Revaluation Code Type is an Index + + + Date Aquired + + + + Revaluation Date + + + + Date Depreciation Started + + + + Revaluation Code #1 + + + + Revaluation Code #2 + + + + Revaluation Code #3 + + + + Износ + Split Asset by Currency Amount + + + Проценат + Split Asset by Percentage + + + Количина + Split Percentage by Quantity + + + Charity + Donated to Charity + + + Destroyed + Asset Destroyed + + + Scraped + Scraped + + + На продају + Asset Sold + + + Sold w/Trade + Asset Sold with trade + + + Theft + Asset Stolen + + + Готовина + Sold for cash + + + Simple + No cash or trade + + + Trade + Traded in + + + Trade w/cash + Traded In with cash + + + Capitalized Lease + Asset is on a capitalized lease + + + Non-Capitalized Lease + Asset is on a non-capitalized lease + + + Owned + Asset owned outright + + + Rented + Asset is rented + + + 15th of every month + + + + 1st of every month + + + + Beginning of every month + + + + Yearly on or before contract date + + + + Addition + Cost/quantity addition to asset + + + Биланс + Transaction updating the cost or accum depr balance + + + Креирај + Asset Master Record Created + + + Depreciation + Depreciation Expense Recorded + + + Disposal + Disposal of Asset + + + Расход + Expense invoice was recorded against this asset + + + Предвиђање + Forecast Type + + + Увоз + Asset created by import + + + Revaluation + Revaluation of Asset + + + Setup + Asset Accounting Setup Modified + + + Split + Asset Split + + + Трансфер + Asset Transfered + + + Ажурирај + Asset Master Record Updated + + + Usage + Record asset usage + + + Увежено + This entry was created from an imported document + + + Фактура + This entry is related to an invoice + + + Journal Entry + The entry was created from a journal entry + + + Ручно + This entry was manually created + + + Capital + Indicates cost associated with this entry is capital + + + Расход + Inidicates this charge is an expense + + + Конто + Прописани конто + + + Активност + Пословна активност + + + ППартнер + Пословни партнер + + + Локација из + Локација из + + + Локација ка + Локација ка + + + Кампања + Маркетиншка кампања + + + Организација + Поседује организацију + + + Орг транс. + Трансакција организације + + + Пројекат + Пројекат + + + Производ + Производ + + + Под конто + Под конто за вредност елемента + + + Продајни регион + Продајни регион + + + Корисничка листа 1 + Корисничка 1 + + + Корисничка листа 2 + Корисник 2 + + + Кориснички елемент 1 + + + + Кориснички елемент 2 + + + + Комбинација + Combination of accounting dimensions + + + Distribution Order + + + + Thousand + Thousand + + + Million + Million + + + Готовина + + + + Natural Balance + BY for P & L account, BT for Balance Sheet account + + + Пријемница + + + + Component Issue + + + + Usege Variance + + + + Method Change Variance + + + + Rate Variance + + + + Mix Variance + + + + Activity Control + + + + Floor Stock + Components issue in Floor Stock + + + Make-To-Kit + Create a Manufacturing Order, Receipt the finish product and issue the Components automaticaly + + + Manufacturing Cost Collector + + + + Query + + + + Табела + + + + Integer + + + + String + + + + >= + + + + <= + + + + Min + + + + Max + + + + Минус + + + + Ascending + + + + Descending + + + + Проценат + + + + Flat Discount + + + + Апсолутан износ + + + + Co-Product + + + + Стубчани графикон + + + + Пита графикон + + + + Ring Chart + + + + Линијски графикон + + + + Area Chart + + + + Waterfall Chart + + + + HTML Table + + + + Chart + + + diff --git a/data/sr_RS/AD_Reference_Trl_sr_RS.xml b/data/sr_RS/AD_Reference_Trl_sr_RS.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..bc6a3a64aa --- /dev/null +++ b/data/sr_RS/AD_Reference_Trl_sr_RS.xml @@ -0,0 +1,2005 @@ + + + + + + AD_Reference Data Types + Data Type selection + + + + AD_Reference Validation Types + Reference Validation Type list + e.g. I - Independent + + + AD_Column ColumName + Column selection + + + + AD_Reference Values + Reference (List and Table) selection + (not DataType and Independent) + + + AD_Table Access Levels + Table Access and Sharing Level list + + + + String + Character String + + + + Integer + 10 Digit numeric + + + + Износ + Number with 4 decimals + + + + ID + 10 Digit Identifier + + + + Текст + Character String up to 2000 characters + + + + Датум + Date mm/dd/yyyy + + + + Date+Time + Date with time + + + + Списак + Листа референци + + + + Табела + Table List + + + + Table Direct + Direct Table Access + + + + Yes-No + CheckBox + + + + Location (Address) + Локација/адреса + + + + Број + Float Number + + + + Бинарно + Binary Data + + + + Time + Time + + + + Конто + Контни елемент + + + + RowID + Row ID Data Type + + + + Боја + Color element + + + + Button + Command Button - starts a process + + + + Количина + Quantity data type + + + + Претрага + Search Field + + + + Locator (WH) + Warehouse Locator Data type + + + + Слика + Binary Image Data + + + + Додела + Додела ресурса + + + + Memo + Large Text Editor - Character String up to 2000 characters + + + + Особина производа + Особина производа + + + + Text Long + Text (Long) - Text > 2000 characters + + + + Costs+Prices + Costs + Prices (minimum currency precision but if exists more) + + + + FilePath + Local File Path + + + + FileName + Local File + + + + URL + URL + + + + Назив штампача + + + + + AD_Validation Rules Parent + Validation rule Parent selection + + + + AD_Validation Rule Types + Validation Rule Type list + e.g. S - SQL + + + AD_Message + Message selection + + + + AD_Message Type + Message Type list + + + + AD_Menu Action + Menu Action list + + + + AD_Menu Parent + Menu Parent selection + + + + AD_Language + Language selection + + + + AD_Window Types + Window Type list + e.g. M = Multi/Single (one uppercase character) + + + AD_WF_Next Nodes + Next workflow node selection + + + + AD_User + User selection + + + + C_Conversion_Rate Types + Conversion Rate Type list + + + + C_Currencies + Currencies with dynamic exchange rate selection + + + + AD_Org Parent + Organization Parent selection + + + + C_UOM + Unit of Measure selection + + + + C_Period Type + Period Type list + + + + C_Element Type + Account Element Types + + + + C_ElementValue AccountType + Account Type list + + + + C_ElementValue Account Sign + Account Sign list + + + + AD_TreeType Type + Tree Type list + Determines which element to use as the base for the information + + + X12DE98 Entity Identifier Code + X12DE98 Entity Identifier Code list + Identify organizational entity physical location property or individual list + + + C_AcctSchema Costing Method + Costing Method list + + + + C_AcctSchema GAAP + General Accepted Accounting Principle list + + + + C_BPartner Parent + Business Partner Parent selection + + + + _Posting Type + Posting Type (Actual Budget etc.) list + + + + AD_Table Replication Type + Replication Type + + + + AD_Sequence for Documents + Sequence for Document selection + + + + AD_Client + Client selection + + + + AD_Org (Trx) + Organization selection, no summary, no 0 + + + + _Document Status + Document Status list + + + + Account_ID (Trx) + Account selection based on Client + + + + C_Location + Location selection + + + + Account_ID - User1 + User1 selection based on Client + + + + _Document Action + Document action list + + + + C_AcctSchema + Accounting Schema selection + + + + Account_ID - User2 + User2 selection based on Client + + + + C_BPartner (Trx) + Business Partner selection (no Summary) + + + + C_Project (No summary) + Project selection + + + + C_Activity (No summary) + Activity selection + + + + C_Campaign (No summary) + Campaign selection + + + + C_Sales Region (No summary) + Sales Region selection (No summary) + + + + C_Element + Element selection + + + + C_DocType SubTypeSO + Order Types list + + + + C_Payment CreditCard Type + C_Payment Credit Card Type list + + + + C_Order InvoiceRule + Invoicing Rules list + + + + C_Order DeliveryRule + Delivery Rules list + + + + C_Order DeliveryViaRule + Delivery via Rule list + + + + C_Order FreightCostRule + Freight cost Rule list + + + + _PriorityRule + Priority scale list + + + + M_DiscountPriceList RoundingRule + Price Rounding Rule list + + + + C_Country + Country selection + + + + C_Region + Region selection + + + + C_Tax + Tax selection + + + + C_BPartner Location + Locations of a Business Partner + + + + M_Product Parent + + + + + M_Product (no summary) + Product selection no summary + + + + M_Product Category + + + + + M_Replenish Type + + + + + M_PriceList + + + + + Weekdays + List of days + + + + C_InvoiceSchedule InvoiceFrequency + + + + + C_Project Parent + + + + + C_DocType + + + + + M_Product (stocked) + + + + + C_DocType SO + + + + + C_BPartner Customers + Customer selection + + + + AD_Workflow + Workflows + + + + C_ValidCombination + Valid Account combinations + + + + C_PeriodControl Action + + + + + C_PeriodControl Status + + + + + GL_Budget Status + + + + + C_SalesRegion Parent + + + + + _ErrorType + List of type of errors + + + + C_AcctSchema ElementType + Element Types for Accounting Elements + Hardcoded Element Types + + + C_ElementValue (all) + Element Values + + + + C_DocType DocBaseType + Base Document Types + + + + AD_Tree + Tree selection + + + + M_PriceList Version + + + + + M_Transaction Movement Type + + + + + AD_User - SalesRep + Референт продаје + + + + M_Locator + Warehouse Locator + + + + C_BPartner Vendors + Vendor selection + + + + C_BankAccount for Credit Card + + + + + M_DiscountPriceList Base + + + + + _Payment Rule + In & Out Payment Options + + + + C_RevenueRecognition Frequency + Frequency of Revenue Recognition + + + + M_Warehouse of Client + + + + + M_Inventory ReportType + + + + + M_PriceList_Version for Client + + + + + C_Charge + + + + + C_BP_EDI EDI Type + + + + + M_EDI Status + + + + + M_EDI Trx Type + + + + + AD_Find AndOr + + + + + AD_Find Operation + + + + + AD_Table Posting + Posting Tables + + + + GL Category Type + + + + + AD_ImpFormat Type + + + + + AD_ImpFormat FormatType + + + + + AD_ImpFormat_Row Type + + + + + M_Product BOM (stocked) + Products that are BOMs and stocked + + + + M_InventoryCount QtyRange + + + + + C_Payment AVS + + + + + C_Payment Tender Type + Direct Debit/Deposit - Check - CC + + + + C_Payment Trx Type + CC Trx Type + + + + C_Bank Account Type + + + + + C_Cash Trx Type + + + + + R_Request Request Type + + + + + R_Request Next Action + + + + + _Frequency Type + Processor Frequency Type + + + + R_Request Due Type + + + + + C_BPartner Vendors Avtive + Vendor selection + + + + C_Commission DocBasis + + + + + C_Commission Frequency + + + + + AD_Role User Level + + + + + C_PaymentTerm + + + + + PA_Goal + + + + + PA_Achievement Parent + + + + + PA_Goal Parent + + + + + PA_Measure Type + + + + + C_BPartner Vendor or SalesRep + Vendor or SalesRep selection + + + + C_Period (Open) + Periods Sorted by Date + + + + _Posted Status + + + + + PA_Report AmountType + + + + + PA_Report CalculationType + + + + + PA_Report ColumnType + + + + + PA_Report CurrencyType + + + + + PA_ReportColumn + + + + + PA_ReportLine + + + + + PA_Report LineType + + + + + PA_ReportLine Parent + + + + + AD_Color Type + + + + + AD_Column Key ColumnNames + + + + + _Entity Type + Entity Type (Dictionary, ..) + + + + M_Discount CumulativeLevel + + + + + M_Discount Type + + + + + AD_Color StartPoint + Nord-West-.. + + + + M_DiscountSchema + + + + + CostUpdate Source + + + + + AD_Column Name + Column selection + + + + C_BPartner Employee + Business Partners who are Employee + + + + AD_Print Field Alignment + + + + + AD_Print Line Alignment + + + + + AD_Print Format Type + + + + + AD_Print Area + + + + + AD_Column Integer + Integer Type only (Name) + + + + AD_Column YesNo + Coluns YesNo (Name) + + + + AD_PrintFormat + + + + + AD_PrintFormat Invoice + + + + + AD_PrintFormat Order + + + + + AD_PrintFormat Shipment + + + + + AD_PrintFormatItem + + + + + AD_Print Graph Type + + + + + AD_PrintColor + + + + + AD_PrintFont + + + + + AD_PrintFormat Check + + + + + AD_PrintFormat Not TableBased + + + + + M_Product_ProductType + + + + + C_OrderLine + Ставка налога + + + + I_ElementValue Column + + + + + R_MailText + Текст писма + + + + C_Period (all) + Periods Sorted by Date + + + + AD_Org (all) + Organization selection + + + + C_BPartner Employee w Address + Business Partners who are Employee and have addresses + + + + AD_Tab + + + + + M_Product BOM Product TypeX + Old + + + + AD_Print Label Line Type + + + + + C_Recurring Type + + + + + C_Recurring Frequency + + + + + AD_Window + + + + + K_Entry Related + + + + + AD_User - Internal + Employee or SalesRep + + + + C_Tax SPPOType + + + + + C_ProjectType Category + + + + + C_BPartner SOCreditStatus + Sales Credit Status + + + + C_Order + Налог + + + + AD_Field ObscureType + + + + + M_Inventory Type + Inventory Type (Difference - Charge) + + + + AD_Table_Access RuleType + AccessRuleType + + + + M_TransactionAllocation Type + + + + + M_InOutLine + + + + + M_InventoryLine + + + + + M_ProductionLine + + + + + M_Transaction + + + + + WF_DurationUnit + + + + + WF_Transition Type + + + + + WF_Join_Split + + + + + WF_Action + Superset of Menu Action + + + + WF_Start-Finish Mode + + + + + WF_Participant Type + + + + + WF_Instance State + + + + + WF_EventType + + + + + WF_SubFlow Execution + + + + + WF_LoopType + + + + + _PublishStatus + Publication Status + + + + AD_Language Maintenance + + + + + AD_PrintTableFormat Stroke + Stroke Type + + + + M_RelatedProduct Type + + + + + C_RfQ QuoteType + + + + + B_TopicType AuctionType + + + + + AD_User - Supervisor + Employee or SalesRep - or System + + + + AD_Scheduler Type + + + + + _YesNo + + + + + M_InOutConfirm Type + + + + + C_DocType RMA + + + + + AD_Org (all but 0) + Organization selection + + + + C_Allocation + + + + + M_AttributeSet MandatoryType + + + + + M_DiscountSchema not PL + Not Price List Discount Schema + + + + M_Attribute Value Type + + + + + AD_Language System + Language selection + + + + AD_Workflow Type + Workflow Type + + + + M_Replenishment Create + + + + + AD_Role PreferenceType + Preference Type + + + + Account_ID + Account selection based on Client + + + + APAR + AP and/or AR + + + + AD_PrintFormatItem ShapeType + + + + + AD_Client AutoArchive + + + + + _MMPolicy + Правило премештања робе + + + + C_Invoice + + + + + M_InOut + + + + + M_CostElement Type + + + + + C_LandedCost Distribution + + + + + R_Request Confidential + + + + + R_Request + + + + + W_MailMsg Type + + + + + C_Payment + + + + + AD_User NotificationType + + + + + R_Status + + + + + C_Remuneration Type + + + + + M_BOM Type + + + + + M_BOM Use + + + + + M_BOMProduct Type + + + + + C_BP_Group PriorityBase + + + + + M_ChangeNotice + + + + + C_ConversionType + + + + + C_BPartner SalesRep + BP SalesRep selection + + + + AD_Column Encrypted + + + + + C_AcctSchema CostingLevel + + + + + C_Greeting + + + + + AD_User BP AccessType + + + + + C_AcctSchema CommitmentType + + + + + C_Invoice MatchRequirement + + + + + GL_BudgetControl Scope + + + + + C_ElementValue (trx) + Element Values + + + + AD_WF_Node EMailRecipient + + + + + AD_User ConnectionProfile + + + + + AD_Client ShareType + + + + + R_Request TaskStatus + + + + + PA_Goal Scope + + + + + PA_Goal Restriction Type + + + + + PA_Measure DataType + + + + + PA_Benschmark Accumulation Type + + + + + PA_Ratio + + + + + PA_Ratio ElementType + + + + + PA_Ratio Operand + + + + + AD_System Status + + + + + AD_PrintPaper Units + + + + + M_Inventory CountSet + + + + + AD_PrintFormatItem BarcodeType + + + + + C_Project InvoiceRule + + + + + C_Project LineLevel + + + + + CM_Container Type + + + + + CM_Container + + + + + CM_CStage + + + + + CM_Media Media Type + + + + + _EntityTypeNew + + + + + CM_WebAccessLog Type + + + + + K_IndexLog QuerySource + + + + + C_AcctSchema TaxCorrectionType + + + + + C_BPartner BPBankAcctUse + + + + + C_Invoice InvoiceCollectionType + + + + + CM_Chat ModerationType + + + + + CM_ChatEntry ModeratorStatus + + + + + CM_WikiToken Type + + + + + CM_Chat EntryType + + + + + CM_ChatEntry + + + + + AD_Process_JasperReports + + + + + AD_Package_Type + Defines the type of packages available + + + + Package_Releases + List of Package Releases + Indicates what release the package is for. Entering no specific release indicates the package is for all releases. + + + AD_Package_Exp_DB + List of database types + This is a list of database types used by the inbound packaging processing to determine if the sql statement is fired. + + + AD_Package_Build_Type + + + + + AD_Package_Source_Type + List of package source types + + + + ShowHelp List + + + + + U_WebMenu_ID + + + + + C_Bank + + + + + _TransferType + Where money should be transfered to + + + + C_CashBook + + + + + AD_FieldGroup + Field Group Type + + + + AD_SysConfig ConfigurationLevel + Степен конфигурације + + + + S_Resource MFG Type + Manufacturing Resource Type + + + + PP_Process Type + Process Type + + + + PP_ComponentType + + + + + PP_Product_BOM IssueMethod + Issue Method + + + + PP_Product_BOM Component Change + Component Change + Component Change + + + PP_Product_Planning Order Policy + + + + + _MRP Order Type + + + + + _MRP Type + MRP type can be a Demand or Supply + + + + CRM Schedule + + Forward and Backward Scheduling + + + PP_Order_Node + + + + + C_DocType MFG + + + + + ASP_Status + + + + + AD_Rule_RuleType + + + + + AD_Rule_EventType + + + + + EventModelValidator + + + + + EventChangeLog + + + + + MigrationScriptStatus + Migration Script Status + + + + C_TaxBase + + + + + EXP_Line_Type + List with Export Line types + + + + EXP_Format + Embedded Export Format + + + + HR ColumnType + + + + + HR Job + + + + + HR Type + + + + + HR Table + + + + + M_Inventory + + + + + GL_Journal + + + + + GL_JournalBatch + + + + + M_Movement + + + + + HR_Process + + + + + PP_Cost_Collector + + + + + A_Table_Rate_Type + List that contains type of rate + + + + A_Depreciation_Manual_Period + List available periods for calculating manual depreciation expense + + + + A_Entry_Type + Entry Types for Fixed Assets + + + + A_Asset_ID + Asset ID + + + + A_Reval_Method_Type + List of Revaluation Types + + + + A_Reval_Multiplier + Revaluation Multiplier Type + + + + A_Reval_Effectivity + Sets the date as to when the revaluation will be based on + + + + A_Reval_Code + Lookup Valid Revaluation Codes + + + + A_Split_Type + Split Type + + + + A_Depreciation_Type + Depreciation Type selection + + + + A_Depreciation_Table_Codes + List of depreciation table codes + + + + A_Depreciation_Calc_Type + Depreciation Calculation Type selection + + + + A_ConventionType + Display mid year convention types + + + + A_Asset_Spread + Depreciation Type Spread + + + + A_Disposed_Reason + Reason for Disposal + + + + A_Disposal_Method + Method of Disposals + + + + A_Finance_Method + Financing Methods + List of financing methods for assets + + + A_Payment_Due + Payment due every + + + + A_Update_Type + Update Type + + + + DocumentNo Invoice Vendor + + + + + C_Invoice (Vendor) + Vendor Invoices + + + + A_SourceType + Entry Source Types + Listing of entry source types + + + A_CapvsExp + Capital vs Expense + Inidcates if charge is capital or expense + + + C_ValidCombination (Assets) + Valid Account combinations + + + + PA_ReportSource ElementType + Element Types for Accounting Elements - equal to C_AcctSchema ElementType plus Combination + Hardcoded Element Types + + + AD_PrintFormat Manufacturing Order + + + + + AD_PrintFormat Distribution Order + + + + + C_BankAccount + + + + + M_MovementLine + + + + + Scaling Factors + Factors for scaling the results of financial reports. + Currently supported: thousand, million. + + + PP_CostCollectorType Transaction Manufacturing Management + + + + + C_DocType MFG Cost Collector + + + + + AD_Table TableName + + + + + SearchType + + + + + AD_SearchDefinition_DataType + + + + + M_PromotionDistribution Operation + + + + + M_PromotionDistrition Type + Type of quantity distribution + + + + M_PromotionDistribution Sorting + Quantity distribution sorting direction + + + + M_PromotionDistribution + + + + + M_PromotionReward Type + + + + + M_RMA + Књижно писмо + + + + M_RMALine + Ставке књижног писма + + + + PA_Goal ChartType + Chart Type + + + + PA_DashboardContent GoalDisplay + Type of goal display on dashboard + + + diff --git a/data/sr_RS/AD_Tab_Trl_sr_RS.xml b/data/sr_RS/AD_Tab_Trl_sr_RS.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..15f877c145 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/sr_RS/AD_Tab_Trl_sr_RS.xml @@ -0,0 +1,5337 @@ + + + + + + Табела + + Table definitions + Table (header) definition - Note that the name of most tables is automatically syncronized. + + + Колона + + Table Column definitions + Defines the columns of a table. Note thet the name of the column is automatically syncronized. + + + Референца + + Reference header definitions + The Reference Tab defines the references that are used to validate data + + + Провера табеле + + Table validation + The Table Validation Tab defines tables to validate data + + + Провера списка + + Листа референци + The List Validation Tab defines lists to validate data + + + Прозор + + Window header definitions + The Window Tab defines each window in the system. The default flag indicates that this window should be used as the default Zoom windows for the tables in this window. + + + Језичак + + Tab definition within a window holds fields + The Tab Tab defines each Tab within a Window. Each Tab contains a discrete selection of fields. Note that the display and read only logic is evaluated when loading the window. + + + Поље + + Field definitions in tabs in windows + The Field Tab defines the Fields displayed within a tab. Changes made to the Field Tab become visible after restart due to caching. If the Sequence is negative, the record are ordered descending. Note that the name, description and help is automatically synchronized if centrally maintained. + + + Провера + + Правила провере исправности + The Validation Rules Tab defines all dynamic rules used when entering and maintaining columns and fields. + + + Порука + + Information Error and Menu Messages + The Message Tab displays error message text and menu messages + + + Мени + + Одржавање менија + The Menu Tab defines the tree structured menu which will be used for the selected Organization. Note that the name and description will be automatically synchronized (overwritten), if not a summary node. + + + Translation + + Menu Translation - May not need to be translated + Menu translations are derived from Window, Process, etc. You only need to translate Summary level items all others will be translated automatically (overwritten) + + + Језик + + System and User Languages + If you want to add an additional User Interface language, select "System Language". Otherwise, the system allows you to just translate elements for printing documents. + + + Translation + + + + + + Field Translation + + Menu Translation - May not need to be translated + Fields are automatically translated, if centrally maintained. You only need to translate not centrally maintained Fields. + + + Tab Translation + + + + + + Window Translation + + + + + + User Contact + + Maintain User or Business Partner Contact + The User Tab defines the log in for Users who have access to the system. For application access, users need to have a role assigned. + + + Улога + + Define responsibility roles + Define the role and add the client and organizations the role has access to. You can give users access to this role and modify the access of this role to windows, forms, processes and reports as well as tasks. <br> +If the Role User Level is Manual, the assigned acces rights are not automatically updated (e.g. if a role has a restricted number of Windows/Processes it can access). You need to add organizational access unless the role has access to all organizations. The SuperUser and the user creating a new role are assigned to the role automatically. <br> +If you select an Organization Tree, the user has access to the leaves of summary organizations. +Note: You cannot change the System Administrator role. + + + User Assignment + + Users with this Role + The User Assignment Tab displays Users who have been defined for this Role. + + + User Roles + + User Roles + The User Roles Tab define the Roles each user may have. The Roles will determine what windows, tasks, processes and workflows that a User has access to. + + + Чвор + + Define workflow nodes + The Node Tab defines each Node, Activity or step in this Workflow.<br> +The action (actibity) type determines the execution: "Route" may be used in routing control conditions. "None" identifies manual execution. + + + Node Translation + + Node Translation + + + + Transition + + Workflow Node Transition + The Next Nodes Tab defines the order or Nodes or Steps in a Workflow. + + + Previous Node + + + + + + Task Translation + + + + + + Conversion Rates + + Define currency conversion rates + The Conversion Rate Tab defines the rates to use when converting a source currency to an accounting or reporting currency. Note that only the multiply rate is used; The divide rate is for visualization only. + + + Календар + + Define your calendar + The Calendar Tab defines each calendar that will be used by an Organization. + + + Година + + Define Calendar Year + The Year Window is used to define each year for the specified calendar. + + + Период + + Define Calendar Periods + The Period Tab defines a Period No, Name and Start Date for each Calendar Year. Each period begins on the defined Start Date and ends one day prior to the next period's Start Date. + + + Не Пословни Дан + + Define Non Business Days + The Non Business Days Tab defines those days to exclude when calculating the due date for given payment terms. For example, if an invoice terms was Net 10 days and the Invoice Date was 2/17/2000 the due date would be 2/27/2000. If 2/27/2000 was defined as a non business day then the due date on the Invoice would be 2/28/2000. + + + Вредност елемента + + Define Element Values + The Element Value Tab defines the individual valid values for the Element. The values must conform to the format defined. If the Element is an Account Type then the Account Classification (Asset, Liability etc) and posting controls are also defined + + + Јединице мере + + Define units of measure + The Unit of Measure Tab defines a non monetary Unit of Measure. + + + Conversion + + Define standard Unit of Measure Conversion + The Conversion Tab defines the rates for converting a Unit of Measure. The system provides some automatic conversions between units of measures (e.g. minute, hour, day, working day, etc.) if they are not explicitly defined here. +Conversions need to be direct (i.e. if you have only a conversion between A-B and B-C, the system cannot convert A-C, you need to define it explicitly). + + + Земља + Please create a support request (http://www.adempiere.org/support/requests.html), if the country data is not correct. + Define Country + The Country Tab defines any country in which you do business. Values entered here are referenced in location records for Business Partners. + + + Регион + Please create a support request (http://www.adempiere.org/support/requests.html), if the region info is not correct/incomplete. + Define Regions + The Region Tab defines a Region within a Country. This tab is enabled only if the Has Region checkbox is selected for the Country. + + + Организација + All not manually maintained Roles will automatically have access to the new Organziation. +You need restart your application server for most changes made here to be effective. + Define Organizations + The Organization Tab is used to define an Organization. Each Organization has a Key and Name and optionally a Description. +When adding a new organization, you must re-login to be able to access the new organization. + + + Клијент + Create a new client via "Initial Client Setup". You can only change information here! You need re-login and restart your application server for most changes made here to be effective. The change of the Material Policy applies to future transactions. + Client/Tenant Definition + The Client Definition Tab defines a unique client. +Do not create a new client in this window, but use "Initial Client Setup" (System Administrator Role) to set up the required security and access rules. If you create a new client here, you will not be able to view it and also the required client infrastructure would not have been set up. + + + Секвенца + + Sequence Definition + The Sequence Tab defines the numeric sequencing to use for documents. These can also include a alpha suffix and / or prefix. + + + Радни ток + + Define Workflow + The Workflow Tab defines Workflows in the system. + + + Workflow Translation + + + + + + Задатак + + Задатак + The Task Tab defines the unique tasks that will be used. + + + Валута + + Define Currency + The Currency Tab defines any currency you will transact with or report in. + + + Тест + + + + + + Елемент + + Account Element definition + The Element Tab defines the Name, Description and Format for an Element. Additionally, a Type of Account or User Defined is selected. Each Account Schema must have an Account Element type. The User Defined Elements are optional. + + + Локација + + Define Location + The Location Tab defines the location of an Organization. + + + Преференције + + Одржавање системског клијента организације и корисничких подешавања + + + + Пројекат + + Define Project + The Project Tab is used to define the Value, Name and Description for each project. It also is defines the tracks the amounts assigned to, committed to and used for this project. Note that when the project Type is changed, the Phases and Tasks are re-created. + + + Категорија ГК + + Define General Ledger Categories + The GL Category Tab defines optional identifiers for a document or journal. Each Category may be used on a document, manual journal or import + + + Пакет + + General Ledger Journal Batch + The GL Journal Batch Tab defines the control parameters for a Journal Batch. A Batch can consist of multiple Journals. +If the Control Amount is not zero, it is compared to the Total Debit Amount. The Control/Debit/Credit Amount is in Source Document Currency. + + + Дневник + + General Ledger Journal + The GL Journal Tab defines the control parameters for a single GL Journal. +If the Control Amount is not zero, it is compared to the Total Debit Amount. The Control/Debit/Credit Amount is in Source Document Currency. + + + Ставка + + General Ledger Journal Line + The GL Journal Line Tab defines the individual debit and credit transactions that comprise a journal. + + + Тип документа + + Define a Document Type + The Document Definition Tab defines the processing parameters and controls for the document. Note that shipments for automatic documents like POS/Warehouse Orders cannot have confirmations! + + + Client Info + You need re-login and restart your application server for most changes made here to be effective. + Client Info + The Client Info Tab defines the details for each client. The accounting rules and high level defaults are defined here. The Calendar is used to determine if a period is open or closed. + + + Organization Info + You need re-login and restart your application server for most changes made here to be effective. + + Organization Detail Information + The Organization Info Tab is used to define an Organization's address, DUNS number and Tax Identification number + + + Reference Translation + + + + + + List Translation + + + + + + Прилог + + Прилог + The Attachment tab displays the attributes of an attachment. + + + Порез + + Tax definition + The Tax Rate Window defines the different taxes used for each tax category. For example Sales Tax must be defined for each State in which it applies.