IDEMPIERE-1969:Contextual Menu for Info Window Parameters
meged all patch to one
This commit is contained in:
@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
-- Sep 17, 2014 11:44:24 AM ICT
-- I forgot to set the DICTIONARY_ID_COMMENTS System Configurator
INSERT INTO AD_Column (SeqNoSelection,IsSyncDatabase,Version,AD_Column_ID,IsMandatory,IsTranslated,IsIdentifier,SeqNo,IsParent,FieldLength,IsSelectionColumn,IsKey,IsAutocomplete,IsAllowLogging,AD_Column_UU,IsUpdateable,ColumnName,Description,Help,Name,IsAllowCopy,Updated,CreatedBy,AD_Org_ID,IsActive,Created,UpdatedBy,IsToolbarButton,IsAlwaysUpdateable,AD_Client_ID,EntityType,IsEncrypted,IsSecure,FKConstraintName,FKConstraintType,AD_Element_ID,AD_Reference_ID,AD_Table_ID) VALUES (0,'N',0,211766,'N','N','N',0,'N',10,'N','N','N','Y','d32e78d0-660c-4e82-9797-52a00ce3042f','N','AD_InfoWindow_ID','Info and search/select Window','The Info window is used to search and select records as well as display information relevant to the selection.','Info Window','Y',TO_DATE('2014-09-17 11:44:23','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),100,0,'Y',TO_DATE('2014-09-17 11:44:23','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),100,'N','N',0,'D','N','N','ad_infowindow_preference','N',3068,19,195)
-- Sep 17, 2014 11:44:56 AM ICT
UPDATE AD_Column SET IsUpdateable='Y',Updated=TO_DATE('2014-09-17 11:44:56','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),UpdatedBy=100 WHERE AD_Column_ID=211766
-- Sep 17, 2014 11:47:56 AM ICT
-- Sep 17, 2014 11:47:57 AM ICT
ALTER TABLE AD_Preference ADD CONSTRAINT ad_infowindow_preference FOREIGN KEY (AD_InfoWindow_ID) REFERENCES ad_infowindow(ad_infowindow_id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED
-- Sep 17, 2014 11:48:37 AM ICT
INSERT INTO AD_IndexColumn (AD_Client_ID,AD_Org_ID,AD_IndexColumn_ID,AD_IndexColumn_UU,Created,CreatedBy,IsActive,Updated,UpdatedBy,AD_TableIndex_ID,SeqNo,AD_Column_ID,EntityType) VALUES (0,0,201253,'c07256ab-8778-4487-978a-d9aa59ef165f',TO_DATE('2014-09-17 11:48:36','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),100,'Y',TO_DATE('2014-09-17 11:48:36','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),100,200141,0,211766,'D')
-- Sep 17, 2014 11:48:56 AM ICT
DROP INDEX ad_preference_attribute
-- Sep 17, 2014 11:48:56 AM ICT
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX ad_preference_attribute ON AD_Preference (PreferenceFor,AD_InfoWindow_ID,AD_Process_ID,AD_Client_ID,AD_Org_ID,AD_Window_ID,AD_User_ID,Attribute)
SELECT register_migration_script('201417091982-IDEMPIERE-1969.sql') FROM dual
@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
-- Sep 17, 2014 11:44:24 AM ICT
-- I forgot to set the DICTIONARY_ID_COMMENTS System Configurator
INSERT INTO AD_Column (SeqNoSelection,IsSyncDatabase,Version,AD_Column_ID,IsMandatory,IsTranslated,IsIdentifier,SeqNo,IsParent,FieldLength,IsSelectionColumn,IsKey,IsAutocomplete,IsAllowLogging,AD_Column_UU,IsUpdateable,ColumnName,Description,Help,Name,IsAllowCopy,Updated,CreatedBy,AD_Org_ID,IsActive,Created,UpdatedBy,IsToolbarButton,IsAlwaysUpdateable,AD_Client_ID,EntityType,IsEncrypted,IsSecure,FKConstraintName,FKConstraintType,AD_Element_ID,AD_Reference_ID,AD_Table_ID) VALUES (0,'N',0,211766,'N','N','N',0,'N',10,'N','N','N','Y','d32e78d0-660c-4e82-9797-52a00ce3042f','N','AD_InfoWindow_ID','Info and search/select Window','The Info window is used to search and select records as well as display information relevant to the selection.','Info Window','Y',TO_TIMESTAMP('2014-09-17 11:44:23','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),100,0,'Y',TO_TIMESTAMP('2014-09-17 11:44:23','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),100,'N','N',0,'D','N','N','ad_infowindow_preference','N',3068,19,195)
-- Sep 17, 2014 11:44:56 AM ICT
UPDATE AD_Column SET IsUpdateable='Y',Updated=TO_TIMESTAMP('2014-09-17 11:44:56','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),UpdatedBy=100 WHERE AD_Column_ID=211766
-- Sep 17, 2014 11:47:56 AM ICT
-- Sep 17, 2014 11:47:57 AM ICT
ALTER TABLE AD_Preference ADD CONSTRAINT ad_infowindow_preference FOREIGN KEY (AD_InfoWindow_ID) REFERENCES ad_infowindow(ad_infowindow_id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED
-- Sep 17, 2014 11:48:37 AM ICT
INSERT INTO AD_IndexColumn (AD_Client_ID,AD_Org_ID,AD_IndexColumn_ID,AD_IndexColumn_UU,Created,CreatedBy,IsActive,Updated,UpdatedBy,AD_TableIndex_ID,SeqNo,AD_Column_ID,EntityType) VALUES (0,0,201253,'c07256ab-8778-4487-978a-d9aa59ef165f',TO_TIMESTAMP('2014-09-17 11:48:36','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),100,'Y',TO_TIMESTAMP('2014-09-17 11:48:36','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'),100,200141,0,211766,'D')
-- Sep 17, 2014 11:48:56 AM ICT
DROP INDEX ad_preference_attribute
-- Sep 17, 2014 11:48:56 AM ICT
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX ad_preference_attribute ON AD_Preference (PreferenceFor,AD_InfoWindow_ID,AD_Process_ID,AD_Client_ID,AD_Org_ID,AD_Window_ID,AD_User_ID,Attribute)
SELECT register_migration_script('201417091982-IDEMPIERE-1969.sql') FROM dual
@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ public class GridField
private static final long serialVersionUID = -757531553169088955L;
private static final long serialVersionUID = 8596059010377209016L;
* Field Constructor.
