Added checking for location selected in the info bpartner window whether the location is a shipping location, a billing location or both.

This commit is contained in:
Heng Sin Low 2011-02-10 12:16:29 +08:00
parent e573983f5f
commit d4286e392f
1 changed files with 102 additions and 83 deletions

View File

@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ import org.compiere.util.Msg;
* Order Callouts.
* @author Jorg Janke
* @version $Id:,v 1.5 2006/10/08 06:57:33 comdivision Exp $
@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ public class CalloutOrder extends CalloutEngine
rs = null;
pstmt = null;
pstmt = DB.prepareStatement(sql, null);
pstmt.setInt(1, C_DocType_ID.intValue());
rs = pstmt.executeQuery();
@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ public class CalloutOrder extends CalloutEngine
// No Drop Ship other than Standard
if (!DocSubTypeSO.equals(MOrder.DocSubTypeSO_Standard))
mTab.setValue ("IsDropShip", "N");
// Delivery Rule
if (DocSubTypeSO.equals(MOrder.DocSubTypeSO_POS))
mTab.setValue ("DeliveryRule", X_C_Order.DELIVERYRULE_Force);
@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ public class CalloutOrder extends CalloutEngine
mTab.setValue ("DeliveryRule", X_C_Order.DELIVERYRULE_AfterReceipt);
mTab.setValue ("DeliveryRule", X_C_Order.DELIVERYRULE_Availability);
// Invoice Rule
if (DocSubTypeSO.equals(MOrder.DocSubTypeSO_POS)
|| DocSubTypeSO.equals(MOrder.DocSubTypeSO_Prepay)
@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ public class CalloutOrder extends CalloutEngine
mTab.setValue ("InvoiceRule", X_C_Order.INVOICERULE_Immediate);
mTab.setValue ("InvoiceRule", X_C_Order.INVOICERULE_AfterDelivery);
// Payment Rule - POS Order
if (DocSubTypeSO.equals(MOrder.DocSubTypeSO_POS))
mTab.setValue("PaymentRule", X_C_Order.PAYMENTRULE_Cash);
@ -156,9 +156,9 @@ public class CalloutOrder extends CalloutEngine
if ("Y".equals(rs.getString(9)))
String dateColumn = rs.getString(10);
+ MSequence.getPreliminaryNoByYear(mTab, rs.getInt(7), dateColumn, null)
+ MSequence.getPreliminaryNoByYear(mTab, rs.getInt(7), dateColumn, null)
+ ">");
@ -168,15 +168,15 @@ public class CalloutOrder extends CalloutEngine
DB.close(rs, pstmt);
rs = null;
pstmt = null;
// When BPartner is changed, the Rules are not set if
// it is a POS or Credit Order (i.e. defaults from Standard BPartner)
// This re-reads the Rules and applies them.