<br> +If you have multiple taxes create a summary level tax with the approximate total tax rate and the actual tax rates pointing to the summary level tax as their parent. When entering the order or invoice lines the tax is estimated the correct tax is calculated when the document is processed. The tax is always calculated from the line net amount. If one tax has a the tax basis the line net amount and another tax you need to adjust the percentage to result in the correct amount.<br> +Valid From/To is determined by the parent tax. + + + Категорија пореза + + Категорија пореза + The Tax Category Tab is used to define and maintain Tax Categories. Each Product is associated with a Tax Category. This facilitates adapting to changes in taxation. + + + Складиште + + Складиште + The Warehouse Tab defines each Warehouse that is used to store products. If a Source warehouse is selected, all product replenishment is from that warehouse. If you use custom replenishment algorithms, you need to define the class used per warehouse. + + + Локатор + + Локатор + The Locator Tab defines any Locators for that Warehouse. + + + Storage + + Detail Storage Information + + + + Производ + + Define Product + The Product Tab defines each product and identifies it for use in price lists and orders. The Location is the default location when receiving the stored product. + + + Замена + + Define Substitute + The Substitute Tab defines products which may be used as a replacement for the selected product. + + + Допуна залиха + + Define Product Replenishment + The Replenishment Tab defines the type of replenishment quantities. This is used for automated ordering. If you select a custom replenishment type, you need to create a class implementing org.compiere.util.ReplenishInterface and set that on warehouse level. + + + Цена + + Product Pricing + The Pricing Tab displays the List, Standard and Limit prices for each price list a product is contained in. + + + Услови плаћања + + Define Payment Terms + The Payment Term Tab defines the different payments terms that you offer to your Business Partners when paying invoices and also those terms which your Vendors offer you for payment of your invoices. On the standard invoice, the Name and the Document Note of the Payment Term is printed. + + + Испоручилац + + Shippers + The Shippers Tab defines any entity who will provide shipping to or shipping from an Organization. + + + Налог + + Order Header + The Order Header Tab defines the parameters of an Order. Changing the Organization, Business Partner, Warehouse, Date Promised, etc. changes these values on all the lines. + + + Ставка налога + + Ставка налога + The Order Line Tab defines the individual line items that comprise an Order. + + + Категорија производа + + Define Product Category + The Product Category defines unique groupings of products. Product categories can be used in building price lists. + + + Ценовник + + Define Price Lists + Price lists determine currency of the document as well as tax treatment. + + + Product Price + + Maintain Product Prices + The Price List Tab displays the prices for a product based on the selected price list. + + + Распоред рачуна + + Define Invoice Schedule + The Invoice Schedule Tab defines the frequency for which batch invoices will be generated for a Business Partner. + + + Курс конверзије + + Define Currency Conversion Rates + The Conversion Rates tab is used to define conversion rates to be used when converting document amounts from one currency to another. Conversion rates can be defined for multiple rate types. They can also be effective for a defined range of dates. Note that only the multiply rate is used; The divide rate is for visualization only. + + + Контни план + If you change the currency or costing method, you must to reset t all accounting transactions. +For changes to become effective, you must re-login and re-start the Application Server. + Define your Account Schema Structure + The Accounting Schema Tab defines the controls used for accounting. You can define multiple accounting schema per client (for parallel accounting). +Postings are generated for an accounting schema, if the schema is valid and you have defined GL and Default accounts and after completion of the Add / Copy Accounts process. + + + Главна књига + For changes to become effective, you must re-login and re-start the Application Server. + Accounts for GL + The General Ledger Tab defines error and balance handling to use as well as the necessary accounts for posting to General Ledger. + + + Кампања + + Маркетиншка кампања + The Marketing Campaign Tab defines the parameters for a Campaign. These include a start and end date as well as the amount of any invoices that have been processed which reference this campaign. + + + Канал + + Distribution Channel + The Marketing Channel Tab defines the different methods or processes through which customers are obtained. + + + Елемент + + Елемент + The Element Tab defines each system level element. + + + Translation + + + + + + Период контроле + + Define Period Control + The Period Control Tab displays the status of a Period (Never Opened, Opened, Closed). + + + Продајни регион + + Продајни регион + The Sales Region Tab defines the different regions where you do business. Sales Regions can be used when generating reports or calculating commissions. + + + Комбинација + + Valid Account Combinations + The Account Combination Tab defines and displays valid account combination. An Alias can be defined to facilitate document entry. + + + Буџет + + The GL Budget Tab defines a General Ledger Budget + The GL Budgets are used to define the anticipated costs of doing business. They are used in reporting as a comparison to actual amounts. + + + Рачуноводство + + Рачуноводство + The Accounting Tab defines the Accounting parameters to be used for inventory in that Warehouse. + + + Рачуноводство + + Define Accounting Parameters + The Accounting Tab defines the defaults to use when generating accounting transactions for orders and invoices which contain this product. + + + Рачуноводство + + Define Project Accounting + The Accounting Tab is used to define the Asset Account to use when a project is completed and the associated asset realized. + + + Customer Accounting + + Define Customer Accounting + The Customer Accounting Tab defines the default accounts to use when this business partner is referenced on an accounts receivable transaction. + + + Vendor Accounting + + Define Vendor Accounting + The Vendor Accounting Tab defines the default accounts to use when this business partner is referenced in an accounts payable transaction. + + + Запослени/рачуноводство + + Define Employee Accounting + The Employee Accounting Tab defines the default accounts to use when this business partner is referenced on a expense reimbursement. + + + Град + + Define Cities + The Cities Tab defines Cities within a Country or Region. Cities entered here are not referenced when entering the address. + + + Account Schema Element + ATTENTION: ANY CHANGES here will effect the structure of your chart of accounts! +Depending what changes you did, you should reset accounting. +For changes to become effective, you must re-login and re-start the Application Server. +Saving/deleting the record starts processes which may take a while. + Define the elements of your Account Key + The Account Schema Element Tab defines the elements that comprise the account key. A name is defined which will display in documents. Also the order of the elements and if they are balanced and mandatory are indicated. + + + Пословни партнер + + Пословни партнер + The Business Partner Tab defines any Entity with whom an organization transacts. + + + Локација + + Define Location + The Location Tab defines the physical location of a business partner. A business partner may have multiple location records. + + + Купац + + Define Customer Parameters + The Customer Tab defines a Business Partner who is a customer of this organization. If the Customer check box is selected then the necessary fields will display. + + + Добављач + + Define Vendor Parameters + The Vendor Tab defines a Business Partner that is a Vendor for this Organization. If the Vendor check box is selected the necessary fields will display. + + + Запослени + + Define Employee Parameters + The Employee Tab defines a Business Partner who is an Employee of this organization. If the Employee is also a Sales Representative then the check box should be selected. + + + Рачун банке + + Define Bank Account + The Define Bank Account Tab defines the banking information for this business partner. This data is used for processing payments and remittances. + + + Банка + + Одржавање банке + The Bank Tab defines a bank that is used by an organization or business partner. Each Bank is given an identifying Name, Address, Routing No and Swift Code + + + Рачун + + Maintain Bank Account + The Account Tab is used to define one or more accounts for a Bank. Each account has a unique Account No and Currency. The bank account organization is used for accounting. + + + Обуставе + + Define Withholding (Beta) + The Withholding Tab defines any withholding information for this business partner. + + + Translation + + Translation + The Translation Tab defines a Document Type in an alternate language. + + + Опомена + + Maintain Dunning Rules + The Dunning Tab defines the parameters for a dunning level. + + + Translation + + Define Translation + The Translation Tab defines the translation to an alternate language + + + Translation + + + + + + Translation + + + + + + Порез + + Порез + The Order Tax Tab displays the tax amount for an Order based on the lines entered. + + + Потраживање + + Потраживање + The Charge Tab defines the unique charges that may be associated with a document. +The optional Business Partner allows to create Purchase Orders from Requisitions. + + + Верзија + + Maintain price list versions + Price lists are automatically created based on Product Purchasing Information and the Vendor Category Discount. +The other alternative is to copy them from existing pricelists and the re-calculate them. +You can also re-calculate the pricelist by referencing no pricelist or referencing the same pricelist. If no base price list is selected, the Procuct Purchase records are used as reference. + + + Набавка + + Набавка + The Purchasing Tab define the pricing and rules ( pack quantity, UPC, minimum order quantity) for each product. + + + Обуставе + + Withholding Rules + The Withholding Rules Tab define the rules governing the withholding of amounts. + + + Рачуноводство + + View Accounting Fact Details + + + + Стабло + + Стабло + The Tree Tab defines a Tree which will be displayed. + + + Извештај и процес + + Define Report & Process + The Report and Process Tab defines each report and process run in the system. +Please note that the Print Format is only used for Document Print when you want to share a common format defined on System level. For normal reports and formats, you would not define a Print Format here, but modify the generated print format and set it as the default. + + + Параметар + + Report Parameter + The Report Parameter Tab defines any parameters required to execute a report or process. + + + Parameter Translation + + + + + + Report Translation + + + + + + Активност + + Activity for Activity Based Costing + + + + Подразумевано + + Default Accounts + The Defaults Tab displays the Default accounts for an Accounting Schema. These values will display when a new document is opened. The user can override these defaults within the document. + + + Costing (old) + + Old Product Costing Info + + + + Попис магацина + + Define Inventory Count + The Inventory Count Tab defines the parameters for a manual count and adjustment of inventory. When creating the inventory count list automatically, only the actual stored products are included. The exception is when you select the equals 0 (=0) option, then zero on hand records of all stocked products is created for that location. + + + Inventory Count Line + + Inventory Count Line + The Inventory Count Line defines the counts of the individual products in inventory. Normally you would create inventory count lines automaticelly. If you create them manually, make sure that the book value is correct. +You can set the Organization, if it is a charge, otherwise it is set to the header organization. + + + Отпремнице + + Shipments and Customer Returns + The Shipments Tab allows you to generate, maintain, enter and process Shipments to a Customer or Returns from a Customer. + + + Ставка отпремнице + + Ставка отпремнице + The Shipment Line Tab defines the individual items in a Shipment. + + + Премештај + + Enter Inventory Movement + The Move Tab defines and identifies the movement of an item or items in inventory. + + + Премештај ставка + + Enter Inventory Movement Line + The Move Line Tab defines the product and quantity to be moved and the location it is moving from and to. + + + Product Transactions + + Transactions for stored Products + + + + Фактура + + Customer Invoice + The Invoice Tab defines the parameters of an Invoice generated for a Business Partner. It constitutes an accounts receivable. + + + Степен + + Maintain Dunning Level + The Dunning Level Tab defines the timing and frequency of the dunning notices. + + + Translation + + Dunning Level Translation + + + + Ставка фактуре + + Customer Invoice Line + The Invoice Line Tab defines the individual items or charges on an Invoice. + + + Порез фактуре + + Customer Invoice Tax + The Invoice Tax Tab displays the total tax due based on the Invoice Lines. + + + Препознавање прихода + + Препознавање прихода + The Revenue Recognition Tab defines the intervals at which revenue will be recognized. You can also base the revenue recognition on provided Service Levels. + + + Translation + + Unit of Measure Translation + + + + Вечите залихе + + + + + + Добављач + + Добављач + The Vendor Tab displays the Vendors. A Vendor is selected and all products for that Vendor will be displayed. + + + Product Details + + Product Details + The Product Details Tab allows you to display and maintain all products for a selected Vendor. + + + Поздрав + + Define Greeting + The Greeting Tab defines the manner in which you will address business partners on documents. + + + Translation + + + + + + Translation + + + + + + Извештај поглед + + Define Report View + The Define Report View defines the views used in report generation + + + Трансакције + + Transactions for stored Products + The Transaction Tab displays the transactions that have been processed for this product. + + + Фактура + + Vendor Invoice + The Invoice Tab defines the parameters of an Invoice generated by a Business Partner. It constitutes an accounts payable. + + + Ставка фактуре + + Vendor Invoice Line + The Invoice Line Tab defines the individual items or charges on an Invoice. + + + Порез фактуре + + Vendor Invoice Tax + The Invoice Tax Tab displays the total tax due based on the Invoice Lines. + + + + PO Line + + Ставка налога за набавку + The Purchase Order Line Tab defines the individual items in an order. + + + Налог за набавку + + Order Header + The Order Header Tab defines the parameters of an order. The field values defined will determine how the Order Lines are processed. + + + Порез + + Порез + The Order Tax Tab displays the tax associated with the Order Lines. + + + Пријемница + + Enter Receipts and Vendor Returns + The Shipments Tab allows you to generate, maintain, enter and process Shipments from a Vendor or Returns to a Vendor. + + + Ставка отпремнице + + Ставка отпремнице + The Shipment Line Tab defines the individual items in a Shipment. + + + ЕДИ дефиниција + + Одржавање ЕДИ дефиниција + + + + ЕДИ трансакција + + + + + + EDI Log + + + + + + Образац + + Посебан образац + The Forms Tab defines any window which is not automatically generated. For System Admin use only. + + + Translation + + + + + + Window Access + + Window Access + The Window Access Tab defines the Windows and type of access that this Role is granted. + + + Process Access + + Process Access + The Process Access Tab defines the Processes and type of access that this Role is granted. + + + Form Access + + Form Access + The Form Access Tab defines the Forms and type of access that this Role is granted. + + + Workflow Access + + Workflow Access + The Workflow Access Tab defines the Workflows and type of access that this Role is granted. + + + Report Access + + Report Access + The Report Access Tab determines who can access a report or process + + + Приступ + + Form Access + The Forms Access Tab defines the access rules for this form + + + Приступ + + Task Access + The Task Access Tab defines the Roles that will have access to this task and the type of access each Role is granted. + + + Приступ + + Window Access + The Window Access Tab defines the Roles which have access to this Window. + + + Приступ + + Workflow Access + The Workflow Access Tab defines the Roles who have access to this Workflow. + + + Task Access + + Task Access + The Task Access Tab defines the Task and type of access that this Role is granted. + + + Порука грешке + + Порука грешке + The Error Message Tab displays error messages that have been generated. They can be deleted with an automated clean up process. + + + Формат увоза + + + + + + Формат поља + + Maintain Format Fields + Define the individual field based on the table definition. Please note that you have to make sure that a Constant has the correct SQL data type (i.e. if it is a 'string', you need to enclose it like 'this'). +<p>Product mapping (for details see documentation): +<pre> +H_Item => Value +H_ItemDesc => Name / Description +H_ItemDefn => Help +H_ItemType => ProductCategory +H_PartnrID => Value of Business Partner +H_Commodity1 => Vendor Product No +H_Commodity2 => SKU +H_ItemClass => Classification (A,B,C..) +V_OperAmt_T_Cur => Currency +V_OperAmt_T => Price +</pre> + + + Саставница + + Bill of Material product lines + The Bill of Materials tab defines those products that are generated from other products. A Bill of Material (BOM) is one or more Products or BOMs. + +Available Quantity: +- Stored BOMs have to be created via "Production" +- The available quantity of a non-stored BOMs is dynamically calculated +- The attribute "Stored" is defined in the "Product" tab + +Price: +- BOMs must be listed in Pricelists +- If the price is 0.00, the price is dynamically calculated + +Printing: +- Usually, only the BOM information is printed +- For invoices, delivery slips and pick lists, you have the option to print the details +- In the details, the quantity is listed - and the price, if this is dynamically calculated + + + Production Header + + Production Header + The Production Header Tab defines a unique production plan + + + Производни план + + Производни план + The Production Plan Tab defines the items used and generated in a production. + + + Ставка производње + + Ставка производње + The Production Line Tab displays the actual movements in and out of inventory generated by a Production Plan. + + + Група пословних партнера + + Business Partner Groups for Reporting Accounting Defaults + The Business Partner Group Tab allow for the association of business partners for reporting and accounting defaults. + + + Рачуноводство + + Define Accounting + The Accounting Tab defines the default accounts for any business partner that references this group. These default values can be modified for each business partner if required. + + + Рачуноводство + + Accounting Parameters + The Accounting Tab defines default accounting parameters. Any product that uses a product category can inherit its default accounting parameters. If the Costing method is not defined, the default costing method of the accounting schema is used. + + + Белешка + + System Notice + The Notice Tab provides a method of viewing messages that are generated by this system when performing processes. + + + Payment Processor + + Processor for online payments + The Electronic Payments Tab is used to define the parameters for the processing of electronic payments. If no currency is defined, all currencies are accepted. If a minumum amount is defined (or not zero), the payment processor is only used if the payment amount is equal or higher than the minumum amount. <br> +The class needs to implement org.compiere.model.PaymentProcessor + + + Рачуноводство + + Maintain Accounting Data + The Accounting Tab is used to define the accounts used for transactions with this Bank. + + + Извод + + Извод + The Bank Statement Tab defines the Bank Statement to be reconciled. + + + Statement Line + + Statement Line + The Statement Line Tab defines the individual line items on the Bank Statement. They can be entered manually or generated from payments entered. +<br>For Posting, the bank account organization is used, if it is not a charge. + + + Уплата + + Payment or Receipt + Enter payment or receipt for a Business Partner. If it is for a single invoice it can be allocated directly to that invoice using this screen. You can also apply over/under payments:<br> +You have an over-payment, if you received more money than due for a single invoice. Instead of writing the difference off (i.e. would be a gain), you can leave the amount unallocated and use it for later invoices or credit memos. Please note that the Amount is the payment amount, so you need to enter the over-payment as a negative amount.<br> +You can also receive a partial payment (under-payment). If you decide not to write off the remaining invoice amount, enter the under-payment as a positive amount.<br> +Note that printed payments are archived in Payment Selection (Prepared Payment). +<br>For Posting, the bank account organization is used, if it is not a charge. + + + Рачуноводство + + Charge Accounting + The Accounting Tab defines the accounting parameters used for transactions including a charge or charges. + + + Рачуноводство + + Organization Accounting + The Organization Accounting Tab defines the default accounting parameters to be used by this Organization. + + + Рачуноводство + + Рачуноводство + The Accounting Tab defines the accounting parameters to be used for transactions referencing this Tax Rate. + + + Рачуноводство + + Withholding Accounting + The Withholding Accounting Tab defines the accounting parameters for Withholding. + + + Прилагођене особине + + Define Custom Attribute + The Custom Attribute Tab defines additional attributes or information for a product or entity. + + + Благајна + + Одржавање благајне + The Cashbook Tab defines a unique cashbook for an organization. + + + Рачуноводство + + Cashbook Accounting + The Cashbook Accounting Tab defines the accounting parameters for transaction involving a cashbook. + + + Дневник благајне + + Дневник благајне + The Cash Journal Tab defines the parameters for this journal. + + + Ставка благајне + + Ставка благајне + The Cash Line Tab defines the individual lines for this journal. + + + Пакетна обрада уплата + + Process Payment Batch + Electronic Fund Transfer Payment Batch. + + + Field group + + Само за кориснике који су систем администратори. Field Groups allow for grouping of fields within a window + + + + Translation + + + + + + Захтеви + + Define Request + The Request Tab defines any Request submitted by a Business Partner or internally. + + + Процесор захтева + + Процесор захтева + The Request Processor Tab allows you to define processes that you want to occur and the frequency and timing of these processes. If no other user is found, the items are assigned to the supervisor. A Request Processor can be just for a specific Request Type or for all. + + + Шаблони за писма + + Одржавање шаблона имејла + A mail template can contain variables, e.g. @Name@. +The variables are replaced based on the context. First, the the User is searched to find the variables. +Additional objects are used for dunning (business partner, dunning entry), asset delivery (asset) and invoice print (business partner, invoice) + + + Историја + + Request History (Old values) + The History Tab displays changes of a Request. The data displayed are the OLD (changed from) values. The new data is in the request. + + + Allocation Line + + View Allocation Lines + View Allocation Line Details + + + Org Access + + Maintain Role Org Access + Add the client and organizations the user has access to. Entries here are ignored, if User Org Access is selected or the role has access to all roles.<br> +Note that access information is cached and requires re-login or reset of cache. + + + Одабир плаћања + + Define Payment + The Payment Selection Tab defines the bank account and date of the payments to be made. You also create the payments here. + + + Ставка одабира плаћања + + Ставка одабира плаћања + The Payment Selection Line Tab defines the individual invoices an organization is paying to a Vendor with this payment. + + + Report View Column + + Report View Column + The Report View Column Tab defines any columns which will be overridden in the generation of the select SQL + + + Провизија + + Define Commission Rule + Define when to pay a commission to whom. For each period, you start the calculation of the commission after the transaction for that period are completed or closed. + + + Ставка провизије + + Define your commission calculation rule + Define the selection criteria for paying the commission. If you do not enter restricting parameters (e.g. for specific Business Partner (Groups) or Product (Categories), etc. all transactions for the period will be used to calculate the commission. + +After converting from the transaction to the commission currency, +the formula for calculating the commission is: + +(Converted Amount - Subtract Amount) * Amount Multiplier ++ (Actual Quantity - Subtract Quantity) * Quantity Multiplier + +You can choose, that only positive amounts (Converted Amount - Subtract Amount) and positive quantities (Actual Quantity - Subtract Quantity) are used in the calculation. + + + Циклус пројекта + + Define Project Report Cycle + Define the currency that projects Project are reported. The projects themselves could be in a different currency. + + + Cycle Phase + + Link Cycle Step with Project Phases + Link similar Project Phases to a Cycle Step + + + + Ставка + + Define Project Lines + The Project Lines Tab is used to define the lines (products and/or services) associated with this Project. This is an alternative to Project Phases. You would use lines, if you do not want to use a Project Type template with phases. + + + Покретање провизија + + Commission run for a period + Commission run for a period defined in the Commission window. + + + Износ провизије + + Commission line amounts + For each commission line, a line is generated. You can overwrite the amount and quantity to modify the commission amount, but the suggested way is creating additional Commission Detail lines. Please be aware that manual changes will not reconcile with the Commission Details. + + + Used in Column + + Used in Column + The Used in Column Tab defines the table and column this element resides in. + + + Детаљи провизије + + Commission Detail Information + You may alter the amount and quantity of the detail records, but the suggested way is to add new correcting lines. +The amounts are converted from the transaction currency to the Commission Currency (defined in the Commission window) using the start date and the spot exchange rate. + + + Циљ перформанси + + Циљ перформанси + The Performance Goal Tab defines specific goals for performance. + + + Рачуница мерења перформанси + + Maintain your Performance Measure Calculation + The Performance Measure Calculation defines how performance measures will be calculated. See examples.<br> +The SELECT definition must contain the SELECT and FROM keywords in upper case, the WHERE definition must contain the WHERE keyword in upper case. The main table must not have an alias! The WHERE clause can only contain values of the main table (e.g. when selecting from Header and lines, only header variables can be used in the where clause) and be fully qualified if there is more then one table. + + + Постигнуће + + Performance Achievement + The Performance Achievement Tab defines the Tasks to be achieved. The performance is measured by the percentage of reached achievements. + + + Мери + + Мерење перформанси + The Performance Measure Tab defines the date range and method to be used for measuring performance. + + + Финансијски Извештај + + + + + + Поставке колоне извештаја + + Одржавање поставки колона финансијског извештаја + Column Sets are the combination of Columns to be included in a Financial Report + + + Колона извештаја + + Maintain Financial Report Column + A column represents a column in a Financial Report + + + Извештај поставки сета ставки + + Maintain Financial Report Line Set + + + + Ставка извештаја + + Maintain Financial Report Line + + + + Извештај извор + + Maintain Segment Values of Report Line Source + + + + Revenue Recognition Plan + + View Revenue Recognition Plan + The Revenue Recognition plan is generated then invoicing a product with revenue recognition. With Revenue Recognition, the amount is posted to the Unrecognized revenue and over time or based on Service Level booked to Earned Revenue. + + + Revenue Recognition Run + + View Revenue Recognition Run History + + + + Ниво услуге + + View Service Level + The service level is automatically created when creating an invoice with products using revenue recognition based on service levels. + + + Ниво услуге ставка + + Одржавање нивоа услуга + Add new service level lines to change the recognized amount + + + Тражи + + + + + + Робно материјалне трансакције + + + + + + Образац за штампу + + Maintain Print Form (Invoices, Checks, ..) information + The selection determines what Print Format is used to print a particular Form for your Organization. + + + Bank Account Document + + Maintain Bank Account Documents + In this tab, you define the documents used for this bank account. You define your check and other payment document (sequence) number as well as format. + + + Системска боја + + System color for backgrounds and indicators + + + + Радна површина + + Desktop is a collection of Workbenches + Desktop is a collection of Workbenches + + + Translation + + + + + + Радни сто + + Workbench on the desktop + + + + Слика + + Image or Icon link + + + + Прилагођавање прозора + + + + + + Tab Customization + + + + + + Field Customization + + + + + + Радни сто + + Workbenches are a collection of Windows + + + + Translation + + + + + + Прозор + + Workbench Window + + + + Routing + + Request Routing + Define the sequence of request types and keywords and to whom the web and mail requests should be routed to. The keywords are separated by space, comma, semicolon, tab or new line. The first match wins (first request type then keyword. + + + Захтеви + + Define Request + The Request Tab defines any Request submitted by a Business Partner or internally. + + + Историја + + Request History (Old Values) + The History Tab displays changes of a Request. The data displayed are the OLD (changed from) values. The new data is in the request. + + + Шема попуста + + Trade Discount Schema + Trade discount schema calculates the trade discount percentage + + + Schema Line + + Trade Discount Price List Lines + Pricelists are created based on Product Purchase and Category Discounts. +The parameters listed here allow to copy and calculate pricelists.