* Field Constructor.
@ -660,7 +660,46 @@ public class GridField
} // Default value
} // Default value
if (getAD_Process_ID_Of_Panel() > 0){
if (getAD_Process_ID_Of_Panel() > 0){
defStr = Env.getPreference (m_vo.ctx, getAD_Window_ID_Of_Panel(), getAD_Process_ID_Of_Panel(), m_vo.ColumnName);
defStr = Env.getPreference (m_vo.ctx, getAD_Window_ID_Of_Panel(), getAD_Infowindow_ID(), getAD_Process_ID_Of_Panel(), m_vo.ColumnName);
// when have no preference set for field, and field lie in process dialog call from infoWindow
if (defStr.equals("") && getAD_Infowindow_ID() > 0){
// try get preference for current infoWindow but all process
defStr = Env.getPreference (m_vo.ctx, Env.adWindowDummyID, getAD_Infowindow_ID(), 0, m_vo.ColumnName);
if (defStr.equals("")){
// try get preference for current process but all infoWindow
defStr = Env.getPreference (m_vo.ctx, Env.adWindowDummyID, 0, getAD_Process_ID_Of_Panel(), m_vo.ColumnName);
if (defStr.equals("")){
// try get preference for all infoWindow and all process
defStr = Env.getPreference (m_vo.ctx, Env.adWindowDummyID, 0, 0, m_vo.ColumnName);
if (defStr.equals("")){
// try get preference apply for all process and current window
defStr = Env.getPreference (m_vo.ctx, getAD_Window_ID_Of_Panel(), 0, 0, m_vo.ColumnName);
if (defStr.equals("")){
// try get preference apply for all window and this process
defStr = Env.getPreference (m_vo.ctx, 0, 0, getAD_Process_ID_Of_Panel(), m_vo.ColumnName);
if (defStr.equals("")){
// try get preference apply for all process and all window
defStr = Env.getPreference (m_vo.ctx, 0, 0, 0, m_vo.ColumnName);
if (!defStr.equals("")){
if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) log.fine("[Process Parameter Preference] " + m_vo.ColumnName + "=" + defStr);
return createDefault(defStr);
// <- End of suggested changes
} else if (getAD_Infowindow_ID() > 0){
defStr = Env.getPreference (m_vo.ctx, getAD_Window_ID_Of_Panel(), getAD_Infowindow_ID(), m_vo.ColumnName);
if (!defStr.equals(""))
if (!defStr.equals(""))
if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) log.fine("[Process Parameter Preference] " + m_vo.ColumnName + "=" + defStr);
if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) log.fine("[Process Parameter Preference] " + m_vo.ColumnName + "=" + defStr);
@ -1080,6 +1119,10 @@ public class GridField
return m_vo.AD_Window_ID_Of_Panel > 0 ? m_vo.AD_Window_ID_Of_Panel : m_vo.AD_Window_ID;
return m_vo.AD_Window_ID_Of_Panel > 0 ? m_vo.AD_Window_ID_Of_Panel : m_vo.AD_Window_ID;
public int getAD_Infowindow_ID(){
return m_vo.AD_Infowindow_ID;
/** get AD_Chart_ID
/** get AD_Chart_ID
* @return chart id
* @return chart id
@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ public class GridFieldVO implements Serializable
private static final long serialVersionUID = 4367399601545064219L;
private static final long serialVersionUID = -7001013190366328211L;
* Return the SQL statement used for the MFieldVO.create
* Return the SQL statement used for the MFieldVO.create
@ -318,7 +318,7 @@ public class GridFieldVO implements Serializable
* @param rs result set AD_Process_Para
* @param rs result set AD_Process_Para
* @return MFieldVO
* @return MFieldVO
public static GridFieldVO createParameter (Properties ctx, int WindowNo, int ProcessIDOfPanel, int WindowIDOfPanel, ResultSet rs)
public static GridFieldVO createParameter (Properties ctx, int WindowNo, int ProcessIDOfPanel, int WindowIDOfPanel, int adInfoPaneId, ResultSet rs)
GridFieldVO vo = new GridFieldVO (ctx, WindowNo, 0, 0, 0, false);
GridFieldVO vo = new GridFieldVO (ctx, WindowNo, 0, 0, 0, false);
vo.isProcess = true;
vo.isProcess = true;
@ -327,6 +327,7 @@ public class GridFieldVO implements Serializable
vo.IsUpdateable = true;
vo.IsUpdateable = true;
vo.AD_Process_ID_Of_Panel = ProcessIDOfPanel;
vo.AD_Process_ID_Of_Panel = ProcessIDOfPanel;
vo.AD_Window_ID_Of_Panel = WindowIDOfPanel;
vo.AD_Window_ID_Of_Panel = WindowIDOfPanel;
vo.AD_Infowindow_ID = adInfoPaneId;
@ -411,7 +412,20 @@ public class GridFieldVO implements Serializable
return voT;
return voT;
} // createParameter
} // createParameter
public static GridFieldVO createParameter (Properties ctx, int WindowNo,
* Create parameter for infoWindow
* @param ctx
* @param WindowNo
* @param AD_Column_ID
* @param ColumnName
* @param Name
* @param AD_Reference_ID
* @param AD_Reference_Value_ID
* @param IsMandatory
* @param IsEncrypted
* @return
public static GridFieldVO createParameter (Properties ctx, int WindowNo, int WindowIDOfPanel, int infoWindowID,
int AD_Column_ID, String ColumnName, String Name, int AD_Reference_ID, int AD_Reference_Value_ID,
int AD_Column_ID, String ColumnName, String Name, int AD_Reference_ID, int AD_Reference_Value_ID,
boolean IsMandatory, boolean IsEncrypted)
boolean IsMandatory, boolean IsEncrypted)
@ -428,6 +442,8 @@ public class GridFieldVO implements Serializable
vo.AD_Reference_Value_ID = AD_Reference_Value_ID;
vo.AD_Reference_Value_ID = AD_Reference_Value_ID;
vo.IsMandatory = IsMandatory;
vo.IsMandatory = IsMandatory;
vo.IsEncryptedField= IsEncrypted;
vo.IsEncryptedField= IsEncrypted;
vo.AD_Infowindow_ID = infoWindowID;
vo.AD_Window_ID_Of_Panel = WindowIDOfPanel;
return vo;
return vo;
@ -499,7 +515,14 @@ public class GridFieldVO implements Serializable
* it's difference with AD_Process_ID
* it's difference with AD_Process_ID
public int AD_Process_ID_Of_Panel;
public int AD_Process_ID_Of_Panel;
* ad_window_id of window show process dialog or infoWindow dialog
public int AD_Window_ID_Of_Panel;
public int AD_Window_ID_Of_Panel;
* AD_Infowindow_ID call process. user in case from info window call process.
