[ FR 2836965 ] Group1 and Group2 fields are not considered in Schema Lines (Fixed)

[ FR 1871403 ] Adding new field of product into Price List Schema (Fixed)
Link to SF Tracker: http://sourceforge.net/support/tracker.php?aid=2836965
This commit is contained in:
mjudd 2010-02-25 13:12:33 +00:00
parent 8aaa009751
commit d4834a9372
1 changed files with 61 additions and 57 deletions

View File

@ -264,6 +264,7 @@ public class M_PriceList_Create extends SvrProcess {
+ " ,limit_addamt" + " ,limit_discount"
+ " ,limit_rounding" + " ,limit_minamt"
+ " ,limit_maxamt" + " ,limit_fixed"
+ " ,group1" + " ,group2"
+ " ,c_conversiontype_id"
+ " FROM M_DiscountSchemaLine"
+ " WHERE M_DiscountSchema_ID="
@ -292,10 +293,9 @@ public class M_PriceList_Create extends SvrProcess {
sqlins = "INSERT INTO T_Selection (AD_PInstance_ID, T_Selection_ID) "
+ " SELECT DISTINCT " + m_AD_PInstance_ID +", po.M_Product_ID "
+ " FROM M_Product p, M_Product_PO po"
+ " WHERE p.M_Product_ID=po.M_Product_ID "
+ " AND (p.AD_Client_ID="
+ v.getInt("AD_Client_ID")
+ " FROM M_Product p, M_Product_PO po"
+ " WHERE p.M_Product_ID=po.M_Product_ID "
+ " AND (p.AD_Client_ID=" + v.getInt("AD_Client_ID")
+ " OR p.AD_Client_ID=0)"
+ " AND p.IsActive='Y' AND po.IsActive='Y' AND po.IsCurrentVendor='Y' "
@ -303,15 +303,16 @@ public class M_PriceList_Create extends SvrProcess {
// globalqss - detected bug, JDBC returns zero for null values
// so we're going to use NULLIF(value, 0)
+ " AND (NULLIF(" + dl.getInt("M_Product_Category_ID")
+ ",0) IS NULL OR p.M_Product_Category_ID IN ("
+ getSubCategoryWhereClause(dl.getInt("M_Product_Category_ID")) + "))"
+ " AND (NULLIF(" + dl.getInt("C_BPartner_ID")
+ ",0) IS NULL OR po.C_BPartner_ID="
+ dl.getInt("C_BPartner_ID") + ")"
+ " AND (NULLIF(" + dl.getInt("M_Product_ID")
+ ",0) IS NULL OR p.M_Product_ID="
+ dl.getInt("M_Product_ID") + ")";
+ " AND (NULLIF(" + dl.getInt("M_Product_Category_ID") + ",0) IS NULL"
+ " OR p.M_Product_Category_ID IN (" + getSubCategoryWhereClause(dl.getInt("M_Product_Category_ID")) + "))"
+ " AND (NULLIF(" + dl.getInt("C_BPartner_ID") + ",0) IS NULL OR po.C_BPartner_ID=" + dl.getInt("C_BPartner_ID") + ")"
+ " AND (NULLIF(" + dl.getInt("M_Product_ID") + ",0) IS NULL OR p.M_Product_ID=" + dl.getInt("M_Product_ID") + ")";
if (dl.getString("Group1")!=null)
sqlins = sqlins + " AND (p.Group1=('" + dl.getString("Group1") + "'))";
if (dl.getString("Group2")!=null)
sqlins = sqlins + " AND (p.Group2=('" + dl.getString("Group2") + "'))";
cnti = DB.executeUpdate(sqlins, get_TrxName());
if (cnti == -1)
raiseError(" INSERT INTO T_Selection ", sqlins);
@ -323,54 +324,57 @@ public class M_PriceList_Create extends SvrProcess {
// Create Selection from existing PriceList
sqlins = "INSERT INTO T_Selection (AD_PInstance_ID, T_Selection_ID)"
+ " SELECT DISTINCT " + m_AD_PInstance_ID +", p.M_Product_ID"