<BR> +The calculation: +<UL> +<LI>Copy and convert price from referenced price list +<LI>result plus Surcharge Amount +<LI>result minus Discount +<LI>if resulting price is less than the original limit price plus min Margin, use this price (only if Margin is not zero) +<LI>if resulting price is more than the original limit price plus max Margin, use this price (only if Margin us not zero) +<LI>Round resulting price +</UL> +<B>The Formula</B> is<BR> +NewPrice = (Convert(BasePrice) + Surcharge) * (100-Discount) / 100;<BR> +if MinMargin <> 0 then NewPrice = Max (NewPrice, Convert(OrigLimitPrice) + MinMargin);<BR> +if MaxMargin <> 0 then NewPrice = Min (NewPrice, Convert(OrigLimitPrice) + MaxMargin);<BR> + <BR> +<B>Example:</B> (assuming same currency)<BR> +Original Prices: List=300, Standard=250, Limit=200;<BR> +New List Price: Base=List, Surcharge=0, Discount=0, Round + + + Discount Break + + Trade discount based on breaks (steps) + + + + Assigned Products + + Products assigned to Product Category + + + + Уклопи рачун + + View matched Invoices + View detals of matched invoice lines to material receipt lines + + + Match PO + + View matched Purchase Orders + View detals of matched purchase order lines to invoice lines and material receipt lines + + + Врста расхода + + Maintain Expense Report Type + + + + Expense Product + + Product definition of Expense Type + + + + Извештај расхода + + Извештај времена и расхода + Enter the time and expenses for the Employee or Contractor (Business Partner). <br> +The price list determines the default costs of the expenses, products or resource to be reimbursed. In that sense, it is a "Purchase Price" list. The Warehouse is used to correct the inventory of items invoiced to customers (i.e. if not invoiced, the inventory is not adjusted).<br> +Please note that the Business Partner <b>must</b> be an Employee with an Address and Contact! + + + Ставка извештаја + + Time and Expense Report Line + Enter the expense items and billable or non-billable hours. If you enter a non-zero amount in Invoiced Amount, that amount will be used for billing the customer - otherwise the price on the current sales price list of the customer. + + + Ресурс + + Одржавање ресурса + + + + Додела + + Resource Assignments + History of Assignments + + + Unavailability + + Resource unavailability + Dates, when the resource is not available (e.g. vacation) + + + Resource Product + + Maintain Product information of Resource + The product for the resource is automatically created and synchronized. Update Name, Unit of Measure, etc. in the Resource and don't change it in the product. + + + Врста ресурса + + Одржавање врста ресурса + Maintain Resource types and their principal availability. + + + Рачуноводство + + Define Accounting Parameters + The Accounting Tab defines the defaults to use when generating accounting transactions for orders and invoices which contain this Expense Type. Not all accounts apply. + + + Цена + + Expense Type Pricing + The Pricing Tab displays the List, Standard and Limit prices for each price list a product is contained in. + + + Цена + + Resource Pricing + The Pricing Tab displays the List, Standard and Limit prices for each price list a resource is contained in. + + + Рачуноводство + + Define Accounting Parameters + The Accounting Tab defines the defaults to use when generating accounting transactions for orders and invoices which contain this resource. Not all accounts apply to resources. + + + Боја штампања + + Одржавање боје штампе + Colors used for printing + + + Фонт штампе + + Одржавање фонта штампе + Font used for printing + + + Формат штампања + + Одржавање формата штампе + The print format determines how data is rendered for print. + + + Format Item + + Print Format Item + Item in the print format maintaining layout information. The following additional variables are available when printing: +<p>@*Page@ - the current page number +<br>@*PageCount@ - the total number of pages +<br>@*MultiPageInfo@ - "Page x of y" - only printed if more than one page +<br>@*CopyInfo@ - if it is a copy of the document "Duplicate" is printed +<br>@*ReportName@ - name of the report +<br>@*Header@ - Full Header with user/client/org name and connection +<br>@*CurrentDate@ - the print date +<br>@*CurrentDateTime@ - the print time + +<p>The layoit logic for forms is: <br> +- if not printed: ignore <br> +- set New Line Position <br> +- new page <br> +- new line, if something was printed since last new line<br> +- format item<br> +- print it (if not null/empty selected)<br> +(i.e. supress null does not prevent new line) + + + Папир штампања + + Одржавање папира штампе + Printer Paper Size, Orientation and Margins. +The Validation Code contains the Media Size name. The names of the media sizes correspond to those in the IPP 1.1 RFC 2911 - http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2911.txt <br> +If the name is not found, the SizeX/Y with the dimension is used. Size and dimension are ignored, if a valid media size name is used. + + + Display Order + + Display Order of the Print Format Items + + + + Sort Order + + Sort Order of the Print Format Items + + + + Field Sequence + + Sequence if the Fields in a Tab + + + + Купац + + Business Partner (Customers) to be invoiced + + + + Ставка извештаја + + Time and Expense Report Line (not invoiced) + View and modify Time and Expense Report Lines. It lists expense items for the business partner on the expense line where the expense lines have no orders yet. (Sales Orders are created). + + + Item Translation + + Print Format Translation + + + + Графикон + + Define Graph to be included + + + + Штампа - формат табеле + + Дефиниши формат табеле за извештај + The Print Table Format lets you define how table header, etc. is printed. If you leave the entries empty, the default colors and fonts are used:<br> +Fonts are based on the Font used in the Report; Page Header and Table Header will be bold, the Function Font is Bold-Italic, the Footer Font is two points smaller, the Parameter Font is Italic. + + + Prepared Payment + + View Generated Prepared Payments (Checks) + You create the actual Payments via Payment Print/Export + + + Врста захтева + + Type of request (e.g. Inquiry, Complaint, ..) + Request Types are used for processing and categorizing requests. Options are Account Inquiry, Warranty Issue, etc. + + + Област интересовања + + Област интересовања или поглавље + Interest Areas reflect interest in a topic by a contact. Interest areas can be used for marketing campaigns. If a list is not "Self Service", it is not visible for users via the web. + + + Област интересовања + + Business Partner Contact Interest Area + Interest Area can be used for Marketing Campaigns + + + Систем + + Системска дефиниција + Common System Definition. + + + Увоз пословног партнера + + + + + + Увоз - производ + + Увези производе + Before importing, Adempiere checks the Unit of Measure (default if not set), the Product Category (default if not set), the Business Partner, the Currency (defaults to accounting currency if not set), the Product Type (only Items and Services), the uniqueness of UPC, Key and uniqueness and existence of the Vendor Product No.<br> +Adempiere tries to map to existing products, if the UPC, the Key and the Vendor Product No matches (in this sequence). If the imported record could be matched, product field values will only be overwritten, if the corresponding Import field is explicitly defined. Example: the Product Category will only be overwritten if explicitly set in the Import. + + + Увези конто + + + + + + Увези сет ставки извештаја + + + + + + Select Language + + Select your Language + The Language needs to be a (verified) System Language + + + Element Translation + + + + + + Message Translation + + + + + + Window Translation + + + + + + Process Translation + + + + + + Актива + + Средства коришћена интерно или од стране купаца + An asset is either created by purchasing or by delivering a product. An asset can be used internally or be a customer asset. + + + Испорука + + Delivery or availability + Record of delivery or availability + + + Група средства + + Групе средстава + The group of assets determines default accounts. If a asset group is selected in the product category, assets are created when delivering the asset. + + + Тренинг + + Поновљени тренинг + The training may have multiple actual classes. New Classes are created here. + + + Class + + The actual training class instance + A scheduled class + + + Employee, Vendor + + Business Partner to be reimbursed + Select the business partner to be reimbursed. + + + Ставка извештаја + + Time and Expense Report Line (not reimbursed) + View and modify Time and Expense Report Lines. It lists expense items for the business partner on the expense header where the expense lines were not invoiced yet. + + + Translation + + + + + + Daily Balances + + View daily accounting balances + + + + Распоред плаћања + + Распоред уплата фактура + + + + Комплет особина + + Одржавање комплета особина производа + Define Product Attribute Sets to add additional attributes and values to the product. You need to define an Attribute Set if you want to enable Serial and Lot Number and Guarantee Date tracking. Note that the Guarantee Days here determine the Shelf Life of a product instance after manufacturing (the Guarantee Days on the product determines a Customer Service date after selling) +If the Attribute Set is mandatory, a product instance needs to be selected/created before shipping. + + + Особина + + Особина производа + Product Attribute like Color, Size, etc. If it is an Instance Attribute, all products have the same value. + + + Вредност особине + + Product Attribute Value + Individual value of a product attribute (e.g. green, large, ..) + + + Шаржа + + Дефиниција шарже производа + Maintain the individual Lot of a Product + + + Контрола шарже + + Контрола шарже производа + Definition to create Lot numbers for Products + + + Контрола серијског броја + + Контрола серијског броја производа + Definition to create Serial numbers for Products + + + Attribute Use + + Attributes Used for the Product Attribute Set + Attributes and Attribute Values used for the product + + + Претрага особине + + Основне особине претраге + Attributes are specific to a Product Attribute Set (e.g. Size for T-Shirts: S,M,L). If you have multiple attributes and want to search under a common sttribute, you define a search sttribute. Example: have one Size search attribute combining the values of all different sizes (Size for Dress Shirt XL,L,M,S,XS). The Attribute Search allows you to have all values available for selection. This eases the maintenance of the individual product attribute. + + + Assigned Attributes + + Attributes assigned to this search attribute + + + + Фактура + + + + + + Укљућене ставке + + + + + + Label + + Штампа налепнице + Maintain the Format for printing Labels + + + Ставка + + Штампа налепнице ставка + Maintain Format of the line on a Label + + + Translation + + Print Label Line Translation + Maintain the translation for Label Line formats + + + Ревизија сесије + + List of User Sessions + History of Online or Web Sessions + + + Врста пројекта + + Maintain Type of a Project + Type of the project with optional phases and tasks of the project with standard performance information + + + Стандардна фаза + + Maintain Standard Project Phase + Standard Phase of the project with performance information + + + Phase + + Maintain Actual Project Phase + Actual Phase of the Project with Status information - generated from Phase of Project Type. + + + Враћајући + + Враћајући документ + Maintain Recurring Documents. The Date Next Run determines the Document (and Accounting Date) of the generated documents. + + + Run + + Recurring Document Run + History of Recurring Document Generation + + + Inventory + + Увоз залиха + Validate and Import Inventory Transactions. The Locator is primarily determined by the Locator Key, then the Warehouse and X,Y,Z fields.<p> +A Physical Inventory is created per Warehouse and Movement Date. + + + Table Access + + Maintain Table Access + If listed here, the Role can(not) access all data of this table, even if the role has access to the functionality. +<br>If you Include Access to a table and select Read Only, you can only read data (otherwise full access). +<br>If you Exclude Access to a table and select Read Only, you can only read data (otherwise no access). +<br>Please note that table access rules here are in addition to the Data Access Levels defined for a Table and the User Level defined for a Role. These rules are evaulated first and you only need to define the exceptions to these rules here. +<p> +Note that access information is cached and requires re-login or reset of cache. Be aware that if you use Include rules, that you need to include also several supporting entiries. As an alternative, grant access only to functionality required. + + + Record Access + + Maintain Record Access + You create Record Access records by enabling "Personal Lock" for the administrative role and Ctl-Lock (holding the Ctrl key while clicking on the Lock button). +<p> +If listed here, the Role can(not) access the data records of this table, even if the role has access to the functionality. +<br>If you Include Access to a record and select Read Only, you can only read data (otherwise full access). +<br>If you Exclude Access to a recorf and select Read Only, you can only read data (otherwise no access). +Note that access information is cached and requires re-login or reset of cache. + + + Column Access + + Maintain Column Access + If listed here, the Role can(not) access the column of this table, even if the role has access to the functionality. +<br>If you Include Access to a column and select Read Only, you can only read data (otherwise full access). +<br>If you Exclude Access to a column and select Read Only, you can only read data (otherwise no access). +Note that access information is cached and requires re-login or reset of cache. + + + Улога + + Role with Data Access Restriction + Select Role for with Data Access Restrictions. +Note that access information is cached and requires re-login or reset of cache. + + + Реклама + + Веб рекламирање + Advertisement on the Web + + + Ревизија промена + + Data Changes + Log of data changes + + + Ревизија промена + + Log of data changes + Log of data changes + + + Врста коштања + + Type of Cost (e.g. Current, Plan, Future) + You can define multiple cost types. The cost type selected in an Accounting Schema is used for accounting. + + + Задатак + + Actual Project Task + A Project Task in a Project Phase represents the actual work. + + + Step + + Project Cycle Step + The Cycle Step determines the logical sequence of events within your cycle. It is the common of similar Project Phases making different project types comparable. + + + Стандардни задатак + + Maintain Standard Project Task + Standard Project Task + + + Врста времена + + Type of Time recorded + Differentiate time types for reporting purposes (In parallel to Activities) + + + Контакт (Корисник) + + Maintain User within the system - Internal or Business Partner Contact + The User identifies a unique user in the system. This could be an internal user or a business partner contact + + + Клик + + Број кликова + Define the link / target you want to track. + + + Individual Click + + Details of someone clicking on the link + + + + Избројано + + Web Counter Count + + + + Individual Count + + + + + + Фактура + + Select Invoice + Select from invoices not fully paid. + + + Распоред плаћања + + Mainain Payment Schedule + + + + Schedule + + Распоред плаћања + + + + Аларм + + Адемпјеров аларм + Adempiere Alerts allow you define system conditions you want to be alerted of. + + + Правило упозорења + + Definition of the alert element + The definition of the altert or action + + + Alert Recipient + + Recipient of the Alert Notification + You can send the notifications to users or roles + + + Извод + + Увоз извода из банке + + + + Главна књига + + Import General Ledger + A new Journal Batch is created, if the Batch Document No or accounting schema are different. A new Journal is created, if the Document No, Currency, Document Type, GL Category, Posting Type or Accounting type is different. You can also force the creation of a new Batch or Jornal by selecting the creat new flag.<p> +Please note that there are three Organization Fields: The Document Organization is the owner of the document and set directly or per parameter default. The Organization is part of the accounting key and only required id no Valid Account Comination is specified; If not defined it is derived from the Document Organization. The Transaction Organization is part of the account combination.<br> +The optional balance check applies to the entire import, not for individual batches or journals. +<br>The document numbers will be overwritten if the document type is not set to manual sequences. + + + Фактура + + Увези фактуре + You should supply the Document Type Name (or ID). The Document Type is on purpose not fully derived as it has too many consequences if it's wrong. The best way is to set the Document Type Name as a Constant in your Import File Format or as an imported field in the file. + + + Уплата + + Увиз уплата + + + + Налог + + Увези наруџбенице + You should supply the Document Type Name (or ID). The Document Type is on purpose not fully derived as it has too many consequences if it's wrong. The best way is to set the Document Type Name as a Constant in your Import File Format or as an imported field in the file. + + + Превознина + + Freight Rates + Freight Rates for Shipper + + + Категорија превознине + + Category of the Freight + Freight Categories are used to calculate the Freight for the Shipper selected + + + Business Partner Dimension + + Maintain Business Partner Accounting Dimension Tree + Please note that you will not be able to create new entities in this window if you have not default set for all mandatory values! + + + + Product Dimension + + Maintain Product Accounting Dimension Tree + Please note that you will not be able to create new entities in this window if you have not default set for all mandatory values! + + + + Acitivity Dimension + + Maintain Acitivity Accounting Dimension Tree + Please note that you will not be able to create new entities in this window if you have not default set for all mandatory values! + + + + Project Dimension + + Maintain Project Accounting Dimension Tree + Please note that you will not be able to create new entities in this window if you have not default set for all mandatory values! + + + + Organization Dimension + + Maintain Organizationt Accounting Dimension Tree + Please note that you will not be able to create new entities in this window if you have not default set for all mandatory values! + + + + Sales Region Dimension + + Maintain Sales Region Accounting Dimension Tree + Please note that you will not be able to create new entities in this window if you have not default set for all mandatory values! + + + + Replication Target + + Data Replication Target + Data Replication Target Details. Maintained on the central server. Make sure that the IP range is unique for every remote system - Otherwise you will loose data!! + + + Репликација покретање + + Data Replication Run + Historic Info + + + Run Log + + Data Replication Run Log + Detail Info + + + Стратегија репликације + + Data Replication Strategy + The Data Replication Strategy determines which tables and how they are replicated. Note that the migration does not syncronize Application Dictionary items. + + + Репликациона табела + + Data Replication Strategy Table Info + Determines how the table is replicated. You have full access to Local tables, Reference tables are on Remote systems and are read-only. The data of Merge tables on Remote systems is copied to the central system. + + + Campaign Dimension + + Maintain Marketing Campaign Accounting Dimension Tree + Please note that you will not be able to create new entities in this window if you have not default set for all mandatory values! + + + + Tab Translation + + + + + + Reference List Translation + + + + + + Field Translation + + + + + + Field Group Translation + + Please note, that most of the fields translations are derived from Element! + Run Synchronize Terminology to update menu translation. You need only to translate Fields, which are not centrally maintained. + + + Form Translation + + + + + + Task Translation + + + + + + Workflow Translation + + + + + + Workflow Node Translation + + + + + + Menu Translation + + Please note, that most of the menu translations are derived from Window/Form/.. translation! + Run Synchronize Terminology to update menu translation. + + + Subscriptions + + User Subscriptions + + + + Пројекат + + Maintain Sales Order Projects and Work Orders + The Project Tab is used to define the Value, Name and Description for each project. It also is defines the tracks the amounts assigned to, committed to and used for this project. + + + Рачуноводство + + Define Project Accounting + The Accounting Tab is used to define the Asset Account to use when a project is completed and the associated asset realized. + + + Категорија + + Одржавање категорија знања и вредности + Set up knowledge categories and values as a search aid. Examples are Release Version, Product Area, etc. Knowledge Category values act like keyworks. + + + Вредност категорије + + The value of the category is a keyword + The value of the category is a keyword + + + Врста + + Врста знања + Area of knowlege - A Type has multiple Topics + + + Поглавље + + Поглавље знања + Topic or Discussion Thead + + + Entry + + Knowledge Entry + The searchable Knowledge Entry + + + Категорија + + Категорија знања + Assiged Category - Value for the Knowlede Entry + + + Везан + + Related Knowlege Entry + Related Knowlege Entry for this Knowledge Entry + + + Коментар + + Knowledge Entry Comment + Comment regarding a knowledge entry + + + Извор знања + + Извор уноса знања + The Source of a Knowlegde Entry is a pointer to the originating system. The Knowledge Entry has an additional entry (Description URL) for more detailed info. + + + Синоним знања + + Кључна реч синонима Знања + Search Synonyms for Knowledge Keywords; Example: Product = Item + + + Translation + + + + + + Partner Selection + + Business Partner Selection + + + + Partner Orders + + Business Partner Orders + + + + Partner Shipments + + Business Partner Shipments + + + + Partner Invoices + + Business Partner Invoices + + + + Partner Payments + + Business Partner Payments + + + + Partner Assets + + Business Partner Assets + + + + Partner Requests + + Business Partner Requests + + + + Translation + + + + + + Issues + + Issues to the Project + The lab lists the Issues to the project initiated by the "Issue to Project" process. You can issue Receipts, Time and Expenses, or Stock. + + + Штампач + + Define Label Printer + + + + Function + + Label Printer Function + + + + Регистрација + + Регистрација система + System Registration Information + + + Пословни партнер + + Business Partner specific Information of a Product + Note that some information is for reference only! The + + + Представник компаније + + Sales Representative Selection + + + + Налози + + All Orders where the Agent "owns" the Order, the Business Partner or the Product + + + + Order Lines + + All Order Lines where the Agent "owns" the Order, the Business Partner or the Product + + + + Рачуни + + All Invoices where the Agent "owns" the Invoice, the Business Partner or the Product + + + + Ставка фактуре + + All Invoice Liness where the Agent "owns" the Invoice, the Business Partner or the Product + + + + Рачуноводство + + Currency Accounting + The Accounting Tab defines the accounting parameters used for transactions including a currency. Please nore that if not defined, the default accounts of the Accounting Schema are used! + + + Conversion Type + + Maintain Currency Conversion Rate Type + The Currency Conversion Rate Type lets you define different type of rates, e.g. Spot, Corporate and/or Sell/Buy rates. + + + Statement Loader + + Definition of Bank Statement Loader (SWIFT, OFX) + The loader definition privides the parameters to load bank statements from EFT formats like SWIFT (MT940) or OFX. The required parameters depend on the actual statement loader class + + + Увези курсну листу + + Import Currency Conversion Rate + + + + User Substitute + + Substitute of the user + A user who can act for this user. + + + Процес + + Actual Workflow Process Instance + Instance of a workflow execution + + + Активност + + Workflow Activity + The Workflow Activity is the actual Workflow Node in a Workflow Process instance + + + Активност + + Активности радног тока + The Workflow Activity is the actual Workflow Node in a Workflow Process instance + + + Параметар + + Workflow Node Parameter + Parameter for the execution of the Workflow Node + + + Responsible + + Лице одговорно за извршавање радног тока + The ultimate responsibility for a workflow is with an actual user. The Workflow Responsible allows to define ways to find that actual User. + + + Блок + + Workflow Transaction Execution Block + A workflow execution block is optional and allows all work to be performed in a single transaction. If one step (node activity) fails, the entire work is rolled back. + + + Подаци + + Workflow Process Context + Context information of the workflow process and activity + + + Резултат + + Result of the Workflow Process Activity + Activity Result of the execution of the Workflow Process Instrance + + + Event + + Workflow Process Activity Event Audit Information + History of chenges ov the Workflow Process Activity + + + Особина + + Asset Registration Attribute + Define the individual values for the Asset Registration + + + Регистрација + + Asset User Registration + User Registration of an Asset + + + Вредност + + Registration Values + Indivifual values of Registration Attribute + + + Уклапање извода + + Algorithm to match Bank Statement Info to Business Partners, Invoices and Payments + An algorithm to find Business Partners, Invoices, Payments in imported Bank Statements. The class need to implement the interface org.compiere.impexp.BankStatementMatcherInterface + + + Уплата + + View Payment Information + + + + Врста орг + + Organization Type allows you to categorize your organizations + Organization Type allows you to categorize your organizations for reporting purposes + + + Schedule Process + + Schedule processes + Schedule processes to be executed asynchronously + + + Параметар + + Scheduler Parameter + Provide parameter for scheduled process + + + Log + + Scheduler Log + Result of the execution of the Scheduler + + + Процесор радних токова + + Workflow Processor Server + Workflow Processor Server + + + Log + + Workflow Processor Log + Result of the execution of the Workflow Processor + + + Одељак за лицитацију + + Topic of the Auction + Description of the item to sell or create/fund. + + + Лицитација + + View bids for a Topic + You can create a bid for a topic. Depening on the type, the highest bidder wins the Topic - or you participate in funding for a Topic. + + + Понуда + + Offer for a Topic + You can create an offer for a topic. + + + Bid Funds + + Buyer Funds for Bid on Topic + Committed or Uncommited funds for Bids + + + Offer Funds + + Seller Funds from Offers on Topics + Committed or Uncommited funds from Offers + + + Topic Type + + Врста области аукције + The Auction Topic Type determines what kind of auction is used for a particular area + + + Type Category + + Auction Topic Type Category + For an Auction Topic Type, define the different Categories used. + + + Коментари + + Make a comment to a Bid Topic + Everyone can give comments concerning a Bid Topic - e.g. Questions, Suggestions + + + Seller + + Aution Seller Information + Information about a participant in an Auction as a Seller + + + Funds + + Seller Funds from Offers on Topics + Available Funds (for Payments) and Committed or Uncommited funds from Offers + + + Понуда + + Offer for a Topic + You can create an offer for a topic. + + + Buyer + + Aution Buyer Information + Information about a participant in an Auction as a Buyer + + + Funds + + Buyer Funds available for Bids on Topics + Available Funds (Payments) and Committed or Uncommited funds for Bids + + + Лицитација + + Bid for a Topic + You can create a bid for a topic. Depening on the type, the highest bidder wins the Topic - or you participate in funding for a Topic. + + + Рачуноводствени процесор + + Maintain Accounting Processor/Server Parameters + Accounting Processor/Server Parameters. If no account schema is selected, all accounting schema are processed. If no transaction table is selected, accounting for all transaction is created. + + + Log + + Result of the execution of the Accounting Processor + Result of the execution of the Accounting Processor + + + Relation + + Business Partner Relation + Business Partner Relation allow to maintain Third Party Relationship rules: who receives invoices for shipments or pays for invoices. If the Location of the Business partner is not defined, the rule applies to all location of that Business Partner + + + Захтеви за понуду + + Request for Quotation + Request for Quotation to be sent out to vendors of a RfQ Topic. After Vendor selection, optionally create Sales Order or Quote for Customer as well as Purchase Order for Vendor(s) + + + Одговор + + Одговори захтева за понудама + Request for Quotation Response from a potential Vendor + + + Ставка + + RfQ Line + Request for Quotation Line + + + Response Line + + RfQ Response Line + Request for Quotation Response Line from a potential Vendor + + + Количина + + RfQ Line Quantity + Request for Quotation Line Quantity - You may request a quotation for different quantities + + + Response Quantity + + RfQ Line Quantity Response + Request for Quotation Response Line Quantity from a potential Vendor + + + Поглавље + + Request for Quotation Topic + A Request for Quotation Topic allows you to maintain a subscriber list of potential Vendors to respond to RfQs + + + Претплатник + + Request for Quotation Topic Subscriber + Subcriber to invite to respond to RfQs + + + Претплата + + Subscription of a Business Partner of a Product to renew + + + + Испорука + + Optional Delivery Record for a Subscription + Record of deliveries for a subscription + + + Врста претплате + + Type of subscription + Subscription type and renewal frequency + + + Дистрибуциона листа + + Distribution Lists allow to distribute products to a selected list of partners + Distribution list contain business partners and a distribution quantity or ratio for creating Orders + + + Distribution Line + + Distribution List Line with Business Partner and Quantity/Percentage + The distribution can be based on Ratio, fixed quantity or both. +If the ratio and quantity is not 0, the quantity is calculated based on the ratio, but with the Quantity as