public int AD_Infowindow_ID;
/** AD_Tab_ID */
/** AD_Tab_ID */
public int AD_Tab_ID;
public int AD_Tab_ID;
/** Is the Tab Read Only */
/** Is the Tab Read Only */
@ -771,6 +794,7 @@ public class GridFieldVO implements Serializable
clone.DefaultValue2 = DefaultValue2;
clone.DefaultValue2 = DefaultValue2;
clone.AD_Process_ID_Of_Panel = AD_Process_ID_Of_Panel;
clone.AD_Process_ID_Of_Panel = AD_Process_ID_Of_Panel;
clone.AD_Window_ID_Of_Panel = AD_Window_ID_Of_Panel;
clone.AD_Window_ID_Of_Panel = AD_Window_ID_Of_Panel;
clone.AD_Infowindow_ID = AD_Infowindow_ID;
return clone;
return clone;
} // clone
} // clone
@ -49,6 +49,21 @@ public interface I_AD_Preference
public int getAD_Client_ID();
public int getAD_Client_ID();
/** Column name AD_InfoWindow_ID */
public static final String COLUMNNAME_AD_InfoWindow_ID = "AD_InfoWindow_ID";
/** Set Info Window.
* Info and search/select Window
public void setAD_InfoWindow_ID (int AD_InfoWindow_ID);
/** Get Info Window.
* Info and search/select Window
public int getAD_InfoWindow_ID();
public org.compiere.model.I_AD_InfoWindow getAD_InfoWindow() throws RuntimeException;
/** Column name AD_Org_ID */
/** Column name AD_Org_ID */
public static final String COLUMNNAME_AD_Org_ID = "AD_Org_ID";
public static final String COLUMNNAME_AD_Org_ID = "AD_Org_ID";
@ -74,6 +74,34 @@ public class X_AD_Preference extends PO implements I_AD_Preference, I_Persistent
return sb.toString();
return sb.toString();
public org.compiere.model.I_AD_InfoWindow getAD_InfoWindow() throws RuntimeException
return (org.compiere.model.I_AD_InfoWindow)MTable.get(getCtx(), org.compiere.model.I_AD_InfoWindow.Table_Name)
.getPO(getAD_InfoWindow_ID(), get_TrxName()); }
/** Set Info Window.
@param AD_InfoWindow_ID
Info and search/select Window
public void setAD_InfoWindow_ID (int AD_InfoWindow_ID)
if (AD_InfoWindow_ID < 1)
set_Value (COLUMNNAME_AD_InfoWindow_ID, null);
set_Value (COLUMNNAME_AD_InfoWindow_ID, Integer.valueOf(AD_InfoWindow_ID));
/** Get Info Window.
@return Info and search/select Window
public int getAD_InfoWindow_ID ()
Integer ii = (Integer)get_Value(COLUMNNAME_AD_InfoWindow_ID);
if (ii == null)
return 0;
return ii.intValue();
/** Set Preference.
/** Set Preference.
@param AD_Preference_ID
@param AD_Preference_ID
Personal Value Preference
Personal Value Preference
@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ public class ProcessInfo implements Serializable
private static final long serialVersionUID = -3654748247858779823L;
private static final long serialVersionUID = -1084726411940456050L;
* Constructor
* Constructor
@ -94,6 +94,7 @@ public class ProcessInfo implements Serializable
/** Process Instance ID */
/** Process Instance ID */
private int m_AD_PInstance_ID = 0;
private int m_AD_PInstance_ID = 0;
private int m_InfoWindowID = 0;
/** Summary of Execution */
/** Summary of Execution */
private String m_Summary = "";
private String m_Summary = "";
/** Execution had an error */
/** Execution had an error */
@ -343,6 +344,23 @@ public class ProcessInfo implements Serializable
m_AD_PInstance_ID = AD_PInstance_ID;
m_AD_PInstance_ID = AD_PInstance_ID;
* @return int
public int getAD_InfoWindow_ID()
return m_InfoWindowID;
* @param AD_PInstance_ID int
public void setAD_InfoWindow_ID(int infoWindowID)
m_InfoWindowID = infoWindowID;
* Method getAD_Process_ID
* Method getAD_Process_ID
* @return int
* @return int
@ -96,6 +96,8 @@ public final class Env
private static List<IEnvEventListener> eventListeners = new ArrayList<IEnvEventListener>();
private static List<IEnvEventListener> eventListeners = new ArrayList<IEnvEventListener>();
public static int adWindowDummyID =200054;
/** Logger */
/** Logger */
private static CLogger log = CLogger.getCLogger(Env.class);
private static CLogger log = CLogger.getCLogger(Env.class);
@ -960,13 +962,41 @@ public final class Env
return (retValue == null ? "" : retValue);
return (retValue == null ? "" : retValue);
} // getPreference
} // getPreference
public static String getPreference (Properties ctx, int AD_Window_ID, int AD_Process_ID_Of_Panel, String context)
* get preference of process from env
* @param ctx
* @param AD_Window_ID
* @param AD_InfoWindow
* @param AD_Process_ID_Of_Panel
* @param context
* @return
public static String getPreference (Properties ctx, int AD_Window_ID, int AD_InfoWindow, int AD_Process_ID_Of_Panel, String context)
if (ctx == null || context == null)