if (DocSubTypeSO.equals(MOrder.DocSubTypeSO_POS)
if (DocSubTypeSO.equals(MOrder.DocSubTypeSO_POS)
|| DocSubTypeSO.equals(MOrder.DocSubTypeSO_Prepay)) // not for POS/PrePay
@ -225,7 +225,7 @@ public class CalloutOrder extends CalloutEngine
if (s != null && s.length() != 0)
mTab.setValue("DeliveryViaRule", s);
// re-read customer rules
catch (SQLException e)
@ -270,11 +270,11 @@ public class CalloutOrder extends CalloutEngine
+ " p.InvoiceRule,p.DeliveryRule,p.FreightCostRule,DeliveryViaRule,"
+ " p.SO_CreditLimit, p.SO_CreditLimit-p.SO_CreditUsed AS CreditAvailable,"
+ " lship.C_BPartner_Location_ID,c.AD_User_ID,"
+ " COALESCE(p.PO_PriceList_ID,g.PO_PriceList_ID) AS PO_PriceList_ID, p.PaymentRulePO,p.PO_PaymentTerm_ID,"
+ " COALESCE(p.PO_PriceList_ID,g.PO_PriceList_ID) AS PO_PriceList_ID, p.PaymentRulePO,p.PO_PaymentTerm_ID,"
+ " lbill.C_BPartner_Location_ID AS Bill_Location_ID, p.SOCreditStatus, "
+ " p.SalesRep_ID "
+ "FROM C_BPartner p"
+ " INNER JOIN C_BP_Group g ON (p.C_BP_Group_ID=g.C_BP_Group_ID)"
+ " INNER JOIN C_BP_Group g ON (p.C_BP_Group_ID=g.C_BP_Group_ID)"
+ " LEFT OUTER JOIN C_BPartner_Location lbill ON (p.C_BPartner_ID=lbill.C_BPartner_ID AND lbill.IsBillTo='Y' AND lbill.IsActive='Y')"
+ " LEFT OUTER JOIN C_BPartner_Location lship ON (p.C_BPartner_ID=lship.C_BPartner_ID AND lship.IsShipTo='Y' AND lship.IsActive='Y')"
+ " LEFT OUTER JOIN AD_User c ON (p.C_BPartner_ID=c.C_BPartner_ID) "
@ -296,7 +296,7 @@ public class CalloutOrder extends CalloutEngine
mTab.setValue("SalesRep_ID", salesRep);
// PriceList (indirect: IsTaxIncluded & Currency)
Integer ii = new Integer(rs.getInt(IsSOTrx ? "M_PriceList_ID" : "PO_PriceList_ID"));
if (!rs.wasNull())
@ -310,21 +310,35 @@ public class CalloutOrder extends CalloutEngine
// Bill-To
mTab.setValue("Bill_BPartner_ID", C_BPartner_ID);
int bill_Location_ID = rs.getInt("Bill_Location_ID");
int shipTo_ID = 0;
int bill_Location_ID =0;
// overwritten by InfoBP selection - works only if InfoWindow
// was used otherwise creates error (uses last value, may belong to different BP)
if (C_BPartner_ID.toString().equals(Env.getContext(ctx, WindowNo, Env.TAB_INFO, "C_BPartner_ID")))
String loc = Env.getContext(ctx, WindowNo, Env.TAB_INFO, "C_BPartner_Location_ID");
int locationId = 0;
if (loc.length() > 0)
locationId = Integer.parseInt(loc);
if (locationId > 0) {
MBPartnerLocation bpLocation = new MBPartnerLocation(ctx, locationId, null);
if (bpLocation.isBillTo())
bill_Location_ID = locationId;
if (bpLocation.isShipTo())
shipTo_ID = locationId;
if (bill_Location_ID == 0)
bill_Location_ID = rs.getInt("Bill_Location_ID");
if (bill_Location_ID == 0)
mTab.setValue("Bill_Location_ID", null);
mTab.setValue("Bill_Location_ID", new Integer(bill_Location_ID));
// Ship-To Location
int shipTo_ID = rs.getInt("C_BPartner_Location_ID");
// overwritten by InfoBP selection - works only if InfoWindow
// was used otherwise creates error (uses last value, may belong to differnt BP)
if (C_BPartner_ID.toString().equals(Env.getContext(ctx, WindowNo, Env.TAB_INFO, "C_BPartner_ID")))
String loc = Env.getContext(ctx, WindowNo, Env.TAB_INFO, "C_BPartner_Location_ID");
if (loc.length() > 0)
shipTo_ID = Integer.parseInt(loc);
if (shipTo_ID == 0)
shipTo_ID = rs.getInt("C_BPartner_Location_ID");
if (shipTo_ID == 0)
mTab.setValue("C_BPartner_Location_ID", null);
@ -346,11 +360,10 @@ public class CalloutOrder extends CalloutEngine
mTab.setValue("Bill_User_ID", new Integer(contID));
// CreditAvailable
// CreditAvailable
if (IsSOTrx)
double CreditLimit = rs.getDouble("SO_CreditLimit");
String SOCreditStatus = rs.getString("SOCreditStatus");
if (CreditLimit != 0)
double CreditAvailable = rs.getDouble("CreditAvailable");
@ -368,8 +381,8 @@ public class CalloutOrder extends CalloutEngine
// should not be reset to null if we entered already value! VHARCQ, accepted YS makes sense that way
// TODO: should get checked and removed if no longer needed!