+ " FROM M_Product p, M_ProductPrice pp"
+ " WHERE p.M_Product_ID=pp.M_Product_ID"
+ " AND pp.M_PriceList_Version_ID = "
+ v.getInt("M_PriceList_Version_Base_ID")
+ " SELECT DISTINCT " + m_AD_PInstance_ID +", p.M_Product_ID"
+ " FROM M_Product p, M_ProductPrice pp"
+ " WHERE p.M_Product_ID=pp.M_Product_ID"
+ " AND pp.M_PriceList_Version_ID = " + v.getInt("M_PriceList_Version_Base_ID")
+ " AND p.IsActive='Y' AND pp.IsActive='Y'"
//Optional Restrictions
+ " AND (NULLIF(" + dl.getInt("M_Product_Category_ID")
+ ",0) IS NULL OR p.M_Product_Category_ID IN ("
+ getSubCategoryWhereClause(dl.getInt("M_Product_Category_ID")) + "))"
+ " AND (NULLIF(" + dl.getInt("C_BPartner_ID")
+ " (SELECT m_product_id"
+ " , c_bpartner_id"
+ " , ad_client_id"
+ " , ad_org_id"
+ " , isactive"
+ " , created "
+ " , createdby"
+ " , updated "
+ " , updatedby"
+ " , iscurrentvendor"
+ " , c_uom_id"
+ " , c_currency_id"
+ " , pricelist"
+ " , pricepo"
+ " ,priceeffective"
+ " ,pricelastpo"
+ " ,pricelastinv"
+ " ,vendorproductno"
+ " ,upc"
+ " ,vendorcategory"
+ " ,discontinued"
+ " ,discontinuedby"
+ " ,order_min"
+ " ,order_pack"
+ " ,costperorder"
+ " ,deliverytime_promised"
+ " ,deliverytime_actual"
+ " ,qualityrating"
+ " ,royaltyamt"
+ " , manufacturer FROM M_Product_PO po WHERE po.M_Product_ID=p.M_Product_ID AND po.C_BPartner_ID="
+ dl.getInt("C_BPartner_ID") + "))"
+ " AND (NULLIF(" + dl.getInt("M_Product_ID")
+ ",0) IS NULL OR p.M_Product_ID="
+ dl.getInt("M_Product_ID") + ")";
+ " AND (NULLIF(" + dl.getInt("M_Product_Category_ID") + ",0) IS NULL"
+ " OR p.M_Product_Category_ID IN (" + getSubCategoryWhereClause(dl.getInt("M_Product_Category_ID")) + "))"
+ " AND (NULLIF(" + dl.getInt("C_BPartner_ID") + ",0) IS NULL OR EXISTS "
+ "(SELECT m_product_id"
+ ",c_bpartner_id"
+ ",ad_client_id"
+ ",ad_org_id"
+ ",isactive"
+ ",created "
+ ",createdby"
+ ",updated "
+ ",updatedby"
+ ",iscurrentvendor"
+ ",c_uom_id"
+ ",c_currency_id"
+ ",pricelist"
+ ",pricepo"
+ ",priceeffective"
+ ",pricelastpo"
+ ",pricelastinv"
+ ",vendorproductno"
+ ",upc"
+ ",vendorcategory"
+ ",discontinued"
+ ",discontinuedby"
+ ",order_min"
+ ",order_pack"
+ ",costperorder"
+ ",deliverytime_promised"
+ ",deliverytime_actual"
+ ",qualityrating"
+ ",royaltyamt"
+ ",group1"
+ ",group2"
+ ",manufacturer FROM M_Product_PO po WHERE po.M_Product_ID=p.M_Product_ID"
+ " AND po.C_BPartner_ID=" + dl.getInt("C_BPartner_ID") + "))"
+ " AND (NULLIF(" + dl.getInt("M_Product_ID") + ",0) IS NULL OR p.M_Product_ID=" + dl.getInt("M_Product_ID") + ")";
if (dl.getString("Group1")!=null)
sqlins = sqlins + " AND (p.Group1=('" + dl.getString("Group1") + "'))";
if (dl.getString("Group2")!=null)
sqlins = sqlins + " AND (p.Group2=('" + dl.getString("Group2") + "'))";
cnti = DB.executeUpdate(sqlins, get_TrxName());
if (cnti == -1)