if (ctx == null || context == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException ("Require Context");
throw new IllegalArgumentException ("Require Context");
String retValue = null;
String retValue = null;
retValue = ctx.getProperty("P"+AD_Window_ID+"|"+ AD_Process_ID_Of_Panel + "|" + context);
retValue = ctx.getProperty("P"+AD_Window_ID+"|"+ AD_InfoWindow + "|" + AD_Process_ID_Of_Panel + "|" + context);
return (retValue == null ? "" : retValue);
} // getPreference
* get preference of info window from env
* @param ctx
* @param AD_Window_ID
* @param AD_InfoWindow
* @param context
* @return
public static String getPreference (Properties ctx, int AD_Window_ID, int AD_InfoWindow, String context)
if (ctx == null || context == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException ("Require Context");
String retValue = null;
retValue = ctx.getProperty("P"+AD_Window_ID+"|"+ AD_InfoWindow + "|" + context);
return (retValue == null ? "" : retValue);
return (retValue == null ? "" : retValue);
} // getPreference
} // getPreference
@ -928,7 +928,7 @@ public class Login
// This reads all relevant window neutral defaults
// This reads all relevant window neutral defaults
// overwriting superseeded ones. Window specific is read in Mainain
// overwriting superseeded ones. Window specific is read in Mainain
sql = "SELECT Attribute, Value, AD_Window_ID, AD_Process_ID, PreferenceFor "
sql = "SELECT Attribute, Value, AD_Window_ID, AD_Process_ID, AD_InfoWindow_ID, PreferenceFor "
+ "FROM AD_Preference "
+ "FROM AD_Preference "
+ "WHERE AD_Client_ID IN (0, @#AD_Client_ID@)"
+ "WHERE AD_Client_ID IN (0, @#AD_Client_ID@)"
+ " AND AD_Org_ID IN (0, @#AD_Org_ID@)"
+ " AND AD_Org_ID IN (0, @#AD_Org_ID@)"
@ -948,7 +948,8 @@ public class Login
int AD_Window_ID = rs.getInt(3);
int AD_Window_ID = rs.getInt(3);
boolean isAllWindow = rs.wasNull();
boolean isAllWindow = rs.wasNull();
int AD_Process_ID = rs.getInt(4);
int AD_Process_ID = rs.getInt(4);
String PreferenceFor = rs.getString(5);
int AD_InfoWindow_ID = rs.getInt(5);
String PreferenceFor = rs.getString(6);
String at = "";
String at = "";
// preference for window
// preference for window
@ -959,7 +960,9 @@ public class Login
at = "P" + AD_Window_ID + "|" + rs.getString(1);
at = "P" + AD_Window_ID + "|" + rs.getString(1);
}else if ("P".equals(PreferenceFor)){ // preference for processs
}else if ("P".equals(PreferenceFor)){ // preference for processs
// when apply for all window or all process format is "P0|0|m_Attribute;
// when apply for all window or all process format is "P0|0|m_Attribute;
at = "P" + AD_Window_ID + "|" + AD_Process_ID + "|" + rs.getString(1);
at = "P" + AD_Window_ID + "|" + AD_InfoWindow_ID + "|" + AD_Process_ID + "|" + rs.getString(1);
}else if ("I".equals(PreferenceFor)){ // preference for infoWindow
at = "P" + AD_Window_ID + "|" + AD_InfoWindow_ID + "|" + rs.getString(1);
String va = rs.getString(2);
String va = rs.getString(2);
@ -296,7 +296,7 @@ public class ProcessParameter extends CDialog
private void createField (ResultSet rs)
private void createField (ResultSet rs)
// Create Field
// Create Field
GridFieldVO voF = GridFieldVO.createParameter(Env.getCtx(), m_WindowNo, m_processInfo.getAD_Process_ID(), m_AD_Window_ID, rs);
GridFieldVO voF = GridFieldVO.createParameter(Env.getCtx(), m_WindowNo, m_processInfo.getAD_Process_ID(), m_AD_Window_ID, 0, rs);
GridField mField = new GridField (voF);
GridField mField = new GridField (voF);
m_mFields.add(mField); // add to Fields
m_mFields.add(mField); // add to Fields
@ -63,6 +63,7 @@ import org.compiere.util.Msg;
* @version 2006-12-01
* @version 2006-12-01
public class ProcessParameterPanel extends CPanel implements VetoableChangeListener, IProcessParameter {
public class ProcessParameterPanel extends CPanel implements VetoableChangeListener, IProcessParameter {
@ -286,7 +287,7 @@ public class ProcessParameterPanel extends CPanel implements VetoableChangeListe
private void createField (ResultSet rs)
private void createField (ResultSet rs)
// Create Field
// Create Field
GridFieldVO voF = GridFieldVO.createParameter(Env.getCtx(), m_WindowNo, m_processInfo.getAD_Process_ID(), m_AD_Window_ID, rs);
GridFieldVO voF = GridFieldVO.createParameter(Env.getCtx(), m_WindowNo, m_processInfo.getAD_Process_ID(), m_AD_Window_ID, m_processInfo.getAD_InfoWindow_ID(),rs);
GridField mField = new GridField (voF);