mTab.setValue("POReference", null);*/
mTab.setValue("POReference", null);*/
// SO Description
s = rs.getString("SO_Description");
if (s != null && s.trim().length() != 0)
@ -505,9 +518,15 @@ public class CalloutOrder extends CalloutEngine
// was used otherwise creates error (uses last value, may belong to differnt BP)
if (bill_BPartner_ID.toString().equals(Env.getContext(ctx, WindowNo, Env.TAB_INFO, "C_BPartner_ID")))
int locationId = 0;
String loc = Env.getContext(ctx, WindowNo, Env.TAB_INFO, "C_BPartner_Location_ID");
if (loc.length() > 0)
bill_Location_ID = Integer.parseInt(loc);
locationId = Integer.parseInt(loc);
if (locationId > 0) {
MBPartnerLocation bpLocation = new MBPartnerLocation(ctx, locationId, null);
if (bpLocation.isBillTo())
bill_Location_ID = locationId;
if (bill_Location_ID == 0)
mTab.setValue("Bill_Location_ID", null);
@ -527,7 +546,7 @@ public class CalloutOrder extends CalloutEngine
mTab.setValue("Bill_User_ID", new Integer(contID));
// CreditAvailable
// CreditAvailable
if (IsSOTrx)
double CreditLimit = rs.getDouble("SO_CreditLimit");
@ -646,7 +665,7 @@ public class CalloutOrder extends CalloutEngine
else if (mTab.getAD_Table_ID() == I_C_Invoice.Table_ID)
date = Env.getContextAsDate(ctx, WindowNo, "DateInvoiced");
pstmt.setTimestamp(2, date);
rs = pstmt.executeQuery();
if (
@ -676,7 +695,7 @@ public class CalloutOrder extends CalloutEngine
return "";
} // priceList
* Order Line - Product.
* - reset C_Charge_ID / M_AttributeSetInstance_ID
@ -705,7 +724,7 @@ public class CalloutOrder extends CalloutEngine
mTab.setValue("M_AttributeSetInstance_ID", Env.getContextAsInt(ctx, WindowNo, Env.TAB_INFO, "M_AttributeSetInstance_ID"));
mTab.setValue("M_AttributeSetInstance_ID", null);
/***** Price Calculation see also qty ****/
int C_BPartner_ID = Env.getContextAsInt(ctx, WindowNo, "C_BPartner_ID");
BigDecimal Qty = (BigDecimal)mTab.getValue("QtyOrdered");
@ -725,14 +744,14 @@ public class CalloutOrder extends CalloutEngine
+ " AND plv.ValidFrom <= ? "
+ "ORDER BY plv.ValidFrom DESC";
// Use newest price list - may not be future
M_PriceList_Version_ID = DB.getSQLValueEx(null, sql, M_PriceList_ID, orderDate);
if ( M_PriceList_Version_ID > 0 )
Env.setContext(ctx, WindowNo, "M_PriceList_Version_ID", M_PriceList_Version_ID );
mTab.setValue("PriceList", pp.getPriceList());
mTab.setValue("PriceLimit", pp.getPriceLimit());
mTab.setValue("PriceActual", pp.getPriceStd());
@ -743,7 +762,7 @@ public class CalloutOrder extends CalloutEngine
mTab.setValue("QtyOrdered", mTab.getValue("QtyEntered"));
Env.setContext(ctx, WindowNo, "EnforcePriceLimit", pp.isEnforcePriceLimit() ? "Y" : "N");
Env.setContext(ctx, WindowNo, "DiscountSchema", pp.isDiscountSchema() ? "Y" : "N");
// Check/Update Warehouse Setting
// int M_Warehouse_ID = Env.getContextAsInt(ctx, WindowNo, "M_Warehouse_ID");