a minimum. + + + Пакет + + Shipment Package + A Shipment can have one or more Packages. A Package may be tracked. + + + Ставка пакета + + The detail content of the Package + Link to the shipment line + + + Књижно писмо + + Return Material Authorization + A Return Material Authorization may be required to accept returns and to create Credit Memos + + + Ставке књижног писма + + Return Material Authorization Line + Detail information about the returned goods + + + Везан + + Везан производ + Related Product - e.g. for promotions + + + Processor + + Обрађивач аларма + + + + Log + + Alert Processor Log + + + + Покретање опомена + + Manage Dunning Run + Manage Dunning Run + + + Entry + + Dunning Run Entry + Maintain details of the dunning letter to a business partner + + + Ставка + + Dinning Run Line + Maintain the information of the dunning letter line + + + Org Assignment + + User Assigment to Organization + Assign Users to Organizations + + + Org Assignment + + User Assigment to Organization + Assign Users to Organizations + + + Log + + + + + + Scheduler Recipient + + Recipient of the Scheduler Notification + You can send the notifications to users or roles + + + Tax ZIP + + Tax Postal/ZIP + For local tax you may have to define a list of (ranges of) postal codes or ZIPs + + + Требовање + + Maintain Material Requisition + + + + Requisition Line + + Material Requisition Line + + + + Белешка + + Personal Note + + + + Услов + + Workflow Node Transition Condition + Optional restriction of transition of one node to the next. The (string) value is converted to the datatype. Booleans (Yes-No) are represented by "true" and "false", the date format is YYYY-mm-DD + + + Distribution + + Главна књига - дистрибуција + If the account combination criteria of the Distribution is met, the posting to the account combination is replaced by the account combinations of the distribution lines. +The distribution is prorated based on the percentage of the lines. If the total percent is less then 100 and one line is 0 (null), it gets the remainder. If there is no line with 0, any rounding is adjusted in the line with the biggest amount. + + + Ставка + + General Ledger Distribution Target Line + If the account combination criteria of the Distribution is met, the posting to the account combination is replaced by the account combinations of the distribution lines. The distribution is prorated based on the perecent value of the lines. A Percent value of 0 (null) indicates the remainder to 100. There can only be one line with 0 percent. + + + Покретање дистрибуције + + Distribution Run create Orders to distribute products to a selected list of partners + Distribution Run defines how Orders are created based on Distribution Lists + + + Ставка + + Distribution Run Lines define Distribution List, the Product and Quantiries + The order amount is based on the greater of the minimums of the product or distribution list and the quantity based on the ratio. + + + Product Assignment + + Assignment of Atrributes to Products + Determines, which attributes are assigned to a product + + + Ревизија приступа + + Log of Access to data or resources + Logging needs to be explicitly enabled / written. + + + Бројач документа + + Maintain Counter Document Types + When using explicit documents for inter-org transaction (after linking a Business Partner to an Organization), you can determine what document type the counter document is based on the document type of the original transaction. Example: a "Standard Order" creates a "Standard PO". +If you define a relationship here, you overwrite the default counter document type in the Document Type definition. This allows you to define a specific mapping. +You can define conter documents for all organizations (of the original transaction) or for a specific organization. + + + Предвиђање + + Material Forecast + Material Forecast + + + Ставка + + Предвиђање линија + Forecast of Product Qyantity by Period + + + Тражња + + Тражња материјала + Material Demand can be based on Forecast, Requisitions, Open Orders + + + Ставка + + Material Demand Line + Demand for a product in a period + + + Detail + + Material Demand Line Source Detail + Source Link for Material Demand Lines + + + Confirmation + + Потврда пријема или испоруке + Confirmation of Shipment or Receipt - Created from the Shipment/Receipt + + + Ставка + + Material Shipment or Receipt Confirmation Line + The quantities are in the storage Unit of Measure! + + + Врста књижног писма + + Врста овере књижних писама + Maintain the types of RMA + + + Расподела + + View and Reverse Allocation + The Reverse Allocation Tab defines the Payment Allocation to be reversed. + + + Некњижени документи + + View unposted Documents + + + + Процесирање ревизије + + Audit Process use + + + + Parameter Audit + + Audit Process Parameter Values + + + + Log + + Process Log + + + + Confirmation + + Потврдити доставницу + The document is automatically created when the document type of the movement indicates In Transit. + + + Ставка + + Confirm Inventory Move Lines + The quantities are in the storage Unit of Measure! + + + Confirmation Lines + + Import Receipt/Shipment Confirmation Lines + Import Confirmation data of existing Receipt/Shipment Confirmations + + + Пословни партнер + + Изаберите пословног партнера + Select the business partner for the service level agreement + + + SLA Goal + + Service Level Agreement Goal + Individual Goal for the SLA criteria for the Business Partner + + + SLA Measure + + Service Level Agreement Measure + View/Maintain the individual actual value / measure for the business partner service level agreement goal + + + SLA критеријум + + Service Level Agreement Criteria + Define a criteria to measure service level agreements (e.g. Quality, Delivery meets Promised date, ..). If you define a process class, it need to implement org.compiere.sla.SLACriteria (see example) + + + Table Translation + + Table Translation + Note that many Table names will be overwritten / translated automatically + + + Ограничење + + Include Subscriber Only for certain products or product categories + Enter the products / product categories for which the subscriber should be included. If no product / category is entered, the subscriber is requested to answer requests for all lines in a RfQ + + + Шаблон ценовника + + Шаблон ценовника + Price List schema defines calculation rules for price lists + + + ПОС терминал + + Point of Sales Terminal - каса + The POS Terminal defines the defaults and functions available for the POS Form + + + ПОС распоред тастера + + ПОС распоред функцијских тастера + ПОС распоред функцијских тастера + + + Распоред тастера + + POS Function Key + POS Function Key Assignment + + + SLA Goal + + Service Level Agreement Goal + Individual Goal for the SLA criteria for the Business Partner + + + SLA Measure + + Service Level Agreement Measure + View/Maintain the individual actual value / measure for the business partner service level agreement goal + + + Column Translation + + Column Translation + Do not translate - overwritten / translated automatically + + + Internal Use + + Define Internal Use Inventory + + + + Internal Use Line + + Internal Use Inventory Line + The Inventory Count Line defines the counts of the individual products in inventory. + + + Расподела + + Allocation of the Invoice to Payments or Cash + + + + Расподела + + Allocation of the Invoice to Payments or Cash + + + + Allocations + + Display Allocation of the Payment/Receipt to Invoices + + + + Потврде + + Optional Confirmations of Receipt Lines + The quantities are in the storage Unit of Measure! + + + Matched POs + + Purchase Order Lines matched to this Material Receipt Line + + + + Уклопљене фактуре + + Invoice Lines matched to this Material Receipt Line + + + + Усаглашени рачуни + + Material Receipt Lines matched to this Invoice Line + + + + Matched POs + + Purchase Order Lines matched to this Invoice Line + + + + Упарује + + Material Receipt or Invoice Lines matched to this Purchse Order Line + + + + Потврде + + Optional Confirmations of Shipment Lines + The quantities are in the storage Unit of Measure! + + + Пакетна обрада фактура + + Enter Expense Invoice Batch Header + Set Currency and decide if this for AR (sales) Invoices or AP (vendor) invoices. Optionally enter a Control amount. + + + Batch Line + + Enter Expense Invoice Batch Line + A new invoice is created, if there is a different Document Number, Business Partner or Location (address). +Note that the Document Number may be overwritten - depending on the Number control of the selected Document Type. + + + Org Access + + Maintain User Org Access + Add the client and organizations the user has access to. Entries here are ignored, if in the Role, User Org Access is not selected or the role has access to all roles.<br> +Note that access information is cached and requires re-login or reset of cache. + + + Landed Costs + + Landed cost to be allocated to material receipts + Landed costs allow you to allocate costs to previously received material receipts. Examples are freight, excise tax, insurance, etc.<br> +Select either a Receipt, Receipt Line or a specific Product to allocate the costs to. + + + Зависни трошкови расподела + + Allocation of Landed Costs to Product + Calculated when preparing the Invoice + + + Елемент коштања + + Maintain product cost elements + You can maintain multiple Material Costs. Which of the Material Cost Types is used for accounting is determined by the costing method.<br> +Define a Costing Method (for Material Elements) only if you want the cost calculated for that costing method. For accounting, the costing method defined in the Accounting Schema or Product Category Acct is used. + + + Изабери производ + + Select the product + + + + Коштање производа + + Одржавање коштања производа + + + + Захтев за статус + + Maintain Request Status + Status if the request (open, closed, investigating, ..) + + + Standard Response + + Maintain Request Standard Response + Text blocks to be copied into request response text + + + Захтев за решавање + + Одржавање захтева за решавање + Resolution status (e.g. Fixed, Rejected, ..) + + + Група захтева + + Maintain Request Groups + Group of requests (e.g. version numbers, responsibility, ...). +If a BOM is referenced and enabled in Request Type, a BOM Change Request is automatically created. + + + Категорија захтева + + Одржавање категорије захтева + Category or Topic of the Request + + + Преузимање + + Maintain Product Downloads + Define downloads for a product. If the product is an asset, the user can download the data. + + + User Mail + + Mail sent to the user + + + + User Mail + + Mail sent to the user + Archive of mails sent to users + + + Web продавница + + Дефинишите веб продавницу + Define the web store settings. The web server context must be unique and determines the settings used in the actual transaction. The selected warehouse determines the organization. The email settings are tested with the client email settings. + + + Store Translation + + + + + + Web Store Message + + Definine Web Store Messages + + + + Message Translation + + + + + + Update Notification + + List Recipients for to receive Request Updates + + + + Update Notification + + List Recipients for to receive Request Updates + + + + Request Updates + + List Recipients for to receive Request Updates + + + + Update Notification + + List Recipients for to receive Request Updates + + + + Update Notification + + List Recipients for to receive Request Updates + + + + Update Recipients + + Display Recipients of Request Updates + List of Recipients of Request Updates (with reason).<br> +Direct: Sales Rep, User and direct subscribers +Indirect: Users with Role, Subscribers of updates for Request Category, Type, Group) + + + Радно место + + Maintain Job Position + Maintain internal (employee) or external positions + + + Додела + + Employee Assignment + + + + Плате + + Position Remuneration + + + + Категоризација радних места + + Одржавање категорија радних места + + + + Плате + + Maintain Remuneration Levels + + + + Position Remuneration + + Maintain Position Remuneration + + + + Employee Remuneration + + Overwrite of Employee Position Remuneration + + + + Производ + + Maintain Product Information + + + + Alternative Groups + + Product BOM Alternative Group + Alternative groups allow you to group Bill of Material components, which are exclusive (i.e. only one is valid). Examples different engine sizes. + + + Операција + + Product Manufacturing Operation + The Operations to create the product. Note that the actual used operation and sequence is determined by the BOM Product. + + + Саст. + + Саставница + + + + Operation Resource + + Product Operation Resources + Resources for the Operation. You can have multiple resources (e.g. tool, labor) per operation. + + + Измена белешке + + Bill of Materials (Engineering) Change Notice (Version) + + + + Саст. + + Bill of Material of Change Notice + + + + BOM Change Request + + BOM (Engineering) Change Requests + Change requests for a Bill of Materials. They can be automatically created from Requests, if enabled in the Request Type and the Request Group referres to a Bill of Materials + + + Fixed Change Requests + + Fixed Change Request of this Change Notice + + + + Requests (source) + + User Requests with reference to change request + + + + BOM Component + + Bill of Material Component (Product) + The Bill of Material Compoment determines what products, services and outside processing is included in producing the Product. It references the operation and determines it's sequence. + + + Updates + + Request Updates + Updated of the Request + + + Updates + + Request Updates + Updates of the Request + + + Измена белешке + + (Engineering) Change Note (Version) + + + + Промена захтева + + Change Request of Change Notice + + + + Requests (source) + + User Requests with reference to change request + + + + Fixed Change Requests + + Fixed Change Requests of this Change Notice + + + + Допуна залиха + + Define Product Replenishment + The Replenishment Tab defines the type of replenishment quantities. This is used for automated ordering. If you select a custom replenishment type, you need to create a class implementing org.compiere.util.ReplenishInterface and set that on warehouse level. + + + Cost Details + + View Product Cost Details + + + + Особине + + Product Instance Attribute Material Allocation + + + + Особине + + Product Instance Attribute Material Allocation + + + + Особине + + Product Instance Attribute Material Allocation + + + + Изостави + + Exclude the ability to enter Attribute Sets + Create a record, if you want to exclude the ability to enter Product Attribute Set information. +Note that the information is cached. To have effect you may have to re-login or reset cache. + + + Изостави + + Exclude the ability to create Lots in Attribute Sets + Create a record, if you want to exclude the ability to create Lots in Product Attribute Set information. +Note that the information is cached. To have effect you may have to re-login or reset cache. + + + Изостави + + Exclude the ability to create Serial Numbers in Attribute Sets + Create a record, if you want to exclude the ability to create Serial Numbers in Product Attribute Set information. +Note that the information is cached. To have effect you may have to re-login or reset cache. + + + Allocate + + Allocate Payments to Invoices + You can directly allocate payments to invoices with the same currency when creating the Payment. +Note that you can over- or under-allocate the payment.<b> +When processing the payment, the allocation is created.<b> +The Organization is set to the invoice organization + + + BP Access + + Access of the User/Contact to Business Partner information and resources + If on User level, "Full BP Access" is NOT selected, you need to give access explicitly here. + + + Queries + + View and maintain saved queries + + + + Instance + + Пример комплета својстава + + + + Shipment, Receipt + + Material Shipment and Receipt Lines + + + + Movement + + Material Movement Lines + + + + Фактура + + AP / AR Invoice Lines + + + + Трошкови ред чекања + + Cost Queue for Lifo/Fifo + Note thet the cost queue may not be the same as the physical movement cost queue due to differences in costing level and warehouse priority. + + + Declaration + + Define the declaration to the tax authorities + The tax declaration allows you to create supporting information and reconcile the documents with the accounting + + + Ставка + + Tax Declaration Lines + The lines are created by the create process. You can delete them if you do not want to include them in a particular declaration. You can create manual adjustment lines. + + + Рачуноводство + + Tax Accounting Reconciliation + Displays all accounting related information for reconcilation with documents. It includes all revenue/expense and tax entries as a base for detail reporting + + + Хиерархија извештавања + + Хиерархија извештавања + Reporting Hierarchy allows you to select different Hierarchies/Trees for the report. +Accounting Segments like Organization, Account, Product may have several hierarchies to accomodate different views on the business + + + Налози за набавку + + Везани налози за набавку + + + + Ставке требовања + + Related Purchase Requisition Lines + + + + Контрола буџета + + Maintain Budget Controls + Budget Control allows you to restrict the use of expenditures, commitments (Purchase Orders) and reservations (Requisitions). If defined, you mey not be able to approve Requisitions, Purchse Orders, or AP Invoices. + + + Fund + + Maintain Fund Control + General Ledger Funds Control allows you to restrict the use of funds. This is independent from budget control. + + + Ограничење + + Restriction of Funds + If defined, you can use the fund only for the accounts selected. You can select summary values. + + + Used in Column + + Used in Column + + + + Used in Column + + Used in Column (Reference) + + + + Под конто + + Под конто за вредност елемента + The Element Value (e.g. Account) may have optional sub accounts for further detail. The sub account is dependent on the value of the account, so a further specification. If the sub-accounts are more or less the same, consider using another accounting dimension. + + + Translation + + Translation + + + + Client Share + + Force (not) sharing of client/org entities + Business Partner can be either defined on Client level (shared) or on Org level (not shared). You can define here of Products are always shared (i.e. always created under Organization "*") or if they are not shared (i.e. you cannot enter them with Organization "*").<br> +The creation of "Client and Org" shared records is the default and is ignored. + + + System Issue + + Automatically created or manually entered System Issue Reporting + System Issues are created to speed up the resolution of any system related issues (potential bugs). If enabled, they are automatically reported to Adempiere. No data or confidential information is transferred. + + + Assigned Partners + + Business Partners in Group + + + + Шема боја + + Шема боја за индикаторе перформанси + Visual representation of performance by color. The Schema has often three levels (e.g. red-yellow-green). Adempiere support two levels (e.g. red-green) or four levels (e.g. gray-bronce-silver-gold). Note that Measures without a goal are represented white. The percentages could be beween 0 and unlimited (i.e. above 100%). + + + Ограничење + + Performance Goal Restriction + Restriction of the performance measure to the Organization, Business Partner or Product defined. +Example: The performance is only measured for HQ +The measure must support the data, otherwise it is ignored. + + + Бенчмарк + + Performance Benchmark + Data Series to compare internal performance with (e.g. stock price, ...) + + + Подаци + + Performance Benchmark Data Point + Data Series Point to compare internal performance with (e.g. stock price, ...) + + + Однос + + Performance Ratio + Calculation instruction set for a performance ratio + + + Елемент + + Performance Ratio Element + Individual calculation instruction for a ratio + + + Издање препоруке + + Maintain Issue Recommendation + Recommendations how to fix an Issue + + + Статус издања + + Maintain Status of an Issue + Status of an Issue + + + Познато издање + + Maintain Known Issue + + + + Издање - корисник + + User who reported Issues + + + + Издање - пројекат + + Projects of automatic Issue Reporting + + + + Издање - пројекат + + Automatic Issue Reporting + + + + Издање - систем + + Maintain Issue Systems + + + + Status Category + + Request Status Category + Category of Request Status enables to maintain different set of Status for different Request Categories + + + Task Line + + Project Lines of Tasks + Maintain Project Lines of Tasks + + + Project Line + + Maintain Project Lines + Maintain Project Level Lines + + + Phase Line + + Project Lines of Phase + Maintain Project Lines on Phase Level + + + Пројекат + + A web project is the main datacontainer for Containers, URLs, Ads, Media etc. + A web project is the meta definition which will contain later on all data within the Web Content Management Project. + + + Domain + + Maintain Web Project Domains + Link between the Web Project and the public URLs (Domains) + + + Шаблон + + + + + + Media Server + + Web Project Media Server + Media Server for the web project + + + Канали новости + + + + + + News Item + + + + + + Advertisement Category + + Defines the categories to group Ads + + + + Реклама + + The Advertisement + + + + Медијске ставке + + Одржавање медијских ставки + Media items are deployed on the media servers. The media item can be an Image or an attachment. Attachments are ignored, if there is an image. If there are more then one attachment, the first is used. + + + Stage + + Maintain Container Stage + Maintain Container Stage information. + + + Stage Translation + + Maintain Container Stage Translation + + + + Container + + View Web Container + View deployed Web Container Information. + + + Container Translation + + View Container Translation + View deployed Web Container Translations + + + Container Element + + View Web Container Element + View deployed Web Container Element + + + Container Element Translation + + View Web Container Element Translation + View deployed Web Container Element Translation + + + Stage Element + + Container Stage Element + + + + Stage Element Translation + + Container Stage Element Translation + + + + Шаблон + + Web Project Template + CM Project Template + + + Врста чета + + Maintain Type of discussion / chat + Chat Type allows you to receive subscriptions for particular content of discussions. It is linked to a table. + + + Updates + + Subscribers for the Chat Type + Subscribers receive updates per email or notice + + + Чет + + View Chat or discussion thread + Thread of discussion + + + Chat Entry + + Individual Chat / Discussion Entry + The entry can not be changed - just the confidentiality + + + Updates + + Subscribers for this Chat + Subscribers receive updates per email or notice. In addition to the subscribers for this specific cta, also the subscribers of the Chat Type receive updates. + + + Media + + Media Elements + + + + Template Table + + Maintain Template Tables + Link a Template with a Table + + + Container T.Table + + View Container Template Table + Link to individual Record + + + Stage T.Table + + Maintain Container Stage Template Table + Link to individual Record + + + Web пројекат + + Select Media Project + + + + Ad Cat Template + + Advertisement Category link to Template + + + + Template Ad Category + + Maintain Template Advertisement Category + Link a Template with an Advertisement Category + + + Врста ентитета + + System Entity Type + The entity type determines the ownership of Application Dictionary entries. The types "Dictionary" and "Adempiere" should not be used and are maintainted by Adempiere (i.e. all changes are reversed during migration to the current definition). + + + System Modifin + + System Modification or Extension + Description of the System modification or extension + + + Web Access Profile + + Maintain Web Access Profile + Define access to collaboration management content. You can assign the profile to a internal role or for external access to business partner group. +If the profile is exclude (default), the assignees can view all but the defined content. If the profile is not exclude (include), the assigned roles and business partner groups can only view the listed content. + + + List Role + + Web Access for Role + Maintain the list of Roles with Access to this profile. + + + List BPartner Group + + Web Access for Business Partner Group + Maintain the list of Roles with Access to this profile. + + + Access Stage + + Web Access to Container Stage + Maintain the access to container stage + + + Access Container + + Web Access to Container + Maintain the access to container + + + Access News Channel + + Web Access to News Channel + Maintain the access to news channel + + + Access Media + + Web Access to Media + Maintain the access to media + + + Deplayment + + Media Deployment + Deployment to Media Server + + + Сервер + + Одржавање веб сервера за емитовање + + + + Прозор + + Info and search/select Window + The Info window is used to search and select records as well as display information relevant to the selection. + + + Window Translation + + Info Window Translation + + + + Колона + + Info Window Column + Column in the Info Window for display and/or selection. If used for selection, the column cannot be a SQL expression. The SQL clause must be fully qualified based on the FROM clause in the Info Window definition + + + Column Translation + + Infow Window Column Translation + + + + Index + + Text Search Index + Text search index keyword and excerpt across documents + + + Index Stop + + Keyword not to be indexed + Keyword not to be indexed, optional restriced to specific Document Type, Container or Request Type + + + Log + + View Text Search Queries + + + + ЛДАП сервер + + LDAP Server to authenticate and authorize external systems based on Adempiere + The LDAP Server allows third party software (e.g. Apache) to use the users defined in the system to authentificate and authorize them. There is only one server per Adempiere system. The "o" is the Client key and the optional "ou" is the Interest Area key. + + + LDAP Server Log + + Log of the LDAP Server + + + + LDAP Access + + User Access via LDAP + + + + LDAP Access + + User Access via LDAP + + + + Инсталирани пакети + + Инсталирани пакети + + + + Object Backups + + Details by column original values before the record was overwritten + Displays values for each column for each record that was updated by a package install. This backup is used in the package reversal process. + + + Package Installation Log + + Installation history of packages + + + + Objects Installed + + + + + + Export Package + + + + + + Package Details + + + + + + Common Details + + + + + + PackIn + + Import a package created by PackOut + + + + Подешивач система + + + + + + Уреди + + + + + + Веб мени + + To dynamically generate the menu links in posterita + + + + Мени улога + + У зависност од улоге, различити сет менија је генерисан и доступан. + + + + Веб особине + + Stores the message tags to be picked up from AD_MESSAGE + + + + Црна листа чекова + + Провера црне листе + + + + Document Action Access + + Define access to document type / document action / role combinations. + Define access to document type / document action / role combinations. + + + Провера модела + + + + + + Manufacturing Resource + + + + + + Производ + + + + + + Tools + + + + + + Manufacturing Workflows Translation + + + + + + Приступ + + + + + + Блок + + + + + + Параметар + + + + + + Node Translation + + + + + + Услов + + + + + + Активност + + Introduce the Name to identify the operations from the manufacturing routing. If desired give a Description for activity. + Introduce the Name to identify the operations from the manufacturing routing. If desired give a Description for activity. + + + Transition + + Workflow Node Transition + The Next Nodes Tab defines the order or Nodes or Steps in a Workflow. + + + Manufacturing Workflows + + Workflows used by manufacture a product + + + + Parent Product + + Define the Parent Product to this BOM & Formula + Define the Parent Product to this BOM & Formula + + + Components of the BOM & Formula + + Components of the BOM & Formula + The information relative to every component that will be used in the BOM & Formula of the finished product. + + + Data Planning + + + + + + Набавка + + + + + + Производ + + + + + + Допуна залиха + + + + + + Трансакција + + + + + + Белешка + + System Notice + The Notice Tab provides a method of viewing messages that are generated by this system when performing processes. + + + Order Activity + + Introduce the Name to identify the operations from the manufacturing routing. If desired give a Description for activity. + Introduce the Name to identify the operations from the manufacturing routing. If desired give a Description for activity. + + + Transition Next + + Workflow Node Transition + The Next Nodes Tab defines the order or Nodes or Steps in a Workflow. + + + Коштање + + In the Cost Tab we have a record for each Cost Element defined in the Product to be produced + In the Cost Tab we have a record for each Cost Element defined in the Product to be produced, for these Organization, Warehouse, Cost Type and Resource. + + + + + Components of the Manufacturing Order + + Components of the Manufacturing Order + The information relative to every component that will be used in the manufacture of the finished product is taken from the Bill of Materials. This information is contained in the Order BOM/Formula Line tab. + + + Order Parent Product + + Order Parent Product used in the Manufacturing Order + The BOM & Formula used in the Manufacturing Order are taken by default from the Product Planning window. + + + Радни ток + + Workflows used by the manufacturing orders + Workflows used by the manufacturing orders are taken by default from the Product Data Planning. + + + Node Product + + + + + + Node Asset + + + + + + Производ + + Define Product + The Product Tab defines each product and identifies it for use in price lists and orders. The Location is the default location when receiving the stored product. + + + Допуна залиха + + Define Replenishment + The Replenishment Tab defines the type of replenishment quantities. This is used for automated ordering. + + + Набавка + + Набавка + The Purchasing Tab define the pricing and rules ( pack quantity UPC minimum order quantity) for each product. + + + Пословни партнер + + Business Partner specific Information of a Product + Note that some information is for reference only! + + + Translation + + + + + + Activity Control + + + + + + Ставка налога + + + + + + Quality Specifications + + + + + + Quality Specifications Line + + + + + + Collector Cost + + + + + + Manufacturing Order + + Manufacturing Order + Manufacturing Schedule is a document group of documents or schedule identity conveying authority for the manufacture of specified parts or products in specified quantities. + + + Налог + + Distribution Order allow create Order inter warehouse to supply a demand + Distribution Order allow create Order inter warehouse to supply a demand + + + Прозор + + + + + + Језичак + + + + + + Поље + + + + + + Процес + + + + + + Параметар процеса + + + + + + Образац + + + + + + Задатак + + + + + + Радни ток + + + + + + Модул + + + + + + Степен + + + + + + Client Level + + + + + + Exceptions + + + + + + Правило + + + + + + Table Script Validator + + + + + + Distribution Network + + Distribution Network define the supply relationships + Each realtionship in the network contains a receiving warehouse and a warehouse source and a supply percentage. A relationship is one-way, warehouse to warehouse relationship. + + + Network Line + + + + + + Миграционе скрипте + + + + + + Tax Group + + Tax Groups let you group the business partner with a reference tax. + + + + Tax Definition + + Lets you define different tax combinations. + You can use the tax definition information to create the logic necessary to get the tax rate to your document. + + + Рачуноводство + + Рачуноводство + The Accounting Tab defines the accounting parameters to be used for transactions referencing this Tax Rate. + + + Tax Children + + Tax definition + The Tax Rate Window defines the different taxes used for each tax category. For example Sales Tax must be defined for each State in which it applies.