Undo changes in revision 1336.
It seemed to cause same amount of new problems than it fixed.
This commit is contained in:
@ -29,11 +29,11 @@ public class DBRes_ca extends ListResourceBundle
/** Data */
static final Object[][] contents = new String[][]
{ "CConnectionDialog", "Connexió Compiere" },
{ "CConnectionDialog", "Connexi<EFBFBD> Adempiere" },
{ "Name", "Nom" },
{ "AppsHost", "Servidor Aplicació" },
{ "AppsPort", "Port Aplicació" },
{ "TestApps", "Provar Aplicació" },
{ "AppsHost", "Servidor Aplicaci<EFBFBD>" },
{ "AppsPort", "Port Aplicaci<EFBFBD>" },
{ "TestApps", "Provar Aplicaci<EFBFBD>" },
{ "DBHost", "Servidor Base de Dades" },
{ "DBPort", "Port Base de Dades" },
{ "DBName", "Nom Base de Dades" },
@ -43,14 +43,14 @@ public class DBRes_ca extends ListResourceBundle
{ "FWPort", "Port Tallafocs" },
{ "TestConnection", "Provar Base de Dades" },
{ "Type", "Tipus Base de Dades" },
{ "BequeathConnection", "Delegar Connexió" },
{ "BequeathConnection", "Delegar Connexi<EFBFBD>" },
{ "Overwrite", "Sobrescriure" },
{ "ConnectionProfile", "Connection" },
{ "LAN", "LAN" },
{ "TerminalServer", "Terminal Server" },
{ "VPN", "VPN" },
{ "WAN", "WAN" },
{ "ConnectionError", "Error Connexió" },
{ "ConnectionError", "Error Connexi<EFBFBD>" },
{ "ServerNotActive", "Servidor No Actiu" }
@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ public class DBRes_de extends ListResourceBundle
/** Data */
static final Object[][] contents = new String[][]
{ "CConnectionDialog", "Compiere Verbindung" },
{ "CConnectionDialog", "Adempiere Verbindung" },
{ "Name", "Name" },
{ "AppsHost", "Applikationsserver" },
{ "AppsPort", "Port Applikationsserver" },
@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ public class DBRes_de extends ListResourceBundle
{ "DBPort", "Datenbank Port" },
{ "DBName", "Datenbank Name" },
{ "DBUidPwd", "Nutzer / Kennwort" },
{ "ViaFirewall", "ber Firewall" },
{ "ViaFirewall", "<EFBFBD>ber Firewall" },
{ "FWHost", "Firewall Server" },
{ "FWPort", "Firewall Port" },
{ "TestConnection", "Teste Datenbankverbindung" },
@ -28,24 +28,24 @@ public class DBRes_es extends ListResourceBundle
/** Data */
static final Object[][] contents = new String[][]{
{ "CConnectionDialog", "Conexión Compiere" },
{ "CConnectionDialog", "Conexión ADempiere" },
{ "Name", "Nombre" },
{ "AppsHost", "Servidor de Aplicación" },
{ "AppsPort", "Puerto de Aplicación" },
{ "TestApps", "Test de Aplicación" },
{ "AppsHost", "Servidor de Aplicación" },
{ "AppsPort", "Puerto de Aplicación" },
{ "TestApps", "Test de Aplicación" },
{ "DBHost", "Host de Base de Datos" },
{ "DBPort", "Puerto de Base de Datos" },
{ "DBName", "Nombre de Base de datos" },
{ "DBUidPwd", "Usuario / Contraseña" },
{ "ViaFirewall", "vía Firewall" },
{ "DBUidPwd", "Usuario / Contraseña" },
{ "ViaFirewall", "vía Firewall" },
{ "FWHost", "Servidor de Firewall" },
{ "FWPort", "Puerto del Firewall" },
{ "TestConnection", "Test de Base de datos" },
{ "Type", "Tipo de Base de Datos" },
{ "BequeathConnection", "Conexión" },
{ "BequeathConnection", "Conexión Heredada" },
{ "Overwrite", "Sobreescribir" },
{ "RMIoverHTTP", "Tunelizar Objetos vía HTTP" },
{ "ConnectionError", "Error en conexión" },
{ "RMIoverHTTP", "Tunelizar Objetos vía HTTP" },
{ "ConnectionError", "Error en conexión" },
{ "ServerNotActive", "Servidor inactivo" }};
@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ public class DBRes_fi extends ListResourceBundle