// Integer wh = (Integer)mTab.getValue("M_Warehouse_ID");
@ -753,7 +772,7 @@ public class CalloutOrder extends CalloutEngine
// ADialog.warn(,WindowNo, "WarehouseChanged");
// }
if (Env.isSOTrx(ctx, WindowNo))
MProduct product = MProduct.get (ctx, M_Product_ID.intValue());
@ -763,7 +782,7 @@ public class CalloutOrder extends CalloutEngine
int M_Warehouse_ID = Env.getContextAsInt(ctx, WindowNo, "M_Warehouse_ID");
int M_AttributeSetInstance_ID = Env.getContextAsInt(ctx, WindowNo, "M_AttributeSetInstance_ID");
BigDecimal available = MStorage.getQtyAvailable
(M_Warehouse_ID, M_Product_ID.intValue(), M_AttributeSetInstance_ID, null);
(M_Warehouse_ID, 0, M_Product_ID.intValue(), M_AttributeSetInstance_ID, null);
if (available == null)
available = Env.ZERO;
if (available.signum() == 0)
@ -775,7 +794,7 @@ public class CalloutOrder extends CalloutEngine
Integer C_OrderLine_ID = (Integer)mTab.getValue("C_OrderLine_ID");
if (C_OrderLine_ID == null)
C_OrderLine_ID = new Integer(0);
BigDecimal notReserved = MOrderLine.getNotReserved(ctx,
BigDecimal notReserved = MOrderLine.getNotReserved(ctx,
M_Warehouse_ID, M_Product_ID, M_AttributeSetInstance_ID,
if (notReserved == null)
@ -783,9 +802,9 @@ public class CalloutOrder extends CalloutEngine
BigDecimal total = available.subtract(notReserved);
if (total.compareTo(QtyOrdered) < 0)
String info = Msg.parseTranslation(ctx, "@QtyAvailable@=" + available
String info = Msg.parseTranslation(ctx, "@QtyAvailable@=" + available
+ " - @QtyNotReserved@=" + notReserved + " = " + total);
mTab.fireDataStatusEEvent ("InsufficientQtyAvailable",
mTab.fireDataStatusEEvent ("InsufficientQtyAvailable",
info, false);
@ -822,7 +841,7 @@ public class CalloutOrder extends CalloutEngine
mTab.setValue("M_AttributeSetInstance_ID", null);
mTab.setValue("S_ResourceAssignment_ID", null);
mTab.setValue("C_UOM_ID", new Integer(100)); // EA
Env.setContext(ctx, WindowNo, "DiscountSchema", "N");
String sql = "SELECT ChargeAmt FROM C_Charge WHERE C_Charge_ID=?";
PreparedStatement pstmt = null;
@ -875,7 +894,7 @@ public class CalloutOrder extends CalloutEngine
if (value == null)
return "";
if (steps) log.warning("init");
// Check Product
int M_Product_ID = 0;
if (column.equals("M_Product_ID"))
@ -987,14 +1006,14 @@ public class CalloutOrder extends CalloutEngine
// Product Qty changed - recalc price
else if ((mField.getColumnName().equals("QtyOrdered")
else if ((mField.getColumnName().equals("QtyOrdered")
|| mField.getColumnName().equals("QtyEntered")
|| mField.getColumnName().equals("M_Product_ID"))
|| mField.getColumnName().equals("M_Product_ID"))
&& !"N".equals(Env.getContext(ctx, WindowNo, "DiscountSchema")))
int C_BPartner_ID = Env.getContextAsInt(ctx, WindowNo, "C_BPartner_ID");
if (mField.getColumnName().equals("QtyEntered"))
QtyOrdered = MUOMConversion.convertProductTo (ctx, M_Product_ID,