<br> +If you have multiple taxes create a summary level tax with the approximate total tax rate and the actual tax rates pointing to the summary level tax as their parent. When entering the order or invoice lines the tax is estimated the correct tax is calculated when the document is processed. The tax is always calculated from the line net amount. If one tax has a the tax basis the line net amount and another tax you need to adjust the percentage to result in the correct amount.<br> +Valid From/To is determined by the parent tax. + + + Tax Parent + + Tax definition + The Tax Rate Window defines the different taxes used for each tax category. For example Sales Tax must be defined for each State in which it applies.<br> +If you have multiple taxes create a summary level tax with the approximate total tax rate and the actual tax rates pointing to the summary level tax as their parent. When entering the order or invoice lines the tax is estimated the correct tax is calculated when the document is processed. The tax is always calculated from the line net amount. If one tax has a the tax basis the line net amount and another tax you need to adjust the percentage to result in the correct amount.<br> +Valid From/To is determined by the parent tax. + + + Tax ZIP + + Tax Postal/ZIP + For local tax you may have to define a list of (ranges of) postal codes or ZIPs + + + Translation + + + + + + Tax Type + + Tax Types let you group taxes together. + + + + Tax Base + + + + + + Replication Document + + + + + + Export Format + + + + + + Export Format Line + + + + + + Export Processor + + + + + + Export Processor Parameter + + + + + + Export Processor Type + + + + + + Import Processor + + + + + + Параметар + + + + + + Log + + + + + + Import Processor Type + + + + + + Уговор + + Одржавање уговора о раду + + + + Област интересовања + + Business Partner Contact Interest Area + Interest Area can be used for Marketing Campaigns + + + Запослени + + Исплата радника + The Business Partner Tab defines any Entity with whom an organization transacts. + + + Особина + + Пословни партнер + The Business Partner Tab defines any Entity with whom an organization transacts. + + + Пословни партнер + + Пословни партнер + The Payroll Employee Window is used to define the Jobs into the Organizational Structure for a Company + + + Запослени/рачуноводство + + Define Employee Accounting + The Employee Accounting Tab defines the default accounts to use when this business partner is referenced on a expense reimbursement. + + + Рачун банке + + Define Bank Account + The Define Bank Account Tab defines the banking information for this business partner. This data is used for processing payments and remittances. + + + Локација + + Define Location + The Location Tab defines the physical location of a business partner. A business partner may have multiple location records. + + + Контакт (Корисник) + + Maintain User within the system - Internal or Business Partner Contact + The User identifies a unique user in the system. This could be an internal user or a business partner contact + + + Одељење + + + + + + Посао + + Одржавање платних послова + + + + Појам + + Одржавање платних појмова + + + + Рачуноводство појмова + + + + + + Атрибути радника + + Одржавање атрибута радника + Атрибути радника се користе за дефинисање додатних података о раднику + + + Процес + + + + + + Платни списак + + У предузећу, платни списак представља суму свих финансијских евиденција зарада, дневница, бонуса и одбитака. + + + + Периоди + + Периоди исплате + + + + Година + + Година платног списка + + + + Платни појмови + + Дефинисање платних појмова (зараде, дневнице, бонуси и одбици) + + + + Категорија платних појмова + + Oдржавање категорија платних појмова + + + + Тип табеле + + + + + + Платна табела + + Одржавање платних табела + + + + Верзија платне табеле + + Одржавање верзија платних табела + + + + Ред платне табеле + + Одржавање редова платне табеле + + + + Платни обрачун + + Историја платног обрачуна + + + + Особине + + + + + + Ревизија приступа + + Log of Access to data or resources + Logging needs to be explicitly enabled / written. + + + Revaluation Entry + + + + + + Maintain Index + + Maintain Index + + + + Create Asset Transfer Entry + + + + + + Create Disposal Entry + + + + + + Step4 Process Asset Split + + Split Assets + + + + Step1 Select an Asset + + List of Assets + + + + Step2 Select the Balance + + + + + + Step3 Select Accounting + + Select the fixed asset setup that you wish to split + + + + Step1 Select an Asset + + Select Asset for Disposal + + + + Step2 Asset Disposal + + Process the Disposal + + + + Step2 Select Accounting Setup + + Enter accounting setup information + + + + Step3 Process Transfers + + Process asset transfers + + + + Step1 Select Asset + + Select the asset to be transfered + + + + Create Split Asset Entry + + + + + + Build Workfile + + + + + + Create Depreciation Entry + + + + + + Depreciation Forecast + + + + + + Tax Information + + Tax information for asset + + + + Finance Information + + Finace Information for the Asset + + + + Подешавање рачуноводства + + Enter accounting setup information + + + + Asset History + + Detail asset transaction history + + + + License Information + + License Information for Asset + + + + Insurance Information + + Insurance Information for asset + + + + Other Information + + Other information associated with asset + + + + Asset Balances + + Asset Balance Report and Adjustments + + + + Cost Details + + Детаљи трошка + + + + Asset Usage + + Record Asset Usage + + + + Group Account + + Setup for Group Accounts + Setup of Group Accounts allows the user to set the default values for a particular asset group. If "Use as defaults" on this tab is checked then the predefined values on this tab will be populated in the appropriate fields for an individual asset. + + + Create Inbound AP Assets + + Create Inbound AP Assets + + + + Import Assets Setup + + Review Fixed before Import + + + + Import Accounting Setup + + Review Fixed before Import + + + + Import Asset Balances + + Review Fixed before Import + + + + Period Spread Type + + + + + + Depreciation Functions + + + + + + Depreciation Schedules + + + + + + Depreciation Schedule Details + + + + + + Setup Conventions + + Setup for depreciation conventions + + + + Define Depreciation Method + + Define Depreciation Method + + + + Charge Type + + + + + + Charge Type by Doc Type + + + + + + House Keeping + + + + + + BOM & Formula + + BOM & Formula + + + + Слогови + + + + + + Terminal + + + + + + Особине + + + + + + Searches + + + + + + Product Price Vendor Break + + + + + + Import Price List + + Import Price Lists + + + + Concept Ordering + + Concept Ordering + + + + Promotion Group + + + + + + Group Line + + + + + + Promotion + + + + + + Pre Condition + + + + + + Promotion Line + + + + + + Quantity Distribution + + + + + + Reward + + + + + + Translation + + Translation + The Translation Tab defines a Document Type in an alternate language. + + + Workflow Translation + + + + + + Order Activity Translation + + + + + + Parent Product Translation + + + + + + Components Translation + + BOM & Formula Line Translation + + + + Orden BOM Translation + + Translation + Translation + + + Order Components Translation + + + + + + Белешка + + MRP Notice + The Notice Tab provides a method of viewing messages that are generated by MRP process. + + diff --git a/data/sr_RS/AD_Table_Trl_sr_RS.xml b/data/sr_RS/AD_Table_Trl_sr_RS.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..0e80937d72 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/sr_RS/AD_Table_Trl_sr_RS.xml @@ -0,0 +1,2429 @@ + + + + + + Табела + + + Колона + + + Референца + + + AD_Ref_Table + + + Листа референци + + + Прозор + + + Језичак + + + Поље + + + Динамичка провера + + + Порука + + + Language ID + + + Клијент + + + Услови плаћања + + + Корисник/контакт + + + Секвенца + + + Мени + + + Радни ток + + + ОС Задатак + + + Message Trl + + + Menu Trl + + + AD_Sequence_Audit + + + AD_Sequence_No + + + Tab Trl + + + OS Task Trl + + + Инстанца задатка + + + Reference Trl + + + Field Trl + + + Чвор + + + Node Trl + + + Node Transition + + + Window Trl + + + Workflow Trl + + + Тест ИД + + + Reference List Trl + + + Календар + + + Курс конверзије + + + Валута + + + Елемент + + + Период + + + ЈМ + + + Организација + + + Улога + + + AD_User_Roles + + + Адреса + + + Не Пословни Дан + + + Регион + + + Земља + + + ЈМ конверзија + + + Комбинација + + + Година + + + C_BP_Customer_Acct + + + C_BP_Employee_Acct + + + C_BP_Vendor_Acct + + + Град + + + Контни елемент + + + Складиште + + + M_Warehouse_Acct + + + Преференције + + + Process Access + + + AD_Task_Access + + + AD_Window_Access + + + AD_Workflow_Access + + + Пројекат + + + C_Project_Acct + + + Локатор + + + Производ + + + Категорија производа + + + Product Purchasing + + + M_Substitute + + + Тип документа + + + Категорија ГК + + + Дневник + + + Дневник обрада + + + Дненик став + + + AD_ClientInfo + + + Organization Info + + + Период контроле + + + Продајни регион + + + M_Replenish + + + M_Storage + + + Product Price + + + Категорија пореза + + + Испоручилац + + + Прилог + + + Ценовник + + + Распоред рачуна + + + Налог + + + Ставка налога за продају + + + Порез + + + Контни план + + + C_AcctSchema_GL + + + Accounting Fact + + + Буџет + + + Product Acct + + + Кампања + + + Канал + + + Системски елемент + + + System Element Trl + + + Елемент контног плана + + + Инстанца процеса + + + AD_PInstance_Para + + + Процес + + + Параметар процеса + + + Process Parameter Trl + + + Process Trl + + + Стабло + + + Tree Node + + + Пословни партнер + + + Локација партнера + + + Верзија ценовника + + + Банка + + + Рачун банке + + + Партнеров рачун у банци + + + C_BP_Withholding + + + Document Type Trl + + + Опомена + + + Account Element Trl + + + Payment Term Trl + + + Обуставе + + + Product Trl + + + Потраживање + + + Порез + + + C_AcctSchema_Default + + + Активност + + + Фактура + + + Отпремница + + + Ставка отпремнице + + + Поп.залиха + + + Ставка пописа залиха + + + Интерна доставница + + + Премештај ставка + + + Производња + + + Ставка производње + + + Product Costing + + + Трансакција залиха + + + Ниво опомене + + + Dunning Level Trl + + + Ставка фактуре + + + C_InvoiceTax + + + Уплата + + + Препознавање прихода + + + Ниво услуге + + + Ниво услуге ставка + + + UOM Trl + + + Вечите залихе + + + Поздрав + + + Greeting Trl + + + Tax Category Trl + + + Налог детаљи + + + Извештај поглед + + + Transaction Sum + + + T_Replenish + + + T_Spool + + + ЕДИ дефиниција + + + ЕДИ трансакција + + + EDI Log + + + Дан за рачун + + + Invoice Month + + + Invoice ProdMonth + + + Invoice ProdWeek + + + Invoice VendorMonth + + + Invoice Week + + + Посебан образац + + + Special Form Trl + + + AD_Form_Access + + + Грешка + + + Формат увоза + + + Формат поља + + + Саставница ставка + + + Производни план + + + Invoice CustomerProdQtr + + + Invoice CustomerVendQtr + + + Белешка + + + Allocation Line + + + C_BankAccount_Acct + + + Извод + + + Bank statement line + + + Група пословних партнера + + + Business Partner Group Acct + + + C_Charge_Acct + + + C_InterOrg_Acct + + + Payment Processor + + + C_Tax_Acct + + + C_Withholding_Acct + + + Product Category Acct + + + W_Basket_ID + + + Веб бројач + + + Тражи + + + System Attribute + + + AD_Attribute_Value + + + Дневник благајне + + + Благајна + + + C_CashBook_Acct + + + Ставка дневника благајне + + + Пакетна обрада уплата + + + Open Item + + + Група поља + + + Field Group Trl + + + Шаблони за писма + + + Захтеви + + + Историја захтева + + + Процесор захтева + + + AD_Role_OrgAccess + + + Фактура + + + InvoiceLine + + + Mat Transaction + + + Одабир плаћања + + + Ставка одабира плаћања + + + Report view Column + + + Провизија + + + Износ провизије + + + Ставка провизије + + + Циклус пројекта + + + C_CyclePhase + + + Project Line + + + Покретање провизија + + + Детаљи провизије + + + Постигнуће + + + Циљ + + + Мери + + + Рачуница мерења + + + Revenue Recognition Plan + + + Revenue Recognition Run + + + Финансијски Извештај + + + Колона извештаја + + + Поставке колоне извештаја + + + Ставка извештаја + + + Извештај поставки сета ставки + + + Извештај извор + + + Tree Node BP + + + Tree Node MM + + + Tree Node PR + + + Образац за штампу + + + Bank Account Document + + + AD_TreeBar + + + Системска боја + + + Радна површина + + + Desktop Workbench + + + Desktop Trl + + + Слика + + + Корисничко дефинисано поље + + + User defined Tab + + + User defined Window + + + Радни сто + + + Workbench Window + + + Workbench Trl + + + Cash Detail + + + Уклопи рачун + + + Match PO + + + Request Routing + + + Шема попуста + + + Discount Schema Break + + + Дисконтни ценовник + + + T_InventoryValue + + + Product Costing + + + Врста ресурса + + + Врста расхода + + + Resource Unavailability + + + Додела ресурса + + + Извештај расхода + + + Ресурс + + + Expense Line + + + Print Format Item + + + Боја штампања + + + Фонт штампе + + + Папир штампања + + + Формат штампања + + + C_Invoice_LineTax_v + + + Order Header Print + + + Order LineTax Print + + + C_PaySelection_Check_v + + + C_PaySelection_Remittance_v + + + Shipment/Receipt Header v + + + Shipment/Receipt Line v + + + C_Invoice_Header_v + + + ППартнер + + + Графикон + + + Print Format Item Trl + + + Штампа - формат табеле + + + Dunning Run Line + + + Pay Selection Check + + + Покретање опомена + + + Dunning Run Entry + + + R_ContactInterest + + + Врста захтева + + + Област интересовања + + + Систем + + + Увоз - производ + + + Увоз пословног партнера + + + Увези конто + + + Увези сет ставки извештаја + + + Training Class + + + Тренинг + + + Актива + + + Расходовање средстава + + + Испорука средстава + + + Група средства + + + T_Report + + + T_ReportStatement + + + Tax Trl + + + Fact_Acct_Balance + + + Распоред плаћања + + + Ставка корпе + + + Web Click + + + Распоред уплата фактура + + + Бројање бројача + + + Број кликова + + + Payment_v + + + Контрола серијског броја + + + Контрола шарже + + + Шаржа + + + Вредност особине + + + Пример комплета својстава + + + Комплет особина + + + M_AttributeInstance + + + Особина + + + M_AttributeUse + + + Претрага особине + + + AD_Table_Access + + + Сесија + + + AD_Record_Access + + + Print Label Line Trl + + + Штампа налепнице ставка + + + Штампа налепнице + + + AD_Column_Access + + + Увоз залиха + + + Recurring Run + + + Враћајући + + + Врста пројекта + + + Фаза пројекта + + + Стандардна фаза + + + AD_PInstance_Log + + + Реклама + + + Change Log + + + Врста времена + + + Стандардни задатак + + + Задатак пројекта + + + Org Assignment + + + Врста коштања + + + Корак циклуса + + + Увези наруџбеницу + + + Alert Recipient + + + Правило упозорења + + + Аларм + + + Категорија превознине + + + Превознина + + + Увези плаћања + + + Увези фактуре + + + Увези дневник главне књиге + + + Увоз извода из банке + + + Репликациона табела + + + Стратегија репликације + + + Репликација покретање + + + Дневник репликације + + + Репликација + + + Врста знања + + + Поглавље знања + + + Синоним знања + + + Извор знања + + + Related Entry + + + K_EntryCategory + + + Entry + + + Entry Comment + + + Вредност категорије + + + Категорија знања + + + Country Trl + + + Currency Trl + + + C_Project_Header_v + + + C_Project_Details_v + + + Циклус пројекта + + + Испорука средстава + + + Asset Customer + + + Пројекат издање + + + Label printer Function + + + Регистрација система + + + Штампач налепница + + + AD_Private_Access + + + Project Line Issue + + + Mat Transaction + + + Warehouse Storage + + + T_Aging + + + Product Business Partner + + + Click Unprocessed + + + Click Month + + + Није књижено + + + M_TransactionAllocation + + + Врста валуте + + + C_Currency_Acct + + + Warehouse Price + + + Bank Statement Loader + + + Import Conversion Rate + + + User Substitute + + + Workflow Node Parameter + + + Workflow Activity + + + Процес радног тока + + + Одговоран за радни ток + + + Workflow Block + + + Workflow Process Data + + + Workflow Event Audit + + + Workflow Activity Result + + + Регистрација + + + Registration Attribute + + + A_RegistrationValue + + + InvoiceTax + + + Fact Acct Period + + + Fact Acct Day + + + Accounting Fact View + + + Уклапање извода + + + Request Processor Log + + + Ставке књижног писма + + + Књижно писмо + + + Product Related + + + Ставка пакета + + + Пакет + + + Дистрибуциона листа линија + + + Дистрибуциона листа + + + Испорука претплате + + + Врста претплате + + + Претплата + + + RfQ Subscriber + + + Област захтева за понуду + + + RfQ Response Line Qty + + + RfQ Response Line + + + Одговори захтева за понудама + + + RfQ Line Quantity + + + RfQ Line + + + Захтеви за понуду + + + Односи са партнерима + + + Поглавље + + + Seller Funds + + + B_Seller + + + Понуда + + + Фондови купца + + + B_Buyer + + + Лицитација коментар + + + Лицитација + + + Scheduler Log + + + Распоред + + + Врста организације + + + Topic Type + + + Topic Category + + + Accounting Processor Log + + + Рачуноводствени процесор + + + Workflow Processorl Log + + + Процесор радних токова + + + AD_Scheduler_Para + + + Alert Processor Log + + + Обрађивач аларма + + + Tax ZIP + + + Требовање + + + Requisition Line + + + Scheduler Recipient + + + Белешка прилога + + + Transition Condition + + + GL Distribution Line + + + ГК дистрибуција + + + RfQ UnAnswered + + + Одговори захтева за понудама + + + Требовање + + + Покретање дистрибуције + + + Distribution Run Line + + + T_DistributionRunDetail + + + Registration Product + + + Asset SumMonth + + + Дневник приступа + + + Бројач документа + + + Тражња ставка + + + Предвиђање + + + Тражња детаљи + + + Предвиђање линија + + + Тражња + + + C_RfQResponseLine_v + + + C_RfQResponse_v + + + C_RfQResponseLineQty_v + + + Потврда испоруке/пријема + + + Ship/Receipt Confirmation Line + + + Врста књижног писма + + + InOut Confirm + + + InOut Line Confirm + + + Shipment/Receipt Confirmation v + + + Shipment/Receipt Confirmation + + + Расподела + + + Расподела + + + Потврда ставке премештаја + + + Потврда премештаја + + + PrintFormat Detail + + + Ship/Receipt Confirmation Import Line + + + C_Dunning_Header_v + + + C_Dunning_Line_v + + + SLA Measure + + + SLA критеријум + + + SLA Goal + + + Table Trl + + + RfQ Topic Subscriber Restriction + + + ПОС терминал + + + ПОС распоред тастера + + + Распоред тастера + + + InOut Details + + + Column Trl + + + Пробни биланс + + + Архива + + + Уплата + + + BPartnerOpen + + + Покретање провизије - детаљно + + + T_Transaction + + + Зависни трошкови + + + Зависни трошкови расподела + + + C_ProjectIssueMA + + + M_InOutLineMA + + + M_InventoryLineMA + + + M_MovementLineMA + + + Production Line MA + + + M_Transaction_v + + + Пакетна обрада фактура + + + Invoice Batch Line + + + AD_User_OrgAccess + + + Елемент коштања + + + Трошкови производа + + + Категорија + + + Група + + + Resolution + + + Standard Response + + + Статус + + + Product Download + + + Web продавница + + + Web Store Trl + + + Mail Message + + + Mail Message Trl + + + User Mail + + + Request Update Recipiants + + + Request Type Updates + + + R_CategoryUpdates + + + R_GroupUpdates + + + Request Updates + + + Request Updates Only + + + Радно место + + + Категоризација радних места + + + Додељивање радног места + + + Плате + + + Position Remuneration + + + Employee Remuneration + + + Алтернативна група + + + Product Operation + + + Operation Resource + + + Саст. + + + Измена белешке + + + Промена захтева + + + BOM Component + + + Захтевај ажурирање + + + T_InvoiceGL + + + T_InvoiceGL_v + + + Коштање производа + + + Резиме коштања производа + + + Детаљи коштања производа + + + Детаљи трошка + + + Exclude Attribute Set + + + Изузми шаржу + + + Exclude SerNo + + + Allocate Payment + + + User BP Access + + + User Query + + + M_InOutLineMA_v + + + M_MovementLineMA_v + + + Трошкови ред чекања + + + Декларација пореза + + + Tax Declaration Line + + + Tax Declaration Accounting + + + Хиерархија извештавања + + + Контрола буџета + + + GL Fund + + + Fund Restriction + + + Под конто + + + Mail Template Trl + + + Client Share + + + System Issue + + + Invoice ProductQtr + + + Invoice ProductMonth + + + Шема боја + + + Ограничење циља + + + Бенчмарк + + + Бенчмарк подаци + + + Однос + + + Ratio Element + + + Издање препоруке + + + Статус издања + + + Познато издање + + + Издање - корисник + + + Издање - пројекат + + + Издање - систем + + + Status Category + + + Tree Node CM Container + + + Tree Node CM Media + + + Tree Node CM Stage + + + Tree Node CM Template + + + Tree Node User 4 + + + Tree Node User 3 + + + Tree Node User 2 + + + Tree Node User 1 + + + Web пројекат + + + Шаблон + + + Web Container + + + Advertisement Category + + + Медијске ставке + + + Реклама + + + Media Server + + + Container Element + + + Container Element Trl + + + Web Container Trl + + + Container URL + + + Web Container Stage + + + Container Stage Element + + + Container Stage Element Trl + + + Web Container Stage Trl + + + Канали новости + + + News Item / Article + + + Template Advertising Category + + + WebProject Domain + + + Врста чета + + + Chat Type Update + + + Чет + + + Chat Entry + + + Chat Update + + + Template Table + + + Container T.Table + + + Stage T.Table + + + Врста ентитета + + + Modification + + + Web Access Profile + + + Web Access BP Group + + + Web Access Role + + + Web Access Container + + + Web Access Stage + + + Web Access Media + + + Web Access NewsChannel + + + Media Deploy + + + Broadcast Server + + + Web Access Log + + + Информациони прозор + + + Info Window Trl + + + Info Column + + + Info Column Trl + + + Index Log + + + Index + + + Index Stop + + + Ldap Processor + + + Ldap Processor Log + + + Ldap Access + + + Wiki Token + + + AD_Package_Imp_Inst + + + AD_Package_Imp_Backup_ID + + + AD_Package_Imp_ID + + + AD_Package_Imp_Detail_ID + + + AD_Package_Exp_ID + + + AD_Package_Exp_Detail_ID + + + AD_Package_Exp_Common_ID + + + AD_Package_Imp_Proc_ID + + + Подешивач система + + + PA_DashboardContent_ID + + + Black List Cheque + + + Веб особине + + + Мени улога + + + Веб мени + + + ПОС терминал + + + Product Stock at Warehouses + + + Document Action Access + + + Провера модела + + + Product Substitute with Stock Info + + + Workflow Node Product + + + Workflow Node Asset + + + BOM & Formula + + + Саставница ставка + + + Product Planning + + + View Material Requirement Planning + + + Активност редоследа производње + + + Manufacturing Order Activity Next + + + Manufacturing Order Cost + + + Manufacturing Order BOM Line + + + Manufacturing Order BOM + + + Manufacturing Order + + + View Order BOM Line + + + Manufacturing Order Workflow + + + Manufacturing Order Activity Product + + + Manufacturing Order Activity Asset + + + View Order Storage + + + View Product Costing + + + View Manufacturing Order Transactions + + + Manufacturing Cost Collector + + + View Operation_Activity + + + Distribution Order + + + Distribution Order Line + + + DD_Order_Header_v + + + Quality Specification + + + QM_SpecificationLine_ID + + + View Product Costing + + + Material Requirement Planning + + + Temporal MRP & CRP + + + Temporal BOM Line + + + ASP Window + + + ASP Tab + + + ASP Field + + + ASP Process + + + ASP Process Parameter + + + ASP Form + + + ASP Task + + + ASP Workflow + + + ASP Module + + + ASP Level + + + Client Level + + + Client Exception + + + Правило + + + Table Script Validator + + + Network Distribution + + + Network Distribution Line + + + Manufacturing Order MA + + + View Product BOM Line + + + Migration Script + + + Tax Group + + + Tax Definition + + + Tax Type + + + Tax Base + + + Replication Document + + + Export Format + + + Format Line + + + Export Processor + + + Processor Parameter + + + Export Processor Type + + + Import Processor + + + Import Processor Parameter + + + Import Processor Log + + + Import Processor Type + + + Уговор о раду + + + Радник + + + Платни атрибут радника + + + Платно одељење + + + Платни посао + + + Платни појам + + + Конто платног појма + + + Обрада платног списка + + + Платни списак + + + Период платног списка + + + Година платног списка + + + Платни појам + + + Категорија платних концепата + + + Тип платне листе + + + Платна листа + + + Верзија платне листе + + + Ставка платне листе + + + Платни обрачун + + + Depreciation Type + + + A_Depreciation_Table_Detail_ID + + + A_Depreciation_Table_Header_ID + + + A_Depreciation_Exp_ID + + + A_Depreciation_Workfile_ID + + + I_FAJournal_ID + + + A_Depreciation_Forecast_ID + + + A_Asset_Reval_Entry_ID + + + A_Asset_Reval_Index_ID + + + A_Depreciation_Entry_ID + + + A_Asset_Split_ID + + + A_Asset_Acct_ID + + + Depreciation Calculation Type + + + A_Depreciation_Convention_ID + + + A_Asset_Spread_ID + + + A_Asset_Disposed_ID + + + A_Asset_Transfer_ID + + + A_Depreciation_Build_ID + + + A_Asset_Group_Acct_ID + + + A_Asset_Info_Tax_ID + + + A_Asset_Info_Fin_ID + + + A_Asset_Change_ID + + + A_Asset_Info_Lic_ID + + + A_Asset_Info_Ins_ID + + + A_Asset_Info_Oth_ID + + + A_Asset_Addition_ID + + + A_Asset_Use_ID + + + I_Asset_ID + + + A_Valid_Asset_Combinations + + + Forecast Report + + + Forecast Report for Period + + + Distribution Order Detail + + + Charge Type + + + Charge Type by Doc Type + + + House Keeping Configuration + + + View Order Workflow + + + Cost BOM Line + + + AD_SearchDefinition + + + Product Price with Vendor Break + + + Import Price List + + + Promotion Group + + + Promotion Group Line + + + Promotion + + + Promotion Line + + + Promotion Pre Condition + + + Promotion Distribution + + + Promotion Reward + + + Charge Trl + + + Order Workflow Trl + + + Order Node Trl + + + BOM & Formula Translation + + + BOM & Formula Line Translation + + + Order BOM & Formula Translation + + + Order BOM & Formula Line Translation + + + Manufacturing Order Head *** Templete *** + + + Manufacturing Order BOM Head *** Templete *** + + + Manufacturing Order BOM Lines *** Templete *** + + + Manufacturing Order Workflow Header + + + Manufacturing Order Node + + + PP_Order_Header_v + + diff --git a/data/sr_RS/AD_Task_Trl_sr_RS.xml b/data/sr_RS/AD_Task_Trl_sr_RS.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..4a67a9cb1d --- /dev/null +++ b/data/sr_RS/AD_Task_Trl_sr_RS.xml @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ + + + + + + Верзија Јаве + Прикажите верзију подразумеване Јава виртуелне машине + The java version used by the application might be different. + + + Извоз базе података + Извоз (снимање) базе података + Run this command from the server + + + База података - трансфер + Трансфер базе података + Run this command from the server + + diff --git a/data/sr_RS/AD_WF_Node_Trl_sr_RS.xml b/data/sr_RS/AD_WF_Node_Trl_sr_RS.