GridField mField = new GridField (voF);
m_mFields.add(mField); // add to Fields
m_mFields.add(mField); // add to Fields
@ -42,6 +42,7 @@ import org.compiere.util.CLogger;
import org.compiere.util.DB;
import org.compiere.util.DB;
import org.compiere.util.DisplayType;
import org.compiere.util.DisplayType;
import org.compiere.util.Env;
import org.compiere.util.Env;
import org.compiere.util.Login;
import org.compiere.util.Msg;
import org.compiere.util.Msg;
import org.zkoss.zk.ui.Component;
import org.zkoss.zk.ui.Component;
import org.zkoss.zk.ui.Page;
import org.zkoss.zk.ui.Page;
@ -121,7 +122,7 @@ public class ValuePreference extends Window implements EventListener<Event>
// Create Editor
// Create Editor
ValuePreference vp = new ValuePreference (WindowNo,
ValuePreference vp = new ValuePreference (WindowNo,
AD_Client_ID, AD_Org_ID, AD_User_ID, AD_Window_ID, mField.getAD_Process_ID_Of_Panel(),
AD_Client_ID, AD_Org_ID, AD_User_ID, AD_Window_ID, mField.getAD_Process_ID_Of_Panel(), mField.getAD_Infowindow_ID(),
Attribute, DisplayAttribute, Value, DisplayValue,
Attribute, DisplayAttribute, Value, DisplayValue,
displayType, AD_Reference_ID, ref);
displayType, AD_Reference_ID, ref);
} // create
} // create
@ -183,7 +184,7 @@ public class ValuePreference extends Window implements EventListener<Event>
* @param ref
* @param ref
public ValuePreference (int WindowNo,
public ValuePreference (int WindowNo,
int AD_Client_ID, int AD_Org_ID, int AD_User_ID, int AD_Window_ID, int AD_Process_ID_Of_Panel,
int AD_Client_ID, int AD_Org_ID, int AD_User_ID, int AD_Window_ID, int AD_Process_ID_Of_Panel, int AD_Infowindow_ID,
String Attribute, String DisplayAttribute, String Value, String DisplayValue,
String Attribute, String DisplayAttribute, String Value, String DisplayValue,
int displayType, int AD_Reference_ID, Component ref)
int displayType, int AD_Reference_ID, Component ref)
@ -207,8 +208,13 @@ public class ValuePreference extends Window implements EventListener<Event>
m_DisplayValue = DisplayValue;
m_DisplayValue = DisplayValue;
m_DisplayType = displayType;
m_DisplayType = displayType;
m_AD_Process_ID_Of_Panel = AD_Process_ID_Of_Panel;
m_AD_Process_ID_Of_Panel = AD_Process_ID_Of_Panel;
m_AD_Infowindow_ID = AD_Infowindow_ID;
m_role = MRole.getDefault();
m_role = MRole.getDefault();
if (m_AD_Infowindow_ID > 0 && m_AD_Process_ID_Of_Panel > 0)
isProcessInIW = true;
@ -229,6 +235,7 @@ public class ValuePreference extends Window implements EventListener<Event>
} else {
} else {
} // ValuePreference
} // ValuePreference
private AbstractADWindowContent findADWindowContent(Component comp) {
private AbstractADWindowContent findADWindowContent(Component comp) {
@ -249,6 +256,7 @@ public class ValuePreference extends Window implements EventListener<Event>
private int m_DisplayType;
private int m_DisplayType;
private MRole m_role;
private MRole m_role;
private int m_AD_Process_ID_Of_Panel;
private int m_AD_Process_ID_Of_Panel;
private int m_AD_Infowindow_ID;
// Display
// Display
private Panel setPanel = new Panel();
private Panel setPanel = new Panel();
@ -265,11 +273,17 @@ public class ValuePreference extends Window implements EventListener<Event>
private Checkbox cbUser = new Checkbox();
private Checkbox cbUser = new Checkbox();
private Checkbox cbWindow = new Checkbox();
private Checkbox cbWindow = new Checkbox();
private Checkbox cbProcess = new Checkbox();
private Checkbox cbProcess = new Checkbox();
private Checkbox cbInfowindow = new Checkbox();
private Label lExplanation = new Label();
private Label lExplanation = new Label();
private ConfirmPanel confirmPanel = new ConfirmPanel(true);
private ConfirmPanel confirmPanel = new ConfirmPanel(true);
private Button bDelete;
private Button bDelete;
* is true when value preference for a field of process call by info window
private boolean isProcessInIW = false;
* Static Layout
* Static Layout
* @throws Exception
* @throws Exception
@ -288,6 +302,8 @@ public class ValuePreference extends Window implements EventListener<Event>
cbProcess.setLabel(Msg.translate(m_ctx, "AD_Process_ID"));
cbProcess.setLabel(Msg.translate(m_ctx, "AD_Process_ID"));
cbInfowindow.setLabel(Msg.translate(m_ctx, "AD_InfoWindow_ID"));
@ -334,10 +350,23 @@ public class ValuePreference extends Window implements EventListener<Event>
// in case show process in info window, don't show checkbox window in value preference dialog.