QtyOrdered = MUOMConversion.convertProductTo (ctx, M_Product_ID,
C_UOM_To_ID, QtyEntered);
if (QtyOrdered == null)
QtyOrdered = QtyEntered;
@ -1006,12 +1025,12 @@ public class CalloutOrder extends CalloutEngine
Timestamp date = (Timestamp)mTab.getValue("DateOrdered");
PriceEntered = MUOMConversion.convertProductFrom (ctx, M_Product_ID,
PriceEntered = MUOMConversion.convertProductFrom (ctx, M_Product_ID,
C_UOM_To_ID, pp.getPriceStd());
if (PriceEntered == null)
PriceEntered = pp.getPriceStd();
log.fine("QtyChanged -> PriceActual=" + pp.getPriceStd()
log.fine("QtyChanged -> PriceActual=" + pp.getPriceStd()
+ ", PriceEntered=" + PriceEntered + ", Discount=" + pp.getDiscount());
mTab.setValue("PriceActual", pp.getPriceStd());
mTab.setValue("Discount", pp.getDiscount());
@ -1021,28 +1040,28 @@ public class CalloutOrder extends CalloutEngine
else if (mField.getColumnName().equals("PriceActual"))
PriceActual = (BigDecimal)value;
PriceEntered = MUOMConversion.convertProductFrom (ctx, M_Product_ID,
PriceEntered = MUOMConversion.convertProductFrom (ctx, M_Product_ID,
C_UOM_To_ID, PriceActual);
if (PriceEntered == null)
PriceEntered = PriceActual;
log.fine("PriceActual=" + PriceActual
log.fine("PriceActual=" + PriceActual
+ " -> PriceEntered=" + PriceEntered);
mTab.setValue("PriceEntered", PriceEntered);
else if (mField.getColumnName().equals("PriceEntered"))
PriceEntered = (BigDecimal)value;
PriceActual = MUOMConversion.convertProductTo (ctx, M_Product_ID,
PriceActual = MUOMConversion.convertProductTo (ctx, M_Product_ID,
C_UOM_To_ID, PriceEntered);
if (PriceActual == null)
PriceActual = PriceEntered;
log.fine("PriceEntered=" + PriceEntered
log.fine("PriceEntered=" + PriceEntered
+ " -> PriceActual=" + PriceActual);
mTab.setValue("PriceActual", PriceActual);
// Discount entered - Calculate Actual/Entered
if (mField.getColumnName().equals("Discount"))
@ -1050,7 +1069,7 @@ public class CalloutOrder extends CalloutEngine
PriceActual = new BigDecimal ((100.0 - Discount.doubleValue()) / 100.0 * PriceList.doubleValue());
if (PriceActual.scale() > StdPrecision)
PriceActual = PriceActual.setScale(StdPrecision, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP);
PriceEntered = MUOMConversion.convertProductFrom (ctx, M_Product_ID,
PriceEntered = MUOMConversion.convertProductFrom (ctx, M_Product_ID,
C_UOM_To_ID, PriceActual);
if (PriceEntered == null)
PriceEntered = PriceActual;
@ -1080,7 +1099,7 @@ public class CalloutOrder extends CalloutEngine
&& PriceActual.compareTo(PriceLimit) < 0)
PriceActual = PriceLimit;
PriceEntered = MUOMConversion.convertProductFrom (ctx, M_Product_ID,
PriceEntered = MUOMConversion.convertProductFrom (ctx, M_Product_ID,
C_UOM_To_ID, PriceLimit);
if (PriceEntered == null)
PriceEntered = PriceLimit;
@ -1127,7 +1146,7 @@ public class CalloutOrder extends CalloutEngine
if (steps) log.warning("init - M_Product_ID=" + M_Product_ID + " - " );