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..b1e580f25d --- /dev/null +++ b/data/sr_RS/AD_WF_Node_Trl_sr_RS.xml @@ -0,0 +1,416 @@ + + + + + + Контни план + Project as Account Segment + To enable accounting reporting of projects, create and enable a project segment in the account elements. + + + System Elements + Translate System Elements + System Elements are used to centrally define field labels, description and help. When translating an Element, the appropriate information of Fields in Windows, Parameters and Reports are translated (overwritten) + + + Поруке + Translate Messages + Translate the messages used in Windows, Forms and Processes + + + Референца + Translate References + References are used as prefedined selection lists. You only need to translate the List Elements !! + + + Window & Tab + Translate Windows and Tabs + Translate the Name, Description and Help for Windows and Tabs. Most of the Fields are already translated, if they are centrally maintained. + + + Образац + Translate Forms + Forms are special Windows and you need to translate its name, description and Help. + + + Извештај и процес + Translate Reports and Processes + Translate the Name, Description and Help for Processes and Reports. You don't need to translate the Parameters, if they are centrally maintained. + + + Корисник + Define Sales Representative as User + Users can log into the system and have access to functionality via one or more roles. Select the Business Partner you just set up. This enables the user to be treated as sales rep in the system. + + + Пословни партнер + Set up Sales Representative as Business Partner + Set up the sales representative as Employee and Sales Representative in the Employee tab. Also set up the Vendor part, if you want to create payments. + + + Радни ток + Translate Workflows + Translate Name, Description and Help of Workflows and their Nodes. You only need to translate the List Elements !! + + + Check Client Setup + Check Client setup for Requests + You need to have a mail server and an email address from which the requets an notifications are sent. Optionally, if you define a mail user and password, requests are read from the mail users's folder and imported into the system. + + + Check Users + Check users for Request processing + Please ensure that users have a email address and supervisor assigned. + + + Check Business Partners + Check Business Partners for Request processing + You can send EMails to businbess partners. Make sure, that the business partners and/or the Contacts have email addresses. + + + Категорија пореза + Одржавање стопа категорија + The Tax Category Window is used to enter and maintain Tax Categories. Each product is associated with a tax category which facilitates reacting changing tax rates. + + + Производ + Одржавање производа + The Product Window defines all products used by an organization. These products include those sold to customers, used in the manufacture of products sold to customers and products purchased by an organization. + + + Потраживање + Одржавање трошкова + The Charges Window defines the different charges that may be incurred. These can include Bank Charges, Vendor Charges and Handling Charges. + + + Стопа пореза + Одржавање пореза и њихових стопа + The Tax Rate Window defines the different taxes used for each tax category. For example Sales Tax must be defined for each State in which it applies. + + + Контни план + Одржавање контних планова - да би промене постале ефективне морате се поново пријавити + The Accounting Schema Window defines an accounting method and the elements that will comprise an account structure. Create and activate elements for detailed accounting for Business Partners, Products, Locations, etc. +Review and change the GL and Default accounts. The actual accounts used in transactions depend on the executing organization; Most of the information is derived from the context. + + + Manufacturing Workflow Setup + Setup Manufacturing Workflow + + + + Discrete Manufacturing Setup + Setup Manufacturing Management + + + + Bill of Material & Formula Setup + Setup Manufacturing Management + + + + Складишта и локатори + Складишта и локатори + + + + Врста ресурса + Врста ресурса + + + + Manufacturing Workflows + Manufacturing Workflows + + + + Manufacturing Resource + Manufacturing Resource + + + + Јединице мере + Одржавање јединица мере + + + + Производ + Одржавање производа + + + + Material Requirement Planning Setup + Setup Material Requirement Planning + + + + Capacity Requirement Planning Setup + Setup Capacity Requirement Planning + + + + Предвиђање + Предвиђање + + + + Manufacturing Management Setup + MRP is a set of techniques which uses Bills of Material, Inventory Data, and the Master Production Schedule to calculate requirements for materials. + + + + Белешка + MRP is a set of techniques which uses Bills of Material, Inventory Data, and the Master Production Schedule to calculate requirements for materials. + + + + Discrete Manufacturing Setup + MRP is a set of techniques which uses Bills of Material, Inventory Data, and the Master Production Schedule to calculate requirements for materials. + + + + Material Requirement Planning Setup + Setup Material Requirement Planning + + + + Manufacturing Workflow Setup + Setup Manufacturing Workflow + + + + Calculate Capacity Plan + Calculate Capacity Plan + + + + Resource Load View + It shows graphically of the required and available time for each manufacturing resource. + + + + Material Requirement Planning Setup + Setup Material Requirement Planning + + + + Manufacturing Management Setup + Setup Manufacturing Management + + + + Distribution Management Setup + Setup Distribution Management + + + + Planned Order Approval + Planned Order Approval + + + + MRP Notice + MRP Notice + + + + MRP Info + MRP Info + + + + Calculate Distribution Plan + Calculate Distribution Plan + + + + (DocComplete) + (Standard Node) + + + + (DocPrepare) + (Standard Node) + + + + (Start) + (Standard Node) + + + + Категорија превознине + Одржавање катагорија превознине + + + + Интерна доставница + Интерна доставница + + + + Испоручилац + Одржавање испоручиоца + + + + Multi Level BOM & Formula Detail + Shows in two different panels the parent-component relationship for the product entered in the Product field. + + + + BOM & Formula Info + Shows in two different panels the parent-component relationship for the product entered in the Product field. + + + + Bill of Materials & Formula + Maintain Product Bill of Materials & Formula + + + + Product Planning + Product Planning + + + + Calculate Low Level + MRP is a set of techniques which uses Bills of Material, Inventory Data, and the Master Production Schedule to calculate requirements for materials. + + + + Calculate Material Plan + MRP is a set of techniques which uses Bills of Material, Inventory Data, and the Master Production Schedule to calculate requirements for materials. + + + + Planned Order Approval + MRP is a set of techniques which uses Bills of Material, Inventory Data, and the Master Production Schedule to calculate requirements for materials. + + + + MRP Info + MRP is a set of techniques which uses Bills of Material, Inventory Data, and the Master Production Schedule to calculate requirements for materials. + + + + Print & Release Order + Print & Release Order + + + + Order Receipt & Issue + Order Receipt & Issue + + + + Manufacturing Order + Manufacturing Order + + + + Component Check + Component Check + + + + Generate Movement + Generate and print Movement from open Distribution Orders + + + + Generate Movement Manual + Generate Movement to a Order Distribution + + + + Distribution Order + Distribution Order allow create Order inter warehouse to supply a demand + + + + Import Proccesor + Import Proccesor + + + + Import Processor Type + Import Processor Type + + + + Export Format + Export Format + + + + Export Processor + Export Processor + + + + Export Processor Type + Export Processor Type + + + + Стратегија репликације + Стратегија репликације + + + + Платни списак + + + + + Категорија платних концепата + + + + + Уговор о раду + + + + + Обрада платног списка + + + + + Платна табела + + + + + Платно одељење + + + + + Радник + + + + + Бележница платних акција + + + + + Тип платне листе + + + + + Платни посао + + + + + Каталог платних појмова + + + + diff --git a/data/sr_RS/AD_Window_Trl_sr_RS.xml b/data/sr_RS/AD_Window_Trl_sr_RS.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..c40c531536 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/sr_RS/AD_Window_Trl_sr_RS.xml @@ -0,0 +1,1773 @@ + + + + + + Табела и колона + Одржавање табела и колона + Прозор табеле и колоне дефинише све табеле са припадајућим колонама + + + Референца + Одржавање референци система + The Reference Window defines field/display types and validations. This window is for System Admin use only. + + + Прозор, језичак и поље + Одржавање прозора, језичка и поља + The Window, Tab & Field Window defines the presentation of tables and columns within each window. + + + Правила провере исправности + Одржавање динамичких правила исправности за колона и поља + The Validation Rules Window defines all dynamic rules used when entering and maintaining columns and fields. This window is for System Admin use only. + + + Порука + Одржавање информација и порука о грешкама + The Message Window defines the Message Text and Message Tips for each system generated message. It is for System Admin use only. + + + Мени + Одржавање менија + The Maintain Menu Window defines the Menu which will display. It is for System Admin use only. The menu items that each user will see depends upon the security defined. + + + Језик + Одржавање језика + The Language Window allows you to define multiple parallel language for users. This allows users to access the same data but have the windows, tabs and fields appear in different languages. +If a language is a System Language, you can change the User Interface to this language (after translation). Otherwise the language is only used for printing documents. + +For the language code, we suggest using the Java convention of country and language (e.g. fr_CN - Canadian French). + +Verify the translation creates missing translation records. Start this process after creating a new language. + + + Уклопљене фактуре + Погледај уклопљене фактуре + View detals of matched invoice lines to material receipt lines + + + Корисник + Одржавање корисника система + The User Window allows you to maintain User of the system. Users can log into the system and have access to functionality via one or more roles. A user can also be a business partner contact. + + + Клијент + Одржавање клијента + The Client is the highest level of an independent business entity. Each Client will have one or more Organizations reporting to it. Each Client defines the accounting parameters (Accounting Schema, Tree definition, Non Monetary UOM's). To create new Clients, run the Initial Client Setup with the System Administrator Role. +Do not create a new client in this window, but use "Initial Client Setup" to set up the required security and access rules. If you create a new client here, you will not be able to view it and also the required client infrastructure would not have been set up. + + + Организација + Одржавање организација + The Organization Window allows you to define and maintain Organizational entities. An Organization is often a legal entity or sub-unit for which documents and transactions are processed + + + Улога + Одржавање корисничких права + The Role Window allows you to define the different roles that users of this system will have. Roles control access to windows, tasks, reports, etc. For a client an Administrator and User role are predefined. You may add additional roles to control access for specific functionality or data. Можете доделити кориснике улози. Note that access information is cached and requires re-login or reset of cache. + + + Секвенца документа + Одржавање секвенци документа и система + The Sequence Window defines how document numbers will be sequenced. +Change the way document numbers are generated. You may add a prefix or a suffix or change the current number. + + + Радни ток + Одржавање радних токова + The Workflow Window defines Workflows in the system, the access level for the Workflow and the Nodes or Steps within the Workflow. + + + Задатак + Одржавање задатака + The Maintain Tasks window defines the different tasks used in workflows and the access level for those tasks. + + + Валута + Одржавање валута + The Currency Window defines any currency which will be used in documents or reporting. You would define used currencies on System level and add currencies on Client level only for statistical currencies (e.g. for instable currencies) + + + Стопа валуте + Одржавање стопи валута за конверзију + The Conversion Rates window is used to define the conversion rates that will be used when converting document amounts from one currency to another. Note that only the multiply rate is used; The divide rate is for visualization only. + + + Календарска година и период + Одржавање календарски година и периода + The Calendar Year and Periods defines the calendars that will be used for period control and reporting. You can also define non-standard calendars (e.g. business year from July to June). + + + Контни елемент + Одржавање контних елемената + The Account Element Window is used to define and maintain the Accounting Element and User Defined Elements. +One of the account segments is your natural account segment (Chart of Account). You may add a new account element for parallel reporting or for user defined accounting segments. + + + Јединице мере + Одржавање јединица мере + The Unit of Measure Window is used to define non monetary units of measure. It also defines if conversion between units of measure are allowed and how they are to be performed. The system provides some automatic conversions between units of measures (e.g. minute, hour, day, working day, etc.) if they are not explicitly defined here. +Conversions need to be direct (i.e. if you have only a conversion between A-B and B-C, the system cannot convert A-C, you need to define it explicitly). + + + Локација + Одржавање адреса локација + The Location Window defines the address data within the system. This window is for System Admin only. Users would access location entries using the location button or tab on the appropriate window (i.e Order Entry or Business Partner) + + + Земља и град + Одржавање земаља и градова + The Countries, Regions and Cities Window defines the different entities that can be used in any address field. It defines the format of the address as well as associating Regions with Countries and Cities with Regions or Countries. +<p>You would define Countries usually only on System level. + + + Пословни партнер + Одржавање пословних партнера + The Business Partner window allows you do define any party with whom you transact. This includes customers, vendors and employees. Prior to entering or importing products, you must define your vendors. Prior to generating Orders you must define your customers. This window holds all information about your business partner and the values entered will be used to generate all document transactions + + + Контни план + Одржавање контних планова - да би промене постале ефективне морате се поново пријавити + The Accounting Schema Window defines an accounting method and the elements that will comprise an account structure. Create and activate elements for detailed accounting for Business Partners, Products, Locations, etc. +Review and change the GL and Default accounts. The actual accounts used in transactions depend on the executing organization; Most of the information is derived from the context. + + + Тест + Екран теста + + + + Прилог + Одржавање прилога + Само за одржавање система. The Maintain Attachments window is used for diagnostic purposes to display the attributes of an attachment. + + + Преференције + Одржавање системског клијента организације и корисничких подешавања + Само за кориснике који су систем администратори. + + + Пројекат + Одржавање пројеката + The Project Window is used to define the projects which will can be tracked by phases and tasks. + + + Категорија ГК + Одржавање категодија главне књиге + The GL Category Window allows you to define categories to be used in journals. These categories provide a method of optionally grouping and reporting on journals. + + + Дневник главне књиге + Унос и измена ручно унетих рачуноводствених ставова + The GL Journal Window allows you to enter and modify manual journal entries + + + Активност (АБЦ) + Одржавање активности за систем коштања базиран на активностима + The Activity Based Costing Window defines the different activities for which you want to capture costs. + + + Тип документа + Одржавање типова докумената + The Document Type Window defines any document to be used in the system. Each document type provides the basis for processing of each document and controls the printed name and document sequence used. + + + Стопа пореза + Одржавање пореза и њихових стопа + The Tax Rate Window defines the different taxes used for each tax category. For example Sales Tax must be defined for each State in which it applies. + + + Категорија пореза + Одржавање стопа категорија + The Tax Category Window is used to enter and maintain Tax Categories. Each product is associated with a tax category which facilitates reacting changing tax rates. + + + Складишта и локатори + Одржавање складишта и локатора + The Warehouse and Locators Window defines each Warehouse, any Locators for that Warehouse and the Accounting parameters to be used for inventory in that Warehouse. + + + Производ + Одржавање производа + The Product Window defines all products used by an organization. These products include those sold to customers, used in the manufacture of products sold to customers and products purchased by an organization. + + + Услови плаћања + Одржавање услова плаћања + Прозор са условима продаје дефинише различите услове које нудите купцима и који су понуђени вама од стране ваших добављача. Свака фактура мора да садржи услов продаје. On the standard invoice, the Name and the Document Note of the Payment Term is printed. + + + Испоручилац + Одржавање испоручиоца + The Shipper Window defines the different shipping provides used by an Organization. When a delivery method of Shipper is used on an Order a predefined Shipper must be selected. + + + Налог за продају + Унесите или измените налоге за продају + The Order Window allows you to enter and modify Sales Orders. + + + Категорија производа + Одржавање категорија производа + The Product Category allows you to define different groups of products. These groups can be used in generating Price Lists, defining margins and for easily assigning different accounting parameters for products. + + + Ценовник + Одржавање ценовника производа + The Price List Window allows you to generate product price lists for your Business Partners. Price lists determine currency and tax treatment. Price list versions allow to maintain parallel lists for different date ranges. The most current pricelist version is used based on the document date. +<BR> +All pricelists have three prices: List, Standard and Limit +<BR> +First step is to create a base price list. You can manually add products and enter the prices or create them automatically. The base price list is often the purchase price list with list price ('official' retail price), the standard price (your purchase price). The limit price can be used to check your final purchase costs after discounts, rebates, etc. +<BR> +Pricelists can be calculated and copied. To speed up the calculation, the parameters are stored an used when creating a new price list version. + + + Распоред рачуна + Одржавање распореда рачуна + The Invoice Schedule Window defines the frequency and cut off dates for generating summary invoices. If a customer requires a single invoice for multiple shipments you would define the appropriate invoice schedule and associate it with the Customer. + + + Маркетиншка кампања + Одржавање маркетиншких кампања + The Marketing Campaign Window defines the start and end date for a campaign. It also gives a running balance of the invoice amounts which referred to this campaign. + + + Маркетиншки канал + Одржавање маркетиншких канала + The Marketing Channel Window defines the different channels used in Marketing Campaigns + + + Елемент + Одржавање системских елемената + The System Element Window is the Central Repository for Field Names Descriptions and Help/Comments + + + Продајни регион + Одржавање продајних региона + The Sales Region Window defines the different regions where you do business. You can generate reports based on Sales Regions + + + Контна комбинација + Оджавање исправних контних комбинација + The Account Combination Window defines and displays valid account combinations. + + + Буџет главне књиге (бољи прев.) + Одржавање буџета главне књиге + + + + Банка + Одржавање банке + The Bank Window is used to define the banks and accounts associated with an organization or business partner + + + Опомена + Одржавање нивоа опомене + The Dunning Window defines the parameters that will be used when generating Dunning Letters. Each customer can be associated with a Dunning Code. + + + Обуставе (1099) + Одржавање сертификата обустава + The Withholding Window defines the rule used for calculating withholding amounts. + + + Потраживање + Одржавање трошкова + The Charges Window defines the different charges that may be incurred. These can include Bank Charges, Vendor Charges and Handling Charges. + + + Детаљи ставова књижења + Упит над ставовима књижења + Query the detail accounting transactions + + + Стабло + Одржавање дефиниције стабла + The Tree Window defines the descriptors and images that will be used when a Tree is displayed. + + + Извештај и процес + Одржавање извештаја и процеса + The Report & Process Window is used to define the parameters and access rules for every Report and Process within the system. This window is for System Admin use only. + + + Фактура (купцу) + Ажурирање фактуре купцу + The Customer Invoice Window allows you to display and enter invoices for a customer. Invoices can also be generated from Sales Orders or Delivery documents. + + + Попис + Ажурирање пописа магацина + The Physical Inventory Window allows you to generate inventory count lists. These counts can then be processed which will update the actual inventory with the new counts. Normally you would create inventory count lines automaticelly. If you create them manually, make sure that the book value is correct. + + + Отпремница (купцу) + Повраћаји купца + Прозор за испоруке (отпремнице) дефинише извршене испоруке или испоруке које треба извршити купцу. Оне су генерисане на основу налога за продају. Отпремнице ће генерисати фактуру купцу. + + + Интерна доставница + Интерна доставница + The Inventory Move Window allows you to move inventory from one location or warehouse to another. After the appropriate lines are entered selecting the 'Process Movements' button will adjust the inventory. + + + Увоз пословног партнера + Увоз пословног партнера + The Import Business Partner Window is an interim table which is used when importing external data into the system. Selecting the 'Process' button will either add or modify the appropriate records. + + + Препознавање прихода + Правила за препознавање прихода + The Revenue Recognition Window defines the intervals at which revenue will be recognized. Alternatively, the revenue recognition may be linked to service levels provided. + + + Вечите залихе + Одржавање правила вечитих залиха + The Perpetual Inventory defines the rules to be applied when generating Physical Inventory counts. + + + Детаљи добављача + Одржавање детаља довављача + The Vendor Details Window allows you to display and maintain all products for a selected Vendor. + + + Поздрав + Одржавање поздрава + The Greeting Window defines a greeting that is then associated with a Business Partner or Business Partner Contact. + + + Извештај поглед + Одржавање погледа извештаја + The Report View Window defines the views used when generating reports. This window is for System Admin use only. + + + Налог за набавку + Одржавање налога набавке + The Purchase Order Window defines a purchase order for an organization. When a Purchase Order has been entered you can generate a Shipment Document or Invoice from this Purchase Order + + + Фактура добављача + Ажурирање фактура добављача + The Vendor Invoice Window allows you to display and enter Invoices from a Vendor. Vendor Invoices can also be generated from Purchase Orders or Delivery Receipts. + + + Пријемница + Испоруке добављача (пријемнице) + The Vendor Shipment Window defines the receipt of product or material from a Vendor. The Shipment may be manually entered or may be generated from a Purchase Order or Vendor Invoice. + + + ЕДИ дефиниција + Одржавање ЕДИ дефиниција + The EDI Definition Window defines the parameters to be used when processing EDI Transactions + + + ЕДИ трансакција + + + + + Образац + Посебан образац + The Forms Window defines any window which is not automatically generated. For System Admin use only. + + + Порука грешке + Прикажи поруке грешака + The Error Message Window displays all error messages generated. This is for System Admin use only. The records must be manually deleted. + + + Увези формат учитавача + Одржавање увоза учитавача формата + The Import Loader Format Window is used for defining the file layout for product information which will be imported. + + + Производња + Производња базирана на саставници + The Production Window defines those plan and inventory movements that occur when a product is created from a bill of materials + + + Група пословних партнера + Одржавање група пословних партнера + The Business Partner Group window allows you to define the accounting parameters at a group level. If you define the accounting parameters for a group any Business Partner entered using this group will have these accounting parameters automatically populated. You can then make any modifications necessary at the Business Partner level. + + + Белешка + Преглед системских бележака + The system creates messages while performing processes. In this window you can view them. + + + Извод + Процесира изводе банке + The Process Bank Statements window allows you to reconcile your Bank Statements. You can either enter the line items from the statement in the Statement Line tab or select the 'Create From' button to automatically generate the statement from all unreconciled payments to this bank account. Once you have completed reconciling, select the 'Process Statement' button to mark the payments as reconciled and update the appropriate GL accounts. + + + Уплата + Процесирај исплате и уплате + The Process Payments Window allows you to enter payments and reaipts for invoices. If the payment is for a single invoice then it can be processed here. If it is for multiple invoices or is a partial payment then it should be processed in the Payment Allocation Window. + + + Прилагођене особине + Одржавање прилагожених особина ентитета + This is a System only Window. Customer Attributes allow the entry of additional information to an entity. + + + Благајна + Одржавање благајне + The Cashbook Window defines the bank and account against which cash transactions will be processed. + + + Дневник благајне + Трансакције готовине + The Cash Journal Window is used to record disbursements from and receipts to Petty Cash + + + Група поља + Дефинисање поља групе + The Field Group Window allows you to define subsections in a tab. For System Admin use only. + + + Захтеви + Рад на Вашим захтевима + The Request Window is used to define and track any request assigned to you. + + + Процесор захтева + Дефинисање захтева процесора + The Request Processor Window allows you to define different processes that you want to occur and the frequency and timing of these processes A Request Processor can be just for a specific Request Type or for all. + + + Шаблони за писма + Одржавање шаблона имејла + Mail templates can contain variables of the user, business partner or a general object. The priority of parsing is User/Contact, Business Partner and then the underlying business object (like Request, Dunning, Workflow object).<br> +So, @Name@ would resolve into the User name (if user is defined defined), then Business Partner name (if business partner is defined) and then the Name of the business object if it has a Name.<br> +For Multi-Lingual systems, the template is translated based on the Business Partner's language selection. + + + Преглед расподеле + Преглед и повратак расподела + The Reverse Allocation Window allows you to view and reverse a payment allocation + + + Одабир плаћања + Одабир фактура за уплате + The Payment Selection Window allows you to select and process the invoices you want to pay. +(a) You can create a Payment Selection and select the invoices manually or generate the suggestions based on criteria. You can change the amount to be paid or delete invoices, you do not want to pay. + +(b) If you are happy with the Payment Selection, you create the payments. + +(c) You print or export your payments in the Window Payment Print/Export + + + Провизија + Одржавање провизија и награда + Define how and when you want the commissions to be calculated and to whom to pay it. +The Commissions Window allows you define how commissions and royalties will be paid. You can pay multiple commissions for the same order or invoice (e.g. to the person entering the transaction, to the person responsible for sale of the product (category) and or business partner (group). + + + Извештај пројеката + Одржавање циклуса извештаја пројеката + The Project Cycle Window defines the steps associated with a specific Project. +You may want to define several Project cycles to differentiate the different types of projects. Project cycles may use all or a subset of the used Project Status (e.g. Your opportunity project cycle may include the steps from prospect to contract - the service cycle may include steps from installation to customer acceptance. + + + Покретање провизија + Провера и измена провизија + The Commission Run Window displays the results of processing commissions. When the Generate Commission process is selected from the Commissions Window, the results are displayed here. If the result is satisfactory, generate an AP invoice to pay the commission. + + + Циљ перформанси + Дефинисање циљева перформанси + The Performance Goal Window allows you to define performance goals or all, a role or a user + + + Рачуница мерења перформанси + Дефинисање како израчунавате мерење перформанси + The Performance Measure Calculation defines how performance measures will be calculated. +The sql needs to return a single value. Please check examples.<br> +The date trestriction is defined in the Goal. +Any restrictions for Organizations, Business Partners, Products, etc. are as Performance Goal Restrictions. + + + Мерење перформанси + Дефинишите Ваше мерење перформанси + The Performance Measure Window allows you to define the rules and restrictions for performance measurement. You can, for example, restrict performance measurement to sales for a certain product category for a defined time frame. + + + Финансијски Извештај + Одржавање финансијских извештаја + Financial Reports are the combination of a Report Column Set and Line Set. + + + Поставке колоне извештаја + Одржавање поставки колона финансијског извештаја + The Report Column Set defines what data is printed in the columns of a report. + + + Извештај поставки сета ставки + Одржавање ставки финансијког извештаја + The Line Set determines, which lines are printed in a Financial Report + + + Ниво услуге + Одржавање нивоа услуга + Service Levels are generated when an invoice with products based on revenue recognition rules are generated. You need to update the actual service level by adding an additional line. + + + Пронађи (индиректна употреба) + Дијалог пронађи (индиректна употреба) + + + + Робно-материјалне трансакције (индиректна употреба) + Робно-материјалне трансакције (индиректна употреба) + + + + Образац за штампу + Одржавање кориштеног обрасца за штампу (фактуре, чекови) + Define the documents you use for this Client/Organnization. Note that the check format is defined in the Bank (Account) Window.