// must set is checked to save current windowID (dummy) with value preference other it will save null,
// make data conflic with case save for all window
if(m_AD_Infowindow_ID > 0){
if(m_AD_Process_ID_Of_Panel > 0){
if(m_AD_Process_ID_Of_Panel > 0){
row.appendCellChild(chlayout, 5);
row.appendCellChild(chlayout, 5);
@ -402,6 +431,7 @@ public class ValuePreference extends Window implements EventListener<Event>
// Can change all/specific
// Can change all/specific
cbWindow.addEventListener(Events.ON_CHECK, this);
cbWindow.addEventListener(Events.ON_CHECK, this);
cbProcess.addEventListener(Events.ON_CHECK, this);
cbProcess.addEventListener(Events.ON_CHECK, this);
cbInfowindow.addEventListener(Events.ON_CHECK, this);
// Other
// Other
@ -473,6 +503,13 @@ public class ValuePreference extends Window implements EventListener<Event>
expl.append(" and all Process");
expl.append(" and all Process");
if (m_AD_Infowindow_ID > 0){
if (cbInfowindow.isChecked())
expl.append(" and this Info Window");
expl.append(" and all Info Window");
if (Env.getLanguage(Env.getCtx()).isBaseLanguage())
if (Env.getLanguage(Env.getCtx()).isBaseLanguage())
@ -501,19 +538,35 @@ public class ValuePreference extends Window implements EventListener<Event>
sql.append(" AND AD_Window_ID IS NULL");
sql.append(" AND AD_Window_ID IS NULL");
if (m_AD_Process_ID_Of_Panel > 0){
// set where for Process
// preference for process parameter
if (m_AD_Process_ID_Of_Panel > 0 && cbProcess.isChecked()){
sql.append(" AND PreferenceFor = 'P'");
// case set for a process
if (cbProcess.isChecked())
sql.append(" AND AD_Process_ID=").append(m_AD_Process_ID_Of_Panel);
sql.append(" AND AD_Process_ID=").append(m_AD_Process_ID_Of_Panel);
sql.append(" AND AD_Process_ID IS NULL");
// preference for process window
// case set for a all process or non set for process (set for window or infowindow)
sql.append(" AND PreferenceFor = 'W'");
sql.append(" AND AD_Process_ID IS NULL");
sql.append(" AND AD_Process_ID IS NULL");
// set where for infoWindow
if (m_AD_Infowindow_ID > 0 && cbInfowindow.isChecked()){
// case set for a info window
sql.append(" AND AD_InfoWindow_ID=").append(m_AD_Infowindow_ID);
// case set for a all process or non set for process (set for window or infowindow)
sql.append(" AND AD_InfoWindow_ID IS NULL");
if (m_AD_Process_ID_Of_Panel > 0){
// in case Preference for process, set PreferenceFor = P
sql.append(" AND PreferenceFor = 'P'");
}else if (m_AD_Infowindow_ID > 0){
// in case Preference for info window, set PreferenceFor = I
sql.append(" AND PreferenceFor = 'I'");
}else {
// in case Preference for window, set PreferenceFor = W
sql.append(" AND PreferenceFor = 'W'");
sql.append(" AND Attribute='").append(m_Attribute).append("'");
sql.append(" AND Attribute='").append(m_Attribute).append("'");
if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) log.fine( sql.toString());
if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) log.fine( sql.toString());
@ -525,17 +578,40 @@ public class ValuePreference extends Window implements EventListener<Event>
* Get Context Key
* Get Context Key
* preferences in context update follow key.
* they load when login, and update when change.
* @see Login#loadPreferences(org.compiere.util.KeyNamePair, org.compiere.util.KeyNamePair, java.sql.Timestamp, String)
* and set to field when display field, {@link GridField#getDefault()}
* @return Context Key
* @return Context Key
private String getContextKey()
private String getContextKey()
if (m_AD_Process_ID_Of_Panel > 0){
// add window id info in case have process or field in info window parameter
if (cbProcess.isChecked())
StringBuilder preferencesContextKey = new StringBuilder ("P") ;
return "P" + m_AD_Window_ID + "|" + m_AD_Process_ID_Of_Panel + "|" + m_Attribute;
if (m_AD_Window_ID > 0){
return "P" + m_AD_Window_ID + "|0|" + m_Attribute;
// add info window info in case have process or field in info window parameter
if (cbInfowindow.isChecked()){
if (m_AD_Process_ID_Of_Panel > 0){
// add info process info and field info in case have process
if (cbProcess.isChecked())
return preferencesContextKey.append("|").append(m_AD_Process_ID_Of_Panel).append("|").append(m_Attribute).toString();
return preferencesContextKey.append("|0|").append(m_Attribute).toString();
}else if (m_AD_Infowindow_ID > 0){
// add field info in case lie in info window parameter
return preferencesContextKey.append("|").append(m_Attribute).toString();
// key in case lie in standard window
if (cbWindow.isChecked())
if (cbWindow.isChecked())
return "P" + m_AD_Window_ID + "|" + m_Attribute;
return "P" + m_AD_Window_ID + "|" + m_Attribute;
@ -575,7 +651,7 @@ public class ValuePreference extends Window implements EventListener<Event>
StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder ("INSERT INTO AD_Preference ("
StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder ("INSERT INTO AD_Preference ("
+ "AD_Preference_ID, AD_Preference_UU, AD_Client_ID, AD_Org_ID, IsActive, Created,CreatedBy,Updated,UpdatedBy,"
+ "AD_Preference_ID, AD_Preference_UU, AD_Client_ID, AD_Org_ID, IsActive, Created,CreatedBy,Updated,UpdatedBy,"
+ "AD_Window_ID, AD_Process_ID, PreferenceFor, AD_User_ID, Attribute, Value) VALUES (");
+ "AD_Window_ID, AD_Process_ID, AD_InfoWindow_ID, PreferenceFor, AD_User_ID, Attribute, Value) VALUES (");
.append(", 'Y',SysDate,").append(m_AD_User_ID).append(",SysDate,").append(m_AD_User_ID).append(", ");
.append(", 'Y',SysDate,").append(m_AD_User_ID).append(",SysDate,").append(m_AD_User_ID).append(", ");
@ -585,18 +661,30 @@ public class ValuePreference extends Window implements EventListener<Event>
sql.append("NULL,") ;
sql.append("NULL,") ;
// set value for AD_Process_ID and PreferenceFor
// set value for AD_Process_ID and PreferenceFor
if(m_AD_Process_ID_Of_Panel > 0){
if(m_AD_Process_ID_Of_Panel > 0 && cbProcess.isChecked()){
if (cbProcess.isChecked()){
// in case Preference for process, set PreferenceFor = P
// in case Preference for window, AD_Process_ID always null
// in case Preference for window, AD_Process_ID always null
// in case Preference for window, set PreferenceFor = P
// set info window id
if (m_AD_Infowindow_ID > 0 && cbInfowindow.isChecked()){
}else {
if (m_AD_Process_ID_Of_Panel > 0){
// in case Preference for process, set PreferenceFor = P
}else if (m_AD_Infowindow_ID > 0){
// in case Preference for info window, set PreferenceFor = I