BigDecimal QtyOrdered = Env.ZERO;
BigDecimal QtyEntered, PriceActual, PriceEntered;
// No Product
if (M_Product_ID == 0)
@ -1143,24 +1162,24 @@ public class CalloutOrder extends CalloutEngine
BigDecimal QtyEntered1 = QtyEntered.setScale(MUOM.getPrecision(ctx, C_UOM_To_ID), BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP);
if (QtyEntered.compareTo(QtyEntered1) != 0)
log.fine("Corrected QtyEntered Scale UOM=" + C_UOM_To_ID
+ "; QtyEntered=" + QtyEntered + "->" + QtyEntered1);
log.fine("Corrected QtyEntered Scale UOM=" + C_UOM_To_ID
+ "; QtyEntered=" + QtyEntered + "->" + QtyEntered1);
QtyEntered = QtyEntered1;
mTab.setValue("QtyEntered", QtyEntered);
QtyOrdered = MUOMConversion.convertProductFrom (ctx, M_Product_ID,
QtyOrdered = MUOMConversion.convertProductFrom (ctx, M_Product_ID,
C_UOM_To_ID, QtyEntered);
if (QtyOrdered == null)
QtyOrdered = QtyEntered;
boolean conversion = QtyEntered.compareTo(QtyOrdered) != 0;
PriceActual = (BigDecimal)mTab.getValue("PriceActual");
PriceEntered = MUOMConversion.convertProductFrom (ctx, M_Product_ID,
PriceEntered = MUOMConversion.convertProductFrom (ctx, M_Product_ID,
C_UOM_To_ID, PriceActual);
if (PriceEntered == null)
PriceEntered = PriceActual;
log.fine("UOM=" + C_UOM_To_ID
PriceEntered = PriceActual;
log.fine("UOM=" + C_UOM_To_ID
+ ", QtyEntered/PriceActual=" + QtyEntered + "/" + PriceActual
+ " -> " + conversion
+ " -> " + conversion
+ " QtyOrdered/PriceEntered=" + QtyOrdered + "/" + PriceEntered);
Env.setContext(ctx, WindowNo, "UOMConversion", conversion ? "Y" : "N");
mTab.setValue("QtyOrdered", QtyOrdered);
@ -1174,19 +1193,19 @@ public class CalloutOrder extends CalloutEngine
BigDecimal QtyEntered1 = QtyEntered.setScale(MUOM.getPrecision(ctx, C_UOM_To_ID), BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP);
if (QtyEntered.compareTo(QtyEntered1) != 0)
log.fine("Corrected QtyEntered Scale UOM=" + C_UOM_To_ID
+ "; QtyEntered=" + QtyEntered + "->" + QtyEntered1);
log.fine("Corrected QtyEntered Scale UOM=" + C_UOM_To_ID
+ "; QtyEntered=" + QtyEntered + "->" + QtyEntered1);
QtyEntered = QtyEntered1;
mTab.setValue("QtyEntered", QtyEntered);
QtyOrdered = MUOMConversion.convertProductFrom (ctx, M_Product_ID,
QtyOrdered = MUOMConversion.convertProductFrom (ctx, M_Product_ID,
C_UOM_To_ID, QtyEntered);
if (QtyOrdered == null)
QtyOrdered = QtyEntered;
boolean conversion = QtyEntered.compareTo(QtyOrdered) != 0;
log.fine("UOM=" + C_UOM_To_ID
log.fine("UOM=" + C_UOM_To_ID
+ ", QtyEntered=" + QtyEntered
+ " -> " + conversion
+ " -> " + conversion
+ " QtyOrdered=" + QtyOrdered);
Env.setContext(ctx, WindowNo, "UOMConversion", conversion ? "Y" : "N");
mTab.setValue("QtyOrdered", QtyOrdered);
@ -1196,23 +1215,23 @@ public class CalloutOrder extends CalloutEngine
int C_UOM_To_ID = Env.getContextAsInt(ctx, WindowNo, "C_UOM_ID");
QtyOrdered = (BigDecimal)value;
int precision = MProduct.get(ctx, M_Product_ID).getUOMPrecision();
int precision = MProduct.get(ctx, M_Product_ID).getUOMPrecision();
BigDecimal QtyOrdered1 = QtyOrdered.setScale(precision, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP);
if (QtyOrdered.compareTo(QtyOrdered1) != 0)
log.fine("Corrected QtyOrdered Scale "
+ QtyOrdered + "->" + QtyOrdered1);
log.fine("Corrected QtyOrdered Scale "
+ QtyOrdered + "->" + QtyOrdered1);
QtyOrdered = QtyOrdered1;
mTab.setValue("QtyOrdered", QtyOrdered);
QtyEntered = MUOMConversion.convertProductTo (ctx, M_Product_ID,
QtyEntered = MUOMConversion.convertProductTo (ctx, M_Product_ID,
C_UOM_To_ID, QtyOrdered);
if (QtyEntered == null)
QtyEntered = QtyOrdered;
boolean conversion = QtyOrdered.compareTo(QtyEntered) != 0;
log.fine("UOM=" + C_UOM_To_ID
log.fine("UOM=" + C_UOM_To_ID
+ ", QtyOrdered=" + QtyOrdered
+ " -> " + conversion
+ " -> " + conversion
+ " QtyEntered=" + QtyEntered);
Env.setContext(ctx, WindowNo, "UOMConversion", conversion ? "Y" : "N");
mTab.setValue("QtyEntered", QtyEntered);
@ -1222,9 +1241,9 @@ public class CalloutOrder extends CalloutEngine
// QtyEntered = (BigDecimal)mTab.getValue("QtyEntered");
QtyOrdered = (BigDecimal)mTab.getValue("QtyOrdered");
// Storage
if (M_Product_ID != 0
if (M_Product_ID != 0
&& Env.isSOTrx(ctx, WindowNo)
&& QtyOrdered.signum() > 0) // no negative (returns)
@ -1234,7 +1253,7 @@ public class CalloutOrder extends CalloutEngine
int M_Warehouse_ID = Env.getContextAsInt(ctx, WindowNo, "M_Warehouse_ID");
int M_AttributeSetInstance_ID = Env.getContextAsInt(ctx, WindowNo, "M_AttributeSetInstance_ID");
BigDecimal available = MStorage.getQtyAvailable
(M_Warehouse_ID, M_Product_ID, M_AttributeSetInstance_ID, null);
(M_Warehouse_ID, 0, M_Product_ID, M_AttributeSetInstance_ID, null);
if (available == null)
available = Env.ZERO;
if (available.signum() == 0)
@ -1246,7 +1265,7 @@ public class CalloutOrder extends CalloutEngine
Integer C_OrderLine_ID = (Integer)mTab.getValue("C_OrderLine_ID");
if (C_OrderLine_ID == null)
C_OrderLine_ID = new Integer(0);
BigDecimal notReserved = MOrderLine.getNotReserved(ctx,
BigDecimal notReserved = MOrderLine.getNotReserved(ctx,
M_Warehouse_ID, M_Product_ID, M_AttributeSetInstance_ID,
if (notReserved == null)
@ -1254,9 +1273,9 @@ public class CalloutOrder extends CalloutEngine
BigDecimal total = available.subtract(notReserved);
if (total.compareTo(QtyOrdered) < 0)
String info = Msg.parseTranslation(ctx, "@QtyAvailable@=" + available
String info = Msg.parseTranslation(ctx, "@QtyAvailable@=" + available
+ " - @QtyNotReserved@=" + notReserved + " = " + total);
mTab.fireDataStatusEEvent ("InsufficientQtyAvailable",
mTab.fireDataStatusEEvent ("InsufficientQtyAvailable",
info, false);
@ -1265,6 +1284,6 @@ public class CalloutOrder extends CalloutEngine
return "";
} // qty
} // CalloutOrder