<p> +The highest priotity has the Print Format, you define on a Document Type (example specific Export Invoice format). The next level is the set of Print Formats, you defined for the organziation of the document printed. The default is the set of Print Formats defines for all organizations of the Client (Organization=*). + + + Системска боја + Одржавање системских боја + System colors are used for background and indicators + + + Радна површина + Одржавање радне површине + Desktop is a collection of Workbenches + + + Слике у програму + Одржавање слика и икона + + + + Уклопљени налози за набавку + Погледај уклопљене налоге за набавку + View detals of matched purchase order lines to invoice lines and material receipt lines + + + Прилагођавање прозора + Дефинисање подешавање прозора за улогу/корисника + The customization values defined here overwrite/replace the default system definition if defined. + + + Радни сто + Одржавање радног стола + Workbenches are a collection of Windows + + + Захтев (све) + Поглед и рад над свим захтевима + This Request window is used to view all available requests + + + Шема попуста + Одржавање трговачке шеме попуста + Trade discount schema calculates the trade discount percentage + + + Врста расхода + Одржавање извештаја врста расхода + + + + Извештај расхода + Извештај времена и расхода + The time and expense report allows you to capture time spent on a project, billable time and to claim expenses. + + + Ресурс + Одржавање ресурса + Maintain your Resources. The product for the resource is automatically created and synchronized. Update Name, Unit of Measure, etc. in the Resource and don't change it in the product. + + + Врста ресурса + Одржавање врста ресурса + Maintain Resource types and their principal availability. it is used to calculate the available time in a resource. It allows input of starting time and end time for the slot according to the working days. + + + Боја штампања + Одржавање боје штампе + Colors used for printing + + + Фонт штампе + Одржавање фонта штампе + Font used for printing + + + Формат штампања + Одржавање формата штампе + The print format determines how data is rendered for print. + + + Папир штампања + Одржавање папира штампе + Printer Paper Size, Orientation and Margins + + + Расходи (за фактурисање) + Погледај расходе и трошкове који нису фактурисани купцу + Before invoicing to customers, check the expense lines to be invoiced + + + Штампа - формат табеле + Дефиниши формат табеле за извештај + The Print Table Format lets you define how table header, etc. is printed. Please note that the Report Table FOrmat is cached to improve performance. + + + Врста захтева + Одржавање врста захтева + Request Types are used for processing and categorizing requests. Options are Account Inquiry, Warranty Issue, etc. + + + Област интересовања + Област интересовања или поглавље + Interest Areas reflect interest in a topic by a contact. Interest areas can be used for marketing campaigns. + + + Систем + Системска дефиниција + Common System Definition - Only one Record - Do not add additional records. + + + Увоз - производ + Увези производе + The Import Products Window is an interim table which is used when importing external data into the system. Selecting the 'Process' button will either add or modify the appropriate records. + + + Увези конто + Увези вредности природних конта + The Import Natural Account Window is an interim table which is used when importing external data into the system. Selecting the 'Process' button will either add or modify the appropriate records. + + + Увези сет ставки извештаја + Увези сет ставки извештаја + The Import Report Line Set Window is an interim table which is used when importing external data into the system. Selecting the 'Process' button will either add or modify the appropriate records. + + + Провера превода система + Провери превод системског језика + Verify your language translations for selected entities. You should use Translation Export / Import for effective translation. This window allows you to check the translation of the main translation entities. + + + Актива + Средства коришћена интерно или од стране купаца + An asset is either created by purchasing or by delivering a product. An asset can be used internally or be a customer asset. + + + Група средства + Групе средстава + The group of assets determines default accounts. If a asset group is selected in the product category, assets are created when delivering the asset. + + + Тренинг + Поновљени тренинг + The training may have multiple actual classes + + + Расходи (који нису рефундирани) + Погледај расходе и трошкове који нису рефундирани + Before reimbursing expenses, check the open expense items + + + Биланси ставова књижења + Упит над билансима ставова књижења + Query daily account balances + + + Комплет особина + Одржавање комплета особина производа + Define Product Attribute Sets to add additional attributes and values to the product. You need to define a Attribute Set if you want to enable Serial and Lot Number tracking. + + + Шаржа + Дефиниција шарже производа + Maintain the individual Lot of a Product + + + Контрола шарже + Контрола шарже производа + Definition to create Lot numbers for Products + + + Контрола серијског броја + Контрола серијског броја производа + Definition to create Serial numbers for Products + + + Особина + Особина производа + Product Attribute like Color, Size, etc. + + + Претрага особине + Основне особине претраге + Attributes are specific to a Product Attribute Set (e.g. Size for T-Shirts: S,M,L). If you have multiple attributes and want to search under a common sttribute, you define a search sttribute. Example: have one Size search attribute combining the values of all different sizes (Size for Dress Shirt XL,L,M,S,XS). The Attribute Search allows you to have all values available for selection. This eases the maintenance of the individual product attribute. + + + Фактура расхода (алфа) + Уплате - фактуре расхода - непоуздана функционалност + Enter expense invoices from your vendors + + + Штампа налепнице + Штампа формата налепнице + Maintain Format to print Labels + + + Ревизија сесије + Ревизија корисничких сесија + History of Online or Web Sessions + + + Врста пројекта + Одржавање врсте пројекта и фазе + Maintain Project Types and their Phases with standard performance information + + + Враћајући + Враћајући документ + Create new documents based on existing one + + + Увоз залиха + Увоз трансакција залиха + Validate and Import Inventory Transactions + + + Улога - приступ подацима + Одржавање приступа подацима улоге + Maintain Data Access Roles of Roles/Responsibilties. +Note that access information is cached and requires re-login or reset of cache. + + + Реклама + Веб рекламирање + Maintain Advertisements on the Web + + + Ревизија промена + Ревизија промена података + Log of data changes + + + Врста коштања + Одржавање врста трошкова + You can define multiple cost types. A cost type selected in an Accounting Schema is used for accounting. + + + Врста времена + Одржавање врсте бележења времена + Maintain different types of time for reporting + + + Клик + Одржавање веб кликова + Web Clicks allow you to track number of clicks. Example: +&lt;a href="http://www.adempiere.com/wstore/click?http://www.adempiere.de" target="_blank"&gt; +where "http://www.adempiere.com/wstore/click" is your side and "http://www.adempiere.de" is the target page. +If you created a web click for http://www.adempiere.de, you will be able to see details and total of web clicks. + + + Бројач + Веб бројач + A web counter maintains how often a page or item was displayed. Add a call to +http://www.adempiere.com/wstore/counter to the page (e.g. display a 1x1 image) + + + + Распоред уплата фактура + Одржавање распореда уплата фактура + Maintain Payment Schedule of unpaid invoices + + + Аларм + Адемпјеров аларм + Adempiere Alerts allow you define system conditions you want to be alerted of + + + Увоз извода из банке + Увоз извода из банака + + + + Увези дневник главне књиге + Увези дневник главне књиге + You way want to check the balance of the import with "Validate Only" before importing. +Unbalanced Journals are imported; the handling is based on your settings for the posting process. The optional balance check checks the entire import, not individual batches and journals. + + + Увези фактуре + Увези фактуре + Import invoiced loaded + + + Увези плаћања + Увиз уплата + + + + Увези наруџбеницу + Увези наруџбенице + Please set Y/N selections in the import loader format explicitly (e.g. as constants) and no not leave them NULL. A NULL value stands for "don't know". +In general, selection boxes are not selected if the value is not "Y" (i.e. could be null or any other value). All tests are made on "Y" or "not Y" - i.e. NULL values are not "not Y", but NULL (don't know) - see SQL Language introductions. + + + Категорија превознине + Одржавање катагорија превознине + Freight Categories are used to calculate the Freight for the Shipper selected + + + Контна аналитика + Одржавање не-контних стабала аналитике + Maintain Trees of non account segment trees. Account segment trees (as well as user defined dimensions) are mainatained in the Account Element window. Please note that you will not be able to create new entities in this window if you have not default set for all manfatory values! + + + Репликација + Одржавање циљних мета репликације + Data Replication Target Details. Set up your system completely on the central system, before setting up the replication. Define the Replication target here and export the database and import it on the remote system.<p> +Before(!) entering transactions, Start the Replication Run to set up the remote system. + + + Стратегија репликације + Одржавање стратегије репликације + The Data Replication Strategy determines which tables and how they are replicated. Note that the migration does not syncronize Application Dictionary items. + + + Пројекат (ставке/издања) + Одржавање налога продаје и детаља радних налога + The Project Window is used to maintain details of Projects Lines and Issues accross Phases/Tasks + + + Категорија знања + Одржавање категорија знања и вредности + Set up knowledge categories and values as a search aid. Examples are Release Version, Product Area, etc. Knowledge Category values act like keyworks. + + + База знања + Одржавање базе знања + Maintain Type, Topics, Entries and theit Comments, Categories, Related Entries + + + Извор знања + Извор уноса знања + The Source of a Knowlegde Entry is a pointer to the originating system. The Knowledge Entry has an additional entry (Description URL) for more detailed info. + + + Синоним знања + Кључна реч синонима Знања + Search Synonyms for Knowledge Keywords; Example: Product = Item + + + Информације о комитенту + Информације документације пословних партнера + + + + Штампач налепница + Одржавање дефиниције штамапча налепница + + + + Информације о референту продаје + Информације референта продаје + This window allows you to view Company agent related information + + + Непрокњижени документи + Некњижени документи + View unposted documents + + + Врста валуте + Одржавање типова стопа валута за конверзију + The Currency Conversion Rate Type lets you define different type of rates, e.g. Spot, Corporate and/or Sell/Buy rates. + + + Увези курсну листу + Увези курсну листу + The rates are imported after validation of currencies and conversion rate type as well as rates. The multiply rate is used. If a reciprocal rate is to be created, the divide rate is used. + + + Процес радног тока + Праћење процеса радног тока + View and Maintain Workflow Process Instance Information + + + Активности радног тока (све) + Прати све активности радног тока + Maintain all Workflow activities + + + Одговоран за радни ток + Лице одговорно за извршавање радног тока + The ultimate responsibility for a workflow is with an actual user. The Workflow Responsible allows to define ways to find that actual User. + + + Особине регистрације + Средства - особине регистрације + Define the individual values for the Asset Registration + + + Регистрација + Регистрација корисничких средстава + User Registration of an Asset + + + Уклапање извода + Algorithm to match Bank Statement Info to Business Partners, Invoices and Payments + An algorithm to find Business Partners, Invoices, Payments in imported Bank Statements + + + Пакетна обрада уплата + Process Payment Patches for EFT + Electronic Fund Transfer Payment Batch. + + + Врста организације + Одржавање врста организација + Organization Type allows you to categorize your organizations for reporting purposes + + + Распоред + Maintain Schedule Processes and Logs + Schedule processes to be executed asynchronously + + + Процесор радних токова + Maintain Workflow Processor and Logs + Workflow Processor Server Parameters + + + Одељак за лицитацију + Одељак за лицитацију и понуде + Manage Topics and veiw Bids and Offers + + + Врста области аукције + Одржавање врсти области аукција и категорија + The Auction Topic Type determines what kind of auction is used for a particular area + + + Продавац аукције + Одржавање информација продавца аукције + A seller is a User in the system participating in Auctions + + + Купац аукције + Одржавање информација купца аукције + A buyer is a User in the system participating in Auctions + + + Рачуноводствени процесор + Одржавање процесора радних токова и дневника догађаја + Accounting Processor/Server Parameters and Logs + + + Обрађивач аларма + Одржавање параметара аларма сервера и дневника догађаја + Alert Processor/Server Parameter + + + Односи са партнерима + Maintain Business Partner Relations + Business Partner Relation allow to maintain Third Party Relationship rules: who receives invoices for shipments or pays for invoices. + + + Област захтева за понуду + Одржавање области ЗЗП и претплатника + A Request for Quotation Topic allows you to maintain a subscriber list of potential Vendors to respond to RfQs + + + Захтеви за понуду + Manage Request for Quotations + Request for Quotation to be sent out to vendors of a RfQ Topic. After Vendor selection, optionally create Sales Order or Quote for Customer as well as Purchase Order for Vendor(s) + + + Претплата + Одржавање претплата и испорука + Subscription of a Business Partner of a Product to renew + + + Врста претплате + Одржавање типова претплате + Subscription type and renewal frequency + + + Дистрибуциона листа + Одржавање дистрибуционих листа + Distribution list contain business partners and a distribution quantity or ratio for creating Orders + + + Пакет + Одржавање пакета испоруке + A Shipment can have one or more Packages. A Package may be tracked. + + + Књижно писмо + Уређивање овере књижних писама + A Return Material Authorization may be required to accept returns and to create Credit Memos + + + Покретање опомена + Управљање покретањем опомена + Управљање покретањем опомена + + + Требовање + Требовање материјала + Enter and maintain Material Requisitions. Material Requisition can be created automatically via Replenishment. You create generate optionally consolidated Purchase Orders. + + + ГК дистрибуција + Главна књига - дистрибуција + If the account combination criteria of the Distribution is met, the posting to the account combination is replaced by the account combinations of the distribution lines. The distribution is a one-step operation based on the percentage of the lines. + + + Одговори захтева за понудама + Управљање одговорима захтева за понудама + + + + Покретање дистрибуције + Distribution Run create Orders to distribute products to a selected list of partners + Distribution Run defines how Orders are created based on Distribution Lists + + + Ревизија приступа + Ревизија приступа подацима или ресурсима + Logging needs to be explicitly enabled / written. + + + Бројач документа + Maintain Counter Document Types + When using explicit documents for inter-org transaction (after linking a Business Partner to an Organization), you can determine what document type the counter document is based on the document type of the original transaction. Example: a "Standard Order" creates a "Standard PO". +If you define a relationship here, you overwrite the default counter document type in the Document Type definition. This allows you to define a specific mapping. +If not defined, the first matching document type is used (e.g. AR Invoice - first AP Invoice document type) + + + Предвиђање + Одржавање предвиђања материјала + Material Forecast + + + Тражња + Одржавање тражње материјала + Material Demand can be based on Forecast, Requisitions, Open Orders + + + Потврда испоруке/пријема + Потврда пријема или испоруке + Confirmation of Shipment or Receipt - Created from the Shipment/Receipt + + + Врста књижног писма + Врста овере књижних писама + Maintain the types of RMA + + + Процесирање ревизије + Audit process use + Process Instance Information + + + Потврда доставнице + Потврдити доставницу + The document is automatically created when the document type of the movement indicates In Transit.. If there is a difference quantity, a Physical Inventory is created for the source (from) warehouse. If there is a scrapped quantity, a Physical Inventory is created for the target (to) warehouse. + + + Увези потврде + Import Receipt/Shipment Confirmation Lines + Import Confirmation data of existing Receipt/Shipment Confirmations + + + SLA критеријум + Service Level Agreement Criteria + Define a criteria to measure service level agreements (e.g. Quality, Delivery meets Promised date, ..) + + + SLA по партнеру + Service Level Agreement + Maintain Service Level Agreements for Business Partners + + + Шаблон ценовника + Maintain Price List Schema + Price List schema defines calculation rules for price lists + + + ПОС терминал + Maintain your Point of Sales Terminal + The POS Terminal defines the defaults and functions available for the POS Form + + + ПОС распоред тастера + ПОС распоред функцијских тастера + + + + Регистрација система + Региструјте Ваш систем + System Registration - Only one Record - Do not add additional records. + + + Инвентар за интерну употребу + Enter Internal Use of Inventory + The Internal Use of Inventory Window allows enter the quantity of used products. + + + Пакетна обрада фактура + Рачуни трошкова - пакетна обрада + Enter expense invoices in batch. After creating the lines, the actual invoices are created when processing the batch + + + Елемент коштања + Maintain Product Cost Element + You can define your own product cost elements. + + + Коштање производа + Одржавање коштања производа + Maintain Product Cost Elements + + + Категорија захтева + Одржавање категорије захтева + Category or Topic of the Request + + + Група захтева + Одржавање групе захтева + Group of requests (e.g. version numbers, responsibility, ...) + + + Захтев за решавање + Одржавање захтева за решавање + Resolution status (e.g. Fixed, Rejected, ..) + + + Захтев стандардног одговора + Maintain Request Standard Response + Text blocks to be copied into request response text + + + Захтев за статус + Maintain Request Status + Status if the request (open, closed, investigating, ..) + + + Web продавница + Дефинишите веб продавницу + Define the web store setup. + + + Радно место + Одржавање радних места + Maintain internal (employee) or external positions + + + Категоризација радних места + Одржавање категорија радних места + + + + Плате + Одржавање личних доходака + Wages and Salaries + + + Саставница производа + Maintain Product Bill of Materials + + + + Белешка о промени саставнице + Maintain Bill of Materials (Engineering) Change Notice (Version) + Change notices can be linked to BOMs or be stand alone. + + + Измена белешке + Maintain (Engineering) Change Notice (Version) + Stand-alone change notice - Change notices could also be directly linked to BOMs + + + Пример комплета својстава + View Attribute Set Instance detail and use + + + + Декларација пореза + Define the declaration to the tax authorities + The tax declaration allows you to create supporting information and reconcile the documents with the accounting + + + Хиерархија извештавања + Дефинисање хиерархије извештавања + Reporting Hierarchy allows you to select different Hierarchies/Trees for the report. +Accounting Segments like Organization, Account, Product may have several hierarchies to accomodate different views on the business + + + Контрола буџета + Maintain Budget Controls + Budget Control allows you to restrict the use of expenditures, commitments (Purchase Orders) and reservations (Requisitions). If defined, you mey not be able to approve Requisitions, Purchse Orders, or AP Invoices. + + + GL Fund (Alpha) + Maintain Fund Controls + General Ledger Funds Control allows you to restrict the use of funds. This is independent from budget control. + + + Извештај о проблемима система + Аутоматски креирани или ручно унешени извештаји проблема система + System Issues are created to speed up the resolution of any system related issues (potential bugs). If enabled, they are automatically reported to Adempiere. No data or confidential information is transferred. + + + Шема боја за индикаторе перформанси + Одржавање шеме боја за индикаторе перформанси + Visual representation of performance by color. The Schema has often three levels (e.g. red-yellow-green). Adempiere support two levels (e.g. red-green) or four levels (e.g. gray-bronce-silver-gold). Note that Measures without a goal are represented white. The percentages could be beween 0 and unlimited (i.e. above 100%). + + + Performance Benchmark + Performance Benchmark + Data Series to compare internal performance with (e.g. stock price, ...) + + + Performance Ratio + Maintain Performance Ratios + Calculation instruction for a ratio + + + Издање препоруке + Maintain Issue Recommendation + + + + Статус издања + Maintain Issue Status + Status of an Issue + + + Познато издање + Maintain Known Issue + + + + Издање - пројекат + Maintain Issue Management Project Links + Maintain Issue Management Project Links - automatically generated. + + + Издање - корисник + User who reported Issues + + + + Издање - систем + Maintain Systems + + + + Web пројекат + Maintain Web Project (Content Management) + At the level of the web project you define the project itself, it's domains and media servers. Each project needs to have at least one domain and one media server. + + + Шаблон + + + + + Управљање веб рекламама + Content Management Ad Management defines the needed categories and items + Ad Management is used to create and manage advertisements in your conten management + + + Канали новости + Define News Channels, write and publish articles + Define News Channels, write and publish articles + + + Погледај чет + View discussions / chats + View chat / discussion threads + + + Медијске ставке + Maintain Web Media + Maintain Content Management Media + + + Врста чета + Maintain Chat Types + Chat Types + + + Врста ентитета + Maintain System Entity Type + The entity type determines the ownership of Application Dictionary entries. The types "Dictionary" and "Adempiere" should not be used and are maintainted by Adempiere (i.e. all changes are reversed during migration to the current definition). + + + Веб приступ + Одржавање веб приступа + Define access to collaboration management content. You can assign the profile to a internal role or for external access to business partner group. + + + Веб сервер за емитовање + Одржавање веб сервера за емитовање + + + + Информациони прозор + Define Info and search/select Window + The Info window is used to search and select records as well as display information relevant to the selection. + + + Индекс текстова + Maintain Text Search Index + Text search index keyword and excerpt across documents + + + Индекс текстова стоп + Одржавање кључних речи које се не индексирају + + + + Дневник претраге текста + Погледај дневник претраге текста + + + + ЛДАП сервер + LDAP Server to authenticate and authorize external systems based on Adempiere + The LDAP Server allows third party software (e.g. Apache) to use the users defined in the system to authentificate and authorize them. There is only one server per Adempiere system. The "o" is the Client key and the optional "ou" is the Interest Area key. + + + Инсталирани пакети + Списак пакета који су инсталирани + + + + Одржавање пакета + Одржавање историје инсталације пакета + Review package installation. Also perform package rollback if required + + + PackOut - креирање пакета + Пакет изградња апликације + + + + Основни детаљи пакета + Одржавање основних детаља пакета + Create and maintain common package element details + + + PackIn - увоз пакета + Увоз пакета + Imports a package previously created by PackOut + + + Подешивач система + + + + + Уређивање садржаја огласне табле + + + + + Веб ПОС мени + Да динамички генеришете линкове менија у веб ПОС-у + + + + Веб ПОС мени улога + У зависност од улоге, различити сет менија је генерисан и доступан. + + + + Веб ПОС особине + Stores the message tags to be picked up from AD_MESSAGE + + + + Веб ПОС провера црне листе + Провера црне листе + + + + Провера модела + + + + + Manufacturing Resource + Manufacturing Resource + A Manufacturing Resource is defined as anything required for production and its unavailability can affect the Production Plan. Manufacturing Resources can be: Plants, Production lines, Work Centers and Work Stations. + +It mainly answers the question: Where is the product made? + +A Specific production facility consisting of one or more people and/or machines which can be considered as one unit for purposes of capacity requiremets planning and detailed scheduling. + + + Manufacturing Workflows + Maintain Manufacturing Workflows (Routing) + Manufacturing Workflows (Routing) is a set of information detailing the method of manufacture of a particular item .It includes the operations to be performed their sequence the various work centers to be involved and the standards for setup and run. In some companies routing also includes information on tooling operator skill levels inspection operationstesting requirements etc. + + + Bill of Materials & Formula + Maintain Product Bill of Materials & Formula + It is a list of all the subassemblies, intermediates, parts and raw material that go into a parent assembly showing the quantity of each required to make an assembly. There are a variety of display formats of bill of material, including single level bill of material, indented bill of material, modular (planning), costed bill of material, etc. May also be called formula,, recipe, ingredients list in certain industries. + +It answers the question, what are the components of the product? + + + Product Planning Data + Maintain Product Planning Data + in the Window Product Planning Data you enter the product information which will serve as a base to execute the algorithms of Material Requirement Planning, along with MPS, open orders and inventories + + + MRP Notice + View MRP Notices + The system creates messages while performing processes. In this window you can view them. + +MRP Notice +It is a group of messages generated for the MRP process. It indicates to the scheduler the actions he needs to do to reach the Master Production Schedule. The action messages are set as notices for the planner when he sign up the Compiere session. + +The possible action messages are: + +MRP Code Action Message +MRP - 001 Beginning Quantity Less Than Zero. +MRP - 020 Create - A Supply Order should be created to satisfy a negative projected on hand balance. +This message is only generate if Create Plan is No or if a new requirement appears the time fence. + +MRP - 030 De Expedite - Indicates that a scheduled supply order is due before it is needed +and should be delayed, or demand rescheduled to an earlier date. + +MRP - 040 Expedite - Indicates that a scheduled supply order is due after is needed +and should be rescheduled to an earlier date, or demand rescheduled to a later date. + +MRP - 050 Cancel - Indicate that a scheduled supply order is no longer needed and should be deleted. +MRP - 060 Release Due For - Indicate that a schedule order should be released. +MRP - 070 Release Past Due For - Indicate that a supply order was not released when it was due, +and should be either released or expedited now, or the demand rescheduled for a later date. + +MRP - 080 Quantity Less than Minimum - Indicates that a supply order was created for +a quantity less than the minimum quantity set in the product planning + +MRP - 090 Quantity Less than Maximum - Indicates that a supply order was created for a quantity +for a quantity greater than than maximum quantity set in the product planning + +MRP - 100 Past Due Time Fence - Indicates that there is an unsatisfied material requirement inside +the planning time fence for this item. You should either manually schedule and expedite orders to + +fill this demand or delay fulfillment of the requirement that created the demand. + +MRP - 110 No exists Dem + + + Manufacturing Order + Maintain Manufacturing Order + Manufacturing Schedule is a document group of documents or schedule identity conveying authority for the manufacture of specified parts or products in specified quantities. + + + Spare parts + Spare parts + + + + Activity Control Report + Activity Control + This window is reported the real issue the shop floor + + + Distribution Order + Distribution Order allow create Order inter warehouse to supply a demand + Distribution Order allow create Order inter warehouse to supply a demand + + + Quality Specifications + Maintain Quality Specifications + + + + Cost Collector + The cost collector is a repository of all the MO transactions. + The cost collector is a repository of all the MO transactions. This real transactions relation allows to compare it with the standard transactions in order to be able to calculate variations by cost element. + + + АСП модули + + + + + АСП претплаћени модули + + + + + Правило + + + + + Distribution Network + Distribution Network define the supply relationships + Each realtionship in the network contains a receiving warehouse and a warehouse source and a supply percentage. A relationship is one-way, warehouse to warehouse relationship. + + + Миграционе скрипте + + + + + Tax Group + Tax Groups let you group the business partner with a reference tax. + + + + Tax Definition + Lets you define different tax combinations. + You can use the tax dfinition information to create the logic necessary to get the tax rate to your document + + + Tax Rate Parent + Одржавање пореза и њихових стопа + The Tax Rate Window defines the different taxes used for each tax category. For example Sales Tax must be defined for each State in which it applies. + + + Tax Type + Tax Types let you group taxes together. + + + + Tax Base + Defines tax base for a tax + The Tax Base can be based on price , cost and quantity + + + Export Format + + + + + Export Processor + + + + + Export Processor Type + + + + + Import Processor + + + + + Import Processor Type + + + + + Уговор о раду + Одржавање уговора о раду + Прозор уговора о раду служи за дефинисање радних услова за запослене на платном списку + + + Радник + Исплата радника + The Payroll Employee Window is used to define the Employees into the Organizational + + + Платно одељење + Одржавање платног одељења + The Payroll Departament Window is used to define the Organizational Structure for company + + + Платни посао + Одржавање платних послова + The Payroll Employee Window is used to define the Jobs into the Organizational Structure for a Company + + + Каталог платних појмова + Одржавање каталога платних концепата + The Payroll Concept Catalog Window is used to define the concepts for a payroll ie ( salaries, wages, bonuses, and deductions.) + + + Обрада платног списка + Обрада платног списка + The Payroll Processing Window is used to processing a Payroll, you can calculate for a Employee or All Employees + + + Дефинисање платног списка + У предузећу, платни списак представља суму свих финансијских евиденција зарада, дневница, бонуса и одбитака. + + + + Категорија платних концепата + Oдржавање категорија платних појмова + The Payroll Concept Category Window is use to grouping concepts for a type + + + Тип платне листе + Одржавање типова платне листе + The Payroll Table Type Window is used to define the Table Type + + + Платна табела + Одржавање платних табела + The Payroll Table Window is use to create Payroll Tables with version and range data + + + Платни обрачун + Историја платног обрачуна + The Payroll Movement Window is use to show the history the any calculated payroll + + + Asset Revaluation Processing + Process Revaluation of Assets + This window allows you to select and process what assets are revalued + + + Asset Revaluation Index + Set the Revaluate Assets Index or Factors + The Asset Revaluation Index window allow you to setup the values of indexs or factors to be used in revaluation of assets + + + Transfer Asset Entry + Create Transfer Asset Entry + The Transfer Asset Entry window allows you to create and post asset transfers to the GL + + + Disposed Asset Entry + Create Disposed Asset Entry + The Disposed Asset Entry window allows you to create and post assets that have been disposed to the GL + + + Asset Split + Split Assets Process + The Asset Split window allows you to process asset splits + + + Asset Disposal + Dispose of Assets + The Asset Disposal window allows you to create the necessary GL entries to dispose of an asset + + + Asset Transfers + Process transfers of assets + The Asset Transfer window allows you to transfer assets + + + Split Asset Entry + Create Split Asset Entries + The Split Asset Entry window allows you to create and post assets that have been split to the GL + + + Build Depreciation Workfile + Build Depreciation Expense File + The Deprecaiton Build Workfile window allow you to build current depreciation expense for various posting types including actual budget and tax as defined by the user + + + Post Depreciation Entry + Create Depreciation Entry + The Depreciation Entry window allows you to create and post the depreciation expense entry to the GL + + + Build Depreciation Forecast + + + + + Inbound Asset Entry + Create Inbound Asset Entry + The Inbound Asset Entry window allows you to create and post asset AP to the GL + + + Post Imported Assets + Import Fixed Assets + The Import Asset window allow the user to import assets to Adempiere + + + Depreciation Period Spread Type + Period Spread Type + The Period Spread Type window allows you to setup and review depreciation spread by period + + + Depreciation Methods + Depreciation Methods + The Depreciation method windows allows the user to review the depreciation calculations available in Adempiere + + + Depreciation Tables + Allows users to create multiple depreciation schedules + + + + Depreciation First Year Conventions + Setup for depreciation Setups + Allows user to define what depreciation conventions are available in Adempiere + + + Depreciation Calculation Method + Define Calculation Methods used in depreciation expense calculation + The Depreciation Calcualtion Method window allows the user to define how adjustments to the fixed asset depreciation expense are handled + + + Charge Type + + + + + House Keeping + + + + + View MRP Records + + + + + Web POS Terminal + + + + + Search Definition + Define transactioncodes for the QuickSearch bar + + + + Import Price List + Import Price Lists + The Import Price List Window is an interim table which is used when importing external data into the system. Selecting the 'Process' button will either add or modify the appropriate records. + + + Promotion Group + Grouping of product for promotion setup + + + + Promotion + Setup promotion rule + + + + MRP Notice (all) + View all MRP Notices + The system creates notices will running MRP process. In this window you can view them. + + + diff --git a/data/sr_RS/AD_Workbench_Trl_sr_RS.xml b/data/sr_RS/AD_Workbench_Trl_sr_RS.