}else {
// in case Preference for window, set PreferenceFor = W
@ -34,8 +34,10 @@ import java.util.logging.Level;
import javax.servlet.ServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.ServletRequest;
import org.adempiere.webui.adwindow.ADWindow;
import org.adempiere.webui.component.Window;
import org.adempiere.webui.component.Window;
import org.adempiere.webui.desktop.IDesktop;
import org.adempiere.webui.desktop.IDesktop;
import org.adempiere.webui.session.SessionManager;
import org.adempiere.webui.session.SessionManager;
import org.adempiere.webui.theme.ThemeManager;
import org.adempiere.webui.theme.ThemeManager;
import org.adempiere.webui.util.IServerPushCallback;
import org.adempiere.webui.util.IServerPushCallback;
@ -760,4 +762,29 @@ public final class AEnv
IDesktop appDesktop = SessionManager.getAppDesktop();
IDesktop appDesktop = SessionManager.getAppDesktop();
return appDesktop != null ? appDesktop.getClientInfo().tablet : false;
return appDesktop != null ? appDesktop.getClientInfo().tablet : false;
* Get adWindowId below gridField
* when field lie in window, it's id of this window
* when field lie in process parameter dialog it's ad_window_id of window open this process
* when field lie in process parameter open in a standalone window (run process from menu) return id of dummy window
* @param mField
* @return
public static int getADWindowID (int windowNo){
int adWindowID = 0;
// form process parameter panel
Object window = SessionManager.getAppDesktop().findWindow(windowNo);
// case show a process dialog, window is below window of process dialog
if (window != null && window instanceof ADWindow){
adWindowID = ((ADWindow)window).getAD_Window_ID();
}else if (window != null && (window instanceof ProcessDialog || window instanceof InfoWindow)){
// dummy window is use in case process or infoWindow open in stand-alone window
// it help we separate case save preference for all window (windowId = 0, null) and case open in stand-alone (windowId = 200054)
adWindowID = Env.adWindowDummyID;// dummy window
return adWindowID;
} // AEnv
} // AEnv
@ -23,7 +23,6 @@ import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import org.adempiere.webui.adwindow.ADWindow;
import org.adempiere.webui.component.Column;
import org.adempiere.webui.component.Column;
import org.adempiere.webui.component.Columns;
import org.adempiere.webui.component.Columns;
import org.adempiere.webui.component.EditorBox;
import org.adempiere.webui.component.EditorBox;
@ -106,36 +105,14 @@ public class ProcessParameterPanel extends Panel implements
m_WindowNo = WindowNo;
m_WindowNo = WindowNo;
m_processInfo = pi;
m_processInfo = pi;
m_AD_Window_ID = getADWindowID (WindowNo);
m_AD_Window_ID = AEnv.getADWindowID (WindowNo);
this.width = width;
this.width = width;
this.m_InfoWindowID = pi.getAD_InfoWindow_ID();
addEventListener("onDynamicDisplay", this);
addEventListener("onDynamicDisplay", this);
} // ProcessParameterPanel
} // ProcessParameterPanel
* Get adWindowId below gridField
* when field lie in window, it's id of this window
* when field lie in process parameter dialog it's ad_window_id of window open this process
* when field lie in process parameter open in a standalone window (run process from menu) return id of dummy window
* @param mField
* @return
public static int getADWindowID (int windowNo){
int adWindowID = 0;
// form process parameter panel
Object window = SessionManager.getAppDesktop().findWindow(windowNo);
// case show a process dialog, window is below window of process dialog
if (window != null && window instanceof ADWindow){
adWindowID = ((ADWindow)window).getAD_Window_ID();
}else if (window != null && window instanceof ProcessDialog){
adWindowID = 200054;// dummy window
return adWindowID;
private void initComponent() {
private void initComponent() {
centerPanel = GridFactory.newGridLayout();
centerPanel = GridFactory.newGridLayout();
@ -156,6 +133,8 @@ public class ProcessParameterPanel extends Panel implements
private ProcessInfo m_processInfo;
private ProcessInfo m_processInfo;
// AD_Window of window below this dialog in case show parameter dialog panel
// AD_Window of window below this dialog in case show parameter dialog panel
private int m_AD_Window_ID = 0;
private int m_AD_Window_ID = 0;
// infoWindowID of infoWindow below this dialog in case call process from infoWindow
private int m_InfoWindowID = 0;
/** Logger */
/** Logger */
private static CLogger log = CLogger
private static CLogger log = CLogger
@ -307,7 +286,7 @@ public class ProcessParameterPanel extends Panel implements
private void createField(ResultSet rs, Rows rows) {
private void createField(ResultSet rs, Rows rows) {
// Create Field
// Create Field
GridFieldVO voF = GridFieldVO.createParameter(Env.getCtx(), m_WindowNo, m_processInfo.getAD_Process_ID(), m_AD_Window_ID,
GridFieldVO voF = GridFieldVO.createParameter(Env.getCtx(), m_WindowNo, m_processInfo.getAD_Process_ID(), m_AD_Window_ID, m_InfoWindowID,
GridField mField = new GridField(voF);
GridField mField = new GridField(voF);
m_mFields.add(mField); // add to Fields
m_mFields.add(mField); // add to Fields
@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ import org.adempiere.webui.component.EditorBox;
import org.adempiere.webui.component.Label;
import org.adempiere.webui.component.Label;
import org.adempiere.webui.component.NumberBox;
import org.adempiere.webui.component.NumberBox;
import org.adempiere.webui.component.Paymentbox;
import org.adempiere.webui.component.Paymentbox;
import org.adempiere.webui.event.ContextMenuListener;
import org.adempiere.webui.event.ValueChangeEvent;
import org.adempiere.webui.event.ValueChangeEvent;
import org.adempiere.webui.event.ValueChangeListener;
import org.adempiere.webui.event.ValueChangeListener;
import org.adempiere.webui.theme.ThemeManager;
import org.adempiere.webui.theme.ThemeManager;
@ -53,6 +54,7 @@ import org.zkoss.zul.Image;
import org.zkoss.zul.Menuitem;
import org.zkoss.zul.Menuitem;
import org.zkoss.zul.Textbox;
import org.zkoss.zul.Textbox;
import org.zkoss.zul.impl.InputElement;
import org.zkoss.zul.impl.InputElement;
import org.zkoss.zul.impl.XulElement;
@ -94,6 +96,48 @@ public abstract class WEditor implements EventListener<Event>, PropertyChangeLis
private boolean isProcessParameter;
private boolean isProcessParameter;
* call to show context menu of this field.
* must call after append component of this field to parent
public void showMenu() {
if (popupMenu == null)
// handle standard menu item (log, preference) reply to data type of this field.
if (ContextMenuListener.class.isInstance(this))
// when field have label, add action zoom when click to label, and show menu when right click to label
if (!gridField.isFieldOnly())
if (popupMenu.isZoomEnabled() && this instanceof IZoomableEditor)
// add action zoom when click to label
label.addEventListener(Events.ON_CLICK, new EventListener<Event> (){
public void onEvent(Event event) throws Exception {
if (Events.ON_CLICK.equals(event.getName())) {
// show menu when right click to label
if (component instanceof XulElement)
popupMenu.addContextElement((XulElement) component);
public WEditor(Component comp, GridField gridField) {
public WEditor(Component comp, GridField gridField) {
this(comp, gridField, -1);
this(comp, gridField, -1);
@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ import org.adempiere.model.IInfoColumn;
import org.adempiere.model.MInfoProcess;
import org.adempiere.model.MInfoProcess;
import org.adempiere.model.MInfoRelated;
import org.adempiere.model.MInfoRelated;
import org.adempiere.webui.AdempiereWebUI;
import org.adempiere.webui.AdempiereWebUI;
import org.adempiere.webui.apps.AEnv;
import org.adempiere.webui.component.Borderlayout;
import org.adempiere.webui.component.Borderlayout;
import org.adempiere.webui.component.Button;
import org.adempiere.webui.component.Button;
import org.adempiere.webui.component.Column;
import org.adempiere.webui.component.Column;
@ -475,7 +476,7 @@ public class InfoWindow extends InfoPanel implements ValueChangeListener, EventL
String columnName = infoColumn.getColumnName();
String columnName = infoColumn.getColumnName();
/*!m_lookup && infoColumn.isMandatory():apply Mandatory only case open as window and only for criteria field*/
/*!m_lookup && infoColumn.isMandatory():apply Mandatory only case open as window and only for criteria field*/
boolean isMandatory = !m_lookup && infoColumn.isMandatory() && infoColumn.isQueryCriteria();
boolean isMandatory = !m_lookup && infoColumn.isMandatory() && infoColumn.isQueryCriteria();
GridFieldVO vo = GridFieldVO.createParameter(infoContext, p_WindowNo, 0,
GridFieldVO vo = GridFieldVO.createParameter(infoContext, p_WindowNo, AEnv.getADWindowID(p_WindowNo), infoWindow.getAD_InfoWindow_ID(), 0,
columnName, infoColumn.get_Translation("Name"), infoColumn.getAD_Reference_ID(),
columnName, infoColumn.get_Translation("Name"), infoColumn.getAD_Reference_ID(),
infoColumn.getAD_Reference_Value_ID(), isMandatory, false);
infoColumn.getAD_Reference_Value_ID(), isMandatory, false);
if (infoColumn.getAD_Val_Rule_ID() > 0) {
if (infoColumn.getAD_Val_Rule_ID() > 0) {
@ -1221,6 +1222,9 @@ public class InfoWindow extends InfoPanel implements ValueChangeListener, EventL
addSearchParameter(label, fieldEditor);
addSearchParameter(label, fieldEditor);
if (infoColumn.isIdentifier()) {
if (infoColumn.isIdentifier()) {
@ -1229,7 +1233,7 @@ public class InfoWindow extends InfoPanel implements ValueChangeListener, EventL
if (! Util.isEmpty(mField.getVO().DefaultValue, true)) {
if (!Util.isEmpty(mField.getVO().DefaultValue, true)) {
// set default value
// set default value
mField.setValue(mField.getDefault(), true);
mField.setValue(mField.getDefault(), true);
@ -1272,7 +1276,11 @@ public class InfoWindow extends InfoPanel implements ValueChangeListener, EventL
} else {
} else {
panel.appendChild(new Space());
panel.appendChild(new Space());
// add out parent to add menu for this field, without outerDiv, a new cell will auto make for menu.
Div outerParent = new Div();
protected void createAndCheckbox() {
protected void createAndCheckbox() {
@ -1743,7 +1751,7 @@ public class InfoWindow extends InfoPanel implements ValueChangeListener, EventL
protected GridField getGridField(MInfoColumn infoColumn){
protected GridField getGridField(MInfoColumn infoColumn){
String columnName = infoColumn.getColumnName();
String columnName = infoColumn.getColumnName();
GridFieldVO vo = GridFieldVO.createParameter(infoContext, p_WindowNo, 0,
GridFieldVO vo = GridFieldVO.createParameter(infoContext, p_WindowNo, AEnv.getADWindowID(p_WindowNo), AD_InfoWindow_ID, 0,
columnName, infoColumn.get_Translation("Name"), infoColumn.getAD_Reference_ID(),
columnName, infoColumn.get_Translation("Name"), infoColumn.getAD_Reference_ID(),
infoColumn.getAD_Reference_Value_ID(), false, false);
infoColumn.getAD_Reference_Value_ID(), false, false);
if (infoColumn.getAD_Val_Rule_ID() > 0) {
if (infoColumn.getAD_Val_Rule_ID() > 0) {
@ -1531,6 +1531,7 @@ public abstract class InfoPanel extends Window implements EventListener<Event>,
final int pInstanceID = instance.getAD_PInstance_ID();
final int pInstanceID = instance.getAD_PInstance_ID();
// Execute Process
// Execute Process
//HengSin - to let process end with message and requery
//HengSin - to let process end with message and requery
WProcessCtl.process(p_WindowNo, m_pi, (Trx)null, new EventListener<Event>() {
WProcessCtl.process(p_WindowNo, m_pi, (Trx)null, new EventListener<Event>() {
Reference in New Issue