* Data
static final Object[][] contents = new String[][]{
{ "CConnectionDialog", "Compiere-yhteys" },
{ "CConnectionDialog", "Adempiere-yhteys" },
{ "Name", "Nimi" },
{ "AppsHost", "Sovellusverkkoasema" },
{ "AppsPort", "Sovellusportti" },
@ -38,13 +38,13 @@ public class DBRes_fi extends ListResourceBundle
{ "DBHost", "Tietokantaverkkoasema" },
{ "DBPort", "Tietokantaportti" },
{ "DBName", "Tietokannan nimi" },
{ "DBUidPwd", "Käyttäjätunnus / Salasana" },
{ "ViaFirewall", "Palomuurin läpi" },
{ "DBUidPwd", "K<EFBFBD>ytt<EFBFBD>j<EFBFBD>tunnus / Salasana" },
{ "ViaFirewall", "Palomuurin l<EFBFBD>pi" },
{ "FWHost", "Palomuuriverkkoasema" },
{ "FWPort", "Palomuuriportti" },
{ "TestConnection", "Testitietokanta" },
{ "Type", "Tietokantatyyppi" },
{ "BequeathConnection", "Periytyvä yhteys" },
{ "BequeathConnection", "Periytyv<EFBFBD> yhteys" },
{ "Overwrite", "Korvaa" },
{ "ConnectionProfile", "Connection" },
{ "LAN", "LAN" },
@ -29,21 +29,21 @@ public class DBRes_fr extends ListResourceBundle
/** Translation Content */
static final Object[][] contents = new String[][]
{ "CConnectionDialog", "Connexion Compiere" },
{ "CConnectionDialog", "Connexion Adempiere" },
{ "Name", "Nom" },
{ "AppsHost", "Hote d'Application" },
{ "AppsPort", "Port de l'Application" },
{ "TestApps", "Application de Test" },
{ "DBHost", "Hote Base de Données" },
{ "DBPort", "Port Base de Données" },
{ "DBName", "Nom Base de Données" },
{ "DBHost", "Hote Base de Donn<EFBFBD>es" },
{ "DBPort", "Port Base de Donn<EFBFBD>es" },
{ "DBName", "Nom Base de Donn<EFBFBD>es" },
{ "DBUidPwd", "Utilisateur / Mot de Passe" },
{ "ViaFirewall", "via Firewall" },
{ "FWHost", "Hote Firewall" },
{ "FWPort", "Port Firewall" },
{ "TestConnection", "Test Base de Données" },
{ "Type", "Type Base de Données" },
{ "BequeathConnection", "Connexion dédiée" },
{ "TestConnection", "Test Base de Donn<EFBFBD>es" },
{ "Type", "Type Base de Donn<EFBFBD>es" },
{ "BequeathConnection", "Connexion d<EFBFBD>di<EFBFBD>e" },
{ "Overwrite", "Ecraser" },
{ "ConnectionProfile", "Connection" },
{ "LAN", "LAN" },
@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ public class DBRes_hr extends ListResourceBundle
/** Data */
static final Object[][] contents = new String[][]{
{ "CConnectionDialog", "Compiere veza" },
{ "CConnectionDialog", "Adempiere veza" },
{ "Name", "Naziv" },
{ "AppsHost", "Host aplikacije" },
{ "AppsPort", "Port aplikacije" },
@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ public class DBRes_hr extends ListResourceBundle
{ "TerminalServer", "Terminal Server" },
{ "VPN", "VPN" },
{ "WAN", "WAN" },
{ "ConnectionError", "Greka u vezi" },
{ "ConnectionError", "Gre<EFBFBD>ka u vezi" },
{ "ServerNotActive", "Server nije aktivan" }
@ -29,29 +29,29 @@ public class DBRes_pt extends ListResourceBundle
/** Data */
static final Object[][] contents = new String[][]
{ "CConnectionDialog", "Compiere Conexão" },
{ "CConnectionDialog", "Adempiere Conex<65>o" },
{ "Name", "Nome" },
{ "AppsHost", "Servidor de Aplicação" },
{ "AppsPort", "Porta TCP da Aplicação" },
{ "TestApps", "Testar Aplicação" },
{ "AppsHost", "Servidor de Aplica<EFBFBD><EFBFBD>o" },
{ "AppsPort", "Porta TCP da Aplica<EFBFBD><EFBFBD>o" },
{ "TestApps", "Testar Aplica<EFBFBD><EFBFBD>o" },
{ "DBHost", "Servidor do Banco de Dado" },
{ "DBPort", "Porta TCP do Banco de Dados" },
{ "DBName", "Nome do Banco de Dados" },
{ "DBUidPwd", "Usuário / Senha" },
{ "DBUidPwd", "Usu<EFBFBD>rio / Senha" },
{ "ViaFirewall", "via Firewall" },
{ "FWHost", "Servidor de Firewall" },
{ "FWPort", "Porta TCP do Firewall" },
{ "TestConnection", "Testar Banco de Dados" },
{ "Type", "Tipo de Banco de Dados" },
{ "BequeathConnection", "Conexão Bequeath" },
{ "BequeathConnection", "Conex<EFBFBD>o Bequeath" },
{ "Overwrite", "Sobrescrever" },
{ "ConnectionProfile", "Connection" },
{ "LAN", "LAN" },
{ "TerminalServer", "Terminal Server" },
{ "VPN", "VPN" },
{ "WAN", "WAN" },
{ "ConnectionError", "Erro de Conexão" },
{ "ServerNotActive", "Servidor não Ativo" }
{ "ConnectionError", "Erro de Conex<EFBFBD>o" },
{ "ServerNotActive", "Servidor n<EFBFBD>o Ativo" }
@ -29,22 +29,22 @@ public class DBRes_sv extends ListResourceBundle
/** Data */
static final Object[][] contents = new String[][]
{ "CConnectionDialog", "Compiere anslutning" },
{ "CConnectionDialog", "Adempiere anslutning" },
{ "Name", "Namn" },
{ "AppsHost", "Program värddator" },
{ "AppsHost", "Program v<EFBFBD>rddator" },
{ "AppsPort", "Program port" },
{ "TestApps", "Test program" },
{ "DBHost", "Databas värddator" },
{ "DBHost", "Databas v<EFBFBD>rddator" },
{ "DBPort", "Databas port" },
{ "DBName", "Databas namn" },
{ "DBUidPwd", "Användarnamn / lösenord" },
{ "DBUidPwd", "Anv<EFBFBD>ndarnamn / l<>senord" },
{ "ViaFirewall", "via Firewall" },
{ "FWHost", "Firewall värddator" },
{ "FWHost", "Firewall v<EFBFBD>rddator" },
{ "FWPort", "Firewall port" },
{ "TestConnection", "Test databas" },
{ "Type", "Databas typ" },
{ "BequeathConnection", "Efterlämna anslutning" },
{ "Overwrite", "Skriv över" },
{ "BequeathConnection", "Efterl<EFBFBD>mna anslutning" },
{ "Overwrite", "Skriv <EFBFBD>ver" },
{ "ConnectionProfile", "Connection" },
{ "LAN", "LAN" },
{ "TerminalServer", "Terminal Server" },
@ -30,28 +30,28 @@ public class DBRes_vi extends ListResourceBundle
static final Object[][] contents = new String[][]
{ "CConnectionDialog", "K\u1EBFt n\u1ED1i" },
{ "Name", "Tên" },
{ "AppsHost", "Máy ch\u1EE7 \u1EE9ng d\u1EE5ng" },
{ "Name", "T<EFBFBD>n" },
{ "AppsHost", "M<EFBFBD>y ch\u1EE7 \u1EE9ng d\u1EE5ng" },
{ "AppsPort", "C\u1ED5ng \u1EE9ng d\u1EE5ng" },
{ "TestApps", "Th\u1EED nghi\u1EC7m \u1EE9ng d\u1EE5ng" },
{ "DBHost", "Máy ch\u1EE7 CSDL" },
{ "DBHost", "M<EFBFBD>y ch\u1EE7 CSDL" },
{ "DBPort", "C\u1ED5ng CSDL" },
{ "DBName", "Tên CSDL" },
{ "DBUidPwd", "Ng\u01B0\u1EDDi dùng / M\u1EADt kh\u1EA9u" },
{ "DBName", "T<EFBFBD>n CSDL" },
{ "DBUidPwd", "Ng\u01B0\u1EDDi d<EFBFBD>ng / M\u1EADt kh\u1EA9u" },
{ "ViaFirewall", "Qua b\u1EE9c t\u01B0\u1EDDng l\u1EEDa" },
{ "FWHost", "Máy ch\u1EE7 b\u1EE9c t\u01B0\u1EDDng l\u1EEDa" },
{ "FWPort", "C\u1ED5ng vào b\u1EE9c t\u01B0\u1EDDng l\u1EEDa" },
{ "FWHost", "M<EFBFBD>y ch\u1EE7 b\u1EE9c t\u01B0\u1EDDng l\u1EEDa" },
{ "FWPort", "C\u1ED5ng v<EFBFBD>o b\u1EE9c t\u01B0\u1EDDng l\u1EEDa" },
{ "TestConnection", "Ki\u1EC3m tra CSDL" },
{ "Type", "Lo\u1EA1i CSDL" },
{ "BequeathConnection", "Truy\u1EC1n l\u1EA1i k\u1EBFt n\u1ED1i" },
{ "Overwrite", "Ghi \u0111è" },
{ "Overwrite", "Ghi \u0111<EFBFBD>" },
{ "ConnectionProfile", "Connection" },
{ "LAN", "LAN" },
{ "TerminalServer", "Terminal Server" },
{ "VPN", "VPN" },
{ "WAN", "WAN" },
{ "ConnectionError", "L\u1ED7i k\u1EBFt n\u1ED1i" },
{ "ServerNotActive", "Máy ch\u1EE7 hi\u1EC7n không ho\u1EA1t \u0111\u1ED9ng" }
{ "ServerNotActive", "M<EFBFBD>y ch\u1EE7 hi\u1EC7n kh<6B>ng ho\u1EA1t \u0111\u1ED9ng" }
Reference in New Issue