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..055df61c37 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/sr_RS/AD_Workbench_Trl_sr_RS.xml @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ + + + + + + Продаја + + + + diff --git a/data/sr_RS/AD_Workflow_Trl_sr_RS.xml b/data/sr_RS/AD_Workflow_Trl_sr_RS.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..3e3e88d963 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/sr_RS/AD_Workflow_Trl_sr_RS.xml @@ -0,0 +1,287 @@ + + + + + + Подешавање и коришћење пројекта + Подешавање и извештаји пројеката + Projects allow to monitor the status and progress of sales opportunities, service projects and investment projects. A Project is a process that is undertaken which can involve multiple steps or phases and require resources from more than one area. + + + Подешавање језика + Подешава нови језик система и преводи елементе + Дефинише нови системски језик. + + + Провера иницијалне поставке клијента + Провера нивоа системске поставке новог клијента + Овај радни ток проверава поставке система новог клијента који је направљен коришћењем "Иницијалне поставке клијента" Можда желите проевирити и следеће радне токове: &#10;- Подешавање рачуноводства&#10;- Подешавање пословних партнера&#10;- Подешавање производа&#10;- Подешавање ценовника&#10;- Подешавање складишта&#10;- Подешавање пореза + + + Подешавање рачуноводства + Провера и измена рачуноводствених поставки + Овај радни ток Вам омогућава проверу и измену рачуноводсвених правила. + + + Подешаваља пословних партнера + Подешавања правила везаних за пословне партнера + Овај радни ток дефинише пословне партнере и правила везана за исте. + + + Подешаваље производа + Подешаваље производа + Ручно дефинисање производа. Требали би проверити подешавања поготово ако се ради о увозу производа у оквиру система. + + + Подешавање ценовника + Дефинисање ценовника и попуста + Дефинишите ценовнике након унса или увоза производа. Као додатак ценовницима, могу се дефинисати и попусти везани за пословне партнере. Додела специфичних ценовника и попуста за пословне партнере. + + + Подешавање репликације + Подешавање репликационих података + Data Replication allows you to synchronize data of remote instances with a central office. All actions are initialized from the central office.<p> +<b>Central System:</b><br> +- setup system with all organizations, roles, etc.<br> +- run the migration to make sure that it is up-to-date<br> +- export the central system +<p> +<b>Remote System:</b> +- install the exact version as Central System<br> +- import data from Central System in the remote locations +<p> +<b>Central System:</b> +- Define Replication per Remote<br> +- Make sure that the ID range is unique per remote - otherwise you will loose transactions!<br> +- Initially Start the Replication Run to setup Remote +<p> +** Enter Transactions ** +<p> +<b>Central System:</b><br> +- Start the Replication Run when required + + + Подешавање пореза + Подешавање пореских калкулација + Подешавање калкулација пореза за производе, услуге и наплате + + + Подешавање продаје + Подешавање продаје + Setting up Sales Representatives, Commissions as well as Marketing Channels and Campaigns. + + + Подешавање анализе перформанси + Подешавање анализе перформанси + This workflow guides you through setting up your performance measurement based on Key Performance Indicators, Balanced Scorecard, etc. + +Most important: Do your analysis first! +- What are your goals and how do you measure it? + +When you are setting up the system, you do it in reverse: +First you define how you measure it and last you define the goals for the measurements. +You have three ways measuring performance: +- via quantifiable measures (e.g. sales of $3 million in Q1) +- via manual measures +- via achievements (tasks) + +The system converts the measures into percentages (based on the target and achieved measure - or number of total and reached achievements) + + + Подешавање захтева + Подесите клијента да процесира захтеве + + + + Requisition Setup + + + + + Process_Requisition + (Standard Process_Requisition) + + + + Process_Order + (Standard Process Order) + + + + Process_Shipment + (Standard Process Shipment) + + + + Process_Invoice + (Standard Process Onvoice) + + + + Process_Cash + (Standard Process Cash) + + + + Process_Payment + (Standard Process Payment) + + + + Process_Journal + (Standard Process Journal) + + + + Process_JournalBatch + (Standard Process Jornal Batch) + + + + Process_RMA + (Standard Process_RMA) + + + + Process_InOutConfirm + (Standard Process Confirmation) + + + + Process_Allocation + (Standard Process Allocation) + + + + Process_TimeExpense + (Standard Process Time Expense) + + + + Process_Inventory + (Standard Process Inventory) + + + + Process_Movement + (Standard Process Movement) + + + + Process_MovementConfirm + (Standard Process Movement Confirmation) + + + + Process_BankStatement + (Standard Process Bank Statement) + + + + Manufacturing Management Setup + Setup Manufacturing Management + This workflow defines the Manufacturing Management and the supporting rules. + + + Manufacturing Workflow Setup + Setup Manufacturing Workflow + This workflow defines the Manufacturing Workflow Setup + + + Bill of Material & Formula Setup + Setup Bill of Material & Formula + This workflow defines the Bill of Material & Formula + + + Planning Management Setup + Setup Planning Management + Before the production processes can be done, it is necessary to plan the activities which must be accomplished to assure the products can be gotten at the right time in order not to remain a long time in the warehouse, or at the contrary, to cause delays in shipments because components shortages in the manufacturing order. + +Another subject to take into account are the production cost and the capacity of shipping good quality products. + +Using Planning Management you answer the question: When and How Many products we must get? + + + Material Requirement Planning Setup + MRP is a set of techniques which uses Bills of Material, Inventory Data, and the Master Production Schedule to calculate requirements for materials. + MRP is a set of techniques which uses Bills of Material, Inventory Data, and the Master Production Schedule to calculate requirements for materials. It create planned orders to balance demand ans supply for products and it issues recommendations to receipt material with the right quantities and at the right dates to satisfy the Master Production Schedule in the most efficient way. + + + Capacity Requirement Planning Setup + The process of Capacity Plan Calculation allows us to know the available time in each manufacturing resource, as well as the required time to satisfy the Master Production Schedule. + It is a set of techniques which uses the planned orders by MRP, open manufacturing orders, manufacturing resources and the work-flows to calculate the required time for each resource along with the available time. With this information, we are able to balance the time demand with the available time. Through the knowledge of the required and available capacities it is possible to adjust the Master Production Schedule(MPS) until we arrive at a realistic one. + + + Distribution Resource Planning Setup + is a method used in business administration for planning orders within a supply chain. DRP enables the user to set certain inventory control parameters (like a safety stock) and calculate the time-phased inventory requirements. + is a method used in business administration for planning orders within a supply chain. DRP enables the user to set certain inventory control parameters (like a safety stock) and calculate the time-phased inventory requirements. + + + Discrete Manufacturing Setup + Once the production planning process is completed, the production control process let us to check the execution activities in order to be sure we can reach the material plan. + Once the production planning process is completed, the production control process let us to check the execution activities in order to be sure we can reach the material plan. + +Each time you need to release an order you need to be sure the components are complete in the warehouse, this is obtained by tracking the release and due dates for every component, this is easy to get using the shortages reports and from this module. + +This module mainly answer the question: + +What do I need to do to accomplish the +MPS? + +If you cannot cover the MPS as you had planned, this module gives you information needed to decrease the effect on the costs and on the customer service. + + + Process_Manufacturing_Order + (Standard Process Manufacturing Order) + + + + Process_CostCollector + (Standard Process Manufacturing Cost Collector) + + + + Distribution Management Setup + Setup Distribution Management + + + + Process_Distribution_Order + (Standard Process Distribution Order) + + + + Setup Replication + Подешавање репликационих података + Data Replication allows you to synchronize data of remote instances with a central office. All actions are initialized from the central office.<p> +<b>Central System:</b><br> +- setup system with all organizations, roles, etc.<br> +- run the migration to make sure that it is up-to-date<br> +- export the central system<br> +<p> +<b>Remote System:</b> +- install the exact version as Central System<br> +- import data from Central System in the remote locations<br> +<p> +<b>Central System:</b> +- Replication Strategy<br> +- Define Export Format<br> +- Config Export Processor<br> +- Start JMS Server<br> +<p> +** Enter Transactions ** +<p> +<b>Remote System:</b><br> +- Config Import Processor<br> + + + Process_Payroll + (Стандардна обрада платног списка) + + + + Подешавање људских ресурса и зарада + Подешавање људских ресурса и зарада + + + diff --git a/data/sr_RS/CM_CStage_Element_Trl_sr_RS.xml b/data/sr_RS/CM_CStage_Element_Trl_sr_RS.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..3c826d449f --- /dev/null +++ b/data/sr_RS/CM_CStage_Element_Trl_sr_RS.xml @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ + + + + diff --git a/data/sr_RS/CM_CStage_Trl_sr_RS.xml b/data/sr_RS/CM_CStage_Trl_sr_RS.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..27720c5e3a --- /dev/null +++ b/data/sr_RS/CM_CStage_Trl_sr_RS.xml @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ + + + + diff --git a/data/sr_RS/CM_Container_Element_Trl_sr_RS.xml b/data/sr_RS/CM_Container_Element_Trl_sr_RS.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..91a7b9ccbf --- /dev/null +++ b/data/sr_RS/CM_Container_Element_Trl_sr_RS.xml @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ + + + + diff --git a/data/sr_RS/CM_Container_Trl_sr_RS.xml b/data/sr_RS/CM_Container_Trl_sr_RS.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..f96f1010cc --- /dev/null +++ b/data/sr_RS/CM_Container_Trl_sr_RS.xml @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ + + + + diff --git a/data/sr_RS/C_Charge_Trl_sr_RS.xml b/data/sr_RS/C_Charge_Trl_sr_RS.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..9427969665 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/sr_RS/C_Charge_Trl_sr_RS.xml @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ + + + + diff --git a/data/sr_RS/C_Country_Trl_sr_RS.xml b/data/sr_RS/C_Country_Trl_sr_RS.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..6994f703c3 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/sr_RS/C_Country_Trl_sr_RS.xml @@ -0,0 +1,1210 @@ + + + + + + United States + United States of America + Држава + + + Germany - Deutschland + + + + + France + France + + + + Belgium + + + + + Nederland + + + + + Spain + + + + + Switzerland + + + + + Austria + Österreich + + + + Canada + + Province + + + Afghanistan + Afghanistan + + + + Albania + Albania + + + + Algeria + Algeria + + + + American Samoa + American Samoa + + + + Andorra + Andorra + + + + Angola + Angola + + + + Anguilla + Anguilla + + + + Antarctica + Antarctica + + + + Antigua And Barbuda + Antigua And Barbuda + + + + Argentina + Argentina + Provincia + + + Armenia + Armenia + + + + Aruba + Aruba + + + + Australia + Australia + Држава + + + Azerbaijan + Azerbaijan + + + + Bahamas + Bahamas + + + + Bahrain + Bahrain + + + + Bangladesh + Bangladesh + + + + Barbados + Barbados + + + + Belarus + Belarus + + + + Belize + Belize + + + + Benin + Benin + + + + Bermuda + Bermuda + + + + Bhutan + Bhutan + + + + Bolivia + Bolivia + + + + Bosnia And Herzegovina + Bosnia And Herzegovina + + + + Botswana + Botswana + + + + Bouvet Island + Bouvet Island + + + + Brazil + Brazil + Estado + + + British Indian Ocean Territory + British Indian Ocean Territory + + + + Brunei Darussalam + Brunei Darussalam + + + + Bulgaria + Bulgaria + + + + Burkina Faso + Burkina Faso + + + + Burundi + Burundi + + + + Cambodia + Cambodia + + + + Cameroon + Cameroon + + + + Cape Verde + Cape Verde + + + + Cayman Islands + Cayman Islands + + + + Central African Republic + Central African Republic + + + + Chad + Chad + + + + Chile + Chile + + + + China + China + + + + Christmas Island + Christmas Island + + + + Cocos (keeling) Islands + Cocos (keeling) Islands + + + + Colombia + Colombia + + + + Comoros + Comoros + + + + Congo + Congo + + + + Congo The Democratic Republic Of The + Congo The Democratic Republic Of The + + + + Cook Islands + Cook Islands + + + + Costa Rica + Costa Rica + + + + Cote D'ivoire + Cote D'ivoire + + + + Croatia + Croatia + + + + Cuba + Cuba + + + + Cyprus + Cyprus + + + + Czech Republic + Czech Republic + + + + Denmark + Denmark + + + + Djibouti + Djibouti + + + + Dominica + Dominica + + + + Dominican Republic + Dominican Republic + + + + Ecuador + Ecuador + + + + Egypt + Egypt + + + + El Salvador + El Salvador + + + + Equatorial Guinea + Equatorial Guinea + + + + Eritrea + Eritrea + + + + Estonia + Estonia + + + + Ethiopia + Ethiopia + + + + Falkland Islands (malvinas) + Falkland Islands (malvinas) + + + + Faroe Islands + Faroe Islands + + + + Fiji + Fiji + + + + Finland + Finland + + + + French Guiana + French Guiana + + + + French Polynesia + French Polynesia + + + + French Southern Territories + French Southern Territories + + + + Gabon + Gabon + + + + Gambia + Gambia + + + + Georgia + Georgia + + + + Ghana + Ghana + + + + Gibraltar + Gibraltar + + + + Greece + Greece + + + + Greenland + Greenland + + + + Grenada + Grenada + + + + Guadeloupe + Guadeloupe + + + + Guam + Guam + + + + Guatemala + Guatemala + + + + Guinea + Guinea + + + + Guinea-bissau + Guinea-bissau + + + + Guyana + Guyana + + + + Haiti + Haiti + + + + Heard Island And Mcdonald Islands + Heard Island And Mcdonald Islands + + + + Holy See (vatican City State) + Holy See (vatican City State) + + + + Honduras + Honduras + + + + Hong Kong + Hong Kong + + + + Hungary + Hungary + + + + Iceland + Iceland + + + + India + India + + + + Indonesia + Indonesia + + + + Iran Islamic Republic Of + Iran Islamic Republic Of + + + + Iraq + Iraq + + + + Ireland + Ireland + + + + Israel + Israel + + + + Italy + Italy + + + + Jamaica + Jamaica + + + + Japan + Japan + Prefecture + + + Jordan + Jordan + + + + Kazakhstan + Kazakhstan + + + + Kenya + Kenya + + + + Kiribati + Kiribati + + + + Korea Democratic People's Republic Of + Korea Democratic People's Republic Of + + + + Korea Republic Of + Korea Republic Of + + + + Kuwait + Kuwait + + + + Kyrgyzstan + Kyrgyzstan + + + + Lao People's Democratic Republic + Lao People's Democratic Republic + + + + Latvia + Latvia + + + + Lebanon + Lebanon + + + + Lesotho + Lesotho + + + + Liberia + Liberia + + + + Libyan Arab Jamahiriya + Libyan Arab Jamahiriya + + + + Liechtenstein + Liechtenstein + + + + Lithuania + Lithuania + + + + Luxembourg + Luxembourg + + + + Macao + Macao + + + + Macedonia Former Yugoslav Republic Of + Macedonia Former Yugoslav Republic Of + + + + Madagascar + Madagascar + + + + Malawi + Malawi + + + + Malaysia + Malaysia + + + + Maldives + Maldives + + + + Mali + Mali + + + + Malta + Malta + + + + Marshall Islands + Marshall Islands + + + + Martinique + Martinique + + + + Mauritania + Mauritania + + + + Mauritius + Mauritius + + + + Mayotte + Mayotte + + + + Mexico + Mexico + Држава + + + Micronesia Federated States Of + Micronesia Federated States Of + + + + Moldova Republic Of + Moldova Republic Of + + + + Monaco + Monaco + + + + Mongolia + Mongolia + + + + Montserrat + Montserrat + + + + Morocco + Morocco + + + + Mozambique + Mozambique + + + + Myanmar + Myanmar + + + + Namibia + Namibia + + + + Nauru + Nauru + + + + Nepal + Nepal + + + + Netherlands Antilles + Netherlands Antilles + + + + New Caledonia + New Caledonia + + + + New Zealand + New Zealand + + + + Nicaragua + Nicaragua + + + + Niger + Niger + + + + Nigeria + Nigeria + + + + Niue + Niue + + + + Norfolk Island + Norfolk Island + + + + Northern Mariana Islands + Northern Mariana Islands + + + + Norway + Norway + + + + Oman + Oman + + + + Pakistan + Pakistan + + + + Palau + Palau + + + + Palestinian Territory Occupied + Palestinian Territory Occupied + + + + Panama + Panama + + + + Papua New Guinea + Papua New Guinea + + + + Paraguay + Paraguay + + + + Peru + Peru + + + + Philippines + Philippines + + + + Pitcairn + Pitcairn + + + + Poland + Poland + + + + Portugal + Portugal + + + + Puerto Rico + Puerto Rico + + + + Qatar + Qatar + + + + Reunion + Reunion + + + + Romania + Romania + + + + Russian Federation + Russian Federation + + + + Rwanda + Rwanda + + + + Saint Helena + Saint Helena + + + + Saint Kitts And Nevis + Saint Kitts And Nevis + + + + Saint Lucia + Saint Lucia + + + + Saint Pierre And Miquelon + Saint Pierre And Miquelon + + + + Saint Vincent And The Grenadines + Saint Vincent And The Grenadines + + + + Samoa + Samoa + + + + San Marino + San Marino + + + + Sao Tome And Principe + Sao Tome And Principe + + + + Saudi Arabia + Saudi Arabia + + + + Senegal + Senegal + + + + Seychelles + Seychelles + + + + Sierra Leone + Sierra Leone + + + + Singapore + Singapore + + + + Slovakia + Slovakia + + + + Slovenia + Slovenia + + + + Solomon Islands + Solomon Islands + + + + Somalia + Somalia + + + + South Africa + South Africa + + + + South Georgia And The South Sandwich Islands + South Georgia And The South Sandwich Islands + + + + Sri Lanka + Sri Lanka + + + + Sudan + Sudan + + + + Suriname + Suriname + + + + Svalbard And Jan Mayen + Svalbard And Jan Mayen + + + + Swaziland + Swaziland + + + + Sweden + Sweden + + + + Syrian Arab Republic + Syrian Arab Republic + + + + Taiwan + Taiwan + + + + Tajikistan + Tajikistan + + + + Tanzania United Republic Of + Tanzania United Republic Of + + + + Thailand + Thailand + + + + Timor-leste + Timor-leste + + + + Togo + Togo + + + + Tokelau + Tokelau + + + + Tonga + Tonga + + + + Trinidad And Tobago + Trinidad And Tobago + + + + Tunisia + Tunisia + + + + Turkey + Turkey + + + + Turkmenistan + Turkmenistan + + + + Turks And Caicos Islands + Turks And Caicos Islands + + + + Tuvalu + Tuvalu + + + + Uganda + Uganda + + + + Ukraine + Ukraine + + + + United Arab Emirates + United Arab Emirates + + + + United Kingdom + United Kingdom + + + + United States Minor Outlying Islands + United States Minor Outlying Islands + + + + Uruguay + Uruguay + + + + Uzbekistan + Uzbekistan + + + + Vanuatu + Vanuatu + + + + Venezuela + Venezuela + + + + Viet Nam + Viet Nam + + + + Virgin Islands British + Virgin Islands British + + + + Virgin Islands U.s. + Virgin Islands U.s. + + + + Wallis And Futuna + Wallis And Futuna + + + + Western Sahara + Western Sahara + + + + Yemen + Yemen + + + + Yugoslavia + Yugoslavia + + + + Zambia + Zambia + + + + Zimbabwe + Zimbabwe + + + + Serbia + Serbia + + + + Montenegro + Montenegro + + + diff --git a/data/sr_RS/C_Currency_Trl_sr_RS.xml b/data/sr_RS/C_Currency_Trl_sr_RS.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..1e890a26b2 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/sr_RS/C_Currency_Trl_sr_RS.xml @@ -0,0 +1,701 @@ + + + + + + US Dollar + $ + + + Euro + E + + + Deutsche Mark + DM + + + Austrian Schilling + Sch + + + Belgian Franc + BFr + + + Finish Mark + FM + + + Irish Pound + + + + Italian Lira + L + + + Dutch Gilder + Fl + + + Portugese Escudo + Es + + + Spannish Peseto + Pts + + + French Franc + Пет + + + Japanese Yen + ¥ + + + British Pound + £ + + + Swiss Franc (invalid currency code - use CHF) + SFr + + + Canadian Dollar + C$ + + + Argentine Peso + $ + + + Australian Dollar + $ + + + New Zealand Dollar + $ + + + Liberian Dollar + $ + + + Mexican Peso + $ + + + Peso Uruguayo + $U + + + Armenian Dram + + + + Kwanza + + + + Azerbaijanian Manat (new) + + + + Boliviano + + + + Franc Congolais + + + + Czech Koruna + + + + Lari + + + + Iranian Rial + + + + Lithuanian Litus + + + + Moldovan Leu + + + + Philippine Peso + + + + Zloty + + + + Russian Ruble + + + + Sudanese Dinar + + + + Somoni + + + + Manat + + + + Timor Escudo + + + + Hryvnia + + + + Uzbekistan Sum + + + + Cyprus Pound + £C + + + Egyptian Pound + £E + + + Falkland Islands Pound + £F + + + Gibraltar Pound + £G + + + Saint Helena Pound + £S + + + Syrian Pound + £S + + + Cedi + ¢ + + + El Salvador Colon + ¢ + + + Afghani + Af + + + Aruban Guilder + Af. + + + Balboa + B + + + Brunei Dollar + B$ + + + Bahamian Dollar + B$ + + + Bahraini Dinar + BD + + + Bermudian Dollar + Bd$ + + + Barbados Dollar + Bds$ + + + Belarussian Ruble + BR + + + Ethiopian Birr + Br + + + Bolivar + Bs + + + Baht + Bt + + + Belize Dollar + BZ$ + + + Cordoba Oro + C$ + + + Cape Verde Escudo + C.V.Esc. + + + Comoro Franc + CF + + + CFA Franc BCEAO + CFAF + + + CFA Franc BEAC + CFAF + + + CFP Franc + CFPF + + + Chilean Peso + Ch$ + + + Cayman Islands Dollar + CI$ + + + Colombian Peso + Col$ + + + Riel + CR + + + Cuban Peso + Cu$ + + + Dalasi + D + + + Dong + D + + + Algerian Dinar + DA + + + Dobra + Db + + + Djibouti Franc + DF + + + UAE Dirham + Dh + + + Moroccan Dirham + DH + + + Yugoslavian Dinar + Din + + + Danish Krone + Dkr + + + East Caribbean Dollar + EC$ + + + Fiji Dollar + F$ + + + Burundi Franc + FBu + + + Malagasy Franc + FMG + + + Forint + Ft + + + Gourde + G + + + Guyana Dollar + G$ + + + Hong Kong Dollar + HK$ + + + Croatian Kuna + HRK + + + Iraqi Dinar + ID + + + Iceland Krona + IKr + + + Jamaican Dollar + J$ + + + Jordanian Dinar + JD + + + Kyat + K + + + Kina + K + + + Kenyan Shilling + K Sh + + + Kuwaiti Dinar + KD + + + Convertible Marks + KM + + + Kip + KN + + + Nakfa + KR + + + Lek + L + + + Lempira + L + + + Leu (old) + L + + + Lilangeni + L + + + Libyan Dinar + LD + + + Leone + Le + + + Maltese Lira + Lm + + + Latvian Lats + Ls + + + Lev + Lv + + + Mauritius Rupee + Mau Rs + + + Kwacha + MK + + + Denar + MKD + + + Metical + Mt + + + Netherlands Antillian Guilder + NAf. + + + Estonian Kroon + KR + + + New Israeli Sheqel + NIS + + + Norwegian Krone + NKr + + + Nepalese Rupee + NRs + + + New Taiwan Dollar + NT$ + + + Pula + P + + + Pataca + P + + + Quetzal + Q + + + Qatari Rial + QR + + + Rand + R + + + Brazilian Real + R$ + + + Dominican Peso + RD$ + + + Rufiyaa + Rf + + + Rwanda Franc + RF + + + Malaysian Ringgit + RM + + + Rial Omani + RO + + + Rupiah + Rp + + + Indian Rupee + Rs + + + Pakistan Rupee + Rs + + + Singapore Dollar + S$ + + + Nuevo Sol + S/. + + + Suriname Guilder + Sf. + + + Solomon Islands Dollar + SI$ + + + Swedish Krona + Sk + + + Slovak Koruna + Sk + + + Sri Lanka Rupee + SLRs + + + Tolar + SlT + + + Somali Shilling + So. Sh. + + + Seychelles Rupee + SR + + + Saudi Riyal + SRls + + + Swiss Franc + SFr + + + Pa’anga + T$ + + + Tunisian Dinar + TD + + + Taka + Tk + + + Turkish Lira + TL + + + Tanzanian Shilling + TSh + + + Trinidad and Tobago Dollar + TT$ + + + Tugrik + Tug + + + Ouguiya + UM + + + Uganda Shilling + USh + + + Vatu + VT + + + Won + W + + + Tala + WS$ + + + Yuan Renminbi + Y + + + Yemeni Rial + YRls + + + Zimbabwe Dollar + Z$ + + + Kwacha + ZK + + + Costa Rican Colon + + + + Guinea Franc + + + + Guinea-Bissau Peso + + + + Som + + + + North Korean Won + + + + Tenge + + + + Lebanese Pound + + + + Naira + + + + Guarani + + + + Leu (new) + L + + + Serbian Dinar + RSD + + diff --git a/data/sr_RS/C_DocType_Trl_sr_RS.xml b/data/sr_RS/C_DocType_Trl_sr_RS.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..1041d08488 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/sr_RS/C_DocType_Trl_sr_RS.xml @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ + + + + + + ** New ** + ** New ** + ** NO INVOICE ** + + diff --git a/data/sr_RS/C_DunningLevel_Trl_sr_RS.xml b/data/sr_RS/C_DunningLevel_Trl_sr_RS.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..2d6a2b34ed --- /dev/null +++ b/data/sr_RS/C_DunningLevel_Trl_sr_RS.xml @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ + + + + diff --git a/data/sr_RS/C_ElementValue_Trl_sr_RS.xml b/data/sr_RS/C_ElementValue_Trl_sr_RS.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..6a9b8c1e23 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/sr_RS/C_ElementValue_Trl_sr_RS.xml @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ + + + + diff --git a/data/sr_RS/C_Greeting_Trl_sr_RS.xml b/data/sr_RS/C_Greeting_Trl_sr_RS.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..0be5dddfb6 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/sr_RS/C_Greeting_Trl_sr_RS.xml @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ + + + + diff --git a/data/sr_RS/C_PaymentTerm_Trl_sr_RS.xml b/data/sr_RS/C_PaymentTerm_Trl_sr_RS.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..9cd99d7623 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/sr_RS/C_PaymentTerm_Trl_sr_RS.xml @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ + + + + diff --git a/data/sr_RS/C_TaxCategory_Trl_sr_RS.xml b/data/sr_RS/C_TaxCategory_Trl_sr_RS.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..1616ef1e7a --- /dev/null +++ b/data/sr_RS/C_TaxCategory_Trl_sr_RS.xml @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ + + + + diff --git a/data/sr_RS/C_Tax_Trl_sr_RS.xml b/data/sr_RS/C_Tax_Trl_sr_RS.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..456366856c --- /dev/null +++ b/data/sr_RS/C_Tax_Trl_sr_RS.xml @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ + + + + diff --git a/data/sr_RS/C_UOM_Trl_sr_RS.xml b/data/sr_RS/C_UOM_Trl_sr_RS.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..7794cb1ab6 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/sr_RS/C_UOM_Trl_sr_RS.xml @@ -0,0 +1,50 @@ + + + + + + Each + + Ea + + + Сат + + с + + + Дан + + d + + + Minutes + (lowest unit for resorce assigments) + м + + + Work Day + 8 hour + D + + + Недеља + + w + + + Месец + 30 days + м + + + Working Month + 20 days + M + + + Година + + y + + diff --git a/data/sr_RS/M_Product_Trl_sr_RS.xml b/data/sr_RS/M_Product_Trl_sr_RS.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..645fb249d5 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/sr_RS/M_Product_Trl_sr_RS.xml @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ + + + + diff --git a/data/sr_RS/PP_Order_BOMLine_Trl_sr_RS.xml b/data/sr_RS/PP_Order_BOMLine_Trl_sr_RS.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..b057e3df0c --- /dev/null +++ b/data/sr_RS/PP_Order_BOMLine_Trl_sr_RS.xml @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ + + + + diff --git a/data/sr_RS/PP_Order_BOM_Trl_sr_RS.xml b/data/sr_RS/PP_Order_BOM_Trl_sr_RS.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..827857ac22 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/sr_RS/PP_Order_BOM_Trl_sr_RS.xml @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ + + + + diff --git a/data/sr_RS/PP_Order_Node_Trl_sr_RS.xml b/data/sr_RS/PP_Order_Node_Trl_sr_RS.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..031757b983 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/sr_RS/PP_Order_Node_Trl_sr_RS.xml @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ + + + + diff --git a/data/sr_RS/PP_Order_Workflow_Trl_sr_RS.xml b/data/sr_RS/PP_Order_Workflow_Trl_sr_RS.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..969d355fb1 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/sr_RS/PP_Order_Workflow_Trl_sr_RS.xml @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ + + + + diff --git a/data/sr_RS/PP_Product_BOMLine_Trl_sr_RS.xml b/data/sr_RS/PP_Product_BOMLine_Trl_sr_RS.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..b65ba5f670 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/sr_RS/PP_Product_BOMLine_Trl_sr_RS.xml @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ + + + + diff --git a/data/sr_RS/PP_Product_BOM_Trl_sr_RS.xml b/data/sr_RS/PP_Product_BOM_Trl_sr_RS.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..9066b1672d --- /dev/null +++ b/data/sr_RS/PP_Product_BOM_Trl_sr_RS.xml @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ + + + + diff --git a/data/sr_RS/R_MailText_Trl_sr_RS.xml b/data/sr_RS/R_MailText_Trl_sr_RS.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..1f3b6a13f8 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/sr_RS/R_MailText_Trl_sr_RS.xml @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ + + + + diff --git a/data/sr_RS/W_MailMsg_Trl_sr_RS.xml b/data/sr_RS/W_MailMsg_Trl_sr_RS.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..da28a0ba17 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/sr_RS/W_MailMsg_Trl_sr_RS.xml @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ + + + + diff --git a/data/sr_RS/W_Store_Trl_sr_RS.xml b/data/sr_RS/W_Store_Trl_sr_RS.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..213e9db14f --- /dev/null +++ b/data/sr_RS/W_Store_Trl_sr_RS.xml @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ + + + +